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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 5pm  FOX  May 30, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT

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be november 5th by the people, and they know what happened here and everybody knows what happened here. >> donald trump, the first former us president to be convicted of a felony. good evening everyone. i'm mike mibach and i'm julie julie haener. >> those 34 felonies are 11 counts related to invoices, 12 counts related to ledger entries and 11 counts related to checks. >> we're joined now by ktvu political reporter greg lee. historic day. indeed. >> yeah. julie. mark. mike. excuse me. truly a remarkable moment in american history. i mean, this jury deliberated for 9.5 hours over the course of two days, and they came back with a unanimous decision convicting former president donald trump on all 34 felony counts of falsifying business records in the first degree. the former president, defiant outside the courtroom. >> again, i think it's just a disgrace. and we'll keep fighting. we'll fight till the end and we'll win because our country has gone to #### we don't have the same country anymore. we have a divided mess
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now. >> the jury found mr. trump falsified business records to cover up a hush money payment made to adult film star stormy daniels, who said she had an affair with trump. the $130,000 payment made by mr. trump's former attorney, michael cohen, to daniels in the days before the 2016 election. now, trump pleaded not guilty to all charges and denied that affair. the jury heard more than four weeks of testimony, including from prosecutors, key witnesses michael cohen and daniels, trump's defense team has vowed to appeal this decision. here's manhattan district attorney alvin bragg, who brought those charges while this defendant may be unlike any other in american history, we arrived at this trial and ultimately today at this verdict, in the same manner as every other case that comes through the courtroom doors, by following the facts and the law and doing so without fear or favor. now, the white house and
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president biden have generally remained mum on the trial this afternoon. the campaign communications director for biden wrote this there is still only one way to keep donald trump out of the oval office at the ballot box. convicted felon or not, trump will be the republican nominee for president. mr. trump's sentencing has been scheduled for july 11th. the felony conviction carries a punishment from probation to up to four years in prison. we should remind people this is just one of four criminal cases, mr. trump is facing, but again, likely the only one to take place before the november election. >> okay, so with all of this now hanging over former president trump, how do you see this affecting the race for the white house at the immediate time? >> not i mean, pbs released a poll today that said nearly three quarters of people saying regardless of a not guilty or guilty verdict, the results were kind of baked in for who they would vote for. now, there are certain sects of the population of within that voter pool of perhaps independents or republicans who may be turned off enough by a guilty
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conviction that they don't want to vote for a convicted felon. and perhaps they stay at home. but you wonder how much that swings the polls. but certainly we are seeing mr. trump already using this. his campaign site crashed immediately after when they sent out a campaign fundraising email saying i'm a political prisoner. so certainly this this may actually help him in some regards, at least as it starts in the immediate future. >> and you mentioned the statement from the white house fairly muted, but i'm curious about the biden campaign moving forward. how much are they going to run with this leading up to the first televised debate and eventually into the fall and then november? >> if you're the biden campaign, you are looking at those swing state polls which have not been good for the biden-harris campaign. and so do you lead into the idea of sort of the chaos and the uncertainty within the courtroom with former president trump, and that may be attacked they want to take because what they have done so far has not been tilting the scales in their favor. that very well may be a path that they take to certainly see if they can do this more. and if
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president biden addresses the nation on this issue, that remains to be seen. >> yeah, an unprecedented day. you have to look, too, at how this all affects the judicial system. >> and that is the part of it to watch, right? because we're already seeing former president trump drawing questions, saying this was a rigged system. you already see supporters of him saying the judicial system was always against mr. trump. but this is exactly how the judicial system is supposed to work. you go to trial, you pull a jury of 12 of your peers that then make a decision. and that is how things shook out today. and that jury came back much quicker than many of us thought they would, just 9.5 hours over two days. and so even though doubt is being sown upon that process, this is how it's supposed to go. >> and the judge seemed to have control the courtroom throughout the trial. >> that's right. i mean, it was it was certainly a lot of drama throughout this sort of six week trial. but again, this is how jury trials work. >> all right, greg, thank you. >> thanks, greg. the former president spoke for a short time
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after the 34 guilty verdicts came down. you've heard parts of it, but here is the entire statement. >> this was a disgrace. this was a rigged trial by a conflicted judge who was corrupt. it's a rigged trial, a disgrace. they wouldn't give us a venue change. we were at 5% or 6% in this district. in this area. this was a rigged, disgraceful trial. but the real verdict is going to be november fifth by the people. and they know what happened here. and everybody knows what happened here. you have a soros backed d.a. and a whole thing. we didn't do a thing wrong. i'm a very innocent man, and it's okay. i'm fighting for our country. i'm fighting for our constitution. our whole country is being rigged right now. this was done by the biden administration in order to wound or hurt an opponent, a political opponent. and i think it's just
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a disgrace. and we'll keep fighting. we'll fight till the end and we'll win because our country has gone to #### we don't have the same country anymore. we have a divided mess where nation in decline, serious decline, millions and millions of people pouring into our country right now from prisons and from mental institutions, terrorists. and they're taking over our country. we have a country that's in big trouble. but this was a rigged decision right from day one with a conflicted judge who should have never been allowed to try this case. never. and we will fight for our constitution. this is long from over. thank you very much. why should voters vote for a convicted felon? >> all right. joining us now for analysis on the verdict and looking forward to the future here. david levine, legal expert with uc law, san francisco david, sentencing july 11th. it's all in the judge on this one. probation to four years in prison. what will the judge be weighing here?
