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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 6pm  FOX  May 22, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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beyond just policing. >> leronne armstrong was fired as oakland's police chief more than a year ago, and now he's vowing to get back into city leadership, this time in the city council and new numbers out on drug overdoses in san francisco tonight, medical professionals say there are some encouraging signs. >> this is ktvu, fox two news at six. >> and good evening, everyone. i'm mike mibach and i'm heather holmes. >> we start with that breaking news of a fire in redwood city. the fire is at the sims metal scrap facility not far from the shoreline. our joy huerta just arriving there at the scene to bring us an update. joey >> well, heather and mike little details here from the fire department at this point, but from the looks of this fire, we're beginning to see that they're making progress out here. as we get out of the way, you can get a better idea of what's happening there. you can see quite a bit of the heavy equipment, the cranes that work at the scrapyard, moving materials out of the way, giving
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firefighters it looks like better access to the metal that is in the center of this fire. at this point, we did just see some flames jumping up over the fence just a few minutes ago. you can see some water being thrown there from the equipment as well. fighting these flames. the fire department got the call here about 3:00. we do have some video from sky fox. we want to show you give you a better perspective of what this looks like from above. sims metal, a scrap metal yard here on seaport boulevard in redwood city. oftentimes you you find cars being recycled and scrap yards which have that flammable material, maybe gasoline still in the tank. and if there's a spark that lands at the right spot, you've got the potential for a fire. of course, although there's no indication yet from the fire department of what may have caused this firefighter fire out here. rather, we did hear from a witness a few minutes ago. he says that this is the biggest fire he's seen out of the several he's seen working next door to this place, and he could smell the burning
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metal and burning rubber. he told us just a few minutes ago, and it said he did have to stop. his coworkers had to stop working for about an hour because the thick smoke out here, as you can see at this point, it's pretty much calmed down. they've got it under control or at least making progress towards that. now. the air quality district saying they are investigating and that there's a potential for smoke to impact the neighborhoods downwind from here. we did hear from sunnyvale department of public safety there, saying that they're already noticing some smoke out there and advising people who have issues to smoke, a sensitivity to that to stay indoors at this time. that's the latest from here. we'll bring you more as soon as we get it. >> all right. joey horta live tonight there in redwood city. joey. appreciate it. thank you. >> now we go to oakland, where the fired former police chief officially became a candidate for the at large citywide council seat in the november election. ktvu tom vacar has more now. on why the former
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chief says he is so invested in the city's future. >> former oakland police chief laurent armstrong filed papers wednesday to run for the councilman at large seat currently held by rebecca kaplan, who has not yet decided to re seek that seat. >> i am completely connected to this city and i want to be a part of this city. change moving forward. >> 15 months ago, the popular chief was fired by mayor shengtao after an outside investigation concluded that he had mishandled two police misconduct cases. he was later cleared of those allegations by an arbitrator. he is now suing the city of oakland, accusing the mayor of wrongful termination and seeking an office with power over her. >> i hope that i can be, you know, a reassurance to business owners and developers that want to come into this city, that there's somebody that actually understands public safety on the council and that is focused on making sure that oakland is a safe city. >> i believe he will like i said, he's, he did a good job when he was the chief, i think
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he was wrongfully fired, but, i think he'll do a good job. >> well, i'll take that into consideration and look at his history. so if there's been criticism, i will listen to that criticism, too. but i'll weigh him evenly as a candidate. >> i don't really think that there should be like police and government because they might be like, biased, you know. >> political analyst brian sobel says chances are excellent because he is the leading candidate, because he has tremendous name recognition citywide. so what about endorsements? >> i think my endorsement will come from the people of oakland. i know people across the city. i have relationships with people across this city. >> and so the question ultimately arises, what if mayor shengtao is actually recalled? will the former chief have a crack at that job? >> the future could show us an armstrong run for mayor under any circumstances. >> at least eight others are seeking the seat, and more may file. but armstrong's high profile and popularity make him the serious contender. tom baker
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, ktvu, fox two news well, a big day when it comes to the future for an east oakland neighborhood. >> the city of oakland announcing it is selling it is share of the coliseum, all in an effort to redevelop the site. ktvu is crystal bailey joins us live tonight with more on the big story. crystal >> well, with the support of multiple community groups, the coliseum sale could bring the city more than $100 million, more jobs and more affordable housing. >> today, it is my privilege to say that the african american sports and entertainment group has agreed to the terms to purchase the city of oakland's share of the oakland coliseum. >> the mayor making the announcement at castlemont high school wednesday, where students proposed plans for ways to use the property and presented them to stakeholders. >> they represented the dreams that our young people have for their community negotiations with the african american sports and entertainment group started in january of 2023, with the goal to redevelop the property to include affordable housing
