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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 730pm  FOX  June 11, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm PDT

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teens. we'll tell you about the unique approach in the south bay charging dispute. the heated back and forth between the alameda county district attorney and the sheriff's office over a stabbing case, and san francisco prepares to host a cultural celebration with the 26th annual black film festival. >> this is ktvu fox two news at
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730. >> it has served as a bridge between worlds, with films as the vessel. welcome everyone to the show tonight i'm heather holmes and now the festival is getting ready for another exciting year in san francisco. our crystal bailey talked with the event director about this year's theme, healing the world, one film at a time, just in time for juneteenth celebrations. >> the san francisco black film festival puts together black art and black stories for the big screen. it kicks off thursday with dwayne wiggins of tony tony, tony's film timeless at the african american arts and culture center in the fillmore district. the festival lasts through sunday, presenting more than 70 films of varying genres by black filmmakers all over the country, including big names in hollywood. this year, mario van peebles will be playing three of his movies. >> saturday, we're going to have outlaw posse, we're going to have panther, and then sunday we're going to have armed sundays at the san francisco public library. >> and i think it's just an amazing film festival that really highlights filmmaker
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black filmmaker from around the country. >> the festival also provides exposure to rising talent like sf film school student tadesse amobi, who entered her first film, absent, about a young woman meeting her father for the first time. >> the beauty in this is that the film was very healing for me , and yeah, not only just like, okay, well, it did on this film festival. whatever. right, but it's just what it did for me. >> she says this is the ninth film festival her film has been selected for, and she credits her faith for the opportunity. >> i'm just happy that that god is also moving through it and being faithful. you know, you know, through through this whole journey, the san francisco black film festival began in 1998 when cre raised grandmother decided to expand her black owned vhs rental shop into a black film event. >> the festival is always around freedom day to coincide with the fillmore juneteenth celebrations. now rei carries the torch. >> i like being that platform for black people to be able to
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tell their story, but like pass their story. it's more like our story and like where we have come from to kind of break all of those negative stereotypes that we have and tickets are still on sale, with events ranging from 5 to $35, the event runs from thursday to sunday in san francisco. >> crystal bailey, ktvu, fox two news new at 730 tonight, ucsf benioff children's hospital said today that it will be hiring union workers for proposed new hospital building here in oakland. >> the agreement between ucsf, the building and construction trades council of alameda county and the construction firm means that local union workers and apprentices will be hired. the $1.6 billion proposed project will include a new hospital and trauma center, and the modernization of the existing hospital. that project, by the way, expected to be complete in 2030. san jose's mayor says the city is making a bold move to end unsheltered homelessness as
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part of its brand new budget. the city council unanimously passed that budget this evening. mayor mehan says the balanced budget will help move 1200 people off the streets and into safe sleeping sites, and it will invest $40 million in new affordable housing. it will also allow the city to clean up pollution from encampments along san jose waterways. that has drawn federal scrutiny recently. >> it's going to help us finally treat unsheltered homelessness like the crisis that it is. it's going to allow us to comply with the clean water act and avoid what could be very expensive litigation. >> city council members said ahead of the vote that the choices they made focused on areas that were most important to residents, including homelessness and public safety. santa clara county leaders today highlighted a unique program to treat opioid addiction in teens as well as young adults. county supervisor cindy chavez joined officials from santa clara valley medical center to get the
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word out about its treatment center. now vmc is the only hospital here on the west coast with an inpatient fentanyl detox treatment program for people 20 years old and younger with same day admission. it was started after a record number of young people overdosed and died in recent years, largely from fentanyl. the center is a resource that can save lives, and hospital officials say a lot of people just don't know about it. >> when we talked to kids around the county, they would tell us that, you know, when i stop using the withdrawal is so unbearable and it's actually easier for me to find fentanyl than to get help. our program provides medications to help decrease withdrawal, prevent cravings, and these medications have been studied extensively and have been shown to save lives. >> as studies have shown that less than 10% of people addicted to opioids and eligible for these treatments actually have access to them. we have an
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update tonight on a story that we first brought you over the weekend. weekend oakland police say they have made several arrests in connection to the series of illegal sideshows that took place on saturday night. police responded to the activity around midnight saturday, where they found about 300 cars and 200 spectators involved. well, as more officers arrived, the crowd eventually dispersed, moving to the area of fifth and adeline street. the department's helicopter followed the crowd throughout the city, working with officers there on the ground to conduct seven traffic stops, so in all, five people were arrested, three guns were recovered, three cars towed, police say they are following up to identify more vehicles that took part this weekend. also in oakland, a man has been arrested now for shooting and killing a person allegedly trying to break into his house. this was near 98th and burr street. that 77 year old homeowner is now behind bars, while the district attorney considers whether to file charges or if this case qualifies as self-defense. so
