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tv   KTVU Mornings on 2  FOX  June 14, 2024 4:00am-7:00am PDT

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needs to be safe. like one. >> a vigil in san francisco for the victim of a hit and run crash. the latest on what the police are telling us about that crash. and going from humor to politics, pope francis, in just a couple of hours, will address the g7 summit. but first with the pope told a group of some of the world's best known comedians, from whoopi goldberg to jimmy fallon, from ktvu fox two news. >> this is mornings on two. well good morning to you and thank you for joining us. >> welcome to mornings on two. i'm dave clark and it is a friday. it is june 14th and outside our studio it feels great. the weather coolness see
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a lot of coolness in there dave. >> yeah so you know it was hot a couple of days ago. that's long gone 40s for santa rosa, livermore, palo alto and there's some low clouds out there. but when you get this cool, not only at the surface but aloft, you lose kind of the support for the fog. there's some there, but temperatures today 60, 70 kind of bumping up a few low 80s. all right. cells here on a friday, i don't know, picking up cones or something out there. yeah. >> there's some cones out there for sure. like highway 37 and vallejo. just, you know, keep it easy. however there's a pretty serious crash on 87 at taylor street and this is blocking the off ramp on north southbound or state route 87 to taylor street. that ramp is blocked. this is northbound 87 approaching taylor. it's not causing a big delay right now, but it's going to be there for a bit. the rest of the south bay commute looks pretty good. the east bay commute is off to a good start. we don't have a lot going on, and right now there's not a big
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delay at all at the bay bridge toll plaza 401. let's get back to the headlines. >> okay, sal, thank you. >> a vigil was held in san francisco for the victim of a hit and run crash early monday morning. the 41 year old man was hit and killed in the bernal heights neighborhood. ktvu zac sos tells us more about what the police are now saying about that crash. >> this is another person in our community lost from traffic violence. >> jody medeiros, who heads up pedestrian safety group walk sf, leading a vigil for a 41 year old man killed by a hit and run driver this week in the city's bernal heights neighborhood. >> they're looking for the driver. they're looking at the camera footage in the area. >> police say they were called to the 3400 block of mission street near cortland avenue at around 340 in the morning on monday. the severely injured pedestrian was rushed to a nearby hospital where he died. i got goosebumps when i heard this. tony milani owns a restaurant just steps from where the crash happened.
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>> the traffic here is very fast. they run the red light. >> concerning for medeiros, who noted this marks the 10th pedestrian death in the city so far this year. you can see mission street. >> i mean, this is full of kids, parents, families. this is a residential corridor and we need to treat it as a residential corridor. you have the bus, you have people crossing the street. you have a grocery store. so it's not a highway. it's not a freeway. this is a neighborhood street speed cameras dedicated bike lanes and turning restrictions. >> some of the measures the city has implemented in certain parts of san francisco to increase pedestrian safety. >> designing our streets for bike and ped and people taking the bus. it's the best way that we're going to get to zero fatalities and really bring down the serious injuries measures that josh yuan says he supports as an active cyclist and a walker. >> so it is important for me to, like, have pedestrian safety. >> meantime, medeiros with this message for the driver involved
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in the deadly crash, we're hoping that the person comes forward because this was a life. >> this was somebody's father possibly somebody's son, somebody's uncle. we don't know. >> and police are asking anyone with information, perhaps video of the crash to reach out in san francisco, zac sos ktvu, fox two news. >> all right, zach, thank you. time 403. police in san mateo say a suspect was arrested in connection with the shooting that led to a shelter in place order just after 430 yesterday afternoon. the police rushed to reports of a shooting near hillsdale boulevard, east of highway 101. the shooting suspect, according to police, surrendered after he was found hiding in an apartment complex. >> officers were able to locate the suspect, who was in the apartment complex located behind me, after a plan was put in place, the suspect finally exited the apartment and was
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safely detained and immediately after that, the shelter in place order was lifted. >> the police also say the shooting victim was found in san carlos. a short time later. there's no word yet on his condition. well, a not guilty verdict was handed down against the former antioch police officer, who was accused of assault. matthew nutt was accused back in 2022 of beating a suspect during an arrest that was recorded on a body cam. nutt was fired by the antioch police after the department determined he violated the department's policies on use of force yesterday. nutt was acquitted of the assault charge, and during the trial his lawyers argued that he used moderate force and that the suspect was faking a panic attack. our time now 405 oakland's new police chief, floyd mitchell, out lined his first proposed budget for his department. chief mitchell last night gave the details of his $346 million budget plan during
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a meeting of the oakland police commission. he says the plan will freeze staffing levels at 678 sworn positions, and that there won't be any layoffs. however, some civilian positions may be eliminated, like crime scene technicians and evidence technicians. the police chief's priority, he says. getting back to basics, providing high visibility on our streets and responding to 911 calls for service because that's where we are at this point in time. >> when you have a police department that is slowly shrinking and they'll call for service or the workload is getting better, bigger, you have to really focus on what you can do. >> oakland police chief mitchell has been on the job for just over a month now, and says most of his budget plan was already in place before he arrived in oakland. our time is now 406 members of congress now threatening to take action against colleges if they don't condemn anti semitism on campuses. the powerful house
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ways and means committee held a hearing titled crisis on campus anti-semitism radical faculty and the failure of university leadership. the witnesses included a graduate of cornell university and an assistant professor from columbia university. they claim that schools nationwide are not doing enough to protect jewish students and faculty from violent protests. >> the message was very clear rules are meaningless and lawlessness is rewarded. we must hold accountable the faculty who openly support and celebrate terrorism. >> the lawmakers are considering things like revoking the tax exempt status of schools that allow anti-semitism to spread on their campuses. republican lawmakers also want to investigate the funding for these protests. and if the money came from foreign governments, our time is now 407. for president biden, today is a very busy day at the g7 summit in
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southern italy. first, the president will meet with italy's prime minister about migration throughout europe and support for ukraine against russia. the president is using the summit to build support for a cease fire plan between israel and hamas. >> president biden, did you all have a chance to discuss a possible cease fire? >> yes. >> another reminder that to putin, we're not backing down. in fact, we're standing together against this illegal aggression. >> and in just a couple of hours, pope francis will address the g7 summit. he's expected to talk about migration, climate change and the dangers of artificial intelligence. meantime pope francis met with some of the world's best known comedians. he hosted a gathering at the vatican with more than 200 guests, including 100 comedians from 15 countries. the stars included whoopi goldberg, jimmy fallon, chris rock and colbert. the pope told them,
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during this time of very gloomy news, they have the power to spread peace and smiles. they unite people because laughter is contagious. our time now 408. the biggest world soccer champions of the summer right here on ktvu and fox sports. and it all starts this morning. you'll be able to watch the copa america and european championship tournaments right here on ktvu. fox two. the first match is just a couple of hours away, and we have your coverage beginning with the match, de live starting right after mornings on two at 10:00. it will be followed by the match between germany and scotland. >> a little bit of a breeze out there. fairfield west southwest 21. concord south 26 mile per hour gusts. napa. oakland. both have an onshore breeze. water temps are cold. cold, cold point arena and point reyes 49 degrees san francisco bowie 53, half
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moon bay 54. those are below average and as long as that's there, it's been there since april. we've had a lot of low clouds now the support for it isn't there as much today. 50s and a lot of the temps, although there are a lot more 40s. petaluma, 46 degrees, san rafael's 48, menlo park stripped to 49 and napa airports also 49. cloverdale is in and that's cool. morning for cloverdale and june 14th. bodega bay point rays all in there. san anselmo 46, sonoma 46. occidentale leading the way at a cool 4443 in truckee. south lake tahoe, 50. alturas at 48, mammoth at 44. system coming in is going. we'll get a little warm up today and then it does look cool going into next couple of days here. so today will be nice. it'll be warmer. not that big a deal. it won't be anything like tuesday or wednesday, but gusty winds look to be on the forecast menu here for sunday, monday and also tuesday. a system pretty deep system drops in to the north. just depends on how deep it is and how long it hangs around.
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but today is friday sunshine. sunday nice breeze will still be there. can it get right around that 6070s and some low to mid 80s did all right steve thank you. >> time is 410 terrifying moments for a driver as a train smashed into a semi truck. moments after the driver climbs out. what happened before that crash that allowed that driver to escape and house hunting in oakland with some new funding is going to do for a local nonprofit, and how they're going to use it to help senior citizens in the east bay facing i'm not gonna do anything flashy to announce... munchies under $4— the items you crave like tiny tacos or french toast sticks
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for less than four bucks! but i will do something explosive. [fireworks and car alarms] at jack, every bite's a big deal! welcome to jack in the box! only one in five people with disabilities, including those with autism, are employed. why? outdated stigmas and beliefs. so, let us make it easy ... this is a job for someone with autism. so is this. that job? also perfect. introducing win by autism speaks. we help businesses lead the way in inclusive hiring. yes ... these are all jobs for someone with autism. to learn more, go to -we're done. -what about these? looks right. nooo... nooo... quick, the quicker picker upper! bounty absorbs spills like a sponge. and is 2x more absorbent so you can use less. bounty, the quicker picker upper. wanna know a secret? more than just my armpits stink. facts. that's why i use secret whole body deodorant
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for clinically proven odor protection everywhere. so i smell great all day, all hike, and all night. secret whole body deodorant. getting 2 of my sausage croissants with a freshly cracked egg for just $5.50 means you've already won the day. add a sweet cream iced coffee for an extra buck with any breakfast item between 6 and 11 a.m. at jack, every bite's a big deal. welcome to jack in the box! you look at your screen. new video from georgia. a truck
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driver lucky to be alive. he jumped out of the way seconds before that train smashed into his truck. this happened in bartow county in georgia. the semi truck stalled on the train tracks as that train was approaching, but the train couldn't stop in time and smashed right through the truck. officials haven't given any details about any injuries, and the crash is under investigation . asian. it is 413 this weekend. saint mary's senior center in oakland will hold its annual gala celebrating 51 years in service as ktvu. claudine wong tells us, this next year promises to provide some much needed housing to the community thanks to a $2 million grant for a new transition housing unit. >> two years ago, faced with mounting health issues, no place to live and few options, maria fortes was walking down this street in west oakland. >> i turned just on the corner of my eye. oh, there's saint mary's parking lot as i'm going
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down san pablo, i said. i must call them and i called, left a message and was answered right away. >> answering her call for help was the first step towards change and giving her something she hadn't felt for decades. >> you're completely safe. >> how long had it been since you felt safe? >> oh, since 2000. >> a sense of safety is what so many seniors who come here told us they are searching for. some who experienced homelessness for months on end. >> about a year. that's a long time. a year sleeping in the car, running from place to place at the time when they first became a client. >> here i was living in my car, so i lived in my car for about a year. >> the goal for seniors who come to saint mary's is permanent housing. last year, 50 seniors achieved that goal, but many more wait. on the day we visited, 30 people attended a housing clinic. >> we know at saint mary's that today, seniors 55 and older are
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the fastest growing segment of the unhoused community. so across san pablo avenue and the process can take time, which is why this walking tour we went on in this neighborhood means so much now. we've had our eyes on this for a little while, and doing thanks to a line item budget secured by state senator nancy skinner, saint mary's can go house hunting. >> and like i said, it has another unit in the back. it may be two. >> oh, okay. so that's helpful. so we'll have to take a look at that. multiple units is helpful with $2 million to spend. >> the goal is to find and build something similar to what they call presentation house. >> it's nine rooms shared baths shared kitchen. several of the seniors you talked to today have stayed at presentation house for up to two years. while they were seeking permanent housing. it makes an enormous difference, and that's what transitional housing is. it's not it's not permanent. but it's a place to stay. a room with a door that closes, a little privacy, a good night's sleep and a chance to
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get your documentation together. your income verification together, a room with a door, a safe space. >> it's like you have. you have some privacy. you have some something that that creates like your own. you can actually create your own space, that's, it means so much. >> me and maria lived out, actually lived down the street together, living there meant protection for sandra from the harsh elements that made her health challenges so much more difficult. >> i have that real bad arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and it was really cold out here. >> and so i was just telling him one day how cold i was and how my back and all that stuff hurt so bad for maria. >> presentation house was a lifeline when the 12 bed dorm style shelter became too much, i came here crying. >> i said, is there anywhere you could put me any porch, any couch? because i'm going to snap if i continue to live in that, in that, shelter after. and
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immediately that day they gave me the keys to my room. that is how awesome saint mary's is. >> one step in what can be a long journey. the truth is, we know what it takes to solve homelessness and housing it. >> it takes housing to solve homelessness. >> and it's what saint mary's has done for 51 years. they help people find a path, offer a hand, and the people they help lend a hand to those who come after castro of eldridge is a group of seniors, six that have been barred with saint mary's center for a year or longer, and have gone through some things in life and allowed saint mary's center to help them to get their lives back in order to work as an example for new and old clients. >> there are all kinds of examples here. >> i'm one of them, and like maria fortes, it can start with a simple walk down the street to saint mary's. knowing that if you call saint mary's for help, they answer, it is home.
