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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 5pm  FOX  June 13, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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>> obviously not the type of conduct that anybody should be proud of or expect their public officials to engage in. >> a former spokesperson filed a lawsuit this week against pamela price and her office. good evening everyone. >> i'm mike mibach and i'm julie julie haener. the da's office is accused of hiding public records after a reporter was barred from attending a news conference. ktvu henry lee joins us now. he's in studio with the very latest on this. henry >> mike and julie gasia pamela price is already facing a recall election. now, this lawsuit is uncovering some internal strife from one of the key people who used to speak on her behalf. alameda county da pamela price is being sued for wrongful termination and discrimination by a former spokesperson for her office, patty lee ktvu channel two news. patty lee was a reporter at ktvu until 2014 and worked for price as a public information officer for six months last year until she was fired. lee says she pointed out what she believed were illegal practices, including violating
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ones of the state public records act. her lawsuit says she was subjected to humiliating and bullying behavior, and that price once remarked that her enemies are, quote, the media and the asians. nick roxboro is lee's attorney. >> as a district attorney, you can't fire the person in charge. the public information officer for upholding sort of the sanctimony of transparency. first amendment and so on. >> lee's firing followed an incident in which berkeley scanner founder emilie raguso was denied access to a news conference put on by the da. this was ragusa's vantage point, stuck in a hallway behind a closed door, raguso was later allowed to attend da news conferences, but she and other media then requested records related to price's media policies and press list. in her lawsuit, lee says she tried to respond to those requests, but that her colleagues hid, deleted or altered records instead of producing them. >> essentially, they said, we have no records, raguso told me. >> lee was one of the two spokespeople who led her out of the news conference, apparently at the behest of price. i did feel that day that patty was
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troubled by what was happening, and so when i did see her allegations come out later, i wasn't entirely surprised. >> transparency is the oxygen of accountability for public officials and public agencies. >> david loy is legal director of the first amendment coalition. >> to the extent there may have been retaliation taken against miss lee for standing up for the first amendment or or the rights of persons requesting public records. that's a serious problem. >> now, the da's office says it cannot comment on litigation on personnel matters. emily raguso, for her part, says she's still waiting for a response to her public records requests. >> next steps here regarding the lawsuit. it could take months, if not longer. >> all right, price and her office will have to file an answer to the complaint. they might just summarily deny the allegations. >> all right, henry. >> thank you. thanks, henry. we have an update tonight in the case of the east oakland homeowner who shot and killed a burglary suspect. we have learned there are no plans to charge him, and he will be released. he's been held at
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santa rita jail since early tuesday. police say he shot and killed a person who broke into his house, along with two other suspects. the investigation is still ongoing and the chp is investigating a fatal crash on interstate 580 westbound in livermore. officials say a man driving a motorcycle tried to get between a sedan and a semi truck, but that's when the truck was hit. him and he died at the scene. the crash happened just after 530 this morning. it caused major delays for commuters. >> tonight, a man is in custody after barricading himself inside a san jose home for hours. this all started around 7:00 this morning when officers served a search warrant at a house on lantern way and singleton road in the southern part of the city. the man refused to come out, prompting police to evacuate several nearby homes as a precaution. the man finally surrendered shortly before noontime. no word on any charges he might face. >> sunnyvale police announced five arrests today after 20 suspects stole jewelry from a store in the gouvello glen neighborhood. police released
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these mug shots today. they say these five suspects are now booked into county jail for multiple offenses. according to police, a group of 20 people used hammers to break jewelry display cases yesterday afternoon at pin jewelers on el camino real. authorities recovered some of the jewelry, but the total value of the stolen goods remains unclear. our investigators are still searching for the other suspects and say they are working now to see if this incident is connected to a similar robbery in sunnyvale that happened back in may. >> doctors, nurses and county officials in the south bay all increasingly worried about plans to close regional medical center's trauma center a few months from now. this morning in east san jose, they held what they called a lives lost rally. it included walking with caskets, which they say was to symbolize the deadly consequences of the trauma center's closure. county supervisor cindy chavez says for those people who live nearby, this is a serious concern. >> significant traumas will all be going to one of two trauma
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centers, either valley medical center or stanford. they're very far away from here. they are removing a life saving resource from our community. >> supporters of the trauma center say they started a petition that's now been signed by nearly 5000 people, urging state officials to step in and keep the doors open. the trauma center is scheduled to shut down in august. in a statement to ktvu regional medical center, saying in part, the campaign against regional medical center chooses exaggeration to generate a false fear among members of the community we serve. supervisor cindy chavez knows better yet, she has chosen to divide the community with grandstanding. photo ops. rather than engage in a conversation about sustainable health care and the facts. >> new at five. tonight, ten months into a year long pilot program, san francisco is making plans to remove the bike lanes running down the center of one of the city's major corridors. ktvu is christian captain joins us now live from valencia street and christian, those center running bike lanes have taken a
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lot of heat. >> yeah, those center running bike lanes behind me here on valencia. you might be able to see some bikes making their way along right now. seem universally unpopular. now, the city says they're making plans to move those bike lanes to the curbs. san francisco's municipal transportation agency started a year long pilot program in august of last year to see how center running bike lanes would improve safety and allow businesses to keep their parklets along valencia street. now with two months to go, the sfmta says it's pulling the plug on this experiment and preparing to push those bike lanes to the sides of the street. >> the main reason why we went with the center running design was to support the local merchants in their parklets, now that we have heard from them, we're realizing that the best option for both safety and to support the local merchants is likely a side running design. >> it's hard to find anyone who liked the center run lanes. businesses say the sfmta took away parking spaces, making it harder for customers to visit.
