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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 730pm  FOX  May 16, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm PDT

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considers them criminal suspects. and tonight police are there on the scene. >> this is ktvu. fox two news at 730. >> and this is all happening just a few blocks from the cal campus. and tonight the situation has changed dramatically over the last few minutes. thanks so much for joining me tonight. i'm heather holmes. we want to get right to this breaking news and go to our bailey o'carroll. she is live near the occupied building where there is now a large police presence. bailey >> hey, heather. good evening. yeah, i want to get it right out of the way. so everybody at home can see what's going on here. now, i was here until late last night. i can tell you this scene has changed dramatically. it was largely peaceful last night. honestly, they were pretty quiet . so chp has obviously moved in here. they have basically completely cleared out the grass area in front of this abandoned home, which was filled with tents filled with protesters. they had couches, food tables
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set up, all sorts of things set up there last night. of course, that area has been cleared out now. they did also break in to this abandoned house, which was burned out in a fire a couple of years ago. they broke out some of those windows. we heard them sweeping up the glass after they broke out those windows yesterday, and they were spray painting on the graffitiing on the side of this house, on some of those windows that are still boarded up. now i did ask chp if there was anybody still in that house have not heard back. last night they told me anywhere from 10 to 20 people were inside that house. again, no word if anybody is still in there. they have largely gotten this entire grass area cleared out. now you'll see there's this police barricade here, a set up and a growing number of people are gathering out here chanting, you know, still protesting. and they still they have not wanted to talk to us. i will say that those protesters last night, i asked
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if they wanted to speak to us. they said no. so that message has not changed. now as far as what they are asking for, what they want, they are chanting free palestine, but no word on if they're trying to communicate with the university at all. i do want to mention that the group on sproul plaza, that is a completely different group than the one that was here. that group on sproul plaza did come to an agreement with uc berkeley about 12 hours before this group came. and started this encampment here, but again, changing situation here. we do not know if anybody has been arrested or detained. we do not know if anybody is still in that house. we are working to learn those answers. and we'll of course, bring them to you as we learn, as we learn them reporting live in berkeley. i'm bailey o'carroll, ktvu, fox two news. >> okay, so bailey, when officers arrived there, did they issue some disperse orders or how did all of this work? >> well, we're still trying to learn that right now. i can tell
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you, we haven't been able to really make our way past this police. line here, they did tell us that they've probably been here for about an hour or so, give or take in. there are, i can tell you, a growing number of police officers here, chp as well, but we don't know exactly how they made their way here, how they kind of set up this police barricade, or if they have been able to clear any of those folks out of this abandoned home here. >> okay. and then from your vantage point, do you still see any of those tents or anything like that that were set up right outside of anna head hall yesterday? >> no, those have all been cleared out. we've watched here from a vantage point a little ways away. they've been loading it into what appears to be a dump truck loading up those couches, tents, food tables, anything like that. and there is nobody still on that grass area that was packed with, i would say, about 100 people last night. so nobody outside this house anymore, we do not know if those people left peacefully on their own, if they were escorted
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out by police or any arrests were made. again, we're i'm trying to trying to learn those answers here and we'll update you. heather, if we do hear anything. >> okay. yeah. something you're going to stay on top of and we'll have a live report coming up tonight on the 10:00 news. bailey o'carroll monitoring that situation. the ongoing situation , changing situation there in berkeley. bailey, thank you. okay. we want to move on now to another story. and it is happening in concord. that's where thieves targeted a small business. our crime reporter henry lee talked to the owner who showed us surveillance video of a car ramming right into his building. >> oh, i'm beyond frustrated because it's a time and money out of my life. i were a small business here. >> a small business with a big target on its back and a new roll up door. hit this, hit this woman. >> right. here we go. hurry up. >> surveillance video shows this infiniti g37 backing up and ramming hsd engineering and equipment repair company in concord. at about 945 monday night. they damaged the roll up
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door, but this forklift blocked the car from going any further. they took off in the g37 and an infiniti m35. i've learned the g37 was stolen and was later found by antioch police. but what were they after? >> i wish i could look inside their head and ask them. i have quite a few questions for them. >> tyler hagan owns the company on solano way. he repairs machines and equipment for national labs, aerospace and semiconductor companies. they also make medical devices. hagan says he's hard pressed to explain a motive for the break in attempt. >> i wish i knew we both happened to be in very highly specified fields, and it is a strange coincidence that we both get hit back to back on the same night, back to back, because five minutes before hitting hagan's company, the same group is believed to have targeted another company in concord. >> this video shows a caravan of cars led by the same m35, making a beeline to micro measurements and pacific instruments on pike lane at about 940 monday night. here you can see what appears to
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be the same infiniti g37 backing into the roll up door, you can see a group of young men pile out of the car, peek inside, and then take off. this company has clients that include nasa, the military and defense companies. >> i don't think those guys were going to sell high tech nasa test equipment, jim lyons says. >> there's been some speculation of how these guys are picking their targets. >> people are saying that they were using some kind of heat sensors on the buildings to see what was sucking up power, to determine if it was a grow site for cannabis. >> so these businesses are filled with things like circuit boards, semiconductors, turbomolecular and cryogenic pumps. >> there's no pot here. >> concord police are investigating both incidents. anyone with information in either case is asked to give investigators a call in concord. henry lee ktvu, fox two news. >> and now we go to oakland tonight where an 80 year old man is looking for the people who stole this. this is his antique car. april 15th. a group of thieves went up to a home near