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>> it's safety. i haven't felt like that in 20 years. >> in oakland. claudine wong, ktvu, fox two news. >> all right, claudine, thank you. time is 418. in east oakland, a new affordable housing development is now open. this grand opening was held yesterday for ax cherry hill apartments at 94th avenue and international boulevard. it's a 55 unit mixed use development and 14 of the apartments for households that are leaving being homeless. the development also has a community space and a health clinic on the ground floor. >> one of several projects in this neighborhood, and it combines housing and community spaces and a community organizing and health services really holistically looks at the needs of a community and the people in east oakland deserve to have a nice, clean, beautiful place to live. >> and god, can we give up now. >> this development was built through a public private partnership between the city of
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oakland and acts community development corporation. >> bravo! >> i don't like it. all right. our time is 419. let's talk about friday morning and the weather. steve paulson is here with all your information. that's cool out there. it is cool. yes a lot of upper 40s here. >> an onshore breeze, not as windy as yesterday, but you can see the circulation that's onshore right through the golden gate out to the delta. wind speeds aren't that bad. 21 travis. they were 30 plus yesterday for most of the morning. here concord though south gusting to 26. oakland west at 13 napa san ramon, menlo park campbell up we go 70s yesterday we'll go low 80s today. i'm not buying into a huge warm up here, but it will be warmer. 46 petaluma upper 40s for some. speaking of menlo park, they're in their low 50s. for others. oakland's 51 degrees. clayton checking in at 49 degrees close for kensington, el sobrante. pinole at 51 north dublin, also at 51. system coming in to the north. and that'll be leading to a pretty dramatic change as we head towards sunday and monday for
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today though, a little bit more sunshine. so a warmer friday. but i mean, it won't be that big a jump just near average here on the temps, but wind looks to it. just depends on which forecast model is right. some of them keep it into more over towards us through the middle of next week. others kind of kick it out. but any way you look at it, sunday, monday, tuesday does look like a blustery, windy pattern for us. so friday sunshine, sunny and nice little a little bit of a breeze there. can't get around that 6070s and 80s. >> all right steve thank you. some dramatic video to show you the moment burglars swarmed a jewelry store. we'll tell you about the continuing search for more than a dozen people accused of the crimes and the baby formula shortage of 2022. it's back in the spotlight. what a new audit tells us about how the food and drug administration handle that situa
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shows the moment that about 20 people broke into a jewelry
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store. they smashed cases with hammers and other tools. look at your screen. this happened at a store on el camino real wednesday afternoon. police arrested five people involved in the robbery, and they recovered some of the stolen jewelry. the total value of what was stolen still not clear. investigators are searching for the other people involved and say they're trying to figure out if this incident is connected to a similar robbery in sunnyvale last month. time is 424. the only hospital in the city of alameda is ending certain medical procedures. the san francisco chronicle reports the public alameda hospital will stop performing elective surgeries after june 30th. patients who had scheduled surgeries after that date will be sent to other hospitals in oakland and in san leandro. hospital officials say that's all designed to help offset the cost of seismic upgrades. well, doctors, nurses and county
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officials in the south bay are increasingly worried about a plan to close regional medical center's trauma center this summer. they held what they call a lives lost rally. they walked with caskets, which they say symbolize the deadly consequences of closing that trauma center county supervisor cindy chavez says. for those people who live nearby, it's a major concern. >> significant traumas will all be going to one of two trauma centers, either valley medical center or stanford. they're very far away from here. they are removing a life saving resource from our community. >> now, supporters of the trauma center say they started a petition that has now been signed by almost 5000 people urging state officials to step in and keep those doors open. the trauma center is scheduled to close in august. well, a new government audit finds the fda failed in its response to the
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nationwide shortage of baby formula. two years ago, the federal office of the inspector general issued its official report after a long and extensive investigation, and found that the fda took 15 months to act on a whistleblower complaint about the problems that led to a critical shortage of baby formula at the nation's biggest baby formula plant. >> need to have better reporting standards for the public to report to the problems. for the fda to report its findings. when things go wrong, making sure that the inspection process for factories is improved and handled better. >> now, the fda admits it made several mistakes in responding to the shortage of baby formula, but they say they're doing everything possible now to avoid similar mistakes in the future. time now for 26. the race to replace retiring congresswoman anna eshoo could lead to a change in california law. we tell you why a contentious vote
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recount is at the center of this case. and donald trump appearing on capitol hill for the first time since january 6th, we tell you what prompted this visit
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a liquor store, but it was not their first target. we'll let you hear from the owners of two businesses and the alameda county fair starts today. we'll look at what's new there this year from ktvu, fox two news. >> this is mornings on two. >> well, good morning to you. thank you for joining us. welcome back to mornings on two i'm dave clark and yes it's friday. it's june 14th. and yes steve paulson is here. here's
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your friday morning forecast. he's right there. >> right where. oh right here. yes sir. yes i am. you're right. it is cool out there. 40s on the temps, santa rosa is the enigma today. the forecast highs for santa rosa today are 78, 84, 84, 89 and 90. come on. so i'm splitting the difference. there are 48 degrees. 48 also livermore palo alto 49. so we do have some low clouds around, but there's not as much. but that's pretty cool a lot of 40s here. so i'm splitting the difference there for santa rosa 60s 70s and 80s. all right. sal is here to tell us there's one accident. i think i heard you say, yeah, there was one accident in the south bay. >> it's not causing a big delay, but we're going to look at some of these commutes. steve, bay bridge looks very light. and hopefully today we're going to have light traffic throughout it. it certainly is starting that way. the one crash we have is northbound 87 at taylor street. that off ramp is blocked
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because of a pedestrian accident. unfortunately that turned into a deadly crash. it's not causing a big delay because it is so early and on fridays we don't usually have a big delay in the south bay commute, sometimes on fridays we don't get any delays at all. so we'll see. we'll keep an eye on it for you for 30. let's go back to the desk. >> all right. sal thank you. well, a business owner in san leandro is in shock. thieves rammed a car right into a liquor store. nothing was stolen, but it cost thousands of dollars in damage. and the police are searching now for the criminals involved. as ktvu amber lee tells us, this was not the only business that was affected. >> no business is safe. >> surveillance video shows the front door of gourmet cellar, a liquor store in san leandro, falling apart after a car backs into it. two suspects get out. one jumps over the counter, the other removes the broken door. shortly after the silver lexus is backed all the way into the
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store. the driver rams the car repeatedly into the atm and finally knocks it over. this happened around 345 thursday morning. >> it's a shock even though you know it's going around. but you always think, okay, no, you i mean, it's not going to happen to you, rinku singh and her husband tony own the store. >> they tell me the thieves were unable to break into the atm or steal it before police arrived. the couple says the thieves stole cigarets and left a trail of damage. the singh's had the atm removed, hoping to prevent thieves from targeting their store again. >> it's pretty sad, you know, to have a nice store and a community mom pop store. there's a backbone of america. >> san leandro police say this same silver lexus was found at the scene of a similar burglary attempt at 420 market, a cannabis dispensary in east oakland near the coliseum. soon after the break in at the liquor store, the dispensary owner asked us not to show his face. >> this happened at 4:00 in the morning. >> he gave us surveillance video
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that appears to show the same car backing into the front fence, and then the front entrance. police say it's unclear if the vehicle is stolen. the owner says the suspects caused extensive damage, estimated to be up to $100,000, but the thieves were unable to get inside the store. what's your reaction to this tired. >> i want something to be done. opd showed up quickly. if they had more time, they probably would have gotten in and caused even more damage, the owner tells me. >> this is the second time thieves have tried to break in by ramming a vehicle into his dispensary, since he opened last august, he says this time there were a total of three cars that showed up in front of his shop, carrying up to ten people who were part of the break in. >> and i'm not going to let these idiots close us down. so just like when they broke in the first time the night before our grand opening, i was open by that afternoon, i wasn't let them stop our day. i'm not going to let them stop us now. >> as for the couple who owns the liquor store, they say they moved to the current location
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thinking it was safer than their previous site in downtown san leandro. the couple tells me they want more police patrols. amber lee, ktvu, fox two news. >> all right, amber, thank you. time now for 33. now we're hearing more about the allegations of discrimination against alameda county district attorney pamela price. the district attorney is facing allegations of discrimination made by her former spokesperson, patty lee worked for pamela price as public information officer for six months last year until she was fired. she says, and she says she believed there were illegal practices, including violations of california's public records act. and patty lee is now filed a wrongful termination lawsuit claiming she was humiliated and bullied. patty lee says pamela price once told her that her enemies are, quote, the media and the asians. >> as a district attorney, you can't fire the person in charge. the public information officer for upholding sort of the
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sanctimony of transparency. first amendment and so on. >> now, the firing of patty lee followed an incident involving emily ragazzo, the founder of the berkeley scanner, an independent daily crime news site. ragazzo accused pamela price of denying her access to come to a news conference and then failing to turn over public records that she had requested. times now, 434, in sunnyvale, authorities announced the arrest in connection with the homicide that we told you about in late april. the police department says two juvenile suspects have been arrested the first on tuesday, the second on thursday, and you're looking at video from the citizen app from that scene on april 30th. the police say they found a man who'd been shot several times in a car on south bernardo avenue, near east evelyn. he died later at the hospital. both suspects, who were arrested this week, are now booked at the county's juvenile hall. well, well. the race to
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replace retiring bay area congresswoman anna eshoo could lead to a change in california law. state assemblyman evan low introduced a measure that would mandate automatic vote recounts in close elections. evan low edged out santa clara county supervisor joe simitian in a vote recount after the march primary ended with a tie for second place. former san jose mayor sam liccardo came in first with now evan low's proposed bill would mandate a vote recount by the state in any election where the margin of victory is razor close, let's get the politics, or at least the perception of the politics out of it, and have a process that all can abide by in the counting of votes that we should have. >> the accountability and transparency without the political motivation. >> now, evan low's bill would apply to any election where the margin of victory is less than a quarter percent or less than 25
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votes. evan low will be facing sam liccardo in the general election on november 5th. neither liccardo or joe simitian had a comment about this new bill. our time is 436. the five major candidates running for mayor of san francisco have this weekend to get ready for monday night's second debate. the current mayor, london breed, former supervisor and interim mayor mark farrell, along with supervisors aaron peskin and asher sauvé, as well as philanthropist daniel laurie. they debated each other in their first combined debate wednesday night. next, they'll be meeting on monday at uc law san francisco. it will be hosted by the democratic county central committee. a third debate is has now been scheduled. it will be on july the 8th, sponsored by the group stop crime sf. >> i think viewers and listeners know what the problems are in san francisco, and they were
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listening carefully for whether the plans put forward by these other candidates were realistic. >> now, in the third debate, the group stop crime sf says san francisco voters in a more personal setting will be able to directly ask questions of each candidate about issues in the city. well, first lady jill biden is here in the bay area. she landed last night at moffett field in mountain view, the first lady is in the bay area raising money for president biden's reelection campaign. now, this afternoon, she'll attend a fundraising event in los gatos. after that, she'll head to lake tahoe and donald trump made his first appearance on capitol hill since the january 6th attack on capitol hill. he held closed door meetings with congressional republicans trying to get the party unified before november. despite donald trump's legal problems. house speaker mike johnson says the republican party is on the same page and is
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optimistic about winning back the white house and the us senate run like you're ten points behind, but we are very encouraged by the polling that shows what we know intuitively. >> and that is this thing is trending certainly in the right direction. >> they want this country to be great again, and we're going to make it great again. >> donald trump also spoke at a business roundtable with ceos, and he outlined his plans for cutting inflation. our time now for 39, the alameda county fair starts today in pleasanton. and organizers hope to outdraw last year's attendance, which was 445,000 spectators over 24 days. the activities this year include things like the classic ferris wheel, fireworks, a drone show and a variety of delicious fried foods. the performers that will be performing include e-40 and the 80s female group exposé. the staff of the fairgrounds are
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recommending that that you check out this year's new dog and raptor show. >> dogs are going through the course, they're jumping through the air, landing in the water. we also have a raptor show this year. raptors, birds of prey. super popular. you get to see them up close and personal. now the alameda county fair runs until july 7th at the alameda county fairgrounds on valley avenue. >> now, this is a contactless fair, so you do have to buy tickets and parking passes online. you can go to our website, click on web links to get information. now there are ticket kiosks at the fairgrounds and the prices are the same as they are online. >> i'm here. it's cool. this morning we do have some chilly lows of coolest i've seen so far as occidental. at 44, i think
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they're now 45. petaluma is in there as well at 45 degrees. a lot of 40s here. so a chilly morning including woodside at 45 menlo park, atherton, stanford, los altos and pacifica all in the upper 40s or low 50s out there. some fog, low clouds, not a lot. kind of the support for it has waned, if you will. it will be warmer today. it's just seeing some just unbelievable differences in the temp. so i'm kind of splitting the difference . the big message will be sunday, monday, tuesday wind is going to pick up around here. but today we'll get more sunshine and sunny. nice a little breezy, blustery at times, but temperatures all over the place. here we'll go from 60 to 80 on those temps some mid 80s well inland. >> all right. thank you. our time now. 441 a retirement crisis is brewing. we'll tell you why. business analysts say a limited a number of people are able to save money for their retirement. and a group of dancers in the south bay spreading pride through their performances. the troupe that's breaking barriers this pride
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i bought the team! kevin...? i put it on my chase freedom unlimited card. and i'm gonna' cashback on a few other things too! starting with the sound system... that's caaaaaaaaash. cashback like a pro with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback?
