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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 5pm  FOX  May 22, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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on the peninsula. a fire is burning at the sims metal facility in redwood city. this is a recycling center on seaport boulevard on the east side of highway 101. fairly industrial area. sky fox up top, giving us this live picture down below. this fire was first reported around 3:00 this afternoon. multiple engines and ladder trucks on scene. as you can see, dumping water on this metal fire. large scrap metal cranes. you can see those down below. also in this live picture, bulldozers as well all joining in on this fire fight, moving the debris around so that firefighters can really hit those hot spots. you can see active flame right there. right now the fire is putting off a fairly good amount of smoke and has been now for the last couple of hours. and with that, the bay area air quality management district says downwind neighbors , even those across the bay, could feel the effects. so inspectors are on scene trying to determine what exactly is burning in that smoke. meantime, anyone nearby should try and stay indoors as much as
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possible. we do have a crew on the way. we want to give you also a little look at the map. if you're unfamiliar withhe area in redwood city, you can se again on the east side of 101 between the dumbarton and san mateo bridges. there. as i mentioned, we do have a crew on the way. as soon as we do get more information about this one, of course we will bring it to you. >> meantime, new at five tonight. one step closer to learning the fate of the coliseum as the a's prepare to say goodbye. the city of oakland looks ahead now to its future. >> that potential specifically here in deep east oakland, that it will finally be realized. and that is why this moment is so important. >> well, the city of oakland is selling its share of the coliseum, all in an effort to redevelop the site for oaklanders. >> ktvu is crystal bailey joins us live tonight from the city of oakland with more on the big news here. crystal >> well, mike, the sale of this coliseum could bring the city more than $100 million, more jobs and more affordable
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housing. >> this was all announced today at castlemont high school, where the mayor and other city leaders met after negotiations that have taken place over the last year and a half. the african american sports and entertainment group has agreed to purchase the city's share to redevelop the property. they're committed to revitalizing oakland. the goal is to include affordable housing and an entertainment and sports complex. now, castlemont high school students actually proposed plans for ways to use the property and presented them to stakeholders. meanwhile, the mayor says this agreement will be a positive change for oakland , making a dig at the athletics for their departure. >> it takes a partner that understands that there is a return on investment that doesn't necessarily show up on that balance sheet. that is just not all about the money, but it's about the community and making sure that they're thriving. >> now, this comes after reports of the city's budget deficit and the debts impending threat to public safety. the deal will have to be approved by city council, an introductory city council meeting is set to take
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place as early as next week, when all is said and done. if everything goes as planned, they plan to break ground within the next 2 to 3 years. now, tonight at six, i'll have more about the other half of the oakland coliseum, which is currently owned by the county, to be sold to the a's. crystal bailey, ktvu, fox two news. >> all right, crystal, thank you for that. >> also new at five tonight. the federal bureau of prisons will stand trial over claims that it allowed guards at the now closed women's prison in dublin to abuse inmates. seven correctional officers, including a former warden, have been convicted for sex crimes committed at fci dublin. then last month, the prisons bureau suddenly announced the facility would close more than 600 inmates were sent to other federal prisons. many say they were abused during the transfer process. at a hearing today, a federal judge also ordered a special master to continue overseeing those women's claims. the trial is set to begin next june. the prisons bureau is not commenting on the matter. ktvu has extensively covered the sex
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abuse scandal at fci dublin. you can always find the latest developments right there on our website at >> also new tonight at five. a gilroy high school student has been arrested for stabbing a student. police were called to christopher high school around noontime today. they say two boys had gotten into a fightn a locker room during that fight, one of the students stabbed the other with a knife. the staff and a school resource officer intervened and the campus eventually did go into lockdown. as a precaution, the vti was transported to the hospital. the condition of that person not known, and the juvenile suspect was booked on several charges. governor newsom's office released new numbers touting the success of the ongoing crime fighting efforts across the east bay. officials say since february, officers have recovered 726 stolen vehicles, arrested 355 people and seized 46 guns, all linked to crimes. chp says it is using data from its office and local law enforcement agencies, including oakland police, to help them target specific areas with high
