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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 730pm  FOX  May 30, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm PDT

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money trial. local reaction to today's verdict plus, i want to be the person that helps kids realize that rowing could look like them. making waves meet one of the young men set to compete in the us rowing youth national championships.
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>> this is ktvu fox two news at 730. >> they are called the oakland strokes, and they are certainly living up to its reputation for dedication, teamwork and fierce competition. a really nice stories to start us off on this thursday night. hello everyone, i'm heather holmes, the rowing club is heading to florida soon. our crystal bailey caught up with a member who's really pumped about this opportunity. >> de giovanni grajeda, known to his friends as gio, has been waiting all year for this. >> we started off really strong in the beginning of the year and we're still going off strong, getting fourth place for regionals, placing his boat in the youth nationals, the high school freshman at alameda community learning center has been rowing for two years, joining the oakland strokes through a middle school recruitment program called stem to stern. >> we're getting kids just from east oakland, which is our service area where the tidewater boathouse, which is off of high street. >> it's a national program with the goal to get kids who wouldn't ordinarily be exposed to rowing a chance to try it,
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providing transportation after school, and help with homework. >> additionally, rowing doesn't look like me, so i want to be the person that helps kids realize that rowing could look like them. >> gio is underrepresent in rowing. >> it was really no difference from like how my peers saw me against. like my other other peers that maybe a different color. >> but he says he was welcomed with open arms. he rose in the two seat position near the back of the boat, he says teamwork on his eight man boat is the key to success. >> if you're connected to your teammates and you're like, you guys are all friends, it's easier to move the boat along. >> when it comes to nationals, this is the chance for college scouts to see kids shine. but gio is most excited to make new friends from all over the country. he says he's going to keep rowing until he can't row anymore, hoping one day for the opportunity to compete in the olympics. >> if i do end up reaching that level, i'll definitely take the opportunity. >> a trailer will be loaded up with nine boats for 69 kids to compete in youth nationals in
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florida next week, gio, of course, hoping to take home a trophy in oakland. crystal bailey ktvu, fox two news we wish the oakland strokes the best of luck. >> all right, now to some other big news today. a jury in new york finding former president donald trump guilty of 34 felony counts, all linked to that hush money payment made to an adult film star. mr. trump repeated his claims that the trial was politically motivated. the prosecution, though, said the jurors made their decision based on the evidence and the law. sentencing is set for july 11th, just days before the republican national convention in milwaukee. this afternoon we asked people in walnut creek for their reaction to this historic conviction. >> absolutely. he thinks he deserved to be found guilty. he's been covering up things for years, and he finally got what he deserved. >> i think the right judgment was given, he and 34 counts, as i recall, it was. and i'm pleased. very pleased, i cannot
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believe that he'd be our president. >> now, we also spoke with some trump supporters, two of them today, who did not want to go on camera. we stopped by a highway 24 overpass in lafayette, where trump backers have often gathered in the past. there was no sign, though, of anyone there. this afternoon, our coverage of the trial and reaction to today's verdict continues online, so be sure to follow us right there at california high school in san ramon was placed on lockdown earlier today after police say school staff received a phone call threatening violence. officers searched the campus and explosive detection. canines were also brought onto the school grounds. police eventually gave the all clear and lifted the lockdown, but security measures remain in effect. officers stayed on campus and people from outside the high school were prohibited from entering the grounds. well the san francisco sheriff's office now pausing training with chemical agents after gas from a recent training exercise, affected an elementary school. two dozen students and staff
