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tv   The Ten O Clock News on KTVU FOX 2  FOX  May 22, 2024 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT

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we need to shine. - i don't know what to write. - [crying] you think these people are your friends, but they'll just throw you under the bus. - 'cause now we have a big [bleep] problem. - with $250,000 on the line... - you ready? - born ready. - who will be america's next food star? - we're done. whoop! [laughter] - good luck. - ah.
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a peninsula. smoke was about, i'd say 100, 100ft up. it's probably been the biggest fire i've seen. >> that firefighter, it was a long one, but it has come to an end tonight. good evening everyone. i'm mike mibach. >> and i'm heather holmes. the fire is at sims metal in redwood city, and it broke out just before 3:00 this afternoon. the flames sent smoke into several nearby cities, prompting air quality concerns. our joey huerta joins us now live from redwood city. and joey, firefighters have pinpointed where in the yard this fire first began. >> that's right. heather and mike all clear now. the fire is out. you can still smell a metallic odor in the air now. and as i step out of the way, you can see crews who work at this scrapyard are still at it, moving things around with their heavy equipment tonight. and we're told by the fire
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department, this all came down to a pile of cars that caught fire. thick black plumes of smoke billowing over the horizon . skyfox shows the view from above. sims metal, a scrap yard near the port of redwood city on wednesday afternoon. firefighters shooting water from ladder trucks to attack the flames. >> i kind of just smelled, maybe like burning burning metal and burning, just burning metal and burning maybe rubber. >> manuel mitchell works next door. and this is not the first time he's seen a fire in the scrap yard. >> you hear booms once in a while. yeah >> the battalion chief overseeing the fire telling ktvu off camera a pile of cars taken to the scrap yard on wednesday for recycling went up in flames. >> cars get left with gas, gasoline in them when they get crushed. >> the battalion chief agrees that cars often go up in flames here and at other scrap yards because of fuel being left in the tank, or even propane tanks being left in the truck during
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recycling, leading to an explosion. >> nothing like like this. yeah, it's pretty. it's pretty big. >> the bay area air quality management district tells ktvu. there is potential for smoke impact in the immediate area and downwind neighborhoods, and recommends people who are sensitive to smoke stay indoors as workers next door, stop for an hour until the fire could be contained. >> we have a respirators that we put on, so we had them on. >> it would take firefighters 2.5 hours to extinguish the blaze. now those excavators still out here moving things around tonight, debris, metal, you know, of course they must be behind schedule because of the fire setting the back a few hours, heather. and we've been unable to reach this company tonight. >> heather. okay, okay. so, joey, any idea just how far all that smoke drifted? >> right. so we did hear from the san mateo county health department, and they're saying that plume modeling showed the smoke moving south in that direction. we heard from the
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department of public safety in sunnyvale, saying that they did confirm seeing an experiencing smoke down there and advised people to stay inside if they had any issues breathing smoke. >> there was a significant fire. glad to see, though, that crews have it out now. joey huerta live for us there in redwood city. joey, thank you. two businesses were damaged when a driver crashed into a wall at a shopping center in san leandro. investigators say the car apparently drove into the wall separating the chase bank from the hawaiian grill restaurant, causing damage to both. this happened on lewelling boulevard near washington avenue at about four this afternoon. one person suffered a minor injury and was taken to the hospital. police say the cause of the crash is still under investigation. >> new at ten contra costa county fair. organizers say as much as $100,000 was stolen while an employee was on their way to deposit the cash at the bank. this theft happened in the parking lot of the bmo bank on summersville road in antioch
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early sunday morning, when someone put a gun to the employee's head while they were walking to the deposit box with the cash in the bag. the president of the fair's board of directors telling us the money was from parking and entrance fees. the exact total of the loss has not been shared yet, but they say it could be as much as $100,000. >> i don't know what the exact circumstances or they had a car or not, but apparently from what i saw in an email from the fair itself, was somebody walked up to the person that or persons that were putting the money in the bank and put a gun up to their head, basically. and then the rest is history. >> tonight, organizers say they may have to cut back free fair activities next year in order to make up for this financial loss. we have not heard yet. back from police on any description of the robber. >> well, a major step forward today in the effort to redevelop the coliseum. today, the city of oakland announced it is selling
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its share of the stadium as ktvu. crystal bailey tells us tonight, the sale could bring the city more than $105 million, as well as more jobs and more affordable housing. >> today, it is my privilege to say that the african american sports and entertainment group has agreed to the terms to purchase the city of oakland's share of the oakland coliseum. >> the mayor making the announcement at castlemont high school wednesday, where students proposed plans for ways to use the property and presented them to stakeholders. >> they represented the dreams that our young people have for their community. >> negotiations with the african american sports and entertainment group started in january of 2023, with the goal to redevelop the property to include affordable housing and entertainment and sports complex and more jobs. an agreement costing the group $105 million. >> this is a moment where east oakland is going to change. >> this comes after reports of the city's budget deficit and the debts impending threat to public safety. meanwhile, the
