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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 4pm  FOX  May 17, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT

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premiering it there. yeah. let's be honest, charles. i know she said bad things about him on the album that does not matter at all. this just helps his stock with the men. with the women. i mean, he is somebody now people are going to want to be around. so tha is going to do it husband with a hammer. the judge handed down a decades long sentence. >> the court's sentence will ensure that the pup will not be able to use violence to pollute the political process. >> from ktvu, fox two news this is the 430 years in prison for the conspiracy theorist convicted in that attack. >> welcome to the for everyone on this friday, i'm frank mallicoat and i'm heather holmes. >> that attack on paul pelosi was captured on police body camera video, and left the 82 year old with a skull fracture
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and other injuries. our christien kafton was inside the courtroom for today's sentencing. christian >> yeah, we watched to see if there was any response from david depape as that sentence was read. and we can tell you, we did not see much of a response from him as the judge handed down that 30 year sentence. now inside san francisco's federal court building, u.s. district judge jacqueline scott corley handed down that 30 year sentence for david depape following his november conviction. depapes attorneys asked the judge for 14 years. prosecutors were asking for 40 years, the judge said. depape didn't express remorse for trying to kidnap the former speaker. and also she said that she had to weigh the impact that depapes actions will have to discourage potential future politicians from ever entering public service because they're worried about the safety of their families. now, ultimately, the judge sentenced to up to 360 months in prison, -18 months for the time he's already served. the u.s. attorney for the northern district of california, ismael ramsey, released a
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statement read by a spokesperson outside the court today. >> today's sentence reflects david depapes lack of remorse and contrition for violently assaulting mr. pelosi. the court's sentence will ensure that the pope will not be able to use violence to pollute the political process. my last name is depapes family. >> also at the courthouse today, his son speaking out after the sentence. >> i think that's quite sad, i think that's a really long time because if you think about it right, he's already nearly 50. he's he's basically it's just a death sentence. depape still faces trial in san francisco. superior court criminal court that is set to get underway next week. if he's convicted here, his federal sentence will run with any sentence that's handed down as a result of the case here in california state court, guys. >> okay, christian, what about
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the former house speaker and her husband? >> what did they have to say in their victim impact statements? >> yeah, neither the former speaker nor paul pelosi were in the courtroom, but christine pelosi, their daughter, was in courtroom. and she read a statement from both of her parents first reading the statement from her father, describing the impact that that attack had on the entire family. the statement from paul pelosi reading, quote, ever since the defendant violently broke into my home and woke me up yelling, where's nancy at 2 a.m. on october 28th, 2022, my life has been irrevocably changed. christine pelosi, also reading a statement from her mother, the former speaker reading it is therefore necessary that the guilty party sentence be very long, as punishment for the attack and the injuries, paul continues to suffer and as a deterrent to others considering violence against public officials, that also something that the fbi touched on all impacted parties saying that
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they believed that they wanted this sentence to send a message to those who would seek to do harm to public officials or their families, to try to discourage any future acts like this from ever happening again. >> all right, christien kafton, we'll see you again at five. thank you. >> well, now we go to berkeley this afternoon, where protesters are now facing charges after police moved in to clear out the vacant uc berkeley building that activists had taken over. our jana katsuyama joining us now live from the scene with new information on the arrest. jana >> well, heather, what we've learned since earlier this morning is that they've now identified eight of the 12 protesters who were taken into custody yesterday, and they say that only one of them so far is a uc berkeley student. the lawn outside the uc berkeley building on channing way was clear friday after university workers cleared the lawn of the tents, signs and barriers that had been erected by protesters earlier in the week. overnight, uc berkeley
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police, along with officers from 20 different law enforcement agencies from foster city up to fairfield, were called in to remove the encampment. 12 protesters were arrested as police and riot gear erected barricades surrounding the protest site to keep other protesters from entering the area. a uc berkeley spokesperson says police removed protesters from the building that had been vacant for several years. >> what happened at anahid was, from the very beginning, a criminal act. they broke into a building, they vandalized the building. they trespassed on university property. >> on friday, the university says only one person was confirmed to be a uc berkeley student. four were berkeley residents. two were from the greater bay area, one is from colorado, and four others have refused to say their identity. so alameda county sheriff's office is investigating the university says the law enforcement response was different from the resolution, with anti-war protesters in a different group at the sproul plaza encampment because those protesters did not break the
