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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 6pm  FOX  May 30, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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indictments. fox's connor hansen joins us live tonight from lower manhattan with details on today's verdict. connor >> mike. julie. truly a remarkable night here. that jury less than two full days of deliberation before they convicted former president donald trump of 34 counts of falsifying business records. those are all felonies. now it only took them less than a less. like i said, less than two full days of deliberation. you can hear the former president defiant after that verdict was read. >> and i think it's just a disgrace. and we'll keep fighting. we'll fight till the end and we'll win because our country has gone to #### we don't have the same country anymore. we have a divided mess. >> the jury found mr. trump falsified business records to cover up a hush money payment made to an adult film star,
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stormy daniels, who said she had an affair with trump. the $130,000 payment made by mr. trump's former attorney, michael cohen, to daniels in the days before the 2016 election. trump pleaded not guilty to all charges and denied an affair. the jury heard more than four weeks of testimony, including from prosecutors, key witness michael cohen and stormy daniels. trump's defense team has vowed to appeal the decision. here's manhattan district attorney alvin bragg, who brought the charges. speaking earlier this afternoon. >> while this defendant may be unlike any other in american history, we arrived at this trial and ultimately today at this verdict in the same manner as every other case that comes through the courtroom doors, by following the facts and the law and doing so without fear or favor, and the former
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president's sentencing will be on july 11th, just a few days before the republican convention. >> and again, those are felonies. that sentence could carry anything from probation to prison time, even though that's highly unlikely. what that sentence will be will be up to judge juan merchan alone. and again, a reminder this is just one of four cases the former president is facing, but likely the only one before the november election. >> and connor, as those guilty verdicts were read in the courtroom, all 34 one by one. what was the reaction among those inside the courthouse? >> well, we were getting constant updates from our coworkers who are inside watching this happen and mind you, none of us were really expecting to get the verdict. this early on in the process. definitely not this afternoon.
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so as soon as the jury wrote a note saying they had a verdict, we're told it went dead silent. you could hear a pin drop in there. both sides sat at that table for about 30 minutes before the verdict was read, and then, of course, out here outside the courtroom, we saw people celebrating the verdict. but some people, supporters of former president trump, protesting against it. >> but it seems all quiet tonight. behind you. >> so far, things have really quieted down compared to right after that verdict was read. but police are on high alert just in case there are any protests that pick up around the city. but so far we have not seen much. the former president is expected to speak again tomorrow morning at trump tower. >> all right. connor hansen reporting live for us tonight on a very busy day in new york. connor >> thank you. well, the first felony conviction of a former president has sent shock waves across the political spectrum. >> ktvu political reporter greg lee joins us now with reaction
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as well as the implications on the race for the white house. yeah, guys, as you would expect, strong reactions on both sides of this verdict. >> some republicans digging in and their defense of mr. trump just over five months from that november election, democrats and president biden's team using the decision to urge people to vote. the white house has avoided commenting on the trial this afternoon. biden's campaign communications director wrote this there is still only one way to keep donald trump out of the oval office at the ballot box. convicted felon or not, trump will be the republican nominee for president, house speaker mike johnson said today is a shameful day in american history. democrats cheered as they convicted the leader of the opposing party on ridiculous charges predicated on the testimony of a disbarred, convicted felon. this was a purely political exercise, not a legal one. now, looking ahead to november, it is clear this will fire up mr. trump's base. but political experts say it could hurt that campaign in trying to expand. excuse me, expand its reach in an incredibly tight race. >> there's a set of habitual
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regular gop voters who won't vote for a convicted felon. this number is small, but it's important on the margins. if you're a candidate like donald trump, who's tapped out at about 46 or 47% of the popular vote, you're going to have to do something about turnout and worries related to that. >> now, mr. trump's team has vowed to appeal this ruling, which could delay the sentencing. as you heard, connor say, sentencing currently scheduled for july 11th, again for days just before the republican national convention, where he is expected to be formally nominated by his party, which should point out mr. trump is scheduled to be in san francisco one week from today for a fundraiser in the city. and when you look back on his political career, i just writing a couple things. >> he's endured two impeachments, allegations of sexual abuse, investigations into potential ties into russia, among other things. and now we have this i mean, going into the convention, is anything going to change with the republican party? >> what has happened at each
