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tv   FOX News Sunday  FOX  July 7, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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where we should be for this time of the year. so again, we keep saying it's not a sprint, it's a marathon. pace yourself and be very careful out there. >> oh, it's a lot. >> we're about halfway through though. >> write yesterday and i'm from the mojave desert, you know, born and raised there. and i was like, okay, i'm done. >> too much is too much. all right. a quick reminder that you can stream ktvu news on your smart tv. just search for that fox local app. >> thank you so much for joining us this morning. we'll have the latest news tonight on ktv news at six and then again at 10:00. it was so great to be here with both of you this morning. >> f to e here w h you. >> out that anyone is more qualified to be president of registration with me.
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>> shannon: with a plunging pulls following his disastrous debate performance dividing members of his own party. >> a double down and said i'm all in. >> we need a course correction, we need to acknowledge this was not just one bad night. >> shannon: there is calls for kamala harris to step up including from the congressman tim and he joins us live and then if biden jumped -- drop so does the trump campaign have a chance against a younger and more vigourous candidate. he could end up on the ticket himself. plus... >> it's a good day when the supreme court recommends is constitutional rights of presidents. >> any president including don't trouble to be free to ignore the law. -- donald trump is free to ignore the law. >> shannon: with presidential immunity the fall continues." legal panel examines how this will affect all the cases state and federal against for president trump.
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all right now on fox news sunday. ♪ >> quickly and morning headlines the texas gulf coast of them during numerous floods with storm surge warnings as barrel is forecast to gain strength and make landfall early tomorrow morning. hundred 32 americans are dealing with extreme heat on the west coast battling a major while firing in france they are holding a second round of elections i could hand in a victory to the far right national rally party. crushing emmanuel macron. this rejection of the status quo is being felt all across the west including here at home. where president biden fights for his political career and president trump gains ground in the polls.
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we get reaction from were the most prominent democrats cling for biden to step aside. and their public and congressmen byron donald's we go to the battleground state of pennsylvania where president biden will hold a rally after a visit to philadelphia. lucas? >> shanna, on the banks president biden has returned here to pennsylvania state he has visited more than any other outside of his home in delaware. and despite calls from some of the fellow democrats tube out of the race in an exclusive interview with abc news anchor george stephanopoulos they say only one thing can get him to do that. >> if you can be convinced that you cannot defeat don't trouble you stand down? >> depends if the lord almighty takes me or not i might do that. >> reporter: people are calling on biden to abandon his reelection effort he is so i
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doubt concerns of his mental acuity while defending his record at home and abroad. >> on the guy who shot -- shut putin down. not that i could do that. >> reporter: but they are not convinced. >> the need for him to step aside is more urgent that when i called fort on tuesday. we are wasting our time defending him when we should be pointing out to the shortcomings in the failures and the wrongdoing of donald trump. >> still, other democrats are defending biden's performance. >> now that he's under such a microscope all is looking for those flaws, would be in all part of any conversation is considered to be a national security problem. not so! >> one democratic powerhouse widely seen as a biden replacement says he has no plans to jump in the race. >> will you run? >> no. to me that's a hypothetical they get the way of progress in terms of promoting this candidacy.
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>> reporter: to radio host and come forward to say that the biden campaign gave questions in advance of their interviews with the president. they say these are merely suggestions and the host were free to ask any questions they wanted in the campaign now says they have suspended the practice. shannon? >> shannon: we know you are covering it today and we'll watch that. thank you very much. we'll forget to our guest, i want you, the viewers at home to know something. our team has spent days reaching out to dozens of lawmakers with the biden advocates and allies and we have had numerous interactions with the biden harris campaign. but not a single potential gas was either able or willing to join us on today show to defend the president and his decision to stay on the ticket. so we'll be having a conversation without that voice which we have been working around the clock to avoid. going me now, the ohio democratic congressman tim ryan, welcome to the show store, good to have you. >> thank you. >> you are one of the first prominent democrat voices that
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says president biden nisa for goat stepping off the ticket and he needs to think about what democrats do replacing this take it with vice president harris. this is what the president said friday night when he was asked weather or not he was getting pressure from current democratic leadership here on capitol hill. >> of chuck schumer and hakeem jeffries and nancy pelosi come down and say we are worried that you stay in the race will lose the house on the senate, how will you respond? >> i will go in detail with them." spoke with all them in detail including jim cramer. they also i should stay in the race. stay in the race. no one said i should leave. >> shannon: so he says they want him to stay in the race and short of lord almighty coming down you won't leave. but they are having this with of the democrat leadership is her chance he comes in publicly says something different. and this is what it takes to nudge the president?
