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tv   FOX News Sunday  FOX  August 11, 2024 10:00am-11:01am PDT

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going to be cool, going to be breezy outside lands. bundle up. you're going to have a chilly day out there. the extended forecast are rolling into the next several days. little change and perhaps even a little dip in temperatures as we go into next weekend. so after july, i'm okay with it. >> yes, yes. >> it's interesting. i always think the folks who may be out of town from out of town coming in, they're like, oh, 80s. yeah, not in san francisco. never bring some jackets and bundle up. all right. thanks for watching. of course, you can always stream us on fox local. have a great sun y, everyone. >> tak care. erybody ha >> i'm shannon bream. tensions are rising in the middle east and they are taking on hamas leaders and that's mark's new -- spark new criticism as dozens of civilians or dead.
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they warned him to not spoke a broader regional war. >> we want date to see the de-escalation's. >> is the ward grinds on, tensions mount over a green retaliating with the recessions of hamas and has below leaders. we will talk to call -- tom cotton who serves on the committees and democrat daesh -- duration crow, a member of the house intel and foreign affairs committee's. >> then... >> since becoming a presidential candidate she has refused to do
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a single interview you know why? she is dumb. >> trump slams harris for not doing any news interviews and just taking two scripture moments and she was packed. >> are we ready to fight for it? [cheering] >> harris appears to make her first public a -- public appearance with button since he left the race. if her passed position still hold. >> i am prepared to get rid of the filibuster to pass a brand-new deal. >> we need medicare for all. >> all right now on fox news sunday. ♪ >> hello from fox news in washington. international outrage is growing after they had a school report the sheltering palestinians in gaza killing at least 90 people. they say hamas and the militants had a command-and-control center within the school. israel has ordered new mass evacuations where the idf says hamas has been firing rockets.
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iran not backing off threats of revenge against israel despite international calls to not broaden the middle east conflict. they are holding military drills that will continue until tuesday. in the moment we will get a reaction from tom caught in the congressman jason crowe. first tour team coverage with tomlinson at the white house we begin with you tray. good morning. >> good morning shannon. a dangerous waiting game across the middle east. israel is still bracing from an attack with the proxies as the u.s. officials are reportedly scrambling to put together a cease-fire agreement between israel and hamas. the key date to look at is august 15th, this thursday when the negotiators are said to me and the gathering is largely seen as a last-ditch effort to end the war in gaza reports indicate william burns will lead the american negotiating team with antony blinken looking for your trip this week. this factor in the entire equation is the largest proxy that has once daily attacks against israel since
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october eighth. they have promised to target majors for the population centers in response to the killing in beirut earlier this month. they launch rockets and drones into israel with a targeted strike in southern lebanon the day before. it's unclear if they will be held back by eemeen, their main funder and supporter in the middle east. and israeli defense official told fox news that coordination continues between the americans and israelis to prepare for a worst-case scenario of a large-scale attack against israel. >> we will join you again with lucas tomlinson at the white house. >> giving unscheduled remarks where she addressed the war in gaza and the importance of ending it soon. >> yet again and far too many civilians that have been killed. they have a right to go after
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the tariffs that are hamas. as i said many times an important responsibility to avoid civilian casualties. we need to get the hostages out and we need a cease-fire. >> president biden enjoyed some downtime where he gave a familiar one word warning to iran. >> what your message to iran? >> while the white house awaits their response, its ukrainian forces taking the world by surprise. launching an incursion into the cursed region that has a support from the pentagon with one caveat. >> it's consistent with our policy and we have supported ukraine from the very beginning. we don't support were long-range attacks into russia. >> days before they launch their large-scale invasion in 2022 vice-president kamala harris spoke at the munich security
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conference. >> if they further invade ukraine, united states together with the -- together with our allies and partners will impose significant and unprecedented economic costs. >> for president donald trump insists russia would not have invaded under his watch. he also claimed you would've made a deal with iran. >> they can't have a nuclear weapon it's very simple we would've gotten along i was looking forward to it i was fine with iran with them a couple times. >> they ce read in the proxies are not likely to launch a major attack on israel until after the olympics. the closing ceremonies later today. >> shannon? >> thank you lucas. joining us now the senator tom caught in, good to have you with us. >> good to be with you. >> she's repeatedly talk about the civilian toll we know that
