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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 4pm  FOX  May 29, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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i'm not giving him. no. no quarter. i am not giving in on this one. s killer asking a judge to allow new dna testing on some evidence. >> in all my years, i have never had to litigate a dna motion to this extent, because dna is just a no brainer really. >> lie after lie after lie after lie of this defendant during the investigation. >> from ktvu, fox two news. this is the four. >> and that hearing in the peterson case still underway this afternoon in redwood city. welcome, everyone to the four. i'm alex savage and i'm greg lee. >> but first we want to get to some breaking news in san jose. santa clara county sheriff's deputies just telling into our
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newsroom that they are in a standoff with the barricaded suspect and now telling us they have actually made an arrest. >> and this all started just around 1:00 this afternoon when deputies were called out to the children's discovery museum. vta station to the platform there on reports of an assault. when they got there, they found a victim who was eventually taken to the hospital. the suspect ran to a nearby home near was way and west san carlos street, and that's where that standoff unfolded. and again, we understand it has now reached a conclusion with someone being taken into custody. in the meantime, trains were not stopping at the station and we believe they still are not stopping at that vta station for the time being. and trains again will not be stopping there for until further notice. we have a reporter on the way to this scene. we'll get you more news and updates on this developing situation in the south bay. as soon as we get it back to the scott peterson case, nearly 20 years after he was convicted of murdering his wife, laci and the couple's unborn child, he appeared in court again today
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fighting for a new trial. >> peterson is appearing virtually from mule creek state prison, where he's serving a life sentence. a team of attorneys from the la innocence project are representing peterson, and they are asking a judge to allow dna testing on certain pieces of evidence gathered during the original investigation. this includes items found near the bodies along the bay shoreline in richmond, a blood stained mattress found inside a burned out van near the peterson home in modesto, and items from a burglary across the street from the peterson home. our henry lee is in court monitoring any updates. >> all right. for more on this push for a new trial for scott peterson, we're joined here in the studio by our legal analyst, michael cardoza. michael, thank you for coming in here. obviously, a huge decision here for this judge in terms of whether or not scott peterson gets a new trial. what are the key factors the judge is weighing here to try to determine whether there can be new dna testing done on these pieces of evidence. >> this type of motion is really factually driven. why do you want the new dna evidence? what
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do you think it will show? why do you want the evidence from where laci and conner were found near the bay? why do you want the evidence from the house across the street that was burglarized? so it's really a factual determination for this judge in deciding whether to give, for example, the mattress up for dna testing. >> so the original trial prosecutor is urging that judge to reject this motion for that new evidence, including saying that the burned-out van in the break-in are not related to the murders. what do you make of that argument? >> well, i laugh at that. in this sense. they're fighting so hard to keep this out, but yet they are so positive that peterson did this. we convicted him. we had the circumstantial evidence that said, why are we doing this? well, why are you not giving the da dna up if you're so positive about this, let them test it because when they tested it originally, they
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said, with the dna, this is human blood. vizzavi animal blood. but that's all they did. they didn't test it anymore. now, back then, dna testing was different than today. they can go deeper. so now they may be able to test. was it lacey's blood or not? give it to him. >> i mean, that's sort of the question here because again, as you said, the blood on that mattress, it had been tested. but the tests were inconclusive. so i think people might be viewing this and going, well, why? why would the outcome be any different if we do new dna testing? has the technology improved that much drastically? >> clay. and remember all they did in the original testing, the way i understand it was, say, this is human blood. okay. fair enough. not animal blood. human blood. but did you take it a step farther down the road? what did you do? well, maybe they couldn't do it back then, but now they can. so why fight so hard? and what jumps into my mind? one of the greatest evils a person can do to another person is to be so sure of
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something, i.e. scott's guilt and in fact be wrong. why not test it? put this case to rest. give it to them, let them test it. personally, i think it probably won't develop much, but why not find it? when i was a da for 15 years, we were always taught your job is not to convict people. your job is to do justice. and if justice requires us to do it to finally put this case to rest, i don't know why they're fighting so hard. what are they afraid of? >> so, michael, obviously we're watching this case incredibly closely, specifically the motions and how the judge rules. if the judge does rule against these motions, is there another avenue the la innocence project can take to look into this? >> you know, i'm not positive that they can take this her ruling on appeal, but they may be able to try to take it to an appellate court. then the supreme court, the appellate attorneys will know more about that than i. but again, i see the i saw back then because i