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>> with the members of congress they saw a couple come out this weekend that are in the swing district up in minnesota. minnesota's now play i think you'll see a significant amount of pressure rather today or tomorrow, sometime this week as members come back that this might be untenable for them all to want to run under a biden take it because it's going to drag everybody else down and i think that's a major concern for the leader jeffries who's a phenomenal leader. and i think his members and donors and activists around the country are very concerned. i thank you will see a lot more about this week. >> shannon: he was questioned about negative numbers and things not going well for him and the reality of the situation any pushback say he doesn't believe that data. do you get the sense he is still being insulated by his inner circle from the reality of his situation or does he simply believe that this data, those polls are not correct?
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>> i think it's incredible how presidents get so insulated and sometimes from reality. i think we saw that with the president the other night. you can deny it and it's not just the polls i'm hearing ohio just you can go to a coffee shop, you can go to a bar, you can go to a soccer game or people are talking about this. in a negative sense. so this reality is there i think it's important to be loyal but part of being loyal is being honest. and i think we have to be honest to each other of just how difficult the situation this isn't shanna, i'm telling you the american people are dying for some aspiration and some inspiration, first of hope and reconciliation coming together with some fellowship in healing. we need a candidate that can get us to that point in that candidates going to do very, very well in this election. >> the president was pressed if he stays on the ticket and loses
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how he would feel about that here was his answer. >> if he's elected then everything comes to pass, how you feel in january? >> i will feel as long as i gave it my all and i did this and all i can do that's what this is about. >> what was your reaction hearing that of the assessment of how you play this thing out? >> you know it is just very frustrating. i think that is what really got under the skin of a lot of members of congress. this is a link we get participation trophies here and congratulations, you did the best you could, if this is a sporting event and you throw three interceptions, the coach pulls the quarterback. if you are a pitcher not getting the job done and they are hitting homerun singers left and write the manager goes in and pulls the picture out. that's kind of where we are right now with the estimation i think in the estimation of guys like david, with james carville,
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i think really high functioning political side, the ones that actually help -- went over the years are saying the same thing and it's like this is out of love, we love joe biden. he accomplished so pretty much i think we industrialize the country in ohio we are building ships and electric battery plans -- alectra batteries and electric vehicles, the economy is being reshored for the first time in decades. he held do that. we have accomplishments with that message is not getting out because it can get articulated in the vision we want for america, the healing and reconciliation, people want to come together, they are so tired of the vietnam era generation and the fights we have been having basically since the vietnam war with each other, we are night feathers enemy. we are each other's you know, we are patriots here to try make america successful! we are friends and family members.
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we have to heel but we need a candidate that can come in and do that. i think kamala harris could come in and help us heel. but we need a candidate that i can do that because they are ready to move on from the trump and biden. the double haters they delight trump and they'd only biden let's give them a candidate they can rally around to this country can heal and we can become america -- become americans again not just democrats and republicans! >> shannon: so pretty much of the conversation we are hearing publicly and privately as they are worried about him being in -- unable to be president trump, is not the conversation that he might be able to uncover now those are two very different things new york magazine has this they say this is what the 20 for the amendment was designed for it joe biden doesn't willingly resign there is another solution which would allow democrats to unite around a new incumbent. should we be having the conversation if you think you so ill-equipped to run and win, about whether he is able to govern now, would you support a move on the 20 for the
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amendments? >> i think it's a totally different arguments because making the arguments and being on the campaign trail and being in the debate is pretty much different than deliberating in private around what direction the country's growth -- going on a particular foreign policy issue or domestic issue. these are separate things. with that be a concern in two years? yes, i think that's what most americans are evaluating now. they see the president whether in the debate or the interview the other day and they say well, he could probably do this for another six-month social what could he do for two years from now? the answer is no when i think it's a people will vote on. when it comes to a campaign, what happened during the debate is trump, which obviously lied 27 different times, he was able to make a new narrative of the economy when he was in and covid. and job i was able to pushback articulate why he was wrong in what direction he wants to take
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it in. >> is an important part of campaigning. they found president biden light as well during the campaign and also the debates. carr-smith thank you for time we will scale this plays out. >> thank you appreciate it. >> congressman, welcome back i want to start with you at the same place to fear gop call these open -- offered up a resolution with the cabinet to move on this. they said this to be tough republicans because then they would be up and against an incumbent's going in but they say this that might prompt some republicans to remain silent instead of demand vice president harris and biden's cabinet talk about incapacity but they too took an oath to bear true faith and allegiance to the constitution and faithfully discharge the duties of the office. do you think the president is well enough to continue on? would you support a move on the 20 for the amendment? >> first of all, good to be with
