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tv   The Ten O Clock News on KTVU FOX 2  FOX  June 11, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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where the cash piles high, if you can stay dry, - it's "the quiz with..." - all: "balls!" ( ♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪ move in san francisco, the city now the first in the bay area to
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declare itself a sanctuary for transgender people, tonight advocates saying it could not come at a more critical time value. >> this community, we care about them. we see what's happening to them and states across the country, the lgbtq plus community calling it a big win right here in the bay area and beyond. >> good evening everyone. i'm mike mibach and i'm julie julie haener. >> the resolution, which the san francisco board of supervisors approved unanimously today, allows the city to support and protect transgender people. the decision coming at a time when hundreds of anti-lgbtq bills are popping up across the country. ktvu joey horton joins us now live from city hall with reaction to today's vote joey. >> well, julie and mike, the people who are supporting this are chalking it up as a win. they say it sends a message to the rest of the country that san francisco welcomes everyone. >> call. the resolution is adopted, as amended. >> in a unanimous vote. the san francisco board of supervisors
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makes the city a sanctuary city for people who are transgender, gender nonconforming, intersex, and two spirit where people just like you, suzanne ford, who leads sf pride, is a trans woman herself. she's used to showing courage in the face of adversity when traveling home to kentucky. >> i have to get my game face on. there are going to be people that hate me. i don't pass. people know i'm a trans woman and they may have never said a word to me. they already hate me. >> after hearing about other cities like sacramento already declaring themselves as trans sanctuary cities, ford turned to district eight supervisor rafael mandelman, who then sponsored the resolution. >> harvey milk said, you got to give them hope. there are queer and trans people across this country in places far less friendly than san francisco, and seeing that people in san francisco care about them, the american civil liberties union is tracking more than 500 anti lgbtq bills across the country. >> in florida, we showed that
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conservative principles work. >> honey mahogany is san francisco's director of the office of transgender initiatives. her team serves as a link between the trans community and the city, providing resources including protecting them from ending up homeless. >> we have seen an influx of refugees is not just from other countries, but other states who are coming to san francisco seeking care and seeking sanctuary for ford, tuesday's vote shows those who are trying to be accepted as their true self are protected in san francisco and she hopes it will educate others, get to know us before you make a judgment. >> and this resolution is going into effect immediately. it's in effect now. it is only, though symbolic. >> julie joey horta reporting live in san francisco tonight. joey. thank you. the leading candidates for san francisco mayor will face off in a debate tomorrow night. ktvu has partnered with city arts and lectures and manny's for a debate between incumbent london
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breed, along with mark farrell, daniel lurie, aaron peskin and asha safai. the debate takes place tomorrow night at 630 at the sidney goldstein theater, new york times, san francisco bureau chief heather knight and manny uchitel are the moderators in person. tickets are sold out, but tickets to watch the debate virtually are stilavailable, and we will make date available in its entirety afterward on the fox local app for your smart tv, as well as on the ktvu youtube channel. >> new at ten an oakland teenager who recently graduated from high school says someone stole all of her gifts the night of the graduation, and now a nonprofit is stepping in to help her recover some of what she lost. ktvu is amber lee live tonight in oakland. after speaking with the new graduate, amber. >> mike, the teen tells me what was stolen from her was more than material items and money. but she says community support is helping her move forward. >> and it's my escape from the world and i get to express
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myself. >> soraya pharr of oakland loves to draw. she tells me it helps her forget that she was recently the victim of a crime. >> it helped me forget about the situation for at least a little bit. >> on thursday, she graduated from envision academy high school with a 3.8 gpa. she received a money lay gift cards and other presents that evening, soraya and her family, including her godmother, went to a restaurant in uptown oakland to celebrate. when the 17 year old left the restaurant to go to her godmother's car parked on broadway, her heart sank. >> we were parked about right here, and as soon as we walked up, all we saw was the glass. >> broken glass from someone breaking into the car, popping open the trunk and taking soraya's graduation cap and all of her presents, including the money lei stolen, along with the joy of marking a major milestone that day. >> it wasn't really about the gifts. it was about the fact
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that all these people gave me their money and they gave me their time and their gifts, and it all got taken down. so i was just really hurt by that. >> i got very angry because, you know, this should have been the happiest night of her life. and then whenever she thinks about her graduation, she'll have this scar, this memory. >> donald lacey is founder of love life foundation, a nonprofit he started in memory of his 16 year old daughter, who was shot and killed in 1997. he attended soraya's graduation and describes her as a bright star who participated in many of his foundation's college prep programs. lacey is now raising money to help the teen. >> i'm hoping the person or persons who perpetrated this crime sees this and knows that we, as a community are standing together for our young people, soraya received an email from the oakland police department tuesday that she passed the interviews and testing for a position as a police cadet. >> she also plans to attend college. >> what i've learned is that
