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tv   The Ten O Clock News on KTVU FOX 2  FOX  May 30, 2024 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT

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announcer: rhiannon's rocky road to $1 million is over. rhiannon hansen: i know i just have to decide. announcer: will she make a catastrophic decision? niecy nash: do you want to lock in those lyrics? i need to hear you say it, ma'am. announcer: or can she turn her game around? rhiannon hansen: we're doing it. announcer: find out next time on "don't forget the lyrics!". (audience cheers) (dramatic music)
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i think it's just a disgrace. and we'll keep fighting. we'll fight till the end. >> this type of white collar prosecution is core to what we do. >> history in new york city, former president donald trump guilty on all 34 felony counts in his hush money trial tonight. the bay area, reacting to the verdict. >> i think the right judgment was given. >> i'll vote for trump again, for sure. >> donald trump, the first former us president to be convicted of a felony. good evening everyone. i'm mike mibach and i'm julie julie haener. >> a new york jury today found donald trump guilty of falsifying business records in a scheme to try to influence the 2016 election. ktvu zac sos simpson. following the latest developments and begins tonight's coverage. zach and donald trump almost certainly expected to appeal this verdict. >> and, well, this won't impact his ability to run in 2024. he's now being forced to hit the
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campaign trail with legal baggage like no other former american president tagged with felony convictions, as their deliberations led them to a unanimous conclusion that the defendant, donald j. >> trump, is guilty. >> manhattan da alvin bragg, addressing reporters thursday at the conclusion of a historic trial ending with donald trump becoming the first former american president to be convicted of felony crimes. >> a new york jury finding him guilty of all 34 charges he faced in a scheme to illegally influence the 2016 election through a hush money payment to adult film actor stormy daniels. >> while this defendant may be unlike any other in american history, we arrived at this trial and ultimately today at this verdict in the same manner as every other case that comes through the courtroom doors, the former president sitting stone faced as the verdict was read
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aloud. >> it's the first of four criminal cases involving trump to reach a conclusion. he faces three other felony indictments in florida, georgia and washington, d.c. trump, addressing the media as court let out. >> i think it's just a disgrace. and we'll keep fighting. we'll fight till the end and we'll win . >> the jury hearing more than four weeks of testimony, including from the prosecutors key witness michael cohen, who helped orchestrate a $130,000 payment to daniels in the days before the 2016 election. >> they reviewed call logs, text messages and emails. trump, who continues to steadfastly deny an affair with daniels or any wrongdoing, pleaded not guilty to all of the charges. >> we didn't do a thing wrong. i'm a very innocent man. the real verdict is going to be november 5th by the people. >> d.a. alvin bragg, commending the work of his prosecution team and thanking the jury for its
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service. >> we should all be thankful for the careful attention that this jury paid to the evidence and the law. >> the big question now, whether judge juan merchan will impose any jail time trump faces up to four years in prison also questions surrounding how all this might impact the upcoming election. the judge scheduling sentencing for july 11th. that's just days before the republican national convention in milwaukee , where trump is expected to formally be made the party's nominee. >> julie zac sos reporting live. zach, thank you. and tonight, the california republican party chair called this a dark day for our justice system. jessica millan patterson added, quote, despite democrat led efforts to interfere with the presidential election, americans will have the final say this november when they reelect president trump and send him back to the white house to fix the many failures of the biden administration and put our nation on a pathway to success.