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they've been using schools as locations together and operate out of. we had to say repeatedly and consistently that israel must minimize civilian harm. you have this delicate balance, get this thing wrapped up and over with but also act with precision to get to the bad guys, how does this and in what do you make of the continued criticism netenyahu is doing this and extending this for political reasons? >> kamala harris his comments yesterday for the last ten months is just an example of how she's unprepared to be the commander in chief. she took it at face value hamas' claims about the number of people killed in what they were doing. israel has to strike on occasions and places like hospitals and schools because hamas uses them for command-and-control or firing mortars and rockets. their civilian casualties no doubt but they are the responsibility of hamas, not
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israel. kamala harris like joe biden has put more pressure on israel then they did in -- did with the mas. she refused to preside over the joint session her only constitutional duty and she refused to have a meeting in public with them and she came out and again, blamed israel for the civilian casualties in gaza. only in bolding the back terrace you have another terrorist setting rockets to israel and shot children playing ball. kamala harris is naive and she is not prepared to be the commander in chief. >> to be fair we didn't see her publicly with the prime minister we did not get the content of her meeting. she's trying to balance its, seems like many in the party are saved or the progressive side they want to see this wrapped up and wants to rally with what's happening with the palestinian people how does this and? >> she's been interrupted twice in a rally by pro-hamas
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radicals. the first time she accused him of helping donald trump get elected. not telling them they were demented for supporting terrorists, not telling them united states stands with israel , the victim of the worst slaughter of since the holocaust, but probably there was too tough or even her in her campaign when she was interpret neck she had a script in front of her just piece of paper she started reading from which she sympathized with these pro-hamas radicals. she says i hear you, i hear your voice we need a cease-fire immediately rather than saying we need is cease-fire immediately she should have been saying like joe biden should have said from the beginning, we need an israeli victory immediately. israel has done a great job despite the constraints that kamala harris and joe biden had put on them. they have a significant arms embargo that kamala harris won't even say she would worsen if she becomes elected president. again, we cannot have a peaceful and stable relations in the
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middle east with daylight between the united states and israel in these partners. that's what president trump understood. >> her what she said the right? they have every chance to defend themselves that's not strong enough you? >> she says the old time but then she always has bots and usually when a politician says but what matters is what comes after the but not what came before it. and what comes after the but with kamala harris is always implying that israel is responsible for all this out -- civilian suffering in gaza that they are the one being provocative when they are waging a defensive war after the october seventh atrocity in israel is the one that should pull opposed to supporting israel and standing strong against iran and the terrace throughout the region. >> want to make sure we get to couple of other things. there is this issue of stolen valor, you know people have questioned your record, your portrayal of your record in snow
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coming out with governor tim walz. he submitted his request to retire months before any official order to deploy from iraq was given he had been weighing the decision to run for congress for quite a well so there's been a lot movable the timeline, he announced in for william 2005 thinking about a congressional run but it wasn't until pretty much later his unit was officially called up and he put in retirement paperwork so what do you say to those who push back with this is a nonissue, you are a veteran this call for respective other veterans and you know what it's like to be respected. >> i respect this but he has been passing inconsistent statements about his service so i think he should answer those statements. he also needs to answer questions about his 35-year-old financial relationship with the chinese communist party, someone who took 30 trips to china and took students with him so they could be exposed to government
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property -- government propaganda but we to remember that tim walz is the vice president nominee kamala harris is on the top of the ticket and she needs to take questions. she refuses to take questions about what direction she would take this country in. she hasn't had a single proposal since she became the presidential nominee will it take that back, last night she said she was going to lemonade taxes on tips. so the only proposal she's had since you became a presidential nominee is to steal one of donald trump's ideas at a time when her administration says they would crack down on the taxation of tips. that's why they ed $87 billion this is the kind of flip-flopping and deception you can get from kamala harris who is a dangerous san francisco liberal who's taken positions in the past like decriminalizing illegal immigrants and giving health care to illegal aliens. they claim she has changed she needs answer questions about why she changed and win. >> it's also port we hear from her shows clarification. shell need to response reel