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that honestly, no matter what the bad situation is, i'll have support, soraya tells me things are definitely looking up. she says the donations and a part time job as a police cadet will help her pay for expenses. when she starts laney college this fall. mike >> amber lee live tonight in oakland. amber. thank you. charges have now been filed against three men in connection to a freeway shooting that killed a five year old girl in fremont. it was the day before easter last year when eliana crisostomo was shot and killed while riding in her family vehicle. officials say the suspects believed the driver was a rival gang member. the district attorney, pamela price, said that the three men are now facing murder charges with gang and gun enhancements. if convicted, they each face a sentence of 101 years to life in prison, price added in a statement. i want the public to know that we have charged them and that we intend to do everything in our power to
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prosecute them and to hold them accountable for the harm that they've caused this family and our community. >> new at ten tonight, the ninth circuit court of appeals has upheld the constitutionality of three california laws banning gun sales on state property. a gun show promoter was among the plaintiffs who claimed the ban on sales violated their first and second amendment rights. the laws were approved between 2019 and 2022. they prohibit the sale of guns and ammunition at the orange county fair, the del mar fairgrounds, and all state property. governor newsom said in a statement, quote, today's common sense decision by the court validates our core message. the people not caught should be the ones deciding how to keep our communities safe from gun violence. if other states followed our policies, thousands of lives would be saved. we won't stop defending our laws from the rights. >> radical lawsuits and gun control top of mind for president biden, who says banning assault weapons is a main priority. >> more children are killed in america by guns than cancer and
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car accidents combined. my predecessor told the nra convention recently he's proud of that quote. i did nothing on guns when i was president. we all want our kids to have the freedom to learn how to read and write in schools, instead of learning how to duck and cover. >> the president spoke today to advocates at the everytown for gun safety action fund's annual conference. biden says he has signed the most significant gun laws in the last three decades, aimed at gun traffickers, ghost guns and expanding background checks, according to the national institute for health care management. gun violence increased by nearly 43% between the years 2010 and 2020. a number of high profile mass shootings did occur during that stretch, many at schools, survivors of the sandy hook school shooting in newtown, connecticut, are now high school seniors on their way to graduation. >> about 60 of the 330 students graduating tomorrow from newtown high school survived the shooting at their elementary
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school in 2012. 21st graders and six educators were killed in one of the deadliest school shootings in u.s. history. a group of six survivors spoke today with good morning america. >> tragedy never ends. are the friends family who were lost that day, the smiling faces that should be filling the seats in your classroom, the parents who should be able to watch their kids graduate, get married. the kids when they're able to hug the parents again, it's never over. >> and several of the seniors say they will continue to advocate for gun control, and a number of them are planning careers in law or political science to push for policy changes. >> as hunter biden's legal team says, it will be pursuing all available legal challenges. following today's guilty verdict, the president's son was convicted by a federal jury on three felony counts in his gun charges trial. and as ktvu janet katsuyama reports, hunter biden has some other legal troubles hanging in the balance. >> hunter biden arrived at federal court in delaware
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tuesday with his wife, melissa, to hear the jury hand down its decision. the verdict was guilty on all three felony counts, two for lying on a federal document and one for being a drug user in possession of a firearm. >> this case was about the illegal choices defendant made while in the throes of addiction. >> his choice to lie on a government form when he bought a gun, and the choice to then possess that gun. >> during the eight day trial, prosecutors showed jurors a gun purchase form where hunter biden checked a box saying he was not a drug user as he bought a colt revolver. on october 12th, 2018, his ex-wife and his late brother's wife testified that while they hadn't directly seen him use drugs at the time, he had been a frequent crack user and had been in rehab just before the gun purchase. the 12 member jury deliberated for about three hours. juror number ten, whose own family struggled with addiction and owns guns, told fox news. it was a heart wrenching decision that came down to the facts. >> it was not politically motivated. politics played no
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part in this whatsoever. >> hunter biden's trial came after a plea deal fell apart. hunter biden issued a statement after he left the courthouse saying, quote, i am more grateful today for the love and support i experienced this last week from melissa, my family, my friends and my community than i am disappointed by the outcome. recovery is possible by the grace of god, and i am blessed to experience that gift one day at a time. president biden flew to wilmington, delaware to meet with hunter and family members. the president reiterated that he would not use his presidential power to pardon his son. in a statement, he said, quote, jill and i love our son and we are so proud of the man he is today. so many families who have loved ones battle addiction, understand the feeling of pride. seeing someone you love come out the other side and be so strong and resilient in recovery. the president also said, quote, i will accept the outcome of this case and will continue to respect the judicial process as hunter considers an appeal, the judge did not set a sentencing
