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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at Noon  FOX  May 30, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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and the main questions that remain then boeing looking to earn back the trust of travelers following a string of high profile near disasters in the sky. what the company told federal regulators today about plans to fix safety and quality issues in its aircraft manufacture during then a move to prevent more insurance carriers from leaving our state, is being slammed by some consumer advocates, but the governor is proposing and why some say it will lead to higher prices. >> this is ktvu fox two news at
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noon. >> good afternoon. i'm gasia mikaelian. >> i'm andre senior. thank you for joining us. we begin with developing news right now in san ramon. extra security on the california high school campus. after the school was placed on lockdown, san ramon police say staff received a phone call threatening violence, explosive detection, canines from several outside agencies are on site, and a search of the campus is underway. no other details are being released at this time. we'll continue to follow the story and bring you the latest developments as they become available to us. a popular food court in castro valley is now destroyed. firefighters spent hours trying to save the lake chabot public market, but an early morning fire caused too much damage to it. ktvu james torres shows us the people who now have to figure out what to do next. >> firefighters jumped on the call around two this morning, finding the lake chabot public market in bad shape. >> there's a mezzanine up top which presented a huge problem just trying to make access and
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actually get up there with so much fire. there was already fire shooting through the roof, looked like it was maybe fed by a gas line at some point, a three alarm fire burning since at least 2 a.m. crews tried putting it out from inside. >> smoke spread for miles, creeping into the homes of people who live nearby. >> we had our windows open, we smelt smoke, and then i looked outside and it was super hazy outside. so, i looked online and somebody had posted that, the market was on fire. but once the roof started to give, firefighters pulled out. >> the roof collapsed. by 330 this morning, a scene hitting close to home for one battalion chief. >> one of the owners is, you know, childhood friend of mine. we grew up together, you know, went to high school together. so this is a pinnacle in the community, it's really sad to see this happen. we, we tried the best we could. >> by daylight. the fire was under control. one vendor who makes a living in the building says she got an early morning text about the fire and wasn't
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prepared to see the extent of the damage. >> the building is fine, so. yeah. so we might need to just close for one day or two days and it should be fine. but i didn't expect like the roof is like all broken windows, like broken, she says. >> since taking over her space in the building nine months ago, she established regulars, made friends and saw customers from all over the community. she was really looking forward to a successful summer, usually is like the summer is the most popular time and the most busy time. >> so because in the winter it was quiet and then i was like, in march, the business catching up and actually yesterday to yesterday we did great. >> people who live nearby say this is a great place to stop by after a long day of hiking in the east bay hills, firefighters telling us it's going to be a long time before they figure out exactly what caused this fire, and throughout the morning, they
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advised the nearby chabot elementary school, only about a block away, to keep students sheltered in place until they are 100% sure all of those hot spots are put out in castro valley. i'm james torres, ktvu, fox two news. >> today, boeing met a deadline to tell federal regulators how it plans to fix safety and quality problems that have plagued its aircraft manufacturing. the faa required the company to produce a turnaround plan after its boeing 737 suffered a door plug blowout during an alaska airlines flight in january. boeing executives met for three hours this morning with the faa. earlier this year, the faa barred boeing from increasing 737 max production until the agency was satisfied with boeing's quality control improvements. faa administrator mike whitaker says those restrictions are not being lifted. >> we will not approve production increases beyond the current cap until we're satisfied. bottom line we will
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continue to make sure every airplane that comes off the line as safe and reliable, regardless of how many planes boeing builds. >> whitaker is set to brief lawmakers on the house committee on transportation and infrastructure next tuesday about boeing's plan. it includes employee training and platforms for workers to report safety concerns. the faa's investigating another near collision between two planes on a runway at reagan national airport, an american airlines plane preparing to take off tuesday almost collided with a smaller plane, according to the faa. the american airlines flight was cleared to take off, while the other plane had already been cleared to land on an intersecting runway. an air traffic controller canceled the takeoff clearance to avoid a collision. in april, two planes nearly collided in a similar incident at the airport, short sales force shares plunged over 20% today after the company reduced its revenue outlook for the san francisco cloud
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computing company missed wall street expectations for the first time in nearly 18 years. in its earnings report, salesforce says it expects revenue to be up in the current quarter by about $9.2 billion. it's about $135 million less than analysts were expecting. salesforce stock down almost 21% right now. taking a look at the broader markets, we see the dow jones is down by about three quarters of a percent, losing almost 300 points. it's a smaller drop. but still s&p is down by almost one half of 1. nasdaq is down by about two thirds of a percent. >> governor gavin newsom says he has a plan to encourage insurance carriers to come back to california. many homeowners have struggled to get insurance in recent months, as many companies have stopped offering policies here. ktvu sally rasmus explains the changes the governor is proposing and why at least one advocacy group says it will mean even higher prices for consumers. >> the governor wants lawmakers to approve a proposal that would let insurance companies make