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mayor says this agreement will be a positive change for oakland, making a dig at the athletics for their departure. >> it takes a partner that understands that there is a return on investment that doesn't necessarily show up on that balance sheet. that is just not all about the money, but it's about the community and making sure that they're thriving. >> the african american sports and entertainment group is currently working with the a's, who are making payments to buy alameda county's portion of the property. >> we are in healthy negotiations, and they've continued and they are moving in a positive direction. and our objective clearly is to, be able to acquire that site as well. >> the deal will have to be approved by city council, with an introductory meeting set to take place as early as next week . when all is said and done, as long as everything goes according to plan, they will break ground within 2 to 3 years. in oakland, crystal bailey, ktvu, fox two news. >> new at ten a federal complaint claims a political action committee tied to former san jose mayor sam liccardo may
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have helped pay for a recount that narrowed the field against him in his run for congress. a bay area attorney filed the complaint with the federal elections committee, claiming that a pro liccardo pac called neighbors for results may have bankrolled the recount in potential violation of campaign law. the recount was officially funded by another pac called count the vote. this complaint says that transfers from neighbors for results to count the vote line up with payments of recount expenses to santa clara and san mateo counties. we've reached out to sam liccardo for our comment tonight, and he has said in the past that he had no involvement in the recount. evan low, who narrowly won the recount against joe simitian, called on liccardo to answer what he called serious questions about the efforts to fund the recount. low asking why did liccardo's allies mislead voters and the media in their public statements? why did neighbors for results decide to fund the recount, and why weren't they upfront about this funding on wall street today,
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the markets pulled back from their records on ongoing concerns about interest rates. >> the dow was down 201 points, the nasdaq fell 31, and the s&p was lower by 14 points. despite though today's dip, one bay area company is seeing record earnings. santa clara based nvidia is reporting a 200% increase in stock value in the past year. nvidia says it is now the third most valued company behind microsoft and apple. ktvu south bay reporter lamonica peters live now for us in santa clara with more from a local tech analyst about the company's rise, lamonica. >> heather nvidia shares rose 6% in after hours trading to more than $1,006 per share. the company also announced on tuesday that it's expanding its collaboration with microsoft, as it's becoming the most dominant player in artificial intelligence. >> nvidia is the one who control
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the market. about 90% of the market of those chips used to process chatgpt, you know, gemini is actually belongs to, nvidia, specializing in making graphical processing units or chips for artificial intelligence. >> nvidia's products are in high demand. thousands of companies, including amazon, google, meta and microsoft are signaling they plan to incorporate ai systems into their operations. there are about 20,000 20,000 ai startups that lining up for any available, chips that for that coming from nvidia. >> they they ask all the big names. we would like to use them because we have our own programs, we have our own ai. we would like to train it would like to test it. and nvidia chips are the best one is available in the market. >> now nvidia's net income has jumped from $2.4 billion to $14.88 billion over the last
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year. analysts say the gains are fueled by the demand for ai systems that can compose documents, make images and serve as personal assistants. >> today, they announced split ten for every one of the shares. that's going to make it more available for people to buy it, which means that a lot of people are going to invest their. >> founded in 1993 by jensen huang, but napa says nvidia will continue to expand and people should expect that a.i. will be a part of their daily lives as we learn how to use it in your own work. >> because sooner or later, you're going to find people say that i'm an ai marketing person. i'm an ai advertising person, meaning i use the ai skills and tools so i can make my job better. >> in various chips are also used in the automobile industry as well as health care. it's also saying that its chips are meant to help people understand exactly what ai is going to do,
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and it's becoming the most dominant player in this industry. >> heather, i mean, that is a significant jump in earnings with huge implications for the ai industry, right? lamonica peters, thank you. we're going to move on and go on to our next story now, which is a plan to require campaign advertisers to disclose ai content in that, in fact, is before the fcc. the chair of the federal communications commission said consumers have a right to know when ai tools are being used. if approved, the rules would apply to broadcast tv and radio ads, not digital or streaming platforms. officials hope to have them in place before the election. earlier this year, the fcc said that ai voice cloning tools and robocalls like the one used to spoof the voice of president biden are banned under existing law. openai ai has signed a deal giving the company access to content from some of the biggest news publications owned by media company news corp. >> the chatgpt maker did not