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>> well, mike and julie, there's a lot on this historic day, he'll be weighing the gravity of the offenses. now, these are 34 felonies, but they are at the lowest level of new york state's felonies. but there'll be issues about the possibility of recidivism. don't forget that he's already been found guilty of ten violations of the gag order. they're going to worry about how that should fit in, they're going to compare it to other cases, people who have been convicted of similar felonies, as well as people who have been convicted. michael cohen, most obviously, a man who pled guilty to the same offense and got three years in jail. so i'm office is going to ask for some real time. okay, up to the four year maximum perhaps, but but something like that. so it's a momentous day. >> okay. well, david, a lot of legal, political and constitutional consequences to think about here. explain how mr. trump can still become
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president now that he's a convicted felon. >> well, because the constitution only has very limited, limited qualifications. you have to be a natural born citizen. you have to be 35 years of age, and you can't have served for, more than one, two and a half terms, as president. and so he qualifies on all those grounds. he hasn't been convicted of something like the insurrection case that might disqualify him. so he's completely able to run for president and indeed sit as the president of the united states. now, oddly, he may not be able to vote for himself as a convicted felon, when it comes time on november 5th. but run for president. not a problem. we didn't think about this, back 240 years, but the constitution was written. so david, july 11th is sentencing the trump's legal team said they would appeal this. >> the verdicts. could that process take us past the general
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election? >> oh, absolutely, the appeals certainly will. i think an issue will be the question of whether justice mershon will insist that mr. trump begin to serve his sentence immediately upon sentencing, which i think is rather unlikely. but rather i think that he will allow, mr. trump to be out effectively on bail with certain limitations until the appeals process is over. so we're going to have the specter of this convicted felon taking the nomination from the republican national committee. every republican party, within a few days after, it's just going to be wild. >> yeah. you mentioned david. he may not be able to vote if it comes to that, but what about security clearance as an elected? a president? would he be able to have security clearance where he wouldn't possibly. if he's just a regular citizen under normal circumstances, he certainly would not be entitled to a
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security clearance. >> but as the president, he could give himself the security clearance. when he was president. he overruled for his son in law, jared kushner. apparently, the, normal process would not have allowed him to get a security clearance, but he allowed it so he could allow it for himself, what might be at issue is whether president biden will give mr. trump the courtesy of classified briefings while they are competing against each other. normally once somebody has been nominated for president , they begin to get highly classified briefings, but that's up to mr. biden to allow that or not. >> all right. david levine, legal expert with uc law of san francisco, always a pleasure, david. appreciate the time. thank you. >> anytime. all right. we'll see you later. >> all right. thanks, david. >> and our coverage of the guilty verdicts will continue throughout the next several hours. coming up tonight at 530, we will go live to new york. you can also stay up to date at all
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times on our website and on our news app. >> next at five, an early morning fire in castro valley at a public market, leaving it in ruins. what's next for the devastated shop owners? >> it was warmer today. the fog. not back at the coast yet, but i see it on the satellite, so it's coming. when it gets here, we're going to cool down and of co se, th ♪ when your child has moderate—to—severe eczema, it's okay for them to show off. show off their clearer skin and noticeably less itch with dupixent.
