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tv   Andrea Mitchell Reports  MSNBC  November 14, 2023 9:00am-10:00am PST

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organizations. the district attorney's office is saying, the release of the confidential video recordings is intended to intimidate witnesses, subjecting them to harassment and threats prior to trial. for the district attorney, they do not want a situation in which there's a suggestion of any of these defendants that could lead to a motion to mistrial over any of this information getting out there. of course, part of the discovery process is allowing the defense to be able to look at all of the evidence that could be used against them in the courtroom during their trial. but clearly, this was unexpected to have these videos put out there publically. >> vaughn hillyard, thank you very much for that update. appreciate it. that wraps up the hour for me. thank you for the privilege of your time. andrea mitchell picks up with more news right now. right now on "andrea mitchell reports," tens of thousands are rallying in
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washington at the march for israel on the national mall, as the national guard is deployed and homeland security officials update security to its highest designation. president biden delivers his strongest rebuke yet to israel's targeting of hospitals claiming hamas fighters -- israel claims hamas fighters have tunnelled under the medical facilities. >> you know i have been not been reluctant in expressing my concern that's going on. it's my hope and expectation that there will be less intrusive action at the hospital. >> israel and hamas could be moving closer to a deal to free women and children hostages for palestinian women held by israel. >> i've been talking with the people involved every single day. i believe it's going to happen. hang in there. we're coming.
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on capitol hill, speaker mike johnson today forging ahead with a short-term resolution to keep the government open by seeking democratic votes but costing him support from far right republicans. >> here we are on the eve of november 17th, we have a shutdown looming. we have to prevent that that would do more harm for the economy. ♪♪ good day, everyone. i'm andrea mitchell in washington. just across from the capitol here and only a few blocks from the national mall, thousands of supporters of israel are assembling for today's massive rally staged as a counterpoint to anti-israel protests in europe and anti-semitic incidents across the u.s., since israel began retaliating for hamas' actions. speeches will start in about an hour.
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busloads of supporters have been arriving all day for this national jewish organization, schools and synagogues and community centers that assembled from across the country. the department of homeland security says it's the highest threat level that they use for inaugurations and super bowls. officials say there are no credible threats at this time. right now, no calls for major counterprotests. ten days ago, they gathered outside the white house for a pro-palestinian protest, demanding a cease-fire, something the u.s. and israel oppose. we start with gabe gutierrez on the national mall. gabe, you have a big crowd assembled there. what's the feeling from people you have talked to? >> reporter: not sure if you can hear me. it's getting tough to hear because of so many people arriving here on the national mall. we are having issue with cell service. i can't hear right now, but i'm going to describe what's going on. this is the march that's set to start in less than an hour.
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this crowd extending for some distance. several thousand people are here. unclear if it will reach the goal of some of the organizers, which in permit applications, between 40,000 and 60,000 people. we see this is the stage where people are expected to speak in just a short time. we are expecting relatives of hostages to speak here. also, there are just so many -- it's an emotional time here. law enforcement authorities here in d.c. have been on high alert. as you mentioned, department of homeland security raising the security threat level to a level 1 event. we just spoke with the family of an idf soldier fighting currently in gaza. this is so personal for them. they are here in solidarity with israel. but also demanding that hamas release the hostages. if our connection continues over here, you can see how big this
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crowd has gotten here. we just spoke with a group from cleveland being bussed in here from cleveland overnight. more than 1,000 people just from that area alone. deeply personal for them to be here in solidarity with israel given that this war has raged on for more than a month. >> gabe, thank you very much. thanks for powering through that. i know you can't hear very much. there's a lot going on also at the white house today. joining us now is jonathan greenblatt. thanks for being with us. you are one of the people who sparked this large gathering. it's now -- we are in our sixth week after the massacre. there's been a lot of anger because of pictures coming out of gaza of the attacks on refugee camps and the hospitals. the president went farther than