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you and i don't think joe biden has the capabilities of serving out the rest of this term let alone running for president and the democrats are the ones you have a serious issue here now the republican members on capitol hill, i do agree that we have a responsibility to make sure that the occupants of the oval office as a mental capabilities to do this job. but this responsibility lies with kamala harris and with the cabinet. what we are seeing as they have decided to cover up for joe biden to protect their radical agenda as opposed to doing what's in the best interest of the american people. if this resolution has a forward that would be okay 100% but then kamala harris and the constitution they have a duty to the american people. >> let's talk about our previous guess they would say that's harris would connect better with
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the women then people of colour. te after the debate shows that she does poll better against president trump than president biden does, they say that she is within striking distance of trump in a hypothetical match of 401745 with registered voters and that's with broader support on women who do percent of female voters back harris and independence, 43% for harris versus 34 percent. is there any knowledge of it within the trump campaign that you might have to pivot to a different candidate who she has some strength of the current president does not when it comes to polling? >> we don't believe so. we think if you dig into some of the pools that have come out of the donald trump does just as well against kamala harris if not better when you compare her and joe biden. the other thing is we have not gone into depth with a record of kamala harris. when she was united states senators she cosponsored of -- and fully supported bernie sanders and his radical takeover of american healthcare.
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with $32 trillion to a 35 trillion-dollar debt already. she cosponsored and fully sponsored this radical new deal which would cost the american people almost a hundred trillion dollars. and it would make electricity prices higher and it would make our inflation problems worse. then she looked -- will get the job as vice president. she was at the border almost two years ago and there has been 6 million new illegal immigrants in our country. what did she do? nothing materialized, what did she do, then you get to the interviews. whether talking about the cackling laugh of the venn diagrams, there has not been anything of substance. so she's now the top of the ticket in our game plan remains the same. i talked with the disastrous agenda from the biden harrison ministration and how donald trump make america great again. >> the federalists that agrees on most of those things also has a warning for republicans about where they depend on voters showing up.
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they say this. they assume that these performances are enough to win and they must keep their foot on the pedal of these operations and there has been questions about the trump campaign and their public can strategies and turn out for all these things that have been opposed in the past where they are illegal they are now advocating for this what is the plan on this front? >> i will tell you, as a party we are fully supportive on depending on the jurisdiction where the state laws are in that area if it means you have to go out and make sure people returned these ballots then you go ahead and do that. it's about making sure that ballots are you get as many people registered in his money people turned out to support president trump. i know people in our country are looking at the fact that joe biden is literally falling apart in front of our eyes, confirming what everyone knew, now everyone knows 100%, you still have to execute the game plan and the
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campaign and these people going out to the polls, actually voting not just looking at the public opinion polls obviously show that donald trump is in a great position about the end of the day, they are united about making sure we get voters out to the polls, with these operations they will be crucial in this election. >> shannon: can tell us anything about the vice presidential selection, do know the pick? >> i don't know the timeline or the pic, donald trump's going to do that, i think if you look at the job that obviously joe biden to disaster but even kamala harris, these two really have not had an interest in what the american people are trying to have witches secure borders, a lower cost of the grocery store, lower housing costs, and peace around the world, actual true global leadership not global pandering. i think whoever trump decides to go with will be an exemplary pick and we will have a
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significantly better president and we will have a significantly better vice president being his partner to help make sure our country gets back on track. >> we will see in the coming days to the opponents will be and who is added to the ticket as well. congressman, thank you always appreciate your time. >> thank you. >> up next, what happens if president biden does step down. how this can play out in what obligation are these pledged delegates under when they show up at the convention plots are send a panel looks all the landmines ahead as they wrestle with how to move forward. ♪
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>> with the president of the united states, we won't have to have this in the streets of chicago. [ cheering and applause ] >> that was senator abraham at the chaotic 1968 democratic national conventions in chicago, something that democrats do not want to see repeated next month when they are back in the windy city. with many wondering how his replacement would be chosen and how possible contested or open convention might work we have an experts. with the alan thicke meant, welcome to the show! >> thank you. >> want to start with this, congressman brad sherman and democrat says this, counter to popular belief the rules of the democratic party do not require pledged delegates to vote for