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turn and what we've already seen some some of those republicans is, again digging in and saying, we continue to support this man. in fact, it's made him stronger in those incidents because he's raised a ton of money tonight already. his campaign contribution site crashed because supporters were getting behind him. the question is now how does this impact him with independents? how does this impact with long time republicans? like mcewen said, there those that always vote republican. but can they stand behind it at this point? >> a convicted felon, but not at the convention. no one's going to raise their hand and go, wait, maybe we should think about this for a second. >> no, not i mean, at this point, nobody is giving any inclination to the party all standing in line behind him. at least the loud ones. the question is, what does a mitch mcconnell do? what are some of those long time hawkish republicans do? do they stand up? but so far, what they've shown in the past is that they will not. >> on the other side of this, we talked about this earlier at five, is the implications on what today's guilty verdicts mean for the judicial system in this country. >> yeah, and that's a big part of it. right. and i think you've
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already started to see some of those discussion. former president trump standing up and saying this was rigged. you saw mike johnson saying this was planned by the biden administration, that this was all a political ploy. but the bottom line is this is how the judicial system works. if any of us were to be arrested, we would go to trial and they would select a jury. and that jury of your peers then would make a decision. so there will continue to be out of this questions by mr. trump's campaigns trying to sow doubt upon the judicial system. but the bottom line is this is how it works. >> and this is one of four cases that mr. trump is facing. so what now happens with the other three? >> they will continue. but again, at this point those are unlikely to happen before november. and in fact, when you look at the scope of these cases, specifically the classified documents case in florida, as well as the election interference case from federal prosecutors and jack smith, this case in new york was deemed by law experts to really sort of be the weakest of the bunch, and yet they found him guilty on those 34 counts. so you look at those other prosecutors, they must be wondering what can come
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for them next. all right. >> president biden, donald trump still slated to debate next month. president biden brings this up over and over again. >> you think during that, you have to imagine now that with how the polls have been showing mr. trump leading biden and especially those swing states, he's got to come out swinging. yes. and they sharpen the knives a little bit on these attacks and sharpen the knives as it relates to what we've seen in this trial. >> all right, greg, thank you. greg well, the conviction of a former president and current presidential candidate has now opened a pandora's box of legal questions. >> and for more on this, we are joined by david levine, professor at uc law, san francisco. david let's get into it. probation or four years in prison. i mean, donald trump doesn't appear to be showing any remorse so far, but he also doesn't have a criminal record. so what will the judge do when it comes to sentencing? here >> well, mike and julie, it's going to be really interesting, what the prosecution is going to press for some sort of a jail, a
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prison sentence, i'm sure, and mr. trump's people will say that he doesn't deserve any time in prison at all, they will look at things like the fact that he was convicted of ten violations of the gag order. but there are 34 convictions here that that, clip that you showed of mr. trump coming out of the courtroom shows zero remorse, which is you would like to see if you're going to go for a lesser sentence. so i think the chances are pretty good that this justice is going to say that mr. trump should spend at least some time in prison and a substantial time on probation, but but there's a lot of range, and there's. we still have many weeks to go before the middle of july. >> david, what would you say after hearing today's guilty verdicts? what are the biggest legal and constitutional national consequences facing president trump? now? >> give us a venue change. >> well, you have to look at what are they going to, try to build an appeal on, and they're
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going to build an appeal on, the fact that, mr. that mr. cohen, is a convicted liar. but of course, there's much more evidence. yes, they will raise the question of whether stormy daniels should have been allowed to testify in such great detail as she was, whether it was appropriate for justice mershon to leave it up to the jury members to decide which crimes, mr. trump was trying to do to cover up, this payoff, so there's a number of issues there, but i do think the prosecution put on a very, very strong case, as evidenced by the fact that at the end of the day, after only 9.5 hours of deliberation, 12 people who didn't know each other before this, who listened to all the evidence, who looked at it carefully, came to the conclusion that mr. trump was guilty on all 34 counts. so it's a pretty strong case going into
