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tv   Dateline  MSNBC  November 19, 2023 10:00pm-11:01pm PST

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hello i'm andrea cannon and this is date line. >> thaeup said we need you to get into the car with us. they zip tied my arms -rblgs
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zip tied my legs, duct taped my hair. there's no words. i'm sitting there just, hysterical. it's terrifying. >> reporter: she thought he was mr. right. a confidence harmful surgeon until the good doctor seemed to turn sinister. >> he had put his hands over my head and said, go ahead and try and leave. >> i didn't know where else to go. >> she just wroebg down. , she just sits down. unravel not just one murder scheme but two. >> so tphoul you have a man and a woman who both want their x euz. it was just unreal.
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i didn't think this was happening. >> these detectives had a plan and you were a big part of it. >> oh my god. >> it's just it's the worse it he'll hroel wepb tom nothing was at it seemed. to understand how a nice looking couple ended up at the table talking to two people they thought were hit men, we need to go back to the beginning when megan varacas had just met a charming dr. named leon jacob. here's wrists in tábgs tápbgs.
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>> in the binning. she was giddy, charmed. >> i don't think i've ever had somebody tell me that i'm beautiful no malter what. it turned from love story to crime story. >> he's a relentless sue thatmy. >> he uno doesn't koeubg i feel awful. it never showed miranda
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warnings. steeler games, tight knit friends. >> i grew up with my parents. she threw herself into work managing a busy hotel downtown. >> it's a fun job. you meet a lot of work red tphra -rb his ? >> what was your opinion. >> it was very different. he wears on you. >> leo tphr-rbgs came from a well to do family and attended an elite pool. >> i think anybody is enamored
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by someone who can save lives. >> reporter: leon was unlucky in love. he told her he was going through a divorce. the more megan got to know him. the more students there will be. skwr-tz he made me feel i desefrbd something else. >> yeah. >> leon pwruf -- he said i opened a bank account and he the. >> did you start to envision the possibility of marriage with leom. >> yeah, at 30 years old you don't want to spend time with someone you aren't trying to
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get serious with i. >> we really clicked on being from out of town. they >> i said why don't you go work as a app medical assistant. >> its really just seemed like frustrations from a normal mag zone. e tpw-rbgs an. tprus -- in front of. he just tore up my entire closet and threw all of my stuff from the balcony. >> what did you say to him? >> i was in shock, i didn't flow what to say and i dent
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know what to do. here i am, i love that person soon over day leon saoefpled to find a new reason to get angry. even kháully he says, his anger turned to abuse. >> he used to khaoul tobacco. i don't nope what i did or what happened, he took the thing. even though he would call me these horrible names. then he would beg for. >> reporter: would you forgot
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them? the kwa tpeuty. -- nobody expects to be in a relationship like that. then can skwraeupl 12, 1997. he throwed stafrt then he like threw a glass of wine on me. >> megan lad to get out. i said i'm done, i'm leaving. >> she rushed to pack a bag. >> he put his hands over my face and said go ahead and leave you [ bleep ] >> he's pulling on the car door, pulling on the car door and saying, if you don't give me the dog i'm going to punch out the passenger window >> the dog got away and megan got away.
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or she has held? is megan in danger. she say >> when date line continues. ...thanks to dupixent. dupixent is not for sudden breathing problems. it's an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma. and can help improve lung function for better breathing in as little as two weeks. dupixent helps prevent asthma attacks... and can even reduce or eliminate oral steroids. imagine that. dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. get help right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines, including steroids, without talking to your doctor. who knows what you can do when you du more with less asthma.