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with usps ground advantage®. ♪ morning ktvu henry lee live tonight at the reaction at the market with reaction. this is a big loss henry. >> yeah people just devastated everyone here in town. castro valley knows about lake chabot public market. this is where you go with your kids after school
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to get ice cream and get boba, korean barbecue, things of that nature. but now firefighters say this building is a total loss. the popular lake chabot public market in castro valley went up in flames in the middle of the night. it's now a charred shell of itself. after nearly ten years in business, it was home to six vendors, including mama cho's barbecue. i'm just a lot of emotions going through my mind as far as next steps, immediate steps. hans cho owns mama cho's and a meat company in the building, which is family owned. mama cho is his mother. they're specially heartbroken because of where the fire apparently started. >> the firefighters are still investigating the cause of the incident. it seems to be coming, had come from the mama cho's area, so i'm not exactly sure. i can't really fully speak on that. the fire was reported at about 220 thursday morning and quickly grew to three alarms, apparently fed by a gas line. >> the roof collapsed an hour later. alameda county firefighters pulled out and went on the defensive, spraying water from above battalion chief justin hoagland has a personal
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connection to the fire. >> one of the owners is, you know, childhood friend of mine. we grew up together, you know, went to high school together. so it's a pinnacle in the community , it's really sad to see this happen by daybreak, the smell of smoke was still strong. >> firefighters were still putting water on hot spots to guard against flare ups. >> it's really sad because this place is always super busy. it's real close to like the hiking trails in lake chabot, so it's kind of like a staple of the community here. >> suki lin owns poco. >> when i opened it, i didn't expect like so much regular customers and they are so nice. and then some of them even become friends. it's like they come in. we know that water. >> jennifer chen says she usually stops by mama cho's at least twice a week. >> it's so sad and i don't know. the damage looks really bad. >> definitely humbled by the amount of support that we're receiving. and you know, god has a plan. and you know, we'll take it day by day and hopefully,
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come out stronger from this. >> you know, cause of the fire is still under investigation. the owners tell me they do have insurance, which is a little bit of good news, but certainly people are feeling the effects of this fire very deeply. live in castro valley henry lee ktvu, fox two news. >> all right, henry, thank you. >> california high school in san ramon was placed on lockdown today after police say school staff received a phone call threatening violence. officers searched the campus and explosive detection. canines were also brought onto the school grounds. now. police eventually gave the all clear and lifted the lockdown, but security measures remain in effect. officers stayed on campus and people from outside the high school were prohibited from entering the grounds. >> a man is in custody tonight facing attempted murder charges in a shooting in the east bay that left a man injured. jesus gonzalez solis was arrested on tuesday in an encampment in hayward. he's suspected in the shooting that happened on niles canyon road in sunol on may 15th. the victim remains in stable condition. the alameda
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county sheriff's office says detectives seized a loaded ar 15 pistol during the arrest. authorities believe the suspect and the victim knew each other. >> it was warmer out there today than yesterday by a couple of degrees, so we saw temperatures that were mid 80s, upper 80s turn into a couple low 90s saratoga that's warm, 93 degrees walnut creek hit 92. these are preliminary numbers. but still warm nonetheless. these numbers will they may come down a little or i don't know if they'll go up, but they may come down a little bit. but either way, we had a very warm day. today was the warmest day of the of the week, and then temperatures tomorrow trend down. the fog is going to come back when the fog comes back. of course, that adds the onshore flow component flavor to the forecast. and that's why the bell curve is going to work its way south on the right side of the yellow there as it goes cooler on friday, saturday, sunday, which is your bay area weekend, which will be noticeably cooler, especially on saturday and sunday. friday it will start the cooling. and that's because the
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fog coming back up the coast. i was able to find a little bit of fog down around southern california and you can see it down here, and you can also see what's kind of cool. i think the northerly wind, it's north northwest, but it's how it scours the fog away. and if you look at the coastline, how it contours, it does. if you get a north wind or northwest wind, it does kind of blow slightly offshore, which is why the fog is down here in santa barbara and in southern california, where they are getting their typical kind of june gloom pattern. the weather systems to the north. this one here. well, let me see if i can move it on for you. if this guy here, that thing is going to get close to us, and that's all it takes to get a little closer to it, it's going to bump to the north of us starting tonight and tomorrow and the next day. that'll usher in the fog and a lot more fog to form. it'll cool things down. it'll increase the onshore winds, increase cloud cover and drop temperatures for the bay area weekend. so when i come back, we're going to take a look specifically at the forecast that involves your bay area weekend and that significant cooldown very noticeable on
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saturday and sunday. >> a new jury is listening to the tape confession of david depape for the first time this week. he is the man convicted of attacking paul pelosi. coming up, details on the second day of his state trial following his recent federal conviction and just a reminder that you can now stream ktvu news on your smart tv. >> you can watch live newscasts and stories on demand on your amazon fire tv, roku, apple tv or android tv. just search for the fox local app and then select ktvu.