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changes to their rates more quickly. >> right now, if a company wants to increase rates or offer any type of policy change, the state's insurance commissioner has to approve it. sometimes the process takes months, even years. under the governor's plan, it would have to be approved within 120 days. the governor says the sped up timeline cuts out red tape, but the consumer advocacy group consumer watchdog says it will mean less oversight and higher prices by setting an arbitrary 120 day deadline on which the commissioner has to accept the rate that the insurance company chooses. >> the insurance company has no reason to justify what they want to charge. >> we want them to make money and compete so that our rates go down. >> one industry analyst says he's optimistic the change will bring insurance carriers back to california. carl sussman says the current state of the insurance market isn't good for anyone. >> being able to make more changes quickly that benefit the consumer are they're going to be rates that go up? sure. are there going to be rates that go
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down? sure >> in a statement, a spokesperson for governor newsom said, quote, the proposal requires the department of insurance to modernize and streamline its rate application process. it makes no changes to the rules in prop 103 for how much an insurance company can charge. california voters passed prop 103 more than 30 years ago. it says insurance companies can't increase rates by excessive amounts more than 7% at a time. carmen balber, with the consumer watchdog group, says under the governor's plan, rate increases just under that threshold will become the norm and there's no guarantee insurers will come back anyway. >> if you can get a rate increase every 120 days with a little regulatory oversight, what are you going to do? you're going to ask for a 6.9% rate increase every 120 days. >> the governor wants state lawmakers to add and pass this insurance plan with the overall state budget bill. it must be approved by june 15th. barber urges customers to contact their state lawmakers if they are worried about the proposed changes. >> faster, higher rating
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increases are not the way to stabilize these prices, and ask them to come up with a better solution. >> allie rasmus, ktvu, fox two news a man from richmond filed a claim against the city of richmond and its police department, saying he was injured during an arrest on may 5th, 44 year old kwesi gus says he was recording video of the police as they were arresting a suspect involved in a high speed chase. >> this is police body cam video obtained and edited by mr. russ and his attorney that was given to ktvu. the video shows police confronting him, pinning him to the ground and then handcuffing him. according to gus, they used unnecessary force, leaving him with a head injury. bruised ribs and back pain. >> he wasn't giving me any orders when he was pushing me. it was like a fight, combat, fight. i could feel my face literally cutting in the ground. >> the reason why this case is so troubling is that this was a cop who was out of control, who in many ways, is a throwback to an old period of time that i thought we had resolved.
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>> police arrested mr. gus for obstructing an officer, and he was booked into jail and later released. now, the claim filed by mr. gus alleges violations of freedom of speech, assault and battery, false imprisonment and other civil rights violations. richmond police tell us the sergeant involved has been temporarily reassigned to an administrative role where he will not have contact with the public. medical experts are expected to take the stand today in the state trial against david depape. in the first day of testimony, jurors heard from four san francisco police officers who responded to the october 2022 break in at the home of congresswoman nancy pelosi. now, prosecutors say her husband, paul pelosi, was asleep when depape broke through a glass patio door and confronted him in the bedroom, demanding to see the congresswoman. the defense is expected to argue that the pap suffers from mental illness, which caused him to act on an elaborate conspiracy fantasy. >> this is more like attempted murder requires a specific intent to kill, if at the worst it could be attempted. voluntary
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manslaughter for if he did not have the state of mind necessary to intend to kill him with a level of malevolence. >> legal experts say the prosecution is moving quickly with its case and say at this pace, the trial could wrap up next week. the judge is rejected. >> almost all the requests from scott peterson's lawyers for new dna testing on evidence, as part of peterson's bid to get a new trial, the judge ruled only one item will be retested for dna a piece of duct tape found on his wife's body. the judge rejected the defense request for dna testing on a mattress found in a burned out van. prosecutors argued the defense was relying on pure speculation, had no proof items that one had tested were connected to the case. peterson is expected back in court in july. thousands of people possibly exposed to the measles from a traveler from germany. what you need to know if you recently visited two california airports plus, it's day two of deliberations and former president trump's manhattan criminal trial. >> i'm rebecca caster in new
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york with a look at what jurors are deciding. >> and barry weather another sunny day, another warm to hot day out there. temperatures getting close to 90 degrees. we are expecting some cooling changes by the weekend, and [♪] did you know, there's a way to cut your dishwashing time by 50%? try dawn powerwash dish spray. it removes 99% of grease and grime in half the time. dawn powerwash has 3 cleaning boosters not found in traditional dish soaps that remove food and grease 5 times faster. and, because it cleans so well you can replace multiple cleaning products for counters, stoves, and even laundry stains. try dawn powerwash dish spray.
