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tv   Katy Tur Reports  MSNBC  November 14, 2023 12:00pm-1:00pm PST

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hi, everybody. i'm in for katy tur. there is a lot going on this afternoon. we are watching washington, d.c. where the march for israel rally, which has drawn tens of thousands from all over the country is happening. we're going to start in fulton county, georgia, where fanni willis has filed for a protective order.
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tapes that give us a first look at what the former president's codefendants are saying about him and efforts to overturn the 2020 election. >> he said well the boss, meaning president trump, and everyone understood the boss. the boss is not going to leave under any circumstances. we are just going to stay in power. i said to him, it doesn't quite work that way, you realize. he said we don't care. >> that is just one of a series of reportings obtained by "the washington post." essentially a tell all interview for a plea deal. the videos have not been independently verified by nbc news. what they tell us about the fraud case facing donald trump is really the question and who d.a. willis is blaming for this leak. let's start with the latest developments here, vaughn. what more do we know about the d.a.'s emergency filing? >> this is kind of in realtime here. we know this hearing is going to
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be tomorrow afternoon at 1:30 p.m. in front of the judge and televised. so this emergency motion from the district attorney came after the release over the last 20 hours of those four videos. 19 defendants. four of them have entered plea agreements so far. as part of those plea agreements, they sat with prosecutors, filmed and provided what had to be truthful and accurate statements to prosecutors. now each of those videos was given to defendants and their attorneys as part of the discovery of evidence process here so that the defense attorneys for the defendts those who have not entered plea agreements, know what they're defending their clients on. now the district attorney is looking for an emergency motion here to keep any evidence that is obtained by the defendants from being publicly released. very clearly in a statement in this filing saying quote, in order to protect witnesses and safeguard sensitive and confidential information.
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again, 1:30 p.m. tomorrow is when the hearing is going to be. >> thank you. want to bring in now former fbi general counsel, andrew weissman, to talk more about this. it's a pleasure, sir. thank you for joining us. talk me through these testimonies that are offered up. these tell alls when these plea deals are struck. >> sure. so, it is normal for somebody who is cooperating to give a lot of information to the prosecutors. so they know what it is that they have to offer. what is they would say if they were called to the stand. and until we got these, there was a lot of speculation about whether any or all of the four individuals who are defendants who pled guilty were cooperating and to date, i think the thing that's notable to me is it appears that mr. hall and miss
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ellis are in fact giving information that could be useful. i think that people should really take with a dose of caution what miss powell and mr. chesbro have said because it's not clear they're fully cooperating or their statements are particularly useful for the prosecutors. i think it's a bit of a mixed bag. two seem like they have information that's useful. two have what i would say it's not totally clear they are fully on board and fully cooperating as opposed to they're pleading to what they did, but they're not willing to say truthfully everything else. >> we played jen ellis as we were coming to you. i want to play sound of sydney powell in her testimony she offered then we'll talk on the other side. >> what sort of things was he
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saying december 18th? >> well, he knew, he was all his instincts told him he has been defrauded. that the election was a big fraud. it was that he had won. >> right. and so but you had said before, if he got to the point where you know, the facts were telling him you've lost, he would then bow out. that was either what he said to you or the sense you got. >> yeah, he said something very clearly to that affect. >> then on the 18th, the only real justification he's giving you to why he's not bowing out is that his instincts tell him that he won. >> that and the evidence that i showed him. >> i got to say and i don't know if you have the same takeaway as i had, but i get the impression from someone like powell that even in this, even after striking this plea deal and pleading guilty, that she still believed that what she was doing was right. i'm wondering taking that into
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mind with the ultimate objective of the prosecutors and what they can actually do with that information. put that together for us. >> sure. so i have exactly the same impression that she is saying in many ways that former president believed that there was fraud in the election. that she, sydney powell, showed him evidence which by the way to date, none of us have ever seen and none of the courts have ever seen it and found it credible. she's continuing to say that. one of the things that the way i put this together is she is not a witness who the government will call. she is not offering evidence that would be helpful to the government's case. she may be someone who the defense wants to call. so you might be saying what did she plead guilty to? what is it she said she did wrong? it's that she illegally participated in this break in to