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quickly on the china issue their campaign protostatement this week saying through his career tim walz has stood up to the party. always put american jobs in manufacturing first and his back-and-forth with the educational groups will foster some kind of understanding that will make things better for the chinese people in open these conversations of the u.s. to be stronger in his position. >> tim walz has a terrible record on china just like kamala harris. he's consistently with the chinese communist party and hadju paley said we don't need to have an adversarial relationship with china. when china is insistent on having an adversarial relationship with united states because they want to replace us is the world superpower. this is a classic example of how they cultivate younger local state leaders, teachers and others to try and get mouthpieces in american politics
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and maybe one day, hit it big if that person goes on to be a congressman or governor or presidential nominee. this is why he needs to answer questions about his relationship with china and why kamala harris need to come out and answer questions to about what she would do as president. >> the doors always open to either that we would love to have that conversation with either but with all this playing out with with the critique of the new polls out from the key critical swing states they show president trump down in place like michigan we have peeling with her officially to get that firmed up here "the wall street journal" editorial board is asking the question of president trump in their words will blow another election they say he doesn't seem to realize he's in a close race that he needs discipline in a consistent message. system mr. trump selection to lose but as he learned in 2020 he's more than capable of doing it. has there been a shaky pivot to a different ticket? >> djokovic we always knew this would be a close election
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whoever they put up against president trump. with the more the american people learn about kamala harris the less they like her. if you think your family struggled under joe biden, com a harris the lesser use the worst is yet to come if she gets elected. >> the polls even to have a open mind about her. >> when she has to face the american people answer questions through the media, just again the other presidential candidate would. if you are in the nomination like donald trump didn't weigh 17 or barack obama did in 2008 at the due town halls and debates and interviews. she had a gifted to her and she thinks she can hide out for a hundred more days before the election. but eventually she will have to come out and explain what she would do for this country once the american people learn she wants to do things like decriminalizing illegal immigration away your health insurance on the job they will not like what they hear. >> those positions might have changed it seems she's hearing from campaign members were from staff and that these things are
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changed. >> she said these things on tape and in her own voice when she ran for president last time. everything else is affrighted night news dump. >> we get that economic claim we are told this week. always good to see you thank you were coming in. joining us now jason carroll, welcome and to both of you thank you for your service. both of you or the uniform and we appreciate that beyond your congressional service as well. let's start with this to lavaller conversation we had with senator cotton. we talk with this timeline in february 2005 that governor wallace was notified that it was possible as he would be called up. march 202,005 he says that's the command sergeant major have a responsibility not only to ready my battalion but also to serve if called on. dedicated to serving my country to the best of my ability but congressman, by the time his team was called up he had retired. despite that statement he would serve if called on he ultimately
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didn't. >> ashanti, thank you for having the military services staff. serving in a military unit is tough. you have to be able to rely on your fellow veterans and service members. that's a dp those in the military that we have each other's backs. there is really very few things that more when you see a veteran attacking falsely another veteran and that's why it's so sad to see senator vance turning on tim walz. hugh scher for 24 years in uniform, he started when he was 17 and listed as a private just like me i have a special place in my heart for fellow privates. he's a junior listed he held the
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position of sergeant major news units highest and listed position in the unit but he's the highest enlisted person to ever be on a presidential ticket. that's exciting for the middle class and for working americans and i'm excited for this ticket. >> talk with the reliance that many women have to have he feels that they left him behind. military units early family shannon. they are like families. your brothers and sisters and they don't always get along. people have personal grievances and people are angry at each other and it's very sad to see that. i don't know what's motivating these folks that have spoken out i'm sure there some kind of personal grievance they are. but overwhelmingly people who