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see with the hammer. ktvu christien kafton was in the courtroom. he joins us now live in christian today. the jury heard the taped confession to investigators. >> yeah, a very big day in court for many of the jurors. it's the first time they've heard the pap's voice. a recording that was made just hours after the incident where he is on trial for attacking paul pelosi with a hammer inside department 19, in san francisco's hall of justice. the jury sat for a second day of testimony as they prepare to decide the fate of david depape, already convicted in federal court for the october 2022 attack on the husband of the former speaker of the house, san francisco police lieutenant carla hurley interviewed depape at zuckerberg san francisco general hospital just five hours after that attack. in a recording of that interview,
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depape acknowledges what he'd done and laid out his plan, saying, quote, well, i was going to hold her. nancy pelosi hostage and talk to her. and if she told the truth, i'd let her go. and if she effing lied, i'd break her kneecaps. when he discovered that the former speaker wasn't there, he said he told paul pelosi, quote, he was not my target. i even told him that. defense attorney and former prosecutor randall knox has been following this trial and says the interview with depape, detailing his plans to kidnap the former speaker and his belief in conspiracy theories could be important for the prosecution and defense. >> it can work well for both sides, obviously, a defendant's confession or admission is an important piece of evidence. always but based on my understanding of what he said, it also supports, the foundation for the defense saying the kid, the guy was delusional. >> and prosecutors also called the neurologist who treated paul
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pelosi to the stand to detail how badly the then 82 year old man was injured. the doctor said that paul pelosi will have to deal with the aftermath of the incident, likely for the rest of his life. now we are expecting paul pelosi to take the stand, the witness stand as early as tomorrow. currently, that is the plan. the case expected to stretch into next week. it could be. and this is depending on how quickly they get through all the witnesses and how they get through all of the evidence. it could be in the jury's hand by the hands. rather, by the end of next week, we're live in san francisco, christien kafton, ktvu, fox two news. >> christian. thank you. all right. >> coming up next here at five, we're going to go live to new york city for an update on the situation there. after former president donald trump was f
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said man, and it's okay. i'm fighting for our country. i'm fighting for our constitution. our whole country is being rigged right now. this was done by the biden administration in order to wound or hurt an opponent of political opponent. and i think it's a just a disgrace. and we'll keep fighting. we'll fight till the end and we'll win. former president trump defy him after a jury found him guilty on 34 charges. >> the verdicts came down in the second day of deliberations. it
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took jurors just 9.5 hours to reach their decision. 34 guilty verdicts in connection with the $130,000 hush money payment to adult film star stormy daniels, now the former president could be sentenced to probation all the way up to four years in prison. mr. trump had no visible reaction as the jury handed down those guilty verdicts. >> fox's connor hansen live tonight in new york city. he joins us with more reaction. and connor right out of the gate i got to ask you more about donald trump and his reaction once he left the courtroom. and also, what was it like out there on the streets outside the courthouse? >> mike and julie, you heard some of his speech right after court, defiant, railing against this verdict. as soon as he left the courthouse, he went to trump tower. but now we're being told he's actually at a fundraiser right now. we've also seen emails from the biden campaign trying to raise money off this, too. so here we go, back into the race for the presidency in november. now this range
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everything from tense, quiet inside the courtroom to people coming out here outside protesting. but some also cheering the verdict. a lot of this was unexpected. people didn't think this verdict was going to come. so fast. as you mentioned in the intro, less than two full days of deliberations here and the jury asking a lot of questions about the jury instructions about key testimony and evidence from david pecker, michael cohen, it seemed like this was going to take at least another day. the court saying they were going to wrap up at 430 our time this afternoon. but that verdict came. people in the courtroom were told sitting silently, waiting about 30 minutes for it to be delivered before people sort of took to the streets out here. >> yeah. connor, an unprecedented day. a lot of people reacting to what happened with those 34 guilty verdicts tell us what happens next for mr. trump.