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the white house has avoided commenting on the trial, but this afternoon, the biden-harris campaign released this statement saying in part, there is still only one way to keep donald trump out of the oval office at the ballot box. convicted felon or not, trump will be the republican nominee for president. >> donald trump's attorney, todd blanch, appeared on multiple news networks tonight, saying he does plan to appeal today's verdict and is confident in the entire team of trump lawyers. >> we all did the best that we could and i wouldn't change anything that we did. of course, i'm sure there's going to be folks that are on your show that take a different view, and maybe i will too at some point. but no, we did the best we could. all right. >> trump's legal team has already started laying the groundwork for that appeal, with many objections to the charges in rulings during the trial. this does include accusing the judge of bias, supporters and detractors of the former president gathered outside the courthouse today as the verdict was read. fox's connor hansen joins us live tonight from new york city. connor, from those
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you've talked to this evening, can you kind of touch on what it was like inside that courtroom as the verdict was read? >> mike and julie, we were standing outside, but we had our colleagues inside that courtroom sending us updates the entire time. and mind you, none of us were really expecting a verdict this soon. it hadn't even been two full days of deliberation. but once we heard that they had a note, they did have a verdict. we heard things instantly went quiet and became very tense. the tone completely shifted, both sides sitting at their tables silently as they had to wait about 30 minutes before the jury filled out their forms, came back into the courtroom and read the verdict. guilty on all 34 felony counts and connor, a huge crowd had gathered outside the courthouse as well. >> some got emotional as the verdict came down. can you describe what it was like outside the. >> that's right. julie. a stark
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contrast from that silence inside the courtroom. as soon as that guilty verdict came through, we started to see people stream out onto the streets here. at first, a lot of them we saw were celebrating the verdict, chanting, holding signs . very happy to see the former president found guilty. but there were also counter-protesters. supporters of the former president who were very upset with this. they had to a lot to say as well. people on both sides of that argument, you know, have been outside this courtroom throughout all six weeks of this trial, making their voices heard. >> donald trump convicted today, connor, come tomorrow, this weekend. is he expected out there on the campaign trail? >> well, actually, as soon as tonight, former president donald trump wins straight from the courthouse to trump tower. but not long after that, he was at a fundraiser right here in new york city. president joe biden as well, seizing on the opportunity right after we heard
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that verdict, his campaign put out an email blast about the verdict, along with a link to donate to their campaign. as well. >> all right. connor hanson reporting live for us tonight in new york. connor. thank you. well, there are a lot of legal questions tonight regarding donald trump, david levine, a professor of law at uc law, san francisco, joins us tonight here in studio. >> david, the next legal steps i turn to july 11th. trump will be sentenced on that day. probation are up to four years in prison. could he spend some time in prison? and what will the judge be looking at? no prior criminal record, but also today, not really showing remorse. >> no remorse at all, mike. in fact, if i were the prosecutor, i think i would take that tape that we've been showing right, of mr. trump saying it was rigged and all that and just show it right back to justice marchand during sentencing, because he has shown absolutely no remorse, no taking responsibility for what the jury has now found he did. so that will be part of it. the ten
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times that he violated the gag order will be part of this. comparing to other similar cases , what are the cases in new york where people have or have not gotten prison time or jail time for this case, and then michael cohen, who did this for him? the jury has now found he already did three years. he got he got a sentence, he pled guilty, he took responsibility, and he got three years. so i think the chances are pretty good that the judge will include at least some prison time, at least to start with. maybe with a probation, something like that, maybe house arrest for part of the time. but but i think it's probably more likely than not that we'll see some jail time, not four years, but something i think i think when you add it all together. >> mr. trump's legal team says they plan to appeal. how potentially long could something like that take and how strong are their chances? >> there's several levels, julie. there's the new york appellate division higher than
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the trial court in new york. and then there's the new york court of appeals. and then the real long shot would be trying to get the us supreme court involved. but each of those steps could take some time. so at least a year, maybe two years is the reality of those appeals. now, whether the justice, justice marchand will allow mr. trump to remain free on bail until all the appeals are exhausted, or he will say no, you need to start the sentence. it's probably more common that you would say, start the sentence and then see what happens on appeal, because the second part of your question, how strong are the issues on appeal? not very strong. the defense case made some choices about how they were going to play this, denying that anything had happened with stormy daniels , and then to then go back and say, well, it he she should not have been allowed to testify or as much. they're the ones who said it didn't happen and the prosecution needed that as a predicate. and there's a number of other choices where the defense will say the judge was
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wrong, but the answer will be, oh, but you made choices that led us to that point to clarify this. >> and i think this is an important note. let's say he is sentenced to one year in jail or prison, he cannot serve that until the process is over. because what if he wins the white house? what if he's sworn in as the next president? the appeal process is still going on, right? and let's say he loses the appeal process, but he was sentenced to one year in custody. would let's say he's a sitting president. >> right? well, we've never had this before, have we, if let's say justice marchand does not demand that he go to prison, which it probably is more likely than not, the appeal process during the appeal process, probably more likely than not. and then let us assume that mr. trump is elected now he can't get out of this by directing the justice department to dismiss the case as he could with the federal cases. he can't pardon himself. >> so, yeah. could he pardon himself? >> absolutely not. >> president biden pardon him. >> no, no. because these are state convictions. it would have to be governor kathy hochul. and whatever the process is in new york and i doubt she's up for
