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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 730pm  FOX  May 21, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm PDT

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is accused of dragging a middle school student out of a classroom. new video shows a fiery crash in the east bay and the desperate attempts by bystanders to rescue the victims trapped inside the vehicle, and
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walmart announces hundreds of layoffs at two bay area locations. >> this is ktvu fox two news at 730. >> and good evening, everyone. i'm heather holmes. a vallejo charter school is facing some serious questions tonight after a seventh grade girl was allegedly dragged out of a classroom by a substitute teacher. crystal bailey spoke to the girls. and who says not enough was done to protect her niece, crystal. >> well, family says the student is still nursing her bruises from the incident all caught in a disturbing video captured by a classmate, leaving her traumatized. a man seen dragging a student out of the classroom as other classmates shout, why is he dragging her? dorina bernstein is the student's aunt. she says it happened monday at elite public charter school in vallejo. >> it was very disturbing. >> the man in the video is a substitute teacher. she basically has a knot on her head and she's kind of bruised up a
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little bit. >> but her neck, she keeps saying her neck hurts. >> she says her niece, just 13 years old, is traumatized because it's like somebody you're supposed to trust. >> actually throw you around like that. this is a school where you're supposed to be safe at. that's not okay. >> at the end of the video. the man is seen lunging toward the camera trying to take the phone. bernstein says it was initiated by a disagreement in which the teacher told her niece she was not supposed to be in that classroom. the school says a conflict ensued and the substitute teacher physically removed her. the school spokesperson saying in a statement, we are deeply troubled by the occurrence. >> they fail to give me the teacher's name and i was like, so baffled because how would you protect this guy's innocence? and you clearly didn't protect my niece being attacked by this grown man. bernstein says the school did not call law enforcement. >> instead, the family had to file a report, the school spokesperson saying following the incident, immediate decisive
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action was taken, resulting in the prompt removal of the substitute teacher from the campus and the performance of a thorough investigation. they went on to say the sub will not be reinstated at elite public schools in any capacity. vallejo police say he was arrested tuesday and the investigation is ongoing. >> i think that he needs to be punished because i do not want him to do this to nobody else's kid. it's not okay. >> and bernstein says law enforcement told her the man is also a substitute for vallejo public schools. at this time, the name of the man has not been released. heather. >> all right. krystal. you said he was arrested today. do we know on what charges? >> not yet. we don't have any idea because we haven't seen the booking logs. but those should come out in the next 24 hours. >> all right, krystal bailey, thank you. now to some new video tonight of a crash in fremont that sadly left one man dead and another hurt. sped up video provided to us shows us the car in flames after slamming into a tree and a pole. crews then rushed to the scene and then worked to pull out the surviving passenger from the car. this
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happened at about 1230 this morning at the busy intersection of fremont boulevard and thornton avenue at mile, a mile east of 880. the intersection reopened around 1230 this afternoon. the driver has not been identified and the cause is being investigated. a federal traffic safety agency has launched a formal investigation, now into a crash in pleasanton that killed a family of four. darren george and his wife, rincey, and their sons aaron and rowan died when their electric car burst into flames after crashing into a tree. the car was made by a vietnamese company called vinfast. the agency will look into claims a problem with the car's steering system may have played a role in this deadly crash. vinfast has not yet commented on this federal investigation. new. at 730 tonight, oakland's first ever inspector general is leaving her post. michelle phillips was hired by the oakland police commission to monitor the police department's procedures, compliance and its use of force. phillips has reportedly been