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date. sentencing guidelines for the charges are usually between 15 and 21 months in jail, but legal experts say defendants in similar cases have received shorter sentences in the newsroom. jana katsuyama ktvu, fox two news. >> the heat advisory has been dropped for our area, but it remains in the central valley. we'll talk about cooldown coming your way. >> also coming up, inflation hitting a california staple. how in and out customers are feeling about a recent menu change and apple stock on the rise following the company's announcement this week. >> it is partnering with open i for its apple devices. how this plan, though, is now sparking some privacy concerns
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are concerned. san jose fire says two consecutive winters with above average rainfall have produced thick brush that is now fuel for fires. as a result, san jose fire has declared the start of wildland fire season in the city. homeowners in san jose and santa clara county are now directed to create defensible spaces between 30 to 100ft around their homes by cutting back brush and trees. >> all right. chief meteorologist bill martin joins us now. another hot one out there. and we did have some triple digits. we did. >> we got triple digits. we
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didn't see any records, but we had a heat advisory that has since been dropped. literally in the last few hours they've dropped the heat advisory. it's not going to be as hot tomorrow for us, but inland is continuing to be very warm. so the heat advisory will stay where you see the yellows in the inland bay valleys, and there's an excessive heat warning up in the north. they're up around redding. so that stays in effect through wednesday. so it's a hot one today. it's going to change. well think about yesterday wouldn't that wouldn't horribly warm. it was nice. it was pleasant. and then bam we just accelerated all the way up to 100 degrees. some areas came up 1020 degrees from where we were yesterday. and tomorrow we're going to go wham back the other way. we're going to drop 5 or 8 degrees and then even more as we head into thursday. so we're in sort of this, you know, you know, it's a little schizophrenic, the pattern. it's very warm. and then it's very cool. this difference this week is that it's a one day heat thing as opposed to last week. we had multiple days. right. heat advisories. this was the fog trying to get in today. not very effectively. areas on the coast did get some cooling. certainly san francisco got a little bit of cooling, but still 74. these are the highs from
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today. there's those triple digits all over the east bay. the idea that the heat advisory is gone is a reality for us, but it is still hot in the central valley. and we are headed kind of on the downside of the bell curve in terms of temperatures, right. for the weekend. so we'll talk about that when i see you back here. >> all right bill, thank you. many bay area residents have been experiencing sticker shock when it comes to food, whether at grocery stores or restaurants. and tonight, in and out, as recently joined other chains in hiking its prices to keep up with the new minimum wage increase. ktvu is betty yu joins us live tonight after speaking with some customers in alameda. betty mike, i've been speaking with customers and the response has been really quite varied regarding these price increases. >> now, some of them were a bit shocked at the slight price increase. others didn't notice at all. but take a look at this drive thru line at this hour. now this is not uncommon, but if it's any indication, the demand for in-n-out is strong. >> all right. thanks, chris.
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>> pittsburgh resident chris halika says he eats in-n-out every other week. >> the price increase i understand, you know, because as comedy is kind of bad, the company said it increased prices across california the same day the state's fast food minimum wage law took effect, in-n-out said in a statement to ktvu on april 1st. >> we raised our prices incrementally to accompany a pay raise for all of the associates working in our california restaurants. the price increase was also necessary to maintain our quality standards. >> i've always heard that in and out treats their employees well. it seems like that's part of their branding, and so we're definitely down to support that, especially in the bay area when cost of living is so high, the starting wage for in-n-out workers is 22 to $23 an hour. >> based on the location, which is higher than the state's new $20 minimum wage, especially coming from georgia. >> california prices are a little bit higher. but when i
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came to in and out and i was spending $20 on a meal, it's definitely something that i did not expect at all. >> khalil coleman just moved to oakland from georgia two weeks ago for the pricing is all relative. for example, a double double meal at the in-n-out in san francisco is the most expensive in the bay area at over $13. the same meal in alameda costs just under $12. diners pay slightly less at the san jose or pittsburgh locations. >> it's not bad, you know? i mean, if it's what it is, as long as it don't go over $20, i'm fine with it. >> still, inflation remains stubbornly high as the federal reserve is set to release its latest policy statement wednesday. unfortunately for consumers, the fed is widely expected to keep rates steady. feel the pinch the most these days. >> definitely. and going out for meals. so we're trying to do it less often. was it worth it today, was it worth it? i don't know.
