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tv   The Ten O Clock News on KTVU FOX 2  FOX  May 23, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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(audience cheering) (upbeat music) jareb dauplaise: oh! niecy nash: oh! jareb dauplaise: get that money! (upbeat music continues) (audience continue cheering) you all saved my life. crystal milligan: jareb, oh, my god! oh, my god, i can't believe it! (logo whooshing) (dramatic music)
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a high school graduation to end like this is horrible. it needs to be better. >> breaking news tonight at skyline high school in oakland. multiple witnesses at a graduation telling ktvu there was a fight and then shots were fired. >> it's clearly unfortunate, definitely on a day like this, some of the students that graduated this supposed to be the happiest day of their lives. i don't it's crazy. >> tonight, a massive police presence at skyline high school in oakland. good evening everyone. >> i'm mike mibach and i'm her lmes. this all happening at the school there on skyline boarin the oakland hills. that's where opd is expected to hold a live news conference in just a few minutes. but first, ktvu zac sos joining us now live from skyline with this breaking news. and zach, what do we know tonight? >> well, as you mentioned, we are expecting a briefing from oakland police at any moment. as you can see though, a large police presence still here
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outside of skyline high school where earlier today, as you mentioned, multiple witnesses at a graduation ceremony here described shots ringing out that information, again, coming from multiple witnesses at this graduation ceremony. so far, police have yet to brief us on any details about what happened here. they are simply calling this a very active scene. a parent who was at the graduation ceremony telling us it was around 745 this evening when shots rang out, sending people scattering that same parent telling us she saw multiple people wearing black, carrying guns running from the stadium where this ceremony was being held. take a listen. >> and we just heard two bangs and i saw people running. i was parked up there and i told my husband, i don't think those were fireworks. i don't think they're, you know, celebrating like he thought they were this supposed to be the happiest day of their lives. >> i don't it's crazy, i just hope that they can put this in
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the past and move forward and make sure this doesn't happen again. >> and i can tell you, my photographer, witnessing at least one person loaded into an ambulance, they were conscious and alert. as all of this unfolded, though dozens of police swarmed this graduation graduation ceremony carrying long guns, a bearcat, a swat style armored vehicle, was also brought in again, all of this information so far coming from multiple witnesses, i can tell you earlier, we did hear a chopper overhead so unclear right now whether police have been able to apprehend those individuals that witnesses described as armed, leaving the graduation ceremony as for that individual who was loaded into the ambulance, we simply don't know their condition right now. >> yeah, yeah, we saw chp officers, oakland padilla, oakland pd, obviously the sheriff's department all on scene, as you mentioned, a very active scene there at skyline. do you get a sense that all of
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the law enforcement agencies there have they been sweeping the entire campus looking for anyone in particular? >> yes, that is our understanding. i can tell you that earlier there was a roadblock farther down the road on skyline boulevard. they have since opened up that roadblock and allowed the public media up to the entrance to the high school, so unclear whether they have expanded that perimeter. what is going on. but it's still certainly a large police presence here, and it does feel quite active. right. >> okay. and then, zach, we did hear from witnesses who describe a fight before the gunfire. have you been able to find out anything in regards to the confrontation that may have started all of this? >> no. you know, i mean, we're trying to piece all of this together from multiple accounts, what we do know is, though, that there were multiple individuals, according to these witnesses, again, carrying firearms, we don't know what type of firearms. and then they saw them
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sort of leave the entrance to the high school and kind of run up a road to the right of the entrance and then off into the woods. all right. >> oakland police again, about to have a news conference with an update on the situation there at skyline. of course, once that starts for the viewers at home, we'll look to bring that to you live. in the meantime, zach, if you get any other information, of course we'll get you back on air zac sos live tonight in oakland. zach. thank you. >> and from that breaking news in oakland, we want to go to san francisco, where police say that a m is now in custody after an incident earlier this afternoon in the bayview district, where an officer fired their gun. this happened in the area of jennings street and donner avenue just after 3:00 this afternoon. officers were called to the area after someone reported a man with a rifle. at least one officer initially used some type of less than lethal force. police also telling us that one officer did fire their service weapon, but that the suspect did not suffer gunshot wounds. >> suspect was transported to a local hospital for non-life threatening injuries due to the