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release the financial details of this landmark partnership with the wall street journal, which is owned by news corp, reports. it could be worth more than $250 million over five years. industry experts say this access to journalistic content could help improve chatgpt or to train its artificial intelligence models. the deal comes just a week after the ai giant reached an agreement to license content from the british business newspaper, the financial times. >> all right. it is a massive, massive problem plaguing california retail theft coming up, the packages of bills working through the state capital and why some say they don't go far enough. >> the calendar suggests that the unofficial arrival to summer is just five days away, but the weather forecast suggests something completely different. the thursday forecast is up next. >> also coming up, uc davis students concern tonight following the disappearance of a first year undergrad. the search
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for the 18 year old, who was last seen in san francisco. >> plus online manipulation. tonight we are taking a closer look at a group of predators lurking behind a computer screen. >> there are people on the internet that may pretend to be your friends, but they're not your friends. >> this is some of the worst stuff i've ever seen coming up at 1030 tonight. >> the disturbing dangers targeting children online, and how the fbi is rtnering with a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month.
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plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today!
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videos of smash-and-grab robberies and mass thefts right here in the bay area. and today, california lawmakers approved a bipartisan package of bills aimed at combating rampant retail crime. ktvu betty yu joins us now here in studio with what this could mean for suspects and how really store owners are reacting. betty. >> mike, we're talking about measures like harsher penalties for organized crime rings and expanded rehabilitation programs. lawmakers on both sides say they want to crack down on professional theft rings . some say these bills don't go far enough. california lawmakers want to put an end to repeated snatch and grab robberies like these. the state senate and assembly passed separate packages of bills that would increase penalties for organized crime rings, allow thefts to be
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combined so they can be prosecuted as grand theft, and allow retailers to get restraining orders against convicted shoplifters. d.a.s would also be allowed to pool resources across jurisdictions to result in stiffer penalties. >> today is a good day for retailers. we think these will provide a number of tools for law enforcement for retailers and for district attorneys that we think will change the narrative on how california will address retail thefts throughout the state. >> republican assembly leader james gallagher. >> it's a good start, but it does not solve the problem by any means. we need to reform proposition 47. >> there is a separate effort underway to repeal parts of prop 47, which in 2014 reclassified felony thefts under $950 as misdemeanors. >> not to say everything about 47 is hunky dory and perfect. and we want to help fix some of the ambiguities there, but we can do it without reforming or going back to the voters. 47
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itself. >> the governor is living in a fantasy land, and he continues to say he's doing all these things. meanwhile rampant theft continues in every major city in california. >> postscript gift shop near fillmore street in san francisco shared these two viral videos of shoplifters casually stuffing items in their jackets and pockets before walking out earlier this year. >> it's really stressful. we're trying to, like, serve our customer, but we have to kind of look at other elements in running the business to protect our business. kitchen timer that was stolen. >> owner chandler tang says the store's been hit dozens of times since it opened in late 2019. it's installed several security cameras, changed the layout of the store and installed a gate. after two burglary attempts. reacting to the advancement of bills at the state capitol. >> i feel encouraged a bit. but, you know, we're a small business and our items aren't that expensive. they're kind of lower price points. so i'm hoping that
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changes will be made. >> lawmakers hope that these bills could reach governor newsom's desk in june before the summer break. mike >> but this set of bills, betty, just to emphasize here, will not affect proposition 47. >> that's correct. so there is a ballot initiative in the works. but officials right now are counting those signatures before it can even get on that november ballot. >> betty, you live tonight here in studio. betty, thank you for that. data from the san francisco office of the medical examiner shows overdose deaths are on a slightly downward trend in the city compared to previous months. the new numbers do show 56 people died of drug overdoses in san francisco last month. that is down from 71 in january, 63 in february and 68 in march. the san francisco department of public health says april's numbers are a 21% decrease compared to april of last year. more than 250 people have died of overdoses in the city since the beginning of this year. in comparison, the city reported
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275 overdoses in that same time period last year. >> now, today, san francisco, recognizing the life and work of the late civil rights activist harvey milk. milk, who was born 94 years ago, was the first openly gay man elected to public office here in california when he was elected as a san francisco supervisor in 1977. in november of 1978, milk, along with san francisco mayor george moscone, were shot and killed by supervisor dan white, the president emeritus of the harvey milk lgbtq democratic club talked with us earlier today on the floor about milk's influence beyond lgbt rights. >> it was an equally strong advocate for renters, for workers, for people riding public transit. and he was really critical in the idea that the gay liberation movement needed to build coalitions and fight in solidarity with other movements for rights and for justice.
