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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 730pm  FOX  May 22, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm PDT

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at a scrap metal yard in redwood city. the city of oakland is selling its stake in the coliseum. how that sale aims to bring in more jobs and more affordable housing. and former oakland police chief laurent
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armstrong could soon be in city leadership again, with a run for city council. >> this is ktvu, fox two news at 730. >> good evening, i'm claudine wong. we begin tonight with developing news out of redwood city. that's where a fire is burning at the sims metal scrap facility, which is not far from the shoreline. crews responded to that fire on seaport boulevard at about 3:00 this afternoon, and witnesses describe what they saw and smelled when those flames broke out. it's probably been the biggest fire i've seen. >> yeah, in this, in this metal spot next door here, i kind of just smelled, maybe, like burning. burning metal and burning, just burning metal and burning maybe rubber and stuff like that. yeah >> the bay area air quality district says there's a potential for that smoke to impact neighborhoods downwind from their like. sunnyvale police there are advising people to stay indoors because if they are sensitive to smoke, we'll
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have more on the fire coming up tonight at ten and at 11. well, the city of oakland is selling its share of the coliseum in an effort to redevelop the site for oaklanders. ktvu is crystal bailey is here now with more crystal. well, the sale of the coliseum could bring the city more than $105 million more jobs and more affordable housing. >> today, it is my privilege to say that the african american sports and entertainment group has agreed to the terms to purchase the city of oakland's share of the oakland coliseum. >> the mayor making the announcement at castlemont high school wednesday, where students proposed plans for ways to use the property and presented them to stakeholders they represented the dreams that our young people have for their community. negotiations with the african american sports and entertainment group started in january of 2023, with the goal to redevelop the property to include affordable housing and entertainment and sports complex and more jobs. an agreement
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costing the group $105 million. >> this is a moment where east oakland is going to change. >> this comes after reports of the city's budget deficit and the debts impending threat to public safety. meanwhile, the mayor says this agreement will be a positive change for oakland, making a dig at the athletics for their departure. >> it takes a partner that understands that there is a return on investment that doesn't necessarily show up on that balance sheet, that is just not all about the money, but it's about the community and making sure that they're thriving in the african american sports and entertainment group is currently working with the a's, who are making payments to buy alameda county's portion of the property. >> we are in healthy negotiations and they've continued, and they are moving in a positive direction. and our objective clearly is to, be able to acquire that site as well. >> the deal will have to be approved by city council with an introductory meeting set to take place as early as next week. so it all hinges on that deal going
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through with city council and the a's giving up their half of the property. now, when all is said and done, as long as it all goes according to plan, they won't break ground for another 2 to 3 years. the mayor plans to announce more on the city's budget and what she'll do with the funds from the sale. at a press conference tomorrow. >> claudine now, certainly something to look out for as those developments continue. crystal bailey, thanks so much. well, governor newsom's office released new numbers touting the success of the chp's ongoing crime fighting efforts across the east bay. officials say since february, officers have recovered 726 stolen vehicles, arrested 355 people and seized 46 guns linked to crimes. the chp says it is using data from its office and local law enforcement agencies, including opd, to help them target specific areas with higher crime . >> all of that is just technology based that helps investigators so that we can make sure that we are accurately identifying those that are responsible for these crimes, and then going ahead and making those proper arrests, recovering
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, you know, hopefully firearms that are used in criminal acts and stolen vehicles. >> the chp presence on city streets is drawing mixed reaction. while many support the governor's attention on solving oakland's crime problem, critics point out the relatively small number of arrests in a three month span and that the 355 people arrested have not yet been convicted of a crime. former oakland police chief leronne armstrong today announced that he is running for city council. his name is going to be on the november ballot as a candidate for the at large citywide council seat. ktvu is tom vacar has a closer look at the impact of armstrong's run for political office. >> former oakland police chief laurent armstrong filed papers wednesday to run for the councilman at large seat currently held by rebecca kaplan, who has not yet decided to re seek that seat. >> i am completely connected to this city and i want to be a part of this city. change moving forward. >> 15 months ago, the popular chief was fired by mayor
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shengtao after an outside investigation concluded that he had mishandled two police misconduct cases. he was later cleared of those allegations by an arbitrator. he is now suing the city of oakland, accusing the mayor of wrongful termination and seeking an office with power over her. >> i hope that i can be, you know, a reassurance to business owners and developers that want to come into this city, that there's somebody that actually understands public safety on the council and that is focused on making sure that oakland is a safe city. >> i believe he will. like i said, he's, he did a good job when he was the chief, i think he was wrongfully fired, but, i think he'll do a good job. >> well, i'll take that into consideration and look at his history. so if there's been criticism, i will listen to that criticism, too. but i'll weigh him evenly as a candidate. >> i don't really think that there should be like police and government because they might be, like biased, you know? >> political analyst brian sobel says chances are excellent because he is the leading candidate, because he has
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tremendous name recognition citywide. so what about endorsements? >> i think my endorsement will come from the people of oakland. i know people across the city. i have relationships with people across this city, and so the question ultimately arises, what if mayor shengtao is actually recalled? >> will the former chief have a crack at that job? >> the future could show us an armstrong run for mayor under any circumstances. >> at least eight others are seeking the seat, and more may file. but armstrong's high profile and popularity make him the serious contender. tom baker ktvu fox two news. >> new at 730 marin county says its latest count shows it's making progress getting people off the streets and into housing. the most recent count, in january of this year, showed 1090 homeless people in marin county. italian february of 2022 showed just over 1100. that is a 2.8% drop. county officials say