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and entertainment and sports complex and more jobs. >> an agreement costing the group $105 million. >> this is a moment where east oakland is going to change. >> this comes after reports of the city's budget deficit and the debts impending threat to public safety. meanwhile, the mayor says this agreement will be a positive change for oakland, making a dig at the athletics for their departure. >> it takes a partner that understands that there is a return on investment that doesn't necessarily show up on that balance sheet. that is just not all about the money, but it's about the community and making sure that they're thriving. >> the african american sports and entertainment group is currently working with the a's, who are making payments to buy alameda county's portion of the property. >> we are in healthy negotiations, and they've continued and they are moving in a positive direction. and our objective clearly is to, be able to acquire that site as well. >> the deal will have to be approved by city council with an introductory meeting set to take place as early as next week. and
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when all is said and done, as long as everything goes according to plan, they could break ground as early as 2 to 3 years. and meanwhile, the city of oakland will have another press conference tomorrow, where the mayor says she will plan to announce more information about how she uses these funds. i'm live in oakland. crystal bailey, ktvu, fox two news, new at six data from the san francisco office of the medical examiner shows overdose deaths are on a slightly downward trend in the city compared to previous months . >> the new numbers show 56 people died of drug overdoses in san francisco last month. that's down from 71 in january and 63 in february and 68 in march. the san francisco department of public health says april numbers are a 21% decrease compared to april of last year. the health department says it hopes the availability of more treatment programs can get people on the road to recovery. >> the important thing to know is that there is an answer to
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fentanyl dependance, and that is treatment and recovery. we have life saving medications available, highly effective medications, specifically buprenorphine and methadone that reduce the overdose risk of death by about 50. >> more than 250 people have died of overdoses in san francisco since the beginning of the year. in comparison, the city reported 275 overdoses for that same time period last year. >> jury selection began today in san francisco for the state trial against david depape. now, he has already been convicted of breaking into congresswoman nancy pelosi's home with a goal of kidnaping her and then beating her husband, paul pelosi, with a hammer. but as ktvu christian captain explains tonight, depape faces a litany of other charges from the san francisco district attorney, 120 prospective jurors filed into department 19 in san francisco's hall of justice, marking the beginning of the state trial for david depape, san francisco's district attorney charged with
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attempted murder, assault with a deadly weapon, elder abuse, residential burglary, false imprisonment, and threatening the life or serious bodily harm to a public official and added a new charge of threatening the staff or family of a public official. >> now, prosecutors and public defenders are selecting the jurors who will decide his fate in county court. ucsf school of law professor david levine says while the case is just getting underway, the outcome could be decided by who is selected to be on that jury. >> experienced lawyers say that picking the jury is the whole thing, because those are the people who ultimately will make the decision and that the choices that you make as a lawyer in terms of, agreeing to hear, let somebody be on the jury or not make can make all the difference in the world due to the high profile nature of the case, the jurors are facing additional security measures, with deputies just outside the courtroom staffing a checkpoint and enforcing rules, including no water bottles inside. >> jurors faced questions on just how much they had heard about the case, and even about
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their political leanings. jurors can be excused for cause if there's some reason they can't serve, but the attorneys will also get to remove some as peremptory challenges. randall knox is a former prosecutor and now a defense attorney. he says each side is now trying to pick the jury they think will deliver the verdict. they want. but for prosecutors, the bar, he says, is lower. >> the prosecution's got a video. this is a 21st century case. they have the crime actually recorded, visually. so the question would be for the defense. can you find jurors that might be more sympathetic to somebody who's got a mental illness, who believes in a bunch of conspiracy theories, the jury selection process is expected to take several days. >> there is a hearing scheduled for next tuesday, the same day depape is due back in federal court, where he was already convicted in san francisco, christien kafton ktvu, fox two news. >> jury selection process is expected to take several days. there is a hearing scheduled for
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next tuesday. as we were talking about, it is the same day that depape is due back in federal court, where he was already convicted and sentenced to 30 years in prison. so this afternoon we learned that depapes defense team in that federal court case now asking for a new judge and to halt that hearing after u.s. district judge jacqueline scott corley did not allow depape to address the court himself at last week's sentencing hearing. >> still to come, family and friends paying their respects to a911 dispatcher who was killed by a drunk driver. their efforts to honor her memory. >> and today is graduation day at san jose state university, and it appears as though the campus is remaining peaceful even as protests continue. >> the day we will struggle to hit high temperatures near 70. how about that? your bay area forecast is straight ahead. >> also ahead, amtrak threatens to close a longtime station in the east bay, but plenty of riders and neighbors say not so
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a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today!