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members at portola elementary school in san bruno were sickened back on may 21st. that's when the sheriff's office was conducting an indoor training at the san bruno jail with tear gas and pepper spray. given what happened then, the department is now considering changing its methods because of the consequences of what we did that day, we now are reassessing exactly how we decontaminate and we allow for the dissipation of the chemical agent into the air. the department typically uses older canisters for this kind of training, and these may have been decades old. some parents say they wish they had received better communication after the incident, and are calling for a full investigation. a well known public market in castro valley, sadly now in ruins after a devastating fire in ktvu, henry lee shows us the business owner. the business was family owned and also a really important part of this community. >> the popular lake chabot public market in castro valley went up in flames in the middle
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of the night. it's now a charred shell of itself. after nearly ten years in business, it was home to six vendors, including mama cho's barbecue. >> i'm just a lot of emotions going through my mind as far as next steps, immediate steps. >> hans cho owns mama cho's and a meat company in the building, which is family owned. mama cho is his mother. they're specially heartbroken because of where the fire apparently started. >> the firefighters are still investigating the cause of the incident. it seems to be coming, had come from the mama cho's area, so i'm not exactly sure. i can't really fully speak on that . >> the fire was reported at about 220 thursday morning and quickly grew to three alarms, apparently fed by a gas line. the roof collapsed an hour later. alameda county firefighters pulled out and went on the defensive, spraying water from above. battalion chief justin hoagland has a personal connection to the fire. >> one of the owners is, you know, childhood friend of mine. we grew up together, you know, went to high school together. so this is a pinnacle in the community, it's really sad to see this happen. >> by daybreak, the smell of
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smoke was still strong. firefighters were still putting water on hot spots to guard against flare ups. >> it's really sad because this place is always super busy, it's real close to like the hiking trails in lake chabot, so it's kind of like a staple of the community here. >> suki lin owns poco. >> when i opened it, i didn't expect like so much regular customers and they are so nice and then some of them even become friends. it's like they come in, we know that water. >> jennifer shin says she usually stops by mama cho's at least twice a week. >> it's so sad and i don't know the damage. it looks really bad. >> definitely humbled by the amount of support that we're receiving. and you know, god has a plan and you know, we'll take it day by day and hopefully, come out stronger from this. >> the cause of the fire is under investigation. and the owners tell me they do have insurance, which is a little bit of good news, but certainly a lot of people are deeply feeling the effects of this fire in castro valley. henry lee, ktvu,
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fox two news. >> well, new at 730 tonight, a historic hotel in the south bay will be closed now for several weeks, all for repair work. the hotel de anza, near santa clara and notre dame avenues in downtown san jose, suspended operations, all due to unexpected maintenance issues. the hotel says all cancellation fees will be waived for stays now through june 15th. it also says any deposits and prepaid agents for canceled stays on those dates, including prepaid rates, will be refunded. management expects the hotel to reopen june 16th. our lamonica peters is working to find out more about the extent of the damage, and you can catch her full report coming up tonight at ten. now to the hotly contested mayor's race in san francisco. and today, a candidate outlined a plan for universal child care in the city. former interim mayor and supervisor mark farrell is proposing subsidy child care services for middle and low income families. he would tap into prop c funds to pay for it. that commercial rent tax was approved by voters back
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in 2018. farrell is also looking to employ more child care workers and raise their wages, and mark farrell joined us live in studio earlier today on the four to talk about how he hopes to attract more people to help take care of kids. >> we have to work with our public school district and our department of early childhood inside of city hall to ensure that we talk to former staff members within our school district that have left that will want to come back and serve in this child care capacity. that's number one. but i think longer term and more importantly, we need to partner with our universities and our institutions inside of san francisco to create training programs to make this a career that is worth fighting for. >> farrell also plans to turn vacant spaces across the city into child care centers through new incentives, property owners could be eligible for reduced taxes and fees and lower interest loans for renovations. a lake in northern california has been under scrutiny for several years because of pollution levels. coming up, why