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>> now, earlier this year, wall street predicted three rate cuts for 2024. but now some economists are scaling that back down to two. now again tomorrow morning, we are expecting that snapshot of u.s. inflation to come out mike. >> that's right. the cpi reading in the morning and then the fed meeting in the afternoon, a critical economic day tomorrow betty thank you for that. taking a look at wall street stocks were mixed today. the dow did lose more than 120 points. the nasdaq was up 151 in the s&p ended up the day 14 points higher. the nasdaq was pushed along today by a surge in apple stock. it was up more than 7% following its announcement yesterday that it would be getting into the world of artificial intelligence. well after announcing a partnership with openai, cupertino based apple is now part of the ai race, and analysts are evaluating the privacy implications of new features coming to apple devices. >> at their worldwide developers conference yesterday, apple said
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the power of chatgpt will allow them to make siri more responsive and helpful. tony sabai from check point software in san carlos told us how apple plans to protect user data across new features. >> they've implemented something that they call pcc or private cloud compute, where it's apple's own servers that are doing a lot of the ai processing and keeping that information secure and private for that individual and not sharing that information with any other users and deleting it as soon as it's done, processing that data when it can't be done on the device itself. >> apple users who opt in will also be notified. when openai collaborated on processing the results. >> elon musk has withdrawn his lawsuit against openai, the maker of chatgpt attorneys for musk, filed a motion to dismiss today in san francisco. superior court. a reason was not given. musk co-founded openai with ceo sam altman in 2015, but left and
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eventually sued altman. in that lawsuit, musk claim altman abandoned the company's original nonprofit mission. yesterday, musk threatened to ban apple devices after the company announced that deal with openai, a hearing to discuss the motion to dismiss is scheduled for tomorrow. >> still ahead tonight, a homeowner opens fire and kills a burglary suspect in east oakland. >> coming up, legal experts and the district attorney now weighing in on what could happen following the arrest of the homeowner. >> also ahead, tonight, a unique drug treatment program in the south bay already making an impact. wh leaders and families
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homeowner who shot and killed a burglary suspect remains in jail tonight. >> a burglary suspect was shot by a resident near 98th avenue and burr street in east oakland. oakland firefighters and paramedics worked to save the
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suspect, but he died at the scene. now, i have learned the 77 year old homeowner is in jail, arrested by oakland police on suspicion of murder. it happened just before six on monday evening. authorities say two men and a woman pulled up to the home in the stolen infiniti q50. a witness told police the three went on to the property and that one of the men had a crowbar. that witness then reported hearing a gunshot. i've learned from court documents that according to police, officers arrived and found the homeowner pointing a stolen 357 colt python revolver at the female suspect. that woman told police the homeowner had shot her friend. police say they found the other male suspect at the scene with a replica gun and arrested him on suspicion of burglary. no charges have been filed against the homeowner pending a review by the alameda county da's office. no one answered the door on tuesday. >> it's going to be a pending case on tuesday. >> i caught up with da pamela price at an unrelated news conference, and she and other law enforcement officials said no assumptions should be made
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just because the homeowner is in jail. prosecutors have until thursday to decide whether to charge him. i've learned he declined to talk to investigators. >> you're not supposed to chase them. if you chase them and shoot them, for example, in the back, that is unlawful. >> reporter but ktvu legal analyst michael cardoza says depending on the facts, the homeowner could still argue self-defense if you are an imminent fear of your life or someone else's life in your home, you have every right to take necessary means of self-defense against the invaders. the circumstances leading up to the shooting are still under investigation. if the homeowner is ultimately charged, it will be up to a jury to determine his fate. in oakland. henry lee ktvu, fox two news. >> governor newsome reinforcing today that crime in oakland continues to trend down. the latest data from the governor's office says since february, the chp recovered 880 stolen vehicles, arrested 440 people and seized 47 guns that were linked to crimes. this report
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comes as the city of oakland says overall crime, including robbery, burglary, car theft and homicide are all down 33% since the same time last year. in a post on social media, oakland mayor shengtao thanked governor newsom, saying our collaborative work exemplifies good governance and action with chp surges, the redeployment of our foot patrols and our revamped ceasefire program, we are seeing a decrease in crime across the board in oakland. the mayor went on to say there is still a lot of work to do to make sure everyone feels safe in oakland. >> still ahead tonight, a unique approach to solving home burglaries. how authorities want to trade cash for clues, many of which have gotten their lives back. >> they're back in school. they're back at work. >> also had a drug treatment program in the south bay showing some promising results. and officials say it comes at a time when opioid use starts to spike. >> also coming up, a critical point in the battle over proposition 47, the effort to
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reform the measure now in the hands of california voters and it's giants and astros back at the ballpark in san francisco, could there be another dramatic ending? jason has that story and much more tonight in sports ( ♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪ a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile.