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crime. >> all of that is just technology based that helps investigations so that we can make sure that we are accurately identifying those that are responsible for these crimes, and then going ahead and making those proper arrests, recovering, you know, hopefully firearms that are used in criminal acts and stolen vehicles. >> now, the chp president is out there on city streets, is drawing some mixed reaction. while many support the governor's attention on solving oakland's crime problem, critics point out the relatively small number of arrests in a three month span. >> all of these are alleged these people have not gone to court and people have not been convicted. so we need to stop saying that these are solved cases. >> we have reached out to chp and the governor's office to try and get more specifics on their efforts to address questions, such as what specific crimes are actually being committed. we have yet to hear back. >> oakland's fired former police chief officially became a candidate for the at large citywide council seat in the november election. ktvu tom
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vacar joining us now live in the studio with a closer look at the impact of leronne armstrong's candidacy. >> tom, big deal. you know, oakland's politics just became far more intense as two warring parties that would be the mayor and the former police chief will clash even harder if the very popular former chief becomes a member of city council. former oakland police chief laurent armstrong filed papers wednesday to run for the councilman at large seat currently held by rebecca kaplan, who has not yet decided to re seek that seat. >> i am completely connected to this city and i want to be a part of this city. change moving forward. >> 15 months ago, the popular chief was fired by mayor shengtao after an outside investigation concluded that he had mishandled two police misconduct cases. he was later cleared of those allegations by an arbitrator. he is now suing the city of oakland, accusing the mayor of wrongful termination and seeking an office with power over her. >> i hope that i can be, you
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know, a reassurance to business owners and developers that want to come into this city that there's somebody that actually understands public safety on the council and that is focused on making sure that oakland is a safe city. i believe he will. >> like i said, he's, he did a good job when he was the chief, i think he was wrongfully fired, but, i think he'll do a good job. well i'll take that into consideration and look at his history. >> so if there's been criticism, i will listen to that criticism, too. but i'll weigh him evenly as a candidate. >> i don't really think that there should be like police and government because they might be, like biased, you know? >> political analyst brian sobel says chances are excellent because he is the leading candidate, because he has tremendous name recognition citywide. so what about endorsements? >> i think my endorsement will come from the people of oakland. i know people across the city. i have relationship tips with people across this city. >> and so the question ultimately arises, what if mayor shengtao is actually recalled? >> will the former chief have a
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crack at that job? >> the future could show us an armstrong run for mayor under any circumstances. >> is now at least eight. others are seeking the seat, and some more may file. but armstrong's high profile and vast popularity makes him a very serious contender. tom vacar ktvu fox two news yeah, indeed it does, tom, but boy, armstrong is going to have to play catch up fast. >> there's one thing with being a police chief and leading a police department. there's another. and in city politics, wondering, though, what he had to say today about the idea of potentially serving alongside people who supported his firing. well he said that he was going to be a person who was going to represent his constituency, which is precisely the same constituency that the mayor has. >> he said that he will let the courts decide some of those issues, but he's going to try to be as cooperative as possible. now, all of this hinges on something that we haven't heard back from yet, and that is whether or not the current
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incumbent, rebecca kaplan, is going to run again. if she does, i think she's clearly got the lead because she's very popular herself. but make no mistake, chief armstrong, very powerful candidate. >> yeah. and kaplan has been in city government for several years. all right. tom baker, thank you. police in san leandro investigating a shooting that started with a car theft. it began this morning when police say a man's van was stolen from the parking lot of the home depot off of davis street. the victim followed the thieves to pulverosa avenue, not far from where the van was stolen. that's when police say shots rang out. we talked with one man who was working nearby, and the guy in the van was just popping at him. >> yeah. it was. i mean, it was pretty scary because we're right here working in the shoot out, right here. so san leandro pd came up, locked up everything, and they handled it from there. >> no injuries were reported. we've reached out to police to try to confirm more details of the shooting. we have not yet heard back.