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brand power, helping you buy better.
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after revisiting portions of the
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judge's instructions and hearing testimony from multiple key witnesses about the alleged scheme at the heart of this history making case, rebecca castro reports. >> jurors are back for more deliberations and former president trump's hush money trial. it's a very sad day for america. >> the whole world is watching, the 12 person panel also revisiting the judge's instructions about how they should decide the case in new york state. >> the jurors are not given the jury instructions to read for themselves. >> jurors made the request during nearly five hours of deliberations on wednesday in order to convict trump, the panel must unanimously agree that trump falsified business records in order to cover up a crime. though they don't need to agree on what that other crime was and can individually choose from three options. >> you could have three groups of jurors who view the facts materially differently. they could disagree as to what crime was behind this effort to falsify business records, and mershon will still treat that as
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the unanimous verdict. >> trump maintains that payments he made to cohen were for legitimate legal expenses, and not a hush money payment for stormy daniels defense lawyers say they are hopeful the jury will rule in trump's favor. >> it looks like they're really going to scrutinize the evidence, and we believe that if they do that, if they take their job seriously, they have no choice but to acquit. >> since the verdict must be unanimous, it is possible the case ends in a mistrial. if jurors can't reach consensus in new york. rebecca castor, ktvu, fox two news. >> elon musk will reportedly testify in a federal investigation into his purchase of san francisco based twitter. the securities and exchange commission is looking into whether musk follow the law with that $44 billion deal back in 2022, according to court documents. musk agree to appear for no more than five hours of questioning. the sec is looking into his statements and disclosures before his takeover of the social media platform, now called ex. health officials say thousands of people may have
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been exposed to measles after an infected traveler flew from munich, germany, to l.a. and then to yosemite. the l.a. county department of public health confirmed the case on monday. it brings the number of undocumented measles cases in california this year to nine. the infected passenger had a five hour layover on sunday at lax and then continued to fresno yosemite international airport. officials are advising anyone at either airport on may 19th to check for potential exposure. lots of sunshine behind us along the gorgeous oakland estuary. >> our meteorologist, mark tamayo is tracking some temperatures on the rise. >> yeah, definitely. temperatures are trending up, but quite a bit today. and that means we could be thinking maybe some 90s by this afternoon. so yeah, today should be the hottest day of the week, but it's still fairly warm for your friday and then as we head into the weekend, a cool down is headed toward the bay area. so we have been seeing those temperatures to warm up over the past day or so. you can see it's a warmer forecast up above the average, and it is warm to hot inland. today, the hottest day of the stretch. but tomorrow
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still a few locations could be close to 90 degrees. we're looking long range here into next week, so we're going to say hello to june this weekend. and into next week. you can see a clear signal here. we could have another big time warming trend warmer than today, a kind of a strong signal here for california. and that could translate to maybe temperatures for the warmest locations getting close to the upper 90s or 100 degrees. so. right now we'll keep an eye on for wednesday and thursday of next week. right now, though, we have the fog down in southern california, solid cloud cover closer to los angeles and san diego. we are in the clear this afternoon. lots of sunshine and temperatures already warming up already in the 80s for well, that's one sight showing you 86 degrees in fairfield here, so they'll be close to close to 90 later this afternoon. san jose 80, oakland 72, san francisco 66, and santa rosa in the upper 70s. we'll check out some of the current wind reports out there. and most areas reporting a light breeze out toward sfo winds out of the northwest at about 14
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miles an hour. here is our live camera looking out toward san francisco bay. as you can see out toward alcatraz. looks like right about here. fort mason. so bit of some haze out there, but still mostly clear skies. no fog to speak of. and here's the overall weather pattern. once again, this area of high pressure has been building in from the pacific. this is the source of the sunshine and the warm temperatures. today. the hottest day tomorrow. still fairly warm inland upper 80s and then we will definitely cool things off a bit as we move into the weekend. not a major cooldown, but still a noticeable drop off in those numbers. here is the forecast model. maybe a few high clouds. you'll see those high clouds drifting overhead this afternoon and then into your friday. we could have some patchy fog return coast side so the change tomorrow will be some cooling near the coast and maybe right around portions of the bay. and then as we move into the weekend, we have a bigger fog bank out there and that will translate to a cool down across the entire bay area. but today it is warm to hot. the hottest locations will be in the lower 90 this afternoon out
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toward fairfield, antioch, santa rosa, 90 degrees, san jose, 86, in san francisco, downtown, on track to reach the lower 70s tomorrow. it's nice to warm still warmest locations around 89 degrees. there's that cool down into the weekend into monday. looks like things remaining steady, but then beyond monday, that's when we could be talking about another heat to hot forecast, another potential heat wave developing into next week. so we'll keep an eye on that. keep an eye out for that into next week. but today definitely warming up out there. >> mark thank you. bringing workers back to the office. would a quarter of us companies plan to do in the nex year, de spite e
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egyptians are not happy about it. trey yingst has more from tel aviv. >> with the rafah offensive now underway, israeli forces are focusing on cutting off supplies and evacuation routes for hamas fighters in southern gaza. the idf says it's now established, quote, operational control over the entire border region between gaza and egypt, an eight mile long buffer zone known as the philadelphia corridor. egypt immediately protesting, pointing out any increase in israeli troop presence there, would violate the 1979 peace treaty. >> i call upon the international community to work for immediate access to humanitarian aid to the gaza strip, to put an end to the israeli siege. >> but the idf says it was a
