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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 6pm  FOX  June 11, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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people to crank up their air conditioning. >> this is ktvu fox two news at six. good evening. >> i'm julie julie haener and i'm mike mibach. >> we will start with a quick check of that warmer weather hitting some parts of the bay area. the heat inland today, sending some people looking for relief at the bay area beaches where as you can see, even a little breezy out there. this is what it looked like today at alameda beach. people brought out their chairs and towels. some brought tents to stay out of the sun, and with school out for many school districts, families headed to the shore to cool off are on vacation. >> so we just decided to come on a hot day and enjoy ourselves here. this is like our favorite spot to come in here. it's like not far from home and it's good. it's relaxing. >> all right, these beaches in alameda, among many around the bay area where people go to cool off on these hot days. >> all right. and we're joined right now by our chief meteorologist, bill martin, for a look at the current conditions. so just how hot did
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it get today? >> we did get some low end hundreds today julie we're going to look at those i haven't seen any records yet but definitely some low and hundreds more than than we've seen than even last week in some cases. but we are a one and done. it's a high heat advisory in yellow for the bay area through this evening. and then that goes away. >> oh i thought i heard that okay. yeah that was my note. yeah. it sounds better. >> yeah okay. so there's the heat advisory, also a extreme heat warning that's in red that continues through wednesday. most likely. and the heat advisory in the central valley continues as well. but the plan here is and again fortunately it's kind of a one. and done. the fog is trying to work its way back in. this is today just showing how strong that high pressure is that the fog is having a tough time getting in the temperatures today, the highs these are the actual national weather service recorded highs 100 degrees in antioch, 100 degrees in fairfield, 101. in livermore, 90 in san rafael, san jose, 92 degrees. so really, really very, very warm to hot. but again,
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it's not multiple days. remember last week we went boom, boom, boom a bunch of days in a row. this is a whole different deal. this is one day. and then things cool off pretty rapidly. it's going to cool right into the bay area. weekend temperatures are going to be milder than you might expect as we go into friday. saturday and sunday. i'll see you back here. we'll do the full forecast then. >> all right, bill, thank you. and just a quick reminder that you can always stay ahead of the weather with the ktvu weather app. it has current conditions, breaks down the forecast hour by hour. and it's a free download. >> a grass fire near livermore shut down parts of interstate 580 this morning. flames scorched about 23 acres of grass near north flynn road along the altamont pass. the eastbound lanes were shut down while crews worked to put out the flames. that fire is now 90% contained. the cause of this fire is still under investigation tonight, and with the temperatures rising in many cities, so does the fire danger. ktvu south bay reporter jesse gary tells us multiple fire agencies are now staffing up. >> i was actually at work. i was
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rushing home. it was basically like a panic attack. >> gary mandeville spent tuesday sifting through the ruins of his family's misfortune, their hillside home with a view of san jose now offers a view of devastation. the new porch is ash. the 64 impala burned almost beyond recognition monday afternoon in the 4100 block of igara road. firefighters from the air and ground battling a two alarm blaze. mandeville says a spark from one vehicle touched off flames that burned his 4000 square foot barn and the surrounding hillside. >> everybody tried to stop it and it was unstoppable. once the once it caught the engine oil and all that, it just basically went up the flame. >> the danger is significant. >> san jose fire captain anthony ibarra says two consecutive winters with above average rainfall have produced thick brush. that's now fuel for fires. as a result, his department announcing wildland fire season in the bay area's largest city, homeowners
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directed to create defensible spaces of between 30 to 100ft around their homes by cutting back brush and trees, it reduces the chance of someone's house catching on fire in the event that their vegetation is cut back. cal firefighters spread the same message in southern santa clara county. inspections proceeded. education on ways to prevent wildfires from growing out of control. >> we are definitely seeing more fires right now, fire activity has increased throughout santa clara county, and the five counties that we cover, and, and it is very pertinent for people to educate themselves and create that defensible space. >> the mandeville family says they had a defensible space around their spread, which they say limited the destruction. their main home was spared, but the barn where five renters lived was a total loss. >> we did what we could do, and after that we just basically got everybody out the house and basically abandoned ship. we had