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>> well, we'll be waiting about six weeks or so for that. sentencing will be july 11th. and notably, that's only a few days before the republican national convention. it will be up to judge juan merchan alone to decide what that actual sentence is. i think you mentioned it earlier, but that could range with a felony. that could range anywhere from something like probation to actual prison time, even though that's highly unlikely for a former president of course, we're expecting trump's legal team to appeal this. they have 30 days to do that. >> and, connor, you mentioned the convention july 15th in milwaukee. you know what's the what's the sense that does anything change with this conviction, at least at the convention? do you get a sense that the republican party will rally, continue to rally with the former president as he tries to get the party's nomination to become the president once again? >> it certainly seems like it's so far based on the reaction
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from other republicans, supporters of former president trump. and it's been really fascinating to see some of the polling, even leading into this before we knew what the verdict was going to be. the numbers there didn't show that this would change people's opinion that much, but we'll have to wait and see if that polling changes. now that we do have a verdict, will it matter to voters that he has been found guilty of a felony? so right now , it doesn't seem like voters are going to be impacted that much. but, you know, you have a lot of people on the fence. we'll have to wait and see. >> connor, you just talked about voting polar polars. how do you see the campaign changing as far as strategy? you mentioned that former president trump is at a fundraiser tonight, and the white house is already emailing and talking about a fundraising event this evening. your thoughts on that? >> both sides already seizing on this opportunity to raise money.
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one thing that was really interesting earlier this afternoon, right after the verdict, someone actually checked that trump campaign website and it was out of service. so that might tell you so many people were clicking on it that it went down. but that's back up and running right now. of course, as i mentioned before, the biden campaign sending out an email, you know, basically saying the only way to get rid of donald trump will be at the ballot box saying no one is above the rule of law. and that went along with a link to donate to their campaign. >> connor hanson live tonight with the very latest out of new york city. connor. appreciate it. thank you. >> thanks, connor. well, shortly after the verdict, connor touched on this. donald trump's reelection website changed its front page. and it looks like this. he calls himself a political prisoner, saying he did nothing wrong. it shows his mugshot and the words never surrender. the prosecutor in the case, d.a. alvin bragg, also spoke after the verdict, saying the jury has spoken and it is the only voice that matters.
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>> while this defendant may be unlike any other in american history, we arrived at this trial and ultimately today, at this verdict, in the same manner as every other case that comes through the courtroom doors, by following the facts and the law and doing so without fear or favor. >> and the republican speaker of the house said a different take on the verdict, speaker mike johnson saying on x, today is a shameful day in american history. democrats cheered as they convicted the leader of the opposing party on ridiculous charges predicated on the testimony of a disbarred, convicted felon. this was a purely political exercise, not a legal one. >> a former democratic state senator and political consultant, don perata, said while he expected mr. trump to be found guilty on some of the charges, he was astonished by the conviction on all 34 counts. perata also said he expects the
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trump presidential campaign will take a hit from today's verdicts . >> he is clearly coming unhinged. he's asking this country to go into an authoritarian government and he would be in charge, and there just cannot be that much of, you know, maga people around. i think what will happen to his base. some people get so fed up that just won't vote, so i think all in all, this is going to hurt him. >> as for president biden's reelection campaign, perata said he thinks the president should avoid saying anything about mr. trump's conviction and let the monumental aspect of today's verdicts speak for themselves. and east bay congressman eric swalwell also reacting to today's historic verdicts, calling them a win for the rule of law on x, he said, quote, donald trump is a convicted felon. this verdict is not a win for any single person. it's a win for an idea. the idea that we all follow the same rules, the rule of law won today. >> and this afternoon we did ask
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some people in walnut creek for their reaction to the historic conviction of a former president. >> i absolutely he thinks he deserved to be found guilty. he's been covering up things for years and he finally got what he deserved. >> i think the right judgment was given, he and 34 counts, as i recall, it was an and i'm pleased, very pleased, i cannot believe that he'd be our president. >> and we also spoke with a couple trump supporters who did not want to go on camera today. now, in a statement, the california republican party chair called this a dark day for our justice system. she added, despite democrat led efforts to interfere with the presidential election, americans will have their final say this november when they reelect president trump and send him back to the white house to fix the many failures of the biden administration and put our nation on a pathway to success. our coverage of the historic verdicts will continue coming up tonight at six and, of course,