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one agency says you don't have to be anywhere near the lake to see the damage to the waterway. and it has been a busy week for deputies in sonoma county. we'll take a closer look at two rescues that happened in the same state park and barry weather. >> beautiful shot right now looking out toward the golden gate bridge. wrapping up another warm day. but we are tracking some hanges, some cooling chan
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wineries and images from its landsat nine satellite show green swirls across most of the lake's surface. nasa says that may that this may indicate an infestation of blue green algae, as well as other types of photo plankton that can be dangerous to humans. science ists say the lake has contained large algae populations going back thousands of years, but recent nutrient inputs to the lake by humans has increased the number of those harmful blooms. two rescues to tell you about in the north bay, both caught on camera this week, the sonoma county sheriff's office says it was called to an injured mountain biker in trione, annadel state park in santa rosa. so deputies flew their henri one helicopter to the park, where they found the injured bicyclist between two trails. crews say they rescued the person using a 200 foot line before taking them to an awaiting ambulance. well, as deputies work to help this bicyclist, they were called to another person who needed help in the same park. once again, crews flew their helicopter to the injured person, use their
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line to fly the patient to an ambulance. deputies say both people were taken to the hospital. it has been great weather mark to be out enjoying our state parks but boy it's tough though when you when you get injured, especially in a situation like that at trione. annadel. >> yeah, those sudden surprises. so thankful for the first responders obviously. yeah. >> so great work that helicopter to good use. >> absolutely. yeah. and we still have some nice weather on the way as well over the next several days. take a look at some of the highs from this afternoon still in fact some lower 90s. so some areas today probably the warmest day of the week getting hot inland, not extremely hot. but that could be a different story next week as we see a pattern change develop offshore. so we'll keep an eye on that potential change. but today it was warm to hot. it has been a bit of a warm stretch over northern california. temperatures cool off a little bit tomorrow, but then more pronounced cooling as we head into the weekend. satellite. lots of clear skies over the bay area today. the fog is mainly to our south down towards southern california. we will likely have some patches redevelop this evening, especially into
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tomorrow morning. current numbers though it is still warm. concord 88 degrees. santa rosa 84, san francisco 66 and san jose a warm 80. and we'll check out the current wind reports out there as well. nothing too major, at least on these panels. around 10 to 12 miles an hour out toward sfo, a bit of a stronger breeze in northwest wind at 22 miles an hour. here's our live camera looking above san francisco for your thursday evening. and we have mostly clear conditions, but as i mentioned, we'll bring in some patchy fog first thing tomorrow morning. most areas to start out your friday will be in the 50s to right around 60 degrees. so it's not widespread cloud cover, but still some patches returning near the coast and right around the bay and then into the afternoon hours. we are expecting more sunshine out there and temperatures still fairly warm inland. upper 80s to right around 90 degrees, but coastside and right around the bay. you will probably notice some cooling changes. so here's the setup. we have this area of high pressure offshore. then this guy, this area of low pressure will eventually cool us off as we move into the weekend. so no heat to worry about for
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your bay area weekend. we have that cooler pattern out there and then some gusty winds as well. take a look at the numbers for tomorrow. lots of upper 80s well inland around the bay. some 70s and the beaches mainly in the 60s. and a look ahead. your five day forecast. we have some breezy conditions for your saturday. partly sunny skies into sunday. we will warm up those numbers by tuesday of next week and then beyond tuesday. we will continue to warm up those readings and eventually, maybe by wednesday into thursday, the hottest locations could be approaching 100 degrees. so that's the real heat and we'll keep an eye on that to potential for it next week. >> okay. we'll be ready for that. thanks. so much, mark. the dixie fire back in 2021 was among the most devastating here in california. the sentence of bay area man received today for his role in the destruction. and we're hearing more testimony in the state trial against the man already convicted in federal court for attacking paul pelosi. why some legal experts say today's evidence could actually help the defense. >> plus his buddy. he was so shooken up he couldn't go back
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to school. he went home. >> students and a teacher walking back to campus when suddenly shots ring out. we'll hear reaction from the victims and what police know about the shooter.