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law. >> we have always at uc berkeley responded differently to criminal activity than we have to violation of campus policy. his >> the university says police arrested the protesters on charges of burglary, vandalism and conspiracy. i did put in a call to the district attorney in alameda county to find out whether there will be charges pressed, but so far we have not heard back from them. >> all right, jana, just curious. in the day, since this whole thing popped up. and then also when the police moved in last night, what do people in the neighborhood thought about this action? >> well, heather, we went around and we talked to different people in the neighborhood. some of the people said that they support the students, but if there are people from outside the community, then they said those people should have been arrested. others say so many of the students said that they felt like this was a peaceful demonstration here, and that they feel like the police
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response was a little bit heavy handed. there were no injuries, we should say, that have been reported, and so far there have been no other reports of other arrests. >> all right. jana katsuyama there for us in berkeley this afternoon. jana. thank you. >> the israeli military says it has recovered the bodies of three people taken hostage by hamas on october the 7th. they say a 56 year old man and two women, aged 22 and 28, were killed at that nova music festival. officials say their bodies were found overnight, but the exact location was not released. israel says around 100 hostages are still captive in gaza, along with the bodies of around 30 more. prime minister benjamin netanyahu called the deaths heartbreaking, saying we will return all of our hostages. both the living and the dead. >> well, the white house says the first shipments of aid are now arriving in gaza after the completion of a us built floating pier, the first trucks rolled into the gaza strip with
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300 pallets full of aid from the united arab emirates and the united kingdom. once in gaza, the aid is being distributed by the united nations. no american troops went ashore. us officials said they expect a scale up to 150 truckloads of food and supplies per day. >> as we speak, additional aid from the united states and other countries is arriving in cyprus, where it will be screened by israeli authorities and loaded onto ships for delivery via the maritime corridor, the temporary pier that we've been talking about, months of intense fighting, has hampered the delivery of food and other supplies and groups say many people in gaza are facing near starvation. >> the us says it is closely coordinating with israel on protecting the ships and personnel on the beach. in the midst of intense fighting. there are still questions about the safety of aid workers who distribute the food. >> highway one through big sur just reopened this morning after weeks of closures due to storm damage. a series of storms causing a rock slide that took
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out a big chunk of highway one back in march just south of rocky creek bridge and since then, caltrans has been running one way convoys while they worked around the clock to make temporary repairs. the closure has cut off many of the big sur businesses from the tourist traffic that is their lifeline construction involved a crane that suspended repair crews in a basket rather more than 170ft above the ocean, but officials say it was all worth it. >> though this is an international destination, it comes down to families and residents who live here. this is their main street. this is their central avenue. this is the way they they have their livelihood and we're most happy to return it. this highway back to them. >> caltrans is asking drivers to watch their speed on that repaired section of the highway. a permanent fix is currently in design phase and that is expected to be completed by the spring of 2025. >> okay, boy, it's an unusual start to the pga championship today with the world's number
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one golfer arrested. how scotty scheffler ended up in a louisville jail and his explanation and an award winning local filmmaker joining us live right here in our ktvu studios. >> the pandemic success story that spread some positivity when we all needed it the most. coming up across the bay area this afternoon, mostly sunny skies away from the coastline, temperatures running a little bit below average with onl subtle changes in ♪ (ominous music) ♪ come on. what can i do to help you? dad: come on buddy. headphones. what! dad: hey! dad: ok all right. what do you wanna do? i said i don't wanna talk about it! dad: trey! what are you doin'? ♪ (ominous music) ♪
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♪ (ominous music) ♪ it's ok. ( ♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus
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when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪ grocery store last night. >> okay, i keep it positive. >> the end of the day. >> that's right. kip. this is a snippet from an award winning film. good guy with a pond, shot right here in the bay area. and it just won a very prestigious denver series fest award. the comedy is about a former child star who desperately clings to
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fame by broadcasting on instagram. he eventually lands a chance to revive his 90s sitcom after foiling a mass shooting, including a cameo of our own pam cook. so we're big fans here. a lot to unpack there, and joining us to unpack it all is award winning filmmaker and photographer dimitri milken. great to have you here. >> great to be here. i am in film geek heaven right now because this place is sacred ground for me. this is where mrs. doubtfire was filmed in a lot of scenes. correct. my favorite movie of all time. so i am in heaven. >> so funny. i just gave a tour about a half an hour ago. >> i'm here for the tour. when's the next one? >> come on, come on. well talk about what happened in denver. i mean, that must have just said, oh my god, satisfaction. >> yes. talk about validation. yeah. i mean literally seriesfest. it was the first festival that we submitted to. we just finished the piece. the whole thing about a month and a half ago. we submitted. we got in just right away to our world premiere and won for best writer. it's a dream come true. it's really incredible.