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online at ktvu .com. >> a fremont high school senior still reeling from what he believes was a gel gun attack. the investigation now underway as he attends his final days of class
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near campus. ktvu south bay reporter jesse gary has the story. >> i got shot and then my teacher got my teacher got shot and then one of our parents got shot. >> hawkins still bears marks on his right arm and elbow from what police believe was a gel gun attack. a special needs student, he was with a teacher and an assistant and another special needs student. when the crime took place. the group had just finished lunch at this taqueria and was walking back to campus along stevenson boulevard , near blackwell road in fremont. >> forgive me, it scared the #### out of me, and i'm being polite. because not knowing really what happened to matthew, his buddy, he was so shooken up, he couldn't go back to school. he went home, josh stuck it out, and, but it scared. scared the #### out of us. >> the fremont unified school district confirms the group was hit by projectiles from a gel gun. and is investigating our immediate reaction is to focus on the response and focus on the student safety and the staff
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safety. >> certainly an issue of concern . we have a wonderful school district and a wonderful community here in fremont, and these incidents are not typical. >> fremont police are also investigating and say the gel beads were fired from a vehicle traveling northbound on blackwell road. other than bruising, no serious injuries are reported. >> if i moved my arm, i would have got hit right in the side, but glad i had my arm down. >> josh's dad says. if caught, the guilty party needs to face serious consequences. >> kids need to get more discipline. nowadays they don't have it. there's got to be some common sense taught to these kids and discipline. >> investigators haven't said the make or model of the vehicle involved in this incident, but fremont police want anyone with any information to give them a call in fremont. jesse gary, ktvu, fox two news. >> construction of a new clubhouse for san francisco nonprofit united players is now officially underway. congresswoman nancy pelosi, mayor, london breed and da brooke jenkins all among those in attendance at a
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groundbreaking ceremony today for that new facility. the project will renovate united players existing two story structure on howard and add a new community center. >> this building will be a manifestation of the respect that we have for the dignity and worth of every person, that it is our responsibility to help meet their needs and to understand the resource that they are to the community. >> the new facility will be more than 7300ft!s. it will include a community hall, meeting rooms and offices to expand family literacy and adult reentry programs. >> san jose residents are being encouraged to help keep their neighborhoods beautiful. mayor matt mahan announced the pilot program today. people can sign up to adopt a block with a pledge to pick up trash once a week or once a month. some of the first volunteers signed up at a press conference in west san jose this morning. residents will be provided with a litter kit, which includes trash bags,
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a litter stick, safety vest and gloves. >> these adoption programs are invaluable avenues for san jose to come together and care for our community. i look forward to seeing you all volunteering and helping out and supporting your neighbors. >> residents will also be able to apply for the program in person at mayor mahan's state of the city address. that is at 9 a.m. saturday morning at happy hollow park and zoo. >> the berryessa snow mountain national monument on our north coast is now officially expanded. senator alex padilla, north bay congressman mike thompson and tribal leaders today signed a coast stewardship agreement. earlier this month, president biden announced the 13,000 acre expansion of the land, which is considered significant to tribal nations. padilla and thompson say the expansion will safeguard generations of tribal origin stories, protect wildlife and the rich, biodiverse city in the region. >> everybody came together
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knowing this was the right thing to do, and it was an important thing to do, and all you have to do is look at the landscapes or think about the wildflowers or the wildlife that is there. it all becomes very, very obvious. >> the berryessa snow mountain national monument covers more than 344,000 acres in parts of napa, yolo, solano, lake, colusa, glenn and mendocino counties. >> veterans in santa clara county can now receive free taxi rides to doctors visits, job interviews, and other vital appointments. the new program is part of a partnership with santa clara county yellow cab and the silicon valley chapter of the military officers association of america, or svc veterans can schedule their free rides by calling the county's office of veterans services. >> boeing officials present their new federally mandated safety plan to the faa. what happens if boeing fails to follow its new rules? >> we're going to take a look at
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that forecast. it does include a cool down. we did warm up today noticeably, but that storm behind me, you can see out in the aleutian islands, is setting up for a cool down for the weekend. i'll see yo