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the owner of yasmeen restaurant went on a month long hunger strike to protest the bike lanes. he says his business has been so slow he's behind on his electricity bill and had his lights cut off and he says he's not alone. >> we're working every day for free now. for the past years, 30 businesses went out. some people went homeless. >> drivers say they don't like the center run bike lanes either because they can't make left turns. even cyclists say they don't like those center lanes. >> i'm not crazy about the configuration. i think it's confusing to make to make turns and that kind of thing. >> the sfmta says its goal is to create a safe path for cyclists and benefit a thriving business community. so the agency says it will work with businesses. some of them will keep their parklets by the curb, others will move their parklets out by a few feet to accommodate that curbside bike lane. >> all of the 100 businesses have had an or 100 plus businesses have had an opportunity to influence the design, and what we're doing is reflecting that back through this conceptual design.
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>> as for a timeline on when the sfmta will start moving those bike lanes, the agency is looking for board approval next week. the next step will be working out a timeline that works for local businesses. restaurants say they don't want any major construction during the summer months, when people dine alfresco and retailers say they don't want to have a major construction project impacting their holiday shopping season. so, as you can imagine, it's still a little bit of a tightrope to figure out exactly when they're going to get that project done. we're live in san francisco, christien, kafton, ktvu, fox two news. >> all right, christian, thank you. well, san francisco's mall scene is getting a boost as the san francisco center is signing seven new leases with community organizations and retailers. the new leases, announced today range from a new pet treat vending machine to an office space for opportunities for all. that's a nonprofit connecting young people to paid employment, a cell phone, accessories and repair store. a toy store also will be joining the mall. these lease announcements come on the
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heels of mayor london breed's heart action plan, which seeks to revitalize the city's entertainment and retail areas. >> tesla shareholders have approved ceo elon musk pay package of nearly $56 billion. a delaware judge rejected the package earlier this year, ruling it had not been granted properly. the money will likely remain tied up in the courts as tesla appeals that decision, but this move is a pr victory for musk and sends a strong vote of confidence from the shareholders in his leadership. >> still ahead tonight, the new pilot program that promises to protect your home from wildfires also tonight at 530. >> rethinking the recount. why the south bay assembly member who just survived the process himself, now says it should all be changed and it is one way to address the bay area's housing crisis. >> the city now letting homeowners sell their backyard cottages as separate pieces of property, and the temperatures cooled down yet again today,
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only to warm again tomorrow. >> what's the weekend going to be like? up or down? i'll have that forecast. a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost.