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was involved back then, the investigation of the police. there are some police reports that went missing. there were some police reports that weren't turned over. what is the issue about not giving this over so they can do a much fuller vetting of this case? i really don't get it, but they're fighting tooth and nail. i think they're afraid of something. >> well, i mean, and that's what i was going to ask you here when you have the prosecution, you know, so vigorously pushing back on this motion for the new testing, does that, does that send up some sort of a red flag? did they not might not be fully confident in the conviction? >> it does for me. i remember sitting in court through the trial watching it, and i remember when one of the detectives gave a police report over to the defense and the defense somehow got i think it was a mistake. they turned it over the original police report. and what the officer had done was take some information out of the first report and then turn
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the second one over as the final report. the defense got that? whoa, whoa, wait a minute. why did you take that out? so i don't have full faith. and belief in the police department in this case. that's why i say vet this thing completely put scott peterson's case to rest. he belongs in prison for the rest of his life. fine. if justice determines you know what ? lacey's blood was on that in that van, on that mattress. whoa new trial then? yeah. and they're afraid of that? >> yeah. opening this whole thing back up again. >> new trial and i really think i've always said right from the get go that moving the case from stanislaus county to san mateo was wrong. they should have moved it to la, where not a lot of people knew about the case. up here. everybody had an opinion. i remember when the verdict came back, there were cheers out in the, foyer there, and i go, whoa, whoa, wait a minute. we're talking a guy's life here, but here we are. >> yeah. all right, well, as we
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said, we have henry lee inside the courtroom here, and we'll see if the judge makes a ruling here on the request for a new dna testing. appreciate your analysis, as always, michael. good to have you here. and of course, stay up to you can stay up to date on any decision in the scott peterson case here. his push for a new trial will have any updates online at our website. that's ktvu .com. >> now to this the case of the state of california versus david depape, the man already convicted in federal court of attacking paul pelosi, hitting him in the head with a hammer, got underway in superior court this morning. ktvu christian captain was inside the courtroom . joins us with the latest details on what happened today. christian >> yeah, big day in court here at 850. bryant. both sides presented their opening statements to the jury, and the prosecution began laying out their case. now, prosecutors began by saying paul pelosi awoke to a nightmare on october 28th, 2022, when david depape entered his bedroom. those prosecutors played the body worn camera footage showing depape
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wrestling the hammer away from paul pelosi before bringing it down on his head. and a police defense team didn't argue the facts in the case, instead saying he has a mental illness diagnosis and got caught up in an elaborate conspiracy fantasy and felt he had to act, in essence saying he didn't form the intent to commit the crimes for which he's now standing. trial >> and so this is more like a attempted murder requires a specific intent to kill, if at the worst it could be attempted voluntary manslaughter, if he did not have the state of mind necessary to intend to kill him with a level of malevolence. >> now, following opening statements, the prosecution began their case, first playing a recording of paul pelosi calling 911. on the night of the attack, prosecutors then called the first officers to respond to the scene to describe what they saw that night, and so that those officers could break down
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the body worn camera footage of that attack. the defense team established that moments before the attack, depape appeared to be calm and did not immediately present as a threat. now, the trial is expected to continue tomorrow morning. as a matter of fact, when we're done here, i'm going to go downstairs to department 19, check in one more time to see what developments have happened in the last half hour or so. we'll bring those developments to you in the next hour. and also, of course, have more coverage for you tomorrow, both on air and online. for now, we are live in san francisco, christien kafton ktvu fox two news. >> very busy day in the courthouse there. christien kafton. thank you. the jury and the trump hush money trial goes home without reaching a verdict. but they did have some questions and requests for the judge what they asked for coming up next also coming up, a tiktok challenge. >> the social media platform will get its day in court to try to stay in business here in the u.s. and in weather. >> a sunny, much warmer day
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today for your wednesday, we will continue to warm things up
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this afternoon. an assault suspect has now been arrested by sheriff's deputies after a standoff that unfolded at a home. this all started around one this afternoon when deputies were initially called out to the children's discovery museum vta station after getting reports of that assault, they arrived. they found a victim who was injured. that person was taken to the hospital. then the suspect ran into a nearby home. near was way and west san carlos street, and that is where the standoff unfolded. trains in the meantime, are still not stopping at that vta station because of this investigation. we do have a reporter headed to the scene here, and we will get an update as soon as we learn more. >> the jury and former president trump's criminal hush money wrapped up its first day of
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deliberations without reaching a verdict. they met for about 4.5 hours earlier today, the jury sent its first note to the judge. the panel had four requests, including to rehear testimony about a 2015 trump tower meeting from michael cohen and then national enquirer publisher david pecker, where a plan to squelch negative stories about trump was allegedly discussed. in a second note, the jury requested to rehear the judge's instructions. mr. trump again railed against the trial, saying it's a disgrace and i mean that mother teresa could not beat those charges. >> but we'll see. we'll see how we do when the jury returns tomorrow, they will hear the relevant testimony they requested, as well as the judge's instructions again, as they continue deliberating. >> the first criminal trial against a former us president. >> all right. we want some analysis here. on the first day of deliberations in this trial. and for that, we go to jessica levinson, law professor at loyola marymount university. professor, we always appreciate the time. it's good to see you. so let's look at what we saw
