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tv   KTVU Mornings on 2  FOX  June 22, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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in place this year at lake merritt. >> i was more like, finally, finally, the truth is going to come out and everything is going to be revealed.
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>> and a former staffer of oakland mayor shengtao speaking out after this week's raid on her home as the mayor's attorney, says, tao has nothing to hide. all coming up from ktvu, fox two news. >> this is mornings on two and good morning one and all. >> happy saturday. welcome to ktvu mornings on two. i'm frank mallicoat. it is the first full weekend of summer as we kick it off here in late june. and let's say good morning to roberta gonzales somewhat. looks like kind of a soupy little day to start, really. >> it definitely is summertime right here in the bay area, isn't it, frank? yeah, it mother nature knows to roll it in doesn't it. absolutely. it's as if she knows the calendar. we do have a heat advisory in effect for our inland areas today. it will be short lived. it will be encompassing our inland areas only. we're talking about a warm day around the bay, 70s and 80s. but inland at 100 degrees at the hottest spot, mild at the
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seashore, with only partial clearing there. now, right now, this is looking out towards mount diablo, where in that surrounding area around danville and blackhawk. alamo. also back in through san ramon and into the tri-valley. we're talking about temperatures high 90s, 100 degrees. air quality will be on the moderate side. otherwise right now reporting temperatures from 50 degrees in santa rosa, 60 degrees in san jose, cupertino and campbell were later today. it will top off in the mid 90s. so go ahead and pick out your neighborhood. we're talking triple digits. fairfield, antioch, livermore, pleasanton full forecast minutes away. but right now let's send it right back on over to frank. >> all right roberta thank you for that. the oakland police department is stepping up their enforcement today in lake merritt for the city's annual lake fest event. the boost in police is all in response to wednesday's mass shooting. around 5000 people were all at the lake celebrating juneteenth
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when gunshots rang out. 15 people were shot. we're still working to find out the condition of the victims. so far, no arrests have been reported to learn more about lake fest safety and what you can expect today at the festival, let's get in to say good morning to ktvu betty, you, betty, you tell us about some of the new changes this year to ensure everyone has a good time, but more importantly, they're safe. >> good morning frank. and that's right. that's the goal. this year. this will be the fifth annual lake fest happening at lake merritt. really a celebration of culture and the community. now, lake fest shared video from last year's festivities, which are taking a look at now, today there will be about 170 vendors there showcasing their food, their creations and their crafts. there will be a kids zone and different stages where local artists will be performing new this year. lake fest added fencing around the perimeter that went up on friday and street closures to help with
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crowd control. opd said that they will add extra officers as well. now, the lake fest co-producer said that there have been no safety incidents here in years past, but they did want to add new safety measures this year to help put people at ease and make sure everyone has a good time. there will also be metal detectors and it will be a ticketed event. important to note lake fest organizers said that they plan to add these safety precautions before this week's violence at lake merritt. >> safety is our number one priority for the community. we want to be able to have these spaces where people can let their hair down and not have to worry about anything. like i said, this is a family friendly event. this is a place where i will bring my nieces, ages one in to 5 to 7. this is a really safe space. and so we had to do what we had to do to take those
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safety measurements for the community in order for them to feel like this is okay, i can come. everything's going to be okay. >> at the lake fest, co-producer said that this year about five vendors did decide to pull out of the event in light of this week's violence. but again, the majority, about 170, are still showing up as planned. it all gets underway at 11:00 this morning, frank. >> all right, betty, you live in oakland. betty, thank you for that. and here's a map of the road closures around the park, all an effort to increase public safety. you will not have access to any of these streets beginning at 8:00 this morning until 8:00 tonight. and we are following a number of new developments in this week's fbi raid on oakland mayor sheng tao home. ktvu is amber lee spoke with the mayor's attorney and her former chief of staff about what may be next in this rather complex situation, since the
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federal raids at oakland mayor sheng tao's home on maiden lane and three other locations thursday, she has not been seen publicly on this friday night. >> her attorney, anthony brass, tells me she has offered to speak with federal investigators next week. >> she is and has always been ready, willing and able to answer questions and ready, willing and able to cooperate in this investigation. the fbi had never approached her. this is the first she knows of the investigation. i wasn't surprised at all. >> you know, i was more like, finally, finally, the truth is going to come out. >> rania webb says she served as tao's chief of staff when tao was a city council member until just after she was officially sworn in as mayor in december of 2022. she tells me one reason she resigned the mayor told her to keep quiet when webb accused the mayor's partner of promising jobs to unqualified people, and that the raid on the homes and offices associated with the dong