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yard just became more valuable. a new ordinance would allow you to sell it as if it were a condo. ktvu ann rubin joins us now. she's live outside a manufacturer of adus, with more on what this could mean for homeowners and for the city. ann >> yeah, city officials are hoping that more people will want to build adus like this and
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ultimately sell them, and that that will mean new, affordable entry level housing in san jose. in a groundbreaking move, the city of san jose will now allow accessory dwelling units, or adus, to be sold as separate property. >> they can now actually condo ize them and sell them so they become an asset for folks. >> a state law passed last year allowed for the change. san jose is just the first city to embrace it, calling it an exciting opportunity for residents to expand home ownership opportunities. >> an additional source of income for folks who have excess space. i think there's a there's a lot of options here, and we need them because we face a serious housing crisis. >> the city had already made building backyard cottages much easier as a result. last year, adus accounted for nearly one third of all new housing. about 400 units at a door. homes. they're thrilled. >> business has been great and people really need housing. it's a real need in the state and especially in the bay area. i think this is just going to be,
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adding more and more demand. >> housing advocates say this can bring lots of much needed inventory into the market at price points that don't exist at lower cost than we can otherwise do in the market. >> right now, and in parts of the city that are otherwise totally inaccessible. >> and real estate brokers say this will benefit the sellers as well. >> i know that there's many of my clients that will look at this as an opportunity to basically partition off some properties, take some money out of some properties and maybe go out and develop some more. >> kelly snyder built an adu two years ago and while she still has a few questions about how this will work in terms of utilities and costs, she says she'd love to sell hers as a condo. >> it's more than streamlining and it's more than infill, and it's more than density. it's pairing that with the financial mechanisms to actually make it possible for normal homeowners, really normal ones.
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>> san jose voted to approve the measure. this week. it will get a second reading next week, and it will take effect some time in mid to late july. julie. >> all right. ann rubin reporting live in the south bay. and thank you. >> as we inch closer to the 4th of july, fire departments are urging people to stay away from those fireworks officials in vallejo are taking a proactive approach. they say firefighters will be patrolling various neighborhoods to discourage the use of fireworks. residents may even see firefighters knocking on doors, reminding people of the danger they pose. neighbors are also encouraged to report any illegal behavior to firefighters in san mateo county, say illegal fireworks caused a small fire on an island in the seal slough in the area of third and anchor road. this was around 830 this morning. they shared this image on social media. the fire did not threaten any structures at any time. fireworks are illegal in most of san mateo county. >> temperatures today did cool down a little bit. they're going
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to warm up a little bit tomorrow, and as we go into the weekend, they're going to fluctuate a little bit. but they're not they're not going to get hot again. we're going to stay in the 80s right through the bay area weekend mid 80s possible. these are the highs from today. we'll show you the highs tomorrow. temperatures come up probably one of the warmer days. we're going to see this week. and then they drop back down. we've got a lot of fog along the coast. and that fog is evident this morning. obviously in many bay area locations, the fog is going to be around next couple of days and you can see it here. if we come in closer, you can see it already shooting through the gap of the golden gate bridge, and you can see it all the way over to berkeley already. so tomorrow morning there'll be plenty of fog to wake up to, and that'll certainly start your day slow. but then we get more of a northerly flow. so we're going to see temperatures start to warm. but these are subtle fluctuations. nothing really out of control here. although what is kind of out of control is the brush right. the fuel moistures right now as you look at the dry brush out there, the fuel moistures are extremely dry. and so, of course, you know, we're
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talking about 4th of july, right? that's the kind of thing you worry about because this is what our hills look like. and it takes nothing to start a fire in that kind of in that kind of environment, especially when there's topography involved and the fire can run up hill. but either way, look at the air quality there doesn't look that great either today, does it? the green represents a bit of a sea breeze that would indicate the fog and the cooler temperatures that we did experience today. temperatures are running behind yesterday by 11 degrees in petaluma, seven degrees cooler in livermore. so what's happening? a little warmer tomorrow. and then we start to cool down a little bit as we go into the weekend. but really subtle stuff. middle of next week. it looks like we're going to heat up again and get some some wind in the valley, maybe some some fire concerns as well, especially in the north central valley. when we come back, we'll look into that. we'll look into the five day forecast as well. i'll see you back here. >> all right bill, thank you. the san jose sharks have a new head coach. ryan warsofsky will be the team's 11th head coach in franchise history. he's been an assistant coach over the last two seasons. the 36 year old joined the sharks in 2022.
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before that, he served as head coach with several different minor league hockey teams. sharks general manager mike greer says he expects warsofsky to help develop the team's young players, including the number one overall pick in the nhl draft scheduled to take place later this month. >> the chase centers thrive city is partnering with a local business to put on the first everhrive city roller skating rink. san francisco's church of eight whls is collaborating on tomorrow's event. guests can swing by for free 3minu skate sessions, complete with free skate rentals. the rink will be open from 5 to 8 p.m. if you miss it tomorrow, another free skate rink will be held on june 21st. to claim your free ticket, you can rsvp online now on the thrive city website at. the alameda county fair begins tomorrow, and tickets and parking passes are only being sold online. popular events include, of course, the horse racing, nightly movies, fireworks or drone shows, and a large variety of food. there will also be several concerts. big names include rapper e-40 and the 80s female group exposé.