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strategic move aimed at hamas, not egypt. and so far they've located dozens of rocket launchers prepared to fire at israel, as well as 20 underground tunnels leading to the egyptian side of the border. >> hamas exploited the corridor and built this infrastructure at a distance of mere dozens of meters from the border with egypt, so that we won't attack them. >> and as israeli forces move deeper into rafah, the white house says there's a new cease fire proposal on the table that the israelis support. it's still not clear if hamas will get on board, but the un says it's using, quote, quiet diplomacy to move the peace process forward when it comes to the regional dynamic, i would say that luckilly, there is a quiet regional diplomacy, i.e. there are many people in that sort of diplomacy. >> key, key countries are involved. >> on wednesday, a top israeli officials said the war is expected to last at least through the end of the year in tel aviv. trey yingst, ktvu, fox two news.
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>> another day of online classes today at uc santa cruz after pro-palestine protesters blocked the main entrance to the university yesterday, the west entrance to the campus reopened after a blockade was removed. even though there were still rocks, boulders and fake blood around the area. university officials have safety concerns, but the protesters say they're focused on keeping the attention on the crisis in gaza. >> we're still located at the base of campus with our, but we've decided to stop here as well. so say no more business as usual that this is a genocide. and all eyes need to be on it. >> tomorrow, classes at uc santa cruz may once again be online. if the campus protests continue. >> uc excuse me, u.s. supreme court justice samuel alito is rejecting calls to step aside from cases involving former president trump. and january 6th defendants because of flag controversies. in letters to members of congress, alito said his wife was responsible for flying both an upside down flag over their home in 2021 and an appeal to heaven flag at their
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new jersey beach house last year. both flags were like those carried by january 6th. rioters at the us capitol democrat in the house and senate have sent letters to alito and chief justice john roberts seeking alito's disqualification from the trump and capitol rioters cases. amazon officially opened its first pharmacy in california. the new location in riverside county, will be one of 12 amazon pharmacies nationwide. the online mega retailer says it will deliver medication to orange county, the inland empire and greater los angeles area. amazon promises to deliver prescription drugs often within hours, using the same infrastructure it uses to put other goods on consumers doorsteps. >> one fourth of company surveyed said they plan to increase the number of days workers are expected to be in the office by 2025. resume surveyed more than 750 business leaders about their return to office mandates. 8 in 10 said they have lost employees due to the mandate. nevertheless, 93% said they believe workers should be in the office for greater productivity
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and employee well-being. 7 in 10 said they provided incentives to encourage people to come back into the office, taking a closer look at the benefit of artificial intelligence, the special summit held in san francisco featuring the governor and what the technology means for the future in our state. >> plus, we first brought you the story of a pleasant and child 25 years ago with a rare disorder who was fighting for his life. >> we'll have hi
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40 high school campus. after the school was placed on lockdown. while san ramon police tell us they received a call from a man this morning about explosive devices being placed throughout the school. the man also stated someone would be arriving shortly to shoot up the school. explosive detection canines from several outside agencies are on site and a search of the campus is underway. police are also trying to identify that caller. we'll of course continue to follow the story and bring you the latest developments as they become available to us. an assault suspect was taken into custody after barcang himself inside of a south bay home. the santa clara sheriff's office says the assaultapped at 1:00 yesterday afternoon near the vta station in the children's discovery museum soon after, the suspect
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barricaded himself in nearby home on willis avenue. ktvu lamonica peters spoke with people in the area who say they're relieved to hear of his arrest. >> santa clara county sheriff's deputies say they responded to the call about 1:00 wednesday afternoon. >> a few passer bys had called 911 to report an active assault that was going on prior to our deputies arrival. the suspect did flee and our victim was still at the location, which our deputies did come and correspondence with, and he was transported to a local hospital. >> police say the suspect then barricaded himself in a home nearby. this couple says they live on the next block from where the suspect hid himself inside. >> and so i went outside and they told us that, you know, somebody got stabbed and he had a rifle. so he might have went in our backyard. so they told us we had to evacuate. so that's when we came out and left. >> the neighbors also say they've had run ins with the suspect before a couple of times. >> you know, he would come in our, you know, our backyard, you know, like trespassing and everything, like trying to start
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problems. he came at my father in law with a knife before. so, you know, it's like. and then by the time we came outside, he was already running back to his house. >> raffy clemente says he owns the auto shop off willis avenue. >> we've seen him walking down here once in a while with the dog, but this is the first time we see him. >> really aggressive. >> train service have been suspended while police investigated, but we believe it was restored just a few hours later. police also did not confirm whether or not the victim was stabbed, and we don't know the extent of his injuries. lamonica peters ktvu, fox two news a follow up now on a school fight in the north bay that was caught on cell phone video. >> nevada police have arrested eight students between the ages of 12 and 14, accused of carrying out a targeted attack on two students who ended up in the hospital. video of what happened at sinaloa middle school. now the latest fight in what parents say is a string of violent incidents on campus. friday, just after lunch, police say a female student was targeted by a group of students.