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>> with the rafah offensive now underway. israeli forces are focusing on cutting off supplies and evacuation routes for hamas fighters in southern gaza. the idf says it's now established, quote, operational control over the entire border region between gaza and egypt, an eight mile long buffer zone known as the philadelphia corridor. egypt immediately protesting, pointing out any increase in israeli troop presence there would violate the 1979 peace treaty. >> i call upon the international community to work for immediate access to humanitarian aid to the gaza strip to put an end to the israeli siege, but the idf says it was a strategic move aimed at hamas, not egypt. >> and so far they've located dozens of rocket launchers prepared to fire at israel, as well as 20 underground tunnels leading to the egyptian side of the border. >> hamas exploited the corridor and built this infrastructure at a distance of mere dozens of meters from the border with
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egypt, so that we won't attack them. >> and as israeli forces move deeper into rafah, the white house says there's a new cease fire proposal on the table that the israelis support. it's still not clear if hamas will get on board, but the un says it's using, quote, quiet diplomacy to move the peace process forward when it comes to the regional dynamic, i would say that luckilly there is a quiet regional diplomacy. >> we there are many people in that sort of diplomacy. key, key countries are involved. >> on wednesday, a top israeli officials said the war is expected to last at least through the end of the year in tel aviv. trey yingst ktvu, fox two news. >> president biden will reportedly allow ukraine to hit targets inside russia using us made weapons, despite warnings from moscow. ukrainian forces said that they fired missiles into russia with britain's permission today. now this comes as russia has launched multiple offensives in the east and the
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north of ukraine over the past 24 hours, secretary of state antony blinken said that he would not provide concrete details, but says it's up to the ukrainians to decide how best to defend their country at every step along the way, we've adapted and adjusted as necessary, and so that's exactly what we'll do going forward. >> we're always listening. we're always learning, and we're always making determinations about what's necessary. >> blinken is in prague for a two day defense summit with his nato counterparts. many have already endorsed the idea of using long range missiles to hit russia. moscow says it will consider these future attacks as an escalation that will require a military response. >> boeing's soon to be gone. ceo dave calhoun and key company officials met with federal aviation administration officials for three hours today to present a federally mandated safety plan, 90 days to the day after the faa set that deadline. >> and while this plan is being implemented, the cap on how many
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planes boeing can actually make remains. and that is slowing down delivery of new aircraft to airlines. ktvu tom vacar reports. >> boeing's plans deal primarily with setting specific objectives for safety and quality going forward. >> i made it clear to boeing ceo dave calhoun and other senior leaders that this plan does not mark the end of our increased oversight of boeing and its suppliers, but the beginning of the next chapter. >> there is no timeline. it lasts until every plane is deemed completely acceptable for passenger use. >> these steps are not just about the max, they're about all production for boeing commercial aircraft to reach those objectives, the faa already has a lot more inspectors on the factory floor relying on key employee interviews to assure that boeing employees and its suppliers employees have more and better ways to provide input about manufacturing issues without fear of retaliation, hands on, and also talking to folks on the floor and getting a more accurate picture of what's
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happening. an environment where employees feel that they can speak up and raise safety issues. >> finally, there will be a big reduction in its assembly plants accepting incomplete components that were built in remote locations. as it has been the case that the assembly plant accepted them and then finish them once the plane had been mostly built, and then it gets put outside the factory in what's become to be known at boeing as the shadow factory, which is literally outside the plant, which is where they correct the errors and the omissions that occurred inside the plant. from now on, every mistake, error or problem must be documented and reported. but that still leaves many passengers wondering. despite the claim, the existing in-service planes have been thoroughly inspected and have been reinspected. has it been enough? tom vacar ktvu, fox two news and a very warm day today. >> temperatures. the warmest we're going to see this week as things trend down. fog comes
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back tomorrow and temperatures go the other way. but these are some of the numbers from today. we did hit some of those low 90s inland. so warmer. and then san francisco is warmer by a few degrees. pacifica is about the same fog not back at the coast yet, but it will be could be by midnight maybe tonight at 10 or 11:00. we'll come back and on the 10:00 broadcast we might see a little fog coming up the coast. we'll see if we can pick it out on the satellites. but the trend is for cooler the next couple of days as we go into the weekend. so it's not such a bad deal. it's just not going to be as warm, but cooler. we're talking upper 70s for most of us. mid 70s and then in the warm inland valleys, low 80s and that's for friday. it starts cooling saturday and sunday it kind of continues cooling live camera for this kind of weather, for this warm weather, mild weather, well warm weather. it's pretty good air quality. it's a little funky, but it's not bad really. and that's because we've got a pretty good breeze condition. last couple of days we've had pretty good breezy conditions, sort of a north northwesterly wind almost offshore, just enough to trim the fog away. and you can see