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he had up until now. >> yes. >> just yesterday. saying the hospitals have to be protected. the counter from israel is that hamas has tunnelled under the hospitals. we have not seen that intelligence. that's based on idf video, idf claims. want to ask you, how can israel balance this? should they better balance it? they have no better friend than the u.s., financially, morally, politically. >> these are very complicated issues. i'm not a geomilitary strategist. it's hard to say the best way to handle this operation. i do think that the tragedy here is that these murderers from hamas came into israel and butchered and raped and kidnapped and killed hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people. i do think the tragedy is that they are holding babies and children and girls and boys and the elderly and women underneath
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the tunnels. i do think we found repeatedly that the idf intelligence is very reliable. any death is a tragedy. it's a tragedy to think that civilians might get killed in the operation in the hospital. patients, it's a tragedy to see so many have died so far. i hope we can free gaza, free gaza from hamas. i trust that the idf will do everything in their power as seen to do what they can to save civilian lives, even as they try to dismantle this organization that is committed to killing and killing and killing and killing jews. >> the president was more forward leaning or optimistic about the hostages. later in the program, we will play a conversation, a very moving conversation that lester holt, our "nbc nightly news" anchor had with 14 representatives, american representatives of hostage families and what they are going
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through, which is unbearable and unfathomable. they don't know whether they are alive or dead. the red cross has not been permitted to have contact with them. it's required under the international rules of law. the biden administration and israel are in separate -- they are separating into terms of what should happen to gaza in the future. israel wants a buffer zone, which would take land away from palestinians and displace more palestinians. the white house and state department are against that. israel will occupy, even though they don't want to reoccupy, but they would occupy, according to netanyahu, gaza for a period of time, something the u.s. thinks is a bad idea. many members of the cabinet are against a two-state solution. how do you navigate that as a prominent leader working with all sides? >> how difficult when you have these different dimensions to it? i think i understand where president biden is coming from. how do we do the best we can to
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keep civilians safe? i appreciate the way he is starting with the jewish state. it's 17 years since hamas occupied gaza. israel left. hamas staged a coup. they are running a dictatorship. my hope would be that we can negotiate a path forward, which provides palestinians with equality. they will never have that unless israelis have safety and security. we need to make sure the hamas group is dismantled once and for all so these people can find ways to live together in peace. >> there's no question that hamas started this war and that hamas is a terror group. hamas is holding these hostages. let me ask about the anti-semitism and the president's proposal do something about the campus
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experiences as well as the rise in anti-semitism, and he is focused on islamaphobic things that are happening. >> the college campuses are on fire right now. they tracked 832 incidents across the country, almost 30 a day, over the month after the gaza -- >> is the president's program enough to counteract that? >> the president has been strong and supportive. we are appreciative of that. we need more. we need the department of education to take proactive action to get the universities to do something. we need more. i will tell you, we need the right governmental authorities. the irs and the fbi to make sure the national organizations not providing support for hamas. that needs to happen right away. >> only today -- i don't know
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which organizations, but today the u.s. government was sanctioning hamas leaders and hamas organizations, the uk and the u.s. jointly. >> the last thing i would say is we need our university presidents to show some spine. it's long past the time for them to find the backbone to step up and speak out. imagine that we now have more than ten times the number of anti-semitic incidents on campuses in the last month versus the same period last year. that's a 1,000% increase. university presidents should realize the jewish students don't feel safe because they are not. they need to do something about it. >> jonathan greenblatt, thank you. the latest on the fighting in gaza and the efforts to free the hostages. a conversation with an israeli on how this is being seen by the wider world. we will be back 60 seconds from now. you are watching "andrea
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mitchell reports" on msnbc. tchia mitchell reports" on msnbc your financial story. ♪♪ we're not an airline, but our network connects global businesses across nearly 160 markets. ♪♪ we're not a startup, but our innovation labs use new technologies to help keep your information secure. ♪♪ we're not architects, but we help build stronger communities. ♪♪ we're not just any bank. we are citi. ♪♪
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in gaza today, the death toll and devastation is growing. more than 11,000 people have been killed there according to the hamas-run gaza health ministry. casualties are being reported in the north today after a strike at a refugee camp engulfed several structures in flames. the u.n. says nearly 200,000 people have fled from the north to the south in the past week. conditions are desperate at the largest hospital in gaza city. medical personnel from doctors without borders are sheltering more than 100 people nearby after the hospital ran out of food. they are asking israel and hamas for safe passage to leave the epicenter of intense fighting as president biden says hospitals need to be protected. nbc news correspondent josh lederman joins us from tel aviv. there's new developments and israel is confirming a 19-year-old female hostage, an