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reports tonight. many say they will never forget her positive spirit. >> lori at saint lawrence o'toole catholic church in oakland. law enforcement officers, dispatchers and loved ones turned out for a funeral mass to honor alameda county
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sheriff's dispatcher antoinette finau, who was killed by a suspected drunk driver while headed to work on may fifth. finau was remembered as a dedicated and reliable colleague who was passionate about helping others and always stayed positive despite the rigors and stresses of her job. >> her job was the perfect part for her. she was there to bring people together, whether it was for help or just to be there for them. she was that part. >> finau was headed to work when a car broadsided her honda civic at east 14th street and 150th avenue in san leandro. it happened just blocks from the sheriff's dispatch center. the woman who hit her has not been charged. sheriff yesenia sanchez was among those paying their respects. an honor guard with a folded american flag the sheriff presented to finnell's family. >> we heard a lot of kind words about antoinette, and i think that it was really felt in the room as far as how much love that she was able to share out. >> finau was 37 years old, a single mother of an 11 year old daughter, aliana, whose energy
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uplifted others. >> she always came in with such a light, a beautiful smile, a great spirit and, we laughed a lot with her and she always just brought a lightness to the room. >> sheriff's motorcycle officers led a procession to a hayward cemetery. dispatcher from across the east bay staffed the sheriff's dispatch center to allow their colleagues to grieve. in oakland. henry lee ktvu, fox two news. >> nearly two dozen students and staff at a san bruno elementary school were treated for tear gas. reactions. after the san francisco jail down the hill conducted a training exercise, students and staff at portola elementary school could feel the tear gas in the air. yesterday, when kids were getting picked up from school, the sheriff says the jail has done tear gas and pepper spray trainings for more than 20 years now, at an isolated part of the property, and that this has never happened before. >> basically the perfect, perfect storm for things to occur in terms of the wind, in terms of the levels of concentration of the gas being deployed.