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authorities say two men and a woman pulled up to that home in a stolen vehicle, according to court documents. officers stated that when they arrived, they found the homeowner pointing a stolen gun at the female suspect. that woman then told police that the homeowner had shot her friend. police say they found the second male suspect also at the scene, with a replica gun, and arrested him on suspicion of suspicion of burglary. ktvu legal analyst michael cardoza says depending on the facts here, that homeowner could still argue self-defense. >> if you are an imminent fear of your life or someone else's life in your home, you have every right to take necessary means of self-defense against the invaders. you're not supposed to chase them if you chase them and shoot them. for example, in the back that is unlawful. >> prosecutors have until thursday to decide whether or not to charge the homeowner. in
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this case, the embattled alameda county district attorney, pamela price, defended herself against critics upset that she declined to file charges against a suspect in a stabbing, price said that her team had notified her that the sheriff's office has expressed frustration after the da's office declined to charge a man named robert baracoa arrested in a stabbing earlier this year. price says that her office declined to file charges because baraka was already facing federal charges. >> my understanding in this case is, yes, there were multiple conversations with the sheriff's investigating officer and the deputy and the deputy agreed that it was appropriate for the federal authorities to take action. >> now, the sheriff's office disputes that claim and says after the da's office decided not to file charges here, they called federal authorities to notify them of baraka's alleged
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involvement in that stabbing. all right. wildfire season is here. tonight a look at the health effects from our long term exposure to wildfire smoke and the increased deaths that california researchers say that smoke contributed to. also fire crews sounding the alarm on the importance of protecting your property, the steps they want all homeowners to take now and in weather. >> another hot day out there, temperatures, in fact, a big temperature spike today. the hottest locations right around 100 degrees. a heat advisory, but that will soon be coming o an
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to try to beat the heat. i want to show you now some video from alameda beach, where families brought along some tents to try to stay out of the sun. one beach goer says being by the water makes early all the difference. i mean, we don't have ac, we're where i live, so, you know, cranking the fans up to a million and, you know, the classic stuff really coming to the beach is like just being by the water. >> the breeze makes such. i mean, you go like a mile that way. it's like ten degrees hotter. i will say it was a cold, long winter. so i'm i'm embracing the heat. >> beaches in alameda. just one of the many popular spots along the coast where people head to of course, during these warmer days. so let's talk more about it with our meteorologist, mark tamayo. because, mark, this is really kind of short lived here. yeah we are lucky in that department because yeah, we could be talking about several days tough sleeping weather, but thankfully tomorrow there will be some relief back in the
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forecast. >> yeah. but as you know, some triple digits today. take a look. today the hottest day of the week out toward livermore, out toward antioch, concord, fairfield, all close to 100 degrees in san jose, 92. a bunch of 80s right around the bay. so warm to hot around the bay and santa rosa in the upper 90s. the heat advisory we have been talking about that will soon be coming to an end that expires 8:00 this evening. so just a few minutes from now, it actually continues though out towards solano county until 8 p.m. wednesday. that's linked up to the sacramento national weather service office, so that will continue. but even a place like fairfield will cool off quite a bit tomorrow. here is a satellite. we had some areas of fog this morning, but lots of sunshine this afternoon. and taking a look, here are the current temperatures. it's still hot out toward fairfield and concord, san jose 87, oakland 73. in san francisco is definitely cooled off 68 degrees and a bunch of 80s up in the north bay. here is our live camera looking out toward the golden gate bridge. a nice scene here with clear skies that flag
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will be changing around a bit more of an onshore breeze so that will definitely cool off the entire bay area beginning tomorrow. in fact, we could have some patchy low cloud cover tomorrow morning. temperatures. most areas will be in the 50s. so here is the forecast model bringing in trying to bring in some patchy clouds and then into the afternoon hours. these bright colors do resurface, but no more triple digits. we're thinking 60s 70s, 80s and the warmest locations will be close to 90 degrees tomorrow afternoon. this area of high pressure though this has been the source of the heat. but it begins to back off tomorrow, so the cooling begins tomorrow in your wednesday forecast. and we're tracking a system up here to our north that will reinforce the cooling as we head toward thursday. as well. so take a look at the numbers. no more triple digits for your wednesday . the hottest locations right around 90 degrees for antioch and 90 concord, mid 80s santa rosa, napa in the 80s in san francisco 64 degrees so it's still warm to hot, just not as hot as today. and more cooling in your thursday forecast that
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you see a little bit of a bump in the numbers by friday and into the weekend, but still no major heat to worry about by this time frame. so the heat, it's here today, but it's quickly moving out over the next several days. yeah, but it's gone like you said tomorrow. >> thanks so much, mark. appreciate it. well any time things warm up, the fire danger certainly risk the fire danger risk certainly increases in departments all across the bay area trying to prepare as much as possible. san jose fire captain anthony ibarra says two consecutive winters with above average rainfall. well, they've produced thick brush. that's now fuel for fires. so as a result, his department announced the start of wildland fire season in san jose home owners being encouraged to create defensible spaces of between 30 to 100ft around their homes by cutting back brush and trees. >> we are definitely seeing more fires right now, fire activity has increased throughout santa clara county, and the five counties that we cover, and, and it is very pertinent for people