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family, owners of calloway's, a recycling company, also didn't come as a surprise. webb says the dong's donated a large amount of money to tao's political campaign, claiming it was a pay to play scenario. i asked what she is accusing the mayor of making decisions that she knew was unethical and illegal. calloway's responded to the federal raids in a written statement. the company is confident that the government will conclude that it was not involved in any unlawful or improper activity. we spoke with tile's attorney before. webb spoke with us about her allegations. brass tells me he was hired by the mayor thursday and declined to say where she is currently. that she is trying to avoid distractions as she carries out her duties. >> she's going to continue to do the work of being the mayor of oakland, and she's going to be the citizen that everyone expects her to be, which is someone who is forthright and answers the questions they have. >> the mayor's attorney says he is working with federal
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investigators to set up a meeting so tao can answer their questions. it is scheduled for next week, but he declined to say exactly where or when. amber lee, ktvu, fox two news thank you. >> amber. this is not the first legal issue. the dung family has faced in 2021. the california fair political practice commission issued a finding of probable cause that the family's company, california waste solutions, made 93 illegal campaign contributions. the donations were made to numerous local campaigns, mostly for oakland and san jose city council, and told him more than $76,000. from june of 18 to september of 19, shengtao for city council received 13 such contributions, totaling $9,900. the fppc says this was done at the direction of andy dung, the owner's son. in the names of other people reimbursed by the company, and in 2017, the city
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of oakland sued cal waste for overcharging customers by about $6 million. oakland city administrator sent a letter to city employees trying to ensure the city will run smoothly. city administrator justin johnson said in part, quote here, all city services are being provided and the mission continues. i know that our community can continue to expect our best, he goes on to say, i know from the time i've spent with you already that oakland has had its share of eventful days and challenging moments. i am reaching out to tell you that across the board, you have always impressed and humbled our community with your dedication to your work and to serving our community together. and of course, we'll have continuing coverage of the story. you can check it out at our website at ktvu .com. there you can find the very latest developments as well as reaction from responses from city leaders . 709 your time. san francisco officials say the center bike lane on valencia street has not
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hurt businesses. the city's comptroller office releasing a report showing businesses between 15th and 23rd in the mission, were struggling before the lane was created in august of last year. now, the city's report acknowledges some businesses may have been negatively impacted by the bike lanes, but says an equal number have actually benefited despite the study, the sfmta voted earlier this month to move the bike lanes to the sides of the street again after pushback from businesses, cyclists and drivers alike. san mateo police department has announced it's setting up a dui checkpoint tonight that will be in the area of norfolk and luis prado streets, not far from east hillsdale boulevard. officers will be looking out for impaired drivers between the hours of 6:00 in the evening until 2:00 tomorrow morning. police say those charged with a first time dui face an average of 13,000
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$13,000 in fines and penalties, along with a suspended driver's license. also happening today, bart is suspending its rail operations at some stations in oakland, all due to a major track repair project. trains will not be stopping at the rockridge macarthur, the 19th street stations, both today and tomorrow. bart is setting up bus bridges, all to provide transportation for the passengers that are affected by the closure. bart says they are learning passengers there will be similar closures at bart stations in oakland once a month between now and the month of november. all right, we have some good news for those planning a trip south to california's central coast. caltrans says a four mile stretch of highway one in monterey county scheduled to reopen finally tomorrow morning. that section of the highway south of big sur has been closed for repairs since january of 2023 due to a landslide caused by a series of powerful winter storms. 718 months ago. well,
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coming up, a man is safe after spending five days lost up in the santa cruz mountains. how first responders found him and a middle school in berkeley has been red tagged and will not open in time for the fall. the surprising discovery made during renovations. >> it's the weekend and obviously you have outdoor activity plans, so you need to know about today's advisory. the bay area forecast is coming up right after his brief, fast fox
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one berkeley middle school. the next school year is already off to a rough start, and they only just started summer break. as ktvu jesse gary tells us, school repairs revealed a larger problem with far reaching impact . >> longfellow middle school in berkeley has survived two massive bay area earthquakes, economic upheaval and changing demographics. its latest foe may finally deal a death blow. >> there's been kind of this attempt to make up for years of infrastructure deficiencies. and finally, the remodels are happening and we get this news last week. first week out of vacation, that the remodel at
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longfellow is not going to be done. >> far from a remodel, longfellow needs to be rebuilt. installation of new windows june 7th revealed the presence of dry rot in the wood of the primary structural beams on the south side of the building. berkeley district officials weren't available to talk on camera, but in a message posted on its website, they say the supports of this building are crumbling and have created an unsafe condition. the structural integrity of this building has been compromised. we are working quickly to understand the scope and larger implications of this damage. >> my reaction was very be, shocked. i started texting all the parents that i know and it was automatically like, oh my goodness, over 500 longfellow students will be moved for two years while the problem is addressed. >> i think there's a lot of anxiety over that because we'd already been dealing with the pandemic and then this remodel project that wasn't really necessarily happening with the