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>> i gave them a little snippet of the plot, but maybe you can expand on that and where that all came from. >> sure, yeah. so good guy with a pun. it's really it's a story about resilience. it's about positivity in the digital age. the entire narrative takes place on instagram stories. so it's very modern type of narrative. and it's about a former child star who is just desperately trying to grip on to any inkling of fame by broadcasting every minute of his life on instagram. and he gets a chance to revive his 90s sitcom after foiling a mass shooting at a local grocery store. becoming a hero. >> so talk about current right? yeah, with social media. take us back to 2020. you won the lottery. you got tickets to see hamilton. and that began this journey. yeah. >> to give it away. >> yeah. i'm not. no i won't, but go ahead. >> well so i'm going to back up even a little bit more because this is this story is really it's a pandemic success story. as you said. right, so a while back, i had an animated project that i really thought was going to be my big break. and, you know, it didn't work out, and i
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was at a real low point and so but luck would have it that i won the hamilton lotto when hamilton came to town. and so my wife and i went to this matinee show and out walks broadway star julius thomas the third. and we're right there. and it just blew us away. i mean, my wife and i burst into tears at the exact same moment, ugly crying, and then when the show ended, we walked out with everyone else out of this matinee show, and everyone's phone started going crazy, alarming, buzzing. and it turns out that, when we were inside, the whole world shut down. it was march 11th, 2020, and while we were inside, it was the pandemic had started, and we saw the last piece of theater in the entire country for two years. and so i went home and in this daze and i'm like, i have to find this guy. and so i found him on instagram of all things, and i saw that he had just posted a video reacting to the news himself, because for him, that meant that he was out of a job and he was hitting his own low point. and so i just wanted to send him some positivity and
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some gratitude. and so i sent him a message saying, listen, i'm so sorry for what this means to you, but i was there. i was front row, i loved it, i was so moved. thank you so much. and from that a really beautiful friendship formed. now fast forward two years later, he's back on tour with hamilton, being a star and i come up with this crazy story to do a whole narrative through instagram stories, to really just speak to a generation of everything that we've went through recently. but and stay true to the reality of it, but do it not through pessimism, but through positivity. and i had him in mind as the lead, but he's doing his hamilton thing. he's not going to do it. but literally the following morning i see him post another video on instagram saying, tonight's my last performance with hamilton. i don't know what's next. and i'm like, oh my god. >> like any actor, i need a job, right? >> yeah. so i immediately posted, i sent him another letter saying, listen, i just wrote this thing for you literally last night. would you read it? would you be in it? would you partner with me? co-own it with me? let's create this thing together. and now we
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just premiered it at seriesfest in one, well, it was filmed here in the bay area. margaret cho is in it, and pam cook making a ktvu y here in the bay area, listen, i mean, everywhere you are, you can be in traffic. >> you're in a painting. it's beautiful everywhere you go. so visually, it's just stunning. and i've lived in the bay since 2011. i absolutely love it, it has an amazing film history. and so it was really important to me to not only capture the visual beauty, but really to get the entire community involved. the entire project is sponsored by local bay organizations and businesses. solano jewelers and lafayette, johnny's donuts. they gave us donuts. >> johnny's a lafayette. been there many times. yeah quickly. i know there's a robin williams connection to. yeah you took a photo of the robin williams tunnel. yeah we've got a picture of it. and in 20s. can you tell us that story? >> yeah. very quickly. so i photography is how i got through the pandemic. and so i took a photo of the robin williams tunnel, and i just noticed this weird spacing of his eyes. and
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the tunnel matched perfectly. and so i composite it together and just again, through luck, i managed to meet his wife, susan, and was able to print it and gift it to her. and she connected me to robin's lifelong close friend, michael pritchard, who's a local legend. and he has become like family, and he helped me set up this entire movie. he helped me get everyone together. it's really it was meant to be. >> i think it was meant to be. if we want to see it, that's a good question. >> so, we see a future where we actually bring it to instagram and they help us put it out to the masses. but for now, we literally just started the festival circuit. just last week, so we don't know where it's going. we haven't even heard back from anyone else, but we really want a hometown premiere. we're hoping to hear back from mill valley film festival. >> all right. did you hear that mill valley? okay. they loved it in denver. and all the best. congratulations. thanks. you appreciate it. yeah. cheers. some good stuff there. all right, heather, we'll send it over to you. >> really good stuff. thank you. gentlemen. well, the bay area has been out of the drought now for a couple of years now. for the first time in more than four
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years, nearly the entire state is free of drought or abnormally dry conditions. this according to the latest u.s. drought monitor data. california now has its lowest amount of drought conditions since 2011, thanks to a fairly wet winter and spring, the state's only remaining patch of abnormally dry conditions is in southern california, and the eastern most parts of san bernardino and riverside counties. taking a live look now outside at the oakland estuary and no rain in the forecast for the weekend, let's go to the expert on that. and bring in our meteorologist, rosemary oroczo. >> hello, heather and frank and welcome everyone to this beautiful view here. blue skies after a cloudy start, a drizzly start for many. i think those clouds will be back with us for tomorrow. i'll show you that here. coming up momentarily. right now, we do have partly cloudy to mostly cloudy skies along the coastline, but most of us enjoying the blue sky at this time. temperatures running a little bit below average for most, and we do have the onshore breeze with us this afternoon. fairfield reporting 18mph. concord reporting ten but gusting to 17. so that afternoon