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>> the sheriff also says he's planning a town hall soon to answer any questions about yesterday's incident. >> a group of predators out there on the internet and social media raising new concerns about how to protect young people from online manipulation. >> our jana katsuyama joining us now live here. after talking with the fbi about the concerns that jana prompted this alert. >> yes. and it was so bad that they said that they really wanted to get the word out to parents. the fbi says that the predators could number in the thousands across the borders worldwide. they say it is important for parents, as well as social media companies, to partner in trying to help protect children. the group is called 764 and the fbi says 764 has operated on popular sites with young people including instagram, minecraft, telegram, aim, discord, roblox and others. the fbi says to gain access into the group, members often are required to live stream or upload images of the victims, mutilate themselves, harming animals or committing other acts
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of violence. an international coalition of investigative journalists sifted through millions of posts on social media to track the groups actions. >> one thing that this group that seven, six, four would ask its victims to do was to deliver a cut sign or a fan sign. so a cut sign. a fan sign is when you write someone's username on a part of your body, right. and then take a photograph or a video of it. and a cut sign is different. it's when you carve that person's handle into your skin with a blade or a razor or another sharp object, and, this was this is a modus operandi of seven, six, four. >> they find them in the social media platforms that all of the kids are using, that our families are using. there are people on the internet that may pretend to be your friends, but they're not your friends. >> the group has also been known to specifically target young people who struggle with mental health issues. and this being
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mental health awareness month, the fbi is emphasizing it's very important for young people and also parents, to be aware of the signs and the threats and know where to turn. the national center for missing and exploited children has a tip line as well as the fbi. there are those numbers right there. fbi one 800, call fbi or the center for missing and exploited children one 800 the lost. of course. you know, mike and heather, if it's immediate danger, they say make sure that you call 911. but they're really concerned about this this content that's up there. we're going to have much more in a fuller report tonight at 10:00 with some specifics that parents need to know. >> yeah, i really looking forward to that. we're all parents up here. i mean, it's a scary thing to think about. >> just disturbing all around. >> yeah, it is okay, jana. thank you. >> advocates rally today at the pittsburg antioch amtrak station this afternoon urging amtrak not to, quote, drop their stop. last year, the san joaquin joint powers authority, which manages amtrak service in the central
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valley, voted to decommission the station. it was all due to safety issues, including homeless people camping there that closure is scheduled for later this year, and a new stop is being built in oakley. members of the alliance of californians for community empowerment say residents did not get a chance, though, to provide their input. >> they voted on it in 2023, but it like i said, they didn't tell us. they didn't know, we didn't know. and they don't have a community like ours who's willing to stand up and say, hey, you can't have it. >> they say many people, including seniors and students, use the train as their main form of transportation. they're urging people to turn out for the next meeting of the joint powers authority, scheduled for july 19th in stockton. >> what a gorgeous spring day here in the bay area. good evening everyone. just how glorious was it? let me step out of the way so you can get a good gander at the number 60 in pacifica to 26 degrees warmer than that in santa rosa. it was
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80 in throughout the tri-valley, which is pretty close to spot on for this time of the year. hey, san jose, your average high this time of the year is 78. and bingo, that's what you experienced 71 degrees in hayward. a little bit warmer than that in throughout castro valley. now currently we're taking a look at our live weather camera out towards mount diablo. we're at the tip top at 3800ft. we have an air temperature still right around the high 50s. it topped off at 63 degrees today we'll bottom out at 50. current air temperatures around the bay area 57 degrees in half moon bay. how about 74 in walnut creek, mid 70s also around pleasanton, dublin, san ramon, 70 east palo alto and palo alto, but it's the wind. it's gusting at times over 20mph. a sustained wind right now at 17, in santa rosa, gusts at 25. check out sfo wind throughout that san bruno gap. we have a wind gusts at 38mph. any lingering smoke is traveling
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over the bay heading towards the fremont area and union city. this is an optimistic storm tracker. places pretty clear skies right now across the coastal areas. so tomorrow, as you get ready to kick start your brand new day, you'll wake up to some areas of patchy morning fog along the seashore. then turning partly sunny away from the bay. mostly sunny skies, but another breezy day with the westerly 15 to 2560 in pacifica slightly cooler than that in half moon bay and in moss beach and montara. outside number 82 degrees. so obviously it is cooling down for your thursday. but heather and mike, next time around i'm going to talk about the day that's going to struggle to hit 70 degrees right here in the bay area. >> okay. that's quite the change we had today. all right roberta thank you a still to come. new numbers showing chp officers making inroads in helping to address crime in oakland. >> also ahead, inflation and high gas prices might be an issue for summer travel. the action the white house has taken to try to bring those prices
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down. plus it has been a catastrophe. >> so i will be voting for trump and about face from former presidential candidate nikki haley her endorsement of donald trump months
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we're in the middle of... livin' large!
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and having a big day! the meeting point of humanity and history. in the middle of being the fun uncle! in the middle of being a kid again! beep! beep! ♪ there's something for everyone in illinois. the middle of everything! ♪ former president trump in november. haley says she's encouraged trump to work hard to get those who supported her during the primary.