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pace that the parents and that the community had hoped for. >> longfellow students will come here to the berkeley adult school for their classes for the next two academic years. it's about a mile and a half away. some parents say it shouldn't be a problem. others say that small distance could make a big difference. i have two schools that i have to do drop offs to in the morning, and one's in south berkeley, and so now we have to go all the way to the end of north berkeley. some parents and teachers are concerned with the disruptions they'll face in mid-august. the school district says wood rot is only on the southern face of the building. they'll submit plans with the state architect for approval. this rebuilding could cost some students their entire two year career at this school that's received a failing grade in berkeley, jesse gary, ktvu, fox two news a new survey shows teachers are working more hours with lower pay than other working americans. >> teachers who took part in a annual rant state survey
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reported working an average of 53 hours per week. the average worker logged 44 hours a week. educators who consider themselves underpaid said they would need a $16,000 annual pay increase to be adequately compensated for the hours they put in off the clock. teachers ranked dealing with student behavior and low salaries as the top sources of stress in those teaching jobs happening today. a ceremony will be held to honor a group of undocumented immigrants who arrived in the u.s. as children, also known as dreamers . 20 college bound students will be awarded scholarships at today's seeds to degrees event in palo alto. it will be hosted by catalino tapia. scholarship foundation san mateo county supervisor david canepa will be delivering the keynote address. canepa granted $100,000 to that foundation and summer is officially here. a first full weekend at many are gearing up
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for vacations filled with relaxation and hopefully and maybe some adventure. our question of the day on this saturday. are you glued to your phone during your vacation? and here are your options, phone on do not disturb. okay, you only keep your phone out to record your experience right now, both of those are leading the pack. or do you just stay on your phone to keep your family updated, head over to to weigh in and with that in mind, the bay area is heating up for the first big weekend of the summer. you got a big fog bank out there on the coast and on the bay, but the national weather service has issued a heat advisory for today. some parts of the bay could see triple digit temperatures. let's bring in our meteorologist rosemary oroczo. i know tahoe is going to be smoking hot, and if you live in brentwood, livermore, it's going to be a mighty hot as well. that's beautiful shot. you can see the bay and all that fog and
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some of the east bay hills. let's, let's say good morning to roberta. now shall we? >> yes. good morning. in the house. ready to rock and roll and i guess we're going to go ahead, frank, and start off with our dog walking forecast for today, because you got to get your best friend out early this morning because the temperatures will be on the rise very mildly, very quickly. temperatures at the beaches today by 9 a.m. into the 50s. 60s bayside and also in our inland areas. look, by lunchtime, though, the temperatures soar inland and also by the mid portion of the afternoon hours, i am going with an outside number today of 100 degrees that will be experienced pretty much in our inland areas. heat advisory. as frank was alluding to in the north bay, all of our inland areas. in fact, this does encompass the east bay. also the santa clara valley. most importantly, be prepared today. stay hydrated. if you're heading out to the alameda county fairgrounds, please keep in mind there's a
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lot of black asphalt there and it absorbs all that heat, so you definitely need to load up on the h2o and never leave your kids or the pets in the automobile, even if it's for a short amount of time, like 30s a minute. no, it heats up very rapidly. as frank was mentioning . we do have that fog bank. it's lining the coast. it's going to be very stubborn to clear today, but it will during the mid afternoon hours we see that faint stratus around the seashore. all the way into the bay this morning. but inland you can see that strawberry moon. if you get out there really quickly, you'll be able to see that full moon just hanging out there. all right. visibility is hampered in some of our areas due to the stratus. otherwise our current air temperatures 50 in santa rosa to 60 in san jose it's 57 degrees in walnut creek, temperatures are warmer than 24 hours ago by a good four degrees. the winds are slight. they will rotate to the northwest. that's a offshore push. 5 to 15mph later today. so here's the deal. we have some nice cool seasonal weather on wednesday. thursday we begin that heat up yesterday. today
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the hottest day of all. before the temperatures gradually slide for your sunday. so be prepared. i am forecasting fairfield at 100 degrees. same thing around the livermore area. pleasanton, dublin, san ramon backing all the way into blackhawk and alamo 100 pittsburg and antioch 89 degrees in redwood city. not good for all of you that do not have any ac temperatures come down. you'll notice the difference on sunday. and then, frank, we are entering a summertime weather pattern, the summer doldrums early in the month of june from monday through wednesday. >> yeah, a little bit of fog and a whole lot of heat. hello, summertime. thank you very much, roberta. coming up, soccer fans will flood into levi's stadium today as two of the top national teams will battle it out. the excitement building across the south bay for copa america. when we come back
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if you feel like things don't add up right now... you're not alone. rent is up, and every family outing costs an arm and a leg. well, we want to help. so when prices go up, we find new ways to go low. and now, we've lowered the price on hundreds of your favorite products. designing something beautiful is easy. designing something beautiful with great quality for a low price? that's a different story. it's why we're here. that's a promise. not a promo. ♪ (ominous music) ♪ yes, ahh!! mom: what is going on with you? get out!