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to go. >> there are only minor injuries reported with this fire, but several pets did perish in the flames. the mandeville brothers, who were all carpenters, say their tools were destroyed in the fire. fire investigators are still trying to determine the cause. and the rock springs section of san jose. jesse gary, ktvu, fox two news. >> new research is shedding light on the widespread health effects of wildfire smoke. a ucla study has found that even more people than previously thought die each year in california from long term smoke exposure. the research found that inhaling fine particulate matter from wildfires contributed to as many as 55,700 deaths between the year 2008 and 2018. earlier today on the four, one of the study authors said that chronic exposure to wildfire smoke can lead to health problems, including asthma, diabetes and heart disease. >> if we look at all the deaths from traffic accidents in california per year, it's about 4000. so we're talking a bad year. it's about three times the
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number of deaths from all the traffic crashes. and in a low year, it's about the same. so it's a major public health risk. >> the researchers say current forest management strategies and communities being built in wildfire prone areas, and climate change are all contributing to the problem. >> a homeowner who shot and killed a burglary suspect in east oakland remains in jail tonight, while the alameda county district attorney considers whether to file charges. our crime reporter henry lee has the latest on the investigation. >> a burglary suspect was shot by a resident near 98th avenue and burr street in east oakland. oakland firefighters and paramedics worked to save the suspect, but he died at the scene. now, i've learned the 77 year old homeowner is in jail, arrested by oakland police on suspicion of murder. it happened just before six on monday evening. authorities say two men and a woman pulled up to the home in the stolen infiniti q40. a witness told police the three went on to the property and that one of the men had a crowbar.
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that witness then reported hearing a gunshot. i've learned from court documents that according to police, officers arrived and found the homeowner pointing a stolen 357 colt python revolver at the female suspect. that woman told police the homeowner had shot her friend. police say they found the other male suspect at the scene with a replica gun and arrested him on suspicion of burglary. no charges have been filed against the homeowner pending a review by the alameda county da's office. no one answered the door on tuesday. >> it's going to be a pending case. >> on tuesday, i caught up with da pamela price at an unrelated news conference, and she and other law enforcement officials said no assumptions should be made just because the homeowner is in jail. prosecutors have until thursday to decide whether to charge him. i've learned he declined to talk to investigators. >> you're not supposed to chase them if you chase them and shoot them. for example, in the back, that is unlawful. but ktvu legal analyst michael cardoza says depending on the facts, the homeowner could still argue self-defense. if you are an
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imminent fear of your life or someone else's life in your home, you have every right to take necessary means of self-defense against the invaders. >> the circumstances leading up to the shooting are still under investigation. if the homeowner is ultimately charged, it will be up to a jury to determine his fate. in oakland, henry lee ktvu, fox two news despite that latest shooting, governor newsom reinforcing today that crime in oakland continues to trend downward, the latest data from the governor's office says since february, the chp has recovered 887 stolen vehicles, arrested 440 people and seized 47 guns that were linked to crimes. >> this report comes as the city of oakland says overall crime including robbery, burglary, car theft and homicide are all down 33% since the same time last year and in a post on social media, mayor shengtao thanked governor newsom and said our collaborative work exemplifies
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good governance in action with chp surges. the redeployment of our foot patrols and our revamped cease fire program, we are seeing a decrease in crime across the board. in oakland. tao went on to say, there is still a lot of work to do to make sure everyone feels safe in oakland, the chp says a street race ended violently when one of the cars lost control and rolled over right into a tree on 580, skyfox was overhead. >> the aftermath. this happened around 1130 this morning in the eastbound lanes right near golf link roads exit. the chp says the driver of the white camaro was racing another vehicle when they hit a pole on the right hand shoulder and then went over the embankment. a tire came loose and hit the windshield of another vehicle on 580. no one was hurt in that vehicle. officers say the driver of the camaro was under the influence of drugs and will be arrested after they are treated for their injuries. >> disgraced theranos founder elizabeth holmes appeal was heard today in san francisco federal court. holmes was not