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one of the largest fires in state history. today 49 year old gary menard of san jose was sentenced to five years and three months in prison, three years of supervised release and also ordered to pay $13,000 in restitution for three counts of arson on federal property. menard was found to have set a series of fires in the shasta-trinity national forest, blocking crews from responding to the dixie fire back in 2021. that fire resulted in the death of one firefighter. it also burned more than 950,000 acres. the state trial continued today
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for the man already convicted in federal court of attacking paul pelosi with a hammer. today, jurors in san francisco's hall of justice learned more about the attack on the former house speaker's husband. recordings taken shortly after the attack revealed david depape laid out his plan before going to the pelosi's home. they also revealed that nancy pelosi was depapes intended target. now one attorney says these recordings could actually help the defense. >> a defendant's confession or admission is an important piece of evidence always. but based on my understanding of what he said, it also supports, the foundation for the defense saying the kid, the guy was delusional. >> paul pelosi is expected to take the witness stand tomorrow. closing arguments are expected to conclude next week. two students and a teacher walking to school when suddenly shots rang out. ktvu jesse gary shows us the incident now has some people just too frightened to attend class.
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>> i got shot and then my teacher got my teacher got shot. and then one of our parents got shot. >> hawkins still bears marks on his right arm and elbow from what police believe was a gel gun attack. a special needs student, he was with a teacher and an assistant. and another special needs student when the crime took place. the group had just finished lunch at this taqueria and was walking back to campus along stevenson boulevard, near blackwell road in fremont. >> forgive me, it scared the #### out of me, and i'm being polite. because not knowing really what happened to matthew, his buddy, he was so shooken up, he couldn't go back to school. he went home, josh stuck it out, and, but it scared. scared the #### out of us. >> the fremont unified school district confirms the group was hit by projectiles from a gel gun. and is investigating our immediate reaction is to focus on the response and focus on the student safety and the staff safety. >> certainly an issue of concern. we have a wonderful school district and a wonderful
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community here in fremont, and these incidents are not typical. fremont police are also investigating and say the gel beads were fired from a vehicle traveling northbound on blackwell road. >> other than bruising, no serious injuries are reported. if i moved my arm, i would have got hit right in the side, but glad i had my arm down. josh's dad says. if caught, the guilty party needs to face serious consequences. >> kids need to get more discipline nowadays. they don't have it. there's got to be some common sense taught to these kids and discipline. >> investigators haven't said the make or model of the vehicle involved in this incident, but fremont police want anyone with any information to give them a call in fremont. jesse gary, ktvu, fox two news. >> several bay area communities are receiving a claim for their housing markets. find out which metros are considered to be some of the best in the country. then later tonight on the 10:00 news, we are continuing to follow today's guilty verdict for a former president donald trump. reaction from voters right here
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in the bay area and what this might mean for his reelection campaign. plus, newark police investigating a smash and grab robbery, this time at a jewelry store. video show of the damage left behin a slow network is no network for business.
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heritage month. recently, moses moody attended the finals of the
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silicon valley chinese basketball association. moody met with several players and cheered from the sidelines. the league says the sbc falcons won the tournament. by the way. the next tournament coming up in september, two cities right here in the bay area are among the best in the country when it comes to selling a home. zillow recently released its market heat index ratings in the real estate marketplace. company says that san jose and san francisco are among the hottest markets of the 100 largest metro areas. both cities earn scores above 110. for comparison, the average score for us cities was 60. zillow says these ratings are based on a variety of factors, including the number of people showing interest in an area's homes, the number of homes reporting a price cut, and the amount of homes selling within just three weeks. veterans in santa clara county can now receive free taxi rides to doctors visits, job interviews and other vital appointments. the new program is part of a partnership with santa clara county yellow cab and the
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silicon valley chapter of the military officers association of america, or svc. veterans can schedule their free rides by calling the county's office of veterans services the berryessa snow mountain national monument on our north coast is now officially expanded to 344,000 acres. senator alex padilla, north bay congressman mike thompson, and local tribal leaders today signed a co stewardship agreement. now, earlier this month, we reported on president biden announcing the 13,000 acre expansion of this land. padilla and thompson say the expansion will safeguard generations of tribal origin stories, protect wildlife and the rich biodiversity of the region. all right, that's going to do it for me tonight, on this thursday evening. really appreciate you tuning in. be sure to watch tomorrow right here for the news at 730. in the anti ,
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