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the fair runs through july 7th. >> catching drug smugglers at the southern border still to come, what governor newsom says has led to a spike in arrests
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their version of the budget rejects many of the cuts governor newsom had proposed to try and resolve a $45 billion deficit. the state legislature suggested raising taxes on some businesses and cutting $1 billion out of the state's prison funding. a vinyl version of the new budget is expected next week. >> governor newsom says the state will more than double the deployment of california national guard members to crack down on fentanyl smuggling. the governor said in a video announcement from san isidro. the task force is focusing on gathering information to intercept narcotics trafficking and utilize air and ground assets. he said that interagency interagency focus on fentanyl is already having an impact with the seizure of more than 62,000 pounds of the drug last year, national guard now has over 390 men and women that are working not only on the border but throughout the state of california on counter-narcotics, on drug interdiction strategies, sharing information,
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reconnaissance. the governor's office says the state has invested $30 million to expand the guard's mission to prevent drug trafficking. it also noted most of the people arrested for smuggling are u.s. citizens and not migrants. >> classes at cal state los angeles are going online until further notice. after a pro-palestinian protest on campus overnight, dozens of demonstrators broke away away from an encampment and took over the student services building. protesters shattered glass windows and scrawled pro-palestinian graffiti. the school president and some school employees were inside at the time and had to shelter in place, a spokesperson says. most students left the building around 1:00 this morning. the remaining students left once they were asked to leave by campus police. no arrests have been made. >> the cease fire negotiations appear to have hit a snag. israel is rejecting hamas's demand for a total withdrawal of israeli troops from the gaza strip. the biden administration now trying to get both sides to back down and stop the fighting
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while the cease fire talks play out. >> we're going to continue to urge for de-escalation. we don't want to see a wider regional conflict, and that's why we do want to see a de-escalation of tensions in the region during this sensitive time in the cease fire process. >> the israeli military is expanding its rafah offensive. officials claim they are rooting out the last remnants of the hamas resistance in the south. >> let's get the politics, or at least the perception of the politics out of it. and have a process that all can abide by. >> he survived a congressional recount, but now he wants to change the process. up next, how a proposal by a silicon valley assembly member, evan lowe, could make recounts more common. >> also ahead tonight, a landmark decision by the supreme court to protect the abortion bill. why justices said the case has no legal standing and taking a stance on parental notification. >> the lawmakers, who say they want to protect children from potentially abusive households.
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south bay race to replace retiring congresswoman anna eshoo could lead to a change in state law if passed. >> a bill in the assembly would mandate automatic recounts in close statewide elections. ktvu south bay reporter jesse gary live tonight in our south bay bureau. and jesse, i mean, evan
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low, who actually benefited from a recount. why? why has he decided to sponsor this bill? >> it does sound strange. mike. julie. good evening to you. yes. evan low says he wants to take the political intrigue out of the recount process by taking a page out of the santa clara county registrar of voters playbook. he wants to make recounts automatic in close races. let's go ahead and take a look at our video, the spring saga, that featured a trio of 16th congressional district hopefuls may turn into a summer thriller. this, as assemblyman evan low seeks to create a new state law to make recounts, automatic and statewide races. the march primary saw low, joe simitian and former san jose mayor sam liccardo still standing at the end of ballot casting. normally, the two top finishers advance to the general in november, but in this case low and simitian were tied with liccardo in the top spot. then former liccardo staffer jonathan padilla ponied up $24,000 a day via a super pac to pay for a recount of ballots that ultimately gave low a slim lead
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and second place. but the appearance of outside influence infuriated low, prompting him to push forward this bill. >> he's been a strong political argument as he's heading into the general election that he's effectively being able to keep alive this idea that the front runner in the race may be was involved in trying to support the recall. i'm sorry, the recount that. >> assembly bill 996 would mirror existing practice here in santa clara county. it would mandate a recount by the state in any election where the margin is razor close, less than a quarter percent or less than 25 votes, and require within 24 hours any contributors of $10,000 or more for voter requested recounts be reported to county election officials and published on county election websites. >> let's get the politics or at least the perception of the politics out of it, and have a process that all can abide by in
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the counting of votes that we should have the accountability and transparency without the political motivation. >> low beat simitian by a handful of votes thanks to the recount. joe simitian had no comment about the proposed new law. lo's team says their boss was never against recounts, but is against outside money, paying for a recount that benefits the front runner. now it's lo versus sam liccardo november 5th in the general. but before that, evan lo is working this bill 9.96 through the state legislature. there could be a committee hearing by the end of this month. we're live in the south bay bureau this evening. jesse gary, ktvu, fox two news. mike, julie, back up to you in oakland, ab 996. >> we will follow that bill as it makes its way through the statehouse. jesse. thank you. well the top five candidates for san francisco mayor held their first debate wednesday night in front of a sold out crowd.