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get voter data in coffee county in georgia. but that, you can have both of those in the same sphere. you can be yes, i broke in, we wanted to see what the data was, but i thought there was fraud if the election. i think that's what she is saying. if that's all she's saying, that is not a cooperating witness for the state or for the federal government. >> i want you to unpack some of this d.a. f for us and i want to read it a quote for you. the release of these confidential video recordings is clearly intended to intimidate witnesses in this case, subjecting them to harassment and threats prior to trial. constitutes direct misinformation about obstructs justice about the violations imposed on each defendant. there's an implication here that the leak of the video was made by the defense. whomever members defense that
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is. of course, there are many codefendants in this case. what would be the objective of that and would that compromise any plea deals here? >> so, you know, i'm not sure how the state gets to all of those different aspects. i have to say some of that seems strikes me as a little bit of hyperbole. there was no protective order at the time that these were leaked. whoever leaked them. and so, yes, it could result in maybe people feeling chilled if they were to cooperate in the future and thought their statements are going to get out and be you know, discussed on news stations like this and major newspapers. but i think the judge is able to deal with that going forward. why somebody did this, that's really speculative as to you know, if it came from a
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defendant or a defense counsel. there could be a whole variety of motives. it does seem unlikely however that it came from the states since the state took really tried to clamp down on this. they're making this emergency motion. so, it seems like it probably came from one of the remaining defendants but it remains to be seen if that's true and what the reason is. i think the d.a. is probably mostly concerned about this not continuing going forward so that if they reach plea agreements with additional defendants, they don't have a repetition of what just happened. >> is there a likelihood that some of these proffers and testimonies from the folks that are striking plea deals could be used in the federal election case with jack smith? >> the statements themselves would typically not be admissible because of here say rules. they may end up for a variety of
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technical reasons, coming into evidence. but the, but if you look at what the underlying facts are, in other words, jenna ellis saying x, y, and z. if you look at mr. hall saying, you know, d, e, and f. you certainly jack smith could look at that and say you know what, jenna ellis will be a useful witness for us. we're going to subpoena her and meet with her. same thing with mr. hall. so, yes, there's such an overlap in the january 6th federal case and willis' case that it's easy to see how witnesses in one case would be usefu other. >> we are thankful for you. appreciate it. up next, i'm going to be joined by a woman who just spoke at the march for israel in washington. six of her cousins are being held by hamas. what she's hearing about a possible hostage deal. we're back in just 60 seconds. we're back in just 60 seconds.
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tens of thousands of demonstrators are on the national mall in washington, d.c. for the march for israel rally today. the security level for this event has been raised to the highest designation amid a surge in antisemitic incidents across the country as well as standing in solidarity with israel as we approach day 40 of the war. the organizers and speakers are calling for the immediate release of the hostages being held by hamas. right now, the idf saying that number stands at 240. joining us now from d.c., marisa. the crowds are huge. major speaks as well. hakeem jeffries was speaking today. walk us through what you'veeen seeing and who you've been speaking with. >> we've been here for a few hours and you might be able to see a number of signage. the people walking behind me. i would say that it's a mix of support and solidarity for israel as well as a mix of support and solidarity for the
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hostages and those families. particularly we know that there's a number of them that are american families. we know that we've heard from the family members themselves of those hostages here on the stage here within the last hour. as well as jewish american allies. we've heard from israeli artists, musicians, and as you mentioned, the scale of this. on the low end, we're hearing a crowd of 40,000 upwards of 250,000. of course, the actual numbers will be determined later but the significant size from all around the country. i want to take you to the what we've heard from people that have gathered here from all corners of the country on what brought them here. what was the most important part of showing up here on the national mall in d.c. >> we have a daughter who lives in israel. and we're concerned for everyone there. we have lots of friends but also we're just concerned about the state of judaism as a whole. >> holocaust survivors from all
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over have told us how afraid they are right now than they were than during world war ii. >> it's a very scary time for them. we have to show them support. >> so many people are dying and 200 people being held hostage, babies and children. >> when you say so many people are dying. >> i mean on both sides. terrible tragedy. >> so among the things that we have heard today, you heard that last woman there expressing compassion for people in gaza. that is something we've heard across the crowd here. but there is that feeling here that when it comes to cease fire which we know has been under discussion for the last month here, a lot of people saying that discussion cannot be had without a discussion on those roughly 240 hostages. and so when we talk about the mood here, that is a significant part of this. i would just conclude the security here has been significant. we know level one security both local and federal police here