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and to see bridget's before and after photos. every morning around 8:30, ariel washington had a mighting with her friend and had a meeting with her friend and coworker. but on january 26, it was
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different >> i said good morning. and the next words out of my mouth were what's wrong. her face was blotchy. >> it was the morning after megan's desperate flight from her boyfriend leon. until that moment, she knew very little about her friend's relationship with leon. megan's cell pinged >> megan e-mailed leon to leave her alone that they were over but there would be more to come. megan had learned that leon had withdrew most of her
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money. when she went to her apartment to get her belongings she was shocked by what she saw >> i had no furniture lift. nothing. he luckily i had gotten in there in time before he took my clothes >> megan went to the police and drew up a complaint against leon >> i sat in this filthy office just crying and writing down everything i could remember >> reporter: she filed for a restricted order. but it did not go into effect immediately. a few days later >> he was in my house. >> he was running after my vehicle saying he made a huge mistake and that he loved me >> reporter: he kept showing up at the hotel where she work worked asking to see her >> his demeanor was very calm
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but very persistent. that's actually scarier because you don't nope what's going on in the back of their head. >> the hotel banned leon from the property but coworkers still saw him lurking >> we would walk outside an see him standing there behind a bush like you're invisible. i remember the first words coming out of my mouth, you know we can see you. >> reporter: police arrested leon for assault >> that was very short lived because he was out, i want to say within the next day >> reporter: two weeks later, leon and me began appeared in court. the judge granted that protective order, he then ordered leon to be arrested again on the spot. this time for stalking. as officers read leon his rights. megan was surprised to see a common face in the gallery
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>> i remember valerie was sitting in the stands. >> valerie mcdaniel, recently divorced from her husband of 19 years. megan met valerie, mac and her husband when her marriage was over. >> how did leon act around valerie? >> like anybody else >> reporter: she learned later, valerie even posted leon's bond. from this man. who a few days later got an unsettling visit from leon >> he shut the door behind him >> was that odd >> very odd. he said he wanted to tphe --
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he wanted to know about another client of mine. he said she's got go out to pittsburgh. i'm a doctor, i can't have her come to this court and testify against me. >> reporter: kubosh found leon's voice frightening >> i thought it was more than him wanting her to go to pittsburgh >> to what extent >> i don't know, if he hired somebody to do something, who knows what they're going to do >> turns out the bail bondsman also happened to be a city councilman and a friend of the chief of police. so he gave the chief of police a call and told him they should look at leon
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>> he's giving you money to kill someone >> very detailed precise instructions >> and the real jaw dropper. megan wasn't the only target >> we're taking care of both problems >> both of them >> both of the individuals we're talking about >> when date line continues.
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days before. megan vera pez had a restrictive order against her. that evening the phone ran rang and he was a police officer >> he basically said that there was a credible threat to mill life >> megan was so afraid she dressed a disguise >> she's putting a wig on, hat, jeans, t-shirts so she could be as >> they think my exboyfriend may have hired to have me hurt. and that i need to be surrounded by people 24 hours a day and not go home >> normally i would say wud phot that shocking.
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w-fr you a surprise. megan go back to pittsburgh for a while meanwhile at the official crimes were you surprised to see a doctor. usually we don't deal with professionals looking to have someone killed >> the guy leon asked the bail bondsman about. the guy who had the. knocked on doors and they saved him. his anymore taz haeud say had hit all rear.
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>> taz said leon gave him cash and a couple of fancy watches >> his story is he was toying leon. he was never to do the fix >> reporter: leon also had it done. he also said he was legal to catch with him. so police asked taz to call leon. they recorded the whole conversation >> we're going to set up a meeting so you can put an end to in okay. i'm going to bring another guy, so we can get this done. >> reporter: taz didn't tell leon his new partner was
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really an >> make sure this really is a murder for hire and to gather evidence. to see what it is that they want. also to discuss payment >> when leon showed up he wasn't alone. >> we followed leon to the table. we sat down and we were introduced to valerie >> that's right, valerie mcdonal. here was valerie meeting two supposed hit men.
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when the conversation leond ar but as they ate their pasta, leon's tone hardened. during the conversation, leon said he wanted adam to try another tactic. planet some drugs on megan. and leon had a more sinister idea which to the under cover officer sounded like an invitation to murder. invitation to murder. >> he's giving you way to kill someone >> he gave me very detailed precise instructions on how to
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kill somebody. >> but it wasn't just megan who's life was in danger. remember leon had said something about other individuals. who was the other target? >> leon clearly hated the guy. so who was he >> i have never met anyone like this >> her ex-husband. he meant valerie's ex-husband ross. >> the the under cover
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officer. first adam wanted to know was she shore >> she wants to give me the go ahead. >> of course, explained adam, a second target would cost everything tr money. le orpbgs, n returns to the table to anywhere stphr-z so now you have a man and a woman who both want their exes led. the meeting broke up. adam and taz promised to be in touch. investigator thought they had a case. but they needed it to thick. they need a wild plan to make
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that hapb. >> we said we tphaoeud kwou to come. we zip tied her hands and zip tied her' >> when date line continues. before you decide... with the freestyle libre 2 system know your glucose level and where it's headed. no fingersticks needed. manage your diabetes with more confidence. and lower your a1c. the number one doctor prescribed cgm. freestyle libre 2. try it for free at after advil.
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hi francis rivera here's what's happening. negotiators for israel, hamas and the u.s. are nearing a deal to release hostages since the attacks. the release would come in an exchange. javier mele emerged victorious in the country. now back to date line. welcome back to date line.