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idf soldier has died. >> reporter: for weeks now, health officials in gaza have been warning the hospital could turn into a figurative cemetery. today, it became an actual cemetery. medical officials there digging a mass grave to bury some of what health officials are about 150 bodies that had been piling up at the hospital, cause in the crossfire with no way to safely bury them. doctors without borders, which you mentioned, says their facility near the hospital was struck with bullets today. we don't know by whom. in the meantime, there's an urgent effort to try to save dozens of newborn babies on incubators, no longer, because the power ran out. doctors have been essentially huddling all the babies together to keep them warm from each other's body heat. now israel says it's willing to provide mobile incubators to keep them warm while they are transported to a safer place. as of now, there has been no agreement worked out on how to
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make that happen. both sides essentially blaming each other for the failure to rescue those babies and other civilians who are at that hospital. in the meantime, that urgent effort to free the hostages getting more urgent by the day with the confirmed death now from the israeli military of that 19-year-old soldier who had been a hamas hostage. >> josh, thank you so much. joining us now is the deputy mayor of jerusalem. mayor, thank you very much for being with us. >> thank you so much. >> let's talk about the conflicting imagery, which is so painful for all sides. you had this savage massacre on october 7. i've seen the video. it's unspeakable. there was a lot of empathy for israel. then with the refugee camp being bombed and now the hospitals, europe is on fire with anti-israel protests and
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messaging. the u.s., now we see this counter march today which is trying to balance it out. there are problems all across the u.s. as well and anti-semitic incidents. is there a better way for israel to process this war, something that the u.s. has been urging quietly and now publically in terms of using smart bombs, not dumb bombs, more ground than air strikes? >> you know, this is a war we didn't ask for. we didn't provoke. we didn't start. it was something we never expected to have 2,500 terrorists come in and, you saw it yourself, hours of torture, innocent babies who were decapitated, women whose -- pregnant women whose stomachs were opened, babies taken out. you know how horrific that was. i don't know of any country that wouldn't want to go and defend its citizens.
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not just that, the leaders of hamas are saying we will do it again and again and again. israel has been put in an impossible situation. israel has the strength to flatten gaza. but we're not doing it. we are putting our young men in harm's way going door to door, because we're a moral army, because we don't want to kill innocent. we have opened a safe passage from the first day. hamas was shooting people outside and not providing the safe passage. we are talking about electric and fuel and incubators. under the hospital there's a terrorist base bigger than the new york subway. what is fuelling that? they have, according to our intelligence, months of fuel and water and food. essentially, we're protecting the citizens more than they are protecting their own citizens. that's what the world should be outraged about. we can have these image
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olympics. one image is worse than the next. i'm not justifying anything. but we are in a war. there's a difference between war which is ugly, and war crimes which is purposefully going for innocent citizens. >> if there are hamas terrorists under the hospital, that's a war crime in and of itself. the counter argument is that everything has to be proportional and that these hospitals are desperate. the red cross assures me that they deliver their own fuel. they don't contract it out. they have never had incidents of their fuel being co-opted it. they deliver it to people they know in the hospitals. the amount of fuel they delivered was enough for a half hour to an hour of what is needed to generate their equipment. you have babies dying taken off of incubators. >> there was a tweet that fuel had been stolen by hamas. they had to take it down because
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they are intimidated. hamas operatives are embedded this these organizations. whatever they are saying, you have to take with a pinch of salt. they are there. but remember, gaza before october 7 had four hours of electricity a day. why? because hamas was sucking all the energy out in order to keep going this terror infrastructure that they had underneath. the priority of hamas has never been its people. we are doing everything we can. we are sending incubators. we have sent fuel. we will continue to send fuel. we cannot guarantee fuel would not be stolen. >> we were told by the government that no fuel is going in. >> we have images of fuel going in, of soldiers taking in fuel. our soldiers are constantly in touch with the staff of the hospital. we have even -- >> the hospital said it's not enough. let's talk about -- >> they are under intimidation. under them is a terror infrastructure. >> let's talk about the hostages.