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andy! get out of my room! get out! mom: andy. fight! fight! i didn't say anything. yes you did. ♪ (ominous music) ♪ ♪ (ominous music) ♪ flex alert! flex alert! a power outage is looming. that's just alert, he's always getting worked up about something. flex alerts notify us of preventable power outages. that way we always know when to help stop one. ok flex, just drop some knowledge on me again. oh, ok i will - i'll turn our thermostat to 78... i'll unplug the blender. the hair dryer. - my blankie? - yep! - let's talk about it! - nope. ooo, we can save the laundry til' the morning! oh, yes please! oh! little things like this help save our power and help save us from outages. with flex alerts, the power is ours.
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rest of the world. it's known as football. today, ecuador and venezuela will play in a soccer match as part of copa america, right here in the bay area. ktvu is mark sayer met with some excited fans, many of whom traveled thousands of miles to watch their teams play ecuador here at levi's stadium. >> fans gathered early to support their teams, and many traveled all the way from their home countries. leonardo arrived here in the bay area on thursday
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from ecuador. >> i think that it's a tough game. venezuela has very good players playing like in europe, in in brazil, i think that it's going to be a draw. >> there are currently two soccer tournaments underway that are grabbing the world's attention in the european championship, which has been played for the past week, with midday games broadcast here in the united states and starting this week is the copa america tournament, which features teams from both north and south america. >> i'm a big fan of ecuador, of the national team. so and you know, we want to explore new places and travel. >> but despite all of the attention, soccer is still a growing sport here in the united states. gary purdon is visiting from scotland and says the first thing americans need to do is get the term's correct. >> a football in scotland europe is the only game and it's the game that's played with the round ball. >> the round ball, right. >> and when you hear americans call it soccer. >> yeah. how do you make of that
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. >> yeah. kind of grains on us. yeah. we don't we don't like it but we have to live with it. >> purdon says that football is very much a cultural tradition in his home country, and bay fc head coach albertin montoya says all of the highly visible tournaments can only be helpful to spark both fan and player interest and grow the game. >> we're getting so close, and it's just this identity that the fans have with their team and their national team, their club teams all over the world. you're seeing some of the best football in the world come together. >> back at levi's, venezuelan fan elvis ojeda says his team is also a source of national hope. we all know the situation we live in in venezuela, ojeda says. but with the national team, it's a separate situation. the national team always brings us joy. we forget a little bit about what is happening in venezuela when they play, and we want them to bring us joy. santa clara police have issued a traffic advisory for the roadways around levi's stadium
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on saturday. the match starts at 3:00, reporting from levi's stadium, i'm mark sayer, ktvu, fox two news, and today we'll have a special pre-match show before the ecuador venezuela match. >> claudine wong will be in studio our bailey o'carroll at levi's stadium for match day live. that starts at 2:00 today. you can catch it on the fox local app or over on ktvu dot com. kick off today at 3:00 at levi and there it is. copa america today. well, the final trial for david depape has come to a close. the verdict against the man already convicted federally for attacking paul pelosi, the very latest on that trial.