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22nd and fifth, a few blocks east of lake merritt. they then broke into the home's garage and stole that 1959 red corvette. the owner tells us he's terribly hurt. no arrests have been made. a woman is in jail tonight charged with felony assault. next door video shows a woman walking into a food market in potrero hill tuesday afternoon. moments later, 26 year old jessica blasi walks in and you can see hitting the other woman with a bag. the attack continued until a store worker ran a blasi off. neighbors say they're shocked by this brazen beating. i mean, it's, you know, a big city, right? >> well, a small, big city and stuff happens, but it is a little bit surprising. i think, like generally it's a really safe neighborhood. >> the suspect's defense attorney says she was wearing a hospital bracelet at the time of this incident. and may have recently been released from zuckerberg san francisco general hospital, just a few blocks away from that market. today. she pleaded not guilty. she is due
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back in court at the end of the month. we're continuing to follow some developing news happening in sacramento. lieutenant governor eleni kounalakis now confirming that a suspicious package delivered to a government building this afternoon did not contain anthrax. that package contained a threat, though, saying that it contained anthrax. all staff and senators were asked to leave the government building. kounalakis is in san francisco and was not part of the evacuation. governor newsom is currently in italy. it's not clear just how many people were inside that building in the south bay today. santa clara valley medical center was the site of a simulated mass casualty event as part of a practice drill, first responders were tasked with reacting to an explosion at a major sporting event. emergency workers wore hazardous materials suits for decontamination, a triage station was also set up as nursing students took on the role of injured patients. hospital officials say this drill allows emergency workers to put into practice the skills needed to respond to such a
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disaster. well, this weekend, the san jose fire department is holding a specialized boot camp just for women, as ktvu is, jesse gary explains. it's a way to recruit people who have long been underrepresented in firefighting. >> san jose firefighter stephanie sirrine is a metaphorical island at fire station 14, serving in a sea of men. she joined the department over a decade ago as a wide eyed teenager. drawn to this type of work. >> i had no idea what the job entailed, one of my friends had mentioned there was an explorer program. i decided to join that, and it became something that i was very passionate about, hoping to spark a similar passion in other women, the san jose fire department saturday hosted its fifth annual women's boot camp, the one day event is open to women, including those non-binary or gender nonconforming and trans women in the community. >> the greater the diversity, the better the department. you know, it's like the high tech
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industry understands that and i am so happy that the government is beginning to really get into it. >> 75 women ages 18 to 24 are already signed up. officials say that represents an increase of one third over last year. attendees will be put through the rigors of an academy like obstacle course to better learn what it's like to be a firefighter. >> we have our sledgehammers. we have our hose pool hoists, working on grip and strength that just kind of giving women that encouragement that they can do it. >> san jose fire isn't alone in looking to lure more women into its workforce. march san jose police officials signing the 30 by 30 pledge to increase women recruits by 30% by 2030. police, women currently make up 13% of the force, but only 3.7% of the 648 firefighters are female. >> one of the things that i'm very interested in is trying to
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bring talent to the city of san jose. i think that we bring sort of a different perspective on different situations and i think that it would really enhance. >> the department's stephanie sorini says living her dream allows her to help other women explore options. once only thought of as a man's domain, being a female and just being that presence out in the community, whether we have schools come in and just being that female figure and showing, you know, all ages that we are out there and we can do it in west san jose. jesse, gary, ktvu, fox two news. >> going to be a great day for those prospective firefighters come saturday. all right. the homeless camp for san francisco is now out. and the numbers show a mixed bag of results. the city's point in time count shows total homelessness in the city went up by about 7% from 2022 to 2024, city data shows. there are
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more than 8300 people now experiencing homelessness in san francisco. city leaders, though, point out the number of people living on the streets, in tents or in vehicles is on the decline in the number of unsheltered homeless has gone down by about by a percentage point since 2022, and by 16% when compared to 2019 numbers. nearly half of the city's homeless population is currently sheltered. the city data points out, though, that youth homelessness has gone down by 9, while the number of families who are homeless has risen by 94% since 2022 to 437 families. the city also found it's chronically homeless population increased by 9. more than 2900 people have been identified as chronically homeless in san francisco. the epa recently rolled out new air pollution standards. find out how many bay area counties failed to meet levels deemed healthy, and a highway in the north bay undergoing more construction this weekend. how
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this will affect drivers coming up. >> anna barry weather. here is our live camera looking out towards san francisco already a big blanket of clouds and talking about another cool a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to
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environmental protection agency implemented new annual air pollution standards. so this means communities which may have had air quality days that were once considered healthy now could have days with the same data that are deemed unhealthy