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biden at the convention party rules say that they need to reflect the sentiments of those who elected them at the time they cast their ballots. democratic primary voters had one overarching sediment we need to candidate who will be donald trump, can you give us a sense of the delegates, what legal obligation are otherwise do they have if president biden says he won't leave the -- leave the ticket. >> delegates could in fact decide to replace president biden. but based on history, this would be a disaster to have a convention brawl. what do all these politicians and political operatives, journalists, pondant's, were they all having common who are calling for to leave the ticket. zero track record in predicting elections. they'll assured us that hillary clinton was bound to win in 2016. i do have a system, the 13 keys to the white house which has
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been right for 40 years and it shows how disastrous it would be for the democrats to have a big brawl and replace biden. but in checks off two of my 13 keys. incumbency and party contests. 87% of voters voted for biden in the primaries. this means on my system, six of the remaining 11 keys would have to fall to predict his defeat. in this and under this scenario the same situation with the election donald trump in the first place at the same time under those conditions those in the white house have won zero times.
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with a sitting president and no contest and they have won 75% of the time. all of this is fuelled by the historical ignorance with how the elections work. >> currently at the top of the ticket we will see what we get as we inched closer to the convention. thank you so much! >> thank you very much. >> it's time now for sunday group megan haze and michael allen security official the hill national reporter julia manchester in the form aren't seeking occasion's director. welcome everybody in good to see you this morning! we know there has been a lot of pressure on president biden to step away from the ticket on friday night and it seems like he's not going anywhere. there is a push from donors who are now saying they want to pull their mind not just from the campaign but from other candidates who will not call for him to step away.
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how powerful could this be as a voice to convince them? >> it's actually powerful because it's arguments to step down of this will have a down ballot effect. we can expect a very wild week with lawmakers and staffers in the hallways and they're going to be forced to answer we support biden in the long run and i think right now these lawmakers are back in their districts talking to voters a lot of lawmakers you talked to on that side says there's a real concern among voters in there at a very tricky situation right now. it's the risk able to listen to the voters telling them that may be they want him to stay in or do they -- really sort of afraid of the retaliation they might get from calling on president to step down?
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>> we have this group of voters say they are putting together $2 million they're looking for the democratic nomination that would draw public attention if biden drops out there looking for robust debate rather than coalescing around vice president harris are other on nominees. you heard this floating but many primary idi or others who would service if they were chosen as top of the ticket. >> can you imagine the chaos that would yield? >> at the republicans would love it. >> i think they would love it i think it's the great unknown for democrats. i think they cannot move forward with an open convention and with the truncated primary process so i think the question for them as does vice president harris show any polling promise in this so-called blue wall states of pennsylvania michigan and wisconsin. if she's doing better or even
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incrementally close to her biden is, i think then people begin to say she's a better bet going a course with the open primary but even a better bet then going with the president. >> okay, will there is this in the wall street journal editorial board saying democrats are in this position with the vice president and doubts about her ability because this is the path they chose saying democrats run the risk of appearing to bypass the first minority vice president and a background coop. this would happen so they put identity politics above experience in political scale. how did she convince folks she's ready for this job? >> millions people have already voted for her on the ticket. she already has the confidence of a lot of people and she also gets the money they have raised together so it would be inconsequential -- it would be consequential do not give her this spot but also she poll very well and she also has something here she does have the age issue
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going against like the president does and she poll very strongly against rowe. this is with the suburban women and these are the people that will coalesce behind her and that makes her really strong top of the ticket for democrats. >> we have all these double haters. they've been saying they don't want this rematch. what if they now have someone that is more palatable. is not biden, is not trumpets a younger and fresher face as megan said she's the foreperson on this abortion issue which is done a while for democrats. >> this probably the worst movie sequel since police academy 17 or something. >> i like that one! >> that might be one my favourites. [ laughter ] >> if we go back to the midterm elections democrats a better than expected in part because republicans we overplay the expectations if joe biden had walked off in victory and said i've delivered the white house, i've over performance in congress, i'm going to go off into the sunset they have been a pretty much better position they are dammed if they do this to
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joe biden and they are dammed if they don't. that's why i thank you see so pretty much nervous is in a capitol hill this week. we had these democrats echo seen donald trump's suites and with these private things. >> with this test exam. >> would you undergo this evaluation with the results to the american people. >> every day with the test everything i do. >> he says he's having the test every day.