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>> new at five residents in east contra costa county have a new message directed toward amtrak. don't drop our stop. advocates rallied at the pittsburg antioch amtrak station this afternoon. last year. the san joaquin joint powers authority, which manages amtrak service, voted to decommission this station. it was due to safety issues, including homeless people camping there at the station. that closure is scheduled for later this year and a new stop is being built in oakley. members of the alliance of californians for community empowerment say residents did not get a chance to provide their input. they say many people, including seniors and students, use the train as their main form of transportation. >> i can't fly anymore because of the disabilities that i have from cancer now, so the train is the only way i can get across the country. and being that the train station is right here in antioch, why would i need to go any further when i'm just right down the street? >> residents say they are hoping to pressure officials to reverse their decision. they are urging people to turn out for the next
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meeting of the joint powers authority, scheduled for july 19th in stockton. >> hundreds of uc students and union workers protested across california today over the system's alleged failure to address the growing cost of living. skyfox up overhead, a picket at ucsf medical center. rallies were scheduled at every uc school in the state. the universities are accused of ignoring the financial needs of its workforce and of students. protesters also say the schools are not doing enough to keep people safe on campus, citing recent pro-palestine demonstrations that turned violent. the uc spokesperson tells ktvu since negotiations began in january, they have made good progress with the union, saying in part, quote, our goal is to acknowledge their growing contributions, appreciate their commitment and offer a financial package that helps alleviate some of their financial strains. we look forward to continuing those exchanges of proposals and discussions. >> today. is harvey milk day in san francisco. milk, who was
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born 94 years ago, was the first openly gay man elected to public office in california when he was elected as a san francisco supervisor in 1977. in november of 78, milk and san francisco mayor george moscone were shot and killed by supervisor dan white in the last hour at for the president emeritus of the harvey milk lgbtq democratic club, talked about milk's influence beyond lgbtq rights. >> it was an equally strong advocate for renters, for workers, for people riding public transit. and he was really critical in the idea that the gay liberation movement needed to build coalitions and fight in solidarity with other movements for rights and for justice. >> as edward, right, said, that milk encouraged all people to speak up when the rights of others were under attack, not to stand out there on the sidelines . >> a training exercise gone wrong at the san francisco jail. what deputies are vowing to do differently after several
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students and staff at a nearby school fell ill. >> also, a graduation ceremony signaling the end of more than just college careers. tonight at 530, we'll go live to san jose state university, where a pro-palestine encampment is coming down. >> but first jury selection begins. in the second trial for paul pelosi's convicted attacker . how an error by a judge in the first trial could change the timeline for this case. >> and in weather, another warm day out there. lots of sunshine with a big weather headline for us, a big ime cool g
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teacher: lights please. teacher: now, states of matter are comprised of relationships between molecules. teacher: molecules' relationships... nicotine's a neurotoxin that can escalate teen anxiety. teacher: saved by the bell! ♪ (ominous music) ♪
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home and attempt to kidnap her, and then beating her husband, paul pelosi with a hammer. >> but depape faces a litany of other charges from the san francisco district attorney. ktvu christien kafton joins us live tonight from the city with the very latest christian. >> yeah, we are in the midst of jury selection. and experts say this process selecting a jury can be the most critical part to any case. 120 prospective jurors filed into department 19 in san francisco's hall of justice, marking the beginning of the state trial for david depape. san francisco's district attorney charged with attempted murder, assault with a deadly weapon, elder abuse, residential burglary, false imprisonment and threatening the life or serious bodily harm to a public official and added a new charge of threatening the staff or family of a public official. now, prosecutors and public defenders are selecting the jurors who will decide his fate in county court. ucsf school of law professor david levine says while the case is just getting
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underway, the outcome could be decided by who is selected to be on that jury. >> experienced lawyers say that picking the jury is the whole thing, because those are the people who ultimately will make the decision and that the choices that you make as a lawyer in terms of, agreeing to hear, let somebody be on the jury or not make can make all the difference in the world due to the high profile nature of the case, the jurors are facing additional security measures, with deputies just outside the courtroom staffing a checkpoint and enforcing rules, including no water bottles inside. >> jurors faced questions on just how much they had heard about the case, and even about their political leanings. jurors can be excused for cause if there's some reason they can't serve, but the attorneys will also get to remove some as peremptory challenges. randall knox is a former prosecutor and now a defense attorney. he says each side is now trying to pick the jury they think will deliver the verdict. they want. but for prosecutors, the bar, he says, is lower. >> the prosecution's got a video. this is a 21st century