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sea breeze joining us. temperatures are a little bit cooler around the bay compared to yesterday at this time a little bit warmer over parts of the north bay, including petaluma as well as novato. temperature wise, we're sitting in the upper 60s over areas near novato, santa rosa, closer to the water here. 57 half moon bay, 61, in the city of san francisco, low 70s at walnut creek, upper 70s in brentwood. so a very mild one across the bay area. cool along the coast. and if you're going to the giants game later this evening, yes, have the thicker coat, perhaps the layers. we do have a temperatures falling into the upper 50s by game time at 715. and that west southwest breeze continuing to 15mph. so a cool breezy one at oracle park. as we begin that game, temperatures or the winds drop off just a little bit into the evening hours, but still going to be cool. tomorrow morning we wake up with the clouds along the coastline and inside the bay. the north bay, the east bay. partly cloudy for the southern half of the peninsula as well as the south bay. into the afternoon we break away to mostly sunny skies for
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our areas away from the coast once again, temperature wise. starting out 52, in san francisco, 52 in concord, 55 san jose. i'll have a look at the afternoon highs for tomorrow and the rest of the weekend in the extended forecast coming up. >> all right. we'll see you in a bit. thank you. rosemary also coming up, graphic surveillance video was released today showing sean p diddy combs assaulting his ex-girlfriend in a hotel room. we got reaction as that media mogul remains the en r a slow network is no network for business.
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girlfriend, cassie ventura, at a hotel in los angeles back in 2016. i want to show you now some still images that were posted on tmz's website, taken from the graphic video which first appeared on cnn. now the rapper wearing just a towel as you see here, appears to chase ventura. and then kick, punch and throw things at her, including a flower vase. this incident was detailed in a now settled lawsuit that ventura filed against diddy back in november. more lawsuits were filed against combs in the following months, and just last month, federal agents raided his homes in los angeles and miami in a sex trafficking investigation. tmz says the video appears to back up ventura's claims of abuse. >> diddy, diddy had vehemently denied these allegations. and if people out there believe diddy and did not believe cassie. you wonder now, i would imagine that
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they have all changed their mind because we've seen he did exactly what she said he did. and you do wonder about those other incidences that she claimed, you know, where he acted violently. the statute of limitations in los angeles or in california, i should say, has passed. so there will not be any charges as a result of the hotel incident. you do wonder, though, if it does have any effect on the federal investigation, which, like we said, is still ongoing. now we see what was a crime, despite the statute of limitations having passed. and, you've got to you've got to imagine that diddy feels very, very concerned about what could happen here. cnn reports that combs paid the hotel $50,000 for the surveillance video. >> it's not clear why it was released today. his attorneys have not commented an unusual start to the pga championship today, with the world's number one golfer being arrested and charged with a felony before round two. >> scottie scheffler was arrested on suspicion of assaulting a louisville, kentucky police officer. this
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all happened outside the valhalla golf course, where the pga championship is currently taking place. authorities say scheffler tried to drive around the scene of a fatal pedestrian collision in front of the course early this morning, after a police officer instructed him to stop. according to the police report, he refused to comply and accelerated forward, dragging that detective to the ground. the detective injured his wrist and knee and was treated at a hospital. scheffler was released from jail about three hours later, actually returned to the golf course for the second round of the tournament, where he went on to shoot a five under par 66. in a statement, scheffler said, quote, there was a big misunderstanding of what i thought i was being asked to do. >> well, the trump criminal hush money trial in new york took a break today. so the former president could attend his son barron's high school graduation. both trump and former first lady
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melania trump were at the graduation at oxbridge academy in west palm beach, florida. 18 year old barron trump has largely kept out of the public eye. before arriving at the ceremony, trump posted on his social media platform truth social, going to barron's high school graduation. great student, wonderful boy. >> this weekend, new york former president trump's once loyal fixer and former lawyer took the stand against his old boss. and outside the courthouse, a series of top republican politicians lined up to defend the former president. alex michaelson, host of the issue, is spoke with former biden press secretary jen psaki ahead of the weekend episode. >> they are going out there and basically attacking the judge, the jury, the judge's daughter, the prosecutor, where trump can't do that, michael cohen, he can't do that. it would violate the gag order. so they're doing his dirty work for him. so in that sense, it's helpful to him, them, their audience for their communication is trump, which tells you how much he owns the
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republican party. >> we also discussed this map, which shows the recent real clear politics average of polls. according to a series of recent polls in swing states, donald trump would win the presidential contest against joe biden if it was held today. >> but for democrats out there who think like there's these, you know, donald trump is sitting in a courtroom, he might be convicted. we'll see. it's up to the jury. this is over. it's not this is going to be a very close election. there are some warning signs in there. i don't think the biden campaign is unaware of them. but for people who thought this would be easy, it's not. >> and you can catch the full episode of the issue is sunday morning, 630 right here on ktvu. all right. >> finding the flavors of indonesia. the big event happening tomorrow that will tantalize your taste buds as you explore culture through cuisine. >> and an oakland based craft brewery, is about to hit the big time. why this bay area brew is heading to boston to potentially
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craft a beer with the iconic brand sam adams coming your way
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a brewery is in the game. daca beer out of oakland is one of a handful of beers that will take part in sam adams crafting dreams beer bash that happens next month. it's a chance to rub elbows with a craft beer giant in boston and meet some of the country's up and coming brewers, and the brewmaster himself and founder of daca beer.