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>> incumbent london breed faced supervisors aaron peskin and asha safai, former supervisor and mayor mark farrell, and philanthropist daniel lurie. topics included police recruitment and funding, homelessness and the fentanyl crisis in their city, funded workers in the tenderloin handing out free packets of tin foil to those suffering from drug addiction. >> that is not the right approach. we've skewed so heavily to harm reduction, which i believe is part of the continuum of care. it's very important, but we forgot about building the beds and treating people. >> the solution is not criticism. the solution is actually being as aggressive as we can to try and get people to treatment and the support that they need. >> supervisors peskin and safai spoke on their work at city hall. >> we have organizations in the city that are getting money that are not producing the results, and that's why i led 18 months ago a mandatory audit of the services coming in. the department of homeless and supportive housing to shut down
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the drug markets and keep residents safe. >> i will implement a community policing strategy in the tenderloin. we need officers on foot patrol day and night. >> a previous debate was canceled after three candidates declined to take part over concerns that the organizer was o osely linked to farrell, and if you missed lt night's debate, you can still watch it in its entirety on .c. it's also available to stream on the fox local app, on your smart tv, and on the ktvu youtube channel. >> the united states supreme court ruled unanimously to preserve access to an abortion pill. that pill is used in nearly two thirds of all abortions. ktvu james torres has the story in its first abortion related ruling since overturning a federal right to an abortion two years ago, the u.s. supreme court ruled mifepristone, an abortion pill, will stay on the market that overturns a lower court ruling attempting to restrict access to the drug. >> but they did not rule on what
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we think are the primary problems with mifepristone, the abortion pill, which is whether or not it is safe for the women and whether the women know how painful it is before they go into it. carol tobias is the president of the national right to life committee. in this ruling, justices say the plaintiffs in the case were not qualified to file the lawsuit because federal courts aren't the forum to question the food and drug administration's approval of a drug. as an anti-abortion advocate, tobias didn't see it that way. >> so if it's a food and drug administration, a federal agency, then it, you know, did seem to make sense that courts should be able to intervene if necessary. >> plaintiffs in the case were fighting the fda's approval of the medication. they argued it's too easy for women to access, and doctors have had to take care of women who become sick as a result. the fda, defending itself, saying the drug is among the safest it's ever approved. a congressional law professor from georgetown university says the
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court did right by not undermining the agency. >> what the court basically did is to strike down. then the decision that was issued, the original decision of the fifth circuit decision by, in fact, focusing on standing whether these litigants themselves were qualified to bring this particular lawsuit since the dobbs decision overturning roe v wade, 21 states now have some sort of abortion restriction or ban. >> and while preserving the abortion pill is a big step for pro abortion supporters, doctor michelle goodwin says it's only one step in a bigger fight. >> this is a case that is a win for the pharmaceutical manufacturers and for people who need mifepristone for to for their health conditions and for those who use it in terminating pregnancies. it does not resolve the other issues that we have individuals who are fleeing states in order to get the medical care that they need, or the criminalization or civil punishments that we've seen in
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the wake of the dobbs decision. >> i'm james torres, ktvu, fox two news and the supreme court will take up another abortion related case later this year. >> it will determine whether a current law protects women who experience an emergency during labor from having an emergency abortion. another ruling by the supreme court today says starbucks workers who were fired while trying to unionize at their store in memphis cannot have their jobs back. the high court today tossed a lower court's ruling ordering starbucks to reinstate the employees. starbucks claims it lawfully terminated them two years ago, claiming they broke the company's policies at the store where they worked. in a statement, the starbucks union called the supreme court's ruling egregious. >> still ahead tonight, a surge in gang activity in the north bay and the suspects as young as 13 years old, now in custody. >> also ahead, fci dublin back in the spotlight. the lawmakers now demanding more information about the recent transfer of inmates from the women's prison
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and a new lawsuit, takes aim at apple. >> how the tech giant is accused of treating certain employees unfairly
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notifying parents if their child asked to go by a new pronoun. that bill was mostly supported by democrats, who say the goal
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is to protect students whose safety could be threatened if they live in unwelcoming households. republican lawmakers argue the state should not dictate whether school districts can enforce so-called parental notification policies. the bill now goes to the assembly. >> police in santa rosa are investigating an increase in suspected gang activitypoli say recently they have received multiple calls about gang relatecrim in the downtown area. in one case, the teens atcked a man walking with his mother. the group surrounded the victims and knocked t mano the ground and then assaulted him. some of the oer iidents also involved robberies. so far, eight suspects have been arrested, ranging in age from 13 to 15 years old. >> more than 20 members of congress have sent a letter to the federal bureau of prisons with concerns about what they call the botched closure of the women's prison in dublin. they are asking for information related to the closure, particularly when it comes to the treatment of more than 600 incarcerated women who were transferred to other facilities. the bureau of prisons closed