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happen on the first day of deliberations. the jurors asked for these specific pieces of testimony to be reread to them, including testimony from david pecker and michael cohen. anything at all that we can read into those specific requests? >> i know it's so tempting. we all want to say, oh, they asked those questions. so this means that and, you know, fill in the blank, the jury is really struggling or the jury is almost there. they're going to reach a conviction and i think the best we can take from it is that they're moving quickly. they're taking their job seriously. part of what they asked for was to have testimony read back, part of what they asked for is to hear the jury instructions again. so they're clearly looking in detail at what exactly they need to do. the fact that they asked for this particular, these particular pieces of testimony indicates to me they're going to the heart of the prosecution's case, and particularly they're looking at that meeting at the trump tower. they're looking at whether or
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not they believe that a criminal conspiracy was formed and that the former president was connected to it. what would that conspiracy be? we are going to catch and kill negative stories about the former president, and we are going to try to bury them essentially. now, we know that this case is complicated. we know that the first thing that they're looking at is the falsification of business records. the fact that this is the first question leads me to think that they are, at least at the second part of this case, which is was there the intent to commit or conceal another crime? in this case, we're looking at unlawful election interference. >> jessica, we should remind viewers, as you just said, 34 felony counts that they will deliberate on when we look at the possible scenarios here, is it possible they could be unanimous on some of these charges and perhaps deadlocked on others, that there could be a mixed bag here? >> always. that's absolutely possible, given how the prosecution went forward with
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its case and given the defense's tact here, which is to say, you just can't believe michael cohen, i don't think i think we should generally expect that the charges will rise and fall together. now, again, it's possible that because there are some differences, they'll look at some ledgers and some of the specific records here. but i think generally it's you believe the story that the prosecution put forward or you don't, you know, obviously, you know, it's so hard to predict how long a jury is going to consider the evidence and deliberate for, you know, when we look at it, what what kind of a time frame would make sense? >> and at what point would we start to think, well, maybe this jury is having a tough time reaching a unanimous decision. >> so i think if you and i talk again or if the three of us talk again this week because there's a verdict, it is a conviction. if we're talking next week and there's nothing, then it means
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there are 1 or 2 holdouts. what i would expect, given this particular judge, judge mershon, and given the way he ran his courtroom, i think if the jury does say to him we're at an impasse, he might say, can you go back and try again? he doesn't want this to end in a mistrial. he knows everything that led to this point. now, you will never force a jury. of course, if they can't reach a conclusion, but the sooner it is, the better it is for the prosecution, is it this week? we really don't know yet. >> yeah. all right. but certainly a huge decision here for this jury. jessica levenson, loyola marymount university. always appreciate your time. thank you. thank you. >> tiktok will have its day in court this fall to try to stop a law that could ban the app in the u.s, a u.s. court of appeals for the district of columbia will hear oral arguments this september. tiktok is challenging a law requiring its china based parent company, bytedance, to sell its u.s. assets by january
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19th or be banned. tiktok argues the law is unconstitutional. a group of content creators are also challenging the law, claiming it violates first amendment rights, a proposal that would require schools in california to notify parents if their child asks to change their gender identification will not appear on the november ballot. >> proponents gathered 400,000 signatures, falling 150,000 short of what was required to get the measure before voters. those in favor say the proposal would give parents more transparency about their children. opponents said such disclosures could threaten a child's safety if they live in a home that doesn't accept them. the initiative would have also banned transgender girls from competing against girls and women in sports from middle school all the way through college, and we turn now to our weather here in the bay area and we give you a gorgeous live look at the oakland estuary and the san francisco skyline. and we have blue skies as far as the
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eye can see. a nice warm temperatures today. let's bring in meteorologist mark tamayo to tell us what we can expect for the rest of the week. hey, mark. hi there. alex. >> yeah, even some more warming as we move into your thursday forecast. so yeah, definitely a notable warm up for today. and in fact kind of getting toasty in a few spots, getting closer to 90 degrees. take a look at some of the highs so far today. and a few locations sonoma gilroy brentwood. all in the mid 80s. some upper 80s as you can see out toward saratoga and a few neighborhoods. tomorrow will be right around 90 degrees. so here is a look at the overall temperature profile we warmed up today. we will continue to warm up for your thursday tomorrow should be the hottest day of the stretch, although friday could still be warm to hot inland and then definitely cooling things off as we start off the weekend. here is the satellite this afternoon where we still have some fog. it's just not here. down to our south, down towards southern california, closer to los angeles. as we come in closer to the bay area. lots of clear skies out there this afternoon, and we'll check out some of the current numbers statewide. south lake tahoe, that's a pleasant 70 degrees.