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>> i will be voting for trump having said that, i stand by what i said in my suspension speech. trump would be smart to reach out to the millions of people who voted for me and continued to support me, and not assume that they're just going to be with him. >> this is the first time haley has publicly backed trump since she suspended her campaign back in march. >> a former president trump is expected to hold a campaign fundraiser in san francisco next month. an invitation to the event, obtained by reuters, shows that venture capitalist david sax and chamath palihapitiya will host the former president in the city on june 6th. the fundraiser cost $300,000 a person, or 500,000 per couple. other details of trump's visit have not been revealed. former president trump last made a high profile visit to the bay area in 2019 for a
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campaign fundraiser. >> hunter biden's tax trial is now scheduled for september. the us district judge approved a delay request, citing biden's defense team needing more preparation time. the president's son's gun trial, though, is expected to begin next month. hunter biden has pleaded not guilty. in both cases, his lawyers maintain the two cases are politically motivated. >> three more european nations will now recognize a palestinian state. spain, ireland and norway are now among more than two thirds of the united nations that acknowledge palestine. it's a largely symbolic move today. the palestinian authority called it a measure of support. it was condemned, though, by israel, which called its recall of its ambassadors from the three countries. the white house said it is focused on a two state solution to end hostilities. >> each country is entitled to make its own determinations, but the us position on this is clear. president biden, as i just said, has been on the record supporting a two state
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solution. he has been equally emphatic on the record that that two state solution should be brought about through direct negotiations through the parties, not through unilateral recognition. >> well, this comes as major logistics and security challenges are unfolding at the us military pier off the coast of gaza. most of the aid is sitting in a staging area because officials are having trouble finding safe distribution routes. >> coming up on ktvu news at 630 commencement time at san jose state university. and all signs do indicate that pro-palestinian protesters have agreed to take their encampment down and the governor's office says the targeted chp operation addressing crime in oakland is bearing results. >> the tools that officers are g to t ck
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now for a look at our top stories tonight. oakland's fired former police chief leronne armstrong is now officially running for city council. in the november election, he filed the paperwork today at city hall. he'll be vying for the at large seat currently held by rebecca kaplan. she hasn't yet said if she's running for reelection. armstrong is currently suing the city for wrongful termination after mayor shengtao fired him 15 months ago for allegedly mishandling police misconduct cases. he was later cleared of any wrongdoing. >> the city of oakland will be selling its half share of the coliseum to the african american sports entertainment group for at least $105 million. the group
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hopes to redevelop the property with affordable housing and an entertainment and sports complex. the group says it hopes to acquire the other half owned by alameda county. >> jury selection got underway in san francisco today. for david to pap, he has already been convicted in federal court in the hammer attack on nancy pelosi's husband, paul pelosi. the pap was sentenced to 30 years in prison last week, but sentencing has been reopened because the judge in that case failed to give him a chance to address the court. >> and you're watching ktvu fox two news here at 630. today marks the start of commencement ceremonies at san jose state university. 8000 students are set to receive those undergrad or graduate degrees. >> yeah, an exciting time for them. as our south bay reporter jesse gary explains, it may also mark the end of an encampment on campus designed to draw attention to the war in gaza. >> the smiling faces and frantic camera framing at san jose state wednesday, a visual clue of the complete of a milestone journey. >> i feel excited. it was a it
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was a long four years, but i'm we're at the end so i'm a college graduate now was all of us of course a lot of support from them and a lot of encouragement. >> it was awesome. >> i want to say thank you so much for all the people that helped me get to this place. >> if i wasn't palestinian, i wouldn't be here. >> movie fam. >> while parchments were handed out inside the event center, moving preparations underway outside in the shadow of the smith carlos victory salute statues. so the entire oval now is clear. sjsu for gaza organizers cleared an area for picture taking around the famous statues for graduation, and they say they'll clear out altogether beginning wednesday evening after a ten day stay on the grassy site. >> we're not only here for palestinians, that is the primary reason, but there is an underlying reason why we're here, and that is to fight racism in all forms. >> officials say a split within groups advocating for the system's divestment from israel is leading to sjsu for gaza's departure in social media posts,
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the group says in part, we are no longer participating as organizers of the encampment. as of tuesday afternoon. our approach differs, but we continue to express solidarity for all work towards divestment and palestinian liberation on our campus. >> we had an opportunity for dialog with the students to hear what they were concerned about, and i think it was an important opportunity to, you know, have a deeper understanding about their perspective on it. and i think that we were successful in doing that. >> university spokeswoman michelle smith mcdonald says the decampment could signal a successful resolution at a time when many other students have successfully completed their coursework and are moving on to what's next. >> actually, i'm going to get my phd katie burroughs going for her advanced degree in ocean engineering, and she's paying her own way for ceremonies set for thursday, another three on friday. >> congrats to all the graduates on the san jose state campus. jesse gary, ktvu, fox two news, the governor's office announced hundreds of arrests and stolen cars were recovered in oakland.