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and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today!
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program today here in the bay area. the county says anyone who provides information leading to an arrest and conviction involving home burglaries could receive up to $10,000. ktvu lamonica peters live tonight in redwood city with more about this program. lamonica >> julie san mateo county board supervisor ray mueller says that many of these burglaries happened in his district, and this program is just one step the county is taking to help
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stop thieves. >> residents not only expressed concern about their possessions that were lost, but also the sanctity of their home that was violated. >> since january, nearly 90 home burglaries have been reported in san mateo county's district three. the district's board supervisor, ray mueller, and other county leaders are now implementing a pilot reward program to help deter thieves. >> that person that would be burglar now knows if they perpetrate this crime, the person next to them, or the person who might know the person next to them can turn them in for significant amount of money. >> the residential reward pilot program offers up to $10,000 for information that leads to an arrest and conviction. the county's board of supervisors voted unanimously on tuesday to approve the program, using $125,000 of measure k funds. >> home burglary is unlike regular, you know, store burglaries and things like that. we're going to punish it heavier. the punishment is twice
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the level possible for that. and if we can give some financial incentive to people who hear things and they can can even be done, anonymously, you know, that'll be a good thing. >> the reward program will cover unincorporated county areas in district three and other cities, including atherton, half moon bay, menlo park and woodside. local jurisdictions have also added more patrols, license plate readers, and encouraged homeowners to register ring cameras with local law enforcement so the footage can be used in criminal investigations. >> those neighborhood watch associations are actually incredibly strong, where once you get to know your neighbor and you understand what's happening on your street, you can identify when something's taking place that isn't in the norm. and you can report that in the moment. >> the da says they'll see how the plan goes for at least six months. they'll analyze the data and the results, and then
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they'll decide whether or not to continue with the program. julie. >> monica. peter's in redwood city tonight. thank you. lamonica. an initiative that would reform proposition 47 has now qualified for the november ballot. the secretary of state's office confirmed today. the measure filed more than the required 600,000 valid signatures. voters passed prop 4710 years ago to reduce penalties for drug crimes and other misdemeanors. critics of prop 47 blamed it for increased retail theft. the november ballot measure would reform prop 47 and increase penalties for some drug and theft crimes. >> san jose city council unanimously passed a $5 billion budget tonight. mayor matt mahan said the balanced budget will help move 1200 people off the streets into safe sleeping sites and will invest $40 million in new affordable housing. it's also going to allow the city to clean up pollution from encampments along san jose waterways. >> it's going to help us finally treat unsheltered homelessness
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like the crisis that it is. it's going to allow us to comply with the clean water act and avoid what could be very expensive litigation. >> city council members said that the choices they made focused on areas that were most important to residents, including preventing cuts to some popular programs and events . >> i'm really glad that we were able to find ways as we came to the end of the process, to restore viva parks and viva cal, to last year's level, these are programs that are really important to the residents in our districts that we are able to keep the fitness centers open for our seniors. >> as mayor, mahan also touted public safety priorities, including new automatic license plate readers and speed cameras to improve street safety. >> officials in santa clara county are preparing for a spike in opioid use and overdoses this summer season. ktvu tom vacar reports tonight. >> from a center with a unique treatment program looking to combat these spikes. and he tells us it's already showing hopeful results. >> vmc valley medical center is
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the only west coast hospital with an in-house 24 over seven, same day opioid detox treatment program for those under 21 years old who are addicted to intoxicated with, or in withdrawal from opioids. >> the problem is that not a lot of families know this resource is available, and that's what we're here to make sure everybody in our community knows today. >> the need has never been more urgent. >> we've had record number of deaths, and this is largely due to the ubiquity of fentanyl. we found that over 60% of the counterfeit pills that are on the market contain a lethal dose of fentanyl. for those who are opioid naive, doctor trope says. >> not only does that kill a lot of young people, the pains of withdrawal are so great it's easier for addicts to get more of it on the black market than help to stop it. initial treatments are usually accomplished in 48 hours or less. >> our nurses are trained to
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provide non-judgmental care based on principles of harm reduction, vmc says. >> because most patients come voluntarily, their success rate is greater than those forced into it. >> we continue this process until you are no longer in withdrawal and then send you home on the total amount of medicine you need. >> the treatment, medications can prevent craving and save lives through rehabilitation when withdrawal is never comfortable. >> but we're going to give you the best withdrawal experience that you've ever had, and the reason why you're not going to feel that way is because of the medications that we provide. >> myra brought a family member to vmc who was feeling like he was dying, and she stayed with him. >> we were really glad and happy. we had support to get this family member go through the whole detox program and we went home safely. >> vmc connects recovering patients to the support services they need, many of which have gotten their lives back. >> they're back in school. they're back at work.