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palm springs 99, santa barbara 64. and monterey in the 60s as well as we take a look at the temperatures back home. here we are showing you some 80s. look at santa rosa flirting with 90 degrees. that's at the airport. livermore, 85 san jose, lower 80s and san francisco upper 60s right now, as we check out the wind reports, there is a bit of a breeze developing this afternoon, around eight to around 15 to 16 miles an hour. look at sfo though half moon bay, some stronger winds here gusting over 20 over 30 miles an hour. here's a live camera looking out toward the clear skies across the bay over san francisco. so no fog to speak of. we have clear skies this afternoon. maybe some patchy fog first thing tomorrow morning, and then mostly sunny skies and a few high clouds could drift in throughout the afternoon hours. there is the eventual temperature range mid 60s for the coast. san francisco in the lower 70s and the warmest locations inland will be right around 90 degrees tomorrow afternoon. as i mentioned though, we will cool things off as we head toward the weekend.
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we'll have more on that with your full update in a little bit. >> all right, mark, we'll see you soon. thank you. imagine the entire population of santa clara county displaced, forced to leave. that's how many palestinians have been forced from t ir omes s ce
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say goodbye gush fears! thanks to always ultra thins... with rapiddry technology... that absorbs two times faster. hellooo clean and comfortable. always. fear no gush. so rich. so indulgent. it's new olay body wash. silky indulgent moisture. bye bye, dry skin. hello glow in just 14 days. indulge. with olay body wash. continuing campus strike. the strike is now a week old. yesterday, protesters blocked the entrances to campus, filling the streets with tents and
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dumping rocks, debris and paint onto the pavement. union academic workers say they are upset about how university leaders have responded to pro-palestinian protests. the strike has spread to other uc campuses as well. an estimated 12,000 union employees are walking the picket lines at uc santa cruz, uc davis and ucla. >> the un middle east envoy says the war in gaza has displaced nearly 2 million people since the fighting began in a brief to the security council today, the un special coordinator for the middle east peace process emphasized the urgent need for all sides to change course. he said many of the nearly 2 million palestinians displaced from their homes have had to move multiple times, and some 100,000 israelis have been displaced from communities in israel's north and south. >> palestinians in gaza face another round of mass displacement, with 1 million fleeing from rafah. many being displaced multiple times over
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crowded conditions and acute shortage of food, water and medicine have led to misery and spread of diseases. >> the un special coordinator also condemned this weekend's israeli attack that killed dozens of people at a camp in rafah, calling it appalling. >> the biden administration says sunday's airstrike on the tent city in rafah did not cross any lines for the u.s, but is issuing a warning about any ground operations into the city. israeli officials say they will not stop their offensive until they root out all remaining hamas fighters dug into rafah. the white house says it is keeping close watch on the israeli ground operation. >> the president said that should that occur, then it might make him have to make different decisions in terms of support. we haven't seen that happen at this point. >> relief agencies are also having a more difficult time getting supplies to displaced palestinians in gaza. a temporary floating pier built by the u.s. to transfer food, water
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and aid supplies is out of commission after being damaged by rough seas, the pentagon says the rebuilding and repairing of the pier will take at least one week. >> former republican presidential candidate nikki haley toured an israeli military post near the lebanon border today, where she signed israeli missiles with the words finish them. haley is touring the military post with israel's former ambassador to the united nations. these are pictures of her signing those missiles. she also met with families of israelis who were taken hostage in gaza during her trip. coming up, this afternoon on the four millions of dollars from uni, from the federal government, the project that this will be used for in san francisco, and you're probably going to want to avoid one of san francisco's busiest roads for the next couple of days. >> the work being done now that will make travel on 19th avenue smoother in the future. >> also, we have a ruling this afternoon from a judge in san mateo county on scott peterson's request for additional testing
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in his effort to prove his innocence. our henry lee
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for a new trial. >> attorneys from the la innocence project are representing petersen and asking the judge to allow new dna testing on certain pieces of evidence. our crime reporter, henry lee, just got out of court in redwood city. henry, what did the judge rule? >> well, the judge largely rejected scott peterson's move