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serve with him know what type of person he is even those who are republicans. even those who said they will not vote for him say he served with distinction and that's the true story here. his record is very clear and it's very exciting that we will have the most senior enlisted person on a presidential ticket in america history that's a monumental thing. >> in the meantime we have questions about what kind of commander in chief kamala harris should be. if she becomes president, critical to you and everyone who wears the uniform are has worn it, the "wall street journal" says its a mystery because you don't know exactly where she would land on these things. she's all but telling americans they will have to alectra to find out what she really believes. that's bad enough with domestic issues but on foreign policy could be perilous. it's more perilous and it's been decades and they deserve to know how the woman aiming to be commander in chief harris would confront these threats. what obligation does she have now to start taking the
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questions to start explain it to the american people and in-depth probing weighs about her positions are. >> the world is a very volatile and dangerous place right now. no doubt about it. more dangerous right now than any time certainly in my lifetime and there is no one who is more capable of taking on these dangers and leading us commander in chief then vice president kamala harris. she was united states senator for years and she's been the vice president for three and a half years. she's met with hundred 50 foreign leaders have been with her when she led the u.s. delegation to the security conference multiple times which is one the largest most consequential security conferences. people know where she stands. this critique that has hit that she. >> a lot of people don't know where she stands. she talks will be the last person in the room that led to this conversation in these decisions about afghanistan that disastrous withdrawal they are, was she separate herself from some of his policies or is she
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in lockstep with them? do not deserve to know? for some one who wants to become commander in chief? >> of course we know and people do know. eight, in this critique that she doesn't take questions is just not true! she's been the democratic nominee for five days shannon. for five days! she's been in this race is the primary top of the ticket for just a few weeks. in that time mind you she's been building a presidential campaign from the ground up and she's had to select a running mate and she's been running around to in key places in the country holding rallies for tens of thousands of americans who are very excited for her candidacy. she's been pretty busy but there's no doubt you will see the type of leader she is. you will she see she is ready from day one to tackle these threats. i serve three combat tours in iraq and afghanistan as a trooper and army ranger i know the dangers and what it's like to serve and there's no question of my she's ready to be the commander in chief the united states needs.
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with private eyes health care to they got buybacks, a lot of call that compensation to where she is on ice and all the borders there was positions as senator cotton said that we heard from her clearly that it seems like we still are not getting clarification from her, secondhand from a campaign staffer and someone off the record say she is pivoted on many of these things. running over the "washington examiner" says out loud and in person and all the record. vice president kamala harris has extreme and destructive policy proposals. she said far left stuff when she needed to win far left vote and now she wants to win's -- moderate boats in the race is the question what she line back then or now? >> the contrast in this election could not be more clear. right? there is great clarity as to what both candidates will ask you do. >> but is it a difference between harris to 19 and 2024?
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we don't know! >> is very clear know we do know! we know vice president harris will protect reproductive rights, will defend working-class americans, will keep america safe, will help reduce cost for regular americans meanwhile we know donald trump will do the opposite in these saying he will raise costs and taxes and when he was president he passed a tax cut for the wealthy americans, for the biggest corporations were 80% the value of this tax cut went to the buybacks for the billionaires and ceos of these corporations and the stockholders and shareholders of these corporations and offer regular working americans. that's why unions and hardworking americans. >> for the average and working americans as well. but they'll have to two have a conversation about whether they do this. >> shannon that's why unions and working-class americans are behind the harris and tim walz
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ticket. labor is behind this ticket. that's why americans know that if you are working-class american, if you are middle-class, you are trying to build a business and own a home in support of family. that's why you know you can trust vice president harris and tim walz. >> a lot of those average americans are struggling with their pocketbooks. business and personal. we looked forward to the vice president rolling her plan later this week in interviews beyond that to two flush of the rest of her policy as well. we thank you for coming on as an advocate and again for your service. >> thank you. >> a roller coaster week on wall street. many panicking with massive selves as they watch their retirement account balances punch up next we have two experts coming into debate theei data and tie with the impact on the race to the white house to. ♪