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with the inconvenient results for not doing so. with the court of public opinion. >> going down the pathway and can we see it in public. the real problem here is you're going to happen again. doing this in a debate on scripted format. they have a long way to go on this campaign and they absolutely have no plan to ensure that it election is not about joe biden and his age and health. they are on a path there's nothing they can do about it unless they can string together several appearances with the convention they plan time game
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with george stephanopoulos. with the offence of running up the clock. this is where they might have success. >> if they wind up with the top of the ticket they're going to have to answer megan for all these policies. the four congressmen talking with the border and they think it was worse than it ever was. they didn't raise alarm bells for the deterioration. >> the premises wrong they don't think that there's a problem here they think it's a bad night they're talking about the middle east so she thinks he's capable
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for all their accounts and reporting say behind him and saying the hot answer for the policies the bipartisan deal with republican. they also have that to fall back on just at the president does. >> just to the vice president again there is polling that would suggest she does better against trump and ahead teapad medical up and what has she done next and how did they stand behind the president the past week or so. the communication style or by design. >> she knifed joe biden in the first debate it was a negative reaction she might have more knives. >> there's a lot of knives in washington.
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>> with the supreme court on unity. the legal eagles about is whether the high court decision against pheasant rump are now officially on shaky ground. ♪
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>> this week in the federal judge with this decision elected to the -- with the decision ruling last monday. how does this affect all pending cases fox news contributor with the indispensable right to free speech and tom the former deputy assistant general, we can stop me -- we have a stop meeting like this. these problems are not going away. [ laughter ] let's start with judge canned and in the mar lago dust -- documents case. along the trump team with the supreme court decision and the immunity applies here. >> the mar lago case shows immunity question a little less than the january 6 case in washington dc.
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with the independent council. i think justice thomas wasn't writing for an audience of one, i promise you his words we very carefully reviewed by the judge candidate. as you know they are challenging the legality of the appointment and i think you will read what justice thomas wrote when she considers weather smith was even lawfully appointed. >> this could be a whole linchpin and obviously we have the case here combined with last week's fishery case with the main obstruction charge against the riders, the us decision tears the heart of the special prosecution on that story day. what's left of the case here this january 6 case? >> to very motivated judge and special council. i thank you will have the special counsel arguing this goes into the second or third
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categories. some of this might be official conduct we can overcome the presumption but they might be able to succeed in threading the needle but some of his case will be knocked off. i think they ripped their wings off this case i think they'll try to get this down the runway nonetheless, i think it will take the biggest hit of all the cases in that regard. they have a right to appeal this stuff. it will be very difficult putting aside what is lost and will certainly will be lost as the calendar. it will be hard to get this going before the election. >> to that point they say the justice department plans to pursue the cases pass election day even if he wins saying if he is elected president the finish line for the federal prosecutors is inauguration day know election day and people familiar with the discussion said. that was cited in this filing of the trump team and what they did
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down the documents case saying what is this information leaking out from the doj. the fact that this would go right to inauguration day is reelected? >> with the ministration they won't come until january 20th but at the same time, for them to continue to pursue a case he knows is going to be extinguished at noon on january 20th seen someone harassing and abusive, it's not as if he will be able to jam a trial into that several month window and even if he could, doesn't make sense of the people you are putting on trial as the elected forthcoming president of the united states. it is a make any sense to me shannon. i would be surprised if he adheres to this prophet -- promise. >> we will see who gets elected and who's on the ticket is he going to november. let's talk about the state cases. the new york case where he has these felony counts they are waving the sentencing and this has been delayed but they also want to reconsider in that case about whether this immunity decision on does the state
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cases. >> this will have the impact on both those cases. but it really puts the lie to what people are suggesting, you people like rachel maddow saying we may see death squads in the streets of washington dc and we are not going to replace democracy was some john wik republic after this opinion. this opinion took the middle ground and the hearing in new york is going to show this as they're going to look at this and find pretty much of this is private conduct and is not protected. with the conversations held the white house that could be knocked out. this happens to more significant degree with them throwing everything into this indictment and some of this clearly will be impacted by what the court said. this not dispel the conduct but the conversations the president has with other executive branch officials in conducting official duties. >> shannon: speaking of