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to have items retested, except for one item that is duct tape found on his wife, laci peterson's pants after her body washed ashore in richmond. but again, for the most part, the judge said no to his request, we have 14 other items, 16 other items retested. so that's the headline. the judge largely sided with the prosecutors in stanislaus county. >> yeah. and one of those key items that peterson's attorneys from the la innocence project were asking to be retested was this blood stained mattress that was found inside a burned out van. they really were focusing on that. and that will not be retested here, per the judge's ruling. henry, did the judge offer a rationale for this ruling? an explanation for why she reached this decision? >> yeah. so that burnout van was found near the modesto airport and the defense argues that there was a mattress stained by blood. they want it retested to see if there's any dna that belongs to laci, in which case that would prove that that burnt out arson van is connected to
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the case. but the da argued that it's not connected. and the judge said the defense had not shown any connection per se. also she mentioned chain of custody issues with a number of other items that they wanted to retest, including other pieces of duct tape that were found in the bay. the judge said that those pieces of tape not linked, perhaps found in the bay at a different time and not connected to the case. so the judge, very meticulously, judge elizabeth hill, went, item by item, listing what can and cannot be tested, ultimately said that they can only test one item. so right now, this is not necessarily mean that scott peterson will get a new trial, just that he can have that duct tape tested to see if that might prove his innocence. >> all right. henry lee, live in redwood city, just out of the courtroom with that big development. henry, we'll see you at 5:00. thank you. >> moving along here in the san francisco mta is going to get millions of dollars from the federal government to fix some of its muni platforms. ktvu sally rasmus shows us how that money is going to be used at the muni light rail stop on church
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and market. >> the platform isn't level with the street. to get on board a rail car, you have to walk up the steps or use a ramp. christine lawrence says she's seen some of her friends and fellow riders in wheelchairs struggle here. the ramps or, you know, even getting to the ramps or as we can see here, there's a bike lane and then trying to drive a wheelchair across the bike lane. and if there's a lot of bikes, who has the right of way? now sfmta is getting a $4.6 million grant from the us department of transportation to make some changes. the goal to make muni platforms like this more accessible for people with mobility challenges. >> what this will allow us to do is construct platforms and a wheelchair boarding islands. >> the federal money will help pay for things like better ramps and signs at several light rail stops. other improvements include making sure the gap between the platform and the rail car is more narrow, so it's easier for people with a wheelchair or a cane to get on board. you see that you use a
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walker that little tip thing like, what if they get stuck in the middle? >> i'm legally blind and i'm using mobility. >> can ali choo is a longtime senior and disability rights advocate that benefits so many people, including mothers. >> use stroller, including older people who use those shopping cart things, including so many people, including people who injure their leg and they have to get on crutches sometimes. so we have to really take that into consideration. >> this is a priority for us. we're really excited to hit the ground running. >> sfmta says construction has already begun at some of the muni stops slated for upgrades. five stops are on the j church line, three on the m ocean view line. the work is expected to be complete in the next two years. >> it will make a difference. we need the access and we need it to look like an actual, platform where you can access easily and not be kind of looking dangerous in san francisco. >> ali rasmus ktvu, fox two news. >> caltrans began work this morning to repave a section of
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19th avenue in san francisco to smooth out potholes. two northbound lanes will be closed across a three block stretch of 19th avenue between sloat and taraval. while the work is underway, crews will be working from nine in the morning until 3:00 in the afternoon for the next three days. drivers say they look forward to the improvements. >> sometimes it can be a pretty bad street with potholes. i'm glad they're fixing it. >> what do you like? the idea of it being repaved, sure. it makes it safer. >> according to san francisco county, this is one of the busiest surface streets in san francisco. the roadways and extension of highway one, which is why caltrans is in charge of that repaving work. we know san francisco is in talks with china to get two pandas to the zoo in the city. and now, as fox's caroline shively shows us, another us city will soon see a return of giant pandas. meet a two year old bao li. >> if his gymnastics and general adorableness don't make you smile, then just keep watching. >> i'm so happy. pandas are my favorite animal right now.