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the california based telehealth company have been arrested in connection with a huge $100 million adderall scam. the founder of dunglass global was arrested yesterday in los angeles. the company's president was arrested in san rafael. the federal officials say the executives are accused of running a fraudulent scheme to provide easy access to adderall over the internet, submitting false claims for reimbursements and obstructing justice if they are convicted. both could face up to 20 years in prison. our time is 444. the abortion pill mifepristone will stay on the market after a decision made by the supreme court. health officials say the medication was used in two thirds of all abortions in the united states.
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last year, the court ruled against doctors who sued the fda over its new regulations for the drug, which include allowing patients to buy the pill through the mail. the court ruled unanimously that the plaintiffs didn't have legal standing to sue, but the court left the door open for challenges in the future. >> to have to happen is that you got a plaintiff who actually suffered an an injury, from mifepristone, who could come back and say, you know, if it hadn't been for the fda making this available without going through all the safety protocols , my injury would never have happened. >> the supreme court is still considering one other abortion case where federal law can force doctors to perform emergency abortions, even if the state law prevents it. if that ruling is expected by the end of the month, our time is now. 445. we
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continue our coverage of pride month here on ktvu and a bay area mexican folklore dance troupe wants to promote the power of pride through performances. now, this group started performing almost ten years ago in san jose, ktvu lamonica peters shows us how the group wants to make its mark in the world of dance folklorico, a traditional mexican folk dance intertwines ballet with indigenous, african and european elements. >> under founder and artistic director arturo magana, ensemble folklorico colibri has vowed to use dance to inspire and educate while representing the lgbtq community. >> the next chapter for folklorico colibri is for us to continue creating stories that are specific to the community, stories that are not always a happy ending story, but a lesbian wedding that perhaps is
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not accepted, gay coming out story a story of violence that gets perpetrated upon our trans community as well. >> magana founded efc in 2015, and since then, the troupe has performed across the bay area and in mexico. shante vargas says she joined the troupe a year ago. >> i grew up in the era of matthew shepard, and so coming out was a really, really hard time for me and so being a colibri, i'm like, that's where my heart is. and that's why i joined is because i wanted to, you know, be an inspiration to others. >> magana says membership is open to anyone, no matter their identity and dancers of all skill levels are welcome and dancers perform in traditional costumes with a twist. >> it is so important for us to represent a rainbow because it kind of brings in every color, which is every aspect of every single one of the dancers, magana says. >> although the group has faced some negativity from those who
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don't approve of their mission, the feedback from many in the community makes it all worth it. >> they come to us and they even tell us, you know, you know, we're not a closet, but thank you for what you're doing. and, you know, and that is making that makes me feel, wow, empowering. yeah. the group is currently practicing for two performances this weekend, one in oakland and the other in hollister. >> if you'd like more information about this dance troupe, just go to and click the link for this story. lamonica peters, ktvu, fox two news. >> all right. lamonica. thank you. time now for 47. well, san francisco's jewish community center is hosting its annual pride festival tomorrow. organizers say everyone is welcome to enjoy activities, crafts and entertainment. center officials say the event will end with a family friendly drag show followed by a small indoor parade. the pride festival runs from 3 to 5 in the afternoon at the jewish community center near california street and presidio avenue. and by the way, you can
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see all of our pride coverage from this month online. just go to see all of our stories. they're also available on our fox local app. on your smart tv. our time is now 448. well, tesla shareholders voted to restore elon musk's record breaking $56 billion pay package , and now the stock compensation plan was approved by the board and by investors six years ago. but it's been tied up in court since then. after a shareholder claim that elon musk essentially controlled the board that approved the pay package. now, even with that approval, the issues still likely to stay tied up in court for months. yesterday, the shareholders also approved moving tesla's legal headquarters to texas out of delaware. well, a summer skincare product is being recalled now because of contamination issues. the company, based in las vegas,
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syntegrity, is voluntarily recalling nine lots of its impeccable skin sunscreen and foundation products. the fda says higher than acceptable levels of a mold species were found in some of the tubes. that mold could cause potential allergic skin reactions and fungal infections on wounded or sunburned skin. those products are sold online and in stores. our time is 449 more and more americans could be working well past their planned date for retiring. that's according to a new report from the census bureau. it found about half of u.s. adults between the ages of 55 and 66 have no personal retirement savings, and that report came back dating back to 2017. that may cause some big financial problems for older workers who hope to retire now, seven years later, the worker has to decide how much to save
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and they have to decide where to put it. >> they have to decide once they retire, at what rate do they draw it down on? >> the census bureau found that most 401 k retirement plans benefit americans, with higher incomes, who can afford to put some money away. all right. time is 450 and steve paulson is back. and he had in his pocket i think a pretty good forecast for today, starting with the coolness. >> we're going to start with that, mr. clarke. how cool it is here for june 14th. no doubt about it. occidentals dipped to 44 i think low clouds though. it sure looks like it is starting to form. i don't think we'll get any cooler than this. in fact, i think some of these temps will come up sonoma san anselmo would side are all at 45 windsor fairfax 46 palo alto, stanford campus 48 and clayton has dipped into 49 degree territory. boulder creek is the only one i can find to the south. there's too much fog. that's why a lot
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of low clouds and fog around santa cruz, aptos, soquel a low 50s though. morgan hill, san jose one observation there, even san martin, gilroy, hollister, all cool lows, west southwest fairfield 21, concord gusting to 26. napa has an onshore breeze. oakland has an onshore breeze and fog being reported at santa rosa. look at the water temps 40. these make a huge difference on the overnight lows, especially near the coast and around the bay. 49 point arena 49 point raise san francisco bowie 5340s 45 petaluma, san rafael's in there. the sonoma county airport, napa airport as well. menlo park's now down to 48. so if you don't have that fog or fog is not forming, it could get pretty cool. a little warmer today than i think. we just kind of level it off and it'll be just nice temperatures not really going that far, but they'll be warmer today than we had yesterday. so 60s 70s well inland. some mid 80s. >> all right steve thank you tom 452 some residents in the south bay marching downtown wearing high heels. we tell you how this is all part of an annual event.
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and the san francisco giants playing at an historic field next week honoring the leagues. we'll let you hear from the man who's behind the effort to bring the team to birmingham, alabama
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visit on two. it's 454. san francisco muni plans to remove the controversial bike lanes on valencia street. now last august, muni started a year long pilot program to see if center running bike lanes would improve safety in the mission district. well, now, after getting lots of pushback from businesses, cyclists and drivers, the city will end this experiment early, and they're preparing to push those bike lanes to the sides of the street. >> the main reason why we went with the center running design was to support the local
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merchants in their parklets. now that we have heard from them, we're realizing that the best option for both safety and to support the local merchants is likely a side running design. >> and the city will look for approval from the board for this new plan. next week. time is now 455. a fund raising event in san jose is raising money for survivors of gender based violence. it's the annual walk a mile in their shoes event took place at santana row, a lighthearted event with a very serious message. the participants marched down the street with their families, many of them wearing high heels, raising money for services and programs for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault and human trafficking. >> this is a really important cross gender subject that affects affects everybody, no matter how they identify. so it's important to give a voice
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to those people wherever they are. >> now the event was hosted by ymca golden gate, silicon valley and kaiser permanente. the registration for it was $68 because organizers say every 68x seconds in the u.s. it is 456. the san francisco giants start a weekend series against the angels at oracle park tonight. the giants took two out of the three games at home against the houston astros earlier this week. right now, the giants are one game below 500. they're trailing the la dodgers and the padres in the national league west at the oakland a's tonight. will play the twins in minnesota. they're trying to break a six game losing streak. now last night the a's lost to the twins 6 to 2. pitcher luis medina had a tough night on the mound. he gave up four runs in five innings. it was his third start of the season for the a's.
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well excitement is building for the giants. very special game next week honoring the leagues. the giants will play the saint louis cardinals in birmingham, alabama at historic rickwood field, the oldest professional ballpark in the united states. and that's where willie mays started his pro career way back in 1948, playing with the birmingham black barons. ktvu spoke to gerald watkins, who runs a nonprofit group to preserve that ballpark and led the effort to bring major league baseball to rickwood field. >> was the talk about the wrecking ball and a group of concerned citizens, mostly, gentlemen, that have been here as children with their fathers or grandfathers said, hey, we can't lose this building. we can't lose this facility. the hall of famers that have come through here, 182 of them, quite a few of them are leaguers that never made it to the big leagues , but they all had a time and
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place in history, and they had a time here. and we want to celebrate that with everyone, both the giants and the cardinals will be wearing very special uniforms next thursday night in honor of the leagues. and ktvu greg lee will bring us live coverage from alabama. greg will travel there next week. you'll also be able to see the giants game right here on ktvu. our coverage begins next thursday at 2:30 p.m. the game starts at 4 p.m. well, the san francisco giants mascot, lucille , has been named the mascot hall of fame's class of 2024 lucille, and went on social media. believe it or not, thanking you, the fans and the giants for their votes and support. lucille has been the mascot of the giants since 1997, and joins the houston astros. orbit. the jacksonville jaguars jaxson de ville and the university of montana's mountain in this
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year's class. some of the other major league baseball mascots already in that very exclusive club include the oriole bird, the phillie phanatic, who i grew up with and mister met. well, the long awaited bart extension to downtown san jose is due to finally break ground today. the criticism that's looming over this celebration, over how the vta has handled the project. >> the biker i've had like a lot of close calls with cars. >> this is a neighborhood street and it needs to be safe, like one. >> a vigil in san francisco for the victim of a heat hit and run crash. we have the latest on what the police are telling us about that crash. >> from ktvu, fox two news. this is mornings on two. >> well, good morning and thank you for joining us. welcome to mornings on two. i'm dave clark. >> good morning i'm pam cook. it
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is friday. happy friday. >> happy friday to you june 14th. >> it's been a busy week. we've had a lot of changes in weather as well. a pretty nice out there today steve. >> it's cool. we had a roller coaster ride that's for sure. on the temps they've come down and it's a cool morning here. livermore is now dipped to 48. palo alto around 4849. santa rosa has fog and 49. so there's some cool temperatures out there. no doubt about it. now fog continues to kind of pick up in intensity a little bit. it doesn't show up well on this satellite. there's more south, but it is beginning to fill in a little bit to the north. so, 6070 we'll go low to mid 80s inland. all right. sal is here anything new or are we all right out there? >> we're okay out there. we do have one thing to tell you about. if you're driving to downtown san jose, that would be northbound 87 at taylor street. that offramp is closed because of a deadly crash. now it's not causing a big delay just because it's friday, and we don't have a lot of slow traffic here on northbound 87, northbound 101 approaching yerba buena, there's
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a crash before the capital expressway. so watch for that. that is blocking the main part of the freeway. the bay bridge toll plaza is light sometimes on fridays we get a lighter commute. and today we're hoping for the same 501. let's go back to the desk. >> thank you. sal well, today, santa clara vta will officially begin work to add that bart station to the south bay. at the same time, the transit agency is responding to a state audit on its leadership. ktvu is james torres joins us now with the details of the plan and the audit. good morning, james. >> good morning to you, pam. well, a public transportation expansion that's been in the works for years. it's also been delayed for years. vta is leading the charge to add six more miles of track and four more bart stations extending through the city of san jose. and while that's celebrated, vta is also working through recommendations of a state audit. state assembly member marc berman called for the audit back in 2022, where he questioned vta's management and oversight. the report recommended the transit agency
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reform, its oversight and a couple of different ways. as it stands, each board member must be an elected official, which the audit reports could be a problem if those officials don't have any experience in transit. it also mentions the short tenure each board member serves. it's only about two years, which is much shorter than other similar agencies, according to that audit. in general, the audit says vta is working through most of its recommendations, but did say vta rejected two proposals, one regarding that term length and another about adding more public transparency to the board appointment process. in a press release, vta leaders called the audit thorough, fair, and thoughtful, but did not address rejecting those recommendations. in a statement, assembly member berman said, quote, i do not understand why vta would choose to protect their power to appoint and remove board members behind closed doors with no public transparency or justification, undermining the agency's accountability to residents. i do not understand
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why vta thinks it is better for board members to serve for shorter amounts of time, given the breadth and complexity of the services vta provides. now, vta is required to check in with the state on its progress throughout the other recommendations that bart expansion. it's going to take a while. it's set to be completed by 2037. dave. >> all right. james thank you. time is now. 504 in san francisco. a pedestrian safety group led a vigil last night for the victim of a deadly hit and run crash. now that memorial service was held in bernal heights, where a 41 year old man was hit and killed early monday morning while crossing the street. and the police are still out there searching for the driver. the safety group walk s.f. organized the vigil and says the city needs to make safety improvements on mission street near cortland avenue and other dangerous intersections lining our streets for bike and ped and people taking the bus. >> it's the best way that we're
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going to get to zero fatalities and really bring down the serious injuries. >> now, san francisco police want to hear from anybody who has any information on that accident on monday night. they're also hoping someone will come forward with video of the deadly crash. >> police in san mateo say a suspect is now in custody in connection with a shooting that prompted a shelter in place. officers were called to the scene near hillsdale boulevard, just east of highway 101, shortly after 430 yesterday afternoon. police say the shooting suspect surrendered after they spotted him hiding in an apartment complex. >> officers were able to locate the suspect, who was in the apartment complex located behind me, after a plan was put in place, the suspect finally exited the apartment and was safely detained. >> the shelter in place order was then immediately lifted. police say they found the shooting victim a short time later. several miles away in san
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carlos. no word on his condition . >> our time is 505 but not guilty. verdict was handed down against a former antioch police officer who was accused of assault. matthew nutt was accused back in 2022 of beating a suspect during an arrest that was recorded on a body cam. now, nutt was fired by antioch police after the police department determined he violated the department's policies on use of force. now, yesterday, nutt was acquitted of the assault charge, and during the trial, his lawyers argued that he used moderate force and that the suspect was faking a panic attack. >> oakland's new police chief, floyd mitchell, outlined his first proposed budget for his department chief mitchell gave details of his $346 million budget plan. he says the plan will freeze staffing levels at 678 officers, and that there won't be any layoffs. however, some civilian positions may be eliminated, such as crime scene technicians and evidence technicians. the chief's priority, he says, is getting
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back to basics, providing high visibility on our streets and responding to 911 calls for service because that's where we are at this point in time. >> when you have a police department that is slowly shrinking and they'll call for service or the workload is getting better, bigger, you have to really focus on what you can do. >> police chief mitchell has been on the job for just about a month now, and says most of his budget plan was already in place before he arrived in oakland. >> our time is 507. members of congress now threaten to punish colleges if they don't condemn anti-semitism on campuses. the powerful house ways and means committee held a hearing titled crisis on campus anti-semitism radical faculty and the failure of university leadership. the witnesses who testified included a graduate of cornell university and an assistant professor from columbia university. they claim that schools nationwide are not doing enough to protect jewish
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students and faculty from violent protests. >> the message was very clear rules are meaningless and lawlessness is rewarded. we must hold accountable the faculty who openly support and celebrate terrorism. >> now the lawmakers are considering things like revoking the tax exempt status of schools that allow anti-semitism to spread on their campuses. republican lawmakers also want to investigate the funding for these protests. and if the money came from foreign governments. >> for president biden, today is a busy day at the g7 summit in southern italy. he just wrapped up a meeting with italy's prime minister about migration throughout europe and support for ukraine against russia. the president is using the summit to build support for a cease fire plan between israel and hamas. >> president biden, did you all have a chance to discuss a possible cease fire? >> yes. >> another reminder that to putin, were not backing down. in fact, we're standing together against this illegal aggression.