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that facility in april after the fbi raided the prison and a judge appointed a special master to oversee reforms. there one of the signers of the letter, east bay congressman mark desaulnier, told us last hour, this is meant to send a message that they will get to the bottom of this issue. >> we will pursue this relentlessly, i'm concerned that this is a culture within the bureau, not just at this facility. >> seven correctional officers, including the former warden, are being sentenced to prison for having illegal sexual contact with dozens of incarcerated women. a new lawsuit accuses apple of paying women less than men for the same work. >> two female employees filed a lawsuit seeking to represent a class of 12,000 women employed at apple across several departments who have worked there since 2020. this lawsuit targets apple's hiring practices used to set compensation as well as the company's performance review policies. so far, no comment from apple.
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>> it dumped for a solid two hours. i have never seen anything like this before. >> a tropical disturbance triggers a rare flash flood emergency in southern florida. the massive cleanup effort now underway and nothing like that around here. >> we've got a lot of fog to talk about. it was a big cool down today, but temperatures come straight back up tomorrow as much as ten degrees. the weekend forecast straight ahead. >> also up next, world leaders gather at the g7 summit in italy, pledging billions of dollars in a loan package for ukraine. how president biden is taking his commitment a step further a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month.
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is have launched a new pilot program to use federal fema money to retrofit homes and make them more fire resistant. it is the first of its kind program in the nation. ktvu jana katsuyama was in lake county today, where the state fire marshal unveiled the first retrofitted home. >> cheryl crockett's home retrofit came after years of heartbreak. >> it's just been fire after fire and the tubbs fire and the morgan valley was at the lower lake fire. >> repeated wildfire evacuations and close calls threatened her kelseyville home in lake county, like many other residents. but she couldn't afford wildfire protections until now. crockett is the very first homeowner in california to get a retrofit through a new pilot program, the first in the nation to use state and federal fema hazard
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mitigation funding for low income property owners. >> this program helps make sure that all californians have access to wildfire resiliency. >> the state fire marshal says. the program provides up to $40,000 based on income for hardening or wildfire retrofits for low income homeowners in high risk areas. >> this program helps make sure that all californians have access to wildfire resiliency. >> a lot of our focus is on ember intrusion, so as embers pile up, it creates a higher btu and it can catch a home on fire almost from within, on or underneath. >> deanna fernway worked on crockett's home. she says one big retrofit is sealing gaps around the garage door and replacing siding with metal or noncombustible composite siding. >> if an ember hits, it just dies out. instead of catching that siding on fire. >> they also replaced the deck with noncombustible material and shields along the side. >> one of the most dangerous ember fires is embers that blow underneath decks, and it catches homes on fire from underneath
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and inside. >> another important retrofit metal fencing and replacing the vents and outdated one quarter inch mesh covers. >> now we're finding those bigger holes allow embers to intrude in the attics underneath the home, and they all have a mesh size of one eighth inch or smaller. >> the pilot program identified six communities in lake shasta, siskiyou, el dorado, tuolumne, and san diego counties. the goal is to retrofit 2500 homes and create a template for other communities. >> we've developed a framework so that other communities can take those best practices. >> cal fire and cal oes say they are preparing a report to present to the state legislature next month, and they also say there is a bill under consideration to extend this pilot program. reporting from kelseyville in lake county, jana katsuyama, ktvu, fox two news first lady jill biden is headed to the bay area. >> she is scheduled to land at moffett in mountain view in just about an hour. tomorrow. she is scheduled to attend a fundraiser in los gatos, and after that,
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she will head to lake tahoe. the first lady is planning to visit several swing states during this fundraising trip, including wisconsin and arizona. >> seven of the world's most powerful countries are meeting right now in italy. the war in ukraine is a major topic, fox news connor hansen tells us about the new aid coming for the war torn country. >> we're not backing down in fact, we're standing together against this illegal aggression. >> president biden, along with european leaders, announced a $50 billion loan for ukraine to help in its fight against russia. biden and ukrainian president zelensky also signed a separate ten year agreement aimed at committing us aid for ukraine, even though a future president could back out collectively. >> this is a powerful set of actions and it will create a stronger foundation for ukraine's success. leaders say the loan for ukraine will be financed by interest from frozen russian assets, mostly held in europe. >> it is a strong signal that we are sending to ukraine that we