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>> right said that milk encouraged all people to speak up when the rights of others are under attack. >> 26 degrees. that was our temperature span from the coast side to our inland areas. good evening everybody. it was a near perfect spring day with a couple of exceptions. santa rosa and fairfield both topping off at 86 degrees, well above average. otherwise pretty spot on in throughout the tri valley. oh, san francisco topped off at least three degrees above normal. i wanted to purposely share with you this view of the golden gate bridge, because we can see it. we are lacking any kind of low clouds and fog, and our satellite imagery clearly illustrates that. besides a few clouds drifting in and out tomorrow, we have a lot of cooler air mass aloft. so therefore our temperatures will be going down for your thursday. additional cooling takes place on friday and next time around. heather mike, i will pinpoint the memorial day forecast
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because unofficially summer arrives. but i got a different story to tell. >> roberta. we'll see you in just a bit. thank you. >> tonight, though, a historic ship is leaking diesel fuel and oil into the delta. the aurora has been in the san joaquin county waterway for more than a decade. today. the sinking vessel started spilling gallons of fuel into the delta, prompting a quick response from several agencies. the exact cause of that oil spill is unknown at this time. >> a warning against popular social media platforms is coming up. what parents need to know about the evolving dangers out there online. putting children and teenagers at risk. yeah really important story for all parents. >> also a familiar face looking now to lead oakland in a new capacity. how the city's former police chief is looking toward the november election. >> up first, though, in two minutes, a college student now missing after she was last se in san f nc
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in san francisco, 18 year old diane marin is a first year computer engineering student. she was reported missing on monday. according to police, men took an amtrak from davis to the bay area on friday and was last seen on mission street. right now, campus police are only saying that men appeared to be in distress when she was last seen. they are not saying if they believe any foul play was involved in her disappearance. social media, though, has been flooded with posts trying to spread awareness and help locate the young woman in. >> all of my friends have really tried to get the word out, sharing everything that we can on social media, really trying to like project this incident as like not something that should be occurring often and that should be addressed and handled in a very serious and a very time effective and efficient manner. >> uc davis police say marin was last seen wearing a dark top, dark pants and black shoes. she's around five feet, four inches tall, with black hair and brown eyes. >> a former oakland police chief
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is now running for city council, as ktvu tom vacar shows us the former chief's name will be on the november ballot as a candidate for the at large citywide council seat. >> former oakland police chief laurent armstrong filed papers wednesday to run for the councilman at large seat currently held by rebecca kaplan, who has not yet decided to re seek that seat. >> i am completely connected to this city and i want to be a part of this city. change moving forward. >> 15 months ago, the popular chief was fired by mayor shengtao after an outside investigation concluded that he had mishandled two police misconduct cases. he was later cleared of those allegations by an arbitrator. he is now suing the city of oakland, accusing the mayor of wrongful termination and seeking an office with power over her. >> i hope that i can be, you know, a reassurance to business owners and developers that want to come into this city, that there's somebody that actually understands public safety on the
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council and that is focused on making sure that oakland is a safe city. >> i believe he will like i said, he's, he did a good job when he was the chief, i think he was, wrongfully fired. but i think he'll do a good job. >> well, i'll take that into consideration and look at his history. so if there's been criticism, i will listen to that criticism, too. but i'll weigh him evenly as a candidate. >> i don't really think that there should be like, police and government because they might be like, biased, you know. >> political analyst brian sobel says chances are excellent because he is the leading candidate, because he has tremendous name recognition citywide. so what about endorsements? >> i think my endorsement will come from the people of oakland. i know people across the city. i have relationships with people across this city. >> and so the question ultimately arises is, what if mayor shengtao is actually recalled? will the former chief have a crack at that job? >> the future could show us an armstrong run for mayor under any circumstances.