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a second student who tried to stop the fight, who was also attacked, the eight students who were arrested were booked into marin county juvenile hall on charges of suspicious conspiracy , rather, and felony assault. >> a warning from berkeley police now about a series of purse snatchings several incidents with striking similarities were recorded by security cameras. last saturday, a black lexus sedan pulled up to a victim's car at a gas station on university avenue. someone comes out of the passenger side of the lexus, opens a door to the victim's car, grabs something from inside, and then takes off the same thing happened on sunday at a chevron station on telegraph avenue. >> just mentioned that, you know, somebody stole the purse out of her car, and she had asked if we had cameras on the pumps. you know, i informed her that we did. >> these crimes really have the appearance of being crimes of opportunity, because there they are happening in some cases, like 20 minutes, one after the other. >> police say on tuesday, a black sedan approached a parked car with a woman inside in the
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parking lot of berkeley bowl west. someone got out of the sedan, tried to break the window of the victim's car, but the woman honked the horn, scaring off the robbers. today, the international bird rescue will release the first group of rehabilitated brown pelicans into the wild. the pelicans were among hundreds found starving since mid-april. scientists say the birds are having difficulty finding food because they can't reach it. the fish are either too deep or too far offshore. that causes the birds to become anemic, dehydrated and often injured. because hungry pelicans take extra risks to reach food. >> new at noon california may be able to avoid any rolling blackouts this summer because of new solar and battery storage, according to the california energy commission. new solar plants and large batteries are being plugged into the state's grid at a rapid clip, we're told since 2020, california has added 18.5gw of new energy resources, officials say those supplies would hold even if the state experiences another heat wave as
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severe as the one four years ago. that triggered rolling blackouts across the state. with artificial intelligence continuing to grow, governor newsom is addressing ways to ensure that regular california residents can benefit from the technology. ktvu jana katsuyama has more. on a special ai summit, he attended in san francisco. >> yeah, governor gavin newsom, thank you so much for being here. the joint california summit on generative ai brought politicians, ai researchers and industry leaders together in san francisco for a frank discussion about the future. governor newsom discussed ways california hopes to harness the power of generative ai and balance innovation with regulatory guardrails. >> i don't want to cede this space to other states or other countries. so if we overregulate if we overindulge, if we chase a shiny object, you know, we could put ourselves in a perilous position. >> ai researchers discussed the challenges of ai, misinformation, digital divides, and open versus closed ai
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systems. >> democracy because of mis and disinformation or labor market shift or bias and privacy, issues. i think these are much more real problems. >> where ai is going is that it'd be, transparent where the data is coming from. >> california based tech company nvidia also participated. >> i think that's crucial for the development of ai, so that communities feel like that their voice is heard in this conversation. >> another issue was digital equity. >> we want to enable people in our communities to be able to solve their own problems with ai, and if it's open, then we help to bridge the digital divide. >> uc berkeley is building a new computing center that will house ai research, and stanford has a new human-centered ai department. but they say they lack the resources that private
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tech companies have. >> we estimate that it took about 10,000 graphics processing units, gpus to train chatgpt. and yet academia is struggling to obtain these. and for example, an elite school like stanford is in the low one hundreds. >> organizers say this summit hopes to bring all stakeholders to the table. what are we going to do for farm workers? >> what are we doing for our for our entertainment industry? what are we doing for our food supplies, and how do we make sure that also this is this is a all boats rise together for the national science foundation has started a pilot project to share ai infrastructure, something which many of these universities say could go a long way to helping them catch up on ai innovation in san francisco. >> jana katsuyama ktvu, fox two news. >> akiko miti of california lawmakers approved a measure to ban forced outing policies at schools. >> this was the first formal debate on the legislation. the bill would ban school district