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will support ukraine in its fight for freedom for as long as it takes it is also a strong signal to putin that putin cannot outlast us. >> the announcement comes at a time when russian troops seem to have the upper hand. >> this is an agreement on steps to guarantee sustainable peace and therefore it benefits everyone in the world because the russian war against ukraine is the real, real global threat. >> president biden has said that ukraine will join nato in the future, but officials did not announce any progress thursday other than nato's continuing support. >> this coalition remains steadfast and strong in the contact group remains determined to meet ukraine's urgent capability needs this year, congress approved around $60 billion in ukraine aid. >> president biden says he'd like to see lawmakers provide even more long term funding in new york. connor hansen ktvu, fox two news.
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>> and today, a us navy submarine arrived in guantanamo bay in cuba as a fleet of russian warships conducts military exercises in the caribbean, a spokesperson says the submarines presence is part of a routine visit. >> donald trump was on capitol hill today for the first time since the attack on january 6th. the former president and presumptive gop nominee held closed door meetings with congressional republicans to try to get the party united here before november. despite trump's legal issues, house speaker mike johnson says the party is on the same page and optimistic about winning back the white house and the senate. >> you have to run like you're ten points behind, but we are very encouraged by the polling that shows that we know intuitively and that is this thing is trending certainly in the right direction. >> they want this country to be great again, and we're going to make it great again. >> it's getting harder and harder to differentiate between the republicans agenda and the extreme hard right maga agenda. >> donald trump also spoke at a
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business roundtable with ceos, where he outlined his plans to cut inflation. fed chair jerome powell saying just yesterday, though, inflation has eased notably over the past year, while much of south florida is underwater after torrential rains caused flash flooding across the region, it dumped for a solid two hours. >> i have never seen anything like this before. >> the flood water got so high in fort lauderdale that three men paddled in a canoe across an intersection close to a foot of rain came down in parts of fort lauderdale, miami and naples. florida governor ron desantis has declared a state of emergency. the rain is expected to continue throughout the weekend. >> yeah, put it rain that is pretty significant stuff. we've actually seen up to a foot of rain. i remember up in cascade canyon back in the 90s. they got a foot of rain up in marin county in 24 hours, even more than that. but it causes problems and certainly in florida. right? not they don't have the drainage. we do. but still, it's a lot of rain. these were the highs from today. it
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was cooler today, obviously much cooler than it was just a couple of days ago when we were in the low 90s, upper 90s, 77, in san jose today, 72, in morgan hill. these temperatures come up tomorrow a good 5 to 10 degrees. so we're going to go back up. but now it's not going to go back into the 90s. it's going to go more into the mid 80s maybe maybe some upper 80s 88 degrees 89 degrees. the fog forecast shows. well, the fog map shows where the fog is now. it's not a forecast, but you can kind of forecast it going. oh well it's already across the east bay hills up into grizzly peak and so it's going to continue onward inward and as it does inland and as it does, it'll spread more cooling and tomorrow, albeit warmer, we'll start off with some fog and low clouds and very hazy out there. you know, i look at this picture second time i looked at it, obviously we were looking at the grasses, but look at that. the significant haze out there. winds are going to come up later on next week. you know, late this weekend into the week in the central valley. so they're going to have some really strong winds, not heat as much as strong winds. so we'll
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keep an eye on that for you all. he's a fire potential. and maybe some of our inland communities. these are the current temperatures. and there's where they are now. so they're cooler by 13 degrees in petaluma, nine degrees at sfo a couple lows hanging out. these lows are what is giving us the cooler weather. but it's also when they go by. it's what it triggers. the cooler weather. and it also triggers the high to build in immediately after that. so somewhere around monday tuesday the winds start to kick offshore and that's where the wind concerns would come in. and when i say wind concerns it's going to be that funnel wind right down the central valley. and so red bluff orland sacramento and that'll that'll up the fire danger. just because you know how that grass is out there right now, especially out in those areas. these are the current temperatures. and then as we go into tomorrow, you can see there's some 90s the reds. so that classic temperature footprint upper 80s possible in some of the warmer spots forecast highs like this. so a nice looking forecast for friday, saturday and sunday. not
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much different. it'll be a little bit cooler a little bit cooler for sure with fog a constant at the coast but just kind of mild weather pattern. very pleasant. and in terms of fire danger, except for that wind, the heat and the humidity are are pretty bearable for us around here. at least the next couple of days. >> coming up tonight at six, a special day, not just for some high school graduates, but also their school. one prep charter school in oakland celebrates a years long streak of success. >> but first, a rescue in hawaii, a man with a reputation for saving animals from life threatening situations is called into action. >> everything comes with a risk, but the reward to me is worth the risk. i'm going after this poor dog.