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organizers plan to step up security next. >> thank you, betty and oakland mayor shengtao remains out of the spotlight after federal agents raided her home. the mayor has hired an attorney and says she has nothing to hide from ktvu. >> fox two news this is mornings on two. >> good morning. welcome to mornings on two and your first full week in the summer. and it's going to feel like that not so much at the bay and the coast. we got a little bit of fog there, although it's starting to break up here pretty
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quickly. but if you live inland, the heat is on today. it's going to be mighty hot. maybe 100 degrees in some spots. so happy summer one and all. i'm frank mallicoat good to have you on board on this saturday morning. without further ado, let's bring in roberta gonzales. talk about i see a lot of red behind you. >> all right. hey, frank. yesterday. okay brief us again. where were you? >> we were in pleasanton, your hometown. >> but where were you, where was i? i was at the museum, but i did get a little ice cream at the meadowlark dairy there, which was fabulous. yes >> you scream, i scream, we all scream for ice cream today. especially because we have that heat advisory in effect for our inland areas, most notably the pleasanton area backing through livermore into dublin, san ramon , danville, you name it. pretty much alameda county to the east and all of contra costa county. it will be hot today also to the south and throughout santa clara county. and to our north bay counties as well. temperature up
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to 100 degrees. that's our outside number today. but if you're around the coast, that's where it is right now. gray slate lining the seashore into the golden gate bridge, keeping the temperature down there at 52 degrees this morning i was driving from the tri-valley heading into oakland. that big full moon, that strawberry moon is out there. you can see it this morning. still, if you're in walnut creek at 58 degrees, it is now 60. in san jose. so the bottom line is you're waking up to some morning stratus along the sea shore temperatures today. well they will be reflective of those clouds burning off at the beaches by midday into the mid 60s. otherwise, tomorrow will drop off significantly and we will see that cool down, especially around the bay where today's high temperatures at 82 degrees 86. in san mateo, 100 in livermore, 96. in morgan hill. it's summertime, frank, and we'll talk more about this and even throw in that ace forecast that's coming up in a matter of minutes.
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>> sounds good. we'll see you in a bit. thank you. roberta. the oakland police department will be increasing patrols for the city's annual lake fest event at lake merritt later today. the ramped up security is in response to the mass shooting at lake merritt on wednesday night. some 5000 people were around the lake celebrating juneteenth when gunshots rang out. 15 people were wounded. lake fest and annual family friendly daytime festival and ktvu betty, you live in oakland with some of the new changes in store this year. as for security, that is paramount. good morning. >> good morning frank. that's right. safety is their top priority and festival goers will see dozens of extra officers on hand this year. now, this is the fifth annual lake fest happening at lake merritt. it's a celebration of culture and community. take a look at last year's festivities. now, organizers told us that this year there were five vendors that decided to pull out of the
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event in light of this week's violence. but the majority, about 170 vendors, will be there. they'll be showcasing their crafts, creation. they'll be plenty of food and drinks for all. there will also be plenty of activities for the kids and different stages where local artists will be performing new this year, organizers added. fencing around the perimeter metal detectors. there will be also a lot of street closures. opd will have extra officers on hand, full security detail, the lake fest co-producer said that there has not been any violence in years past at this event, but they did want to add these new measures to put people at ease. organizers said they plan to add these new safety measures before the juneteenth shooting at lake merritt this week. >> we want to highlight the positivity of oakland. this space is a representation of what real oakland is. despite negativity that has been going
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around surrounding the lake area , we want the spotlight and the highlight to be on the beautiful , congregating of the oakland people in the bay area, people coming together today. >> now, in years past, this was a free event. this year it's ticketed. general admission will be $10, kids and seniors, $5. it all gets underway at 11 a.m. this morning. frank >> all right. betty, you live there in oakland? betty, thank you for that. we are now hearing from the attorney representing oakland, mayor shengtao. lawyer tony brass spoke with ktvu amberleigh yesterday evening, just one day after federal agents raided the mayor's home on maiden lane. brass says he believes the mayor is not the target of an ongoing investigation. and he says mayor tao is ready to speak to federal agents next week. >> she is and has always been ready, willing and able to
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answer questions and ready, willing and able to cooperate in this investigation. the fbi had never approached her. this is the first she knows of the investigation. >> when federal agents searched three other properties in oakland, including those of the dung family, which owns california waste solutions. that's a company that runs oakland's curbside recycling program. term. a jury found david depape guilty of a violent attack on nancy pelosis husband in a second trial in san francisco. depape was convicted of a long list of crimes, including false imprisonment, kidnaping, burglary, threatening a public official and witness intimidation in that state trial. depape broke into the pelosi home at 2022, finding the congresswoman not at home. he threatened paul pelosi and then hit him in the head with a hammer as police body cameras were rolling. the pap has already been sentenced to 30 years in prison after being convicted on federal charges. last month, san francisco da
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brooke jenkins released in a statement, saying in part, the jury's verdict delivers justice and ensures that mr. depape will face consequences for his heinous crimes against the pelosi family and our democracy. i would like to thank all of the law enforcement agencies that collaborated with us to ensure that justice was done, and we are now just five days away from this year's first presidential debate in atlanta between president biden and former president trump. both candidates have been out on the campaign trail. trump has reportedly been preparing for the debate at mar-a-lago, going over a key policy issues like immigration and the economy. biden took his debate prep to delaware. though the white house did not go into much detail about what it may look like, the debate will feature some new rules aimed at avoiding a chaotic repeat of 2020, including the candidates mikes being muted. unless it's their turn to speak, there will also be no audience this time.