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fact a less lethal use of force was used to take the take the suspect into custody. >> well, the suspect's name has not been released. the officer involved in the incident is on administrative leave. sfpd will be holding a town hall within ten days to offer more details. >> multiple fires sparked up in contra costa county today from concord to antioch. firefighters working very quickly to knock down those flames. ktvu is tori gaines live tonight in antioch, where tori there was not one but two fires today. >> that's right mike. there were two fires here in antioch, one over in concord. it was a very busy day for the contra costa fire protection district. now it is almost memorial day weekend. as many of you know, thursday is the unofficial start of memorial day weekend for many folks who have friday off. of course. and as people are heading outdoors to enjoy the sunshine, this weekend, fire prevention is going to be key. several fires sparked across the east bay thursday, keeping contra costa fire crews busy. warmer
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temperatures and high winds didn't help as soon as one fire appeared contained, another popped up. just before 3 p.m, a brush fire started on concord boulevard, and soon afterwards flames erupted in antioch at two different locations one near slayton ranch, not far from homes in the area, and another along the antioch marina. that fire reached at least five acres and hit two alarms. video shows smoke billowing out from behind the boats nearby, just came down here for lunch, slash dinner, and we saw a little smolder out there and we just kept watching it and the wind started blowing and that thing just developed and went from 0 to 50ft high in flames. a helicopter doused the flames with water and the fire was out within a couple of hours. we don't yet know the cause of these fires, but cal fire tells us that something as small as a spark from a chain dragging along the highway can light an inferno. >> the biggest challenge with fighting this fire here in the
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marina is that it is in the two leads, and it's, it it really borders up against the water. so having to get crews and apparatus and lines out to that is pretty tough for us. we do have a fire boat, and that fire boat provides a lot of, versatility for us heading into memorial day weekend. >> those who plan on spending time outdoors are asked to keep safety at the forefront of their minds. >> if you're going to barbecue with the grass, gas grill, propane, make sure your clear area clear open space in case you do have a flare up on your barbecue or something. you're not around dry grass, or and always be ready. have something nearby, just to put it out real quick. a quick water bottle to squirt anything they may may arise. >> now, if you live in contra costa county and need support from a vendor in order to clear the vegetation near your home, please look at. take a look at the contra costa fire protection
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district website. we'll have a link to that up on in antioch. tori gaines ktvu, fox two news. all right tori. >> mike, thank you for that. the holiday weekend travel rush already underway. interstate 80 bumper to bumper through emeryville and berkeley this evening. triple a says it does expect this holiday weekend really to be one of the busiest on record more than 38 million expected to hit the road. and the numbers aren't in yet. but the faa says today could be the single busiest day in the air since 2019. earlier today on the four, we did speak with john trainer from triple a. >> we recommend getting out before 11:00 if you can, or if you're a night owl will not leaving until after 7 p.m. and if you're traveling back on memorial day on that monday, as many of us are going to do, wait until after dinnertime. really after 6 or 7 p.m. that way you'll have the clearest traffic out there. >> trainer says travel is going to be busy not just this weekend, but really all summer long. some hot spots, including cities in florida, las vegas and denver. gas prices do appear to be lower nationwide ahead of the
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holiday weekend, but that's not necessarily the case here in the bay area, triple a says the average cost for a gallon of gas nationwide 361 national prices have held steady really for the last month there, but are about $0.07 higher compared to a year ago. the average price in california is 515 a gallon. that is $0.35 higher than last year. >> okay, there are some pushback tonight to a paving project in san francisco's noe valley neighborhood. >> ktvu is crystal bailey talked with merchants who are very worried that the stretch of road work will put a dent in their summertime profits. >> it's a project the city says will improve the streets of noe valley, particularly on 24th street, where sections of the road will be repaved and curbs and bus stops will be fixed up. a project, the city says will take about four months to complete. >> if large sections of our commercial corridor are being blocked off, people will just avoid going. >> business owners complain there is not enough detail about the scope of work being done, and they worry about the
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construction. during peak business months, most of our business, especially on this corridor, is during the holidays, maybe a quarter three, quarter four. the contract for the work has not been officially signed. >> i think they're planning on starting work this summer, but a spokesperson with the public works department says they have been communicating with merchants every step of the way. >> during construction, parklets will have to go. business owners say they expect their sales to go down by 30. >> we just don't think that that's that's acceptable. the city is offering a grant for businesses who will lose out during construction, but the owner of mr. digby's says it's only $5,000 and his parklet cost him $75,000 to build $5,000. sure, it's nothing to, you know, turn your nose up at, but it's a drop in the bucket for the amount of cost that i have already put in and will, you know, have to do again. >> it's not the first time the city has tried to get this done. >> one of the biggest concerns i hear from, from constituents is, is the roads and the fact that