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inside the courtroom. she is now one year into her 11 year sentence at a federal minimum security prison in texas. she was convicted of defrauding investors with false claims about her company's blood testing technology. her attorneys argued the judge in her case made several improper decisions during the 2022 proceedings, legal experts say a ruling on the appeal could take several weeks or months to issue in san francisco, one step closer to welcoming pandas to its zoo. >> this afternoon, the board of supervisors voted to green light the mayor's plan to seek private funds to pay for a new panda enclosure at the zoo. but as ktvu is, christian captain reports tonight, not everyone is on board with the plan. >> san francisco zoo is already home to more than 2000 animals, and now the city's mayor is pushing for a plan to bring giant pandas from china to live here. zoo visitors said they're excited about the idea. >> yeah, she got membership just to save the pandas. yeah, yeah. >> bringing the pandas will mean building a new enclosure with a $25 million price tag. mayor
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london breed is pushing for a plan to get that money from private investors. but to do that means passing a legislative workaround to allow private funds to be used for a public project. >> the panda diplomacy, which we're hoping will create an opportunity for the pandas to come to san francisco's zoo sometime next year. so it's really making sure no public dollars are going into to making this happen. >> at tuesday's san francisco board of supervisors meeting, lawmakers voted 9 to 2 to approve the plan, allowing the mayor to tap private funds before the vote. a coalition made up of in defense of animals and san francisco zoo watch went door to door in city hall, urging supervisors to block the plan in defense of animals, says the zoo already has a questionable record on safety. >> a baby gorilla was crushed to death by hydraulic door, a penguin was decapitated, a it's not even safe for the keepers there. one keeper was chased
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around the exhibit. the exhibit by a grizzly bear. >> zoo watch says san francisco zoo is already struggling financially. and while the pandas may be a draw for a few years, in the long term it will hurt the zoo's bottom line there's a true animal welfare issues at the zoo. >> animals are suffering at the san francisco zoo at the hands of mismanagement, zoo visitors said they're not thinking much about finances, but they say they'd still love the chance to see pandas up close. >> i think that is up to the zoo and the city to decide. we are just patrons and we will come visit if they do have it, and we'll still come visit if they don't have it. >> the mayor says she'll first have to sign the legislation, but then can work on getting together a committee of stakeholders to raise the money needed for that panda enclosure in san francisco, christien kafton ktvu fox two news getting more people off city streets and into shelters. >> the latest proposal from san jose mayor matt mehan to make a dent in the city's homeless population and shining a light
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on untold stories on the big screen. >> the rising talent and big names expected at this year's black film festival in san francisco. >> and here's a check right now of the tuesday evening commute. this is what it's looking like right now on the san mateo bridge. the eastbound direction on your left is pretty heavy at this hour. as you would expect. the other side, the right side going over to the peninsula and san mateo a little bit better. we're back with ktvu news at six. in jus moment a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business.
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with the celebration of juneteenth, the san francisco black film festival starts this week for four days. it celebrates the art of black filmmakers from all over the country. ktvu is crystal bailey live tonight in san francisco, where you did speak to one filmmaker about what this exposure really does mean to her. crystal >> well, mike, with juneteenth right around the corner, there is really no better time to celebrate black stories and the san francisco black film festival does just that, bringing in big names. but also these fresh talent right here to the bay area, just in time for juneteenth celebrations. the san francisco black film festival puts together black art and black stories for the big screen. it kicks off thursday with dwayne wiggins of tony, tony, tony's film timeless at the african american arts and culture center in the fillmore district. the festival lasts through sunday, presenting more than 70 films of varying genres by black filmmakers, all over
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the country, including big names in hollywood. this year, mario van peebles will be playing three of his movies. >> saturday, we're going to have outlaw posse. we're going to have panther and then sunday we're going to have armed sundays at the san francisco public library. >> and i think it's just an amazing film festival that really highlights filmmaker, black filmmaker from around the country. >> the festival also provides exposure to rising talent like sf film school student to odessa ummo, bearsted, who entered her first film, absent, about a young woman meeting her father for the first time. >> the beauty in this is that the film was very healing for me. and yeah, not only just like, okay, well, it did on this film festival. whatever. right, but it's just what it did for me. >> she says this is the ninth film festival. her film has been selected for, and she credits her faith for the opportunity. >> i'm just happy that that god is also moving through it and being faithful, you know, you know, through through this whole journey. >> the san francisco black film festival began in 1998 when cre