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>> young hwan lee joins us now to talk all things beer. nice to meet you. what makes your beer so special, so we do make some one of a kind beer. so our beer is asian inspired craft beer. so we use a lot of tasty ingredients from asia. and use that and brewed with traditional beer styles. >> talk. talk about your journey. i mean, every brewer has a journey. how did you become a brewer and why? oakland, i found myself, being in the auto industry since 19 years old, really young in south korea. i started my career and fast forward to about seven years ago. i got myself into the beer industry, in the states, and i found myself to be the only asian person at every single beer festival. so when i had the opportunity to start my own, i said, hey, you know, from the packaging to the flavor design, i want to represent myself. so that's what i dissolve in, in, you know, tokyo beer. and the reason why it's oakland is i really love oakland. i think oakland is the most diverse city in the country, and i think that's where the culture is actually
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happening, and i wanted to do with that. >> how big is beer in south korea, i mean, you know, we i'm throwing a, event called chicken and beer festival. so beer is pretty big craft beer is not. but in nature, beer is very big in the country. >> and that chicken and beer festival is in oakland this weekend, right? >> yeah. tomorrow in jack london district. and we have already about 4000 people signed up. all right. >> well, you are also whoever wins this contest, you get to collaborate. yeah and you get to make a beer with sam adams that they're going to brew. tell us what that would be like. and, that's really cool. maybe you can bring some of that asian influence to sam adams, too. >> yeah, that would be, very amazing because what i'm doing is pretty new in the industry. and just to, be able to collaborate with the, you know, pioneer of the craft beer industry, that would just really mean a lot. and like the program name, that would be sort of, brewing our american dream. yeah >> and then also really opening people's eyes up, right to what you're doing and to new flavors, new tastes, right? new cultures.
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>> definitely. yeah. so, you know, through our product, i would love to introduce new culture to all the beer drinkers out there. >> okay. of these, which one is your favorite. and describe a little bit about each of them. >> oh so i was told to bring one beer to the event. okay, so obviously i'm bringing me being korean. i'm going to bring kimchi sour okay. and sour sour beer. we brewed, the sour beer with using kimchi culture and we added chili and ginger. so it's a very tart, refreshing, like, kimchi. and you have a little bit of spice on the back. >> i mean, all bets are off when it comes to beer, blueberries, whatever. this craft brew business has, has really exploded in the last, what, 30 years? i guess? yeah, definitely. >> and of course, samuel adams really led that. >> yeah. >> how big are they? the biggest craft brewer. were they kind of the first that led the way? >> yeah. and they're currently one of the top three, you know, in the country. yeah. >> when you talk about the one that you chose to take with you though, what, what are the others like? can you kind of describe those for the audience?