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so many of our commercial corridors have, roads that are pretty disastrous. >> they've delayed the project multiple times since 2015 after complaints from businesses. in an email from public works, the spokesperson says the work should not be delayed any longer. a smoother road is a safer road for people who drive, take transit, walk and bike. >> i know that the road here does need work, but hopefully that the city can work with us with the merchants association and really work on something where it's a win win, win win situation, public works says at the meeting before construction begins, they plan to ask the contractor if they can honor the dates requested by merchants. >> but at this time they cannot guarantee it. in san francisco, crystal bailey, ktvu, fox two news our celebration of asian american and pacific islander heritage continues right after the break. >> we are introducing you to a south bay business, helping those with special needs and your weekend just around the
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corner. >> now, weather's looking pretty good. it's going to be cooler though. we'll talk about how much after the break. >> and continuing coverage of the reported shooting at oakland's skyline high school graduation event. again, we are awaiting a news conference from oakland police. we will bring that ♪ (ominous music) ♪ yes, ahh!! mom: what is going on with you? get out! andy! get out of my room! get out! mom: andy. fight! fight! i didn't say anything. yes you did. ♪ (ominous music) ♪
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a man is about to hold its news conference. this is all tied to the reported shooting at skyline high school, when a graduation ceremony appears to have just been wrapping up. let's go live now to skyline high and listen in. stevie, i know at about, 7:45 p.m, a shooting came out, at skyline high school. >> officers responded to the school, and identified, two victims suffering from gunshot wounds, at that time, there was an event going on, a high school graduation, the two victims were transported to local hospitals, where they're currently listed in stable condition, we just finished up with a search of the school, with the assistance with chp, the school is currently
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clear. safe, at the moment, we are in the preliminary stage of the investigation. our investigators are out, piecing all the information together. and again, it's in the preliminary stage of, of the investigation. so there's just two total victims, correct? >> what are their ages and genders, they're both adults, one male, one female. >> where was the location of the of their shoot. >> of the shoot? it was in the school. north side of the school. was the school inside the school? yes. >> do we know what led up to the shooting? i believe there were reports of a fight as well, there are some reports of, some kind of dispute, that is being looked into. >> is there any suspect description or suspect vehicle description, currently? not at the moment. we do know there were, multiple suspects, but we're trying to identify why
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exactly how many. >> any idea how many shots were caliber shots, not the caliber. and we're still looking into how many, but there were multiple shots. is there a belief they were targeted? >> or if this was just random into a section, this looks to be an isolated incident. but again, we're in the preliminary stage of the investigation. can you talk about the police response? >> did you guys lock down the school? >> what happened, we did. so, multiple units, assisted with the, isolation and containment of the school, personally, i'd like to thank the, california highway patrol for their assistance. they sent out multiple, units from all throughout the north bay, to assist with the search, containing the perimeter. which allowed us to conduct the investigation and conduct other searches of the school.
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>> how much more complicated was that by the fact that there was an event happening, our officers , very professional. so we are, pretty well trained at, critical incidents. so we were able to, safely get everyone out, there was, no one hurt. as far as multiple people trying to leave the school at, at one time. >> one last question. >> i know you said they were adults, but were they students? and we heard something about somebody being grazed by a bullet or were they grazed or, at the moment, all i could tell you is that they're both in stable condition and they were both adults, and they sell for. >> thank you. thank you. or were they transported? no. >> thank you. we don't know. graduation gets a finish. let's go. all right, so that was lieutenant, right? >> yes. all right. there you have the latest from the oakland police department regarding tonight's shooting at skyline high school right off the skyline boulevard. 745 first
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report, shots fired. police officers did respond, along with officers from the california highway patrol. the school immediately went into lockdown. meantime, this is a graduation ceremony going on, so hundreds of people are on campus. school goes into lockdown. once officers get on scene, they do notice two victims, two gunshot victims, a man, a woman, adult head there. those people were transported in stable condition. >> yeah. and the big headline right now is no arrests have been made. opd, chp, other law enforcement agencies looking for what the official there described as multiple suspects involved. don't know if that means multiple shooters or if it's multiple people, you know, connected to the shooting that they're looking for. so far, no arrests. they do, though, also point out tonight that this was an isolated incident. not sure to what to read into that, but so here you have the high school graduation going on. >> maybe these individuals knew each other. this isolated incident didn't happen actually, during the ceremony. it does not appear correct. >> we're going to stay on top of this. we have our zac sos. he is live there at the school. we're