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conversation thanking occasion's, i want to ask about your new book the indispensable rights, free speech in the time of rage. they don't really rule on this, regarding the queen occasion between the administration and the social media companies during covid in the election in 2020. you see the first amendment was designed to state control over the prior restraint and direct regulation but there is possible to have state media not through coercion. they found willing allies in media and social media companies that were system of censorship and blacklisting and based on what the supreme court sort of didn't do, there is no you know, formal ban on this at this point. >> this leads into the political system i'm surprised all trump and the other competitors in this race don't make free speech the central issue. joe biden is in my view the most anti- free-speech president since john adams. and you will remember john adams was defeated by thomas jefferson in 1800 on the basis and part of his attack on free speech. what we have today is something that should be part of this
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debate. it's an unprecedented system of censorship and it is supported by what i quote censorship by surrogate where they get academic and corporate interests to silence critics and dissenting voices. >> quickly before we go because of what we have in current events going on, do you think her reporting of president biden, they'll be more of a push to release it now? >> absolutely that's a great irony. you remember when robert came out with his reports that he would prosecute biden, this is an old man with a failing memory, he was hammered by everyone! the democrats went crazy,'s turned out he might have had a point. i do believe there will be increased pressure for these recordings i can see many democrats wanting biting off the tickets to make this exact push because it will get that further out, i suspect that the recording is not favourable to the president, if a where they would have released already. >> shannon: maybe it feeling vindicated these days. always good to see you, thank you so much. up next, fox news takes you inside gaza with the israeli defence forces seen the very
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latest on the ground in the war in -- war-ravaged rafah. ♪
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>> shannon: we see the cease-fire in the middle east we have that view from gaza. embedded with the israel defense forces travelling to rafah, israel's operations against hamas or continuous media's work around the clock with the remaining hostages released. we are joined live from tel aviv, hello tray. >> good morning. this marks nine months of war between israel and hamas in the indirect cease-fire talks are set to resume this week. as we have a firsthand look at the fighting in southern gaza. >> the israeli hummers will pass the piles of concrete and twisted medal. a few months ago this was the civilian neighbourhood. now it's a battlefield. >> right now we're inside gaza's most southern city of rafah. into the area of operation. where the fighting between israel and hamas rages on. >> in between the damage house is its a tall shaft.
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these really shoulders -- soldiers go after hamas above and below ground. but with thousands of militant still live throw because i, there is questions about what the day after the war looks like. >> what is a victory locally for the israeli military. >> victory is our hostages coming back home. victory is our citizens coming back to the border safely. feeling safe and anyone of our borders. it remains that the enemy will not have the capability of doing another seven -- 7th of october. this is victory. >> reporter: the civilians run from the aftermath of an airstrike in this area 5 miles away with the overcrowded you when school was targeted by an israeli fighter jet. they need to put pressure on everyone to stop this war and this hostility one woman says. what's happening to us is unjust we can't. >> if an agreement and the war
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in gaza is reach, israeli officials are hopeful it will de-escalate tensions with house will along the border with lebanon. >> a fascinating look inside, thank you to you and you're team. >> we are back now with our panel. obviously this is just one of the many things the president is trying to navigate here. the national security journal had a piece after the debate the other night saying that his current condition is a threat to national security saying biden's fumbles might have started clock more across the globe with those in enemies having more than four months to exploit migrants with their mental incapacity. is a supply in the case of hamas as well, are they looking at him to decide weather or not they will do this deal? >> i think people around the globe are looking at president biden and honestly, so were american voters. it's hard to believe that he's going to be able to carry a message with a tough multilateral bilateral session. on hamas, i think biden has been helpful to their positional long by being overly critical of
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israel, however, i think we are finally on the verge of the deal, a hostage situation because israel is finally nearing the end of major combat operations. in gaza that enables them to say we are not going to have any more war and what i think would allow hamas to finally sign up that's the nice states and israel have endorsed and release the hostages sooner rather than later maybe it won't have a direct impact but i think it's part of the larger national security discussion. here on nato week. >> yes nato week this week. here is what the president says about that. coming here to washington. >> i guess a good way to judge me as you will have now the nato conference of the united states next week. come listen. see what they say. >> things there there'll be a lot of folks watching and listening. the question is weather biden can now -- navigate the couple