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i'm canning. now police officers were telling her he was trying to hire a hitman to potentially take hers. and there was more. she wasn't the only target but the police were putsing the wheels in motion on a plan of their own. back tphoul to twisted in texas. aftersome anxious days in pittsburgh, megan veracross said they needed to go home >> they take me to a lot that looks like a junk yard, kind of. there's cars with bull low hoes in them. >> just like then, valerie's ex-husband mac got out.
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>> he just hugged me and said, i heard about this a day ago. and i was like, yeah i've been dealing with this for in entire skwr-tz bull neither etch kevin >> what a bizarre request for someone who's a victim. hey we want you to. mac went first. playing a murder victim. yes, definite >> when you're dealing with a
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doctor. we zip tied her hand and feet. in megan's case it hid her and tears were flowing and she just broke down >> there's tphao words the photos look better because it was real tears, there was real emotion skw-z mean kyle tapld as -sz as most of the conversations have to do with leon expecting us how to glow can -rpl armed
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with a family >> the male suspect, he's gone, he's lying >> but leon wanted to talk about megan and how they were a bad match from the start >> she sort of adam returned to. if she refused town, he would kill her >> mom perform and i probably won't you a 10% guarantee >> leon showed -rpl with the promise to may me the reminder
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of how >> this guy is only sere phrefrpl >> the under cover officer called to him him he had to kill megan >> he's putting too much reusing on us. she doesn't care about liting. he's tkaet. he's gone. >>. in so many words. yeah she's >> we're just coming to tell her that her ex-husband has been killed so we can examine their reaction >> what was their reu angst.
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they try to fling and then we want -pd too get his reaction too >> oh my god >> you work here all day. with. the daughter watching move sreufs skwr-tz the áf the thing he's not if p-l and so they prapbg their -r i emmett miller efrpl >> they have no idea. they believe their issues had been taken care of. they had no more problems. and so immediately go from a
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death notification to your under arrest for solicitation of murder. >> that's a head snapper >> that will get your attention. was valerie mcdaniel a murderous master mind or another victim of leon jacob coming up >> i couldn't believe that this was happening to my sister. what could have driven paot hrar, soy little o will the. o. , acetaminophen blocks pain signals. advil dual action. my a1c was up here; now, it's down with rybelsus®. acetamhis a1c?blocks pain signals. it's down with rybelsus®. my doctor told me rybelsus® lowered a1c better than a leading branded pill
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the headline was so sensational. river oakings >> revelations about leon east plead id way in any unkwhraoeud systems there was another woman from leon past that accused him of abuse. valerie was allowed to go home. her sister angela was in shock >> it just was unreal. i couldn't believe this was
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happening. to my sister. the most kind, sweet, loving person >> valerie was crowd >> it would be very innocent or maybe it's friday's listen, you need to fight like hell >> what did she say >> shed did not understand >> what was happening? >> she just seems off. pwhraeu >> at home, i a loan, gallery recorded a video on her
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>> i was lonely. he kept me company. imfell deeply in love >> but valerie says she never intended to have her husband killed >> i hate the idea. >> the audio diary turned out to be her final recorded words. >> just me, okay. thank you for listening. bye. >> a little over two weeks after her arrest, valerie mcdaniel jumped to her death from the seventh floor balcony of her apartment building >> it was the worse, worse day of my life. >> valerie's friend maggie blamed leon >> i see it as murder. i really do.
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i think he's murdered her reputation. and he ultimately murdered her >> even though she made that voice by herself >> she will never ever happen. >> jacob did not feel like that at all. we met him at the harris jail. far removed from the promise of his early years >> top boarding cool. nancy location, big house. wuld you describe it that way >> yeah, i wouldn't say i wanted for everything. in a lot of ways, wrour i don't know, i was just being.