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>> twenty-two this past monday with this market round. some losses were grouped but many are wondering what comes next. join me now as robert wolf of former economic advisor to president obama and a fox news contributor. public finance economist is also here with the header tran daesh and welcome to both of you and glad to have you with us. let's talk about the data says." want to start with this from usa today. the edges hundred 14,000 jobs last month well below expectations were hundred 75,000
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gains is the heisinger league three years. they going to say one gage tracking there were heights of an employments as they could already be in the recession and hiring his dip below the pre-covid levels. meanwhile the manufacturing activities fell to an eight month low with consumer spending the main engine is slowing with credit card debt at a record high. that does not celica good collection of information. >> thank you for having me on shannon, i know we will discuss a lot of these points would probably flip it completely. within 43 consecutive months of jobs growth. and to be clear over the last two years the trump team and the heritage foundation was working on 2025 and now they are sprinting away from it. the bynen heresy administration they have passed the infrastructure policy. and look what we have done, you had manufacturing gains almost 800,000, the private sector noninvestment, and the factory
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construction at record high and don't take my word, just look at the projects. the george berry plan. the north carolina semiconductor plan. wisconsin data center. last month was below expectations what we have had 14 million job gains since this president has been in office we will so gdp in economic policy at the global phenomenon on this energy. >> something we talk about a lot42 million jobs. a lot that was added back from the covid pandemic but what do you make of what robert says about your work interview that's inaccurate when it comes to our economy. we made a really great amount of recommendations we hope they
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will take it off on -- up on it. one of the things is even though we continue to see the papal -- payrolls rising and 66,000 below where it was back in november of last year. labor market is not all well yes, we are seeing unemployment take up and we are seeing literally all the net job gains from the last year not go to native-born americans with foreign-born workers that's a trend that's been going on for the last several years in terms of the gdp yes, it's true gdp is growing but it's essentially growing because the government debt under the bynen heresy administration increasing debt by simply to try it -- trillion gone down about another trillion with a point to trillion in the red and what did we get for it? about 6.6 trillion down to two-point to a few just -- adjust for inflation. it's a debt fueled spending binge gave us for your high inflation the record high credit card and interest rates and the tripping of mortgage
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rates. >> how does that and? >> not well! we can look what we did the exact same thing the 1970s unfortunately was a very good example of this. this was back-to-back recessions that hit 20%. >> we are going to get a lot of economic data this week. cpi inflation coming out wednesday in the retails thursday. the michigan consumer settlements as well. what will you look to did tell us where we're moving forward? >> we saw them get hit in the world was concerned. but in 1987, we saw the black monday crash and you saw what happened the last few days. one, the stock market came back and we should be clear that was a thousand points weighing and it was a big swing. with 32,000 points downturns. i was under president trump with the three largest in history.
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the foundation is also fiscal conservatives all of a sudden, it's complete b.s. they were turning the trump tax cuts and they were going to pay for itself with 5% gdp. steve moore couldn't wait to talk about it and paying for himself. they had a trillion in debt in a four-year period. the most in the history of a president. one from 20 to 20 trillion. the deficit balloon. this idea that all of a sudden they are worried about fiscal conservativism. we should just reflect on what really happened during the trump administration. >> very quickly want to give you response to that. the tax cuts under president trump benefited the wealthy and they have been good for the country? >> all the different news organizations that didn't analysis on the top -- trump tax reform said middle-class americans had a lower tax burn after the reform was past not more. in terms of the very wealthy especially in the high-tech states like new york, new jersey, illinois california actually paid more because
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although their tough -- top marginal tax rate was reduced the lost reduction so they got rid of the tax loopholes. apparently the democrats want to get rid of that because doing so would be a hand out to the donor base in the high-tech's blue states. >> if you like i could do an hour with you two. please come back i think they'll be a lot more for us to see in the coming months. thank you both. >> thank you. >> the media love affair with tim walz, quite the contrast with what we saw with j.d. vance's election to joining the trump ticket, the sunday panel weighs on that and growing questions with the aris and tim walz take it going for an in-depth media interview." press conference! ♪
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>> ninety can listen anytime anywhere, the top newsmakers in the sunday panel, take fox news sunday with you wherever you go. download the fox news sunday podcast at fox news pad --
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podcast wherever you go.