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>> police and highway patrol says it's part of the progress in making the city safer. ctv's james torres reports some, though, say there is still a long way to go. >> obviously, we need to take a very close look at how we're making enforcement efforts. >> the california highway patrol announcing big numbers and it's crime fighting mission in oakland for the last three months, dozens of officers at one point, as many as 120 come into town to help. >> we're focusing on people that are, you know, committing auto theft, you know, those that are involved in organized retail crime, those that are in violent crime, those are the things that are basically impacting the communities the most. >> according to the governor's office, officers have been able to recover 726 stolen cars, 46 guns linked to crimes and arrest 355 suspects. chris iglesias, with the unity council, says he likes those results. >> they are impressive. i think
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you know what's what's more, i think impressive is that, that the governor is focusing on oakland, and, and lending his support. >> however, support is not everywhere. >> this is what opd should have been doing. and the fact that chp can drive around oakland, hop license plates, and get these recovered stolen cars, let you know that opd could have been doing the same thing. >> kat brooks with the anti police terror project says she does not like the idea of solving crime by adding more police, and she worries if these partnerships will adversely affect minority communities. she adds the number of arrests isn't significant. >> all of these are alleged. these people have not gone to court and people have not been convicted. so we need to stop saying that these are solved cases. >> chp says it is using analytics from their office and local law enforcement, including opd, and that intelligence helps them target specific areas with higher crime. all of that is just technology based that helps
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investigations so that we can make sure that we are accurately identifying those that are responsible for these crimes, and then going ahead and making those proper arrests, recovering , you know, hopefully firearms that are used in criminal acts and stolen vehicles. the chp has not said how much longer they will continue those unannounced searches in the city of oakland, though we know through the governor's office the next safety steps here in the town, installing 480 cameras citywide. reporting in oakland, i'm james torres, ktvu, fox two news. >> a settlement reached with the families of victims from the school shooting in uvalde, texas . but those families are not done fighting for justice, and santa clara based nvidia just shatters expectations for its quarterly earnings. >> what their success means about the ai industry
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now filed a federal lawsuit. this comes on the same day a settlement was reached in another lawsuit. the new legal action is a $500 million lawsuit against the state of texas and the nearly 100 state police officers who were part of the botched law enforcement response. the family's lawyer says there were shocking and extensive failures in the officer's response to the deadly 2022 shooting. >> the state of texas, which has done nothing at all but burden this town before the shooting by not giving them the resources they need, prevented these families from getting the information they need and then blaming blaming this city. >> earlier today, the families agreed to a $2 million settlement with the city of uvalde. under the settlement, city leaders promised higher standards and better training
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for police. >> and greenfield, iowa, is cleaning up today after a severe tornado killed four people, 35 others were hurt in the tornado that struck 60 miles southwest of des moines yesterday afternoon. the tornado was an estimated f3 level, clocking between 158 and 206 mile per hour wind speeds. the national weather service has three teams now on the ground in greenfield, surveying the damage. a local hospital was also damaged, so patients are now getting transferred to surrounding hospitals. one greenfield resident says he ran to his basement when he heard the tornado alarm. such a scary situation there in iowa. >> boy, those are some dramatic pictures. there and we have big changes coming up here. the unofficial arrival of summer is right around the corner, but it won't feel like it. i'll explain with your bay area forecast. >> all right. now to alex savage though, and a look at some of the stories we're working on for west coast rap coming up at
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seven. alex >> all right mike thank you. coming up tonight at seven. the revival of a bill to address issues at the southern border. the white house and republicans calling each other out as the senate prepares for a big vote tomorrow, an immigration expert weighs in tonight on what could be next for this bipartisan deal. also, thieves are leaving some west coast neighborhoods in the dark. see what they're stealing and how it's taking out a whole lot of street lights. those stories and much more coming up tonight at seven on west coast rap and of course, that's followed by the ktvu fox o news 7
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a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to
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triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today!