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but so far, no arrests. nothing violent from what we've heard. >> thank you. appreciate it. want to bring in alanna. six of her cousins are being held hostage in gaza. she just spoke at the rally. you and i spoke a couple of weeks ago. i'm thankful to be speaking with you again. i want to mention the names of your cousins first before we start. sherone, david, emma and julie, 3-year-old twins. danielle, ameila, who's 5 years old as well. do you have any updates on the status of your cousins, their health, where they are? the possibility of them being released? >> no. no. we don't have any updates. we have no information. >> we'ee hearing about a possible hostage deal. have you had any communication from either our government, the american government, and or the israeli government upon that happening anytime soon? >> no. i have not personally had any
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conversations about any negotiations with our government and as far as i know, my family in israel has not either. >> i know it was important for you to speak there today. at this rally. why did you want your voice to be heard? >> i wanted my voice to be heard because i can be a voice for my family here in the west. they need the whole world to know what has happened to them and they need the world to you know, come together and help us bring them back. so it was important for me to be here and speak on their behalf. >> when i spoke to you just couple of weeks ago, you said you were getting a lot of support from friends, loved ones, from people in and outside of your community. is that still happening? >> yeah, i still have support from friends and family and anyone who is not supporting me, i'm just tuning out at this point. >> what have you been through? what has your family been
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through? what are you hoping for now? >> it's a nightmare. it's a surreal nightmare. there are very few words that can describe the grief we feel. my aunt feels. my aunt is in agony every single day. like, 60% of her family has been taken. her family of ten. it's a family of four right now. so all we want right now is for them to be returned to us immediately. >> have you had an opportunity to meet others in the crowd there today marching alongside you who also have family members that have been taken hostage in israel and has that provided you with some comfort? >> yes, i've been around other hostage family members here. i've also had other conversations with them in the past. they do comfort me and i feel very comforted by the amount of people that are here to support us. certainly uplifting and i think will help me stay strong. >> you have a lot of u.s. lawmakers speaking there today.
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i saw hakeem jeffries there earlier. what is your message both to president biden along with prime minister netanyahu of israel? >> my message is that the hostages need to be our number one priority. bring them back immediately. right now. >> we thank you for taking the time to speak with us today. we wish you and your family the best and of course the safe return of your cousins. please stay in touch with us in the weeks to come as this entire situation unfolds. thank you. appreciate it. >> thank you so much. bye. so the families of american citizens kidnapped by hamas say they want to focus international attention on their loved ones. that includes a 3-year-old girl named abigail who the white house confirmed is among those being held captive in gaza. her great aunt along with the relatives of other hostages sat down with nbc's lester holt for an exclusive interview. >> abigail is the youngest of three kids and on the 7th of
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october, her mother was murdered in their house. my niece. the two kids that were there, 6 and 10-year-old, were spared. we don't know how and why, but after their mother was murdered, they ran outside and found their father who had abigail and they told him what happened and they all ran and abigail was in her father's arms. and as they ran, a terrorist shot him. and killed him. and he fell on to abigail. and the kids, the 6 and 10-year-old, the 6-year-old covered her eyes. she thought she was going to be shot and when she took her hands down and saw her father was dead and looked at this terrorist in the eyes and she just ran. they ran. her brother and she ran and locked themselves in a closet for 14 hours. at that point, the only news we had came from two kids in a closet. on the phone telling all of us from the morning of the 7th that
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the mother, the father, and the little sister were dead. and what ended up happening is within a few days after they cleared this kibbutz full of terrorists, took a few days, and the stories started coming out, we learned that abigail actually had crawled out from under her father's body. and full of his blood, went to a neighbor and they took her in. she went in the bomb shelter with this family and the husband went out to try to protect the kibbutz and he was injured and didn't come back. and the next thing, the last thing we learned was that somebody saw the terrorists taking this mother, her thr kids, and abigail out of the and that's all we ow. >> children now leftut parents. a 3-year-old being held hostage. that's the reality of this war right now. you can see more of lester holt's exclusive conversation with those families tonight on "nbc nightly news." we'll be right back. ght on "nbc nightly news. we'll be right back. a better.