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some people call me abnoxious but as they get to know me, their opinion changes >> she said the final straw was when you grabbed her face in the bathroom and you physically assaulted her. that's when she finally left. >> her recollection of that night is different than mine >> tell us what happened in your eyes. >> we were fighting, it i wasn't going to restrain her in any way. despite what she claims >> he did admit he called megan repeatedly and followed her arrest after the break-in. aoeud thing some word -frpl
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-rpl leon insisted he didn't hear anyone to help megan. he was just trying to help her return to her hometown >> i never asked him to anybody or kidnap anybody. what i was told, what megan wanted to do is go back to pittsburgh >> why would you want to be nice at this point. megan doesn't want anything to do with you. >> i was told those were what were whistle the tapes didn't prove anything. why hire who you think sás a hit man. i understand haeufr before at all. >> that's not how it appears on the tape. >> if you really listen to the tape. i never asked him to hurt anybody. i never asked him to kill anybody >> but remember he did offer a suggestion on how to kill her
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>> why are you telling him how to do this? skwr-tz i will talk about that when i'm on the witness stand >> we also asked how valerie's husband became a target >> i had nothing to do what was was going on with mac skwr-rbg -z it was a different story valerie. >> valerie wasn't a monster. she clearly add leeched a breaking point. -- reached a breaking point. i can't condone what she wanted done. as a dr., as a human being was not okay with me >> so you're southwest airlinessing now not only having anybody killed,
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absolutely not skwr-t tkeuz you no i did not harpb a minor plan >> do you think valerie was the master mind >> she asked for something to happen but she clearly wanted to have helped. her she missed. i think she progressively got there then again, he was the one about too go on trial. >> the doctor takes the substantial doubt. -- takes the sand. will he be able to help herself >> a suspect not as clever as she thinks. but khruf tpher never to have #hurd, killed, armed rice eps me and preven e flar
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comcast business. powering possibilities. (♪♪) (♪♪) the new festive family meal. starting at $24. now celebrating at el pollo loco. c1 >> harris county prosecutor samantha connect and cameron kallagan knew they had a strong case against leon jacob for solicitation of capital murder and for solicitation of kidnapping. they also knew they had a potential problem >> as you headed to trial, what was going to be the corner stoneover -- corner stone of your case >> the recordings >> there was no way he was going to be able to get out of everything he said >> what would you say is the
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weakness link of your case? >> it was the recordings as well. the defendant is educated, he's was cautious in talking to the police officer >> the prosecutors had to prove that's exactly what he meant >> the object does not stop until he gets what he wants >> reporter: the trial started in 2018, the prosecution called the bail bondsman michael kubash who told the authorities there was no doubt, he wanted to kill megan. >> i asked him to bring 2,050 -l 0 to see how serious he is >> and he brought that money?
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>> yes. >> rying to determine. >> might not have said murder, he may not have said killed but he knew what he has was asking for >> one of the star witnesses is the man who played dead. mac mcdaniel alive and well told the jury he didn't want leon a man accuse accused of stalking and assault any where near his daughter. motive said the prosecution for leon to have mac killed >> mac and the court to >> that if they would have been successful. they wouldn't have any problems >> now it was megan's turn. she told the jury she had no
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doubt leon wanted her dead >> were you scared? >> very scared >> how did that affect howl you felt about your safety around the defendant >> i was terrified >> but her new attorney argued that he was a >> leon wanted to testify >> i never asked to have anybody hurt, killed, harmed, kidnapped. we had multiple discussions or multiple conversations about not wanting to harm of hurt nick >> the state said that was just salesmen thicks. on prosecution paeugss pointed out that despite leon's claim
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he didn't ask explicitly from having leon kill -ld >> snatcher, put her in a room and tell her if she explained i'm going to kill my parents as for leon's claims that he never second >> if you were to do this it would kill them >> yes, yes >> when we would ask him a question, if he didn't think that we asked it right he would restate it. i feel he felt he was smarter than cameron and i >> did you just want to smack him >> yes >> leon said he didn't care who lived and died in his quake >> he did nothing to stop this. his exgirlfriend is sitting by
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herself in a warehouse zip tied with duct tape around her mouth. hi thinks he can just walk away from this >> it took the jury all of an hour and 15 minutes to decide leon's fate. guilty of all charges and in texas the jury can also decide punishment. in the penalty face, prosecutors call a new witness, leon's wife anni.e. she testified that leon had been violent >> the guilty verdict without the appropriate punishment is hollow >> i do not want him to be able to do this with anybody else. if it wasn't me, valerie, annie it's going to be somebody else. and that needs to stop.
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>> the jury sentenced leon to life in prison. afterward megan addressed him directly >> while you sit in jail i hope you think of me. the girl you called poor and uneducated. it's because of me you will be in prison for life >> i was very proud of her >> megan knows in a way she was lucky >> every day there are women that are in situations like this that don't have the marines to get -- the means to get out. i have had so many people help me and i just want to make a difference for those who don't have a voice. >> that's all for this edition >> hello, all for this edition >> i'm andrea canning. >> and this is dateline. >> i think i was just in shock to find out that she's gone and the cause is a gunshot wound.


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