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>> the definition of a man from middle america, football coach. >> he has this vibe that's really appeal to a lot of democrats. >> totally approachable you get the feeling is plenty of neighbors they were mega hats. >> they have an ability to be one person said kyla lee. >> pretty much of the media
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delivering a glowing a assessments of the running mates, tim walz, schiemann announcing her vp pick after weeks of speculation. time for us on a group to break it down. at the institute. the fox news senior political analyst, by the way, also the author of the new price for these eyes, the rise of the second civil rights movement coming out in months. the fox news states appointment -- state department, great to have all of you. cut a leak, folksy, joyful, they like him a little better with -- then trade event. >> with the talk of vibes joy, enthusiasm, weirdness, confidence, if you look this presidential campaign has become inside out to write. >> all the emotions and adjectives! some of those clips you showed i think they are ready to give tim walz a hug but i would say this, there is a very unusual moment here which is he of a new vice president --
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vice presidential selection now they running for president kamala harris needs to be defined and i think strategically for the trump campaign they need to train their focus on kamala harris, even if tim walz presents a little -- a lot of unwrecked -- answer questions about his record and plants -- and past. >> it's open for her or her running mate would love to have your fox news sunday, this is an opinion piece by a journalism professor that says certainly her campaign counselors could have oppression which he calls and only preselected sympathetic reporters and then gives answers based on this. they be superficial but we shall at the campaign is going to the motions of engaging the press and we would love for them to engage with us! >> the pressure is mounting for harris to actually answer for some of her policy decisions is especially important because he senior republicans and others point out just a few years ago when she was running for president, she is on the record
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making policy stances that were considered pretty progressive now i and other reporters have reached out to her campaign and we've received background comments saying the opposite weather its on the fracking bands or the illegal border crossings or buyback programs for assault weapons and all these huge policy issues she was on the record saying a few years ago and also she is saying she no longer believes in those things so i think it's really important for us to hear from her directly. about where she stands on these issues. >> the going to say this if they are willing then they can hardly be expected to have this give-and-take with the china's leaders are russian diplomat raven the house speaker micah johnson. >> you are chuckling! >> to me, governing is definitely the campaign. and wright now, i don't care if you are republican or democrat, just looking at the numbers, the polls, they would say boy she's
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doing pretty good right now! look at the rallies and enthusiasm. and you would say well, you know, crowd size has been amazing. no she is the one bragging about crowd slows. she's giving that good message. >> a lot of vibes but not a lot of policy. >> which you have here is what she be diluting the good vibe crowd size popular vp pick by suddenly starting to discuss policy? so she has to do that at some point right now i'm not sure. i think it would be pleasing to me and you shannon and legacy media all around, let's get her and we want to ask questions but i don't know if it's good campaign strategy. >> that might be the whole point. "new york times" said this, you mentioned the polls are going very well for the ticket so far they've gone to the key critical swing states with michigan 46%
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among the lightly -- likely voters in each state with the high-quality surveys in the state since mr. biden announced he was not seeking reelection with the year surveys that showed either a tied contest or a slight lead for mr. trump over mr. biden. whiplash but really just the last three weeks voc major changes in the momentum, polling, all of that with the big switch on one of the tickets! >> you know what happens with whiplash, you go one way and then you end up ricocheting back in the other direction and this is a point interestingly david axelrod has in making this week that a lot of the enthusiasm and what we are seeing surrounding vice president harris and tim walz is really that, it's a ricochet effect it's kind of a trauma response to the fact that the democrats felt so down in the doldrums about the biden-harris take it for so long that they are now euphoric. he feels it will wear off very quickly. >> a quick note about harris and her policies its very weird that
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there is this pretty much hype surrounding a candidate before they have laid out their policy platforms. normally things go in the other direction that's what campaign it was supposed to be based around with all the slogans in the world they don't really mean anything until you have proposals out there for people to evaluate so i would caution some of the crowd turned out, those kinds of things, it's all nice but how meaningful is it really when people don't have her policy proposals on their website yet. >> they are reacting with that sense of relief. we've heard about the double heaters for the past year we didn't want either of these tickets, obviously fully by the fact that they have that whole new option. >> that driving crowds and everything else. >> call them double heaters, people who delight trump or biden, i think there is also this sense of you know, we have been through that race is like a tv show that's a rerun we've seen it! this is new though! this is different.