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raised grandmother decided to expand her black owned vhs rental shop into a black film event. the festival is always around freedom day to coincide with the fillmore juneteenth celebrations. now rei carries the torch. >> i like being that platform for black people to be able to tell their story, but like pass their story. it's more like our story and like where we have come from to kind of break all of those negative stereotypes that we have. >> and tickets are on sale right now. the events go from anywhere from $5 to $35. the events, of course, run from thursday to sunday. i'm live in san francisco. crystal bailey, ktvu, fox two news, and it's especially nice to see the younger filmmakers out there like tessa that you highlighted. >> crystal. thank you. >> new at six tonight, san jose's mayor says the city is making a bold move to end unsheltered homelessness as part of its new budget. the city council unanimously passed that $5 billion budget about an hour ago. mayor matt mahan says the
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balanced budget will help move 1200 people off the streets and into safe sleeping sites, and will invest $40 million in new affordable housing. it will also allow the city to comply with the clean water act and avoid expensive legislation over pollution from encampments along san jose waterways. >> despite coming into this process a few months ago, with an estimated $55 million shortfall, we have been able to make the necessary trade offs, have the creativity and flexibility as a city to address all of those needs without having to do layoffs or harm other core city services. >> council members said the choices they made focused on areas that were most important to residents, including homelessness and public safety, didn't see a lot of programs cut, which was also tremendous, maybe some of the, arts organizations and other organizations we support didn't get funded to the highest, the
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higher level. but that was all because we were looking at a thoughtful budget that addressed all of the needs of our community. >> mayor mahan also touted other priorities, including new automatic license plate readers and speed cameras to improve street safety. >> the leading candidates for san francisco mayor will face off in a debate tomorrow night. ktvu has partnered with city arts and lectures and manny's for a debate between incumbent london breed and candidates mark farrell, daniel lurie, aaron peskin and aisha safai. the debate takes place tomorrow night at 630 at the sidney goldstein theater. new york times san francisco bureau chief heather night and manny uchitel are the moderators in person. tickets are sold out. tickets to tcthe debate virtually are still available, and we will make the debate available in its entirety afterward on the fox local app. for your smart tv, as well as on the ktvu youtube channel and a heat advisory in
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effect still, but it'll get dropped tonight. >> for the bay area. it stays in effect for the central valley as well as an extreme heat warning up in the north valley up around redding and red bluff and chico. these were the highs from today. warmest day of the week. and kind of interesting in that it's a one and done right. it's not a 2 or 3 days in a row like last week or which is very typical. these patterns often do kind of go in two and three day periods. this is a very short run. temperatures tomorrow will still be warm. fairfield instead of 100 degrees tomorrow fairfield will be 90s low 90s. and then on friday temperatures will be all the way down into the 80s. so we're going to be kind of the weekend is going to be mild, if you will, for this time of year. not cold but mild. so look at the temperature drops for tomorrow. you can see them i think pretty significant drops in livermore most certainly and then san jose. so the heat advisory goes away. fog tries to form at the coast, but the models are pretty, bullish on keeping it away. i mean, there'll be patches of it, but it doesn't look like a robust
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marine layer at all. it looks like it's going to take a couple of days for it to get its act together and become, you know, summer fog, if you will. there is the golden gate bridge, obviously, and there is no fog there now. there was fog this morning earlier. you see a little haze out there as well. that's indicative of the high pressure that's kind of around. and these are the current temperatures. so it's still up in the upper 90s inland. you see a green yellow and or orange areas. that's sort of the sea breeze as it exists now. but the sea breeze is going to get bigger tomorrow. you'll see a lot more greens and yellows tomorrow as we show this same map, the same time. but tomorrow i'll see you back here in a few minutes with the full forecast. >> all right. we'll see you in a bit, bill. thank you. groups behind the proposed california forever community are touting its advantages. big and small. >> if we don't build walkable, medium density communities, what happens is we will sprawl. >> still to come, the ultimate decision facing voters in november as opposition grows to the plan. >> also ahead tonight, south bay health leaders say drug overdoses typically spike during the summer months . the steps being taken
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wherever community in solano county has now qualified for the november ballot, the solano county registrar of voters confirmed today. the petition has gathered enough signatures to be put before voters in the fall. that measure would ask voters to rezone more than 17,000 acres of farmland in eastern solano county for development of a new community.