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that, that she would want to do that. but no, the president, neither mr. biden nor mr. trump could pardon this one away because it's a state conviction. but if he's in the white house, if he's in the white house, i think what would happen is that the sentence would effectively be suspended, and then he wouldn't actually serve it until after his time in the white house is over. so when you put all these things together, the chances that mr. trump will actually be behind bars, whether that's at sing sing or whether that's rikers island or what in new york, is probably pretty small. even if the judge does say there should be some prison time. >> all right. david levine is always great to have you with us tonight. >> always a pleasure. thank you. good to see you again. >> good to see you too. thanks david. >> well, bay area lawmakers also reacting to today's guilty verdict, oakland congresswoman barbara lee posting on next saying donald trump is now a convicted felon. i commend the brave public servants that work to perform their civic duty
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under extraordinary circumstances. even a former president must be brought to justice and congresswoman nancy pelosi saying tonight, this moment is a somber one for america trial by a jury of peers is a fundamental principle of democracy which must be respected. >> well, tonight, mixed reaction from bay area residents on today's guilty verdict. ktvu is amber lee live now in walnut creek. after talking with potential voters, amber. >> julie. here in downtown walnut creek, many people tell me they have not been paying close attention to this trial, but they certainly knew about the verdict. at amplified barbershop on north main street in downtown walnut creek, owner alan batt tells me he usually avoids talking politics. >> barbers are the ones that always tell the real opinion. i think. >> but on this historic day when former president donald trump was convicted on all counts, it was unavoidable. >> we were definitely surprised that they got a conviction on
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all 34 counts. >> i can say i wasn't shocked, but i was disappointed because i think it's just an absolute tragedy or just a travesty of justice outside the shop. >> reaction to this historic conviction of the former president solicited a different response. people say they supported the jury's verdict based off the evidence they were given. >> they came to that conclusion. so a jury of his peers convicted him. and that's what we have to go on. >> i think he deserved to be found guilty. he's been covering up things for years, and he finally got what he deserved. >> i wasn't surprised because he's not a very honest person. and when you have people who aren't honest who wants to be president and have a button on the nuclear weapon, it's kind of scary. >> you think that trump's going to go to jail for that, people? >> we spoke with say they doubt he'll serve time for every other thing he's had gone on. >> he's been able to weather the storm and get by. >> supporters don't think the conviction will impact his run for the white house with this change. how you vote in november? >> absolutely not. no, i'll vote
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for trump again, for sure. >> the self-described independent voter says the conviction does not answer the questions she has. what's going to happen to him? >> is that going to is he going to be punished for it? >> now everyone will have to wait and see what will happen to former president trump. live in downtown walnut creek. amber lee, ktvu, fox two news the presidential election just about five months away tonight at 1030. >> what today's verdict means for donald trump's campaign and how biden's campaign will respond. >> and today, warmest day of the week by a few degrees. we had some low 90s inland. that changes tomorrow. fog is not in yet, but it'll be back by tomorrow night. temperatures on the cool down for the weekend. >> also coming up, a major setback for a new restaurant that was set to open this week in san francisco. how a group of thieves managed to escape with more than $20,000 worth of property. >> and for many, it's just a dream. but twin sisters in the south bay will soon play batman on the biggest stage in the world.
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>> it felt very surreal. it's like you've just reached your dream, you know? like, how do you feel about that, well, i still feel like it's a dream tonight at 1045, how the pair went from young national champions to olympians.
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new san francisco restaurant just one day before its grand opening. the business now forced to push back its opening date, ktvu bailey o'carroll joins us now live in hayes valley with more and why the owner says things could have been much worse. bailey >> julie. good evening. yeah that grand opening was just about 36 hours or was scheduled for 36 hours after these burglars broke in through a window near the kitchen. they made off with more than $20,000 worth of various items, equipment and alcohol from inside this restaurant. but the owner, again saying things could have been much worse. thankfully, he says, there was no property damage. >> you're definitely shocked the first day. like you like this happened to you less than a week ago, before his restaurant even served their first guests, george howaniec mediterranean japanese fusion restaurant zybach was hit by burglars. this
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is exactly where they came in from, forcing them to push back their grand opening. as i've said before, this just fuels me. i'm not going to let something like this affect us. and because i do believe in a trickle down effect as well. and i'm not just saying that this is security cam footage captured from inside zybach on goffe street in hayes valley. >> the burglars broke in early tuesday morning, the same day the restaurant was slated for a soft opening. >> no idea what the system was, what their you know, what, what they were thinking. you know, we found out that they stole two handheld, toast, machines. you know, like the servers carry on. >> in the video, you can see a group of people dressed in dark colors wearing hoods, some with masks to cover their face. the group loaded up duffel bags and even a recology bin full of almost every bottle of alcohol from the bar and odds and ends, including sugar packets and a single set of silverware. >> they took all of these. there's just one left over that we had for something else. i it
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it makes no sense. >> he's thankful the burglars didn't destroy anything inside and plans on filing an insurance claim, but says even that is no guarantee. >> yeah, we're going to file a claim because this is just too big. insurance is insurance, and we know what's going on with the state of california. >> but how he's choosing to look at the positive side, it just doesn't add up. >> we are thankful they didn't do any property damage, so it's just inventory. inventory smallwares and tools. >> well, the burglars wiped out and took nearly every bottle of alcohol from the bar inside zebec. you can see there again estimated more than $20,000 worth of equipment and alcohol were taken. the new opening date for this restaurant is june 5th next week. the owner says that he is excited for that new opening. he told us that tonight sfpd is still investigating this incident in san francisco. i'm bailey o'carroll, ktvu, fox two news. he is such a strong, positive attitude despite what he's gone through.