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>> in just a few hours, pope francis will address the g7 summit, and he's expected to talk about migration, climate change and the dangers of artificial intelligence. now pope francis also met with some of the world's best known comedians. the pope hosted a gathering at the vatican with more than 200 guests, including some very familiar faces. there, 100 comedians from 15 countries. the celebrities included whoopi goldberg. there you can see jimmy fallon, chris rock, stephen colbert, the pope told them. during this time of gloomy news, they have the power to spread peace and smiles, he said. they unite people because laughter is contagious. >> indeed, it is all right. our time is 509. the biggest world soccer champions of the summer are on here on ktvu and fox sports, and it all starts this morning. you'll be able to watch the copa america and european championship tournaments here on ktvu and the first match is just
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a couple of hours away. we have your coverage starting with match day live right after mornings on two at 10:00 this morning. it will be followed by the match between germany and scotland. >> well, a brisk friday morning for june 14th, no doubt about it. if you don't have the fog, it might be coming in, but for some here it's a cold one. occidental is the coolest i could find at 44 sonoma san anselmo woodside, 45 windsor fairfax, 46 palo alto, 48 clayton, los altos and martinez all at 49 cool degrees. there are many. i mean, even napa is at 48 degrees. cloverdale. that's cool for them. healdsburg is at 46 degrees. there's occidental bodega bay, also point reyes, san anselmo, ross, tiburon, fairfax, novato, rohnert park, all in the 40s. pretty good breeze out to travis. west southwest 20. concord, though, has a south wind gusting to 25. it's onshore for napa and also oakland airport. it is as well, but not as strong from hayward out to
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livermore. really cold water temps again 4949, 5354. that that certainly helps the fog 40s for petaluma at 45 degrees a 48 there. menlo park as well. low 50s for many and system coming out of the gulf of alaska over the weekend, especially sunday into monday, is going to give us a big dramatic change in the weather. it looks like a blustery to windy pattern, but today, more sunshine. it will be nice. we'll get we'll pump up some inland temps 6070s 80s. >> thank you steve. terrifying moments for a driver. incredible video as a train smashed into a truck just moments after the driver managed to climb out. coming up, what happened before that crash that let the driver escape and house hunting in oakland? >> we have details of the new funding for a local nonprofit group and how this will help senior citizens in the east bay faci homeles
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as you're heading up to seattle. a little cool 66, partly sunny, partly cloudy skies. a lot of fog continues in l.a. a second verse, same as the first they have been socked in in may and it continues in june. but you can almost pencil this in every day there. honolulu a few clouds on the east side, but 87 degrees. and if you are traveling a nice and cool up in
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minneapolis, look at that. 70 degrees up in minnesota, minneapolis. the rain still in southern miami, southern florida, especially miami, chicago 76. that's nice, but hot again. las vegas, phoenix. >> look at your screen. yikes new video from georgia. that's where a truck driver lucky to be alive. he jumped out of the way seconds before that train smashed into his truck. this happened in bartow county in georgia. a semi truck stalled on the train tracks as that train approached, but the train could not stop in time and smashed right through the truck. so far, there's no word of injuries and the investigation continues this weekend, saint mary's senior center in oakland is holding its annual gala celebrating 51 years in service. >> and this year there's a special reason to celebrate. the facility on brockhurst street has received $2 million for a
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new transitional housing unit. many people who found a home at the center say it has provided something they have not experienced in many years. >> you're completely safe. >> how long had it been since you felt safe? >> oh, since 2000. >> some came here after experiencing homelessness for months, a year. >> that's a long time. >> a year sleeping in the car, running from place to place. >> at the time when they first became a client, here i was living in my car. so i lived in my car for about a year. >> the goal for seniors is permanent housing. last year, 50 seniors achieved that goal. however, many others are still waiting to move into a permanent home. >> and pam in east oakland, a new affordable housing development is open. yes, they cut the ribbon at this grand opening held for ax cherry hill apartments at 94th avenue and international boulevard. it's a 55 unit mixed use development
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for 18 of the apartments for households that are leaving. being homeless. the development also has community spaces and a health clinic on the ground floor of several projects in this neighborhood, and it combines housing and community spaces and, community organizing and health services really holistically looks at the needs of a community. >> and the people in east oakland deserve to have a nice, clean, beautiful place to live. thank god. can we give up now? >> this development was built through a public private partnership between the city of oakland and acts community development corporation. >> the only thing i don't like is city leaders in the south bay are now allowing homeowners to sell accessory dwelling units as separate pieces of property. >> a state law passed last year allows the change in. san jose is the first city to implement it. adus or those backyard homes make up almost a third of all new housing in the city. last
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year, at about 400 units, housing advocates believe the measure could bring in some much needed inventory to the market, with extra benefits and price points that don't exist at lower cost than we can otherwise do in the market. >> right now, and in parts of the city that are otherwise totally inaccessible. >> the council voted on the measure last week. a second reading is scheduled for next week, and the measure could take effect by late july. >> all right. time is now 518. did you feel the coolness in the air coming in this morning? yes. >> i loved all night to. it was nice to have the windows open. cool air. >> steve. i rest my case. >> it's cool out. we'll take a look here at some chilly lows here to start off this friday morning. i think occidental is the coolest i could find. me and my research team a 144 that's pretty chilly for june 14th sonoma san anselmo, woodside, windsor, fairfax all between 4546 palo alto 48. there are many at 49, so i included
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clayton, los altos and also martinez in there. sonoma's dipped to 44. there's occidental's 44, san anselmo is now dipped to 44. so i have to update that. but you can see all the 40s, including cloverdale and also healdsburg. those are cool temps for this time of year . pretty good breeze, especially fairfield, concord and also oakland. so it'll it'll be a blustery day. water temps incredibly cold. continue they've been this way since april i mentioned this i said if they stay there into the end of may and june, we'll still have a lot of low clouds and fog. well guess what? that's exactly what's happened. there's been more in southern california than here. 45 petaluma. i mean 48 menlo park, napa airports down there as well. so a lot of low 50s. we get a little bump up today. i'm not buying. there's some projections i've seen of near 90. i just don't know where that's coming from. if it happens then all right. so what? you beat me, but i just don't see it. it does look warmer, though. sunny, nice wind, breezy, blustery at times, but really cool. lows here. low clouds continue to kind of thicken up here. so 60s 70s
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coast and bay. we'll go 80s inland. >> all right thank you steve. >> dramatic video shows the moment burglars swarmed a jewelry store. the ongoing search for more than a dozen people responsible and the baby formula shortage of 2022. back in the spotlight. what a new audit reveals about how the food and drug administr n hand ( ♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started.
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broke into a jewelry store. they smashed cases with hammers and other tools. this happened at a store on el camino real wednesday afternoon. now take a look at this video. police were able to arrest five people involved in this robbery and recover some of the jewelry, but the total value of what was stolen is still unclear. investigators are searching for the other people involved, and they say they are trying to determine if this incident is connected to a similar robbery in sunnyvale last month. the only hospital in the city of alameda is ending some medical procedures. the san francisco chronicle reports. the public alameda hospital will stop performing elective surgeries after june 30th. patients who had scheduled surgeries after that date will be sent to other hospitals in oakland and san leandro. hospital officials say the move is to help offset the cost of seismic upgrades. doctors nurses and county officials in the south bay are worried about a plan to close regional medical center's trauma
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center this summer. now they held what they call a lives lost rally. they walked with caskets, which they say was to symbolize the deadly consequences of closing the trauma center. county supervisor cindy chavez says for those people who live nearby, this is a serious concern. >> significant traumas will all be going to one of two trauma centers, either valley medical center or stanford. they're very far away from here. they are removing a life saving resource from our community. >> supporters of the trauma center say they started a petition that has now been signed by nearly 5000 people, urging state officials to step in and keep the doors open. the trauma center is scheduled to shut down in august. a new government audit finds the fda failed in its initial response to the nationwide shortage of baby formula two years ago. now, the federal office of inspector general issued its official report following a long and extensive investigation. it found the fda took 15 months to
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act on a whistleblower's complaint about the problems that led to a critical shortage at the nation's largest baby formula plant. >> need to have better reporting standards for the public to report to the problems for the fda to report its findings when things go wrong, making sure that the inspection process for factories is improved and handled better. >> the fda admits it made several mistakes in its response to the baby formula shortage, and the agency says it's doing everything possible to avoid similar mistakes in the future. ummi. the race to replace retiring congresswoman anna eshoo could lead to a change in california law, and donald trump appears on capitol hill for the first time since january 6th. we'll tell you what prompted the visit. you can have the morning headlines delivered right to you by signing up for the ktvu newsletter. just head to to sign up for that dai
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ask your doctor about lybalvi. looking for co-pay savings? for info text “copay” to 45286. [♪] we're looking at video of thieves crashing into an east bay liquor store. but it was not their first target. we're going to hear from the owners of two businesses affected and the alameda county fair kicks off today. we're going to take you there. we have a look at what's new this year from ktvu, fox two news. >> this is mornings on two.