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>> at least eight others are seeking the seat, and more may file. but armstrong's high profile and popularity make him the serious contender. tom vacar ktvu fox two news. >> tonight, predators preying on children coming up after the break. the online group using social media to target the young and vulnerable. >> plus, the question would be for the defense. can you find jurors that might be more sympathetic to somebody who's got a mental illness? >> jury selection now underway in san francisco for the trial of david depape, the man accused of attacking paul pelosi. the challenges that lie ahead for the case. >> also, pressure is mounting for israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who, following an arrest warrant from the international criminal court. how he is responding tonight. and the san francisco giants find themselves back in extra innings with another late ga meltdown happen o e agai
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lyme predators is using common social media and gaming sites to find young victims. their goal to manipulate the victims to share violent images of themselves. self-mutilating killing pets, or even sharing sexual images. ktvu jana katsuyama spoke with the fbi and an investigative journalist who has been tracking the group. she has this special report on the methods and the mental anguish the predators inflict. >> i've been working on extremism for maybe about seven years now. this is some of the worst stuff i've ever seen. >> investigative journalist ali winston was part of a collaborative team, including journalists from the u.s, germany and romania who collaborated on an investigation
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into the online group called 764. winston says the group's name comes from the zip code of the founder, the members gather on social media and manipulate young people to harm themselves for the group's pleasure. >> the stories that we heard from the victims, a number of whom we interviewed for this collaborative, was really they were heart rending, winston said. >> victims would be asked to send compromising or nude photos or harm themselves by inflicting cuts or so-called cut signs. >> it's when you carve that person's handle into your skin with a blade or a razor, or another sharp object. and, this was this is a modus operandi of seven, six, four. they do this all the time, and some of the some of the cut signs that i've seen are just horrific. >> winston says the group's members also would order victims to commit violent acts on
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animals. >> that's something else that 764 asks people to do to hurt their pet. there's a young woman who is who beheaded her hamster, live in a what they call a red room, which is basically a live stream room on discord, a video chat. so that's the sort of thing that would happen. >> we spoke with the fbi, which issued an alert this past fall about seven, six, four and other similar groups. robert tripp is special agent in charge for the san francisco office of the fbi. and he says this isn't just happening on the dark web or obscure corners of the internet. >> the dark web is a part of this, but these predators are identifying their victims in very public facing social media platforms. that's where they find these people. they find them in the social media platforms that all of the kids are using, that our families are using, and that includes many of the social media platforms that are based right in the bay area or used by children here, instagram, telegram, discord,
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twitter acts, roblox are those places where you are seeing this. any public facing platform is a potential vector for this kind of activity. >> online predators, bullying and exploitation are not new, but tripp says money is not the main motive of groups such as seven six, four. >> but the difference is the element of violence. these people aren't merely lacking empathy with their victims, they actually derive pleasure from making their victims suffer. and that is truly disturbing for us. that's why this is such a high priority for us. and often the group's targets are young people who already feel isolated, insecure, or struggle with mental health issues. the primary age range we see is 8 to 17 is where we're concerned. >> seven, six, four, 100% seeks out and preys on children, young folk with mental health issues. they have an entire guide that
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they've crafted and distributed amongst themselves on how to identify those folks, how to bring them into a relationship. >> the fbi san francisco office says it is working closely with social media companies to investigate. >> we have a good relationship with with many providers here in the bay area. when they come across information, they'll block it, they'll take it down and they'll notify law enforcement. >> last month, the tech coalition, which represents some three dozen major tech companies, launched a new effort called lantern, where companies agree to share information about online predators across platforms. but protecting young people is an increasing challenge. a report by the ncmec, the national center for missing and exploited children, says its cyber tip line received more than 1 million reports in 2023. in the u.s, more than 110,000 of those reports were from california, the center says, while electronic communication service providers
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are required to report bad actors, now, quote, widespread adoption of end to end encryption by reporting isps will begin at some point in the calendar year 2024 and could result in a loss of up to 80% of ncmec, cybertipline reports. adding to the challenge, a new study from stanford's internet observer team says the ncmec s systems are in dire need of updates to keep pace with technology, something that would require a big increase in funding. the fbi says one factor that can help is for family members, friends, teachers and other trusted adults to be watchful for any signs that something might be wrong if they see their children suddenly become very withdrawn, they see their children covering up, hiding their arms and legs. >> for example, because cutting is a part of this, those are warning signs. simple mood changes, profound mood changes can be a good indicator as well.