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based on data collected between 2020 and 2022. 29 california counties, including santa clara, alameda, contra costa and solano do not meet the new annual pollution standards. the epa projects this number to drop to 23 by 2032. in the north bay, a portion of highway 37 will be closed due to construction and all starts tomorrow night, caltrans says. starting tomorrow at ten, the eastbound side of highway 37 between vallejo and sears point will be closed through the weekend. this is a continuation of last weekend's road work. caltrans says the shutdowns are part of a major road repair project, and one thing working in the favor of those crews, mark, is the weather. i mean, at least no rain that's going to impact that work. yeah i believe the rain the previous storm actually did impact the job there. >> so yeah, the weather on their side. but they have to wear sweaters and jackets. >> that's right. you got to bundle up. >> yeah, we all do. it's a cooler pattern. so want to stick
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around. and as you can see with the highs today some areas struggling to make it into the 70s. look at santa rosa. only 70 degrees. they spent most of the day in the 60s san francisco 63 and san jose one of the warmest spots checking in 80 degrees. what's been happening is the marine layer has been deepening, and as a result, that cooler air near the coastline has been making its way all the way across the bay and into some of the inland valleys. no big changes for your friday forecast. a lot of clouds tomorrow morning, becoming partly sunny into the afternoon. hours temperatures could be just a touch warmer and that means we could have a few more 80s to report tomorrow. here's the satellite that's picking up on the low clouds and fog just off shore here. so no big changes out here in the pacific. we'll coming closer. we'll show you some of the current numbers out there for the 7:00 hour. san jose right now, 68, san francisco, down to the thick sweater or jacket here. temperatures only in the 50s and napa, right now, 62 degrees. we'll show you the wind reports. and we're showing you some breezy conditions. the windy conditions out toward fairfield, gusting to 30 miles an hour. sfo, westerly breeze at 13 miles
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an hour. and here is our live camera looking out toward the bay, san francisco in the distance and solid deck of cloud cover already. so we're going to thicken up the cloud cover overnight, and you may have encountered some drizzle this morning. there's a chance tomorrow morning as well, especially near the coast and overnight temperatures starting out the day in the 50s. and that's the forecast model showing with all the cloud cover tomorrow morning and then into the afternoon. the clouds trying to clear back to near the coastline. but we could still have some stubborn patches around san francisco tomorrow afternoon. there is your eventual temperature range from 60 all the way to 80 degrees. so a little bit of some warming for your friday forecast. temperatures inland close to 80 degrees. and then into the weekend. we'll see this system drop in. that will send temperatures down for both saturday and into sunday. so the heat is not a part of our forecast for tomorrow, for the weekend and into early next week. take a look at the numbers for tomorrow 60s in san francisco, 70s around the bay. warmest locations out toward antioch and fairfield will be
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close to 80 degrees. just a touch of some cooler weather for saturday. partly sunny skies into sunday, and then just just a minor tweaks in the forecast into early next week. so no big heat waves, no big storms. we'll kind of have this forecast with lots of low clouds as we head into the weekend. >> okay, mark, thank you so much. all right. we want to get back to that breaking news that we were following at the very top of the show and that is the situation which is evolving near the uc berkeley campus. as we were telling you, protesters have taken over an a vacant building. it's just a few blocks from the cal campus. we want to go back now to our bailey o'carroll. she is live there at the scene, and she has some new information about the fate of some of those protesters. bailey >> heather. yeah, we do have a couple of answers for you. i was told that when these protest all move out of the way so you can see what i can, what i'm talking about here. but there was a large number of protesters last night when i was out here. i'd say about 100 or so with a large
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encampment set up on this grass area where you currently see some of those guys cleaning up in yellow vests. there was tents , couches, a full encampment set up here last night. of course, it has been completely cleared up now. i was told that when those people were asked to disperse, that many of them did leave peacefully under their own power. now, last night, uc berkeley police told me that there was anywhere from 10 to 20 people inside of this building here near the uc berkeley campus . unclear if anybody still remains inside at this point. it's extremely dark in there. this building burned in a fire a couple of years ago, so there appears to be no no running water, no power or anything. a lot of these windows were boarded up and it's only it was only when these protesters moved in and took over this building that those windows came on, boarded because they broke those boards off. you see some of them laying kind of in the front of this building now. so we do know, though, that a couple of people were detained. we don't
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know if that was by chp or police. but again, we do know that a couple of people were detained, though a large number of those people, it appears that left under their own power, of course, still many, many questions from this situation. we will of course learn to get those answers for you and bring them to you as soon as we get them. heather, i'll send it back to you in the studio. >> okay? i know you're going to stay on top of it, but the headline right now, at least some of those protesters who refused to leave were detained during this action this evening. bailey, thank you so much. we'll see you later tonight at ten. tennis and pickleball players in san francisco could soon have to pay to play at some courts. just how much and what has to happen before
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cisco. today, the city's rec and park commission passed an initiative that would require people to pay a $5 reservation fee online to play at 28 of the city's 66 locations. still, though, 60% of the courts would remain free. the commission says this is aimed at better managing the courts and ensuring equitable access to tennis and pickleball facilities across the city. this plan now goes before the city's board of supervisors for final approval. we'll stay right here with us on the news at 730. a new food hall is coming to oakland. how its organizers hope this will this development a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet.
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