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>> bailey. thank you. newark police are investigating now a smash and grab robbery at a jewelry store. >> 15 guys literally just started smashing away. luckily, no one is hurt. >> officials say the robbery happened at about 1 p.m. yesterday at the hindi jewelers. a large group of armed men smashed the jewelry cases and got away with the merchandise. police say several cars with getaway drivers were ready to whisk the robbers away from the scene at the new park mall in egg factory farm in petaluma partially collapsed in a fire. >> that fire started up around 345 this afternoon at judy's family farm near kavanaugh skillman lane. you can see where the flames burned the facility, with several sections of the roof caved in. an animal rescue group arrived on scene to provide aid to thousands of chickens. there at the facility. >> a beautiful day today. temperatures did warm up. warmest day of the week for sure, and then temperatures trend off tomorrow or cooler. and by saturday significantly cooler than it was today. so those inland valleys today we
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got the low 90s. tomorrow or not tomorrow, but saturday those temperatures will be in the mid to low 80s. so you know a good 5 to 10 degree possible drop between what we had today and what we're going to see on your bay area saturday and sunday. sunday will be kind of cool as well. there's no fog at the coast yet. the reason for the cooling will be that fog returning to the coastline, which happens probably tomorrow night, and it's pretty far down the coast right now. it's i thought there might be some on its way up the coast, but it looks like it's kind of hanging down south of, big sur, so. but it should be back by tomorrow night. and that starts the cooling. tomorrow will be a little cooler day. these were the highs from today. take you know, those 90s inland like fairfield and antioch turn into like i said, mid 80s for the most part. there'll be a sea breeze. maybe some operators. there'll be a sea breeze, there'll be some fog by tomorrow night at this time. and temperatures trending down saturday. sunday, the coolest day is on the weekend. we'll time it out. look at the five day. we'll show you the latest numbers. i'll see you back here in a few minutes. all right,
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bill, coming up. >> new information released tonight of the attack at a san jose vta station. >> the new video of that disturbing encounter. it shows the moment the suspect started to attack the victim. >> also, two students injured right near their east bay high school campus. the investigation now underway after police say someone shot at them with a gel gun a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business.
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don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today!
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a platform. the santa clara county sheriff's office releasing this video showing what appears to be an unprovoked attack. authorities say the video shows 26 year old andrew perez repeatedly punching the victim. this happened on the platform of vta children's discovery museum station in san jose. 1:00 yesterday afternoon. perez goes on to stab the 45 year old victim repeatedly with an unknown object. the victim is expected to survive, but did sustain a large cut that required seven staples. perez took off from the vta platform
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after the attack and then barricaded himself inside a house. he was arrested after a standoff with police and is now facing a number of charges, including attempted murder and assault with a deadly weapon. >> fremont police are investigating a frightening incident near a school campus. police say someone shot a gel gun at two students and a teacher as they were walking back to kennedy high school yesterday. the group had just finished lunch when they were hit by projectiles from a gel gun coming from a car that was driving by special needs student josh hawkins still has marks on his right arm and elbow. his father says the student is still shaken up. >> i mean, it scared the #### out of me and i'm being polite. because not knowing really what happened to matthew, his buddy, he was so shooken up, he couldn't go back to school. he went home, josh stuck it out, and, but it scared. scared the #### out of us. >> investigators have not released the make or model of the car involved, and no arrests have been made.