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>> and most important, the fbi says, is to talk with young people about their interactions online. >> there are people on the internet that may pretend to be your friends, but they're not your friends. having that kind of a conversation. >> jana katsuyama, ktvu fox two news. >> the month of may is mental health awareness month, and the fbi says it is important for young people and parents to know where to turn for help for support, along with 911, you can get help at one 800. call fbi or call the national center for missing and exploited children at one 800 the lost. they can work with social media sites to track down predators and also work to remove images of victims that predators might have posted to online. >> i mean, it's just so, so scary, right? as parents really have to do whatever we can to every day protect the kids online. yeah. all right. coming up at 11 tonight. how the warriors are helping oakland educators celebrate the end of
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the school year. and uc berkeley has a new look online. the school hopes this move will clear up some confusion about its name and the day and the neighborhood kids that will struggle to hit 70 degrees. the bay area forecast is coming up, but first, disciplinary action taken against san francisco pro-palestine protesters. >> why the students say they're being
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♪ (ominous music) ♪ teacher: ...but it's still true. there are four states of matter. there are solids, liquids, gases... teacher: trevor? teacher: not quite? plasma. teacher: lights please. teacher: now, states of matter are comprised of relationships between molecules. teacher: molecules' relationships... nicotine's a neurotoxin that can escalate teen anxiety. teacher: saved by the bell! ♪ (ominous music) ♪
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palestinian encampment. they received conduct notices yesterday. the students say that the notices were indiscriminate and included people who vacated the camp before the deadline and those who have been promised amnesty. they say the university
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did not negotiate in good faith. usf says those involved will be given the opportunity to respond to the alleged conduct code violations and pro-palestine protesters have cleared out their encampment at san jose state university just in time for the start of commencement ceremonies. >> sjsu for gaza organizers have cleared out the area right near the well known smith carlos victory salute statues on campus. they say they will be completely cleared out by tonight after being camped out for the past ten days, organizers say even though the encampment is coming down, their message remains the same. >> they're not only here. for palestinians, that is the primary reason, but there is an underlying reason why we're here, and that is to fight racism in all forms. >> the university says the protest was an important opportunity to have a deeper understanding of the war in gaza. commencement ceremonies continue on campus tomorrow. >> israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is facing growing pressure after prosecutors at the international criminal court requested arrest
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warrants for him over alleged war crimes in gaza, as well as hamas leaders. the move was strongly denounced by president biden and now some congressional republicans want to show their support by inviting mr. netanyahu to capitol hill. the prime minister has not told us leaders whether he would accept an invitation to address congress, but tonight on fox news, he did address the icc arrest warrants. >> despicable symmetry. and of course, this prosecutor never goes after the tyrants of tehran or the butchers of syria, or what is happening in yemen, the killers of yemen or anywhere else, or north korea, anywhere else. >> well, this comes after a symbolic and controversial move by spain, norway and ireland. all three countries saying they will now formally recognize palestine as its own state. those european nations see statehood for palestine as a way to end the war. but the u.s. has shown no plans to follow suit. >> coming up, a state bill that
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could change security screenings at airports, it's now moving forward. >> plus, former president donald trump heading right here to the bay area. what we know about the event that is going to cost supporters hundreds of thousands of dollars. >> and we're looking ahead to that holiday weekend. meteorologist roberta gonzalez tracking some cooler temperatures as we give you that live look outside tonight at the golden gate bridge. no fog there at the gate. we're back after the break with the forecast for your neighborhood.
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a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today!