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going to go back to him in just a moment and have a live r ort
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pacific islander community all month long. and tonight a chinese owned embroidery business is making a very big difference in the south bay. >> ktvu lamonica peter shows us how one mom's quest to help her own son with special needs is now helping so many others. >> when my son, three years old, friends of children with special needs. they help me, sherry hmong says after connecting with friends of children with special needs, she wanted to give back to the organization that supported her autistic son. >> she volunteered with the adult day program for over a decade and eventually taught students life and vocational skills. so we teach a lot of things like how do you cooking? >> you know, make sandwich and
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laundry, all kind of thing. and later we move. i more focus on vocational training. >> in 2020, with no prior knowledge of the industry, hmong says she started an embroidery company. she wanted a business with a skill that students could enjoy and easily learn. after she and her husband invested about $200,000 into the company, she began a partnership with three local school districts, including campbell union high school district, to provide job training. >> they also learn how to trim and remove the backing. >> hmong says the school districts use their own funding to pay students and they work with equipment that simplifies the embroidery process. longtime customer david roger says he, too has an autistic son, but it's the quality work that led him to turtle works. >> you know, it's not like just getting a crayon drawing to put on the refrigerator. this is high quality stuff that my people now require. i shouldn't say require. they count on me to
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go to miss sherry to get additional products made. >> impact on the community hasn't gone unnoticed. turtle works has received numerous community awards and has been featured in local newspapers, including this bay area chinese language publication. >> this chinese mom created a business and a teach a autism kids skill. >> hmong says she named her business turtle works after the story of the tortoise and the hare. she says she wants special needs students to come out of their shell and learn skills like everyone else, even if it takes them a little longer to reach their goals. slow and steady wins the race. lamonica peters, ktvu fox two news and our coverage of aapi month continues online on our website at >> right there you can find a collection of stories celebrating and honoring the contributions of asian american and pacific islanders. >> well, the state senate approved a bill aimed at
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improving street safety for pedestrians and cyclists. the bill would require caltrans to prior size facilities for pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit users as part of its biggest road maintenance program . the bill's author, san francisco state senator scott wiener, also directs caltrans to develop a transit priority policy to help improve transit reliability and accessibility. the state senate also passed a bill also authored by senator wiener, that would allow cities to create outdoor entertainment zones, brick and mortar businesses could serve alcoholic drinks outdoors in designated spaces. the measure passed on unanimous consent. both bills now head to the assembly, where they must pass by august 31st. >> new at ten, the families of four marines killed in an osprey crash are suing the aircraft manufacturers. captain john j. sacks of placer county among one of the victims. the osprey, went down during live fire training in the imperial valley. this was june of 2022. family members
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claim the manufacturers boeing, bell and rolls-royce knew the aircraft was defective and failed to address the mechanical problems. >> and we just heard two bangs and i saw people running. >> we are continuing to follow that breaking news tonight in oakland, where police say gunfire disrupted tonight's graduation ceremony at skyline high school. we're going to go back live to oakland for another report. also coming up, an effort to create more accountability when it comes to funding california homeless programs. >> power five college athletes can now be paid by their schools . bailey o'carroll will have that story coming up tonight in sports, plus a bill that could bring some changes to self-driving vehicles is now moving forward in the state legislature. what this could mean for car companies in the near future
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♪ we're in the middle of... seizing the date! ♪ in the middle of... trying new things! ♪ in the middle of the perfect pairing ... and parking it here for the night! ♪ so come get away... together... to the incredible, unforgettable illinois— the middle of everything. ♪
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arm has now cleared the assembly. the bill, authored by san francisco assembly member matt haney, would require autonomous car companies to report all crashes, traffic violations and malfunctions to the department of motor vehicles. the legislation was introduced after a series of issues right here in the bay area involving self-driving vehicles, blocking traffic and getting into accidents. the bill now heads to the senate for debate, a state bill aimed at creating more transparency and accountability when it comes to spending money on homeless programs has cleared the assembly. >> the bill requires state agencies involved with homelessness to track and report costs and outcome data for programs. the measure was proposed after a state audit found the newsom administration did not track the effectiveness of the $20 billion spent on the state's growing homelessness problem. this bill, now on its way to the state senate, a property in alameda that is listed for $400,000.