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nominated by the mayor of minneapolis to lead that city's department of civil rights. there is no official word yet from phillips on her departure. a bay area family continues to search for answers tonight, four months after a longtime east oakland auto shop owner was killed. our crime reporter henry lee, spoke with the man's loved ones, who say they're frustrated that an arrest has not yet been made. >> it's a battery at most. it was 60 bucks, 68 year old, still , zambrano was shot and killed at his east oakland auto shop. his son in law, michael dugger, says because of a dispute over a car battery. by all accounts, this man's life was taken for non for nonsense, for a hot headed moment over a stupid battery. it happened at bay city alternators near 88th and international in east oakland. a customer found zambrano on the ground and called 911. oakland police identified a suspect, 33 year old robert lee moore, back in march. he has not been
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arrested but has been charged with murder that does give some comfort, but it also raises the question, well, if you know who did it and why, and you've already got an active murder warrant out for this guy, then what's the problem? oakland police told ktvu it had no additional details to provide. dugger says the suspect apparently wanted his money back. he wanted a refund and something in that transaction. robert didn't like the way my father in law gave him the money back or something like that. zambrano worked in the 1970s as a farm worker in salinas, cutting broccoli and lettuce. he was also a leader with the united farm workers. he then switched gears and opened his auto shop in east oakland, 33 years ago. this is the apron he wore every day at work. it was his apron. he he had it full of grease. still smells like old grease. and automotive. this is what this man wore. his killing has devastated his tight knit family, including his wife of 50 years and zambrano's 99 year old mother has outlived him as this man wasn't a confrontational man, he wasn't an angry man. he
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was a hardworking, proud man who loved family. >> the best father i could ever had. >> silvia dugger says she wants justice for her father, hoping they get him so he can pay with what he did. >> even though i'm not going to get my father back, but he needs to pay. he needs to be accountable for what he did. michael dugger had this message for the suspect, but he's a coward. >> robert lee moore, you're a coward. you shot an old man over a battery. that's what you are. i'm told the suspect may be out of state, and that the u.s. marshals may also be looking for him. anyone with information on his whereabouts is asked to contact oakland police. henry lee, ktvu, fox two news. >> new at 730 tonight, walmart says it is cutting more than 500 bay area jobs at two different bay area locations, according to a warning notices from the state employment department. the retail giant will lay off 388 employees at its e-commerce center in san bruno, and 180 more employees are coming to its
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sunnyvale location. those cuts are expected to happen on august 9th or around that time. in addition to these job cuts, walmart is planning on closing its fremont store, which will lead to 169 additional layoffs. and bay area based pixar has announced its laying off about 14% of its workforce. the company's president announcing the layoffs at an internal memo today. the cuts are expected to affect about 175 workers. they come as the company scales back development of original streaming series for disney, for which the company had hired additional producing staff. the head of disney, bob iger, has scaled back spending on the original streaming content. the state supreme court heard arguments today on the constitutionality of proposition 22. that's the voter approved law that classified rideshare and delivery drivers as independent contractors, not employees. >> it's a really fun thing to do . you meet a lot of interesting people, particularly here in the bay area. the bad thing is, is
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we don't get paid anymore very well. >> so under that law, drivers are considered to be their own employers. that designation frees the companies from paying a guaranteed minimum wage, overtime or providing traditional benefits such as sick leave. the court must decide whether prop 22 unlawfully interferes with the state legislature's authority to provide workers compensation protections to those who are injured on the job. >> who gets to decide? does the legislature get to decide? or do the people of california, through the ballot process, get to ultimately decide? >> the head of today's hearing, uber, warned in a statement that a change to the measure would affect, quote, millions of californians who would see major service reductions and cost increases, or lose ridesharing and food delivery entirely. legal experts say the court could come to some type of compromise. the state supreme court has to issue a decision in this case within the next 90