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>> you'd have to go all the way to china to see bao li and two year old female ching bao, but on wednesday, the white house announced it's official the pandas are coming back to dc. giant pandas have been a fixture in the nation's capital for more than 50 years, with the first of many coming to the u.s. after president nixon's historic 1972 visit to china. then last november, dc went panda free when tian chen and may xiang and their cub left for china. one of the new pandas, bao li, is actually the grandson of tian tian and mei xiang, and may be something more. >> as part of the symbol of the friendship of u.s. and china, because currently the us, china still has a tension, but that the pandas returning back to the capital means that we still have friendship. >> the pandas returned will be a welcome sight for the nearly 2 million people who visit the national zoo each year. millions more can watch them on the panda cam, but the main reason for
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bringing them back is preservation. >> the pandas arrival is not just an exciting event, but it is proof positive of the success of our giant panda program. you have a very short window of reading and you know it's a game of trying to figure out when the right time is to put them together and if they will successfully breed naturally, which we hope this pair will. >> the date of the panda pair's arrival is still top secret for security reasons, but we're told to expect them before the end of the year. in washington, caroline shively, fox news. >> after weeks of struggles, boeing's first astronaut flight is set for early next month. the first launch attempt on may 6th had a helium leak, but officials say after intense review, the starliner capsule can fly two pilots to the international space station safely. engineers believe a defective rubber seal caused the leak. but regardless of whether it worsens, they say they can manage the issue in flight. june's flight will be the third test flight for starliner, one of the country's
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largest airlines, is pulling back on its optimistic forecast for the summer season. >> american airlines lowered its earnings prediction for the period. the carrier is also parting ways with its chief commercial officer. american said its revenues could fall as much as 6% for the same time last year. that's down from its forecast last month of no more than a 3% decline. >> walgreens is joining with other national stores and cutting some of its prices. it's lowering prices and launching a series of new promotions all throughout the summer. walgreens said it would lower prices on more than 1300 national and store brand products walmart and target, as well as grocers aldi and amazonfresh, have announced promotions in recent weeks. coming up here on the four this afternoon, a little bit of hollywood coming to the bay area. up next, we'll tell you where you can catch some of the best independent films. >> and in bay area weather, no fog out there, we are completely in the clear and our warming trend will continue in your
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thursday forecast and maybe a few spots appr chg the
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plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! cinematic excellence. the long running and popular indie night film festival will be happening on saturday at the amc kabuki theater eight. the festival, which is now in its 12th season, was created by veteran filmmaker
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dave brown, who is the son of prominent san francisco pastor and naacp president doctor amos brown. the festival is normally held in los angeles, but now it is coming to san francisco for the first time. filmmakers will have a chance to screen their latest projects for hollywood executives. this event is sponsored by the san francisco human rights film commission and hosted by actor morris chestnut. >> for more, we're excited to be joined by the festival's founder, dave brown. dave, thanks so much for the time. congratulations. first of all, you are from san francisco. what does it mean to you to bring the film festival back to your hometown? >> oh man, you know, like i said, i've been doing it for 12 years in los angeles. and then i did it in atlanta, which was very great. it was a great celebration. and then we went on that strike. and then after the strike, you know, because i'm the american idol for films, i said, it's time to take it back on the road. and i said, my first stop. i got to take it back to my roots. and that's san francisco, where i grew up and
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went to high school and everything. and i said, this is there's a lot of talent in the bay area, so it's time for me to come back there, you know, shine some light on the city, give us the opportunity to show that there are talented people in san francisco. so this is a great thing. >> yeah. so much, so much talent in san francisco and in the bay area, as you well know. talk about what what the goal is with the indie night film festival. how does this help up and coming filmmakers to showcase their work and sort of get it in front of the right people in the industry who can elevate those projects? >> well, okay, so what it is, is indie night is the first, like i said, it's a, you know, i'm going to be giving everybody an opportunity. i'm american idol for films. so there's a lot of talented people out there. they just don't know how to get into hollywood. and so i'm going to be that bridge where i'm touching all the different cities. and san francisco is the first, the second main base going to be hitting, and we're going to shine all these people. the common goal is to get to the big screen. so when i start on the big screen and what i have