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on ongoing concerns about interest rates. the dow was down 201 points, the nasdaq fell 31 and the s&p was lower by 14 points minutes from the federal reserve's last policy meeting showed officials feel like it will likely take longer than previously thought to get inflation fully under control. well, shares of santa clara's nvidia were up more than 6% after hours after it announced sky rocketing profits. the chip maker saw net income jump to 14.8 billion in the first quarter from $2 billion a year earlier. revenue more than
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tripled in the quarter to $26 billion. it also announced a ten for one stock split thanks to its chips tailored for ai technology. nvidia is now the third largest tech company by market cap in the country. >> the energy department will release nearly a million barrels of gasoline from the national reserves to help alleviate gas prices. the reserves will come from the country's northeast supply reserve. it comes as triple-a predicts a record 38 million americans planning to travel for the memorial day weekend, the national average for a gallon of gasoline right now, $3.61 a gallon. that's $0.08 higher compared to a year ago. right now in san francisco. as we should mention, the gallon of gas is nearly $5.38 a gallon. >> a new national survey shows that americans marijuana use is outpacing daily drinking habits. the research, excuse me, published today by carnegie mellon university, says the number of people using marijuana daily or almost daily is 17.7
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million people, outnumbering those who drink alcohol at a similar rate at 14.7 million, according to the study. about 40% of cannabis users are daily users exhibiting patterns more similar to tobacco use than typical alcohol use. from 1992 to 2022, the per capita rate of daily or almost daily weed use increased 15 fold. >> a live look out towards jack london square this evening. it looks rather pleasant, albeit a bit of haze in the atmosphere, but not too much to obscure the visibility there. thanks to christopher thors for providing us with this beautiful view this evening. hey you see the sky right now? well, official sundown is at 819. you'll be able to see the 99% full moon, and in the month of may, it's actually referred to as the flower moon, because that's when we have the abundance of flowers. in theory, blossoming. well, enough of that. it's
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actually the tree count that's causing the problems. as far as our pollen is concerned, the grass count is going up as well. and so if you suffer from allergies and who doesn't anymore, tomorrow is going to be problematic even a little bit more so than today. now temperatures bank between 60 in pacifica today to 86 degrees in santa rosa. so a good 26 degree temperature span throughout our microclimates. a pair of sevens in fremont. take a good look at all these numbers because they will be going down for your thursday right now it is 80 degrees still at buchanan field in concord. 62 sfo backing through belmont into burlingame, colma and daly city in the high 50s. it is now 72 degrees at mineta international airport, all the way through the rose garden district and these temperatures, you probably feel the difference if you're taking your dog out for a walk. they are cooler by a good 13 degrees in san carlos, and it's breezy. so kind of dress in layers. if you're heading on out this
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evening, we do have that wind up to 30 at sfo. and throughout that san bruno gap we have a wind gusts up to 38mph. storminess in the deep south again this evening. otherwise, take a look at our coastal areas . it looks like the low clouds of fog bank is swiping away, even around the los angeles basin. but hanging tight to san diego. here is our future cast. and notice tonight just a few clouds hang tight to the coast. otherwise, mendocino and humboldt county you will see some overcast conditions for tomorrow morning sun which is at 553. so your thursday is looking decent, but we have some cooler air filtering in from a trough hanging offshore, and we'll have some partly sunny skies, especially towards sunset. then the onshore flow pushes in for your friday. wait till you see what it does to your five day outlook. but meanwhile this kick off with tonight 40s and 50s overnight lows, tomorrow's daytime highs coming down 59 to 60. in pacifica 72 hayward backing through castro valley 783 degrees and mountain view. pretty spot on as far as these
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temperatures are concerned for our averages. but there you have our extended outlook numbers come down big time saturday, but a mild memorial day, quite seasonal here in the bay area. >> all right. thanks, roberta. the stanford women's softball team has a chance to advance to the women's college world series. bailey o'carroll will have that story coming up next. >> and just a quick reminder that you can get ktvu on demand on your smart tv through the fox local lab. you can watch live newscasts and see all kinds of in-depth content from our newsroom on a variety of topics. it's a free download for your smart tv. we' back after e brea