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appeal. i think the prosecution has to feel pretty good about their chances of being upheld on appeal. what about the prosecution, david? >> do you think the da is going to request prison time? >> oh, i think so, mr. bragg, today in his press conference was a bit circumspect about that. but i'll bet that they will ask for at least some prison time and then some sort of probation. maybe house arrest, something like that. but i think they're going to have to say not to interrupt, david, but if it's house arrest, that means he probably can't leave new york, can't campaign. >> so that is a possibility. >> well, depending on when they begin the sentence, mike, because as a practical matter, he probably would not begin to serve the sentence until after the appeals were exhausted. and that's going to take beyond the election. so i don't think that that would happen, or maybe it would be something like, you know, you can go out two days a week. but i think as a practical matter, nothing is really going to happen to him until the appeals are exhausted. and that
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will take some time. >> and what do you think about his political standing? do you think that's affected by today's guilty verdicts? >> well, among his supporters, i think it looks like in the short term it's going to help him, certainly he's going to do more fundraising off of this. where it's really going to matter are people who are persuadable in the swing states. the handful of states that are going to decide this and are there going to be people who are going to say, well, it is all political, or they're going to say, wait a minute. look at what happened. look at what the jury decided that he covered up payments to a star, and people some people may not take kindly to that. and this is a game of inches. these are going to be very, very close elections in many of the swing states. and so moving ten, ten votes and, you know, wisconsin and pennsylvania could make a huge difference. so it could
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really matter politically. but certainly in the short term you have his supporters, saying this is all political and we have to run on this, but but we'll see which way it cuts. but i guess we just won't know until coming down the line in a few months. >> all right. as always, david levine, a professor at uc law, san francisco, we appreciate your time. thanks for being with us tonight. i'm pleased. >> very pleased, i cannot believe that he'd be our president. >> still to come tonight. more reaction from bay area voters on today's conviction and the response from the california republican party. also head tonight another day of witness testimony in the state trial against david depape. >> and one big name expected to take the stand tomorrow. no. >> and we're cruising into the weekend. well, almost. and temperatures are changing. it was hot today. hottest day of the week. and then this weekend not so i'll see you back here with that. >> also ahead, a special needs student hit by a gel gun and a drive by shooting right outside
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a school. police trying to track down the people responsible. >> and here's a quick check right now of the thursday evening commute. this is a look at the east shore freeway as seen from our emeryville camera. it is heavy there in the commute direction, heading towards berkeley, el cerrito and richmond. you're watching ktvu news at six. we will be right back ( ♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape
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i gotta get this deal... i know... faster wifi and savings? ...i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? today found former president donald trump guilty of 34 felony
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counts linked to a hush money payment to an adult film star. the former president repeated his claims that the trial was politically motivated. the prosecution said the jurors made their decision based on the evidence and the law. sentencing is set for july 11th, just days before the republican national convention in milwaukee. legal analysts say trump is unlikely to be sentenced to any prison time. we asked some people today in walnut creek their thoughts on the sentence. >> it's too bad that the maximum sentence would be four years max. i hope the judge doesn't give him the minimum, which probably be a slap on the hand. >> he absolutely should serve everyone else when they when they commit a crime, they go to jail. he deserves to be treated just like any other american citizen. when they commit a crime, they go to jail. he should go to jail just like everybody else. >> and we did speak with some trump supporters who declined to go on camera today. and in a statement, the california republican party chair called