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is, look, you bring everybody to a place, you talk about their journey and their blueprint of what they went through in the business. so that people can understand and those people shine and become celebrities in their cities. and the movies that are great, i take back and i show them at the tcl chinese theater in hollywood, and it's giving everybody that that stepping stone to get to the next level. the common goal is to get to the big screen, so why not start in the big screen? so i'm coming and i'm looking for talent and i'm bringing those people with me. i have a lot of greats that are coming up there, morris chestnut is hosting it. yeah, i have detroit turner, who's, from fox hole, productions, who's from the bay area. so it's going to be a great situation. and not only that, i have tisha campbell, tisha campbell-martin, who's from, martin, who's going to be in the in the house as well, showing her film. and i got a lot of the people there. jocelyn lyons, you know, sidra smith it's going to be incredible. and not only that, i'm going to be premiering a film that i'm producing, called unrest in san francisco for the first time
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this weekend. >> yeah, it sounds incredible. dave, in addition to the films you mentioned, what are some of the other things that we can expect to see some of the other films that will be featured over the weekend? >> we have we have quite a few films we have. we're doing a lot of films with, with civil rights, you know, human condition. and what they have is this they have a lot of films that's going to highlight san francisco, our beautiful city, and everything that, you know, like like i said, you know, you know, my father is amos brown, and apple doesn't fall too far from the tree. you know, we highlight san francisco. we want to show the beauty of it. so we got a lot of films that also show the beauty of some documentaries that show the beauty of san francisco and what san francisco has gone through. and and justin over the years. and so that's going to be a great, great, great, great film that we're doing, because tisha campbell is going to be a part of that, and it's going to be a great celebration. i call it a homecoming. it's my homecoming, and i'm from there. lincoln high school, you know, and i'm coming back to give everybody that
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groundbreaking. so we have a lot of great films to be shown. and not only that, we bring some films from up, from down in la to show up there just to give them a, you know, a little bit of everything that's across the map. >> that sounds good. we're glad to have you back here in the bay, dave brown with the indie night film festival again. it's happening this saturday. really appreciate your time. thanks for talking with us. >> thank you very much. >> all right. have fun for having weekend. absolutely. we'll let everyone know here if you want to be a part of this indie night film festival coming up this saturday, june 1st in san francisco at the kabuki eight theater, the red carpet event gets underway at 2:00 in the afternoon, and the first showtime is at 330. >> sounds like a great time. all right, she's back. the otter that went viral for stealing surfboards off the santa cruz coast is back. after disappearing for several months, the otter 841 has not been around all year. the marine animal disappeared at the end of last year before the county was hit with storms. the otter was outfitted with a tracker so wildlife experts could keep an eye on her. people in santa cruz
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say they try to give her some space. otter 841 can usually be spotted near steamer lane or within 50 yards of that area. >> milpitas police are sending out a warning to be on the lookout for a mountain lion. the big cat was spotted around 2:00 this morning on dixon landing road at the friendly village mobile home park. the animal was spotted on a ring security camera. police searched that area but they did not find the mountain lion. the department of fish and game and vector control have been notified of the sighting. people who live in the area are being warned to stay alert for the time being. if you do see the mountain lion, you're being asked to call 911. >> all right, let's get back to our weather. i want to give you a live look outside right now, out over the golden gate bridge. a very pretty day out there and a warm one. let's bring in meteorologist mark tamayo. mark a nice day out there. >> yeah. what's amazing when you think about it, we started out the month of may with some cold rain here in the bay area. and as we wrap things up over the next few days for may, looks like a nice warming trend. 80s
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and a few neighborhoods right around 90 degrees. so it is a warm stretch. started today as you know, and then it will continue into your thursday and somewhat near friday. but tomorrow will clearly be the hottest day of this stretch. and that means the warmest locations will be right around 90 degrees. so lots of clear skies out there. we do not have fog. if you want to look for the fog, it's down to our south down towards southern california. as you can see, closer to los angeles, closer to san diego. looks like we still have some lingering patches in the santa barbara area as well. so we have the clear conditions and the warm conditions for the 4:00 hour. we'll check out some of the current readings out there with some 80s in napa and concord. look at santa rosa, the airport flirting with 90 degrees this afternoon. san francisco, upper 60s and san jose in the lower 80s at 82 winds. and these panels, they picked up a little bit around 8 to 15 miles an hour. but there is a stronger wind out toward sfo, winds gusting to 33 miles an hour this afternoon. so here's our camera. we are looking out toward the bay, a bit of some haze in the sky and probably tomorrow we'll have a few extra high clouds drifting into the bay area. now,