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the california forever group says the plan is the best way for the county to plan for growth. >> tens of thousands of acres of prime farmland have been paved over to build subdivisions, and so it's not a question of whether we build. it's a question of where. and we believe this is the best way to protect the best farmland in this area and build a compact community on a small portion of it. and build a better future for tens of thousands of families. >> several groups, including the solano land trust, have opposed the project and the ballot measure, saying it would harm conservation areas and destroy farmland. >> santa clara county leaders are highlighting a unique program to treat opioid addiction in teenagers and young adults. county supervisor cindy chavez joined officials from santa clara valley medical center to get the word out about its drug treatment center, vmc is the only hospital on the west coast with an inpatient fentanyl detox treatment program for people under 20 years old, with same day admission. this was
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started after a record numbers of young people overdosed and died in recent years, largely on fentanyl. the center is a resource that can save lives, and hospital officials say a lot of people just don't know about it. >> when we talked to kids around the county, they would tell us that, you know, when i stop using the withdrawal is so unbearable and it's actually easier for me to find fentanyl than to get help. our program provides medications to help decrease withdrawal, prevent cravings, and these medications have been studied extensively and have been shown to save lives. >> studies have shown that less than 10% of people addicted to opioids are eligible for these treatments. >> coming up on ktvu news at 630, the jury returns with guilty verdicts for hunter biden in his federal gun trial, and his legal issues don't end there and another big decision facing voters in november. >> the implications of a measure to reform penalties for
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shoplifting and other crimes
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arrested the other two suspects at the scene. one had a replica gun. prosecutors have until thursday to decide whether to charge the homeowner. san jose firefighters launched a wildland fire initiative today. >> fire officials say two consecutive winters with above average rainfall have produced thick brush that is now fuel for fires. homeowners are being asked to create defensible space between 30 to 100ft around their homes by cutting back brush and trees. >> san francisco may be one step closer to bringing pandas to its zoo after a vote just today, the board of supervisors will allow the mayor to seek private funds for the pandas new enclosure. however, animal activists claim the zoo has a history of safety issues and are lobbying to stop the plan to bring those pandas to the city. >> you're watching ktvu, fox two news at 630. a federal jury has found hunter biden guilty on three felony counts in his federal gun trial, and the president's son also has some other legal proceedings. >> still to come. ktvu jana katsuyama explains the implications of today's verdicts
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. >> hunter biden arrived at federal court in delaware tuesday with his wife, melissa, to hear the jury hand down its decision. the verdict was guilty on all three felony counts, two for lying on a federal document and one for being a drug user in possession of a firearm. this case was about the illegal choices defendant made while in the throes of addiction. >> his choice to lie on a government form when he bought a gun, and the choice to then possess that gun. >> during the eight day trial, prosecutors showed jurors a gun purchase form where hunter biden checked a box saying he was not a drug user as he bought a colt revolver. on october 12th, 2018, his ex-wife and his late brother's wife testified that while they hadn't directly seen him use drugs at the time, he had been a frequent crack user and had been in rehab just before the gun purchase. the 12 member jury deliberated for about three hours. juror number ten, whose own family struggled with addiction and owns guns, told fox news. it was a heart
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wrenching decision that came down to the facts. >> it was not politically motivated politics played no part in this whatsoever. >> hunter biden's trial came after a plea deal fell apart. >> hunter biden issued a statement after he left the courthouse, saying, quote, i am more grateful today for the love and support i experienced this last week from melissa, my family, my friends and my community than i am disappointed by the outcome. recovery is possible by the grace of god and i am blessed to experience that gift one day at a time. president biden flew to wilmington, delaware to meet with hunter and family members. the president reiterated that he would not use his presidential power to pardon his son. in a statement, he said, quote, jill and i love our son and we are so proud of the man he is today. so many families who have loved ones battle addiction, understand the feeling of pride. seeing someone you love come out the other side and be so strong and resilient in recovery. the president also said, quote, i will accept the outcome of this case and will continue to
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respect the judicial process as hunter considers an appeal, the judge did not set a sentencing date. sentencing guidelines for the charges are usually between 15 and 21 months in jail, but legal experts say defendants in similar cases have received shorter sentences in the newsroom. jana katsuyama ktvu, fox two news. >> and today, president biden highlighted his administration's efforts to fight gun violence, underscoring gun control as one of his campaign's key issues in the november election. speaking to advocates at the everytown for gun safety action fund's annual conference, the president said he signed the most significant gun laws in the last three decades aimed at gun traffickers, ghost guns and expanding background checks. the president indicated that next on the list is banning assault weapons. >> four children are killed in america by guns than cancer and car accidents combined, my predecessor told the nra convention recently he's proud of that quote. i did nothing on