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to set up their own lanes at airports. this bill would prevent clear from using existing security checkpoints. instead, the company would have to make their own security lines at checkpoints at california airports. backers of the measure say it's not equitable to allow some people to pay to skip ahead of the tsa line. the measure now goes on to the state assembly. >> well, jury selection began today in san francisco for the state trial against david depape. now, you'll recall he has already been convicted of breaking into congresswoman nancy pelosi's home with the goal of kidnaping her and then beating her husband, paul pelosi , with a hammer. >> but as ktvu christien kafton reports, depape faces a litany of other charges from the san francisco district attorney. >> all 120 prospective jurors filed into department 19 in san francisco's hall of justice, marking the beginning of the
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state trial for david depape. san francisco's district attorney charged with attempted murder, assault with a deadly weapon, elder abuse, residential burglary, false imprisonment and threatening the life or serious bodily harm to a public official, and added a new charge of threatening the staff or family of a public official. now, prosecutors and public defenders are selecting the jurors who will decide his fate in county court. ucsf school of law professor david levine says while the case is just getting underway, the outcome could be decided by who is selected to be on that jury. >> experienced lawyers say that picking the jury is the whole thing, because those are the people who ultimately will make the decision and that the choices that you make as a lawyer in terms of, agreeing to hear let somebody be on the jury or not make can make all the difference in the world. >> due to the high profile nature of the case, the jurors are facing additional security measures, with deputies just outside the courtroom staffing a checkpoint and enforcing rules, including no water bottles
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inside, jurors faced questions on just how much they had heard about the case and even about their political leanings. jurors can be excused for cause if there's some reason they can't serve, but the attorneys will also get to remove some as peremptory challenges. randall knox is a former prosecutor and now a defense attorney. he says each side is now trying to pick the jury they think will deliver the verdict they want. but for prosecutors, the bar, he says, is lower. the prosecution's got a video. >> this is a 21st century case. they have the crime actually recorded, visually. so the question would be for the defense, can you find jurors that might be more sympathetic to somebody who's got mental illness, who believes in a bunch of conspiracy theories, is the jury selection process is expected to take several days. >> there is a hearing scheduled for next tuesday, the same day depape is due back in federal court, where he was already convicted in san francisco. christien kafton. ktvu fox two
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news. >> okay, we also learned some new information regarding this. this afternoon. we learned that depapes defense team in that federal court case is now asking a new judge for a new judge. and they're also asking to halt that hearing after u.s. district judge jacqueline scott corley did not allow depape to address the court himself at last week's sentencing hearing, former president donald trump expected to hold a campaign fundraiser in san francisco next month. >> an invitation to the event, obtained by reuters, shows two venture capitalists will host the former president in the city on june 6th. the fundraiser, $600,000 per person or $500,000 for a couple other details of the visit have not been revealed. donald trump last made a high profile visit to the bay area in 2019 for a campaign fundraiser pretty close to seasonal around the bay area today. >> tomorrow we will have a few clouds increasing across the bay area and what will be noticeable
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are the winds increasing out of the west 10 to 20. we will have a gust 25mph. otherwise, take a look at this. it's our live weather camera looking out towards the glorious san francisco and the coast is clear. if you can see right here that is san francisco city hall, all decked out in rainbow colors and recognition of harvey milk day today we did have temperatures slightly above normal and santa rosa right now at 64 degrees there. very mild at this hour. and to the south, san jose at 61 degrees. we do have these temperatures either side of either cooler or more mild than 24 hours ago. this signals a change. let me show you what that is. check that out right there. the coast is clear. in fact, if you want to pick up any kind of patchy fog, some low clouds, you have to go all the way south to oxnard, into oceanside, del mar, pacific beach and also mission beach in san diego, where boy, have they been engulfed in may gray all month long. this is the trough
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that is clearing out our coastal areas, but there's a lot of cooler air aloft which signals that we will be cooler for your thursday. and once this does dig to the south, boy, our marine layer will come back in vengeance. all right, here we go for tomorrow morning as the clock ticks on by, officials sun up 553. it's going to be beautiful. a few high, thin clouds. they skirt through the area. they do increase towards sunset tomorrow night due to that trough. and then look what happens on friday. here comes that marine layer and it will surge all the way inland as well. so tonight some good sleeping weather in the 40s and 50s, cool spots that arose at 49 through rohnert park into cotati and windsor, 53 in san mateo, a little bit cooler than that in redwood shores and redwood city. 48 in morgan hill and gilroy. now tomorrow, temperatures are coming down, down from 86 to 82, in santa rosa, it was also 86 degrees in fairfield,
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forecasting 81 there. otherwise pretty seasonal. that's pretty spot on in throughout livermore and pleasanton all the way to dublin, san ramon and danville, as well as alamo and 73 degrees. pretty much around east palo alto. here's your extended forecast. it will be pleasant but breezy tomorrow to downright windy gusts. and then by memorial day, we're talking about seasonal temperatures. but take a look at your saturday. some inland areas struggling to hit 70 to 72 degrees. heather. mike >> thank you roberta. well, this week is queer and transgender asian pacific islander week or sharpie week as we transition from aapi heritage month to pride month, san francisco was the first city in the country to celebrate the week, passing a resolution back in 2021, organizers say it's important to celebrate while also recognizing the discrimination that queer, transgender and aapi communities face. we heard from nguyen pham, president of san francisco