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>> the san francisco sheriff says his department has paused training with chemical agents after gas from a training exercise affected students at a nearby elementary school. two dozen students and staff members at portola elementary school experienced reactions back on may 21st. now, the sheriff says it happened during a scheduled training in which people are exposed to chemical agents such as tear gas and pepper spray, and asked to perform certain functions. the department typically uses older canisters for training, and these these ones may have been decades old in this particular case, it was not something out of the ordinary that we do, but it is something now, in hindsight that we are reassessing how we do training and moving forward will definitely reassure and make sure that this doesn't happen again. the sheriff's office says it is working with the uc berkeley police department, which also participated in that exercise, to learn more about the chemical agents that were used. >> our coverage of donald trump's guilty verdict continues
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next. what this means moving forward as we head into november . also, one san francisco mayoral candidate addressing affordable child care, how he plans to make it more widely available for all parents living in the city, and the nba finals are set, the dallas mavericks taking on those boston celtics jason appelbaum will have the story coming up tonight in sports, and a big competition on the horizon for an east bay high school rowing team. >> their journey to nationals in the state of florida
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a jury in new york city found trump guilty on 34 felony counts linked to a hush money payment to an adult film star. sentencing, now scheduled for
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july 11th, just days before the republican national convention in milwaukee. >> and we are joined right now by our political analyst, brian sobel. brian, any indication, mr. trump's conviction will have a big effect on the presidential race? >> well, you have to view it through two perspectives. one is the backers of donald trump, who always thought this trial was a sham and that people have been chasing him to keep him running for, you know, from the presidency. and then you have the other side of it, which are people who take a look at the charges and see what has gone on and say that donald trump got himself into this fix and now now this is what he has to live with. >> what about the republican national convention i mentioned? it's four days here. after sentencing, in and out. or are someone going to raise their hand and say, wait a second, let's think about this before we actually nominate maybe donald trump here. >> you always look at history. and the last time that a that somebody decided not to run, who was president and donald trump is not the president. right now,
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but was lyndon baines johnson, who in march of that year said, i'm not going to run at the height of the vietnam war and everything else, conceivably, conceivably, somebody could say to him, and i don't know who it would be, hey, stand down, let the convention pick another candidate and a vice president, you know, candidate. and maybe that that wins, wins the day. i don't see donald trump doing that. and i don't see his supporters, his base, allowing him to do that. >> what about the biden administration? does this change their campaign strategy? do they grab this and run with it, or do they focus continually to focus on policy? >> they would be best advised to just let this, you know, simmer as as the conviction that it is without saying anything, go about your business. they released a statement that said we have to beat donald trump at the ballot box. they do because there will be an election and, and, and any statements are only going to rile up people more on the on the trump side of the
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ledger. and that's not that doesn't help the president. >> you know when it comes to undecided voters, i was wondering we kind of chatted about it a little bit earlier. but what's bigger? today's news, the conviction, which is obviously big, or maybe even the upcoming debates when you have the president, biden, the former president on stage, one on one, people at home watching absolutely. >> and i've been talking about this all day with different media. the debates are going to be critical because this is an opportunity for people to look at these two people on the stage and kind of make a final call. now, one of the debates will occur before the convention, before the convention and before the sentencing on july 11th. but you're going to have the contrast that the american public wants to look at. >> and aren't they doing them differently this year? well the first one is without an audience. >> and so that that takes you back to kennedy, nixon and a couple of other debates, mainly because we find that we no longer can control what goes on
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in those debates. they're screamfest it's now and people shouting, they have to cut microphones. maybe if they're just in a room and talking, we may hear more. >> all right. so tonight, how would you describe, as we wrap it, the moment in america? some call it somber. we heard cheers outside the courthouse in new york city, when people rest their heads tonight, what was today all about? >> today was an historic day in american history. we've never seen this before. we hope never to see it again. no american should be happy about what happened today. i don't care what your political allegiance is. this is not, you know, a banana republic. we do not want to see a succession of these kinds of things happening. you know, next week hunter biden is on trial. then, you know, does that extend to the president? and then you just have this recurring thing we already seeing it in the in the congress of the united states. you don't want to see it at the with the presidency. >> and it's not just the country. people around the world