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>> it's fair season. yes it is. i love fair season. >> welcome back to morning sun two. i'm pam cook and i like fridays too. >> i know you do. it's a fair day to enjoy the fair are very nice. clerk it is a friday, june 14th. steve thank you. >> so the weather is fair. >> the weather is fair. i'd say it's cool too. it is cool. >> there's no doubt about it. we are also dealing with low clouds increasing here, as you can see on the camera, in just a second. or if you're too busy, you can. i'll just tell you it's they're low. clouds have been increasing about the last 45 minutes. there are many 40s on the temps. i mean, these are these are actually warm compared to others. there's some mid 40s. occidental sonoma and san anselmo are all at 44 cool degrees. low clouds continue to kind of thicken up more toward the south. it'll be nice, nice. very nice today morning. low clouds, fog. chilly. lows many 40s. sunny. nice. warmer inland. but i'm not buying into the huge warm up. so we'll get 6070s and some low to mid 80s. all right. sounds here 530. anything are
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still friday light. >> it's friday light and we have better news in san jose. where that off ramp on 87 at taylor street has been reopened after a pretty serious crash there. you can see that the traffic is moving along okay in the south bay. let's talk about some of these other commutes here that we can see. i will say that traffic is looking good on all the bay area bridges right now on the triple a traffic camera at the bay bridge. we don't have a big backup at all. as a matter of fact, we're hoping that it just kind of rides out this way on fridays, especially in june, where we get a little bit of a break, but we'll see and we'll know pretty soon. it's 530. let's go back to the headlines. >> thank you. sal, police are looking for the people responsible for breaking into two east bay businesses. now, surveillance video shows a silver lexus repeatedly backing into the san leandro liquor store gourmet cellar on washington avenue. the car eventually busts through and knocks over an atm inside the store. now the thieves stole
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some cigarets but couldn't break into the atm, and they left just before police arrived. >> it's a shock even though you know it's going around, but you always think, okay, no, you. i mean, it's not going to happen to you. >> it's pretty sad, you know, to have a nice store and a community mom and pop store. there's a backbone of america. >> a short time later, police found the same lexus at the scene of a similar break in at a cannabis dispensary in east oakland. the car backed into and rammed the front fence and entrance to the business. the thieves did not get into the store, but the owner estimates there is about $100,000 in damage. >> our time is now 531. now we're hearing more about the allegations of discrimination against the alameda county district attorney, pamela price. price is facing allegations of discrimination made by her former spokesperson patty lee worked for pamela price as public information officer for six months last year until she was fired. she says she pointed out what she believed were
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illegal practices, including violations of california's public records act. patty lee is now filed a wrongful termination lawsuit claiming she was humiliated and bullied, and says pamela price once said that her enemies are, quote, the media and the asians at the district attorney. >> you can't fire the person in charge. the public information officer, for upholding sort of the sanctimony of transparent first amendment and so on. >> patty lee's firing followed an incident involving emily ragusa, the founder of the berkeley scanner. it's an independent daily crime news site. patty lee brought up concerns about why ragusa was denied access to the news conference in sunnyvale. >> authorities announced arrests in connection with a homicide. we covered in late april. now, the department says two juvenile suspects have been arrested, the first on tuesday, the second on thursday. this is video from citizen app from the scene on april 30th. now, officers say
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they found a man with several gunshot wounds in a car on south bernardo avenue, near east evelyn. he later died at the hospital. both suspects, who were arrested this week, are now booked at the county's juvenile hall. >> our time is now 5.32. the race to replace retiring south bay congresswoman anna eshoo could lead to a change in california law. state assemblyman evan low introduced a measure that would mandate automatic vote recounts in very close elections. now, evan low edged out santa clara county supervisor joe simitian in a recount after the march primary ended with a tie for second place. former san jose mayor sam liccardo came in first. well, now evan lo's proposed bill would mandate a vote recount by the state in any election with a margin of victory is extremely close. >> let's get the politics, or at least the perception of the politics out of it, and have a process that all can abide by in the counting of votes that we
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should have. the accountability and transparency without the political motivation. >> now, evan lo's bill would apply to any election where the margin of victory is less than a quarter percent or less than 25 votes. evan low will now face sam liccardo in the general election on november the 5th. neither liccardo nor joe simitian made any comments about the bill. well, the five major candidates for mayor of san francisco have this weekend to get ready for monday night's debate. now, those candidates are the current mayor, london breed, former supervisor and interim mayor mark farrell. supervisors aaron peskin and asha safai, and philanthropist daniel laurie. they faced each other in their first combined debate wednesday night. at the debate on monday is at uc law, san francisco. it will be hosted by the democratic county central committee. a third debate has now been scheduled for july the
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8th by the group stop crime sf. >> i think viewers and listeners know what the problems are in san francisco, and they were listening carefully for whether the plans put forward by these other candidates were realistic in that upcoming third debate, stop crime sf says san francisco voters in a more personal setting will be able to directly ask each of the candidates about issues in the city. >> first lady jill biden is in the bay area. she landed at moffett field in mountain view last night. first lady is in town to raise money for president biden's reelection campaign this afternoon. she'll attend a fundraising event in los gatos. after that, she'll head to lake tahoe. >> our time now. 535 donald trump made his first appearance on capitol hill since the january sixth attack. he held closed door meetings with congressional republicans trying to get the party unified before november. despite trump's legal problems, house speaker mike
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johnson says the republican party is on the same page, and he's optimistic about winning back vote. the white house and the us senate run like you're ten points behind. >> but we are very encouraged by the polling that shows that we know intuitively, and that is this thing is trending certainly in the right direction. >> they want this country to be great again, and we're going to make it great again. >> donald trump also talked to a business roundtable with ceos and laid out his plans for cutting inflation. >> the alameda county fair kicks off today in pleasanton. the gates open at noon, with the fair running all the way through july 7th. ktvu alice wirtz is there at the fairgrounds with what's in store this year. we hear some things are new. good morning alice. >> good morning pam. yes, we're here at the alameda county fairgrounds in pleasanton this year. they're promising food, fun, and a father's day fabulous weekend. this is the opening weekend and there's going to be
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lots of new entertainment this year, including in addition to horse racing and some live music. they'll also be offering some dog shows and bird shows. >> dogs are going through the course. they're jumping through the air, landing in the water. we also have a raptor show this year. raptors, birds of prey. super popular. you're going to see them up close and personal all. >> there will also be lots of food, over 100 booths with everything from the traditional fair turkey legs and a snow cones and cotton candy. but there's also going to be a global food offering including elote, ceviche and boba. and if you're interested in coming to the fair, you'll want to be sure to get your tickets and your parking passes online. this is a contactless admission this year, and if you go to our website, you'll be able to find the link
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for that. there's some offerings for special days like father's day, the first folks who get here in the morning get a free bottle opener, and there are some very entertaining opportunities. in addition to carnival rides, there's also live music. as we mentioned, horse racing. and coming up at 730, we'll be showing off some of the new foods that are going to be offered this year at the fair. we'll hope to bring that to you and give you some more information about all the tasty treats offered here at the alameda county fair. back to you at the desk. >> very nice. we look forward to that. alice thank you for that report. and it sounds like it's going to be fair weather i guess out there. not a big heat wave. steve. >> you know, my friend jeannie wasserman has worked out there. i'm going to say 40 years or something. she always. what's it going to be like? what's it going to? it's not going to be hot, i can tell you that. so i mean, it can be blazing out there sometimes this time of year. that is not the case. i
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don't think they have any plant based fried food for you. pamela. >> i know dave and i will get in line, but yeah, fresh squeezed lemonade. i'll be there. you go. >> i know they have that. all right. 44 occidental sonoma 44, san anselmo, 44 woodside, windsor. fairfax, palo alto and clayton, 45 to 48 cool degrees. that's a chilly morning for us here on june 14th. the woodside's 45. atherton's 48, stanford campus 47. menlo park is at 48 and pacifica at 50. at 49 and montara beach, pillar point, half moon bay, all at 51. so look at that. that's cool for us. west wind, west southwest or west northwest. and concord 16 south gusting to 25. so it's a pretty good little breeze. i cannot emphasize enough how cold these water temps are, which just leads always into some fog or low clouds or cool overnight lows, especially along the coast and in the city. this makes a major impact this time of year on the low in san francisco. if
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the water temperature for 5859, the city stays about 5758, not this summer, not so far 45. even at petaluma. there, i don't want to over overlook your petaluma there, today will be a little warmer. i'm not buying in. there's something unbelievable projections today, some near 90 others in the upper 70s. so i'm just kind of splitting the difference here. sunday nice, the wind will be with us. breezy at times. pretty good. fog bank forming right now. so look for highs 6070. i went 80s inland. >> all right, steve, thank you. time now. 539 some bay area dancers spreading pride through dance performances. we'll tell you more about a troup that is
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a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! did my legs shrink? i can move them. i mean, i knew alaska airlines' premium class
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had extra legroom but this... this feels different. okay. crazy idea. on the count of 3... i'm going to try and cross my... ohhhhhhhhhhh boyy that's nice. woooooo! ( ♪ )
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ahh! another morning to savor the crunchy nooks & crannies™ splendor of a thomas' english muffin! thom...which is a nook and which is a cranny? well, that's a nook. cranny. cranny. cranny. nook. cranny. i mean they should be teaching you this in school. huzzah! a toast to breakfast. top executives of a telehealth company based here in california were arrested in connection with a $100 million scam involving adderall. now the founder of dunne global was arrested yesterday in los angeles. the company's president was arrested in san rafael. the executives are accused of running a fraudulent scheme to give easy access to adderall over the internet by submitting false claims for reimbursements and obstructing justice if they're convicted. both could get up to
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20 years in prison. the abortion pill mifepristone will stay on the market after a supreme court decision. >> now, health officials say the medication was used in two thirds of all abortions in the u.s. last year. the justices ruled in favor of allowing patients to buy the pill, including online and through the mail. however, the justices also left the door open for future challenges. >> we'd have to happen is that you got a plaintiff who actually suffered an an injury, from mifepristone, who could come back and say, you know, if it hadn't been for the fda making this available without going through all the safety protocols, my injury would never have happened. >> and the court is still considering one other abortion case over whether federal law can force doctors to perform emergency abortions, even if state law prevents it. that ruling is expected by the end of the month. >> well, as part of our continuing coverage of pride
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month, a mexican folklore dance troupe is practicing for two upcoming pride performances this week in oakland and in hollister . they're great. the group combines ballet with indigenous, african and european elements. now, this group began performing back in 2015. they performed all over the bay area and in mexico. its artistic director says he uses dance to inspire and educate, while also representing the lgbtq community. >> the next chapter for folklorico colibri is for us to continue creating stories that are specific to the community, stories that are not always the happy ending story, but a lesbian wedding that perhaps is not accepted, gay coming out story a story of violence that gets perpetrated upon our trans community as well. >> and he says anybody can join
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the troupe regardless of their gender identity or the level of their dance skill. you can get more information on how to join this group by going to our website, ktvu dot com, and just click on this story. san francisco's jewish community center is hosting its annual pride festival tomorrow. >> the center says everyone is welcome. it will include crafts, and it will end with a family friendly drag show, followed by a small indoor parade. the pride festival runs from 3 to 5 tomorrow at the jewish community center near california and presidio avenue. now you can see all of our pride coverage from this month online. just visit ktvu .com for all of our stories. there's also available on our fox local app on your smart tv. >> all right, our time is 546. tesla shareholders have voted to restore elon musk's record breaking $56 billion pay package. now, the stock compensation plan was approved by the board and by investors six years ago. but it's been tied up in court since then.
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after a shareholder claimed that elon musk essentially controlled the board that approved the pay package. even with that approval, though, the issue is still expected to stay tied up in courts for months. yesterday, the shareholders also approved moving tesla's legal headquarters to texas out of delaware. >> a summit summer skincare product is being recalled over contamination issues. las vegas based sun integrity is voluntarily recalling nine lots of its impeccable skin sunscreen foundation products. now take a look at this packaging. the fda says higher than acceptable levels of mold was found in some of the tubes. the mold could cause potential allergic skin reactions, fungal infections, or wounds on sunburn skin. the products are also sold online and in stores. >> all right, our time is 547. more and more americans may end up working well past their planned date to retire. that's
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according to a new report from the census bureau. it says about half of u.s. adults between the ages of 55 and 66 have no personal retirement savings, and that may cause big financial problems for older workers who were hoping to retire. >> the worker has to decide how much to save, and they have to decide where to put it. they have to decide once they retire, at what rate do they draw it down on? >> now, the census bureau study found most 401 k retirement plans benefit americans with higher incomes, who can afford to put some money away. >> cal fire is launching a first of its kind program to make homes more fire resistant. it provides up to $40,000 for low income homeowners in high risk areas. the pilot program involves communities in lake shasta, siskiyou and el dorado, tuolumne and san diego counties. the goal is to retrofit 2500 homes and create a template for other california communities.
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>> this program helps make sure that all californians have access to wildfire resiliency. >> a lot of our focus is on ember intrusion. so as embers pile up, it creates a higher btu and it can catch a home on fire almost from within or underneath . >> cal fire says it will formally present a report to state lawmakers next month about the success of the fire safety program. >> all right, pam, time is 548. it's friday morning. yes. you get to check in with sal. so far, it sounds like you're giving us a friday light so far. >> yeah. dave and pam. so far looks pretty good. i've been. it's just kind of looking around at a couple of things, but not a lot of slowing. let's go to the sunol grade. there's a new stalled vehicle southbound 688 on friday. road stalled in one of the lanes. hopefully it won't turn into a crash. just be careful if you're driving there soon. if you look at our aa traffic camera, the bay bridge is not showing a lot. remember, usually we don't see anything before six on, especially on a
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friday. so we'll see what happens in the next hour. but so far so good. 549 let's bring steve back in with today's weather. >> all right sal, thank you. a lot of low clouds and fog trying to pick up the pace here, but not before you have some unseasonably cool lows here. many 40s on the temps. menlo parks in there, napa airport, san rafael, petaluma, santa rosa i did see some 44 degree readings. occidental is in there at 44. sonoma is also 44. san anselmo 44. and we are running cooler than 24 hours ago. petaluma leading the way at minus seven novato minus five mountain view minus five minus four for san jose livermore and santa rosa. so it feels cooler to you. it is 39. truckee, 46, south lake tahoe 38. now down in mammoth. so a little chill up in the mountains, although we are noticeably cooler here today will be a little warmer. i'm not buying into a huge warm up, but we'll get back into the 80s for some inland, but it looks like 6070s by the coast. pretty good.