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they saw the biggest drop, 24% in chronic homelessness during that same time. chronic homelessness is defined as those who have experienced homelessness for a year or longer. well, new data from the san francisco office of the medical examiner shows overdose deaths are on a slightly downward trend in the city compared to the previous months. new data showing that 56 people died of drug overdoses in san francisco in the month of april. that's down from 71 in january, 63 in february and 68 in march. well, the san francisco department of public health says april's numbers are a 21% decrease compared to april of last year. the health department says it hopes the availability of more treatment programs can get people on the road to recovery. >> the important thing to know is that there is an answer to fentanyl dependance, and that is treatment and recovery. we have life saving medications available, highly effective medications specifically
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buprenorphine and methadone, that reduce the overdose risk of death by about 50. >> more than 250 people have died of overdoses in san francisco since the beginning of the year. in comparison, the city reported 275 overdoses in the same period in 2023. two dozen students and staff members at a san bruno elementary school were treated for tear gas. reactions. after the san francisco jail down the hill conducted a training exercise, portola elementary school, community members could feel the tear gas in the air yesterday when the kids were getting picked up from school. now, the principal said the situation was strange since they were struggling to determine what was making people's eyes water, not knowing if it was safer to direct people inside or outside. parents say the community's physical reactions to the gas could have easily been avoided. i think the sheriff's they should have put us on notice on the school, and so we could have the school could have taken
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precautions to make sure that the kids were safe. >> kids and parents, all people, neighborhoods, everyone could have been safeguarded. >> the san mateo county sheriff says he is planning a town hall soon to answer any questions about the incident. coming up, jury selection gets underway for the david depape trial. while legal experts say this phase is so critical and a northern california county with a history of destructive wildfires is getting a boost to prepare for wildfire season. >> why the unofficial arrival of summer will not feel so warm. your bay area forecast is coming up right after this brief timeout. stay th us
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been convicted and sentenced to 30 years in prison for his federal trial for breaking into congresswoman nancy pelosi's home in an attempt to kidnap her, and then beating her husband, paul pelosi, with a hammer. the state trial stems from charges by san francisco's district attorney. legal analysts say jury selection is one of the most critical phases of the trial. >> various lawyers say that picking the jury is the whole thing, because those are the people who ultimately will make the decision, and that the choices that you make as a lawyer in terms of, agreeing to hear let somebody be on the jury or not make can make all the difference in the world. >> well, this afternoon we learned that depapes defense team in the federal court case are asking for a new judge after the us district judge did not allow depape to address the court himself last week. new. at
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730, lake county is going to receive millions of dollars in federal funds for wildfire prevention. the us department of agriculture has awarded a $16 million grant to the county to help residents get ready for wildfire season. about half of that money will go to the clear lake environmental research center. they say they're going to use the money to cut back excess foliage on private lands and roadways, and restore plants that naturally adapt to fire. between 2011 and 2021, more than 60% of lake county was burned in wildfires. those fires burned 1800 homes. >> what a beautiful close to this wednesday. take a look at our live weather camera looking out towards the estuary in oakland. officials sundown at 819 and the sky is clear. even when you look out towards san francisco, where today it was 67 degrees, that's up for the average high of 64. it was 60 degrees in pacifica, otherwise 79. in morgan hill it was 80
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degrees in throughout the tri valley, which is pretty close to average. but check out santa rosa. top it off at 86 degrees now. right now santa rosa, cotati, guerneville. also rohnert park at 77 degrees. still a pleasant evening in the works. 786 degrees right now in concord. and if it feels a little bit cooler to you at this hour, then 24 hours ago, you are spot on. it's up to nine degrees cooler in the novato area, and then you tap in that wind up to 13mph. there it feels a lot colder. we have an onshore push right now as far as the wind is concerned. in oakland, up to 13 and 14mph. but check out san bruno gap gusts up to 32mph. this is ushering the pollen around and therefore, if you suffer from allergies, you can blame it on the oak and olive tree count and the grass is coming into play as well. and these counts will be even higher for your thursday. we do have storminess in the deep south at
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this hour, and this will be lifting up towards georgia. otherwise we have a clear slot just offshore the west coast. now this trough upstream here is going to enhance our marine layer, but that's not going to happen until about friday. well actually late tomorrow night and into your friday. until then we have pretty clear skies out there. we have the 99% full moon tonight. it's referred to as the flower moon because everything is blossoming and coming up. flowers for the month of may. here you have the temperatures tonight, overnight 40s and 50s rebounding tomorrow to a slightly cooler day in all areas, 79 degrees in throughout the tri valley, 73 redwood shores and redwood city, and coming down from 86 to 82 degrees in santa rosa, we introduce our extended outlook to you. it's pleasant tomorrow, cooler in all areas. on friday, we struggle to reach 70 and most areas inland on saturday. definitely sweater weather. and as we slide towards the memorial holiday, we're talking about
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pretty seasonal temperatures. >> claudine okay. looks good. thanks, roberta. and east bay mayor heads to china. coming up, the reason behind that trip and the other bay area mayors who make up the delegation. also ahead, the financial boost san mateo county is giving one of its planned parenthood clinics and the rally today in the east bay by transit advocates to keep an amtrak rail station from ing shuttered a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business
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—our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today!