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case. they have the crime actually recorded, visually. so the question would be for the defense. can you find jurors that might be more sympathetic to somebody who's got a mental illness, who believes in a bunch of conspiracy theories? yeah. >> now, the jury selection process is expected to take several days. now, there's a hearing scheduled for next tuesday, the same day depape is due back in federal court, where he was already convicted and sentenced to 30 years in prison. now, this afternoon, we've learned that depapes defense team in that federal court case are asking for a new judge and are asking to halt that hearing where he could speak out in court. after u.s. district judge jacqueline scott corley did not allow depape to address the court himself last week. so there are a lot of moving parts here, guys. >> yeah, a lot going on. and with that christian at this point, do we know at all how that's going to play out or how it could affect the state case
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at least? >> yeah, that's one of the big questions that's out there. mike, at this point we don't know exactly how this is all going to play out or how it could impact the state case. now, the same day that that hearing is planned, there is a hearing that's planned here in san francisco superior court to address issues about whether double jeopardy applies in this case. and double jeopardy, of course, is where you can't convict the same person twice of the same crime. so again, with the state case and things developing in the federal case case, rather, there's a lot to keep track of here. >> yeah. many questions with these parallel cases. all right christian thank you. >> two dozen students and staff members at a san bruno elementary school had to be treated for a reaction to tear gas. portola elementary school community members say they could feel the gas in the air. yesterday, when children were getting picked up from school, the san francisco county sheriff's office was conducting a training exercise with the gas at a nearby jail, and parents say this could have all been easily avoided. >> i think the sheriff's they should have put us on notice on
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the school, and so we could have the school could have taken precautions to make sure that the kids were safe. kids and parents, all people, neighborhoods, everyone could have been safeguarded. >> and the san francisco sheriff says he is planning to hold a town hall to answer any questions about the incident. >> voters in richmond could have the final say on a proposal to tax the chevron refinery. the city council voted unanimously to ask the city attorney to prepare a richmond refinery tax act ballot initiative. the move would help cover a $24 million gap in the city's 2024 budget. supporters say big companies and polluters like chevron are not paying their fair share, while causing millions in health care bills for richmond residents. >> every day, big polluters in richmond endanger our community's health. we are talking about big corporations, not small businesses who are enriching themselves at the expense of our families. >> we have to think about our future. richmond has been a
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refinery town for more than 100 years, but it won't be 100 years from now. >> now, the city of richmond reportedly has a higher asthma rate than 90% of the rest of the state. and for neighborhoods near the refinery, that number jumps to 99. chevron responded to this proposal, saying in part, quote, we support policies that encourage business investment and seek to create a better quality of life for richmond residents. that said, we believe the proposed refining tax is the wrong approach to do that. the statement goes on to call the proposal hasty and the tax punitive. >> all right. back now to that breaking news we brought you at the top of the hour. sky fox still overhead a fire at the sims metal facility. this is in redwood city, a recycling center located on seaport boulevard on the east side of 101. if you're not familiar with this area, it's a fairly heather industrial area. >> yeah, we've been keeping an eye on this ever since it broke
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out just about an hour or so ago. it was first reported around three crews have made progress, though, as you can see here in these live pics. controlling the flames. but the fire is putting off a good amount of smoke. and so air quality officials say several neighborhoods could be affected by all of this. our meteorologist, mark tamayo, standing by now with that part of the story and wondering, mark, if the winds are at play here. >> yeah, there's definitely a wind that has been strengthening over the past few hours. so that wind would send that smoke across the bay, out toward portions of the east bay. we're thinking out toward union city, newark, and a fremont. so let's come in and take a closer look at the maps right now. we'll go ahead and drop in the wind. you can see the overall flow. as you can see out towards san mateo, redwood city, palo alto, as we come in real close here on the mapping system, you get a better sense of this location of where this fire is happening right around here. so seaport boulevard looks like hinman road. so kind of right in this area, at least according to the maps. that's where this event is happening. as far as the current wind reports right now, it is a west southwest wind and it has
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strengthened a bit, gusting at 24 miles an hour, so that potentially you could see that you can see highway 101 right here. you can see where the fire location that potentially could be blowing the smoke back into the bay approaching the east bay neighborhoods, obviously having a big impact on air quality. so if you see the smoke or sense the smoke, you just want to go inside. and as we check out to the maps, as we try to catch up right now, you can see some of the current air quality sensors really not picking up on this just yet. it takes the time. it takes some time for these to actually pick up on the observations. right now, when the greens and the yellows, but that could be changing in the short term, as that smoke plume does move across the bay. now take a look at as far as the temperatures for today. here in the bay area is another warm day, mid to upper 80s out toward brentwood and healdsburg. menlo park, 81, gilroy in the 70s. the headline is this a bit of a cool down, especially as we head toward friday and to saturday. by the weekend, we will struggle to reach the 70 degree mark. so right now we have lots of clear skies out there. we could have some patchy fog trying to