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this a dark day for our justice system. she added, despite democrat led efforts to interfere with the presidential election, americans will have their final say this november when they reelect president trump and send him back to the white house to fix the many failures of the biden administration and put our nation on a pathway to success. our coverage of the trump guilty verdict continues in our newscast throughout the evening. we also have more online at ktvu dot com and on the fox local app . >> for a second day, jurors heard testimony in the trial of the man already convicted in federal court of attacking paul pelosi with a hammer. ktvu is christian captain was inside the courthouse and has today's developments inside department 19, in san francisco's hall of justice. >> the jury sat for a second day of testimony as they prepare to decide the fate of david depape, already convicted in federal court for the october 2022 attack on the husband of the former speaker of the house. san francisco police lieutenant carla hurley interviewed depape
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at zuckerberg san francisco general hospital just five hours after that attack in a recording of that interview, depape acknowledges what he'd done and laid out his plans, saying, quote, well, i was going to hold her. nancy pelosi hostage and talk to her. and if she told the truth, i'd let her go. and if she effing lied, i'd break her kneecaps. when he discovered that the former speaker wasn't there, he said he told paul pelosi, quote, he was not my target. i even told him that. defense attorney and former prosecutor randall knox has been following this trial and says the interview with depape detailing his plans to kidnap the former speaker and his belief in conspiracy theories could be important for the prosecution and defense. >> it can work well for both sides, obviously a defendant's confession or admission is an important piece of evidence always. but based on my understanding of what he said, it also supports, the foundation for the defense saying the kid, the guy was delusional. >> the doctor said paul pelosi
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will likely have to deal with the aftermath of this incident for the rest of his life. now we are expecting paul pelosi to take the stand tomorrow, friday, at some point in time. the case expected to stretch into next week. it could be in the jury's hands by the end of next week in san francisco. christien kafton ktvu fox two news in the east bay, california, high school in san ramon was placed on lockdown after police say school staff received a phone call threatening violence. >> officers searched the campus and explosive detection. canines were also brought on to school grounds, police eventually giving the all clear and lifted that lockdown. but security measures did remain in effect for quite some time. officers stayed on campus and people from outside the high school were prohibited from entering the school grounds. >> fremont police are investigating a shooting incident that wounded a high school high school senior. police believe it was a gel gun attack that bruised the arm of kennedy high school student josh hawkins on wednesday, the special needs student was
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walking back to campus with a teacher, assistant and another student after eating lunch on stevenson boulevard, fremont police say the gel beads were fired from someone inside a vehicle traveling northbound on blacow road. hawkins father says the guilty party needs to face serious consequences. >> kids need to get more discipline nowadays. they don't have it. there's got to be some common sense taught to these kids and discipline. >> investigators have not released the make or model of the car involved, and no arrests have been made. >> a very warm day today. warmest day of the week. temperatures came up a good 3 to 4 degrees in some places that put us into the low 90s in some of the inland spots. these are the numbers from today, and they are slightly warmer than yesterday, which will get us to the warmest day of the week. and then temperatures trend the other way. we're at the top of the curve now, and we're going to drop down into the weekend. that fog comes back. the onshore wind comes up more, more northwesterly winds and just a cooler pattern. so these temperatures tomorrow are all
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going to drop a good 4 or 5 degrees. there's no fog at the gate yet. but by tonight and tomorrow morning i suspect we'll see fog starting to show up at the coast. and then it just comes back and starts pushing further inland. you know that deal? it does the dance where it goes a little further each day. so as we go a little saturday morning will be a little more intrusion. and then sunday morning, more fog. further inland. and that slowly lowers temperatures. so friday you'll notice it a little bit. saturday and sunday will be very different than what we have today. it'll be it'll be fine. it's just if you're out in the avenues, you're going to be wearing jackets pretty much all weekend. the foggy conditions, of course, and then around the bay around crissy field. it's going to be breezy and kind of cool. you'll need jackets there as well. and then over in oakland, same thing. but you go over the hill into concord. it'll be in the mid 70s, upper 70s in the hot spots, maybe some low 80s. so it's kind of classic early summer pattern but but cooler. that's where we're going. i'll have the full forecast when we come back here in a few minutes. >> all right bill, thank you. still to come tonight. parents say they are upset after their