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>> medi-cal or medicaid cover the treatment without co-pay. tom vacar, ktvu, fox two news and coming up at 11. >> a nevada man stepping in at the right time in the middle of an arrest in tonight's west coast route. police say they just want to thank him. >> the heat advisories have been dropped. temperatures definitely winding down, especially as we get into the weekend. cooler than you might expect. i'll be back with the forecast coming up , but first, it just got a lot cheaper for small businesses to host events in san francisco. >> today's vote helping remove some of the red tape
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making the proposal earlier this year. the fee waivers will be offered to san francisco based small businesses, nonprofit or other associations, and the event must be free and open to the public and occupy three or fewer city blocks. currently, city fees for events generally run from 500 to $10,000. >> san francisco's board of supervisors approved a proposal that would allow the city to request private funds to build the zoo enclosure for the pandas set to come from china. the 9 to 2 vote allows mayor breed to move forward with her plans. she said her goal is to make sure no public dollars go toward the project. ahead of today's vote, a coalition made up of in defense of animals and sf zoo watch members went door to door in city hall. zoo watch says the zoo is already struggling with finances and a new panda attraction will only help for a few years before ultimately hurting the zoo's bottom line and ability to care for its animals. >> there's a true animal welfare issues at the zoo. animals are suffering at the san francisco
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zoo at the hands of mismanagement. >> mayor breed says her next step is signing the legislation, then gathering a committee of stakeholders to raise the funds. >> disgraced theranos founder elizabeth holmes appeal was heard today in san francisco federal court. now, holmes was not in the courtroom. she is one year into an 11 year sentence at a federal minimum security prison in texas. she was convicted of defrauding investors with false claims about her company's blood testing technology. her attorneys argued that the judge in her case made several improper decisions during the 2022 proceedings. legal analysts say a ruling on the appeal could take several weeks or months to issue. >> an initiative that would authorize the construction of the california forever community in solano county has now qualified for the november ballot. the solano county registrar of voters confirmed today. the petition has gathered enough signatures to be put before voters in the fall. the measure would ask voters to rezone more than 17,000 acres of farmland in eastern solano
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county for development of a new community. the california forever group says the plan is the best way for the county to plan for growth. >> tens of ousands of acres of prime farmland have been paved over to build subdivisions, and so it's not a question of whether we build. it's a question of where. and we believe this is the best way to protect the best farmland in this area. and build a compact community on a small portion of it and build a better future for tens of thousands of families. >> several groups, including the solano land trust, have opposed the project and the ballot measure, saying it would harm conservation areas and destroy farmland. >> coming up, wildfire smoke even more deadly than previously thought. >> also ahead tonight, the power of pride. how one woman in the south bay is celebrating the lgbtq plus community through arts and crafts. >> and it was a very hot day out there across much of the bay area. now, a warm evening as we give you a live look out at the oakland estuary and beyond, where maybe a little bit cooler
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around the water. chief meteorologist bill martin is back with more on whether or
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tonight with a crafting tradition helping to spread pride across the bay area. >> as ktvu bailey shows us, one patient advocate at san francisco's sutter health,
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castro primary care is behind the celebratory gesture. >> i have made about 900 to 1000. >> debbie graves has been spreading joy at sutter health castro primary care since 1988. >> this is about me showing my love, but this month she's doing it with colorful beads because pride month is her very favorite month of the year. it doesn't matter who you are, you know, if you're walking in, i'm going to say, oh, take a look at this and see if you want one. >> she says, it's about bringing people together straight, gay, whatever color, whatever religion they understand the meaning of community. for graves, these beads are a physical memento for how she wants her patients to feel safe and included. each bead has different charms, and of course they all have the rainbow. the pride bead signifies something special in this community. the clinic is in the heart of the castro district, which was no stranger to the hardships of the hiv crisis in the 80s. >> this is ground zero for hiv,
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and it was really through our treatment and our care for hiv positive patients that i think it really brought gay rights to the forefront. it was a terrible time, i've lost i've known close to 300 people that had died. >> david strachan was diagnosed with hiv in 1986. >> i went on disability in 94, not thinking that i'd live long enough to my 50th birthday, and next month i'll be 77 lgbtq plus patients have often been stigmatized and ostracized, made to feel unsafe in a health care setting. >> but the beads highlight what san francisco is all about. >> there should be no shame in health care, no matter what's wrong with you. >> i've known lots of people over the years who of people that were hiv positive, that moved here because the care here is excellent in san francisco. >> so graves says she's going to keep making the jewelry. so i'm