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are watching it. allies, adversaries. it's a global state. >> absolutely. we need to fix this as a country and as a congress. all right. >> as always, brian, thank you for being with us. we appreciate your. >> my pleasure, my pleasure. >> well, mr. trump's legal problems are far from over. he is involved in three other criminal cases in georgia. mr. trump is accused of scheming to overturn the 2020 presidential election, a trial date has not been set. mr. trump also faces felony charges in washington, dc stemming from the 2020 election and the january 6th attack on the us capitol. that case is on hold pending a supreme court hearing on whether mr. trump can be prosecuted and he is facing federal criminal charges in florida for the unauthorized retention of classified defense information. that trial has also been postponed. >> shares of the parent company of trump's social media sites slumped following today's guilty verdict. trump media stock fell about 9% after hours. it is the owner of truth social. the stock has seen major price swings since it went public in late march. earlier this month, trump
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media reported that it lost more than $300 million last quarter. our coverage of the trump guilty verdict continues online on our website at there you can find location and local and national reaction, as well as the latest announcements from donald trump's legal team. >> coming up at 11, an historic hotel in the south bay forced to close for a short time how it hampered some visitors plans. >> and we are tracking the forecast not far from the weekend. warm today, cooler this weekend. >> but first, a bipartisan effort to fight california's opioid crisis. the bill that could get life sa ng treatment direct i
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day. that bill was sponsored by san francisco assembly member matt haney. it would allow doctors to dispense their patients up to 72 hours worth of take home doses of methadone, a life saving overdose treatment drug. before this bill, only a methadone clinic could dispense that treatment. the bill is now headed to the senate. >> the state's budget proposal has passed another major hurdle. dozens of people lined up to speak at today's assembly budget committee during public comment. the assembly budget committee passed the budget proposal for the next fiscal year. now, the proposal addresses the state's expected $45 billion deficit in the next fiscal year, with reductions in some programs and delayed spending. the legislature and governor have until june 30th to pass the budget. >> san francisco mayor london breed today announced her proposed public safety investments for her upcoming two year budget plan. the mayor is proposing spending more money to hire police officers, sheriff's deputies and 911 dispatchers. even as she looks to close a
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projected shortfall of about $790 million in the next two fiscal years. her plan will be part of her proposed budget that must be presented to the board of supervisors by june 1st for consideration. >> san francisco mayoral candidate mark farrell announced his new policies to address what he calls a child care crisis in the city. farrell unveiled a plan he says will ensure every family in the city has access to affordable, high quality child care. his proposal will subsidize child care services for middle and low income parents, and we spoke with farrell earlier today on the phone, who says his idea could resolve two of the city's needs. >> we have so much commercial vacancy throughout the city of san francisco in every single neighborhood, and i believe these child care facilities need to be in every single neighborhood in our city. that's what i mean by universal. and so from my perspective, what we need to do is incentivize property owners, one to lease a facility. two child care providers through property tax incentives and otherwise, but also provide low interest loans.
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so if they want to remodel their facilities to then lease it out to child care providers, they can do that as well. >> farrell says funding for his child care program would come from the millions of dollars collected through a 2018 proposition tax. now mayor london breed's reelection campaign issued a statement in response to farrell's proposal. it says mark farrell, who has contributed zero new policy ideas since launching his campaign, is now desperately trying to poach mayor breeds, child care and early education platform twin sisters in the south bay have punched their tickets to paris this summer. >> we're going to be an olympian is like mind blowing to me. >> coming up, how the two badminton players have become a lethal pair in the unique sport. their story of adversity and mental toughness after the break also had our chief meteorologist bill martin is tracking some heat in our future forecast. >> he joins us after the break with your bay
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ten years. we introduce you to twin sisters from the south bay who will compete as a doubles team in the olympics in paris. >> sorry, it is the first time the us has had twins compete in the summer olympics in almost three decades. ktvu claudine wong introduces us to annie and kerri hsu as they continue to chase their dream.
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>> if you are having trouble telling these two players apart, you are not alone. even their competitors struggle. >> for the most part. i think we're usually like in the same like wavelength and like going in the same direction. it's definitely an advantage. like on court also because we look like very similar. so it's probably harder for like the opponent to distinguish, you know, like who's who and like what's their playing style. >> but as they prepare to head to paris for the 2024 olympics, what is clear is that these identical twins should not be underestimated. 24 year old kerri and annie hsu will compete in badminton doubles, and are the first twins to compete on a u.s. summer olympics team since 1996, and it's a run that almost didn't happen. >> yeah, i don't actually know. like i almost want to call it like a semi retirement because i feel like that's like almost what it was.