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kids were exposed to tear gas and pepper spray near a sheriff's office training exercise. >> it was worse than we had initially thought, and i think a lot of parents felt the same about that. >> the admission from the san francisco sheriff, plus how the exposure happened in the first place. >> also ahead, tonight, the state faces a major budget shortfall, but lawmakers in sacramento find some common ground on a deal to fix that ♪ stay ahead of your moderate—to—severe eczema, and show off clearer skin and less itch with dupixent. the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, that helps heal your skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain,
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dozens of people lined up to speak at today's assembly budget committee during public comment. the assembly budget committee passed the budget proposal for the next fiscal year. that proposal addresses the state's expected $45 billion deficit in the next fiscal year, with some reductions in programs and delayed spending. the legislature and the governor have until june 30th to pass a budget. >> san francisco's sheriff says the department has paused training with chemical agents after gas from an exercise affected students at a nearby elementary school. two dozen students and staff members at portola elementary school experienced reactions on may 21st. the sheriff says it happened during scheduled training in which people are exposed to chemical agents such as tear gas and pepper spray, and asked to perform certain functions. the department typically uses older canisters for training and these ones may have been from years ago. >> this particular case, it was not something out of the ordinary that we do, but it is
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something now in hindsight that we are reassessing how we do training and moving forward will definitely reassure and make sure that this doesn't happen again. >> the sheriff says a large number of canisters were used during the training in a confined environment. he says the gas likely escaped when they vented the trailer that was used. one parent says their child experienced severe symptoms initially a sore throat, runny nose, burning eyes but then they had post exposure symptoms 24 hours later, which included kind of a continuous vomiting over the course of like 11 hours, like every four hours. >> he was getting sick. >> parents say they wish they had received better communication after the incident and are calling for a full investigation in the sheriff's office says it's working with the uc berkeley police department, which also participated in the exercise, to learn more about the chemical agents that were used.
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>> coming up on ktvu news at 630. donald trump is due to be sentenced just days before the republican national convention, with plenty of questions in the air as to what it will mean in november and the race for city hall in san francisco, candidate mark farrell unveils a plan to address child care, and london breed is accusing him of borrowing her ideas. and later in sports, stanford trailed throughout their game one matchup against texas. could they rally to make a comeback? are jason appelbaum will ve th
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he found him guilty on 34 counts of falsifying business records. his sentencing hearing is scheduled for july 11th. >> mr. trump has maintained his innocence today after the verdicts were read. the presumptive republican nominee called it a rigged, disgraceful trial. he said this case was politically motivated and the judge was corrupt and conflicted. his attorneys are expected to appeal the verdict. >> president biden did not make a public statement on the conviction. he did attend a mass today on the anniversary of his son beau biden's death. but this afternoon, his campaign communications director released a statement saying, quote, there is still only one way to keep donald trump out of the oval office at the ballot box. end quote. >> you're watching ktvu, fox two news at 630. mr. trump's conviction conviction could have
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big implications on the november election. for more now, we are joined by our political analyst, brian sobel. so, brian, first off, your thoughts. what's the biggest significance as those 34 guilty verdicts were handed down today? >> well, first of all, all americans ought to look at this day as beyond being historic. also a very sad day in american history, it is unprecedented. and it's something that the american public will have to deal with, especially julie, as we move towards the november election and how people will react to this on both sides of the aisle, and especially among voters. it remains to be seen, but it's going to be interesting. >> also historic is we have a candidate, a presumptive nominee here, campaigning on his criminal conviction. will donald trump take a big hit from this moving forward, especially if he's actually sentenced brian to any prison time here? and that sentencing is just four days before the republican national
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convention. >> right. milwaukee, looms large , at the time of donald trump's sentencing. but you know, mike, this may be something that actually among his base, gives him a bounce if, the american public who lean, towards the republican party think that this has been a political, put up job, the president, i think, joe biden is doing the right thing by essentially saying that donald trump has to be beaten at the ballot box, because i think if he were to say anything else, i think that would galvanize even additional people to say, oh, well, this this whole thing came from the democrat side of the aisle. but at the end of the day, donald trump has to has to deal with being convicted, on 34 felony counts and, and that was a jury of, of 12 people in new york who came to that conclusion. brian brian, you touched on president biden. what