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policies that require teachers and staff to report students who identify as transgender to their parents. and yesterday, some parents, along with lawmakers, spoke out during the two hour hearing, maybe 1955 is misnamed. >> it should be called school secrets act because that's what it is. if it passes, children will be adversely harmed. schools should not keep secrets about children's acute distress with their body force, outing policies that require exposing students without their consent harms everyone's parents, families and school staff, and importantly, those students. >> the bill now heads to the senate health committee. >> the biden administration announced the recipients of the epa's 2023 clean school bus program rebate competition in some bay area schools are on the list. the epa selected about 530 school districts nationwide. the districts will split nearly $900 million in funds to replace older diesel fueled school busses. they'll replace them with more than 3400 clean busses, 92% of which will be electric. 47 california school
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districts will be receiving funds, including in the bay area. the san mateo union high school district, old adobe union in sonoma county, and alameda unified. the median home price is now $2 million. in two bay area counties. in santa clara county, the median home price hit a record high, reaching $2 million for the first time last month. san mateo county the median sales price was 2.15 million, down from its peak of 2.42 years ago, but up 9% from last year, when the median price was just under 2 million. >> well, construction of a new clubhouse for san francisco nonprofit united players is now officially underway. congresswoman nancy pelosi and mayor london breed were among those who attended a groundbreaking ceremony this morning for the new facility. the project will renovate united players existing two story structure on howard street and add a new community center. >> this building will be a manifestation of the respect that we have for the dignity and worth of every person, that it
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is our responsibility to help meet their needs and to understand the resource that they are to the community. >> the new facility will be over 7300ft!s. it will include a community hall, meeting rooms and offices to expand family literacy and adult reentry programs, while federal regulators are seeking records from tesla as part of an investigation into reports of power steering loss, the national highway traffic safety administration has received more than 100 reports of lost steering control on the 2023 model three and model y, regulators told tesla they want the company's records on the vehicle's steering components by july 24th. their request includes the company's process for identifying problems and creating solutions for potential defects. a consumer alert for ticketmaster customers, now a hacking group, claims to have accessed the personal details of more than half a billion ticketmaster customers, and that data includes names, addresses,
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emails, phone numbers and credit card information. the cyber thieves are trying to sell the information online for $500,000. so far, no public statements from ticketmaster or its parent company, live nation. >> a heartwarming update to a story we've been following for 25 years. how a recent college graduate beat the odds and is thriving despite his genetic disease. >> and merryweather, another day of lots of sunshine and a bit of a warming trend today should be the hottest day of the stretch, d it ooks
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[♪] did you know, there's a way to cut your dishwashing time by 50%?
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try dawn powerwash dish spray. it removes 99% of grease and grime in half the time. dawn powerwash has 3 cleaning boosters not found in traditional dish soaps that remove food and grease 5 times faster. and, because it cleans so well you can replace multiple cleaning products for counters, stoves, and even laundry stains. try dawn powerwash dish spray. brand power, helping you buy better.
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limitation. stop him. we first brought you the story of a pleasant child born with a rare genetic disease. 25 years ago. he was not expected to survive, but has proved those expectations wrong. >> ktvu is amber lee attended his high school graduation back in 2017. amber just caught up with him recently as he graduated from college. >> every step roman perkins takes has a purpose. it's a display of determination for this east bay native. >> i want people to see me as as someone who can accomplish anything. >> a path that roman has chosen despite being born with hurler syndrome, a rare genetic disease, he's missing an important enzyme. experts say many children with this condition die before they turn ten years old. roman is 25.