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that flow right kind of north northwest. and it just takes that's the marine layer right there. and you see it. it's just all been pushed around. point conception we just call that that's the california bight is what they used to call that back in the old days, like the bight of california was taken out. and that's point conception. and so that's where the fog has kind of been forced into. and then you see, it's clear here but tonight that this these winds die. and then the fog starts to work its way north. so current temperatures are in the 90s. that's a little bit warmer than it was yesterday. at this time. and then the fog forecast there it is tomorrow morning and there it is tomorrow night. and there it is again on saturday morning, saturday night and then big time on sunday. so it's just a cooler weekend coming our way. it would should be fine. it helps fire danger most certainly. here are the forecast highs. cool coast you've heard that before. warm inland and then the five day forecast. so it's a good one. cooler today was the warmest we're going to see for a little while. >> the biden administration rejected a tiktok offer to give
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the united states government partial control of the app.
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administration is giving amazon permission to operate its delivery drones. beyond visual line of sight. that means the remote pilot can send a delivery drone out, even if it can't be seen. amazon says it has spent years developing technology to ensure drones can avoid obstacles in the air. amazon says it will start delivering to more densely populated areas of its test market in college station, texas, the us reportedly rejected a deal with tiktok offering the us government unprecedented control of the app, as fox's hillary vaughn reports, the news comes as the us has decided to force its chinese owners to sell that app. >> the biden administration has rejected a deal that would have given them partial control over tiktok, a compromise that tiktok thought might help them avoid an all out ban. but it didn't ultimately solve the problem, which is tiktok is owned by a beijing based business, which means the chinese communist party has influence over it, the washington post reports. the deal on the table would give the us government veto power over
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each new hire at tiktok, let a defense contractor monitor tiktok source code and give the feds a kill switch to shut down the app if anything were to go haywire. but a senior biden administration official telling the post the only acceptable option is completely cutting off tiktok from china for national security concerns, saying they, quote, determined more than a year ago that the solution proposed by the parties at the time would be insufficient to address the serious national security risks presented. it became clear that divestment from its foreign ownership was and remains necessary. republicans say this half measure fix floated by tiktok would have made the us operate just like the ccp. >> why would we choose to do what tiktok has already done? and that is to give the government access? >> time is ticking for tiktok to put themselves up for sale and find a buyer if they want to continue to be on smartphones in america. but instead of doing that, they are busy suing over the divestment order signed into law by president biden. a us
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appeals court in d.c. will be hearing the case and is fast tracked. the process to get a ruling by december 6th, leaving time for the supreme court to weigh in if needed. now, tiktok has until january 19th to divest to an american company or face a ban in washington. hillary vaughn, fox news. >> this is ktvu, fox two news at six, an historic day for the country as a jury convicts a former president of a felony for the first time. >> and new york jury finds donald trump guilty on all 34 counts. >> i have a very innocent man, and it's okay. i'm fighting for our country. i'm fighting for our constitution. >> we should all be thankful for the careful attention that this jury paid to the evidence and the law. >> the jury found the former president guilty of falsifying business records in a scheme to try to influence the 2016 election. hello again everyone. i'm julie julie haener and i'm mike mibach.
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>> the former president also faces three other felony indictments. fox's connor hansen joins us live tonight from lower manhattan with details on today's verdict. connor >> mike. julie. truly a remarkable night here. that jury less than two full days of deliberation before they convicted former president donald trump of 34 counts of falsifying business records. those are all felonies. now it only took them less than a less. like i said, less than two full days of deliberation. you can hear the former president defiant after that verdict was read. >> and i think it's just a disgrace. and we'll keep fighting. we'll fight till the end and we'll win because our country has gone to #### we don't have the same country anymore. we have a divided mess. >> the jury found mr. trump falsified business records to cover up a hush money pat


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