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get started today at welcome back. three days and counting before a government shutdown. the house planning to vote on a two step resolution that extends funding temporarily. the bill requires the chamber to get two-thirds of the vote to make it out of the house. it is a first critical test for mike johnson's leadership who still faces rebellion from his right wing caucus. joining us now, ali vitali. we have got so much to get to on
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the hill right now, but i want to first talk about whether or not he can keep the government open for another three days. where are we on this? >> i'm ready for capitol hill rapid fire. on the government shutdown, this is not really going to be the thing congress is known for today, but we expect them to take up the vote in the next 90 minutes. they're doing it by suspension which is why it's being passed by a two-thirds majority. that's just johnson reflecting the reality of his republican conference. he knew he lacked the votes on just his side. he also knew it would have trouble getting out of the rules committee so we're watching him do this end run. the big difference is he's going to do it in bipartisan fashion if they're able to do it, which we expect they will. but his conference is giving him the leeway to do that. that's one thing mccarthy did not have. >> i want to talk about some of these confrontations we've been seeing on capitol hill over the last few hours. a senate hearing today, oklahoma
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senator mullen and teamsters president had quite a confrontation. i want to play it for folks then we'll talk. >> pretends like he's self-made. what a clown. fraud. always has been. always will be. quit the tough guy act in these senate hearings. you know where to find me. any place, any time, cowboy. sir, this is a time, this is a place. you want to run your mouth, we can be two consenting adults. we can finish it here. >> that's fine. perfect. >> you want to do it now? >> i'd love to. >> stand your butt up then. >> you stand your butt up. >> stop it. >> sit down. >> calm down. both of you. you're a united states senator. sit down, please. >> i can't help but laugh at what is going on there. then you've got senator bernie sanders to the rescue. what is happening? >> you saw senator mullen there almost taking off his ring.
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i think that's the male equivalent of taking off your hoop earrings before a fight. this is not what you expect to see in congress and frankly, mullen is one altercation or near altercation that we saw today but we've seen this in the capitol. on the house side, we saw this from two members. of course, we have the mullen incident. asked afterwards by reporters if he regretted how hot the situation got, he said no regrets. clearly this is a situation where it didn't come to blow, thankfully. bernie sanders and that hand motion were doing a lot to keep this together but this is not your normal senate behavior. >> oh, my gosh. then you got republican tim burgett who voted to oust mccarthy, accusing him of elbowing him. let's play the sound of what he had to say then talk.
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>> he walked by and elbowed me in the kidneys as he walked by. and i kind of caught me off guard. >> do you think it was on purpose? >> it was 100% on purpose. 435 members of congress. one of them that did it, he's publicly calling me out. >> and man, does matt gaetz have it out for mccarthy, filing a complaint for assaulting him. what more do you know about this? >> this is a reminder that even as they're moving on and trying to give this new speaker a shot, the old ruins of how we got a new speaker in the first place are still extremely raw and exposed here. you have the congressman who back when he voted to oust mccarthy said he thought mccarthy impugned his faith when they were having a conversation
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about the decision to oust him. it's informing why there's such raw feelings around the capitol. these hallways are tight. i think there's a world in which what kevin mccarthy is saying could also be true. hallways are tight and people are jostling around. this is an instance of he said he said. mccarthy saying he didn't do it on purpose. burchett said he did and gaetz is happy to add a last blow. >> now i know you wore hoop earrings in high school. i'm ready. thank you. coming up, following allegations of ethics lapses, the supreme court is adopting a new code of conduct. what's in it and is it enough? senator whitehouse joins me next. be right back. whitehouse joins next be right back.
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welcome back. a private jet to a billionaire's private resort for the first time in the history of this supreme court, a formal written code of ethics will force justices to publicly reveal the gifts they received and who they got it from. this move is following recent reports that some members of the high court were not exactly following a code of conduct. all nine justices signed a statement saying this is an effort to correct a quote misunderstanding of the court's justices are not restricted by
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justice rules adding these are not new rules, but rather a formal adoption of the previously unwritten guidelines that justices were always expected to follow. joining us now, senator whitehouse. he was the lead sponsor of the ethics bill. thank you so much for joining us. you called this long overdue but there's no way to investigate and no way to enforce. talk more about that with me. >> yeah. so, as the court itself said, these are principles that in theory have long governed the court's conduct. and what they've done is they've basically tinkered with the judicial code of conduct a little bit and recapitulated it for themselves, which is all fine and i don't think it was easy for them to do this, but it
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misses the bulk of the problem which isn't the code of conduct for judges wasn't good enough. if they weren't enforcing it against themselves. every other federal judge also adheres to a code of conduct and if it looks like there's been misconduct, there's a process for figuring out whether there was misconduct or not. the supreme court has still built in no such process. so it's a little bit like saying okay, we're going to play by the rules of baseball but we don't want to have umpires and we're going to keep calling our own balls and strikes and we're going to decide when we're running the bases whether we're safe or out. it's that attitude and failure of process that has gotten them into this predicament. so this is a first step but it's not meaningful until and unless they build the process for imposing it on themselves. >> so they published this thing. we can now look at it when