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>> roman michael perkins he not only beat the odds by surviving, he just reached a major milestone. >> roman graduated from chapman university in southern california with a bachelor's degree. he majored in psychology and minored in entrepreneurship. >> i knew i would get emotional when i saw him come across the stage. he always told us you could do it, and then he just proved it and that's a big deal. >> 30 we first met roman in 1999, when he was only ten months old. he had received a bone marrow transplant. roman's dad recalls the emotions. he had 25 years ago. >> i didn't think he was going to make it. >> while the transplant saved roman's life, it was not a cure. he has problems seeing, hearing, talking and walking. >> i just faced it as a challenge because i have to find
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my own ways to do better and overcome it. >> seven years ago, we were there when roman graduated from foothill high school in pleasanton. back then, he told me he had difficulty making friends, but his close relationship with his two brothers and his father filled that void. he also has a constant companion. his dog levi, coping with physical and learning disabilities may be daunting for many, but not roman. it would take him two, three, four times as long to do all of his assignments, but he would just sit there and he would just go through it. >> and then again, he would he would advocate for himself. >> roman has carried that determination throughout his quest to live life to the fullest. roman's dad gifted him a vehicle. he got a driver's license, but he stopped driving alone after he suffered a grand mal seizure. he hopes to resume driving regularly when it's safe. while attending college,
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he underwent surgery for a cornea transplant. when his eyesight deteriorated, it became such a challenge in class to see what my teachers are writing on the board, to take proper notes. roman got a job working as a barista during college, but that didn't come easy. he tells me. he was rejected repeatedly by several large retailers when he applied for jobs. he he was eventually hired to work part time by chase coffee roasters in orange county, which specifically employs people with disabilities. >> i finally get to build social skills with interacting with the customers, and i get to learn at different ways of how others work as well. >> roman still has to undergo another cornea transplant, but in his usual fashion, he plans to start applying for internships that will eventually lead to a full time job. his next goal is to become financially independent. >> i can't explain it how roman does it. i mean, it's just i'm
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sure he's going to find a job somewhere, somehow. some way, he roman gets his exercise by training in mixed martial arts three times a week. >> physical limitations do not stop him from snowboarding. or ziplining. he rises to meet every hurdle, sometimes with help. what are you most grateful for? >> i'm most grateful for my family to. their always being there like. like if i need need some sort of support there. i'm just reach out to them and they're right there. i'm always going to stumble upon upon a rough patch. he's everybody's purpose, including my own. >> i don't know. what do i do without him? >> you've never let anything stop you? >> no, not at all. >> the name roman means strength
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and power. >> he's given me strength when i didn't have any. so he means everything. >> this is the story of roman conquering challenges every step of the way. and giving hope to others who walk the same path in pleasanton. amber lee ktvu, fox two news. >> good work by amber lee. so nice to see him like that. yeah for sure. that's what it's about. family right there. mark. >> yeah, i'm trying to hold back a few tears after seeing that story. yeah just just beautiful. but yeah, as we talk about our forecast for today, we have lots of sunshine here in the bay area. a bit of a warming trend for your thursday. in fact, today should be the hottest day of the week. and then as we head into the weekend, a downward trend, especially by saturday and into a sunday. so it has been a warm up, but calling it a three day stretch here yesterday, today and tomorrow the temperature is the warmest locations today we'll be back up into the lower 90s. we are well up above the average over the next couple of days, but we're
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taking a look ahead into next week. this is for june 4th into june 9th, and there is a strong signal that into next week we could have significant warming and there's the chance we could be talking about a few neighborhoods inland, getting close to 100 degrees. so if you think today's warm next week could be warmer about a week from today. in fact, beginning wednesday and into thursday of next week. now, right now we have this lots of low clouds and fog near southern california. so they have the cool conditions for los angeles. closer to santa barbara, we have mostly clear skies and some warming conditions as well. kirk and current temperatures across the state 68. in eureka we have fresno 83, some 60s for san diego and palm springs in the upper 90s. you'd expect the heat there 98 degrees right now. we'll check in on some of the current readings out there with san francisco. a nice 66 up in the north bay, santa rosa getting close to 80. and look at fairfield 86 degrees. they will reach the lower 90s this afternoon. and as we check out the wind reports, there's fairfield. a bit of a breeze. that northerly breeze is responsible for some warming,
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that it's typically a drying and warming wind. and that's what we have right now. so more neighborhoods, sfo and northwesterly wind at about 14 miles an hour. here is our live camera looking above san francisco. as you can see, looking out toward the bay, out toward alcatraz here, and just a bit of some haze in the sky. but no, not much in the way of fog to speak of for today. this area of high pressure, it's offshore. it has been building into northern california. so this responsible for the warm up yesterday, today and tomorrow. tomorrow's still fairly warm inland, still in the upper 80s. but then as this high backs off we will definitely cool off those readings into the weekend. here's a look at our forecast model. maybe a few high clouds drifting in from the north this afternoon and then into your friday. you can see some patchy fog resurfacing near portions of the coastline. it kind of bulks up in coverage for the weekend. that's a good sign that we will cool things off bay area wide for both saturday and into sunday. take a look at the numbers for this afternoon. san francisco in the lower 70s. a bunch of low 90s for santa rosa, fairfield and antioch. san jose
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86 degrees and a look ahead. your five day forecast. it is still nice to warm. still close to 90 inland for your friday. and then there's that cool down as we move into the weekend for saturday and sunday. monday, not too much change, but then beyond monday, that's when we talk about that next warming trend moving in and a significant warm up into next week. so get ready. the heat could really be moving in to the bay area as we about a week from today. mark thank you. >> okay a question now do you stay up late or go to bed early? what new research by stanford reveals when i co s if you have moderate to severe ulcerative colitis or crohn's disease... put it in check with rinvoq... a once—daily pill. when symptoms tried to take control, i got rapid relief... and reduced fatigue with rinvoq. check. when flares kept trying to slow me down...