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guns when i was president. we all want our kids to have the freedom to learn how to read and write in schools. instead of learning how to duck and cover, according to the national institute for health care management, gun violence grew by nearly 43% between 2010 and 2020. >> a number of high profile mass shootings occurred during that time. many inside schools. >> alameda county district attorney pamela price answered to critics today. upset, she declined to file charges against a suspect in a stabbing. price held a news conference this afternoon. she said the sheriff's office had expressed to her team frustration that the da's office declined to charge robert barroca, who was arrested in a stabbing earlier this year. now, price says her office declined to file charges because barroca was already facing federal charges. >> my understanding in this case is yes, there were multiple conversations with the sheriff's investigating officer and the deputy and the deputy agreed that it was appropriate for the
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federal authorities to take action. >> the sheriff's office disputes that claim and says after the da's office decided not to file charges, they called federal authorities to notify them of baraka's alleged involvement in the stabbing, an initiative that would reform proposition 47 has now qualified for the november ballot, the secretary of state's office confirmed today. >> the measure filed more than the required 600,000 valid signatures. voters passed prop 4710 years ago to reduce penalties for drug crimes and other misdemeanors. critics of prop 47 blame it for increased retail theft. the november ballot measure would reform prop 47 and increase penalties for some drug and theft crimes. republican lawmakers in sacramento today blasted attempts by democrats to add a poison pill in a number of other public safety bills. if the prop 47 reform bill were to pass. >> everybody agrees on these bills in substance. let's just
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not play games and get them and get them forward, and then the people will pass the initiative and we'll finish the job. >> many republican lawmakers now say they will no longer support those other public safety bills that include a poison pill. >> california lawmakers held a committee hearing today to address the sale of stolen goods online. there is a bill that would require high volume online sellers to verify their identity when they request offline payments. it also requires marketplaces including ebay and nextdoor to collect the seller's tax identification numbers and bank accounts. this measure is part of a 14 bill package aimed at cracking down on retail crime in the state. >> signs of hope in the peace talks with israel and hamas. the white house now putting pressure on both sides to agree to a deal. >> the lgbt q community has faced many obstacles in getting access to health care tonight, how one patient advocate has been trying to make them feel more welcome
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announcement came after blinken singled out hamas, saying it is time to accept a ceasefire deal to save civilian lives. fox's caroline shively reports from washington as the fighting continues in gaza. >> now, families of the remaining israeli hostages demanding action on tuesday after four of those kidnaped were freed in this daring rescue in gaza saturday. secretary of state antony blinken is now in the middle east pressuring hamas leaders in hiding to accept a ceasefire deal that would release the last of the hostages . >> today, as we gather, one and only one thing stands in the way of this deal happening, and that's hamas on monday, the united nations security council approved a resolution endorsing the ceasefire plan. >> a senior hamas leader released a statement saying the
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resolution contains points we do not accept, but its main aspects are positive. there are also reports that the u.s. is considering bypassing israel and negotiating directly with hamas for the release of american hostages. >> we have to be very concerned, though, that if the united states is going to negotiate separately with hamas, whether it's going to increase the price of the release of the rest of the hostages, it's creating a different category of hostages. those who have american passports, those who don't have american passports. >> u.s. officials would not comment on whether there are separate negotiations. but parents of those americans say they welcome any talks that bring their loved ones home. in washington, caroline shively, fox news. >> and we are tracking the heat. it is dying down. it's going to be a cooler day tomorrow. we got hot today, though. we'll talk about the temperatures from today and where we go this weekend. >> let's go to ktvu. alex savidge now with a look at some of the stories we are working on for west coast rap at seven right here on ktvu. >> julie, thank you. coming up
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tonight at seven. a dash camera captures a lengthy struggle between a sheriff's deputy and a suspect in nevada, and a person passing by jumps in to help. tonight on west coast rap, that deputy now searching for the mystery good samaritan to tell him. thank you. also, it is hard to believe he survived. we'll hear from an arizona man who is sharing how he fell over the side of a cliff while traveling overseas. a remarkable story, we'll have that and much more coming up tonight at seven on west coast rap. and of course, that's followed by the ktvu on fox two news at 730 with heather holmes. >> all right, alex, we'll see you at the top of the hour. up next though, first plans are in motion for the golden state valkyries inaugural season. up next, the general manager of the team gives us a closer look at all the big decisions she now faces.