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pride, about the intersectional identity celebrated with the week we are leading not only bicultural lives by being both american and of asian and pacific islander descent, but we're also navigating what it means to be openly lgbt. >> q so the fact that we have to take these different lenses is to our lived experience day in and day out, honestly makes life a little exhausting at times, but it also makes it just so beautiful and so rich and vibrant. >> pham also said he finds it exciting that the next generation of the sharpie community got to grow up seeing their identities reflected more in television and movies. >> all right, coming up in sports, a ticket to the women's college world series on the line. how stanford softball team is preparing for a big series this coming weekend. >> and then coming up on the 11:00 news, an event full of magic, how it helped showcase a ter m si
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♪ (ominous music) ♪ ♪ (ominous music) ♪ girl: sydney, what's up? sydney: nothing. girl: are you ok? ♪ (ominous music) ♪ girl: talk to me. just shut up! nicotine's a neurotoxin that can escalate teen irritability. (♪)
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less than 48 hours from hosting its highly anticipated super regional matchup against ninth seeded lsu at home on the line, it is the winner punches their ticket to the college world series in oklahoma city. the cardinal held their practice today. they'll have another one tomorrow. one thing i noticed while i was out there today, well, it looked the same as any other stanford softball practice, and that is by no accident, head coach jessica allister wants her team to have a faceless opponent. she said she wants her girls to rely on their routine. her main message, though, to the team today simply beat lsu. >> when we talk about just beat lsu. it's kind of like postseason baseball in the sense that all of a sudden you see these major league baseball players, you know, looking like
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little leaguers out there because all they want to do is win the game and they're enjoying the game. they're enjoying their teammates and just going out there and loving to compete. and i think when you can bring it back to that, and that's what happens in the postseason when people go on magical runs. just that energy of, do whatever we can to win. and stanford has a not so secret weapon. >> nasri canady, their superstar pitcher. she'll likely take the mound against the tigers. kennedy is one of, if not the best pitchers in the country. she's been called the caitlin clark of women's softball or college softball. rather, that was she was just named one of three finalists for the usa softball college player of the year award. given her stardom, though, she doesn't feel any added pressure, she said. rather, she just wants to enjoy this ride with her teammates. >> i don't think about that at all, actually. i just try to think, honestly, every day, every game, i just go out and think, what can i do best for this team? and how, how can i benefit them? so as long, every time the ball is in think, let'k
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in the dugout, let's get back hitting and get some runs scored. so honestly, i'm just taking four years to play with my best friends. >> and they did just tell me that all those games now sold out. so if you want to go, it's too late to get tickets. but no worries, you can still catch it on tv. well, the giants in pittsburgh tonight taking on the pirates getting the 9 to 5 win. but it was a whole lot closer than that score would let on. the pirates blew a five run lead. it was a series of three rbi singles that won the giants the game. the final one right here, a sac fly that plated patrick bailey. the giants win this one. they'll look to close out that series with another win in pittsburgh tomorrow. and game one of the western conference finals tonight. dallas taking on the timberwolves. this one nail and nail. we're going to start in the third quarter was a one point game. that is until karl anthony towns did that jam that one in. all right replay of that one. you just watch those plays and you're like i simply could never do that. all right fourth
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quarter. now less than a minute to go luka doing what he does best banking this shot. that would do it. final 108 103 dallas takes game one luka in kyrie. they combine for a monster 63 points tonight. game two that is on friday. >> going to be a great series as is the stanford one. and i'm no looking forward to that. they beat the tigers i know sold out. >> so they said they were really happy that they're shocked. yeah exactly. >> and also she was so composed when you were talking to her earlier just kind of saying we're going to take it game by game. but obviously the intention is we're going to go out there and win game by game. >> and they're hoping that obviously it's only two games. sure. not not three. so that'll be friday and saturday. hoping to avoid that third game on sunday. got it. two straight wins. >> all right bailey thank you guys. next at 11. >> it's a good start but it does not solve the problem by any means. >> i think that we're really starting to see some movement in making sure that these types of crimes, people are going to face severe consequences in california.
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>> mixed reaction tonight after lawmakers in sacramento pass a number of bills aimed at fighting the retail theft crisis here in california. >> the 11:00 news on ktvu, fox two starts now, and retail theft a top priority in sacramento. >> hello again everyone. i'm heather holmes and i'm mike mibach. >> legislators doing what they can to help address the problem. new tonight ktvu is betty yu here in studio. and betty some say this legislation just a little too late. >> that's right mike. some feel that these bills just don't go far enough. now, the goal is to crack down on professional theft rings solutions include harsher penalties for organized crime suspects and expanded rehabilitation programs. california lawmakers want to put an end to repeated snatch and grab robberies like these. the state senate and assembly passed separate packages of bills that would increase penalties for organized crime. rings allow thefts to be combined so they can be prosecuted as grand theft


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