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okay >> family, friends and coworkers gathered today to say goodbye to an alameda county 911 dispatcher killed by a suspected drunk driver. a funeral service was held at saint lawrence o'toole catholic church in oakland for antoinette finau. some of the
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sheriff deputies she worked with are among those who attended. finau was driving to work on may 5th when a car broadsided her honda civic at an intersection in san leandro. it happened just blocks from the sheriff's dispatch center, where she worked. finau was 37 years old. she leaves behind an 11 year old daughter. the san jose police department is honoring its officers, who have lost their lives in the line of duty. a solemn ceremony was held today at police headquarters at the department's fallen officers monument. since 1849, 13 san jose police officers have made the ultimate sacrifice. the last was officer michael catherman, who died in 2016 after a van crashed into his police motorcycle. the families of some of the fallen officers attended and were honored during that ceremony. the name of each officer was read aloud and a bell was rung in their honor. >> officer michael j. catherman badge number 3900 killed june 14th, 2016. >> their bravery and dedication have been the cornerstone of san
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jose's enduring strength and security. >> the officers at the ceremony were asked to carry on in the spirit of those who gave their lives in the line of duty. new. at 730, the mayor of antioch is part of a delegation of bay area leaders on a trip to china this week, mayor lamar hernandez thorpe is one of about half a dozen mayors on the trip, which organizers say aims to foster investment business and tourism between china and northern california. the mayors of oakley, saratoga, east palo alto, morgan hill and san carlos also are also part of that delegation. the trip was organized by the palo alto based nonprofit china silicon valley. advocates rallied at the pittsburg antioch amtrak station this afternoon, urging amtrak not to drop their stop last year, the san joaquin joint powers authority, which manages amtrak service in the central valley, voted to decommission that station. it was due to safety issues, including people
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who were homeless, camping at the station. that closure is set for later this year, and a new stop is going to be built in oakley. members of the alliance of californians for community empowerment say residents did not get a chance to provide their input. >> they voted on it in 2023, but but like i said, they didn't tell us. they didn't know, we didn't know. and they don't have a community like ours who's willing to stand up and say, hey, you can't have it. >> well, they say many people, including seniors and students, use the train as their main form of transportation, and they're urging people to turn out for the next meeting of the joint powers authority on july 19th in stockton. still ahead, revenue for a silicon valley company skyrockets. the new figures out today that make nvidia the third largest tech company in the us. then later tonight on the 10:00 news, we do have new details about a missing uc davis student who was last seen in san francisco, and a historic ship is leaking diesel fuel and oil
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into the delta. the efforts to prevent further damage those stories and more tonight norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? -but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... i know... faster wifi and savings? ...i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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♪ (ominous music) ♪ come on. what can i do to help you? dad: come on buddy. headphones. what! dad: hey! dad: ok all right. what do you wanna do? i said i don't wanna talk about it! dad: trey! what are you doin'? ♪ (ominous music) ♪ ♪ (ominous music) ♪ it's ok.
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productive health care. county supervisors this week unanimously approved allocating $400,000 to one of its three
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planned parenthood clinics. the board says the money is going to go toward services at the planned parenthood marmonte in san mateo to increase capacity and to serve patients more efficiently. shares of santa clara's nvidia were up more than 6% after hours. after it was, it announced its skyrocketing profits. the chip maker saw net income jump to 14.8 billion in the first quarter, from $2 billion a year earlier. revenue more than tripled in the quarter to $26 billion, and it also announced a ten for one stock split thanks to its chips tailored for ai technology. nvidia is now the third largest tech company by market cap in the country. well today is harvey milk day in san francisco. milk, who was born 94 years ago, was the first openly gay man elected to public office in california when he was elected as a san francisco supervisor in 1977. in november of 1978, milk and san francisco mayor george moscone were both shot and killed by supervisor dan white. earlier on, the for the president emeritus of the
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harvey milk lgbt democratic club talked about milk's influence beyond lgbtq rights. >> it was an equally strong advocate for renters, for workers, for people riding public transit. and he was really critical in the idea that the gay liberation movement needed to build coalitions and fight in solidarity with other movements for rights and for justice. >> wright said that milk encouraged all people to speak up when the rights of others are under attack, and not to stand on the sidelines. that does it for us. thanks for watching. we'll see you tomorrow at 730 and make sure to download that fox local app to your smart tv, where you can stream our newscasts and stories and of course, find exclusive content right there on your smart tv. have a great night everyone.
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