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>> i think that the choice is going to be made by voters as much closer to election day, and it will be a choice between, obviously, two people. they're going to have to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each candidate at robert f kennedy jr failed to qualify for the upcoming debate, a new uc berkeley poll shows california voters have mixed views about how democracy is working in the state. >> the polls of likely voters found 52% of voters are extremely or moderately moderately satisfied with the way democracy is working. in california, 44% said they were not satisfied. three fourths of voters said they are somewhat or very concerned about corporate or industrial sponsored groups attempting to undo state law through ballot initiatives and recall elections. a majority of voters said there are just too many issues on the ballot in
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typical statewide election years, nearly two thirds said they would support a reform gubernatorial recall elections, so that the lieutenant governor becomes governor until the next election. time now with 739 animal rights activists are demanding some major changes at the san francisco zoo. they say the current conditions have created a safety hazard for both the animals and the workers at the zoo and the southwest corner of the city. they say the zoo's facilities are old and outdated and in desperate need of major repair. however, zoo executives reject those claims. they say the facility's recent accreditation proves the zoo's commitment to ensuring proper care of animals and the safety of its facilities, lanes on interstate 580 back open after a fire broke out near golf links road in oakland. more than 30 firefighters responded to a car fire yesterday evening. video shows large flames and a lot of
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heavy smoke coming from the vehicle on the side of the road. it eventually set nearby grass and surrounding trees on fire. the fire department says crew members stayed on the scene for a couple of hours, put out some of the hot spots, but the fire was contained in about a half an hour. meanwhile, firefighters in the santa cruz mountains rescued a man who was missing for five days. 34 year old luke mclish was found last night between empire grade and the big basin highway near foreman creek. fire fighters responded to the area after receiving multiple reports of someone yelling out for help. crews had trouble pinpointing his location, but eventually they used a drone, got it up top to find him. mclish was reunited with his family shortly after that rescue happening today. a firework buyback event in south san francisco. the san mateo county sheriff's office says they are increasing the cash reward for anyone turning in
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illegal fireworks. those who turn in fireworks can now receive up to $200 in cash, no questions asked. last year, about 400 pounds of illegal fireworks and explosives were all collected. today's event starts at 10:00. it will go till 2 p.m. at the northern branch courthouse on mission road in south san francisco. up next, temperatures rising across the country and fema says they are ready. why? they say the extreme weather events will only increase. but first, a little taste of what the east bay city of pleasanton has to offer. sal castaneda showing us the ins and out of a pizza shop and what some call the best empanadas in the bay area. it's all coming up next
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am i...relaxing? in an airport? okayyy, alaska airlines. this lounge is nice. like “handcrafted-espresso- bevvies-hot-food- free-wifi” nice. and these comfy chairs... this puts my condo to shame. it'd be crazy if i just... missed my flight.
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and broke my lease. and made this my home. forever. i wonder if anyone would notice? ♪ if you feel like things don't add up right now... you're not alone. rent is up, and every family outing costs an arm and a leg. well, we want to help. so when prices go up, we find new ways to go low. and now, we've lowered the price on hundreds of your favorite products. designing something beautiful is easy. designing something beautiful with great quality for a low price? that's a different story. it's why we're here. that's a promise. not a promo.