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there's reporting as there was a few months ago about justice clarence thomas and say well, is this part of the code of conduct? was it violated? but i'm wondering with that in mind, are you still considering legislation to impose strigter ethics codes? >> it's not so much to impose stricter code. it's to make sure there's an actual process to determine whether or not the code is being followed. if you have an ethics code but it's up to you to decide whether you're following, that's really no ethics code at all. so we do need to fix the process problem on which they did zero in this latest iteration. and of course, we need to continue to look back at the misconduct of the past so the people understand exactly what went on and who was behind it
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and how it connected. so we have two big pieces of work ahead of us even with this code of ethics now in place. >> let me ask you an offshoot of the reporting. last week, the committee voted to issue subpoenas for crow. what is the status of that? >> chairman durbin is going to figure out a time to revise that effort. there's a faint possibility it could be this thursday but i think it's likely going to be after that because we need to do some judges coming up on thursday. so, we need to make sure we've got a lot of time because the republican response to us trying to explore how many gifts, how many secret gifts right wing billionaires gave to their favorite justices has been absolute barricade and in the last hearing where we tried to do this, they filed 90 amendments for us to have to
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process through. i would argue they were all bad faith amendments intended to jam the gears of the committee, which they did. >> we just played sound from ali vitali what's on capitol hill right now. senator mullen having a bit of a confrontation during a hearing with teamster president, having to be kind of walked back by bernie sanders. is there a decorum issue in this senate right now, sir? >> for most people, no. but every organization has its moments and every organization has its outliers. so i think the decorum in the senate generally is actually quite good. >> it seemed particularly heated between also what is happening with tim burchett accusing kevin mccarthy of elbowing him.
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>> we in the senate like to think the house has always been livelier thanheenate. >> if that's how you like to put it, sir. thank you so much. appreciate it. >> thank you. up next, what john kirby just said about hamas using al shifa hospital to hide hostages and run their military operations. we'll be right back. operations we'll be right back. are you tired of clean clothes that just don't smell clean? downy unstoppables in wash scent booster keep your laundry smelling fresh way longer than detergent alone. get 6x longer-lasting freshness plus odor production with downy unstopables. try for under $5. ( ♪♪ ) rsv can be a dangerous virus [sneeze] for those 60 and older. it's not just a cold.
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faying. a neurosurge at the hospital saying it remains under heavy fire making it impossible for patients or people sheltering there to actually leave. nbc has not independently verified that report. this is following a bombardment of the facility overnight. dr. abbas, director for the hospital, telling nbc news it is now a quote, cemetery for the sick and wounded. they've resorted to burying the dead inside the complex itself. keir simons has more and we want to warn you some of the images are difficult to watch. >> this was the sky over gaza tonight in israel's war with hamas and overnight, near the hospital in gaza city, a fire. hours after the white house says israel agreed to humanitarian pauses in the pausing, but no cease fire. close by above al shifa hospital, a projectile, then screams.
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later, a second explosion at the outpatient clinic. my mother, my father, my brother, she cries. >> my gosh. joining us now from tel aviv, erin mcloughlin. we are seeing these hospitals, the incredible amount of devastation that is happening there where people are supposed to be getting better, getting help, in which they are losing their lives. along with that, we are also getting some reporting, some statements from john kirby. talk us through more of what we're learning. >> yeah, that's right. u.s. officials saying they are corroborating israel in allegations that hamas has been using the hospitals inside gaza strip for cover. thensc's john kirby saying quote they use some hospitals in the gaza strip including al shifa, and tunnels under them to conceal their military
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operations and to holdhostages. they have stored weapons there, al shifa, and are prepared to respond to an israeli military operation against that facility. now, those are allegations that have been vehemently denied by hamas as well as doctors inside of these hospitals. i was speaking to one of the doctors inside al shifa hospital, the head of the burns unit. he was telling me he would not be there if he felt hamas was exploiting the hospital. that he has not seen a single hamas militant inside the hospital not even a gun. he is describing the scenario of desperation. he said for five days now, the israeli military has surrounded al shifa hospital. they're not letting anyone out and they're not letting aid in. he said they're lacking food, medicine, and water. listen to what he said earlier today. >> it's a war zone where there's
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continuous bombing, shooting. drones in the hospital area, targeting and shooting anyone moving between the buildings. the ambulances are not allowed the move in or out of the hospital. whoever tries to move will be killed. >> and that desperation has been growing by the day. a huge source of concern inside the hospital he was telling me is the bodies. he said as patients are dying because of a lack of supplies and oxygen at a higher rate, the bodies have been piling up and today, he said they ventured outside of the hospital. many of these doctors risking their lives. risking the sniper fire because they did not receive assurances from the israeli military that it was okay to leave the hospital, to bury 180 bodies in a mass grave there in the hospital. he is appealing to the international community for help facilitating an evacuation.