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do you think this means for his campaign? do you think what happened to donald trump today could actually give president biden a boost? >> we're all kind of waiting to see julie, whether that's the case, there may be an initial, bump, but if this was any other candidate, i think, other than joe biden and donald trump, i think you might be seeing a different, a different outcome here. i think, enough democrats are concerned about the biden campaign and about the president that, that this is something that, if or another candidate, they would say, hey, game done, game over, but with this happening with donald trump and with these two people in the race, i think it's going to take a little while, frankly, to see how this fleshes out among the american voters. it's just it's very, very, interesting and fascinating. >> kind of a side note here, but how big are the debates between joe biden and donald trump going
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to be in regards to the election in november? >> great question. i, i think, you know, with this as a backdrop, these debates will will be more beneficial to donald trump than joe biden unless joe biden comes ready to ready to debate and i think, there are people that feel like in a one on one situation, there's a good chance that donald trump has the advantage. but joe biden has has shown up and done well in the past and may very well do it again. but it gives, mike, to your point. it gives the american voters another look at both of these candidates in both of those debates. they're going to be a very, very important. yeah yeah. >> brian, when it comes to the international stage, how do you think this will play out among global audiences? >> that's the thing. i think that's a bit, hurtful, in the bigger picture is people around the world look at us as a very
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stable democracy. these things don't usually happen to people who have, held high office. i mean, and in this case, it's the first time we can go back and look at richard nixon, who was probably facing the same sort of, situation had he not resigned and been pardoned by gerald ford. but but it's just unsettling internationally because we are considered a beacon. and, when this kind of thing happens, it says, hey, in a sense, it says, hey, the united states is human. >> we'll leave it there. political analyst brian silva, always a pleasure. appreciate the time. brian >> you're very welcome. >> thanks, brian. still ahead tonight, a successful violence prevention program in san francisco looks forward to expansion. have more space will help united players serve more of the community. >> and just a quick reminder here that you can get ktvu on demand on your smart tv through the fox local app. you can watch live newscasts and see all kinds of in-depth content from our newsroom on a variety of topics.
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his new policies today to address the city's child care crisis, barrel unveiled a plan he says will ensure every family in the city has access to affordable, high quality child care. his proposal will subsidize child care services for middle and low income parents. we spoke with ferrell earlier today on the for. he says his plan would help recruit more child care workers and raise their wages while turning vacant spaces across the city into child care centers and my proposal for universal child care that i came forward with today is multiple prongs. >> one is about making sure the space is available, so we have child care facilities available throughout every single neighborhood in san francisco. we need to make sure we train workers and have a pipeline of people staffing these child care centers. and then it's about affordability. >> ferrell says the funding for
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his child care program would come from the millions of dollars that are sitting unused, which are collected through a 2018 proposition tax. mayor london breeds reelection campaign issued a statement in response to ferrell's proposal. it says, quote, mark farrell, who has contributed zero new policy ideas since launching his campaign, is now desperately trying to poach mayor breeds child care in early education platform. >> and today mayor breed also announced her proposed public safety investments for her upcoming two year budget plan. the mayor is proposing spending more money to hire police officers, sheriff deputies and 911 dispatchers, even as she looks to close a projected shortfall of about $790 million in the next two fiscal years, her plan will be part of her proposed budget that must be presented to the board of supervisors by june 1st for consideration. construction of a new clubhouse for san francisco nonprofit united players is now officially underway. congresswoman nancy pelosi and mayor london breed were among those who attended a groundbreaking ceremony this