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days. coming up here on the news at 730, what bart officials to shut down service today on one of the busiest lines in the east bay. and police in san francisco arrest a pair of suspected shoplifter. coming up, the everyday items, the suspects allegedly stole from a drugstore . >> and in barry weather beautiful sunset. this evening. completely clear, except some fog. trying to make a comeback. coast side and the toasty temps today will soon be ding awa
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lines in the east bay. service was stopped between pleasant hill and lafayette. late this morning, after a man became trapped under a train at the walnut creek station. it's unclear just how the man ended up on the tracks. bart investigators, though, are looking at surveillance video to try to see what happened. bart had a de-energized the tracks and decoupled the train so that firefighters could get to the man. >> once the trains were decoupled, he was not entangled in the train. i just seemed to suffer from a few apparent head injuries. we're not sure the extent of his injuries at this point. >> officials say the man appeared to be in his 60s. he was responsive when firefighters pulled him out, but there's no word yet on his condition. new at 730 tonight, san francisco police say they arrested two suspected shoplifters, with one still on the run. officers were called to the walgreens drugstore on castro street. this was last week, where witnesses say the trio stuffed merchandise into a bag. police shared what was in the bag several bars of soap, as well as toothbrushes. the two suspects are facing
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second degree burglary and criminal conspiracy charges. okay, we are looking at this live camera shot and it really tells the picture. it tells. excuse me? this picture tells the story, mark, of what it's going to be like for. for our ride home tonight, which is that marine layer just right there. right there. >> yeah. but it's a beautiful warm day out there. >> it was nice tuesday. yeah i know, why do i have to focus on the on the fog? >> when my daughter woke up this morning, she asked daddy short sleeves or long sleeves. that's always the she. i was the one. she wants a forecast right away. yeah. >> do you tell her both. >> i said, well, short sleeve and a jacket. yeah, exactly. i dress in layers. yeah, that's half the options out there. but yeah, it's a warm to hot day today. take a look at these 80s. even close to 90 degrees in santa rosa, 84 in napa, san francisco getting close to 70. that's downtown 69 and san jose 83 degrees. now, today, probably the warmest day of the week, as heather mentioned, there's hints of that marine layer returning for your wednesday and then more
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pronounced cooling as we head toward friday and into to start off the holiday weekend. here is the satellite. as you can see here, up in the pacific northwest, they have the green showing up there. so they have the at least the light to moderate rainfall for us. we still have this lots of clear skies except some fog kind of developing near portions of the coastline. it's been focused out toward monterey bay this afternoon, but we have some patches of redeveloping near our shoreline this afternoon near the shoreline this afternoon. san francisco 59, santa rosa. right now in the upper 70s. and san jose 76 degrees. we'll check out the wind reports. right now there's a bit of a breeze out toward oakland and concord. sfo right now winds out of the west at 20, in san jose at about 16 miles an hour. here's our live camera this evening, looking above san francisco and still a nice evening looking out toward the bay bridge, out toward the east bay hills as far as the overnight temperatures, most areas starting out wednesday morning in the 50s. so partly cloudy skies, some areas of fog, coast side, and maybe a few patches right around the bay
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itself. here's the forecast model. notice it's not widespread fog, but still some patches near the shoreline temperatures. tomorrow we begin to cool things off, but it's still warm inland. the warmest locations will be back up into the lower 80s, so you can see the plan for tomorrow. the cooling trend begins. we're going to watch this guy later in the week. this area of low pressure wants to move in from the north, and that will be the source of more significant cooling by friday and into saturday. it looks like saturday will be the coolest day of the upcoming weekend, and they'll begin to warm things up for sunday and into monday. here's a plan for tomorrow, though. temperatures in san francisco, mid 60s around the bay 70s warmest locations back up around 80 to 83 degrees for your wednesday afternoon, you can see our temperature profile in the five day forecast. we begin to trim back a little bit more into thursday and into friday by saturday, the warmest locations barely making it to 70 degrees. and then we'll warm things up a little bit by sunday. so warm today, but some cooling in our future over the next several days. >> yeah i see that. all right.