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were like what's this about. some of that enthusiasm. i would save i just look at the post, paris has to my mind consolidated now some of the undecideds in edition to webbing up her base. what was drifting away from biden and that's was driving the numbers that trump's numbers have not gone down. trump is still in that high 40s bracket. remember, trump won the election in 2016 even though he lost the popular vote. he won the electoral college that's still a possibility, he didn't help himself this week by the way going after the governor republican governor of georgia, it doesn't help himself saying he has a bigger crowd than martin luther king jr. or saying he was in a helicopter crash with willie brown. >> is that story continues he says he will give us more data on that but i will say that trump team also says they point
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back to 2020 and how far it was off with what the ultimate result of those key states were so they say there is a lot more to that story. we have a lot more, what does the harris waltz ticket mean for the down ballot races in which party controls the senate and the house that's the debate next .
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>> this and momentum we haven't seen here in a long time. this is a good sign for the state of michigan that finally we will be actually sending republican back. >> i will work as hard as i can to make sure we hold the senate seat, the entire course of the u.s. senate is dependent on what we do in this seat. they are counting on us. >> it's a former congressman republican and democratic congresswoman tuesday they won their primaries to the u.s. senate race in michigan in november, why the pivotal races in deciding which party will hold the power and that said and we are back now with the panel, i want to put up this mat that shows all the races out there. the republicans of felt like that's a good map for them this year. you see the red states in the blue states in the talk ups -- tossups and on the heels of the new harris waltz -- harrison tim walz tickets.
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they say this, he's protecting democrats will keep control of the senate in november and he feels exhilarating gratified by the surge of enthusiasm with the vice president at the top of the ticket. what a said piece. since they took hold sir -- sending a surge of enthusiasm to the senate races, we liked to play this game are we figure out the bouts of power and that some of that waning. >> they are something like nine seats that are repetitive if you count west virginia that's not even really competitive. most people are expecting that to flip red. >> sorry to interrupt. >> yes, they have felt stronger about other places with braces that weren't considered some of the most competitive. each race is very competitive one to actually zoom in on these states these or battleground states or potentially red states where the senator happens to be
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pretty popular. it's unlike the harris and tim walz switch we have spoken to republicans recently who kind of acknowledge the 50/50 senate's action more realistic than most people are willing to admit even in the republican circles and there's a possibility that the house is really up for grabs as well. >> want to put up a couple headlines and results in the key states arizona. they are reporting on the results of a new poll that shows vice president cobb harris with the lead over president trump and they congressman up on cary lake. by a whopping 11 points somewhere things. they have harris of the biggest lead over trump yet and then also the three tenement -- democratic congressional's there with the reelection races. at this point, house and senate either way. >> that's what it looks like. i'm on electoral strategies for listening to my friends of this network that are like carl and so forth, a really does seem to be a toss-up right now meaning things could conceivably go either way because the dynamics
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we talked about in the last block. this surge of the voter enthusiasm for the vice president harris and the take it with the effect that could have on the down ballot races and also republicans are still making the argument they have not yet had the time to really carve outs sort of their profile on kamala harris. >> more people in the general electorate are presented with her profile as a long time california lifetime politician who leans very far to the left and people start looking at california as a microcosm for the entire country that's going to get some of that enthusiasm is some of those states. >> some of these key states including virginia they are doing some sort of data cleanup to their voter rolls, they had an executive order out this last week and he wants dead voters and felons and voters who cannot prove they are citizens and people that have moved, all that, they need to be off and he says this is part of his executive order. the democratic election