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>> yeah, we have a user blond, which is a asian citrus that's between lemon and orange. and we also have, we constantly make tea based beer as well. and we also have chinese baht using cardamom and green peppercorn. >> and which one is your best seller, user blond and kimchi. sour >> yeah. that's awesome. >> and if i want a can of your beer or a nice frosty glass, where do i go? do you sell in stores or do we have to come to your. >> you can find that at local grocery stores, you know, also whole foods, bevmo, total wine, berkeley bowl, gus's market. but you could also come to our brewery and jack london. >> yeah, yeah. >> and so one more time for the audience. the festival is happening tomorrow. can people still come? they can get tickets. >> yeah, feel free to come. it will be 12 to 7 and we will have about 50 local businesses. and of those we will definitely have about 20 fried chicken companies. okay. >> that's great. >> yeah i'm in i am too. >> hey all the best in boston. yeah. >> you have to let us know what happens. >> yeah, i'm going there to represent oakland. >> yeah. you'll do, you'll do
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the city proud. >> thank you, thank you. appreciate it. thanks. okay. and a reminder, the oakland chip cap festival is tomorrow. just down the square. as we mentioned in jack london square from 12 to 7. be sure to head on out there again right here in jack london square tomorrow. >> beer in the weekend. sounds pretty good. all right. well, it looks like the golden state valkyries will be playing in front of a large crowd during their inaugural season in the wnba. valkyries announced today that the team has eclipsed 10,000 season ticket deposits for its home games at chase center. over 2500 deposits have been received since the team named its colors and logo that launched on tuesday. valkyries will begin play in the wnba next year 2025, and the valkyries are hosting a block party. it's tomorrow. it's at thrive city outside chase center that kicks off at 2 p.m. the event will feature appearances and performances from some bay area artists, including kaylani, e-40 and pillow team, says fans of all ages are welcome.
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>> a lot to do here in the bay area this weekend. all right, also coming up, get ready for a big celebration that brings together food, art and culture and honor of asian american and pacific islander heritage month. details on the annual indonesian bazaar happening tomorrow in san francisco and for all those weekend festivities, morning clouds followed by pleasant afternoons, i'll have a look at what you can expect for your neighborhood. >> coming up norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? -but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... i know... faster wifi and savings? ...i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more.
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i. >> write music and dance. set to awaken spirits and open our eyes. this weekend at the third annual indonesian bazaar at fort mason in san francisco. by the way, that group, one of the oldest balinese music and dance groups based right here in berkeley. so it's really an honor to have some folks who are going to be talking with us about indonesian culture. i have with me live this afternoon, angela and ruthie, octavia of the indonesian, the friends of the indonesia organization. thank you both, ladies, for being here and for bringing all of this. it looks beautiful. i can't wait for you to tell me a little bit about it, but we've got a big weekend coming up,
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this great event. angela at fort mason, tell us a little bit about what's going to take place. yes >> our organization, the friends of indonesia, is going to open up our door to an exotic experience for the bay area audience to introduce ourselves and building bridges to introduce our wonderful indonesia. >> yeah. and you're going to have lots of things on display, ruthie, you've got you've got food, you've got drink, you've got clothing. so tell us a little bit about what we've got here. that's just a little taste of what people at home can expect tomorrow. >> sure. what is an event without food? that's right. yeah. so this is what my personal favorite is. we call it rendang. this is from the west sumatra. it's quite spicy. it's beef and also the rice with a little bit of dried shallot and shrimp crackers and the chili and also the pickles. so this is it's. yeah. my personal favorite. yeah. >> and ruthie, there is an important aspect to this which is learning about the culture through cuisine.
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>> absolutely. yes. correct. because currently for that's why the friends of indonesia, our mission is to build bridges and promoting indonesia. the wonderful indonesia, through food. and also, because currently the one that they know is just bali. but this all this is not just from bali, this is from our different, cuisine too. yeah. >> and then, angela, there are some significance with the event tomorrow, the 75th anniversary of bilateral relations between indonesia and the us. i mean, talk about that significance. >> yes. so this year is the 75 years, the relationship, diplomatic and bilateral relationship, 75 years ago, we started this relationship having business relationship and trying to exchange our, our country and educating people about our country. and then this year is that 75 anniversary. so the celebration will be extra special because we will feature the, and a lot more of indonesian tradition and we have
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indonesian consulate will be there and we're hope we're going to have some representation from america also will be there. that's really great. >> obviously ruthie talked with us about the dish here on the right, but what is this right here? >> so this one is we call it lapis legit indonesia. but it's like a thousand layer cake. you make it. there's no machine to make this. and this is you need to do it a layer by layer. it's like very delicious. and this is it. >> very sweet. >> it's sweet. yes. this is all sweet. yeah, yeah. and this one is, you want to explain about this? yeah. >> so this whole thing called jajan pasar in indonesia called little snacks, and this is pandan with custard and inside here is a tartlet with some pineapple inside. so that sounds delicious. every bite have, like, a really intense taste, but it's not too sweet. it's just delicious. >> are you finding it easier to get vendors, to get restaurants and things to participate in your event? i know it's i know it's still kind of early. just your third year. >> yes, we it's getting easier