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the golden state valkyrie. >> so what is next for the league's first expansion team since 2008? are jason appelbaum joins us now after catching up with the valkyries general manager. >> yeah, her name is ohemaa nianhan, she's been on the job maybe about five weeks now. big job, big job. she's got a lot on
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her plate. she oversees all basketball operations. that means she's in charge of hiring the first head coach in franchise history. building a roster of 12 players from scratch. many of those players will come from the expansion draft later this year, others through the regular wnba draft next april, and we might even see a trade or two prior to the valkyries inaugural season in 2025. about 11 months out from their first game, we caught up with nianhan on zoom and asked her what the last month or so has been like for her. >> it has been a whirlwind, i think i was prepared, for it to be this fast, and i wasn't prepared all at the same time, if that makes sense. and so now, now, another part of all of this is bringing a team to life, and so that's, you know, my role, and, i need to hire a lot of people, i would guess, sort of near the top of that list would
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be a, a head coach. >> give us a timetable on that. and what are you looking for specifically in the first head coach of this franchise? >> yeah, the timetable is fluid because i want to have an exhaustive search, kind of all different backgrounds. the type of coach that i'm looking for is one that is, even keeled, to be able to really focus a lot of their energy on the athletes being able to communicate with them, in a way that the athletes are able to receive the communication. i think. mr. la'akea. joe lacob i'm still working on the whole mr. versus joe thing, he and i are aligned, with the timeline. and, i'm excited to get started. >> yeah, i guess when in doubt, go mr. laker. but after after a few meetings, it's joe, lots to do in the next 11 months. and even though the valkyries are an expansion team, you know, joe
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lacob, he loves to win and he's not going to he's going to spare no expense in trying to build this roster and build it. now right out of the gate. exactly. so no pressure. but they're not going to be the typical expansion team, i think. >> all right. well, it'll be fun to watch. sure will. jason. thank you. >> all right joey chestnut's reign in competitive eating has hit a bit of a snag. a spokesperson for major league eating says the bay area native is not welcome at this year's hot dog eating contest. the decision is reportedly due to chestnut's sponsorship with the plant based meat company impossible foods. the hot dog eating contest is sponsored by nathan's famous hot dogs. chestnut has won the event the past eight years and holds a record 16 titles. joey chestnut put out a statement late this afternoon on x, saying i was gutted to learn from the media that after 19 years, i'm banned from the nathan's july fourth hot dog eating contest. i love competing in that event. i love celebrating america with my fans all over this great country on the fourth, and i have been
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training to defend my title. he went on to say, bill, no worries, his fans will see him eat it very soon. i'm going to say go for it. that's right, i threw it. >> it's wrong. it's just wrong. jamming hot dogs in like that. no, you don't like. he's not an athlete. i don't care about joey chestnut. that's just impressive. i'm not. yeah, okay. >> look how long he's been doing it. he's been hard. i can't watch it. a lot of titles. >> it's just. it's foul. i mean, it's just weird, right? i mean, okay, anyway, i just. yeah, i hope he's good. and i do think they should let him be in the contest, because just because he's eating vegetarian hot dogs doesn't mean he shouldn't be able to mow regular hot dogs. but still, the whole thing is weird. okay, so outside we go. these are the highs from today and i get as long as i've been here. i'll show you the highs right here. as long as i've been here like 30 some years. julie we all joey chestnut has been around like 30 some years. man >> for one it like i think what do we say 16 years champion 16 years. >> he's been around a long time. hot dogs and every time i say the same thing i said it to