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tomorrow morning we will start out your thursday in the most areas in the 50s, maybe some lower 60s out toward antioch with partly cloudy skies, and we could have some patchy fog out there. and then here's the contour map with temperatures mid 60s for the coast. warmest locations inland, upper 80s to the lower 90s. so it's mild for the shoreline. san francisco will be approaching the lower 70s. here's our temperature sensor warming up though, as you do work your way well inland and into the afternoon hours. the warmest locations easily back up into the upper 80s and maybe a few spots by this time. tomorrow could be around 92, possibly 93 degrees. so we're going for the mid 60s all the way to the lower 90s tomorrow afternoon. this area of high pressure offshore. this has been building in and as a result we warmed up today and tomorrow will be the hottest day of the stretch. friday is still warm inland. we could still have a few spots in the upper 80s. this system will back off as we head into the weekend, and that will translate to a cool down for both saturday and into sunday. so tomorrow, the hottest day of the week. and that means some more 90s out there for
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santa rosa out toward fairfield and antioch. san jose 86. oakland in the upper 70s, downtown san francisco in the lower 70s, and the coast mainly in the 60s. so warming up for the shoreline. but we're not talking about any major heat out there. here's a look ahead. your five day forecast. it is still warm inland. we trim back a little bit on those temperatures, especially coast side in your friday forecast and then into the weekend. the main weather story is a cool down into the weekend. still some lower 80s well inland, just not as hot as thursday or friday. and we might be able to bump up those numbers into early next week. so in the short term, definitely warming things back up and then cooling things off a little bit as we start off the weekend. >> all right, mark, thank you much more to come here this afternoon on the four. before we head to break though, we want to check on the roads around the bay area. and this is a live look at traffic here along interstate 880 coming through oakland right past the coliseum. a little bit of slowing in that southbound direction. as you can see from this shot. we'll b
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clothing, blankets and hotel stays. >> this is unacceptable in a city like oakland. no tenant, no child, no family should ever have to go through a month of not having electricity, of being completely destabilized from their home and having to come from out of their own pocket to pay for expenses that they could have not paid for if they had a stable, habitable home. >> the landlord and building management company have not responded to our request to comment to the to the tenants complaints which led to the lawsuit. >> a truck crashed carrying thousands of pounds of strawberries earlier today, and that forced the closure of a freeway ramp in san jose. it happened early this morning, just before 3:00 in the morning on the transition ramp from northbound highway 101 to northbound interstate 880. the chp says that truck was carrying around 40,000 pounds of strawberries. crews spent several hours cleaning up the huge mess there. no one was hurt
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in the crash. >> today, outside lands released its daily lineup for this year's festival in golden gate park. the killers, daniel caesar, jungle griffin and renee rapp are a few of the big names headlining friday night. on saturday, tyler, the creator, the postal service, grace jones, chris lake and fletcher take the stage. and on sunday, sturgill simpson, kaytranada, victoria monet and chapel rone close out the fest. post malone is also slated for a, quote, special country set on sunday night single day tickets go on sale tomorrow. >> and who are you most looking forward to? gregg? post malone, i think. >> sounds fun. there you go. >> all right. coming up here on the four trash at the top of the world. it is a growing problem at mount everest. and up next we'll tell you what's being done to clean up al at
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growing piles of garbage as ice and snow melt from the peak, more and more trash is being exposed. foxes jonathan hunt shows us the push underway to clean up the camps near the summit. >> wednesday marks international everest day, commemorating the first expedition to reach the top of the world's highest mountain. it's usually a day of celebration. but this year, sherpas and the nepalese government are using the occasion to push for a new
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effort to end a growing problem on everest garbage at camp four and cap three have not even been touched. >> there is more trash than ever before. >> a growing number of veteran sherpas say they're worried about the accumulation of waste and human bodies, and they're calling on world leaders to fund new clean up campaigns. new laws were introduced this year aimed at making visitors pick up after themselves, including specially designed bags. climbers must now use to go to the bathroom. >> it is necessary to work together to minimize the effects of climate change and manage garbage in the mountains to make it pollution free. as the mountains have fallen to the effects of climate change, one of the main problems overcrowding, with some sherpas suggesting fewer climbing permits. >> recent videos like this one show big traffic jams heading up the mountain, though some officials say that's just part of life on everest. >> when people see these photos
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on social media, they say, oh, there's traffic. but in reality, traffic is nothing new. it has been going on for years. >> the nepalese government is also promising more liaison officers at base camps to enforce anti-littering laws in los angeles, jonathan hunt, fox news. >> now, at five, we are following multiple breaking news stories, including a suspect wanted for assault, now in custody after a standoff with deputies. >> and there's more breaking news in a peninsula courtroom where a judge has ruled some dna evidence from the scott peterson case can be retested. >> ktvu fox two news at five starts now, and good evening, everne. >> i'm mike mibach and i'm julie julie haener. >> we want to ge rig to those breaking news stories, starting in san jose where a man i now into after allegedly assaulting a man at the children's discovery museum, vta light rail station, and then barricading himself inside a home. >> ktvu lamonica peters live tonight from the scene with the very latest lamonica


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