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the icrc tells me those talks are ongoing. >> thank you. i want to be clear here, the images we were showing at the beginning really kind of showed the scope of what these hospitals are dealing with. really the scope and the breadth of what these hospitals are dealing with. i want to bring in daily beast columnist to talk about this. so much of this proves and david, you and i have talked about this repeatedly. the incredibly difficult diplomatic situation is president is in and dealing with the hamas war. you have this intelligence that john kirby is now talking about that hamas is actually having their essentially, their military operations below want hospitals and yet children, patients, who are being housed there for safety are subsequently dying there. how does the president reconcile that?
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>> i don't know that he can reconcile it. it's an extraordinarily complex and, as you clearly depicted here, heart wrenching situation. i think what the president needs to do is to try to be advocate for the moral high ground, if you will, on both sides. the israeli dots have a right to defend themselves. he wants to protect that. but in cases like this, innocence in gaza are at risk. the president needs to communicate, as i believe he has been and his team have been, to the israelis that these humanitarian pauses can't be theet theoretical. this hospital is a per example. there has to be a pause. people have to be allowed to evacuate the hospital. the fighting has got to stop periodically. that might give a momentary respite to hamas, but we have to
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think about the women and children in the hospital. we recognize that hamas has used hospitals and schools as human shields. that's the complexity of this war. put we can't just shrug it off and say, well, everything that happens now is on hamas. and the united states is in the position essentially of referee here, because the israelis don't seem to be hearing it as of yet. >> then there's internal pressure as well, 400 political appointees of sending a letter to the president to protest his support of israel and its war to gaza. i want to read for you from thomedman's op-ed and have you react to biden needs to say israel, we are covering your flank with our two aircraft carriers financially with $14 billion in aid. the price for that is your acceptance of a peace framework for people in gaza, the west
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bank and he goes on, if a two-state plan was embraced by israel, even with reservations, it would reenforce for the world that iz sees its war in gaza as one of necessary self-defense and a prelude to lasting peace. what do you make of this? >> i think he's exactly right. i don't think there are many observers who have had as much experience as tom freedman has had. and i think the united states has got to be the active player in saying, we understand the near term objectives of this war. what are the medium and long-term objectives. there has to be a political settlement. that political settlement has to lead to the palestinians having the ability the to govern themselves. the israelis are trending in a different direction. benjamin netanyahu has said he is going to have israeli control over gaza for the foreseeable future. we have to say, no.
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we are not going to be supportive of that. we have to have a real return to the two-state solution, and i think tom describes it as well as anybody has. >> david, thank you so much. appreciate it. >> thank you. coming up, inflation numbers are down. driven by cheaper air fare, cars and gas. what it means for you with the holidays, thanksgiving, christmas, new year's, all around the corner. we'll be right back. year's, all around the corner. we'll be right back. only unitedhealthcare medicare advantage plans come with the ucard - one simple member card that opens doors where it matters for you. what if we need to see a doctor away from home? ucard gets you in with medicare advantage's largest national provider network. how 'bout using it at the pharmacy? yes - your ucard is all you need.
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>> they might not do anymore interest rate hikes. this number was much low than what economists are expected. that's how much more expensive things got in october. substantially lower than the 9% inrate that we saw in the summerer of last year. so improvement, although economists say we still want this number to go down from here. so do a lot americans. food continuing to go up in the month, energy went down because gasoline prices went down. i want to show you the price of things that people are used to buying on a daily basis. eggs, gasoline, milk, all going down. some things are still going up in price. take a look at bread up to $2 a pound. it's an experience where depending on you're buying, prices going up and down, but broadly speaking, not as bad as the summer. >> it was great ahead of the
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holiday season. does this mean that what jet role powell is doing is woring? >> the reason why they were raising interest rates is to make inflation go down, so the headline number is good news. not yet mission accomplished, but we have already made them so high. maybe we could keep the interest rates at this level to take some steam out. >> airline prices, good news if you're traveling. thank you. appreciate you. had that does it for me today. "deadline white house" starts right now. hi there, everyone. it's 4:00 in new york. from coup plotting on the sidelines of a christmas party to an election denier admitting she knows nothing about election law. the ex-president's former co-defendants in the fulton county election interference case are spilling the beans to the prosecutor. providing a plethora of details


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