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morning for that new facility. this project will renovate the nonprofit, existing two story structure on howard street and add a new community center. >> this building will be a manifestation of the respect that we have for the dignity and worth of every person. that is our response ability to help meet their needs and to understand the resource that they are to the community. >> the new facility will be more than 7300ft!s. it will include a community hall, meeting rooms and offices to expand family literacy and adult reentry programs closer to the weekend. >> now, temperatures warm today. hottest day of the week pretty much. and then temperatures this weekend. very different. we'll have that forecast coming up. >> let's go to ktvu. alex savidge now with a look at some of the stories we are working on for west coast rapid seven right here on ktvu. >> julie, thank you. coming up tonight at seven, we will get
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back to today's history making verdict. lawmakers from all across the west are weighing in tonight on the criminal conviction of former president trump. we'll get their takes on what unfolded today in court. also another sweeping verdict. we're following today. jurors convicted the self-proclaimed doomsday prophet for killing three people in idaho. this is a case that has ties to arizona as well. we will check in live tonight with a reporter in phoenix who has been tracking the outcome of chad daybell's trial, and we'll talk about whether daybell is likely to face the death penalty at sentencing, which gets underway tomorrow. those stories and a lot more coming up tonight at seven on west coast rap. and of course, that's followed by the ktvu on fox two news at 730 with heather holmes all right, alex, we'll see you in just a bit. >> but first here, a rowing club in oakland making a difference in the community. one paddle at a time. the story of one oakland teenager who was recruited and is now making it to nationa
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glenn is sending nearly 70 students to the youth nationals in florida. >> one particular young man was recruited to the club in middle
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school and is excited to row in this big competition. >> ktvu krystal bailey introduces us to the athlete who is hoping to diversify the sport. giovanni grajeda, known to his friends as gio, has been waiting all year for this. >> we started off really strong in the beginning of the year and we're still going off strong getting fourth place for regionals, placing his boat in the youth nationals, the high school freshman at alameda community learning center has been rowing for two years, joining the oakland strokes through a middle school recruitment program called stem to stern. >> we're getting kids just from east oakland, which is our service area where the tidewater boathouse, which is off of high street. >> it's a national program with the goal to get kids who wouldn't ordinarily be exposed to rowing, a chance to try it, providing transportation after school, and help with homework. >> additionally, rowing doesn't look like me, so i want to be the person that helps kids realize that rowing could look like them. >> gio is underrepresented in rowing.
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>> it was really no difference from like how my peers saw me against like my other other peer that maybe a different color. >> but he says he was welcomed with open arms. he rose in the two seat position near the back of the boat. he says teamwork on his eight man boat is the key to success. if you're connected to your teammates and you're like, you guys are all friends, it's easier to move the boat along. when it comes to nationals, this is the chance for college scouts to see kids shine, but gio is most excited to make new friends from all over the country. he says he's going to keep rowing until he can't row anymore, hoping one day for the opportunity to compete in the olympics. >> if i do end up reaching that level, i'll definitely take the opportunity. >> a trailer will be loaded up with nine boats for 69 kids to compete in youth nationals in florida next week. gio, of course, hoping to take home a trophy in oakland. crystal bailey, ktvu, fox two news. >> all right, just looking at the live cameras. we have great live cameras out there. this one is sutro camera. it's behind me
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and it's zoomed up on the golden gate bridge. the deck goes to 220ft. and this container i was watching this container ship, which is awesome. see it going under the gate there? tide's going the right way. it's fully loaded, but look how close it comes to the bridge. interesting and of course, tide makes a huge difference. some of these, some of these tankers. look how close that is. it's hard to tell from this angle, but that's a that's not a lot of clearance. that's one of the ones where they're probably probably had to wait for the tide to get to a certain level where they could run that thing out of there. anyway, i love that shot, but look at the size of that tanker compared to the bridge. it's huge. or a container ship, if you will. okay, so just enough of the live pictures. temperatures today, warm upper 80s, low 90s, warmer today than yesterday. tomorrow will be cooler for a little bit. three or 4 or 5 degrees. and then saturday and sunday will be more cool if you will. it'll be cooler on those days. it'll be nice. it's just not. we're kind of on the other side of the bell curve right now. we peaked today . yesterday and today were