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dennis. i said it to julie. i've said it to everybody. i just don't think he's an athlete, that's all. i just don't think it's a thing. okay, so temperatures tomorrow are going to drop off. they're going to go from where they were today in san mateo at 93 down to 79. livermore 101 down to 87. that's a big drop. so we did a big swing this way. we went up about 1015 degrees today from yesterday's highs. now tomorrow we're going to swing back the other way and drop a good 5 to 10 degrees. there is no fog at the golden gate bridge yet. the fog is out there. it was there this morning, but it's very chewed up. it's struggling to really keep itself intact. so fog is going to be sparse, but the onshore flow will not be. so we're going to see more of a push of cool air tomorrow. this is right now. you can see how much warmer it is than yesterday. but we're going to see a cool push of air and that's going to get this excessive heat warning gone for us. but it won't be enough cooling to cool off the central valley. so they're going to keep an excessive heat warning through wednesday night. and then the excessive or the excessive heat warning through the night. wednesday night in the heat advisory through
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wednesday night for sacramento and stockton and modesto. so the high is kind of just doing its thing where it's allowing the onshore flow to mildly cool us off tomorrow. so it's going to be down 4 or 5, eight degrees. but then this shows up towards friday saturday and sunday and into thursday. and it basically really drops the temperature. so we're going to get right back down into the 80s very, very rapidly for tomorrow. you'll see the fog trying to set up, but it's kind of getting chewed up. there's still a little bit of a north wind, but you see the sea breeze making its way further inland. so forecast highs tomorrow. not hundreds but upper 80s low 90s. and then the five day forecast. and you see what thursday and friday. right. those are pretty mild not mild but it's just not hot. those are the hot spots. most of us see that middle tier numbers. most of us are going to be there in the mid 70s. >> all right bill thank you. making lgbtq patients feel more welcome. one bead at a time. how a patient advocate at a clinic (♪)
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francisco's sutter health, castro primary care, is spreading pride through a decades long crafting tradition. ktvu crystal bailey shares what the gesture is all about. >> i have made about 900 to 1000. >> debbie graves has been spreading joy at sutter health. castro primary care since 1988. >> this is about me showing my love, but this month she's doing it with colorful sheets because pride month is her very favorite month of the year. it doesn't matter who you are, you know, if you're walking in, i'm going to say, oh, take a look at this and see if you want one, she says. >> it's about bringing people together. >> straight, gay, whatever color, whatever religion. they understand the meaning of community for graves, these beads are a physical memento for how she wants her patients to feel safe and included. >> each bead has different charms, and of course, they all have the rainbow. the pride bead signifies something special in this community. the clinic is in
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the heart of the castro district, which was no stranger to the hardships of the hiv crisis in the 80s. this is ground zero for hiv and it was really through our treatment and our care for hiv positive patients that i think it really brought gay rights to the forefront. >> it was a terrible time, i've lost i've known close to 300 people that had died. >> david strachan was diagnosed with hiv in 1986. >> i went on disability in 94, not thinking that i'd live long enough to my 50th birthday, and next month i'll be 77. >> lgbtq plus patients have often been stigmatized and ostracized, made to feel unsafe in a health care setting. but the beads highlight what san francisco is all about. >> there should be no shame in health care, no matter what's wrong with you. >> i've known lots of people over the years who of people that were hiv positive, that moved here because the care here
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is excellent in san francisco. >> so graves says she's going to keep making the jewelry. >> some just want to take several for their family members. and i'm like, take as many as you need because i won't stop making these until pride is done. >> celebrating pride with patients in san francisco all month long. crystal bailey, ktvu, fox two news. >> and that is our report for tonight. thanks for joi ng us. west coast ap i a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business.
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hit it. >> don't hit new confrontations between pro-palestinian protesters and police, and reaction to the atmosphere on ucla's campus is mixed. >> toxic, really, even when there is no nothing going on visibly on campus, everyone feels very tense. students are prioritizing what really


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