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regroup in the coastline, but the bulk of the cloud cover is focused in monterey bay. current number is san francisco 62, san jose 74, concord 81 degrees. we'll take a look at those wind reports because it is breezy to windy and a few spots, especially out toward sfo, you can see gusting to 32 miles an hour. so outside right now we are in the clear. but we will have more on that. cool down, a little bit of some cooling for tomorrow and then more pronounced cooling by the weekend. while the full update in just a little bit, we're really sad. >> we're really going to miss her and it's just been it's been a tough couple of weeks for us here. >> an emotional day in oakland. up next, family, friends and coworkers paying their respects to the 911 dispatcher killed by an alleged drunk river
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by a suspected drunk driver while on her way to work. as ktvu henry lee reports, many say they will never forget her positive spirit. lori at saint lawrence o'toole catholic church in oakland, law enforcement officers, dispatchers and loved ones turned out for a funeral mass to honor alameda county sheriff's dispatcher antoinette finau, who was killed by a suspected drunk driver while headed to work on may 5th. >> finau was remembered as a dedicated and reliable colleague who was passionate about helping
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others and always stayed positive despite the rigors and stresses of her job. >> her job was the perfect part for her. she was there to bring people together, whether it was for help or just to be there for them. she was that part. >> finau was headed to work when a car broadsided her honda civic at east 14th street and 150th avenue in san leandro. it happened just blocks from the sheriff's dispatch center. the woman, who hit her has not been charged. sheriff yesenia sanchez was among those paying their respects. an honor guard with a folded american flag, the sheriff presented to finnell's family. >> we heard a lot of kind words about antoinette, and i that it was really felt in the room as far as how much love that she was able to share out. >> finau was 37 years old, a single mother of an 11 year old daughter, aliana, whose energy uplifted others. she always came in with such a light, a beautiful smile, a great spirit and, we laughed a lot with her and she always just brought a lightness to the room. sheriff's motorcycle officers led a procession to a hayward cemetery. dispatchers from
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across the east bay staffed the sheriff's dispatch center to allow their colleagues to grieve. in oakland, henry lee ktvu, fox two news. >> next, at 530, is college graduations. continue the pro palestine protest movement on campuses, slowing down when the encampment at san jose state university will be taken down. plus. >> so i will be voting for trump. having said that, a surprise endorsement from nikki haley. why she says she's supporting the man she once tried to take out of the presidential race. plus israel's prime minister is in hot water with the international criminal court. >> but that's not stopping u.s. lawmakers from inviting him to address congress. i'm rebecca caster in washington with how mocrats
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students at san jose state university. >> such an exciting time today marked the start of ten commencement ceremonies this week and it may also mark the end of an encampment there on campus, designed to draw attention to the war in gaza. >> ktvu south bay reporter jesse gary live tonight on campus. jesse, good evening. >> mike. heather, good evening to you. 8000 students are set to receive either their undergraduate or graduate degrees over the course of the next three days here at san jose state, the college of education has its ceremony coming up in about 60 minutes or so. what's learned inside the classroom? juxtaposed over a social lesson
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that's been taught outside the classroom over the past ten days. the smiling faces and frantic camera framing at san jose state wednesday, a visual clue of the completion of a milestone journey. >> i feel excited it was a it was a long four years, but i'm we're at the end, so i'm a college graduate now was all of us. >> of course a lot of support from them and a lot of encouragement. it was awesome. i want to say thank you so much for all the people that helped me get to this place. >> if i wasn't palestinian, i wouldn't be here. >> while parchments were handed out inside the event center moving preparations underway outside in the shadow of the smith carlos victory salute statues. so the entire oval now is clear. sjsu for gaza organizers cleared an area for picture taking around the famous statues for graduation, and they say they'll clear out altogether beginning wednesday evening after a ten day stay on the grassy site. >> we're not only here for palestinians, that is the
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primary reason, but there is an underlying reason why we're here and that is to fight racism in all forms. >> officials say a split within groups advocating for the system's divestment from israel is leading to sjsu for gaza's departure in social media posts, the group says in part, we are no longer participating as organizers of the encampment, as of tuesday afternoon. our approach differs, but we continue to express solidarity for all work towards divestment and palestinian liberation on our campus. >> we had an opportunity for dialog with the students to hear what they were concerned about, and i think it was an important opportunity to, you know, have a deeper understanding about their perspective on it. and i think that we were successful in doing that. >> university spokeswoman michelle smith mcdonald says the decampment could signal a successful resolution at a time when many other students have successfully completed their coursework and are moving on to what's next. actually i'm going to get my phd. >> and katie is getting her phd in ocean engineering, and she's