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just want to take several for their family members. >> and i'm like, take as many as you need, because i won't stop making these until pride is done. >> celebrating pride with patients in san francisco all month long. crystal bailey, ktvu, fox two news. >> the bay fc professional women's soccer team is hosting a joint celebration at their home game this sunday, celebrating both pride month and father's day. the first 2000 fans at the game sunday will get special edition pride pins. pre game entertainment includes a dad joke, content and a drag performance. the san francisco gay men's chorus will perform the national anthem. tickets as low as $15, are still available for the evening match against utah royals fc at san jose's paypal park, and our pride month coverage continues online on our website, there you can find a collection of stories celebrating the lgbtq plus community. >> new research shows the deadly effect of wildfire smoke. a ucla study has found that more people
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than previously thought die each year in california from long term smoke exposure. the research found that inhaling fine particulate matter from wildfires contributed to as many as 55,700 deaths between 2008 and 2018, one of the study's authors told us earlier today on the four chronic exposure to wildfire smoke can lead to health problems, including asthma, diabetes and heart disease. >> if we look at all the deaths from traffic accidents in california per year, it's about 4000. so we're talking a bad year. it's about three times the number of deaths from all the traffic crashes. and in a low year it's about the same. so it's a major public health risk. >> the researchers also say forced management strategies, communities being built in wildfire prone areas and climate change, all contributing to the problem. >> checking in on the weather. now. we've got a very warm day today. it was the hottest day of
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the week. temperatures with the heat advisory got into the low one hundreds. you're going to see those coming up here with the east bay being the hottest spots down towards concord, fairfield, antioch, livermore 101. that's the warm spot. and then santa rosa just hit 97. san francisco san francisco is 74. a little bit of fog today. fog is gone now. it's pretty far down the coast. it's going to try to work its way back up. it's down towards south of monterey, basically working its way back up the coast. but it'll be back probably by tomorrow night. and that'll keep things on the cooling trend. so temperatures today went up a good five to 10 to 15 degrees over yesterday. we had a big, big jump. and then tomorrow they're going to drop back down. so we're kind of doing the roller coaster thing. and they're going to continue to drop into the bay area weekend. these are the forecast. highs on the are the forecast highs on the bottom. the today's temperatures in yellow. and you can see that the drop pretty significant noticeably cooler good for fire danger. most certainly along the coast the golden gate bridge this time of year it's rare to get it without coastal fog. it really is. and
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we're getting it without coastal fog. it's clear along the coast. it's going to continue clear until probably i think the fog will be back probably tomorrow afternoon. at some point they'll be patches of it before that. these are the temperatures for now. and you can see the sea breeze. remember last night we talked about last night? we had oranges and yellows kind of closer, but you got good push of sea breeze and that's why temperatures are running about now. they're still warmer than they were last night because it was so warm today. but 12 degrees warmer in livermore, seven degrees warmer in concord. excessive heat warning stays in effect through wednesday night and then the heat advisory stays in effect through wednesday night for the central valley. but our heat advisory has been dropped and the story is this the high is weakening just enough so that the onshore flow can continue, even though the fog is not there. we've got winds blowing from the west and that helps cool things off. so you'll notice that tomorrow a good 5 to 8 degree drop and then temperatures drop further as we go into thursday friday. and that's with this system, this more robust system coming in and doing what it does. when a low
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gets close like that, it's just there's no way around it. it's going to get cool because it's coming down on the jet stream. that means the jet stream is pretty far south, and the jet stream is the division between the warm and the cool air, essentially, if you want to do it that way. so when to the north of the jet stream is colder, to the south is generally cooler to varying degrees. the forecast fog there it is. and then there's the forecast highs for tomorrow. and you can see the reds. there's still some reds. and even in purples up around marysville and yuba city. here are the forecast highs for tomorrow. quite pleasant. and then the five day forecast. you'll see it here with plenty of warmth and then just mild right to the weekend. >> all right bill thank you joey chestnut reacting tonight to the announcement that he's out of this year's nathan's hot dog eating contest. a spokesperson for major league eating says chestnut, a bay area native, is not welcome at the 4th of july competition. the decision is reportedly due to chestnut sponsorship, with the plant based meat company impossible foods. the hot dog eating contest is sponsored by nathan's famous hot dogs. chestnut has