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department elections there between january 2020 and july 24. they got 3009 citizen voter rolls it was 1100 people that had moved? >> i think all of them confront these problems and they are taking the offensive here and they should be applauded for it. with all these races especially at the senate races. they break late and who wins the state matters. that only reinforces that this is the trump and harris fight that is going to be determined. and means trump need to take the etch-a-sketch away from kamala harris and she's having her etch-a-sketch moment with all the platforms and trump needs to find her and i'll let her get away with redefining herself. >> a quick final word? >> for president trump this weekend he's in montana involved in a tester case, that's a bad sign for the republicans! that's a red states, he shouldn't have to be there. >> but he's a democratic senator? all the sudden testers with you
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pretty much as pretty much -- three times pretty much as a challenger they would say oh, we will win but there is trump this weekend. >> one of the democratic candidates that are not going to the d&c you had to ask what that's all about maybe he just feels the time is better spent at home campaigning. thank you panel we will see you next sunday up next tray and his team in his we'll have a working across the clock -- around-the-clock, taking you deep inside the realities of war and he's back live next. >> what they didn't know. you get down everyone everyone down .
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>> fox news and tray they have been count all that will cover in the world with team in israel. he's documenting his expenses and a new book black saturday that tracks the realities of
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what's happened in the month since the october 7 the taxes. he's joining us from israel to talk with that. tray, we are so in debt, our viewers are the world is to you and you're team for what you been covering, showed tracking and documenting photographs and all these things very early on, what do you want people to get from this book. >> thank you periods black saturday is a book about the day this war began. they spoke earlier this are about the rapidly expanding conflict across the middle east. and we were there when it all started on the morning of october 7th, along the gaza border as the massacre was unfolding, black saturday you will hear stories that are not yet told. you will learn information not yet released to the public. there is truly unprecedented access in this book. speak may time in person with the israel defense minister spoke with senior hamas officials with israeli and palestinian civilians going into the gaza strip with the israeli military on embeds, symptoms
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during the day and sometimes at night for those battles still unfolding today. if you're interested in israel in gauze -- and gaza and the middle east and current events you'll want to read black saturday to learn more about what happened on that fateful morning. >> sometimes we are separated from a notion, the continents away from where you are able for the is really people i talked to. this is still very pretty much a daily painful day for them. and gaza were civilians are being caught up in this, tens of thousands they are. how are the people doing in the region as this has drawn longer than most people would've thought from the beginning? >> that's what i want this book to focus on, they speak with the people involved because it's a book about humans the entire conflict is about people that exist on the spectrum so we're talking with everyone involved to get the true story but what happened in this morning in the early weeks of the war. i speak with hostages that were
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released as part of the november cease-fire agreement about what they experienced and dragged into the tunnels beneath gauze i speak the palestinian civilians inside the gaza strip that have survived the war so far. and again, this is a story about humans. black saturday takes the reader through the experience of that morning in the early days of this conflict. shannon? >> we look forward to all of your insights and behind-the-scenes in the information you say we've never heard before, thank you very much, will check back again with you soon. >> thank you. >> you can preorder his book at fox news it is out october first. just a quick note my podcast is out today. a talk with miss universe who also is the wife and we talked about her brand-new book, a crown that lasts. it's about finding your purpose and meeting no matter where you are in life and even miss universe has some struggles as we go, fox news sunday will
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be alive from chicago next sunday ahead of the democratic national convention we'll take a behind-the-scenes and get you ready for the big event and we'll have coverage for you all that following week and that's it for today, thank you for joining us, i'm shannon bream, have a meaningful and wonderful week back here next fox news sunday z's baking the house special. arisa's styling a new look. and steve's filling his biggest order ever. with the first ever comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee, these business owners get five years of value on gig speed internet and advanced security, all from the company with 99.9% network reliability. so now they can focus on doing what they do best for the next five years. that's a lot of bread. you got this. the comcast business
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