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[♪] ask your gastroenterologist about rinvoq did you know, there's a way to cut your dishwashing time by 50%? try dawn powerwash dish spray. it removes 99% of grease and grime in half the time. dawn powerwash has 3 cleaning boosters not found in traditional dish soaps that remove food and grease 5 times faster. and, because it cleans so well you can replace multiple cleaning products for counters, stoves, and even laundry stains. try dawn powerwash dish spray. brand power, helping you buy better. out the dangers of using tobacco. the world health organization accuses the tobacco industry of targeting young people in a new report called hooking the next generation. the research reveals roughly 37 million teens between the ages of 13 and 15 used tobacco
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products worldwide and the stanford softball teams. nigel kennedy was honored with one of college football's most prestigious awards at a banquet in oklahoma city. she received the award of usa softball's collegiate player of the year. kennedy was honored ahead of the college world series, in which the cardinal will face off against the number one team in the country, the texas longhorns . >> honestly, just so much credit to coach nyberg for just helping me, helping me grow and develop tigers. >> kennedy becomes the second member of the stanford softball team to earn the award. ashley hansen won it. >> in 2011, the oakland city council held a special session, adopting a resolution that honors two high school state champion teams. >> we are so excited. i see you over there, ladies. >> we are both the oakland high school women's basketball team in the oakland tech high school boys basketball team won titles back in march. the city council honored student athletes last night for their work on and off
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the court. >> i want to commend you on just the stellar, athleticism that you have shown in your field. just the student athletes that you are with, everything that you've been contending with in school and academics. >> the oakland tech team had a conflict and couldn't attend. but the oakland high school wildcats were there to receive gifts from the golden state warriors and valkyries to san jose. residents are being encouraged to help keep their neighborhoods beautiful. mayor matt mehan announcing the pilot program today. people can sign up to adopt a block with a pledge to pick up trash once a week or once a month. some of the first volunteers signed up at a press conference this morning. residents will be provided with a litter kit, which includes trash bags, a litter stick, safety vest and gloves. >> if every street had one person adopt it and be willing to pick up litter once a week, we would have an incredibly clean and beautiful city. >> residents will also be able
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to apply for the program in person at mayor mahan's state of the city address that starts at 9 a.m. saturday morning at happy hollow park and zoo. the indie night film festival is coming to san francisco for the first time this weekend to celebrate independent filmmaking. >> the festival will be held saturday at the amc kabuki theater eight near japantown. seen as a chance to bridge the networking gap between smaller filmmakers and hollywood executives. now in its 12th season, the festival is usually held in los angeles. but the festival's founder, a san francisco native, says he wanted to bring it home after the pandemic. >> there's a lot of talent in the bay area, so it's time for me to come back there, you know, shine some light on the city, give us the opportunity to show that there are talented people in san francisco. so this is a great thing. >> the festival already also features several documentaries that highlight san francisco's evolution and the challenges it's faced in the past few years. thrive city, outside san francisco's chase center, announced its summer programing schedule for the year, with free events from june to august. there will be movie nights, a
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pickleball tournament, a pride comedy night, live music, and much more. thrive city has collaborated with kaiser permanente to host more than 200 free public events since july of last year. for a detailed look at the events and the upcoming dates, head to click on the web links tab. >> all right, so outside lands has released its daily lineups for this year's festival in golden gate park. the killers and jungle just a couple of the big names headlining friday night. now on saturday. taking the stage, tyler, the creator, the postal service and grace jones. and on sunday, sturgill simpson and many others will close out the three day festival. post malone is also slated for a, quote, special country set on sunday night. a new study links early bedtimes to greater mental health among older people. the large study, funded in part by stanford university, looked at sleep habits among more than 73,000 people in britain. they found the people who went to bed early had a decreased risk of depression and anxiety. the study recommends that people should go to sleep before 1 a.m.
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for healthy aging, even if they have a natural preference to be night owls. >> wow, 1 a.m. i'm like, i'm like nine, 930 is my bedtime. >> then what time do you have to wake up? >> well, true, we wake up super early. >> yeah, exactly. that's the thing. we do go to bed early, but you have to stay in bed a little later for it to work. >> i sleep in until 630 on. ooh, crazy, i know. look at me. all right. thanks for joining us. >> we'll see you again next time. bye bye. (game show music) - [tammy] can you guess what this is? if you guessed cupid, then you'd be a great contestant on pictionary. our first celebrity captain you know from "american ninja warrior" and his career in the nfl. let's huddle up with akbar gbajabiamila. and with him are friends atty and angely. our other celebrity captain you love as the host of "person, place, or thing". it's pretty young thing melissa peterman.


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