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fog bank continues to kind of keep ramping up here, so that's going to keep many along the coast here with 60s 70s around the bay i'll go 80s inland. and temperatures probably next week will all be about winds, especially sunday into monday. fighting for justice. >> and no more deportation and no more deportation. >> 12 years ago, lives changed for hundreds of thousands of undocumented youth. coming up next in our 6:00 hour, the call to action by immigrant advocates as the daca program marks another year. >> and next week, the san francisco giants will be playing in alabama ummah at an historic field honoring the leagues. we'll let you hear from the man behind the effort to bring the giants to birmingham, alabama
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it's time to get away and cash in at cache creek casino resort. to rock and to roll. to go all out or go all in with four stars and rising stars. northern california's premier casino resort is the perfect place to do as much... or as little as you want. make your getaway now
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and cache in at cache creek casino resort. one bite of a 100% angus beef ball park frank and you'll say... ...hello summer! oh yeah, it's ball park season.
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remove the controversial bike lanes on valencia street. now, last august, muni started a year long pilot program to see if center running bike lanes would improve the safety in the mission district. well, now, after getting lots of pushback from business owners, cyclists and drivers, city will end this experiment early and get ready to push the bike lanes to the sides of the street. >> the main reason why we went with the center running design was to support the local
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merchants in their parklets. now now that we have heard from them, we're realizing that the best option for both safety and to support the local merchants is likely a side running design. >> now, the city hopes to get board of supervisor approval for the new plan next week. >> a fundraising event in san jose is raising money for survivors of gender based violence. the annual walk a mile in their shoes took place at santana row. it's a lighthearted event with a serious message. participants marched down the street with their families, many in high heels, to raise money for services and programs for survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault and human trafficking. >> this is a really important cross gender subject that affects affects everybody, no matter how they identify. so it's important to give a voice to those people wherever they are. >> the event was hosted by ymca, golden gate, silicon valley and
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kaiser permanente. registration was $68 because organizers say a sexual assault occurs every 68 seconds in the u.s. >> our time now. 555 tonight, the giants begin a weekend series against the la angels at oracle park. the giants won two out of the three games at home against the houston astros earlier this week. giants right now are one game below 500. they trailed the dodgers and the padres in the national league west. meantime the oakland a's will play the twins in minnesota tonight trying to break a six game losing streak. last night, the a's lost to the twins 6 to 2. pitcher luis medina had a tough night. he gave up four runs in five innings in his third start of the season for the a's. >> excitement is building for the giants special game next week to honor the leagues. the giants will face saint the saint louis cardinals in birmingham, alabama, at historic rickwood field. it's the oldest
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professional ballpark in the united states, and where giants legend willie mays began his pro career back in 1948 with the birmingham black barons. ktvu spoke to gerald watkins, who runs a nonprofit to preserve the ballpark and led the effort to bring major league baseball back to rickwood field, was the talk about the wrecking ball and a group of concerned citizens, mostly gentlemen, that have been here as children with their fathers or grandfathers said, hey, we can't lose this building, we can't lose this facility. >> the hall of famers that have come through here, 182 of them, quite a few of them are leaguers that never made it to the big leagues, but they all had a time and place in history, and they had a time here. and we want to celebrate that with everyone. >> both the giants and the cardinals will wear special uniforms next thursday night in honor of the league. >> and pam ktvu greg lee will bring us live coverage from alabama. he'll be traveling there next week. you'll also be
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able to see the giants game right here on ktvu. our coverage begins next thursday, 2:30 p.m. the game starts at 4 p.m. well, the san francisco giants mascot, lucille, has been named to the mascot hall of fame's class of 2024. lucille went on social media thanking fans and giants with their votes and the support. lucille has been the mascot of the giants since 1997 and joins the houston astros orbit. the jacksonville jaguars, jacksonville and the university of montana's mountain in this year's class. as some of the other major league baseball mascots already in the hall of fame include the oriole bird, the phillie phanatic, and mr. met. >> well, there's a new record holder for the tallest dog in the world. take a look. that's kevin, the magnificent great dane from west des moines, iowa.
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look at that. well, you can't keep anything away from that dog on the counter, right? guinness world records crowned kevin the tallest dog on earth. the three year old dog stands three feet, two inches tall. >> all right, the community in san francisco came together honoring a man who was hit and killed in a hit and run crash. it is the 10th pedestrian to die on the streets of san francisco this year. >> traffic here is very fast. they run the red light. >> this is full of kids, parents , families. this is a residential corridor. >> and as bart gets ready to celebrate an extension and with the groundbreaking, we'll tell you about an audit that finds the vta did not handle this project properly. and what this means for the future of the agency from ktvu. >> fox two news. this is mornings on two. well good morning to you and thank you for joining us. >> welcome to mornings on two
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i'm dave clark. >> good morning i'm pam cook. it's friday june 14th. you can see right behind us a live shot of the oakland estuary. it's nice. it's gray a lot of people like that. and it's cool. >> yes, it is unseasonably cool for us here this morning. for us on june 14th. i'm not usually talking about mid 40s for lows, but that's what we have for some here. santa rosa has a little bit of fog 49, but not far away 44 occidental sonoma is also 44. san anselmo 44. livermore 48. palo alto 47. these are cool lows, no doubt about it. low clouds are forming. they're thicker to the south or more, i should say widespread south. but some is making its move north as well, otherwise it'll be nice. nice. very nice today. forecast highs today are incredibly all over the map, if you will, from i mean, anywhere from upper 70s to 90s. i'm kind of splitting the difference. i don't buy that. it's just too cool right now. it'll be a little warmer inland though. we'll go 60s 70s to low and mid 80s inland. all right. south here at 6:00 and good bad. what
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>> yeah. for the most part. good. there is a new crash on highway 37 right. at 121, steve. and that would be a pickup truck that ran into something and is now on fire. the medics are on the way along with the fire department, but after that, the commute looks okay to novato. there's some slowing on 37 getting out of vallejo, heading toward novato bay bridge is not, does not have a backup. now. hopefully it'll be a friday light commute for most on this friday in june, 6:00. let's go back to the desk. >> thank you. sal. today, santa clara vta will officially begin work on adding a bart station to the south bay at the same time, the transit agency is responding to a state audit on its leadership. ktvu james torres joins us now to explain the plans and break down this audit. >> james, pam, good morning to you. will a public transportation expansion that's been in the works for years. it's also been delayed for years. vta is leading the charge to add six more miles of train track and four more bart stations, extending through the city of san jose. and while that part of it is well celebrated,
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the vta is also working through recommendations out of a state audit. state assembly member marc berman called for the audit in 2022. that's when he questioned vta's management and its oversight. the report recommended the transit agency reform, its oversight and a couple of different ways. as it stands, each board member must be an elected official, which the audit says could be a problem if those officials don't have any experience in transit. it also mentions the short tenure each board member serves. it's only about two years, which is shorter than other similar agencies. in general, the audit says vta is working through most of its recommendations, but did mention vta rejected two proposals, one regarding those term limits and another adding more public transportation to the board. appointment process. transparency rather to the board appointment process. in a press release, vta leaders called the audit thorough, fair, and thoughtful, but did not address rejecting those recommendations. in a statement, assembly member
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berman said, quote, i do not understand why vta would choose to protect their power to appoint and remove board members behind closed doors with no public transparency or justification, undermining the agency's accountability to residents. i do not understand why vta thinks it is better for board members to serve for shorter amounts of time, given the breadth and complexity of the services vta provides. now, vta is required to check in with the state on its progress throughout their recommendations as they work through those recommendations, the bart expansion is something that's going to take a while. it's set to be completed by 2037. pam. >> all right, thank you, james. oakland's new police chief, floyd mitchell, outlined his first proposed budget for the department. chief mitchell last night gave details of his $346 million budget plan. during the meeting of the police commission, he says the plan will freeze staffing levels at 678 officers, and that there will not be any layoffs. however, he says some civilian positions may be eliminated, like crime scene technicians and evidence technicians. the chief
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says his priority is getting back to basics, providing high visibility on our streets and responding to 911 calls for service because that's where we are at this point in time. >> when you have a police department that is slowly shrinking and they'll call for service or the workload is getting better, bigger, you have to really focus on what you can do. >> police chief mitchell has been on the job for about a month now, and says most of his budget plan was already in place before he arrived in oakland. >> our time is now 604 city leaders in san jose now allowing homeowners to sell accessory dwelling units as separate pieces of property. a state law that was passed last year allows this change. san jose is the first city to use the policy. now adus, or backyard homes made up almost a third of all new housing in san jose last year. about 400 units. housing advocates believe the measure could bring much needed inventory to the housing market,
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with extra benefits and price points that don't exist at lower cost than we can otherwise do in the market. >> right now, and in parts of the city that are otherwise totally inaccessible. >> now. city council voted on the measure last week. a second reading is set for next week, and the measure could take effect by late july. >> in east oakland, a new affordable housing development is now open. it was a grand opening at ax cherry hill apartments at 94th avenue and international boulevard, a 55 unit mixed use development, and 14 of the apartments are for households that are leaving. being that are have been homeless. the development also has community spaces and a health clinic on the ground floor. >> one of several projects in this neighborhood, and it combines housing and community spaces and, community organizing and health services, really
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holistically looks at the needs of a community. >> and the people in east oakland deserve to have a nice, clean, beautiful place to live, thank god. can we give up a round of applause again for mister charles? >> the development was built through a public private partnership between the city of oakland and acts community development corporation. >> our time is now 606. a capitola boat and bait shop that was destroyed during last year's winter storm is a step closer to reopening. capitola city council has now unanimously approved a short term wharf use agreement. it will allow the city to rent or buy temporary structures to allow boat rentals and repairs, as well as water taxi operations. the city says the temporary buildings will cost about $25,000. that shop has called the wharf home since the 1980s. their hoping to be open again by september. >> the east bay city of pittsburg has grown a little bit larger following a vote this week. a 600 acre property in the
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hills southwest of pittsburg was officially annexed into the city limits. now, that clears the way for an east bay developer to build as many as 1500 new single family homes. however, environmentalists and other critics of the proposed housing development are worried about how this project will affect the current area of open space. >> our time is now 606 the alameda county fair. it starts today in pleasanton, and organizers hope to outdraw last year's attendance, which was about 445,000 spectators during 24 days. now, the activities this year include things like the classic ferris wheel, fireworks, a drone show and a variety of delicious foods. and among the performers, look on your screen, you've got the dogs performing. e-40, the bay area rapper, will be there, and the 80s female group exposé. the staff recommends you need to check out the new dog and raptor shows dogs are going through the course.
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>> they're jumping through the air, landing in the water. we also have a raptor show this year. raptors, birds of prey. super popular. you'll get to see them up close and personal. >> the alameda county fair runs until july 7th at the alameda county fairgrounds on valley avenue. by the way, you need to buy tickets and parking passes online. you can go to click on web links to get information. and by the way, there are ticket kiosks at the fair. prices are the same as they are online. >> new affordable townhomes and adus are coming to milpitas. the qualifications for people hoping to land a spot plus have some something that creates like your own. >> you can actually create your own space, that's, it means so much and the funding has been secured for an oakland nonprofit group that houses low income senior citizens. >> what the organization
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promises to do with that new funding
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switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! first class this way. mr. paulson, 66, to seattle, save you a seat, pamela. of course. los angeles fog again. 70 degrees nice in honolulu, but that's pretty typical. 87 degrees. and there goes our
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flight. we're making good time. we're going to get there early this time. and if you're going if you're going up to minneapolis my goodness cool 70 there chicago. not bad a lot of a lot of rain. still in miami phoenix and las vegas 108. >> all right. thank you steve a lot of good places to head to. well a pedestrian safety group led a vigil for the victim of a deadly hit and run in san francisco. >> yeah, the leaders of that vigil last night say that death reflects a bigger problem in san francisco. ktvu is andre senior. and here now is here now with those details, andre, we reported a lot about the situations like this in the past. >> it's happened again last night's vigil was held in the city's bernal heights neighborhood. that's where a 41 year old man was struck and killed while crossing the street . and that happened early monday morning. police are still searching for the driver responsible for this tragedy. the safety group walk sf organizing this vigil. the leaders of that group say the city needs to make safety improvements on mission street
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near cortland avenue, where the victim was killed and they say similar safety upgrades must be made in other dangerous intersections all across san francisco. >> designing our streets for bike and ped and people taking the bus. it's the best way that we're going to get to zero fatalities and really bring down the serious injuries. >> san francisco transit leaders say the city has installed more speed cameras and posed new traffic safety rules, and created more dedicated bike lanes. in just the past few years. but walk sf says it needs to do much more and one person who uses his bike to get around the city strongly agrees. >> i'm inactive like a very frequent biker, so. and a walker so. so it is important for me to like have pedestrian safety. and i think there's a lot of work that the city should be doing that i don't see being done. and i wish that the city did more. >> meantime, san francisco police continue their investigation into monday night's deadly hit and run crash
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. investigators want to hear from any witness who can provide more information. they're also hoping someone will step forward with cell phone video of that deadly crash. we'll keep you updated on this story, dave. we'll send it back to you. >> all right. andre. thank you. time is 613. police in san mateo say a suspect was arrested in connection with the shooting. that led to a shelter in place. order just after 430 yesterday afternoon. the police rushed to reports of a shooting near hillsdale boulevard east of highway 101. the shooting suspect, according to police, surrendered after he was found hiding in an apartment complex. >> officers were able to locate the suspect, who was in the apartment complex located behind me. after a plan was put in place, the suspect finally exited the apartment and was safely detained. >> and then immediately after that, the shelter in place order was lifted. the police also say the shooting victim was found in san carlos a short time later.