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is it possible that there is a deal to exchange palestinian prisoners in israel, women, for women and children hostages? >> we heard this morning a woman has given birth. we are concerned about what's going on there with the hostages. i think we have to do everything to bring our hostages home. if people keep trying to push us into a cease-fire, i would say the cease-fire has to come from exchange for our hostages. we shouldn't be talking about anything else unless our hostages are home. these innocent babies, grandmothers and everything in between. any deal that gets our hostages home i think is something the israeli public would be behind. the main thing is, saving these innocent lives that were brutally taken on october 7th and bringing them home. >> madam mayor, thank you for being with us. >> thank you. rolling the dice. speaker mike johnson gambling on
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business support from house democrats to help him deliver a two-step short-term government funding bill. that's next. you are watching "andrea mitchell reports." this is msnbc. students... students of any age, from anywhere. using our technology to power different ways of learning. so when minds grow, opportunities follow. ♪ my frequent heartburn had me taking antacid after antacid all day long but with prilosec otc just one pill a day
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house speaker mike johnson facing his first big test in a floor vote later this afternoon on a short-term resolution, a continuing resolution to extend the budget, extent government spending at current levels until next year.
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it lost votes from hard right republicans who want spending cuts. it will require democratic votes to pass. it does not include money for israel or ukraine. earlier, the speaker was asked about his message to republicans who oppose his approach. >> we're not surrendering. we're fighting. but you have to be wise about choosing the fight. you have to fight fights you can win. we're going to. you will see the house majority stand together. we will do that. the shutdown would occur on november 17th. it took decades to get into this mess. i've been at the job less than three weeks. i can't change -- i can't turn an aircraft carrier overnight. >> joining me now is garrett haake. garrett, it's an interesting signal. speaker johnson is very conservative, yet he is starting out on a bipartisan note.
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he seemed to have enough good will to get this through. >> reporter: picking winnable fights has not been a hallmark of this republican conference. johnson acknowledged in that press conference that he is one of the hard right republicans that wouldn't like this. but it's what they need. he thinks this is a moment to try to draw things out a little longer and get back to the business that they have been trying to be in over the last few weeks, which is passing the longer-term single subject spending bill. he will probably lose a couple dozen republicans on the house floor today. everyone involved in both chambers seems to believe democrats will make up the difference. house democratic leaders have been coy about saying for sure that their members will support this. there's every wink and not in that direction with members talking about getting home for thanksgiving. chuck schumer indicating he expects to see this bill pass
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the house. he is talking with mitch mcconnell how to move it quickly when it gets to the senate side. >> it's a setback for israel and ukraine, for that funding. >> reporter: yeah. i think that's true. i don't think they were as close as they need to be to have serious discussions about getting those aid pieces over the finish line. chuck schumer talked about that at a press conference i was at. he wants to see israel, ukraine, taiwan aid and some kind of border policy packaged together in one big bill. it will not be fast. they are talking about getting on this quickly, which could mean it takes several weeks when they get back from thanksgiving. maybe by the end of the year. that requires a certain degree of focus that this congress has not always been able to achieve. >> on your other beat, donald trump, the futon county d.a.'s
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office asked for protection. i want to play a part from jenna ellis. >> he said, the boss, meaning president trump, and everyone understood the boss, that's what we all called him, he said, the boss is not going to leave under any circumstances. we are just going to stay in power. i said to him, it doesn't work that way, you realize? he said, we don't care. >> this was said at a white house christmas party in mid to late december, after he lost the election. it indicates what, according to dan scavino, deputy chief of staff at the time, what the president was thinking about having lost the election. he did leave the white house
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though. >> reporter: look, it runs in parallel with so much of what we learned during the january 6 committee hearings, when senior lawyers at the white house were telling the president and his team that he had lost, it was over, and that their legal challenges were winding up. around christmas, they would have been winding up. the jig was up. it was a matter of coming to grips with it. it's interesting that we see this protective order from the fulton county d.a. they think these videos became public -- i tip my hat to abc and "the washington post" -- but by trump affiliated folks. the d.a. thinks they were leaked to intimidate future witnesses in some capacity. i was struck by the fact that you see jenna ellis, and one of the other videos sidney powell, some of the hard-nosed proponents of conspiracy theories, here taking a different tomorrow. i can imagine seeing the comments from back then in 2020