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paying her own way for ceremony set for tomorrow. >> another three on friday. live on the san jose state campus. jesse gary, ktvu, fox two news. >> well, the california state university system does not have any direct investments in companies that may profit from the war in gaza. csu officials disclosing that information about the university system's investments in response to the protest movement. csu says it only has a few indirect holdings through mutual funds totaling about $3 million, and says the university system will not sell off those holdings. presidents and chancellors from ucla, rutgers and northwestern universities are set to testify on capitol hill tomorrow. they'll be at a house education and workforce committee hearing. they're being accused of not doing enough to curb protests on their campuses. unions representing thousands of faculty, graduate workers and others at the university say the committee members are extremists
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and say their allegations are part of an attack on academic freedom and campus free speech. >> we see a crisis as our colleges and universities come under increasing attack. we have watched as higher education, which is the bedrock of democracy, as well as the engine for technological innovation, social mobility and social progress, as well as one of the most respected sectors in society, has become a punching bag for bad faith actors. >> the union representatives say they believe the recent campus protests fall squarely within the traditions of free speech and academic freedom. >> the police chief at ucla has been reassigned following criticism over his handling of the campus protest there at ucla. that demonstration included a group of people attacking a pro-palestinian encampment. officials say the fighting continued for several hours before officers stepped in and no one was arrested. at least 15 protesters were injured , according to ucla chief john thomas is being temporarily
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reassigned pending an examination of the department's security processes. thomas says he did everything he could to provide security and to keep students safe during the protest , israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu may be invited to address congress. lawmakers are considering this move, which would be controversial to many. but as fox's rebecca castro reports tonight, it would also show support to the embattled leader in his country. amid the growing criticism over the war in gaza, israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, facing growing pressure this week after prosecutors at the international criminal court requested arrest warrants for him over alleged war crimes in gaza, a move strongly denounced by president biden. >> and now congressional leaders want to show their support by inviting netanyahu to capitol hill. >> it's important that we support the jewish state of israel and having the prime minister come and address a joint session of congress, i think would be would be well received by most americans. >> but not all lawmakers,
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particularly some democrats, are on board. >> i don't think that we should see support for it whatsoever. our responsibility is not to cheer on the continued conflict here. our job is to bring it to a, a resolution. >> but netanyahu has more pressing concerns than the potential arrest warrants. ireland's norway and spain announced they'll formally recognize palestine as its own state, a major diplomatic blow for israel de la rosa, as this evil cannot be given a state, this would be a terrorist state. those european nations see statehood for palestine as a way to end the war, but the u.s. has no plans to follow suit. >> president biden, as i just said, has been on the record supporting a two state solution. he has been equally emphatic on the record that that two state solution should be brought about through direct negotiations through the parties, not through unilateral recognition. >> prime minister netanyahu has not told u.s. leaders whether he would accept an invitation to address congress in washington. rebecca kaster, ktvu, fox two
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news the republican national committee headquarters in d.c, evacuated today after receiving a package containing two vials of blood addressed to donald trump. >> it's unclear if anyone came into contact with the blood or who it belonged to. capitol police say they're investigating is ongoing. >> president trump's one time political enemy says she will be voting for him this november. nikki haley is now encouraging trump to work hard to get those who supported her during the primary. >> i put my priorities on a president who's going to have the backs of our allies and hold our enemies to account. who would secure the border? no more excuses. trump has not been perfect on these policies. i have made that clear many, many times. but biden has been a catastrophe. >> so haley suspended her own bid for the republican nomination in march. this is the
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first time she has publicly backed former president trump. still ahead tonight, billions of dollars in new student loan relief. who is eligible to see some of their debt wiped out? >> also, a proposal to add a new alert to your vehicle one step closer to becoming a reality. the bill that could warn california drivers that they're going too fast and coming up next, nearly two dozen people still in critical condition after a plane experiences severe turbulence. >> as we learn more about the horrifying moments mid-air
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live. look at this hour at the scene in redwood city where a fire filled the skies above the peninsula with a lot of smoke. this is at a recycling center on seaport boulevard, just on the east side of 101. it was first reported around three this afternoon. crews appear to have taken control of the flam again. a very different picture from the one we showed you just about an hour ago, when this fire was really raging. but those crews will likely remain there on scene for several more hours to monitor any hot spots. this is what it looked like a short time ago when you can see, really, this was a raging fire again. now the update is that crews appear to have a much better handle on the situation. we are going to bring you a live report from the ground here in redwood city, coming up in just a few minutes at 6:00, 20 people