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get a web over the three-day event that will have nearly 40 leaders. their entourage is a swirl of one-on-one meetings and the pressures of being the most important nato leader at a moment with any misstep could spell political doom. this includes a live press conference this week. >> yes, that same interview we heard president biden say he took cognitive tests every day but i guess this is an example of that this week. it would not only be him taking questions from the press on thursday and what would likely be a hard-hitting press conference that will be in front of other foreign leaders. --, i agree other leaders are coming to washington this weekend their eyes are going to be on the president because we have heard there is some concern and i just want to go back to the ai common you mentioned earlier, that was a talking point essentially of the trump campaign, the trump campaign has always said during his administration that it was not -- we are not seen the ukraine war in the war in gaza. so biden is going to have to very pretty much push back against that because we will see the trump campaign going on the
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offence with the opposition research this week during the nato conference. >> how pretty much pressure is there on the president with all these things coming along in the foreign leaders who i would imagine mostly are going to want to stay out of domestic politics. what they have concerns and some of them have air those probably. >> let's not forget that this is not the first time he is in the nato conference, this is on the he does every year. he was just in france for the normandy anniversary. he was just in italy for the g7. he meets with foreign leaders and goes overseas quite frequently. this nothing new to him. he does press conference is it all these different events. americans are not just paint -- are just not paying attention. these leaders know him and he talked with them frequently. secretary lankinen jake sullivan in the national security team, they all are in contact with these people. this is not something new just happens to be new because it's here in washington for people who are paying attention. but he meets of these folks frequently. they are fully aware of what's going on. >> this makes me wonder to, if they will note a difference in him because they have had those close relationships in the last
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two years with its present biden now. i want to talk about them too. you are just back from over there, it's called the anatomy of the landslide. the election has dramatically reshape britain's electoral map, nearly half of the seat in parliament changing hands and delivering the conservatives the worst defeat in there nearly 200 year history. and it feels like it's in juxtaposition with a lot of what's happening in europe which has been leading more right and we are watching those fringe elections today to. >> a lot of whatsapp and has also been very anti-incumbent when i was in london i was with several former senior members of staffers for various recent conservative prime minister's. they were apoplectic out what disasters they saw this to be. it was a big result for labour but that's because it was el-khoury during -- cratering for the tories. and what we have seen is the green struggle here in the lib dems took a little here and actual seats. obviously labour, it's a huge majority but it's a thin one for labour.
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>> the brand-new primus or we'll be here as part of the nato meeting this week with the world watching and more portly the president. thanyou very much! good to see all of you. up next, present biden insists he is there with his pressure packed schedule coming up this week as he tries to convince voters and his party that he is up for another four years. ♪
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♪ >> shannon: now back to our top story, president biden trying to convince a growing number of doubtful democrats that he should stay in the white house. let's go back to checking with lucas tomlinson falling the president, lucas? >> shanna, the house minority leader is meeting virtually today with a fellow democratic leaders in the house to perhaps take out poll and hear from concerns from fellow democrats about if president biden should exit the race. this ahead of the congress reconvening in washington this weekend we heard from other house democrats earlier five now public liikala for president biden to exit the race. one house democrats says he wants to me president biden face to face this week to see how he is doing.
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>> i would be cautious that if the white house a ministration of the presidents doesn't have this conversation with members of congress and the senate that you'll probably see a number of folks trying to come out. >> it's not just the house democrats that president biden has to convince this week that he has what it takes to do the job and run for reelection, he's also hosting a nato summit in washington and he will be meeting with 31 other world leaders and representatives of their country and washington dc, the president will have to drive very far ob right down the street from the white house. it's a critical week for president biden this week to show the country and world that he has what it takes to be commander-in-chief and lead the free world. shannon? >> shannon: lucas tomlinson on the road with the president, they cover pretty much will give you a reed on any of these meetings being held today. is a quick note that my podcast livin' the bream drops today. a talk with the director and author greg lori moen event he's hosting an angel stadium aimed at offering hope in a time of anxiety and division. check it out wherever you like
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to get your podcast, livin' the bream. before we go, a heads at the fox news sunday will be live from milwaukee next sunday ahead of the republican national convention and we will take you behind the scenes and get you ready for the big event with our full coverage on fox, that's it for today, they give are joining us, i'm shannon bream, have a fantastic week and we will see you next fox news sunday. ♪
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