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>> the two started playing badminton when they were about eight years old, and by the time they were 12, they were winning national titles. >> they were very good in the us, they were top number one, you know, from the very young. >> by the time they graduated from lee high school in san jose, they were winning on the world stage. but college was also right around the corner. the 2017 world university games, and we actually got a bronze medal in doubles, which is like usa's first like medal like ever. >> and so like we were kind of thinking to ourselves, okay, we're going to uc berkeley and it's going to be like very rigorous. like we kind of don't have time exactly for training. so like, let's end off on like a very high note. >> so they played less and less and eventually not at all. they graduated from uc berkeley, got jobs, but then in 2022, they started to wonder if it was too late to chase a dream. >> we started talking about the olympics because the tokyo olympics had just passed in like august, and we were like, is it something you still want? and
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then she was like, yeah. and then i was like, okay, me too. like, do you think it's too late? no. okay. and then we're like, okay, like, let's try for it. >> they left their jobs and called their coach, harry tan. >> olympic is always my dream too. that's why we have the dream. so then we say, hey, you know, let's go for it. right? so, when they start to get into it, the first three months, it was really, really tough for them. >> over the last 18 months, they worked traveling around the globe, fighting their way back in between competitions, taking time to enjoy the journey with food and fun. then in april, they qualified for the olympics. >> i think like the first emotion that we felt was obviously joy, like really happy that we were able to pull through, and then the second one was like probably relief in that, like knowing all the sacrifices that like you made were like worth it. >> they still, a little bit distant compared to the top 15
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in the world. but then everybody else, they are catching up so closely. are you surprised at how quickly they've been able to come back? i always have faith in them. yeah. i'm not surprised that, you know, i mean, for their ability. we already working very hard. you know, hopefully they can perform well and they will continue to work. >> training partners kelvin and trevor say they welcome the chance to be a part of the shoes journey. >> they're good, they're strong. they're it's the reason they made the olympics. yeah, they always bring their energy and it's always good to have them around. >> and while these identical twins share much in common, each brings something special to the game. >> i would probably describe myself as a very, like, tactical player, like, more gentle in the front, but like always thinking in my head. and then i would probably describe kerri as like a compliment, like compliment to myself. i'm very kind of like more of the back player. like i hit a little bit harder, smash a little harder, and i place better shots. but my sister
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annie, she's definitely like the better front player. like she's better in terms of strategy, they are now considered one of the best teams in the world. it felt very surreal. it's like you've just reached your dream, you know, like, how do you feel about that, well, i still feel like it's a dream to be able to think that. oh that's going to be like, we're going to be an olympian is like mind blowing to me. and like, yeah, sometimes i still can't process it. >> and if there's one thing they always count on, it's that they are in this together. >> my name is carrie icu and i'm annie xu, and we're going to the olympics. go usa! >> in the south bay. claudine wong, ktvu, fox two news. >> well, best of luck in paris. the twins and their coach say they hope their story helps grow the fan base for badminton. they also say even at the elite level , they pay for most of their travels and competitions. >> that's a great story. a team of oakland students is going to florida to compete in the 2024
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us rowing youth national championships. one of the oakland strokes teammates, giovanni grajeda rather, has been rowing for two years after finding the national recruitment project called stem to stern, the program provides transportation after school and help with homework. its goal is to get kids not historically exposed to the sport, interested and passionate about rowing. >> traditionally, rowing doesn't look like me. so i want to be the person that helps kids realize that rowing could look like them. >> it was really no difference from like how my peers saw me against. like my other other peer. that may be a different color. >> a trailer of nine boats for 69 kids will get loaded up to take the local rowers to youth nationals. those will be happening next week in sarasota, florida. >> and it was a nice day today. it was the warmest day of the week, a little warmer than yesterday, and yesterday was pretty darn warm. tomorrow will be a little bit cooler as the
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fog returns tomorrow night and trends to bring these temperatures down so that 93 in fairfield from today turns into, say, an 88 tomorrow 87 and then much cooler. so more significan cooling on saturday and into sunday. as you can see that we peaked out here. right. this was today was the warmest day. and then things trend down right to the weekend. so the winds will pick up. fog comes back to the coast. fog is not there now, but it will be probably by tomorrow night. and that will start some cooling in earnest. tomorrow will cool, but it won't be dramatic. i think saturday will be a dramatic departure from what we had today in dramatic meaning, instead of low 90s, low 80s. so a good ten degrees. so with that in mind, these are the current temperatures. as you can see a sea breeze a little bit right. you see the green. but not a ton. it's still pretty warm. 74 in concord right now, 77 in brentwood, 65 in santa rosa. so tomorrow night i'll show you this map and it'll just be dark greens. pretty far inland. and then saturday it'll be all the way up into fairfield. the greens and the temperatures will be, you know,
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in the low 60s in fairfield and a little warmer right now than it was last night. tomorrow you see the fog at the coast and then tomorrow night into saturday morning and then saturday afternoon and then boom comes back. so this is the big push here. and you kind of see the flow changing. the flow was doing this. now it's pushing everything this way which is just an onshore flow a robust onshore flow that will trend temperatures down tomorrow by a few degrees. and then by saturday and sunday more than a few degrees. so again, saturday and sunday will be cooler days. you'll see that in the five day forecast, 77 in hayward, 66 in san francisco. air quality is going to get. it's not bad right now actually, but it will get a little better. and harry fever will get a little better or less awful for you as the humidity increases with the fog increase tomorrow night and then the five day forecast, you see warm inland on friday and then we're cooler than today, certainly. and then there's the cool down there. and then tuesday temperatures right back to 90. and that next week period looks really warm to very, very warm.