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remain in the intensive care unit tonight after a singapore airlines flight was hit with severe turbulence. >> the company says the boeing jet dropped 6000ft in just about three minutes, forcing it to make an emergency landing in bangkok. a 73 year old british man died of a suspected heart attack. investigators are now trying to determine why the plane took such a sudden dive, a battle renewed over what to do with the southern border. >> why democrats are now bringing back a bipartisan bill opposed by donald trump. plus is it a sign of the next generation? >> what a new study says about the daily use of marijuana when compared to alcohol and the bay area weather another warm day out there, lots of 70s and 80s with lots of sunshine. >> we'll bring in cooler temperatures for tomorrow and even more pronounced cooling as we head toward the w kend. we'll have the
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♪ (ominous music) ♪ ♪ (ominous music) ♪ girl: sydney, what's up? sydney: nothing. girl: are you ok? ♪ (ominous music) ♪ girl: talk to me. just shut up! nicotine's a neurotoxin that can escalate teen irritability. (♪)
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president biden and senate democrats are showing they're willing to do something about it by reviving the bipartisan border bill that republicans killed earlier this year, after former president trump reportedly told them to. senate majority leader chuck schumer is teeing up another vote thursday on a bipartisan border bill, which failed back in february. it would raise asylum standards and compel president biden to shut down the border if more than 8500 migrants cross in a day. >> those who say we need to act
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on the border will get a chance to act, show this week that they're serious about fixing the problem. >> it'll actually make the border crisis worse. but what it does do is it gives democrats an opportunity to say, look, we care about the border, even though they're doing exactly the opposite of securing the border. >> senate majority leader chuck schumer is not allowing any amendments to the border bill, which suggests it will fail. >> president biden canceling another $7 billion in student loan debt. the white house announced the cancellation of $7.7 billion in student loans for 160,000 people, the majority of that money directed to borrowers right now in public service jobs, including teachers , librarians and firefighters. so far, the biden administration has forgiven $167 billion in school loans for around 4.7 million borrowers. this is all part of the president's strategy to chip away at the debt, after the supreme court last summer struck down his plan to cancel federal loans for 43 million americans. we actually had a
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much more ambitious plan, but there were forces working against that. >> so then the president said, well, i'm going to go and do it on my own to the extent i can, without congress or without the courts supporting this. >> some congressional republicans say the president's move is an attempt to buy votes during this election season. altogether, the biden administration has approved debt relief for about 1 in 10 federal borrowers. a bill to equip new vehicles here in california with technology that warns drivers when they exceed the speed limit has passed. the state senate and is now headed to the assembly. the legislation would require the intelligent speed assistance technology in all new vehicles. it doesn't slow the car down, but it does give audible and visual warnings when vehicles go more than ten miles an hour over the speed limit, federal officials say 35% of traffic related deaths in california were speed related, the second highest in the country. >> more people are keeping their cars longer than ever before.
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car owners in the u.s. are now holding on to their vehicles, an average of more than 12.5 years, which is a record s&p global mobility says supply disruptions caused by the pandemic have eased and cars are more available, but owners continue to hang on to their old cars and light trucks. j.d. power says the average u.s. new vehicle selling price topped $45,000 last month. so many people can't afford to buy new, even though prices have moderated from the peak. the electric vehicle charging company chargepoint is partnering with airbnb to make it easier for hosts to install chargers. here in the u.s, host will get up to 36% off certain chargepoint ev chargers and $100 off an installation. airbnb says searches using airbnb's ev charging filter grew more than 80% last year. >> well, another beautiful day today. lots of sunshine, temperatures. they peaked yesterday, but still some fairly warm readings out there with
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lots of 80s and looks like going to be trending down quite a bit as we head toward the weekend. take a look at some of the highs from this afternoon. another round of some 80s up in the north bay for santa rosa, concord, san jose 78. as you take a look at these numbers, these these highs are about three to about five degrees cooler than yesterday. and the cooling will continue into your thursday. but it really kicks in by friday and into saturday. by saturday we will struggle to make it to the 70 degree mark. so tomorrow morning some patchy morning fog, partly sunny skies, even mostly sunny skies at times throughout the day tomorrow. and there's the eventual temperature range from the upper 50s. coast side. warmest locations inland around 80, maybe a few spots getting close to 82 degrees. here's a satellite in the radar. you can see the active weather up here up in the pacific northwest. we just have the low clouds and fog, mainly to the south of the bay area. we had some patches this morning, but you can see throughout the afternoon hours. we cleared out nicely as we take a closer look at the satellite. there's a fog right around pacific grove, right around monterey bay, but still lots of clear skies