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to educate themselves and create that defensible space. >> it reduces the chance of someone's house catching on fire in the event that their vegetation is cut back. >> new research also shedding light on the widespread health effects of wildfire smoke, a ucla study found that even more people than previously thought die each year here in california from long term smoke exposure, the research found that inhaling fine particulate matter from wildfires contributed to as many as 55,700 deaths between 2008 and 2018, one of the study authors told us earlier today on the four that contributing factors include communities being built in wildfire prone areas, climate change, as well as forest management practices. >> then a long term focus from the firefighters and from forest managers on suppressing fires to minimize property damage. and because fires are a natural part of the ecosystem, what happens is when we suppress the fires
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completely, we get a huge buildup of fuel in the forest, and that leads to these massive mega wildfires that we've been witnessing more and more in recent years. >> chronic exposure to wildfire smoke can lead to health problems, including asthma, diabetes, as well as heart disease. well, the debate over bringing those pandas to san francisco took center stage at city hall once again today. we'll tell you the vote by the board of supervisors and reaction. and as the city gets ready for the revival of anchor brewing company, former employees s
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boys for an attack on a high school campus. it happeneon friday at elsie allen high school on bellevue avenue. 217 year olds are accused ofatckinge
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victim w taken to the hospital by his parents for minor injuries. the suspects, though, have been booked into juvenile hall on a number of charges. police say that attack appears to be gang related. all right. taking a live look now at san francisco city hall, where the board of supervisors weighed in once again on the issue of bringing pandas to the city zoo. our christian captain tells us, after much debate today, all but two supervisors voted in favor of the mayor's plan to seek private funds to pay for a new panda enclosure. >> san francisco zoo is already home to more than 2000 animals, and now the city's mayor is pushing for a plan to bring giant pandas from china to live here. zoo visitors said they're excited about the idea. >> yeah, she got membership just to see the pandas. yeah, yeah. >> bringing the pandas will mean building a new enclosure with a $25 million price tag. mayor london breed is pushing for a plan to get that money from private investors. but to do
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that means passing a legislative work around to allow private funds to be used for a public project. >> the panda diplomacy, which we're hoping will create an opportunity for the pandas to come to san francisco zoo sometime next year. so it's really making sure no public dollars are going into making this happen. >> at tuesday's san francisco board of supervisors meeting, lawmakers voted 9 to 2 to approve the plan, allowing the mayor to tap private funds before the vote. a coalition made up of in defense of animals and san francisco zoo watch went door to door in city hall, urging supervisors to block the plan in defense of animals. says the zoo already has a questionable record on safety. >> a baby gorilla was crushed to death by hydraulic door. a penguin was decapitated. a it's not even safe for the keepers there. one keeper was chased around the exhibit by a grizzly bear. >> zoo watch says san francisco zoo is already struggling
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financially, and while the pandas may be a draw for a few years, in the long term it will hurt the zoo's bottom line. >> there's a true animal welfare issues at the zoo. animals are suffering at the san francisco zoo at the hands of mismanagement, zoo visitors said they're not thinking much about finances, but they say they'd still love the chance to see pandas up close. >> i think that is up to the zoo and the city to decide. we are just patrons and we will come visit if they do have it, and we'll still come visit if they don't have it. >> the mayor says she'll first have to sign the legislation, but then can work on getting together a committee of stakeholders to raise the money needed for that panda enclosure in san francisco, christien kafton ktvu fox two news. >> senator dianne feinstein was a trailblazer in san francisco and california politics. we'll tell you about the new proposal to honor her in the city. then later tonight on the 10:00 news, alameda county district attorney pamela price also giving us an update tonight on a freeway
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federal building to honor the late senator dianne feinstein. senator alex padilla shared the news on nbc's today, saying the lawmakers want to honor her, quote, barrier shattering legacy
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just steps away from where she became the first woman to serve as san francisco mayor. today's proposal would change the name of the six story building to the senator dianne feinstein federal building, a new at 730. former anchor workers say they are getting ready and excited to return to work after the ceo and founder of chobani announced his plans to revive the brand last month, an overwhelming majority of anchor union workers say they've committed to returning to work. 77% of workers say they would jump on the opportunity if they are offered a new job. former workers say they have not yet met with the new owner or any of his representatives, but they say they are ready to talk. well, two bay area restaurants made the top ten in a list of best new restaurants in america, according to the robb report. berdell ranked number eight. the menu, created by chef jeff davis, features elevated soul food with a california influence, and you can check it out right here in oakland. in
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the number two spot is seven. adams in san francisco, chefs david fisher and serena fisher are serving california cuisine with influences from japan and western europe. so two new places for you to add to your reservation list. and congratulations to both of them. that's going to do it for me tonight for the news at 730. really appreciate you tuning in. make sure to download the fox local app right there to your smart tv. you can stream all of our newscast stories and find exclusive content again right on your smart television. thanks again for joining me tonight. hope to see you right back here for the news at 730. you can also tune in tonight for the ten and 11:00 news. have a great night. see you back here tomorrow ♪ hey, come on, come on ♪ ♪ do what you want ♪
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