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>> now, that sounds like a deal to potential buyers, but there is just one complication. >> yeah, and it's a rather big complication. the waterfront property is actually underwater. ktvu jana katsuyama spoke with the county tax collector and the owner about this unusual property drive along grand street in alameda, and you'll see a line of multimillion dollar homes. >> so when alameda county put a piece of property up for auction last year, the owner who bought the land for just over $100,000, said he was excited for the opportunity to own. >> it is not easy to purchase a property. we tried, my wife and me since 2014. we were not able to do that. >> the lot is nestled in a lagoon surrounded by the alameda west lagoon homeowners association. but it was a shock when he and his real estate agent actually saw the lot. the property at 610 grand street is in the lagoon, 10,000ft!s, entirely underwater, and right
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next to a grand street bridge that boats go under to get from one side to another. these are, you know, an average working person, and you save up 100, no, $100,000, to lose it. >> it's heartbreaking. >> the real estate agent said she was surprised to learn the lot is actually zoned as a residential parcel. the owner has now put it up online for sale. clearly marked as an open water lot, the new listing is $400,000, and the realtor says the owner is hoping to recoup his losses. why the alameda county tax collector why they do that? >> it's buyer beware. the buyers have to do due diligence on it. we're required to disclose if we're aware of, environmental issues, which has happened to us quite a few times, but zoning issues or development issues, as far as i know, is not our responsibility.
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>> the owner, who lives in san lorenzo and did not want to be identified, said he didn't visit the site before he bought because when he typed the address into a google map app, it took him to a web page with a photo of a house. turns out it was a different location. the realtor said she has received some interest, but if anybody wants to build on this property, they need approval from the city of alameda. the army corps of engineers, water board, public works, bay conservation and the development commission in reporting from alameda jana katsuyama ktvu, fox two news. >> all right. back now to that breaking news in oakland, where tonight, two people were shot at skyline high school, where hundreds were celebrating graduation. >> yeah. we want to go once again to our zac sos. zach police just gave an update a few minutes ago, and the real headline from that news conference was that they are still looking for those involved in tonight's shooting. >> yeah, that's correct. and they still don't know how many suspects exactly were involved in this. and confirming the chilling situation that occurred
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here earlier at a graduation ceremony. multiple gunshots ringing out, striking two people, an adult woman and an adult male who were both transported to the hospital. all of this happening again in the middle of a large crowd at a stadium. as these students were set to be graduating what was meant to be a joyous occasion. as you can see, a large police presence still here. they're still looking for evidence. here. they sent in a large number of officers here earlier, carrying long guns. they sent in a birx, a swat type armored vehicle, to, to help with this situation, again, this happening around 745, this evening, a parent telling us they saw multiple people wearing black, all black, carrying guns running from the stadium where that ceremony was being held. police
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unable to say again right now how many suspects were involved. but describing this as a situation they believe to have been targeted. take a listen. earlier officers responded to the school, and identified, two victims suffering from gunshot wounds, at that time, there was an event going on a high school graduation, the two victims were transported to local hospitals where they're currently listed in stable condition. >> now, there is video circulating on social media right now of what appears to be a fight breaking out near the graduation ceremony as those shots rang out, police say they are looking into that video to determine whether or not that fight may be connected to the shooting, but again, they don't know right now. again, still a very active, investigation, a
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search, still ongoing right now for the suspects involved in this. as for the condition of those two people, struck by that gunfire, both are expected to survive. >> exactly a little more on the timeline of this. i know, 745 is when the reports came in of the gunfire, but you get a sense that the ceremony was going on at this time or was it just about to begin, or was it ending ? >> no. our understanding is that it was right in the middle of the ceremony. so the stadium was completely packed with with parents, with students, with teachers, all watching, as these students headed for the stage. so so you can understand why this was quite a chaotic situation. >> yeah. so frightening. but but, zach, it's still a little unclear to me if the shooting actually took place so close to where the graduation ceremony was being held, or just on the campus somewhere near where the