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set for this coming weekend is bailey o'carroll live for us now at stanford, where the team just wrapped up a little practice. >> hey mike and heather, that's right. this team really excited for this coming matchup this weekend. stanford number eight seed hosting the ninth seeded lsu tigers. that series starts on friday. but i want to mention you know we did watch them practice. and one thing that
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i've noticed of coming to a couple of these stanford practices is just how calm this team is at seemingly all times, right? they are a powerhouse. they are used to getting to big stages. and somebody who is no stranger to a big stage, standing right next to me here and nigeria, kennedy. now tell me what is kind of the vibe ahead of coming into this weekend in this big matchup? yes >> i feel like a big thing is just knowing the work we've done, not only early in the season, but this week preparing for lsu. so i'm just being confident in our skills and knowing that we've been preparing for this all season. >> and what is what's coach's message to you guys ahead of this one? i know kind of you guys said the message was beat. lsu but is there any underlying messages beyond that? yeah just be ourselves. >> we don't have to be anything we're not. so just being again like calm, cool and collective and just being ourselves and knowing the work that we've put in will show. >> and i know you're all about the team talking about the team, but i, i did pull up and i have
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to pull out this paper here because you have a long list of personal accolades, a pac 12 player of the year, gatorade player of the year. when you were in high school, you've been called the caitlin clark of college softball. how do you stay calm and so level headed? >> yeah, honestly, i just try to focus on my team and just, every time i step, i step on the mound. i just try to do everything i can for the team. and again, just get us back in the dugout because, the only thing we can really control is the pitch coming out of our hands, which is exactly what you control, right? >> do you feel do you feel pressure ever, when you step out there on the mound? >> no, that's actually another goal. we have, like, it's always, always opportunity. no pressure, just opportunity i like that, now, one other thing i want to ask you is how how important is home field advantage? and for fans who haven't been able to come out and see a game here, what could they expect if they were to come out? >> yeah, i think they can just expect a good ball game. being home is everything. we're still in school, so being able to stay in class these. this week has
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been it's going to be really good. but again, just to play in front of our friends and family is going to be incredible. >> now, we kind of talked about that before we came on air that they are still in class. right. you still doing schoolwork? how do you balance that at a point in the season where the season is coming to a peak, but also in the classroom, right. finals just around the corner? >> yes, just prioritizing everything. so we know obviously on the weekends we're going to have we're going to have games. so just trying to get that workout, out and done early in the week, it's been, it's number one. do you have a personal goal ahead of this matchup? just do whatever i can to help the team win. yeah, yeah. >> all right. and one last question for you, what what is coach's message been throughout the whole season? is there been a motto that you guys have kind of lived and died by all season long? >> yes, again, it's there's never any pressure. i feel like a lot of, i know there's always last season we look on that, but again, we can't we can't allow that to put pressure on us. it's there's never any pressure. there's only opportunity. >> awesome. well, thank you so much for the time, fans. if you
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want to come out here, some of those tickets are already sold out one night already sold out. so you want to get on those quickly again, that series against lsu starts on friday. it is a three game series, so friday and saturday guaranteed. and i'm sure you guys are hoping that there's no need for a game on sunday. but we will have to wait and see. heather and mike will send it back to you. >> all right, bailey, thank you. and i think the person, the players standing next to you has my vote. if i had a vote for player of the year in college softball, she has been electric all season long. all right. go beat the lsu tigers this weekend. >> go get em. hey, thanks so much
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do you actually want to do something to solve the problem, or would you rather use it as a political issue tonight? >> build up for a voten


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