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won the event the past eight years and holds a record 61 titles. chestnut put out a statement today on x. he says, i was gutted to learn from the media that after 19 years, i'm banned from the nathan's july 4th hot dog eating contest. i love competing in that event. i love celebrating america with my fans all over this great country on the fourth, and i have been training to defend my title. he went on to say his fans would see him eat once again soon. >> coming up in sports, tiger woods has arrived at the us open his first time back in four years, and tonight on the 11:00 news for the second year in a row, san francisco left off a pretty big list. >> we take a look the bay area finalists that
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this year. and tonight it did them in against houston astros. hello little fella. this cutie among the 32,000 plus at the ballpark in san francisco. giants down one. nothing in the third. when brett wisely gets into this ronnell blanco pitch, sends it into the arcade for his second home run of the season, and we are tied at one. but here's the ball game top fifth jordan hicks. he's trying to get out of a jam. two outs, two on alex bregman hits a chopper to third. gold glover matt chapman bare hands it but his throw gets away. wilmer flores didn't play it well either. and that allows both runs to come in to score on the error. the astros win 3 to 1 rubber match tomorrow at 1245. hall of fame padres reliever trevor hoffman taking a little selfie and then randy vizquel on the mound for san diego. very
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first pitch of the game. boom. there it goes. abraham toro sends it out of the park before the game was even five seconds old. a's jump out to a one nothing lead. the padres scored three in the fifth to take the lead, but in the eighth, tyler soderstrom, he gets it back. one swing of the bat, his second straight game with a home run ties the game at three. bottom of the ninth, kyle higashioka at the plate and he is going to crush the scott alexander pitch. game winning walk off home run. the padres. they take it 4 to 3. your final four straight loss for the a's. we'll try and salvage the series finale tomorrow. 1:10 p.m. first pitch the 124th us open begins thursday in pinehurst, north carolina. and for tiger woods, who got in a practice round today, most of the talk now isn't about whether he can win his fourth us open title, but whether the 48 year old will even make the cut. pinehurst
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number two. the course is known as one of the tougher ones in the country, and tiger hasn't been 100% for a long time. and yet the 15 time major champion thinks he's got another one in him. >> do you feel like i have the strength to be able to do it? just a matter of doing it, this golf course is going to test every single aspect of your game, especially mentally. we've been working on that and making sure that i understand the game plan and be ready, you know, in two more days, we'll see. >> 49ers running back christian mccaffrey. he made niners history today without even suiting up. mccaffrey became the first 40 niners player to grace the cover of the madden video game. it's a big honor. he's also the first running back to be featured on the cover since barry sanders and adrian peterson in 2013. madden 25 will be released later this summer to be featured on the madden 25 cover. >> it's a dream come true. i've
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been playing this game since i can remember my favorite team growing up playing madden was the broncos. my dad played for the broncos for a long time, and so madden 2001, we would always just throw him the ball every play. >> that's pretty cool. check this out though. last night, blue jays slugger vladimir guerrero took a mighty swing. lost his bat. look where it ended up. dangling from the netting 20ft above the ground. so now the question is how do you get it down? okay one player, he's throwing some baseballs at it. it's a good idea. it made contact, didn't dislodge it. the bat stayed there for two innings until they got a stick with a loop at the end. two innings. the bat hung up there in the net and then finally they got it down. i liked it. there you go. crowd liked it. >> i thought maybe a ladder, but no. yeah. >> the case of the missing bat. >> yes. >> it got hung up. >> yeah, yeah. thank you julie. yeah >> thank you. >> thanks, jason. all right. next at 11. >> they're very, very selfish and disrespectful. these if this
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was their family, i know they'd be really angry to see that this happened to their family. >> a time of joy and excitement takes a disappointing turn when a teenager becomes the victim of a crime. the very same night of her high school graduation. >> the 11:00 news on ktvu, fox two starts now, just hours after walking across the stage to collect her diploma, soraya pharr found all of her gifts stolen from a loved one's car. >> hello again everyone! >> i'm julie julie haener and i'm mike mibach. while the incident put a damper on the graduation celebrations, a nonprofit has now stepped in to help recover what she lost. new tonight ktvu is amber lee live in oakland with more from the graduate. amber >> mike, the teen tells me she's saddened by what happened and that what was stolen from her was more than material items, but she says she's grateful for the community support. >> it's my escape from the world and i get to express myself. >> soraya pharr


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