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body announcing a new multiyear deal today that will bring live coverage of the indy 500 qualifications and races to fox and fox sports starting next year. indycar will have a total of 19 network broadcasts, a record for the series. >> a remarkable recovery in hawaii after a young dog was stuck at the bottom of a deep and narrow lava tube for hours.
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fox news jenn boneza shows us how a man with a reputation for saving animals came to the rescue. >> this is misty, the nine month old catahoula hunting dog fell nearly 25ft down this narrow volcanic crack around 8 a.m. saturday morning. >> we were trying to, like, find to figure out a way to get in there, like for at least maybe an hour and a half to two hours. we could only fit, like half of our bodies. and then other than that, it was like we wouldn't be able to make it. >> that's when they called this man 60 year old kawika singson. >> we're going down after, misty. misty is about nine months old. she's somewhere down this crack. >> the carpenter, ironman competitor and former military combat engineer has been rescuing dogs on hawaii island since 2019 from some pretty hairy situations. give me a second. >> okay. yep yep yep. just
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slippery down here. >> singson says he is very careful and uses safety gear. >> i'm very aware of my situation. a situational awareness like i like to call it, and aware of their environments and the hazards, of course. but you know, everything comes with a risk. what the reward to me is worth the risk of going after this poor dog. >> yeah, he squeezes into the narrow crevice, slowly making his way down here, misty, finally reaching misty. >> okay, misty, let's hook you up. after a half an hour of trying, they finally pull her out of the old lava tube to safety. >> oh stay here. >> got her? yep. good girl. >> misty isn't the first dog he's rescued. she's the sixth. >> i'm six for six. and these dogs that i go after that. no one can or are willing to go after. so i'm very proud of
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that. and, you know, main thing to get the dog back to the owner. that's my main priority. >> he says he films his rescues to raise awareness, urging dog owners to put a gps tracker on their pet just in case. >> you know, it's a small investment, but it's worth it if you love your animals. >> this is ktvu fox two news at six. >> after a nearly year long pilot project, it is back to the drawing board for the bike lane on valencia street in san francisco. the city plans to remove a controversial design line. >> i mean, i don't hate it, but i think it is confusing. >> the bike lane, theoretically, is a good idea, but what you're doing is you're enabling people on dirt bikes. >> the bike lane that ran down the middle of the street was unpopular with both drivers and cyclists. hello again everyone. i'm julie haynes and i'm mike mibach. >> the dispute over the bike lane has been ongoing now in the mission since valencia street was redesigned ten months ago as
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ktvu christien kafton reports tonight, the city is now planning to remove it and come up with a better idea. >> san francisco's municipal transportation agency started a year long pilot program in august of last year to see how center running bike lanes would improve safety and allow businesses to keep their parklets along. valencia street. now, with two months to go, the sfmta says it's pulling the plug on this experiment and preparing to push those bike lanes to the sides of the street. >> the main reason why we went with the center running design was to support the local merchants in their parklets, now that we have heard from them, we're realizing that the best option for both safety and to support the local merchants is likely a side running design. >> it's hard to find anyone who liked the center run lanes businesses say the sfmta took away parking spaces, making it harder for customers to visit. the owner of yasmeen restaurant went on a month long hunger strike to protest the bike lanes. he says his business has been so slow he's behind on


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