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and that's going to be kind of our. oh yeah. it's getting to be summer and it's you know fire season because we're going to have time to dry out the fuels today and tomorrow or yesterday. yesterday and today and then a break and then tuesday it's going to dry them out again. so it's going to be a long run of some pretty warm weather. so air conditioners will be clicking on middle early part of next week. i'll see you back here at 11th june is knocking on the door all right bill, thank you. >> the women's college world series, now underway in oklahoma city and stanford, took the field. jason appelbaum will have the story coming up in sports. >> then on the 11:00 news as the 80th anniversary of d-day is just a week away, we will introduce you to an oakland veteran who is getting ready to take o for t t event.
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the college softball world series today at a packed house in oklahoma city, the eighth seeded cardinal taking on number one texas college softball player of the year. nigeria kennedy, facing the nation's best hitter, and reese atwood and kennedy wins that battle. but texas gets on the board in the third. mia scott going to sneak through a weak single here . bella dayton is coming home. she is called out at the plate, but texas coach mike white challenges the call. and you know what? it was a good challenge because he's right. dayton slides in safe just before the tag calls overturned. two nothing longhorns and that's all they would need. stanford couldn't touch texas pitcher tegan cavan. she's just a freshman. she gets allie clements to ground out to end the game. cavan tosses a one hit shutout with eight strikeouts. texas wins four. nothing stanford, though still alive in
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this double elimination tournament. they will play again tomorrow. the a's, they have come oh so close to winning the last two games. only to be denied in walk off fashion. raymond ray wins the mascot race in tampa. he did a little taunting, though. it didn't like that. bottom of the ninth. a's two outs away from a win. but yesterday, hero host say siri spoils the party again. he ties it up with his second homer of the day, and we go to extras all square at four runs a piece. the a's. they retake the lead though, in the bottom of the 10th. on this base hit by abraham toro. max schumann's coming in to score and it's five four athletics. but the rays tie it in the bottom of the 10th. and then in the 12th, richie palacios ends it on this double. off the wall, jose caballero trots in for the winning run and the rays take it 6 to 5 in 12 innings. they're partying in tampa, getting goofy. meantime,
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the a's head to atlanta for three beginning tomorrow. draymond green, the tnt analyst, predicted that the dallas mavericks would reach the nba finals. and he was right. jimmy jam and snoop dogg in minnesota for game five of the western conference finals. luka doncic was hitting from everywhere. he outscored the timberwolves all by himself in the first quarter. it was garbage time long before the fourth quarter rolled around, doncic draining threes off one leg off the backboard. he finished with 36 points and route to being named the kobe bryant mvp. a snoop dogg clearly not thrilled. he's a laker fan. i don't know why he's so invested in the timberwolves, but the mavs win 124 103 advance to the finals for the first time since 2011. well, they will face the boston celtics beginning one week from today. the nfl season still a little over three months out, but the odds have been released and this kind of stuck
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out to me. the 49 ers, the only team in the league to be favored in all 17 games they're playing in this year. niners. yeah. currently in the middle of their voluntary offseason workout program. the first in which brock purdy is fully healthy and taking all the first team reps. tight end george kittle. he revealed he played basically the second half of the season with a core muscle injury that required offseason surgery. but he says he should be ready to go by training camp. and yesterday, kittle, he was asked about the state of the franchise. >> said of the franchise, got a really good roster, great coaches, great players, ready to win. i'd say that's the state of the franchise. need to win now. >> let's play right now. >> yeah, let's do it. we spent a while. we got three months, but we're ready to he's ready to go and he's right. this is their window right. this is the 49ers
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window. so we'll see what they can do jason thank you. >> next at 11, for the first time in history, a former president convicted of a felony, what donald trump's guilty verdict means for the upcoming election. >> plus, we had to change it up last minute. we came here on like, tuesday. they told us, i think last last week that they had to change the hotel. >> unexpected issues for a popular hotel in the heart of san jose, forcing it to close temporarily. >> the 11:00 news on ktvu fox two starts now. >> the hotel de anza will be closed for several weeks because of unexpected maintenance issues. hello again everyone. >> i'm julie julie haener and i'm mike mibach. it's closure comes right as the summer season kicks off, forcing its current guest to relocate to hotels in the nearby area. new at 11 ktvu, lamonica peters spoke with some of those guests and how the closure affected their plans to closing down the hotel. >> de anza is obviously a necessity to keep visitors safe, but we encourage all visitors to still come out to san jose. >> hotel de anzate


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