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and easier, but indonesia is quite underrepresented. like for the fourth most populous country in the world, we do not have that much representation. this is why we, these friends of indonesia, is very important to bring this and to represent. >> yeah, ruthie, though i have noticed that here in the bay area we are seeing a few more indonesian restaurants pop up. you've got to be encouraged by that, correct? >> absolutely. this is where from nusa, which is going to be one of our vendor to and, that nusa just opened their, restaurant in emeryville and public market, so, but yeah, we're very excited. and we also have, laperm a bull is one of our, vendor to that. join us. and they will have also a pop up in berkeley bowl. yeah. >> i mean, that's the whole idea, right? is to expose people to these great flavors, to this great culture. so then they can they can patronize the businesses, support the restaurants and things. angela, there's another aspect to it, which we talked about, the great food, which obviously you don't
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want to miss, folks, but then you have you have clothing, you have art, there's music, there's dance. i mean, there's a lot to what people can experience tomorrow. >> yes. so there's a lot of course, this is a sample of our material. there's people that are going to sell this indonesian material which called batik, and it's a tie dye and handmade, all these things. so we want to introduce this material and we also have a lot of arts and artists that sell, small goods at the. >> now our tickets still available, we are sold out, that's you've got to feel good about that, angela. >> yes we did. thank you so much . >> yes. that's really encouraging, ruthie, to the fact that so many people want to go, like i said, has to make you feel good. and you've got to be proud of what you've been able to accomplish thus far. >> absolutely. we are grateful and humble that the tickets are sold out. yeah. >> okay. so what for the folks that are going, what's the number one thing that they should that they should go for? what should they enjoy while they're there.
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>> of course there's nothing to represent and to build bridges than food. yeah. so food and of course we have gamelan zakariyah. they are amazing, always mesmerizing. and we have many other, entertainment from all kinds of indonesian islands and of course, the warmth of our people and just introduce yourself and try to learn about our culture. >> yeah. and have a great time. as we mentioned, it is sold out, but hopefully it will be really successful that you'll then be planning for next year's fourth annual indonesian bazaar. really appreciate it. angela and ruthie, a pleasure to meet you both. can't wait to dig in and try some of these delicious things that you have that you're offering. and again, great success tomorrow. okay have a great time. >> thank you for having us. thank you, thank you. >> all right, frank, save one for me. >> maybe, maybe. come on. i'm your partner. all right. well, it's that time of year again. bay to breakers weekend is upon us. sunday morning. thousands of costume runners and walkers expected to take part in san francisco's annual bay to breakers race. sunday's 12 k is a scenic tour, of course,
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through nine san francisco neighborhoods. it starts at the bay bridge and finishes on the great highway in ocean beach. the big race starts bright and early 8:00 start and will impact traffic beginning the night before. so do take note. there will be a number of road closures along the race route starting at 7 p.m. saturday until 5 p.m. on sunday, and street closures sunday along that route. but a fun weekend taking a live look outside right now at the golden gate bridge, and you can see most of it on this friday. but a nice marine layer is starting to come on into the bay, and i have a feeling that might be hanging out part of the weekend too. let's check in with rosemary. a lot of runners would probably welcome that rosemary come the weekend. how are we looking? >> you're right frank, and yes, more of the same expected. just a subtle changes coming our way for the weekend. a beautiful view there with the overcast sky of the golden gate bridge. we started out with the low clouds, the patchy drizzle, some of our hills even picked up, you know,
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several one hundredths of an inch or so. i think close to our east bay hills. almost a 10th of an inch reported for some stormtracker two here. the ridge of high pressure parked way off our coastline, and we're watching these disturbances just kind of drop in, creating a bit of a trough to the north of us. futurecast model does a little bit better of showing you what i'm talking about. if you can see right in here, kind of that dip in the pattern there, the ridge here, we've got that high parked off the pacific and the clockwise motion around it kind of showing you just how far out it is from us tomorrow. more of the same. this here, the ridge off our coastline and into sunday still looking very similar with the overall pattern. temperatures across the bay area right now, 60 degrees in san francisco to upper 70s in brentwood. we're definitely settling into that time of year where we could easily have a 20 to 30 degree span from one end of the bay area to the next temperatures tomorrow morning. a little bit of a cool start for