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overhead right now and still some warm numbers out there. currently, santa rosa checking in 84 concord is 81, san jose in the 70s and a bit cooler out toward half moon bay. and of course the winds are a factor. this afternoon you can see oakland airport out of the west at about 16 miles an hour, a bit of a stronger breeze out toward sfo, gusting to 32 and san jose. the winds have picked up in the south bay as well, gusting to 25 miles an hour. and that's our view right now in the south bay. with lots of sunshine up above, we will continue to have mostly clear skies for mostly clear skies for tonight. partly cloudy skies first thing tomorrow morning. some patchy fog and temperatures. as you can see. santa rosa 49, san jose 53 and antioch 57. so here is the breakdown tomorrow morning. we're not expecting widespread cloud cover out there, but some patches of some cloud cover and then into the afternoon hours. you can see there's the eventual temperature range. we scale back on the warm to hot pattern for tomorrow, but still it's okay for your thursday. here is that
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system though. dropping in from the north and that will definitely send temperatures down. it will bring in some more clouds by friday and into saturday, and by saturday that should be the coolest day of the week. here is the forecast model once again, bringing in partly cloudy skies for your thursday. and then look at this big rush of clouds into your friday. and that will be linked up with some cooler air by friday that will continue into the weekend. highs for tomorrow. you can see santa rosa 81. so still some low 80s for your thursday afternoon. oakland 71 and san francisco in the mid 60s. here is a look ahead. your five day forecast. there's that cool down friday and saturday. saturday the coolest day of the upcoming weekend. we will gradually bump up those numbers, especially as we do move into monday for memorial day. so warm today, but some cooling in our forecast over the next several days. >> a tennessee judge rules to delay the foreclosure sale of elvis presley's iconic home, graceland. i'm dana marie mcnichol in memphis. i'll have those details coming up. >> also coming up tonight at six, a fire at a scrap metal
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facility in redwood city this evening. we'll have a live report from the scene on the firefight, the air quality. that's all coming up here in just a couple of minutes. >> also ahead is san francisco turning the corner on drug overdoses. the latest numbers that show some encouraging signs
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numbers are based on data from the national survey on drug use and health. it found that in 2022, an estimated 17.7 million people reported using marijuana daily or nearly every day, compared to 14.7 million daily or near daily drinkers. many states allow marijuana for recreational or medical use, and though a federal ban remains in place, the dea is now moving to reclassify the drug as less dangerous, possibly as early as this coming summer. >> a tennessee court today delayed the foreclosure sale of elvis presley's former home, the graceland estate will now stay in the rock and roll icon's family. fox's danamarie mcnicholl brings us the story on how presley's granddaughter filed a lawsuit to fight off
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what she claims was a fraud. >> the real estate is considered unique under tennessee law. >> a tennessee judge saves elvis presley's iconic home, graceland, from the auction block. the judge upholding a temporary restraining order issued monday blocking a planned foreclosure sale of the king of rock and roll's former home. >> the loss of the real estate would be considered irreparable harm, but the delay is only temporary. >> presley's granddaughter, riley keough, still has to prove a firm called nassaney investments is fraudulently trying to sell off her family's estate. the firm claims it loaned lisa marie presley $3.8 million and received the deed to graceland as collateral, a loan she allegedly never repaid before her death in 2023. but keough, who now owns graceland, claims no such loan exists. >> the notary assured that the notary did not notarize the
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signature of lisa marie presley on the deed of trust, which brings into question as to the authenticity of the signature. >> hours after today's court hearing, nassaney investments released a statement saying it would withdraw all its claims over graceland. it's unclear if they have filed that motion with the court. attorneys for the actress presented an affidavit from the notary listed on the nissan's loan documents that notary saying they never met lisa marie and never notarized any documents for her. during the hearing, the judge noted that keough may have a case if she can prove fraud in memphis. dana maria mcnickle, fox news. >> next, at six, we are staying on top of that breaking news. a fire at a metal scrap yard in redwood city. firefighters right now working to get the upper hand as the fire pushes heavy smoke into the air. also ahead. >> i mean, i'm somebody who's born and raised in oakland. i
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truly care about this city beyond just policing. >> leronne armstrong was fired as oakland's police chief more than a year ago, and now he's vowing to get back into city leadership, this time in the city council and new numbers out on drug overdoses in san francisco tonight, medical professionals say there are some encouraging signs. >> this is ktvu, fox two news at six. >> and good evening, everyone. i'm mike mibach and i'm heather holmes. >> we start with that breaking news of a fire in redwood city. the fire is at the sims metal scrap facility not far from the shoreline. our joy huerta just arriving there at the scene to bring us an update. joey >> well, heather and mike little details here from the fire department at this point, but from the looks of this fire, we're beginning to see that they're making progress out here. as we get out of the way, you can get a better idea of what's happening there. you can see quite a bit of the heavy equipment, the cranes that work at the scrapyard, moving materials out of the way,


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