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graduation ceremony. >> so in terms of the actual, details about exactly where that shooting took place, police haven't released all of those details yet, our understanding is, though, it was certainly, at least near or adjacent to the graduation ceremony. >> all right. two people hit again in stable condition at the hospital tonight. zac sos with the latest. we'll see you at the top of the hour, zach. thank you. >> and be sure to stay with us right here on ktvu for the latest developments on the shooting. you can also head to our website at there you can find the most up to date announcements from oakland police. all right. >> coming up a little bit later at 11, a long standing dispute between the 49ers and santa clara stadium authority has now come to an agreement. the details of the settlement just reached, and i'm tracking the weather forecast. >> we're not that far from the weekend. think the fog is coming back and temperatures are going to cool. i'll be back with the
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five day. >> but first, a crackdown on tiktok ahead of the november election. the new policies for state affiliated accounts
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norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? -but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... i know... faster wifi and savings? ...i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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affiliated accounts that are attempting to exert influence abroad during the election year. tiktok says accounts that try to reach communities outside of their home country on current global events and affairs will not appear on the main feed. the new policy comes after a study by the brookings brookings institution found russian state affiliated accounts had boosted their use on the platform and were posting more messages in english and spanish. >> a state official testified today that ai technology could help the government solve a range of problems in a
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responsible way. the public hearing was held at the filoli visitor center in woodside. it included an overview of california's efforts to incorporate incorporate generative ai and government, and looked at best practices really for implementation implementation. the secretary of government operations said that the state wants to be transparent and deliberate about its use. >> we tried to not follow, you know, the rush to say, use the latest and greatest and because it's a fun thing to do that might be great. we use that. we apply that into a very intentional sandbox area so we can test out what would be the negative side of it, what would be the risk by using something like that? >> a second hearing of the commission is scheduled for sacramento next month, focused on underserved communities. >> the justice department is suing to break up live nation, the parent of ticketmaster, over alleged antitrust violations. a lawsuit filed today follows a doj investigation into whether
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live nation maintains a monopoly in the ticketing industry. the probe was launched in 2022 and was bolstered by fan complaints following a botched rollout for tickets to taylor swift's eras tour. attorney general merrick garland says live nation relies on unlawful, anti-competitive conduct to exercise control over the live events industry. >> it is time for fans and artists to stop paying the price for live nation's monopoly. it is time to restore competition and innovation in the entertainment industry. it is time to break up live nation, ticketmaster said in a statement. >> live nation called the doj's allegations of a monopoly absurd and said live nation in no way fits the profile of a monopoly, and that service charges on ticketmaster are no higher than elsewhere, and frequently lower. >> governor newsom signed a bill that temporarily allows arizona doctors to come to california to perform abortions. licensed arizona physicians who have
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performed an abortion in the last two years can now apply for that temporary california license. if they qualify, they'll get the license within a week. newsom signed the bill in response to a recent arizona supreme court ruling that said a near-total abortion ban from 1864 is enforceable in the state, although the fate of that arizona ban still remains up in the air. lawmakers in louisiana have approved a bill classifying abortion pills as controlled dangerous substances. the bill is now on its way to the governor. if approved, louisiana would become the first state to classify misoprostol and mifepristone as dangerous drugs. supporters say this would help protect expectant mothers from coerced abortions, but opponents of the bill say reclassification would make it more difficult for doctors to prescribe the drugs for purposes outside of abortions. this includes managing miscarriages, a record spending here in california coming up, the tens of millions of dollars being used on lobbyists, also a rally in san
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francisco. the worry that a form of medical treatment will be affected due to the state budget cuts and the holiday weekend almost a year. >> our chief meteorologist, bill mart , has your m ororial
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♪ (ominous music) ♪ come on. what can i do to help you? dad: come on buddy. headphones. what! dad: hey! dad: ok all right. what do you wanna do? i said i don't wanna talk about it! dad: trey! what are you doin'? ♪ (ominous music) ♪ ♪ (ominous music) ♪ it's ok.