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taking the show on the road friday for another summer zip trip as our crew touched down in pleasanton, ktvu sal castaneda had the tough assignment of trying out a few of pleasanton's favorite restaurants. >> although main street isn't the only place to find good food in pleasanton, it's a great place to start. just find the big pleasanton sign and you are walking distance from a lot of
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good places to eat and drink. this downtown area boasts beautiful old brick buildings and a small town feel. the sidewalks are busy and the weather is good, so that means several places have outdoor seating. on a recommendation, i started at brava garden eatery, an argentinian italian restaurant run by a couple originally from buenos aires. >> we created the menu together, family recipes, or childhoods, main view from my old grandma. moms, dads. wow. empanadas enjoy, guys. >> empanadas and pastas are made from scratch and people enjoy that and more on a beautiful outdoor back patio. >> they've just created such a lovely, welcoming vibe. i came for my birthday or i come for a little date nights. it's a really awesome place to be. they have a lemon ravioli. it's like with ricotta. it's really fresh, really unique. and they also have empanadas, which is argentinian. so the combo of italian and argentinian food,
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it's really unique. >> husband and wife owners, german and yanina have a hand in everything here. they'll greet you at the door or even make you a drink. their attention to detail shows on the day we came, they had a special short rib sandwich on the menu that was very popular. speaking of drink, i had german shake me up one of their house special craft cocktails. the presentation of the hibiscus bandam is a good one. it's named after the action hero, jean-claude van damme that does kick like van damme. see? okay, now what about a good old fashioned pizza parlor? gay 90s has you covered inside, it's decorated with historic newspapers and old signs, so it has a lot of that nostalgia where people who went to high school here in the 60s, 70s, 80s, you know, they still come in now and they say, man, this place hasn't changed. >> and so there's comfort in knowing that it's going to be the same as it was 30 years ago. 40 years ago. >> gay 90s pizza is a great place for families, actually,
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today is the last day of school. >> so we came here to celebrate. >> the pizza looked and smelled so good. i wanted to order one and watch them make it from stretching the dough all the way to it coming out of the oven. all right, so the real measure of a place is what their salami sausage combo tastes like. all right. and i'm about to find out this pizza has that old school neapolitan taste. i grew up with crispy sourdough crust and gooey cheese with generous toppings. and there's one more thing. some of the locals say the history of the building leads to a friendly ghost showing up every now and then, which adds to the fun. general manager connor close says this building, built in 1864, was a brothel. >> at some point, the story of the ghost is that the madam of the brothel was killed and lingers and, you know, kind of looks over the place. she's a friendly ghost. every couple of years, something will fall off the shelf or a chair will pull
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out, or you hear banging on something. and like i said, they're few and far between. but when they happen, it's. it's not scary. it's really cool. >> sal castaneda ktvu fox two news. you know, sal goes down in one day and eats at all those restaurants. >> i don't know how he does it all, but i wish you bring some home to us and be sure to join us on our next zip trip. we will head on a thursday night, a friday 4th of july, to the city of alameda. they also have a big parade that will be streaming. it will be on ktvu the nine and then the parade from ten to news. check us out. coming up a week from thursday on the big holiday. >> how fun. >> oh yeah. and you're a you're a pleasanton gal. yeah. a few familiar restaurants there. >> oh, lots. i want to take you also over to oyo restaurant. it's south american cuisine and it has such a wonderful flair. you went to brava as well. you just go up and down main street and eat your way through town. mexico lindo. that's another fabulous favorite of mine.
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wherever you go today, make sure you have ac if you're heading out to pleasanton, we have the alameda county fair and we have a heat advisory in effect, because that particular area will top off at 100 degrees when you have the heat from the asphalt right there at the fairgrounds. that's when it really radiates. so make sure no kids left in the car, no pets as well. and please stay hydrated if you live in any one of these highlighted counties, you are under that heat advisory for today. along the coast. it's so refreshing with that right there. it's a typical summer morning here in the bay area with the stratus lining the sea shore, the full on sunshine inland. no june gloom later today along the beaches, we will see all of this retreat. however, only some partial clearing around montara beach backing through monterey bay temperatures today right now 50 santa rosa to 56. in clayton and in concord, it's 57 degrees in palo alto and in east palo alto, right around atherton and woodside. in the low 50s. later
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we will talk about these winds picking up out of the northwest. it's an offshore push to 15mph that lowers the relative humidity as the heat goes up and it does escalate and elevate the fire danger. so today will be the hottest day of the weekend. tomorrow these temperatures come down a good five, eight, potentially even ten degrees as high pressure begins to traverse an easterly direction and our temperatures will be going up today. nothing like what they're experiencing in the northeast. however, where over 100 million people are suffering from excessive heat. today's forecast high temperatures anywhere from 65 degrees. in pacifica. we will see the clearing in ocean beach today. low 70s in the city, mid to high 80s around the peninsula. we're talking 88 degrees in american canyon and also backing through sonoma into napa, 100 degrees in fairfield, travis mountain house, rio vista, antioch and pittsburg as well. tri-valley easily 100 to
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102 from livermore back in through pleasanton into dublin and into san ramon and danville, 85 in morgan hill and mid 90 common for morgan hill. all the way into cupertino. and in campbell, you'll see where the temperatures do drop off for our sunday. slight cooling on monday , and really summery conditions from tuesday all the way through the end of next week. frank, it looks great. >> thank you very much, roberta. as temperatures begin to rise across the country, the federal emergency management agency, fema, says they are prepared for extreme heat conditions. homeland security officials say climate change is a tremendous force in our world right now. they say that extreme weather events will only continue to increase in severity, so it's vital to be ready for potential consequences of climate change. secretary mayorkas also urged congress to fund the disaster relief fund, which could run out of funds before the end of
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summer. when we come back, giving back to those in need, we're going to step inside a brand new kitchen for an east bay nonprofit that works to feed hundreds each day. we'll take you there. coming up. ♪ (ominous music) ♪ come on. what can i do to help you? dad: come on buddy. headphones. what! dad: hey! dad: ok all right. what do you wanna do? i said i don't wanna talk about it! dad: trey! what are you doin'? ♪ (ominous music) ♪
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♪ (ominous music) ♪ it's ok.