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there's no word yet on his condition. a not guilty verdict was handed down against a former antioch police officer who was accused of assault. >> matthew nutt was accused back in 2022 of beating a suspect during an arrest. it was recorded on body cam. nutt was fired by antioch police after the department determined that he violated the department's policies of use of force. now he was acquitted of the assault charge, and during the trial, his lawyers argued that he used moderate force and that the suspect was faking a panic attack. >> our time now. 615 surveillance video from sunnyvale shows the moment that about 20 people broke into a jewelry store. take a look. they smashed cases with hammers and other tools. it's all happened at a store on el camino real wednesday afternoon. police were able to arrest five people who were involved in the robbery, and they recovered some of the stolen jewelry. but the total value of what was stolen, we still don't know. investigator
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are searching for the other people involved and say they want to know if this incident is connected to a similar robbery. last month in sunnyvale, the only hospital in the city of alameda is ending some medical procedures, the san francisco chronicle reports. >> the public alameda hospital will stop performing elective surgeries after june 30th. now, patients who had scheduled surgeries after that date will be sent to other hospitals in oakland and san leandro. hospital officials say the move is to help offset the cost of seismic upgrades. >> is now 616 doctors, nurses, county officials in the south bay worrying about plans to close regional medical centers trauma center. this summer. they held what they call a lives lost rally. they walked with caskets. they say it symbolizes the deadly consequences of the closure of that trauma center. county supervisor cindy chavez says with the people who live nearby, this is a major concern. >> significant traumas will all
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be going to one of two trauma centers, either valley medical center or stanford. they're very far away from here. they are removing a life saving resource from our community. >> supporters of the trauma center say they started a petition. they've now have almost 5000 people signing it, urging state officials to step in and keep those doors open. the trauma center is scheduled to shut down in august. >> this weekend, saint mary's senior center in oakland will hold its annual gala celebrating 51 years in service. and there's a special reason to celebrate this year. the facility on brockhurst street has received $2 million for new transitional housing. many people who found a home at the center say it has provided something they have not experienced in many years. >> as you're completely safe, how long has it been since you felt safe? since 2000. >> they say safety is something they appreciate the most. some
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came here after experiencing homelessness for months a year that's a long time. >> a year sleeping in the car, running from place to place. >> at the time when they first became a client here i was living in my car, so i lived in my car for about a year. >> the goal for seniors is permanent housing. last year, 50 seniors achieved that goal. however, many others are still waiting to move into a permanent home. >> we wish them well. >> we do. >> you can toss me. >> go ahead. hey, steve, how about our weather? all right, i'm going to go down memory lane here first. >> now, today, 6452 for the city. average is 6753. what's notable is the record high for june 14th was 103. in san francisco. santa rosa was 108, san jose was 107. the reason why that is memorable is because me and my buddy mike delfino, went to a giants game that day.
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what's what's mike? if you're watching or recording what's what's crazy is that that was 24 years ago. but i remember like it was yesterday. the giants beat the reds 6 to 2. we sat on the first base side and man was it hot coming out of there. but on this date in 2103, in san francisco, and there are many in san francisco saying, would you please not remind us of that? all right. lows this morning quite cool. occidental sonoma san anselmo, terra linda is in there as well. woodside, windsor, fairfax, palo alto, clayton all between 44 and 48 to cool degrees west southwest fairfield 25 i mean concord south gusting to 25. i'm having a hard time buying into some of these upper 80s and 90s today when the water temps are this cold, there's fog, cool lows, and the wind is also a rather front and center as well for many 40s 50s on the temps here, the system coming out of the gulf of alaska will arrive here sunday, monday for a ramp up on
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the wind. and it does look unseasonably cool to me. i there's a lot of disagreement here going forward. but today, sunday. nice. i'm going just low to mid 80s inland. i'm not buying some of these big warm ups 60s 70s elsewhere. it will be still nice on saturday. the wind will be the big story sunday into monday. >> you guys all right. thank you steve a berkeley task force is working on reparations for black students. we have the details. up next. and a warning for colleges that do not condemn anti-semitism on campus. the measure is being considered owing
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this van just hit me out of nowhere. i thought i was dead. after the accident, i was in a lot of pain and i decided that i needed to get an attorney because i could not work. i called jacoby & meyers they had their own dream team for every need, every area. they took care of me like a queen. i would recommend you call jacoby & meyers they really went to bat for me.
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day at the g7 summit in southern italy. he just wrapped up a meeting with italy's prime minister about migration throughout europe and support for ukraine against russia. now the president is using the summit to build support for a cease fire plan between israel and hamas. >> president biden, did you all have a chance to discuss a possible cease fire? yes >> it's another reminder that to putin, were not backing down. in fact, we're standing together against this illegal aggression. >> and in just a few hours, pope francis will address the g7 summit. and he's expected to talk about migration, climate change and the dangers of artificial intelligence. members of congress are threatening to take action against colleges if they don't condemn anti-semitism on campus. now, they held a
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hearing titled crisis on campus anti semitism, radical faculty and the failure of university leadership. witnesses included a graduate of cornell university and an assistant professor from columbia university. they claim the schools nationwide are not doing enough to protect jewish students and faculty from violent protests. >> the message was very clear rules are meaningless and lawlessness is rewarded. we must hold accountable the faculty who openly support and celebrate terrorism. >> now the lawmakers are considering things like revoking the tax exempt status of schools that allow anti-semitism to spread on their campus. republican lawmakers also want to investigate the funding for the protests. and if the money came from foreign governments, a city task force is recommending berkeley schools consider providing financial payments to the city's black students, who are descendants of slavery. now berkeley's 18 member reparations task force presented its
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official report to the berkeley unified school district board wednesday night. the panel said its 54 page report boils down to three main suggestions. >> we considered 12 possible funding sources, but we are here to recommend three. first is solicit philanthropic corporate giving. second, initiate a lawsuit. third, propose a tax measure via initiative with the task force. >> also says the reparations program could be funded by corporations and local philanthropic foundations. berkeley city leaders did not reveal what the next step may be in this reparations effort, but san francisco giants mascot lucille has been named to the mascot hall of fame's class of 2024, lucille took to social media to thank fans and the giants for their votes and support. lucille has been mascot of the giants since 1997. lucille joins the houston astros
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orbit the jacksonville jaguars, jacksonville and the university of montana's mountain. this year's class. some of the other major league baseball mascots already are in that club. they include the oriole bird, the phillie phanatic, and mr. met. the biggest world soccer championship of the summer are here on ktvu and fox sports. it all starts this morning. you're going to be able to watch the copa america and european championship tournaments here on ktvu. the first match is just a few hours away and we have your coverage starting with match day live right after mornings on two at 10 a.m, followed by the match between germany and scotland. well, for the first time since the january 6th riot, donald trump returns to capitol hill. why he made that trip and the mission to make homes more fire resistant. we'll talk about the new pilot program that has been introduced to support low income homeowners.
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more deportation. 12 years ago, the lives of hundreds of thousands of undocumented youth changed. you have the latest on the fate of the daca program, as it marks another year. >> from ktvu, fox two news. this is mornings on two. >> all right. as we take you live to the opening bell this morning, it looks like the numbers are headed lower, maybe cooling down a little bit, just to let you know, those are black legislative leaders of network ringing the opening bell, celebrating juneteenth. juneteenth? yes. so they are. they're ringing the bell. we welcome them, and hopefully they can turn things around. those are several representatives, ringing the bell. yeah i'm looking at the numbers as well. so it does look like a down day. but we've had some good gains this week. we'll have all your business news coming up. thank you for waking up with us here on mornings on two. i'm pam cook
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and good morning i'm dave clark pam it's friday it is friday. >> friday is june 14th. and steve outside still cool. like you said it would be in the skies opening up to. >> it is, quite cool for us for this time of year. on june 14th, we're seeing a lot of a lot of 40s on the temps here. santa rosa 49, livermore 48, palo alto 46. so yes, indeed. cool. no doubt about it. fog is out there. not as widespread as yesterday, but there's still plenty of low clouds dancing around. but today will still be nice. nice. very nice. as we get temperatures coming up a little bit from yesterday. it was a cool one yesterday, the breeze will still be there, but 60s, 70s and 80s. all right. sal c or anything new, well, we do have a look at some of these commutes that are beginning to wake up. for example, the richmond bridge now has a little bit of a backup, steve, as we go to our triple a traffic camera, you will see there's a little bit of a backup here. nothing too severe, but there is a backup. there's no backup yet at the toll plaza to speak of. we have
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been looking at. oops. went to the wrong thing there. let's see if i can get the map of the altamont pass up. yes. there's some slow traffic there. nothing like yesterday. but the travel into the livermore valley looks okay. 631 let's go back to the desk. >> all right. thank you. sal. police are looking for the people responsible for breaking into two east bay businesses. surveillance video shows a silver lexus repeatedly backing into the san leandro liquor store. gourmet cellar on washington avenue. now, the car eventually busts through and knocks over an atm. the thieves stole some cigarets, but they couldn't break into the atm, and they left just before police arrived. >> it's a shock even though you know it's going around, but you always think, okay, no, you. i mean, it's not going to happen to you. it's pretty sad, you know, to have a nice store and a community mom pop store. >> there's a backbone of america . >> a short time later, police
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found the same lexus at the scene of a similar break in at a cannabis dispensary in east oakland. the car backed into and rammed the front fence and entrance of the business. the thieves did not get into the store, but the owner estimates $100,000 in damages. >> our time now. 632 first lady jill biden is here in the bay area. she flew in last night landing at moffett field in mountain view. now the first lady is here to raise money for president biden's reelection campaign this afternoon, she'll be in los gatos to attend a fundraising event and after that, she'll head to lake tahoe. donald trump made his first appearance on capitol hill since the january 6th attack. >> trump held closed door meetings with congressional republicans to try to get the party united before november. now, despite trump's legal issues, house speaker mike johnson says the party is on the same page and is optimistic about winning back the white house and the senate. >> run like you're ten points behind. but we are very encouraged by the polling that shows what we know intuitively,
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and that is this thing is trending certainly in the right direction. >> they want this country to be great again, and we're going to make it great again. >> trump also spoke at a business roundtable with ceos, where he outlined his plans to cut inflation. >> our time is now 633. tomorrow is the 12th anniversary of daca. the deferred action for childhood arrivals program, providing for justice, fighting for justice. >> no more deportations and no more deportations. >> now you see here a group of daca recipients and supporters gathered on capitol hill, urging the biden administration to expand protection for so-called dreamers. adjoining this group was california senator alex padilla, who says president biden can help daca recipients as well as undocumented communities through bold executive action. >> i'm talking about teachers and caregivers, nurses and doctors, people who have grown
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up in america, just like so many us citizens, but do not enjoy legal status. >> i, along with my family and millions of other daca recipients, should be able to feel safe in the place we call home, free from the ever present shadow that we are only one policy away from being stripped from friends and loved ones. >> now there are about 530,000 dreamers here in the us, people who came to the country as children, who later applied for and received temporary, lawful immigration status. however, that policy is right now being litigated in the courts. now, supporters of daca say the program has made a big difference for undocumented immigrants. when daca began back in 2012, 61% were in the labor force. now it's up to 88. the median income was just $4,000. now it's at $37,000, and 35% went on to college. since its
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inception, almost every recipient has graduated from a us high school, and half of them have gone on to college, which, all right, guess what? >> the alameda county fair kicks off today in pleasanton. >> do i get to eat any of the food? >> do you should i will the gates open at noon. >> it will run all the way through july the 7th and ktvu. alice words is already there at the fairgrounds to give us a preview. good morning alice. >> good morning dave. good morning pam. yeah, it's county fair season and we're here in pleasanton at the alameda county fair this year. they're going to have over 100 food booths. so if you're hungry, this is the place to be. there's also going to be a lot of new entertainment, including dogs and bird shows. >> dogs are going through the course. they're jumping through the air, landing in the water. we also have a raptor show this year. raptors, birds of prey, super popular. you get to see them up close and personal.