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on lobbyists, according to cal matters, a nonpartisan and nonprofit news organization,
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special interest groups have spent more than $114 million to lobby state officials and legislators in the first quarter of the year. now, this matches the pace from last year, when a record $480 million was spent to influence state policy decisions . some of the top spenders this year include chevron, the california chamber of commerce and pg and e. >> well, parents who rely on acupuncture and the medical experts who perform the procedure rallied today in san francisco to advocate for the medical practice. >> and as ktvu christian captain reports, the patients worry the governor's budget will cut them off from the care they need. >> for some 3000 years in china, acupuncture has been practiced as health care and patients in san francisco today still rely on the medical treatments. as it stands now, medi-cal will pay for acupuncture, but the governor's revised budget plan to account for a shortfall will pull that coverage back. medi-cal plans to cut acupuncture benefits after june
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15th, 2024. >> this will hurt the aapi community and many others. >> the governor's office referred us to his announcement of the revised budget earlier this month, saying he would prefer not to make any cuts in advance. >> none of this is kind of work you enjoy doing, but you got to do it. we have to be responsible. we have to be accountable. we have to balance the budget. >> acupuncture supporters say the cut and coverage would only save about $5.4 million in the next year, but would severely impact the care of those who rely on it. the director of integrative medicine at northeast medical services says many of her patients rely on acupuncture to receive culturally appropriate care. she says the overwhelming majority of her patients rely on medi-cal to cover that care 90. >> i will say 90% were above a percentage of our patients are from medi-cal seeking medical services. >> patients such as madam chung. >> after i experienced two car
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accidents and diagnosed three times of covid 19, acupuncture helped me to feel better. >> molly kelly says she's dealt with chronic pain for years and after losing her employment, relies on medi-cal to help her receive the only treatment that's worked so far, far less pain and far less anxiety. >> and when i do have those symptoms, i can go in and i can access a doctor that i wouldn't be able to do, i wouldn't be able to do if i didn't have access through the state. >> president of the board of supervisors, eric peskin, says he'll be introducing a resolution to the board of supervisors urging lawmakers to block any efforts to cut medi-cal access to acupuncture in san francisco. christien kafton ktvu fox two news. >> a special garden in the east bay received a visit from the epa today. officials with the us environmental protection agency went to cal state east bay's concord center to assess the progress of a garden project that they helped fund. the epa awarded more than $900,000 to
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support work on the 6000 square foot garden, right near mount diablo. the garden is focused on bringing back plants indigenous to california. >> we put these plants in with a bunch of students six years ago, and they haven't been touched, and so salvia, for example, is a great plant. there's all sorts of varieties of it. it's out there just doing its thing. it doesn't need any fertilizer. it doesn't need water. >> the epa is also conducting scientific studies in the garden area, looking at soil, water and also monitoring air pollution, checking in on the forecast. >> we're getting close to the weekend. tomorrow is your friday. the weather looks pretty good. it's going to be a little bit cooler. it was a little cooler today. it'll be a little cooler tomorrow. and then it'll be a little bit a little bit more than a little bit cooler on saturday. and then sunday warm a teeny bit. so these are subtle changes, which is pretty much how the whole week's gone. we did get up to some mid 80s, even upper 80s in santa rosa a couple
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of days ago. we hit 89 degrees. we had a couple low 90s far inland and now we're cooling down from that, which is taking us back into the mid 70s as we go into tomorrow, upper 70s, mid 70s. and then saturday will be the cooler day and then sunday clouds, but a little warmer and then monday, memorial day a little bit warmer still. so but it's just subtle changes. so i don't change your plans any way around it. the mechanism really for the weekend cooling is this guy here. there's low and it just gets close to us. it increases the onshore flow. it brings the fog back to the to the party for a while anyway. and then the inversion looks like it might get deepened out. and then the fog goes away. but again subtle changes day to day as we go through time. the changes started on tuesday, with the heat up to 89 degrees and around the bay area, and then we've been cooling since and here we are on thursday. friday a little cooler, saturday a little cooler, and then sunday it comes back up to where friday was. but again, that, that, that, graph is sort of deceptive in that it looks like it's
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really plummeting. the temperature is it's going from 82 to 77, something like that. so in the inland valleys it will stay kind of cool along the coast. got breezy conditions as well, 25 mile an hour gusts at concord right now at the airport there. and sfo will be going 12 on the sustained and probably doing 25 miles an hour as well. so none of that's weird. that's all. typical. here's the cloud cover for tomorrow morning. there is a cloud cover for tomorrow night, and you can kind of see the cooling, right? you can see these clouds. this is not just this isn't fog. this is just clouds moving in. that's saturday morning. saturday afternoon. now that's the coolest day of the week. and then sunday it warms up a little bit less fog, less cloud cover, but not a heat wave. monday will be warmer still, though, so that'll be okay for memorial day. this 74 tomorrow in santa rosa is down a good 5 or 15 degrees from where it was 2 or 3 days ago 70 in napa, 69 in vallejo and 73 in fairfield. so the five day forecast looks pretty good for a holiday weekend. fire danger is down. that's cool. and then we also