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played side by side with live testimony, because that's what it would be whenever this goes to trial of what they are saying now, does create a powerful juxtaposition about what the president at the time knew and what all those folks around him were thinking then. >> garrett, in reading this protective order, there was a protective order on this already. i guess contempt of court. she said witnesses have been intimidated already. >> reporter: part of that would have to be hunting down, finding out how the videos were leaked and how they became public. i'm pretty sure the reporters at abc news and "the washington post" won't want anything to do with providing that information to anyone. >> indeed. garrett haake, thank you very much. double hitter today. up next, i will speak to florida congressman moskowitz just back from israel. k from is.
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tens of thousands of people are gathering here in washington on the mall to show their support for israel and condemn anti-semitism. the march comes as the war between israel and hamas is entering its sixth week. over the weekend, a bipartisan congressional delegation to israel met with prime minister netanyahu, with israel's defense minister, and with the family members of hostages being held.
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democratic congressman moskowitz was on the trip and joins us now. thank you for being with us. talk to me about the conversations with prime minister netanyahu. do you think there is a way, as the president has suggested and the secretary of state, to tailor the israel offensive, which takes civilian lives more into account, especially in the hospitals? >> thanks, andrea. the answer to that is, absolutely. we have to also be honest, which is that what hamas is doing is they are hurting the palestinians. they are using them as human shields. they are not letting them leave the hospital. israel tried to work with the u.n. to try to set up a field hospital to get people out. hamas won't allow that to help. people tried to leave, hamas held them at gunpoint.
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one thing i did learn there is we don't just to remove hamas for the safety of israel. we have to remove hamas and get them away from the innocent palestinians. i'm for a two-state solution. i hope we get there soon. i hope it leads to that after this conflict. it's not going to happen so long as hamas is willing to sacrifice the palestinians and use them as prop gan began -- propaganda. we must do everything we can from a humanitarian standpoint. we must do everything to limit civilians. hamas doesn't get immunity forever. they know what they are doing. they know they are losing the day-to-day war. they are winning the propaganda war. they are lying about the numbers. what they don't tell you is that
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the 11,000 includes thousands upon thousands of hamas terrorists that have been killed. i hope this comes to a conclusion soon. the president has been doing a fantastic job. trying to balance removing hamas and having humanitarian aid for the palestinian people. i think you can do both. israel needs to do everything it can under the circumstances that hamas not put not just israel but the palestinian people. >> it's such an intractable situation. frankly, hamas started the war. hamas are holding hostages. hamas are terrorists. hamas are in the tunnels. we don't have independent u.s. confirmation of where they are in the tunnels. it's israel a claim they are under hospitals, which is a war crime by hamas. the balancing in terms of the lives that are being lost, the
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amount of fuel that was delivered to the hospital was a half hour to an hour of fuel for a hospital. the field hospital is a notion that -- a field hospital will not replace -- these are state-of-the-art hospitals. gaza had very good hospitals build with international help. you will not build a field hospital like that. that is part of the tragedy. let me ask you about the aid. the short-term continuing resolution, this two-step continuing resolution is a clean bill, which is what democrats wanted. it doesn't have deep cuts. it doesn't have the money for israel or ukraine. do you think that keeping the government open without dealing with those two wars is going to eventually jeopardize getting the money for israel and/or ukraine? >> i voted for the first aid
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package, which was a disaster. the speaker decided to condition foreign aid. being from florida, i was extremely worriedbout the fact we might condition future disaster supplementals. that's what the speaker decided to do. he decided to divide us. rather than helping israel in their greatest time of need. now we don't have any aid for israel. they don't have the iron dome additional batteries that they need. they don't have additional projectiles to shoot the rockets down, all because speaker johnson decided to politicalize it. we have to keep the government open. our leadership is working on that. it appears speaker johnson will lose a lot of republicans. this is what kevin mccarthy tried to do. he tried to keep the government open. democrats agreed we should keep the government open. then they removed him. are they going to remove speaker johnson for doing the same thing? we will have to see.