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thanks so much mark. appreciate it. new leadership coming to a south bay school district coming up, details on the newly hired superintendent of schools. also ahead tonight, how you can find your roots at a free genealogy event coming up in san francisco , plus the new proposal in the city to deal with a shortage o fi t re
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hired a brand new superintendent. the school board announced this week it has selected eric volta as the district's new leader. volta has been superintendent of the liberty union high school district in contra costa county for more than a decade. he replaces nellie meyer, who is retiring after five years in the position. well, if you've ever wanted to know more about your family tree, here is a great opportunity. the san fransco main library is hosting its first genealogy and family
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history conference tomorrow. the day long, free event is aimed at giving people the tools to discover wherehey came from. earlier today, on the for, we learned about some of the many resources that are available for learning about your family roots through obituaries and death notices, vital records, maps, photographs, and subscription genealogy databases like ancestry library and fold3 military records. >> so the inaugural conference is a great way to bring all of those components together. >> other speakers from the community will also share their experiences in tracing their heritage. the free conference starts at 10 a.m. tomorrow at the main library there on larkin street, and runs until 6 p.m. san francisco is among many cities facing a shortage of nurses, as well as 911 operators. and today, supervisor asha saffy joined with essential workers right outside of zuckerberg san francisco
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general. he's proposing a ballot measure that would provide 911 operators with the same retirement benefits as other first responders in the city, and would allow full time registered nurses to apply up to three years, worked as temporary nurses for retirement credits. the plan is meant to help improve recruitment and retention. >> for years they have relied on temporary nurses paid additional money and not encourage and allow those nurses in a really aggressive way to become full time registered nurses. >> now, the measure will have to be approved by the board of supervisors before it can be placed on the november ballot. safai is also on the ballot, running for mayor against incumbent london breed in a field that includes former supervisor mark farrell, philanthropist daniel lurie and supervisor aaron peskin. bottlerock is due to kick off this weekend. coming up, the big celebrity names expected to attend and perform. and then
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later tonight, coming up on the 10:00 news, a bill to equip new cars here in california with technology that warns drivers when they exceed the speed limit. it just passed the state senate. we break down what it could mean for drivers in the future. plus, strike averted a group of bay area nurses reached a tentative agreement on a new contract. we'll have that and a when i was your age, we never had anything like this. what? wifi? wifi that works all over the house, even the basement. the basement. so i can finally throw that party... and invite shannon barnes. dreams do come true. get started with xfinity gig internet for $25 a month when you add mobile. plus, get wifi equipment included. maybe we'll even get married one day. i wonder what i will be doing?
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baby bison over the past week. at this stage, the baby bison are called red dogs for their light colored fur. it darkens, though, as they get older. the zoo says these animals will eventually help replenish the bison population in montana. bay area students have a special opportunity to leave a mark on the bay area's ferries. sf bay ferry is adding two new vessels to its fleet, and it's giving local students a chance to name them. anyone who attends kindergarten through 12th grade in alameda, contra costa, san francisco, san mateo or solano counties can submit a proposed name on the agency's website. the names need to reflect bay area history in some way and should not reference any specific people or organizations. okay it is almost summer and once again this year, the streets of san francisco will be filled with the sound of live music. next month, the
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summer of music free concert series will return to the city for its second year. the event is organized by the nonprofit civic joy fund and music promoter noise pop industries. hundreds of live performances are planned for just about everywhere, on street corners and inside stores and businesses around various neighborhoods and earlier today on the four, we spoke to the organizers of the summer of music about how this event is being funded. >> this entire program has been supported by one very special san franciscan. his name is joby pritzker and he is a fan of music himself and a devotee of the city's music and cultural scene. and said this is a legacy project for him. he he wants to be a part of supporting san francisco's music. environment. and this is being funded purely by him. >> the music series kicks off on june 15th and will feature concerts every weekend through september 1st on both saturday
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and sunday concerts happen between 2 and 5 p.m. in the mission. the castro haight street, inner sunset marina, cow hollow, and north beach neighborhoods. so don't forget to check that out, okay? speaking of music, bottlerock napa valley, that three day music, wine and food festival, it kicks off on friday, and this year's musical performers include some great performers, including stevie nicks, megan thee stallion, pearl jam and ed sheeran. celebrities scheduled to appear at the culinary stage include warrior star stephen curry and actors bradley cooper, neil patrick harris, as well as cameron diaz. celebrity chefs jose andres and alton brown will also be there, as well as motley crue drummer tommy lee and the rapper nelly. i told you it was a good lineup. lots of folks headed out there for this weekend. that's going to do it for me tonight. thanks so much for watching the news at 730.
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previously on "the cleaning lady"... how could i be so stupid to let an fbi agent into our home? -come on. move it. -she's in trouble. yeah, i know. camila saved chris' life. i mean, we have to do something. i owe it to them. the fbi is here, too. in my home.


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