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flex alert! flex alert! a power outage is looming. that's just alert, he's always getting worked up about something. flex alerts notify us of preventable power outages. that way we always know when to help stop one. ok flex, just drop some knowledge on me again. oh, ok i will - i'll turn our thermostat to 78... i'll unplug the blender. the hair dryer. - my blankie? - yep! - let's talk about it! - nope. ooo, we can save the laundry til' the morning!
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oh, yes please! oh! little things like this help save our power and help save us from outages. with flex alerts, the power is ours. the homeless from san jose all the way to oakland is making plans for a big expansion. after saving up for four years, community seva is getting its own commercial kitchen. ktvu is an. rubin tells us. this will help the group meet a growing need in the community. >> at community saver, they see these new appliances and this 1900 square foot commercial kitchen, and think of how many people they'll soon feed. >> we can double the number. we are serving about 8000 meals and here definitely we will have
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minimum 15,000 meals. we will be serving per month. >> they've come a long way. 11 years ago, community seva started in san jose when nathan ganesh lost his job in tech. he began bringing his family to the park to feed the homeless. soon others wanted to help too. >> once the word of mouth spread in the community and people started reaching out. and how do we do this? >> eventually they had more than 3000 volunteers feeding the hungry and helping the homeless. they were offering blankets and sleeping bags, socks and shoes, hygiene kits and showers. but they relied mostly on shelter kitchens for cooking and that was unreliable. >> we were always compromising in the kitchens we were in. like either the oven wouldn't work or the stove wouldn't work. >> and so the hunt began. for a space of their own. it took four years. during this time, ganesh had met robert egger, the co-founder of world central kitchen, who encouraged him to forge ahead. >> if anything, all i've really been able to do is give a little bit of inspiration, a little bit of guidance when it's needed. but, you know, people like
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nathan, man, they're just ready to run. they just need somebody to say, you're not crazy. you can do this. and yes, it's smart. >> and so they signed a lease and they're hiring staff to get this commercial kitchen operational. >> it feels wonderful. it feels wonderful because we're able to now give more to the community. >> they say the need is greater than ever, but they'll be able to host more volunteers here. make more meals and do more good. >> everything is new for us, but you know there is a start somewhere we have to start and we are ready for it. >> there will be a special ribbon cutting ceremony for the new kitchen this weekend. community seva expects it to be up and running by august 1st in santa clara and ruben ktvu, fox two news coming up, newark police respond to calls of a man threatening people and they say when officers arrive, that suspect pulled out a gun. >> and don't forget to answer our question of the day. are you glued to your phone during vacation? the answers are here.
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phone on d and d, that's not so special. only to record experiences at 78. or do you stay on your phone to keep family updated? that's at 11. you can vote too. you can head over to to weigh in. you see that qr code up there? you can simply take your smartphone and give that a whirl , and you can check in and vote away. and a quick programing note fox sports coverage of the uefa euro euro championship that is coming up next, and we're going to switch over to ktvu plus at the top of the hour at 8:00. you can change the channel now to stay with mornings on two on tv, 36 over the air or on comcast channel six. hope to see you over there. if you want to watch soccer, enjoy the match on what looks like a pretty soupy day around the bay. but if you're inland, you're going to see 100 degrees today. more news
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coming up on the plus. we'll see you over there in just a few seconds. he ♪ ♪ home to the gold cup, copa america. the uefa european championship and the fifa world cup 2026. the world's biggest


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