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there's no doubt in israel's greatest time of need, the speaker must put a clean bill for israel aid on the floor. >> congressman, thank you very much. >> thanks. a short time ago, here in washington, "nbc nightly news" anchor lester holt sat down for an interview with 14 american families whose loved ones have been held hostage in gaza for more than five weeks. here is part of the conversation. >> abigail is the youngest of three kids. on the 7th of october, her mother was murdered in their house. the two kids that were there, 6 and 10-year-old were spared. we don't know how and why. after their mother was murdered, they ran outside. they found their father who had abigail. they told him what happened. they ran. abigail was in her father's arms. as they ran, a terrorist shot him and killed him. he fell on abigail.
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the kids -- the 6 and 10-year-old -- the 6-year-old covered her eyes. she thought she was going to be shot. when she took her hands down and saw her father was dead and looked at this terrorist in the eyes, and she just ran. they ran. her brother and she ran and locked themselves in a closet for 14 hours. at that point, the only news we had came from two kids in a closet with a phone telling all of us from the morning of the 7th that the mother and the father and their little sister were dead. what ended up happening is within a few days after they cleared -- it took a few days. the stories started coming out. we learned abigail actually had crawled out from under her father's body. full of his blood went to a neighbor. they took her in. she went in the bomb shelter with the family. the husband went out to try to
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protect them. he was injured and didn't come back. they saw the terrorist taking a mother, her three kids and abigail. that's all we know. >> what do you tell the siblings? what can you tell them? >> siblings know everything. they saw their mother murdered. they saw their father murdered. these kids know their parents are gone. they attended their funeral. they saw their parents be buried after they saw their parents be killed. what do you say to these kids? you ve them love. you give them everything. >> you can watch more of lester's exclusive conversation with those families tonight on "nbc nightly news." breaking news from northern california where the man accused
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of attacking former house speaker nancy pelosi's 82-year-old husband paul pelosi at their home one year ago is testifying today in federal court. he has taken the stand one day after paul pelosi's testimony. we will have more details throughout the day. a glimmer of home. my report on how the u.s., egypt, and international teams rescued children with cancer from gaza to continue their treatments. you are watching "andrea mitchell reports" on msnbc. you are watching "andrea mitchell reports" on msnbc havet razzle dazzle. they redid the guest room. all at prices you can't believe but you should and blitzen fast shipping, north pole in two days so this year go to wayfair for goodness sake. the gifts. you have one job nick.
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it's your verizon. inside gaza, israeli troops have full control of a now non-operational children's hospital in northern gaza. it closed last thursday. today, the idf is insisting hamas was using the complex to hide hostages, even releasing footage they claim shows where some were being held. medical personnel from non-governmental organizations, palestinian american groups and others, and u.s. groups, refute that claim and say they have never seen hamas activity at their hospital. the facility was the only one in gaza specializing in treating children with cancer. many young patients had been cut off from chemotherapy for more than a month since the war started. until the white house, palestinian cancer advocates, and st. jude's hospital for children stepped in.