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>> now there's also going to be a lot of food. here's in addition to the regular standards like corn dogs, turkey legs, cotton candy. there's also going to be some global offerings, including elote and ceviche and boba. now at 730, we're going to show you some demonstrations of what they're calling the foodies choice awards. there are new items on the menus from some of the vendors here. the food vendors and folks will be able to vote using a qr code. at 730. we'll have a couple of demonstrations of some of these new items. there very interesting. dave and pam, i want to know if you're going to be interested in eating things like spam fries, you know, i don't think i'm going to try the spam fries this time. >> not me or deep fried oreos, but i do like when they have fresh squeezed lemonade. some of the fairs have crepes that they make and fair foods fun, right? >> yeah.
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>> you try some for me, alice. okay. thank you. alice. >> oh, yeah. well. we'll see. yeah. thank you. >> okay. >> all right. sal, do you have a favorite fair food, you know, i try to. i try to go with things that i can't normally get right or i don't know. how about this? i don't normally eat corn dogs. you know, throughout the year. i'm. i like them, but i just save them for the fair. right. and at the alameda county fair, they have the big ones. all right, let's go out and take a look at highway 37 westbound. we have that truck that caught fire after a collision and it did close lanes. you're still getting through, but there is a slowdown there. i think some people might be taking the richmond bridge instead. and avoiding 37, that's getting crowded as well. there's no crowd at the bay bridge. our triple a traffic camera showing us that it looks pretty good, and the south bay is pretty quiet. 638 here's a man who always eats clean. clean eating, clean living. >> i try more so than ever. i
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try sal, on this date in 2000, it was 103, in san francisco, 103. >> my goodness. yes you know what? i was at a giants game. >> i was at a giants game that day. sal >> i you know, in the year 2000, ken lawrence i was at a giants game too. i went to a lot of games that season, that was one hot one. also had a nice email from tom lawson. i hope that's right. he said he and his wife took the train up. the key was on the way back. it was so hot, the rails expanded and the air conditioning didn't work. i know that happened on muni. me and my buddy mike delfino. they had to shut 80 down and we had to help an elderly couple because it was so hot and there was no ac, the giants did win that game though. 6 to 2. so there you go. all right. there 103. my goodness. back in 24 years ago. that's the one that gets me dave 24 years ago. all right 40 this morning occidental sonoma san anselmo woodside windsor fairfax, palo alto, clayton and many others in
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there. larry says, hey, steve, 48, in felton this morning at 620. thank you, larry, i appreciate that. also you can 47 boulder creek. there's a little bit too much fog towards santa cruz and keeping them in the low 50s, but still cool enough. there are many travis west southwest 25 concord south gusting to 25. oakland west at 12. i'm just having a hard time buying into these really hot temps here that are summer forecasting, point, arena, water temp 49 point reyes 50 really cold water system will come out of here on sunday into monday, and the wind will be the big factor. today it's more sunshine and i went a little bit warmer on the temp. should be about the same on saturday. 6070s and 80s. >> all right thank you steve. cal fire is launching a first of its kind program to make homes more fire resistant. it provides up to $40,000 for low income homeowners in high risk fire areas. the pilot program involves several counties, including lake shasta, siskiyou, el dorado, tuolumne, and san diego. the goal is to retrofit 2500 homes and create a template for other california
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communities. >> this program helps make sure that all californians have access to wildfire resiliency. a lot of our focus is on ember intrusion, so as embers pile up, it creates a higher btu and it can catch a home on fire almost from within or underneath. >> cal fire says it will formally present a report to state lawmakers next month about the success of the fire safety program. >> all right, pam, time to 640 today. dozens of pelicans are going to be released back into the wild. there they go with the reason they spent weeks at an animal rescue center. >> you got one more in y
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to replace retiring bay area congresswoman anna eshoo could lead to a change in california law. now, assemblyman evan low has introduced a measure that would mandate automatic recounts in close elections. low edged out santa clara county supervisor joe simitian in a recount after the march primary ended with a tie for second place. former san jose mayor sam
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liccardo came in first. now, low's proposed bill would mandate a recount by the state in any election where the margin of victory is close. >> let's get the politics, or at least the perception of the politics out of it, and have a process that all can abide by in the counting of votes that we should have. the accountability and transparency without the political motivation. >> low's bill would apply to any election where the margin of victory is less than a quarter percent or less than 25 votes. low will face sam liccardo in the general election november 5th. neither liccardo nor joe simitian had a comment about the bill. >> all right. and time is 645. the five major candidates running for mayor of san francisco will spend this weekend getting ready for monday night's debate. the candidates include current mayor london breed, former supervisor and interim mayor mark farrell, supervisors aaron peskin and
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asha safai, and philanthropist daniel laurie. they debated each other wednesday night in their first combined debate. the debate on monday is at uc law, san francisco. it will be hosted by the democratic county central committee. a third debate has now been scheduled for july. the eighth by the group stop crime sf. >> i think viewers and listeners know what the problems are in san francisco, and they were listening carefully for whether the plans put forward by these other candidates were realistic. >> now, in the third debate, stop crime has ep, says san francisco voters in a more personal setting will be able to ask questions directly to each candidate in today's dollars and cents. >> waymo is now recalling its entire fleet of driverless vehicles. the decision comes after one of the vehicles hit a utility pole in phoenix. now it happened when the car was trying to perform a low speed maneuver. no injuries associated with the
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incident, but the company says the recall will include a software update to address the issue. bart's board of directors has voted to adopt a new $1 billion, two year budget. that move is set to avoid service cuts and continue investments into ride safety. the budget supports optimized train schedules, maintains the maximum 20 minute wait time on weekdays until 9 p.m. bart is also pushing for improved safety and cleanliness by reducing train lengths during off hours. the agency says it hopes to deter crime with more police riding the trains, and they plan to do that by adding 19 additional officers once current vacancies are filled. funds are also allocated for expanding the new taller fare gates at more of the stations, more americans could be working well past their planned retirement date and that's according to a new report from the u.s. census bureau. it found roughly half of u.s. adults between the ages of 55 and 66 have no personal retirement savings bank had no personal savings in 2017, and that could cause some big
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financial problems for those older workers hoping to retire. now the worker has to decide how much to save. >> they have to decide where to put it. they have to decide once they retire, at what rate do they draw it down? >> now, the census bureau's study found most 401 k retirement plans benefit americans with higher incomes. who can afford to put that money away. >> our time now. 647 in milpitas, city leaders approved a new housing development that's not far from the great mall. a home construction company plans to build 43 townhomes and 13 in-law units on tara court. the developer says six of the townhomes on the 2.3 acre site will be reserved for moderate income households. well, petsmart is helping dogs go for the gold with its new team usa collection. it's ahead of the 2024 summer olympics in paris. now take a look at this sporty collection. it pam i think mom
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may need this tracksuits. oh, cute. even plushy gold medals along with the team usa olympic items petsmart will host a one day only team usa themed doggy day camp experience. it will be on august 8th. it will feature exercise, games and treats for all of the puppies. oh that looks pretty good to me. >> all right. 648 today we have a good looking commute. you see what i did there? triple a traffic camera showing us that it is light at the bay bridge. it's not light everywhere though. we have some issues on highway 37 heading over from vallejo to marin county. we had a couple of different crashes and one car was fully involved in flames. no serious injuries, but 37 is not where you want to be, and on a friday it might surprise you. you might get out there thinking, oh, you know what? it's going to be a light
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commute. not for you on highway 37, the richmond bridge also pretty slow as some people heard about 37. they're going to use the richmond bridge to get there . it is not that good. again, the bay bridge was good and the south bay commute has been nice. we haven't seen a lot. it's a little more crowded now, but we haven't seen a lot going on in san jose. 649 let's bring steve back in with today's weather. >> all right sam, thanks. we do have some low clouds around, but there's some noticeable breaks in it. cool is the big weather word this morning. a lot of 40s, mid 40s. petaluma 47, san rafael's down to 46. terra linda i know san anselmo made it to 44. so did occidental and so did sonoma, menlo park made it to 48, now 50. so i think we bottomed out or the low clouds have come in, but we are running cooler, mountain view, san jose, four degrees cooler than yesterday at this time. same for livermore. novato, you lead the way at minus seven. how about that? santa rosa at three degrees cooler, system today will be nice. i bumped it up a little bit. i'm not buying into some big, big warm up, but if it
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happens, then it beats me. but i'm just not buying into the bay. the main message here going forward is going to be on sunday, monday and tuesday. today will be a little bit warmer. inland friday system is going to drop in pretty deep for us for this time of year. the wind will be the big factor sunday, monday and tuesday and it looks like it's going to be now. you know, any wind is really not good, but it looks like it'll stay northwesterly. and if that happens, the water temps, which are already cold might get even colder. we could see 48 degree water temps early next week, which is unbelievable . we'll deal with that next week. friday. sunshine, sunny, nice, a little bit warmer. 60s, 70s and 80s. i think saturday will be similar, but the wind is going to pick up here over the weekend, especially sunday into monday dave. >> all right. thank you. time now 651 happening today in sausalito. a group of rehabilitated brown pelicans are going to be released back into the wild. now. last month, the international bird rescue released the first group of rehabbed brown pelicans into the wild. today, more than 25 pelicans are going to be
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released at the base of the golden gate bridge at fort baker. these pelicans were among hundreds who were found starving since mid-april. scientists say the birds are having problems finding enough food because they just can't reach it. the fish are either down too deep or they're too far offshore. it is 651 protecting the senior community. the signs you should watch out for to identify cases of abuse or neglect of older people. and in san francisco, escalates as three teenagers challenge the city and its police department over a skateboarding event at dolores park, claiming unjust detainment . up next, at 7:00, the ruling that could allow almost 113 young people have their day in court. and an east bay charter school fighting back against the oakland school district and its decision to revoke the school's charter school leaders and families taking legal action, claiming unfair charter
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revocation, and they cite academic success. we'll be right back.
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doc? is world elder abuse awareness day. it was created by groups
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that include the world health organization, bringing awareness about the abuse, neglect and exploitation of senior citizens. 1 in 10 americans aged 60 or older have suffered some kind of elder abuse, and the warning signs include bruises, pressure marks, broken bones and burns. as many as 5 million senior americans are abused and often it's by a family member. social security administration launched a campaign aimed at protecting senior citizens physical abuse, like unexplained head injuries or bruises. >> neglect, such as poor hygiene or nutrition, financial abuse, including changes to wills, unusual requests to appoint a representative payee, large new purchases or unpaid bills despite sufficient finances, and emotional changes such as unusual fear, depression or isolation. >> now, both state and bay area
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officials will hold a news conference today in san francisco to talk about elder abuse, and the speakers will include california attorney general rob bonta, san francisco mayor london breed police chief bill scott and a lawyer representing victims of a $39 million scheme that targets senior citizens in chinatown. it is now 656 san francisco muni plans to remove the controversial bike lanes on valencia street. last august, muni started a year long pilot program to see if center running bike lanes would improve safety in the mission district. well, now, after getting lots of pushback from business owners, cyclists and drivers, the city will end this experiment early and get ready to push those bike lanes to the sides of the street. >> the main reason why we went with the center running design was to support the local merchants in their parklets, now that we have heard from them,
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we're realizing that the best option for both safety and to support the local merchants is likely a side running design. >> and next week, the city will look for getting board approval for this new plan. our time is 657, a fundraising event in san jose raising money for survivors of gender based violence. it was the annual walk a mile in their shoes event at santana row, a lighthearted event with a very serious message. the participants marched down the streets with their families, many wearing high heels, raising money for services and programs for survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault and human trafficking. >> this is a really important cross-gender subject that affects affects everybody, no matter how they identify. so it's important to give a voice to those people wherever they are now. >> the event was hosted by ymca golden gate, silicon valley and
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by kaiser permanente. registration $68. because organizers say a sexual assault happens every 68 seconds. here in the u.s, it is. 658 tonight, the san francisco giants begin a weekend series against the la angels at oracle park. the giants took two out of three games at home against the houston astros earlier this week. and right now, the giants are one game below 500. trailing the dodgers and the padres in the national league west. now, the oakland a's will play the twins in minnesota tonight. they're trying to break a six game losing streak. last night the a's lost to the twins 6 to 2. pitcher louis medina had a tough night on the mound. gave up four runs in five innings in his third start of the season for the oakland a's two. >> vta pushes forward with a long awaited bart expansion in san jose while grappling with
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state audit criticism looming amid the celebrations and concern is growing over the plans to close regional medical centers. trauma center. the message supporters are sending to state officials to step in to prevent it. >> from ktvu, fox two news this is mornings on two. >> good morning. thank you for waking up with us here on mornings on two. i'm pam cook garcia has the day off today. >> that's what it is. >> i don't want people to be late. >> yeah, okay. pam's here. i'm dave clark. it is a friday, june 14th. you will immediately notice it's cooler this morning. and steve had the forecast. he told you about it all week. >> it's for us for june 14th. it's a cool morning that's for sure. now again the nights are so short. we're almost to the longest day of this of the year here. coming up about what, six days away. so 40s and 50s. i don't think the 40s will last long, but to make it to 44 occidental, sonoma and san anselmo and terra


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