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some, but not too bad. 49 in santa rosa that is one of the chillier areas. 52 in san francisco. if you're going to be in yountville for the art sip and stroll, there. beautiful day for our north bay locations. upper 60s by lunchtime, upper 70s at 4:00 in the afternoon and for the rest of us, mid 70s and redwood city for tomorrow. our inner east bay enjoying a mid to upper 70s. we have a festival going on over areas of livermore contra costa county fair going on and as we know, a bay to breakers. as frank mentioned, just a moment ago, if you are thinking about being in san francisco for that or just being in san francisco on sunday, likely to start out with morning clouds, afternoon sun, low 50s at sunrise and then getting into the afternoon mid to perhaps even a few upper 60s for parts of san francisco there. meanwhile, the extended forecast for the weekend and beyond, we do expect temperatures to come up just slightly on sunday. low 60s at the coast, low 70s around the bay, upper 70s for our
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inland cities. and we continue to see that trend in the monday. right now, tuesday looks like it's the warmest day when our inland communities are getting close to the mid 80s and then we slide once again into wednesday morning clouds, afternoon sun and seasonal temperatures. back to you. thanks, rosemary. >> i am suddenly hungry. frank. >> i know we're right. where's our food, really great though. such lovely ladies and a great, great event happening this weekend. 7:00. i'm on it. yeah. okay, let's take a look now at. see how traffic is moving along. it is friday after all, and we typically see a friday crush of cars and sad to say that is exactly what we're seeing here as we take a look at the macarthur maze. boy, that's where just everything sort of comes together and you can see lots of traffic. >> highway 80. no bueno right now, that's for sure. and coming up at 5:00, twitter is officially dead. so what's the last step to rebrand the social media platform as x? also at five, the contra costa county fair has great weather and great fun coming up for the weekend,
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but because of something that happened last year, th e e
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valley neighborhood. >> it's been a lot of fun getting together, getting to have so many crew members join our team from the community. this is my neighborhood as well, so getting to be a part of this great journey. >> a regional manager says the store brought in about 100 employees. hours are 9 a.m. to 9 p.m, seven days a week, and there is plenty of parking available. >> all right. sports focus returns on sunday with a brand new episode featuring identical twin sisters from saint helena. we're going to introduce you to anais and ana carla hernandez, who are multi sport athletes. they're only sophomores, but they're already making a name for themselves. plus, you'll also hear how a nonprofit is teaching children about people with physical disabilities by playing adaptive soccer on crutches. and we'll have a look at the top stunt team from the east bay that made its second consecutive appearance at state. >> we just came in really excited and ready. these are like extremely hard teams to
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beat. and so we're very proud of our standing as second in the state. they should be. >> sports focus airs on sunday at 630 in the evening, right after our 6:00 newscast. you can also find it online after it, or find it on our fox local app. >> a major shift in u.s. drug policy could be around the corner. how president biden hopes the reclassification of marijuana will help shift the tide . with younger voters coming (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) get exclusive offers on select new volvo models.
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step closer to being classified as a less dangerous drug. the justice department's proposal still needs to be approved, but as fox's rebecca castor tells us, it comes as president biden tries to reconnect with younger voters. >> far too many lives have been upended because of failed approach to marijuana, and i'm committed to writing those wrongs. >> that's the promise from president biden as his justice department officially moves to reclassify marijuana as a less dangerous drug. >> this is monumental. >> currently, marijuana is a schedule one drug, along with heroin, lsd and ecstasy. drugs the government says have no accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse. if the doj's proposal is approved, marijuana would become a schedule three drug alongside ketamine, some steroids and other substances with moderate
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to low risk of addiction. >> no one should be in jail for using or possessing marijuana. >> the move is likely to be a popular one among younger voters. a key group, biden is losing ground with. a recent fox news poll shows his approval with voters under 30 has dwindled to 49. but some democrats think they'll come around. >> they're not going anywhere. if you think they're going to sit on the sideline and not vote, you're wrong. >> it's now up to the dea to make the final decision on marijuana's classification, but it's unlikely they'll shoot down the proposal given the president's support. but not all law enforcement is on board. >> i tragically lost a son, a 11 month old granddaughter and a daughter in law to somebody who was driving under the influence of alcohol and marijuana. i think any drugs that alter somebody's mental state or can put somebody else's life at risk should not be tolerated. >> the proposal would not make marijuana legal, but fox news polling shows 69% of registered voters would support such a
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move. in washington, rebecca castor ktvu, fox two news. >> ktvu fox two news at five starts now. >> now at five, three decades behind bars, the man convicted of attacking nancy pelosi's husband inside his san francisco home learns his fate from a federal judge. >> violence and intimidation have no place in our community or our political discourse today . >> sentence comes six months after depape was convicted on federal counts. good evening, i'm cristina rendon, and hi, everyone. >> i'm frank mallicoat. a judge handed down that sentence today after depape was convicted of breaking into nancy pelosi's home in the city, seeking to hold her hostage and then bludgeoning her husband paul with a hammer. >> ktvu christian captain was inside the courtroom today. he joins us live from outside the hall of justice, where depape will soon be on trial again. christian, how did he react to this sentence? >> yeah, we were trying to keep an eye on him as the judge read that sentence and he d


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