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have air quality that's not half bad with this pattern. but again, look for your best day on the weekend to be sunday. in terms of warmth. monday, the holiday looks pretty darn good with upper 70s and then a little warmer on tuesday. >> all right, good weather for some live music. thank you bill happening tomorrow, the bottlerock music festival. taking over napa with weekend headliners stevie nicks, ed sheeran and pearl jam. the festival is hosted at the napa valley expo and kicks off tomorrow afternoon with a 1230 performance from grace bowers. other big names for the week weekend long event do include megan thee stallion and norah jones. last minute tickets still available for resale on the festival's website. >> all right, our zip trip series returns tomorrow right here on ktvu fox two, and our first stop, lovely concord. just join us as we head to the west wind solano drive in theater, where the popcorn pops and the cars arrive, transforming the asphalt into a magical movie haven as you get here. >> like, just like tonight. it's such a beautiful night. you can
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sit out here, watch a movie, have great snacks, and you know that it's just a great time with people all around you. >> all right. the nine will be live at concord's todos santos plaza, highlighting all the fun things to do, see. and of course, eat in this east bay city. and if you're in the area, come on down and watch in person. or you can of course watch live right here on ktvu fox two, as well as on the fox local app. all right. >> coming up next in sports, it is the road to the women's college world series tomorrow, stanford softball team will host lsu in the super regionals. bailey o'carroll will have more on the advantage of taking on those tigers. >> then coming up on the 11:00 news. frustration over a growing trash bill lake residents of a san francisco neighborhood now want something to be done about it
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world of college athletics, and one just could just could be on the horizon. just hours ago, the ncaa and each of the power five conferences agreed to settle a host of antitrust claims, setting the stage for college athletes to be paid potentially millions of dollars a year. so here is what that means. check this out. so the ncaa will have to pay back nearly $3 billion in damages over the next ten years. it walks back on the ncaa amateurism model that dates back to 1906. ncaa athletes. they will be paid like the pros, potentially millions of dollars as soon as the fall of 2025, and schools will also be able to compete for top recruits using direct payments. now, the deal is still awaiting approval from a federal judge, so it would use a portion of the $2.8 billion that the ncaa has to pay back to
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repay nearly 14,000 former college athletes, now, athletes in all sports would be eligible eligible for payment. it would be up to the schools to decide how that money should or would be divided, and in what will likely be the last pac 12 game here in the bay area, stanford softball the eighth seeded team hosting ninth seeded lsu in the super regional series at home. that one starts tomorrow. what's on the line in this one? well a trip to the college world series. the games are completely sold out. fans eager to get one last look at the team at home, and phenom pitcher marjorie kennedy. she's been called the caitlin clark of college softball. she's expected to be on the mound in the series, though. yesterday at practice, coach alister was tight lipped on the rotation. she said she's just happy they'll be at home. >> nice to sleep in your own bed. it's nice to stay in your own routine and then get to play in front of your fans. and the connection between the team and the fans is, is a special one.
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and you know, it's great for our upperclassmen to be able to play another, another weekend at home. so we're we're really happy to be here. >> all right. the nba draft just about a month away now, one former pac 12 player is one of the most intriguing players in this draft. bronny james of course son of nba great lebron james. so where will the 19 year old averaging less than five points a game fall in this draft? well, that is the big question mark. there's already lots of money riding on it. he is the 200 to 1 odds to be taken with the first pick. both draftkings and bet mgm list the la lakers as the favorite to draft bronny, with the plus 180, and draftkings says he's the leader in both bets at 33% and handles at 60. as to where exactly he will fall. well, we will have to wait until next month to see. and the giants on the road closing out their series with the pirates today,
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the giants, fresh off a major comeback, come from behind win last night, but this one was a big one for the pirates rookie phenom paul skenes, getting his second ever career start, fans even rocking his signature mustache there. all right, eighth inning pirates up 5 to 1. giants with two on matt chapman drills this one deep for a three run homer. the giants trail 6 to 5 later in this inning. brett wisely drives this one up the middle. one run scores. so giants complete the comeback, their second in a row, nabbing that 7 to 6 victory. >> pittsburgh and the colorado rockies here in oakland, taking on the a's in the 11th. >> bases loaded for the a's with two outs. paul lambert walks. tyler strode some there at the end of the game. a run comes in. the a's score five in the 11th and win 10 to 9. this was the a's third walk off win of the
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season. all right bailey thank you. >> thanks guys. >> next at 11 it was supposed to be a happy day. it ended up going completely south. it ended up being awful tonight. >> frightening moments at an oakland high school where gunfire disrupted a graduation ceremony. >> the 11:00 news on ktvu. >> fox two starts now, and we continue to stay on top of this breaking news tonight at skyline high school. hello again everyone. >> i'm heather holmes and i'm mike mibach. two people were shot at a graduation ceremony for the class of 2024. hundreds of people were on campus to celebrate and said they found themselves running for cover and ktvu zac sos has been there on the scene all evening long for zach. >> still a very heavy police presence at the school right now . >> yeah, that's correct. and earlier, police describing the chilling circumstances described by witnesses here at this graduation ceremony, confirming that


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