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pretty warm. so yeah, they're very similar days actually. no fog at the coast. fog comes back late tonight and then early tomorrow. and that should begin. the cooling coast side certainly . and then also create a cooler conditions inland with the sea breezes. so you kind of see this a visible camera. you see the fogs worked its way up a little bit and it's starting to fill in. so the fog comes back, we cool off fire danger takes a little bit of a break, and we, we get away from these numbers. like, right now it's 91 in fairfield, 91 in brentwood, 91 in concord. not much of a sea breeze. look at the green, right? when there's a sea breeze, you get green. all the way here. so not much of a sea breeze tomorrow. green is going that way. it's going to be filling in the bay and filling in the inland bay valleys. warmer by nine degrees in novato, 5 to 10 degrees in some places. there's the fog forecast for tomorrow morning and then tomorrow afternoon or tomorrow evening, if you will. that's a good push. and then you see it kind of hangs out saturday morning. and then you see did you see the flow shift right
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there. did the same thing. the model. everything was kind of working this way. and the fog was coming in going against the high. and then this low got close. and that's the big cooldown saturday night into sunday. at least that's the plan. here's the forecast highs for tomorrow. still very pleasant, still very warm. cooler, certainly coast cooler in san francisco by a solid 4 or 5 degrees over what we saw the last couple of days. and then the five day forecast, there you go. it kind of looks like the bay area in may coming into june. it's not far from june now. when wins june. is it saturday? saturday? yeah okay. we'll see you back here at ten. >> you guys all right, bill? thanks, san jose residents are being encouraged to help keep their neighborhoods beautiful. mayor matt mehan announced the pilot program today. people can sign up to adopt a block with a pledge to pick up trash once a week or once a month. some of the first volunteers signed up at a press conference this morning. residents will be provided with a litter kit, which includes trash bags, a litter stick, safety vests and gloves. >> if every street had one person adopt it and be willing
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to pick up litter once a week, we would have an incredibly clean and beautiful city. >> residents will also be able to apply for the program in person at mayor mehan state of the city address. that's nine in the morning on saturday at happy hollow park in zoo. coming up in sports, the a's and the rays game ended in a thrilling fashion. >> our jason appelbaum will have that story coming up ♪ when your child has moderate—to—severe eczema,
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house in oklahoma city. eight seeded cardinal taking on number one texas. college softball player of the year nigel kennedy, facing the nation's best hitter in reece atwood and kennedy wins that battle. texas, though, gets on the board in the third. mia scott sneaks through a weak single. bella dayton is coming home, and she is called out at the plate. scott takes second on the throw, but texas coach mike white challenges the call. and when you see the replay, look at the hand touches the plate. so yep, she is safe. call is overturned. two nothing longhorns stanford couldn't
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touch texas pitcher tegan cavan just a freshman and she gets allie clements to ground out to end the game. cavan tosses a one hit shutout with eight strikeouts. texas wins four. nothing stanford, though, still alive in this double elimination tournament, and they will face either oklahoma state or florida tomorrow. the a's boy, they have come oh so close to winning the last two games, only to be denied and walk off fashion. the always popular mascot races right here in tampa. raymond ray a little taunting as he crosses first. bottom of the ninth. a's two outs away from a win, but yesterday's hero jose siri spoils the party, ties it up with his second homer of the day, and we go to extras all square at four runs apiece. the a's retake the lead, though, in the top of the 10th. on this base hit by abraham toro, max shuman comes in to score and
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it's five four athletics. but the rays tie it in the bottom of the 10th. and then in the 12th it's richie palacios coming to the plate and he ends it on this double off the wall jose caballero trots in for the winning run. and the rays win it 6 to 5 in 12 innings. they're partying in tampa and the a's head to atlanta for three beginning tomorrow. the nfl season is still a little over three months out, but the odds are now out. and this kind of struck me. the 40 niners, the only team in the league to be favored in all 17 matchups that they play this year. so the oddsmakers, like the niners currently in the middle of their voluntary off season workout program, the first in which brock purdy is fully healthy and taking all the first team reps. tight end george kittle, he revealed he played the second half of the season with a core muscle injury that required offseason surgery, but he says he should be ready to go by training camp. and yesterday,
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kittle was asked about the state of the franchise. >> said of the franchise, got a really good roster, great coaches, great players, ready to win. i'd say that's the state of the franchise. need to win now. >> time is now. win now. win now . get that super bowl. love kittle i could listen to him all day w i think he's the most entertaining of all their players. when he talks good personality that makes a good midwestern guy. >> yes jason thank you. all right. thanks for watching we co t rap
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7:00 pm
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