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victory at last for this 10-year-old, one of 21 palestinian children with cancer. safe in an egyptian hospital, flashing a sign of victory. the children with parents or guardians at the center of a secret international mission since the war began to rescue them from gaza. their joy tempered by reality. she says, i would lie if i said i was optimistic and my family is still in gaza. i'm afraid for them and our house has been hit. they came to egypt, leaving behind their family for the chance to save his life. she says, i had the feeling of any mother who was afraid for her son. i was afraid that his treatment would stop. israel warned the hospital and then attacked. the evacuation initiated by cancer advocates at the palestine children's rescue fund, and st. jude's hospital, with help from egypt, jordan, and the u.s. >> the president was closely involved in helping children get out of ukraine that were -- that
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needed cancer treatment. immediately upon hearing about this request, the president directed us to do whatever we could to help these civilians who were in very acute situations get out of gaza. >> reporter: this 2-year-old left her mom and siblins behind. sadness mixed with relief. >> smiling for the first time and they start to feel secure. it is very relieving and we hope that we can do that for all the needy children in gaza. >> one more child did get out today, but with the children's hospital in gaza now closed, 30 children remain trapped in the war zone. some approved to get out, but they have been displaced from their homes, cell phones aren't working, they don't have electricity. they had hard to locate. we'll stay on this. david ignacious joins us
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israel and hamas could be close to a hostage deal? that would free most of the israeli women and children who were kidnapped on october 7th. that is at leastorng to a high ranking iaeli official st's" david ignacious.ton in his most recen column, david es that the general outline th israeli official explained
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in an interview official requested anonymity to discuss such a highly sensitive subject, but david ignacious joins us now from tel aviv. david, you're the only one i know who could break this kind of story. and get people to talk about something that is that sensitive. this would be as we understand it from your column palestinian women, prisoners in israel, exchanged for hostages held in gaza, is that your understanding? >> yes, a deal is near in his words for the release of most of the israeli women and children who have been held in this terrible underground tunnels for the five weeks of the war, in exchange, israel would release
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palestinian women and young prisoners, not children in prison, but young people. this would be accompanied by a five-day cease-fire in part for the safe return and transfer of the israeli women and children to international red cross or other safety. and also to allow humanitarian release efforts in southern gaza to help with palestinians who have been fleeing the terrible fighting in northern gaza. we can only hope that this deal does come through within days, which is what the israeli official told me. this would still leave many of the israeli hostages, the male civilians and soldiers who are being held by hamas and other groups, some of the hostages,
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israeli officials said are dispersed among other groups, would still leave them, but this would be a significant breakthrough and we'll have to wait and hold our breath. >> it certainly would be, especially a huge relief to the hostage families, 14 american hostage families who have their loved ones and don't even know how they are, where they are. we're here in our building today talking to lester holt for tonight's "nightly news." but does this -- why would hamas give up the leverage of giving up women and children at this point and, of course, they would still be holding the men and would they also give up women who are idf? that's one of the concerns that israel wouldn't get its soldiers back, male and female. >> so, it is my understanding that women soldiers would be held back from this release.
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i think soldiers, male and female, would probably be the last that hamas would release. why would they do this? well, one reason, maybe that they're feeling pressure, bombardment from israel control of northern gaza is increasing. another reason would be that i am sure hamas leaders would love to take credit for palestinian prisoners being freed and boast that they had accomplished that. the -- we're now in a period where the hostage bargaining is going to be extremely delicate, difficult, i think probably painful aspect of this. hamas just released footage showing a young woman who was alive and then they claim that had been killed by israeli bombing. a terrible thing for the family to have to see those images.
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but, andrea, here in israel, everybody you talk to speaks about the hostages, everybody seems to have a personal connection to someone, one of the families. you drive around and you see their pictures everywhere, you drive by the border towns and kibbutz and huge banners of the people, it is a very powerful part of life here. >> david ignacious, thank you for being with us. we hope to talk to you again as you progress on that trip. that does it for this edition of "andrea mitchell reports." make sure to join us tomorrow for my conversation with former new jersey governor and republican presidential candidate chris christie , just back from israel. "chris jansing reports" starts right now. good day. i'm chris jansing live at msnbc