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tv   Alex Witt Reports  MSNBC  November 26, 2023 12:00pm-1:00pm PST

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jail him to stop him from talking. it could happen, but i imagine the very elected to do that and i think he knows it and is exploiting that opportunity. >> most think it is a snowball's chance of you know where, do you agree with that? >> yes i do. >> we will leave out that word, but thank you barbara quaid, good to see you, thanks. >> we've got a lot more coming, up you're watching msnbc. our second hour starts right now. a big welcome to all of you. i'm alex witt in for alex vossoughian on sunday. we are live in israel with the latest on a big day in the release of hostages held stage is held by hamas. american abigail moore adana meng those now freed from captivity after her fourth birthday and after being held for close to two months since the murder of her parents, which she witnessed on october 7th. president biden has been a driving force behind getting this deal done and today expressed hope that more americans will be released soon.
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>> what she endured is unthinkable. abigail was among 13 hostages released today from gaza under the brokered and sustained intensive u.s. diplomacy, she is now safely in israel. and we continue to press and expect for additional americans to be released as well. we will not stop working until every hostage has been returned to their loved ones. >> starting as early as tuesday, this pause in the israeli offensive is set to end and the push into gaza resumes unless the truce is extended. >> israel put his cards on the table. they are prepared to extend the pause in fighting. the ball isn't the hamas's court. will hamas step up and release an additional ten hostages if they won't, then they are the ones choosing to bring an end to the process in fighting, not israel. that is something we will watch very carefully. >> coming, up i will be speaking with foreign affairs committee member congressman sydney -- about the hostage deal and why
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israel aid should have certain conditions when it comes to that israeli offensive also ahead for you this hour we could be just days away from the congressional career of george santos ending, after a damning ethics report. we are also following the situation on roads and in airports as rough weather is complicating one of the biggest travel days of the year. that is later for you this very busy hour. but we are starting again with the latest on that breaking news, 17 hostages released by hamas today. that includes four-year-old abigail edan, who becomes the first american to be freed from captivity since the start of this particular four-day agreement to pause the fighting. joining me now, nbc's ralph sanchez from tel aviv. raf, welcome back. we understand the great aunt and cousin of abigail have released a statement about her release. what have you heard? >> reporter: yeah, alex, this is the first time we are hearing from abigail moore don's family said she was freed from gaza couple hours ago.
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the statement is from her great aunt and her cousin and i to read a little bit of it. they say we hope nby today would come. there are no words to e our relief and gratitude that avondale is safe a coming home. they go on to thank president biden and his dedicated te a well as the government of qatar and what they say where they're informal actors involved in securing a abigail's released. they say today's release proves it is possible. we can get all the hostages back home. we have to keep pushing. that is the message, alex, that we have heard pretty consistently from the families who have got their loved ones out of gaza so far during this three-day cease-fire. they are overjoyed, their own loved ones are home, but this -- >> it appears we have just lost raft sanchez, which i'm very sorry about, because he's been
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reporting extensively on this today. it's been extraordinary reporting. if we can get him back, we will do. so right now, we know president biden is certainly expressing his relief at the release of four-year-old american abigail edan, saying his administration is pushing for this pause to be extended. for more hostages to be released. nbc white house correspondent allie raffa joining us again from washington. ali, as you know, this was very positive news today, but the job is far from over. >> reporter: absolutely, alex. the president, while the as he was very relieved, it was not lost on him during this speech how delicate this deal continues to be and how many more challenges lie ahead as there are more hostages, american hostages that remain in hamas's custody in gaza. i want to mention very quickly and update we just got from the white house a couple of minutes ago, saying that the president has spoken with abigail edan's family since her release. he also spoke with the prime minister netanyahu about the
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remaining efforts to get more hostages out of gaza, about abigail edan's release as well. we are waiting for a readout for more details from that ll. as far as what he had to say about abigail, he talked about her experience and what she witnessed on october 7th when her mother and father died. he said what she experienced was, quote, unthinkable. he said he wishes he was in isel to, quote, hold her. definitely very relieved but also very hopeful for more american hostages to be released. as we know, eight americans and one green card holder are still unaccounted for and believed to be among the hostages held in gaza. white house officials and the president for days now saying that they are hopeful to american, women who like edan, also meet the requirements of the us agreed upon deal, it will be released with the remaining one day left before this cease-fire expires. if hamas and israel don't come to an agreement to potentially extend it.
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ent tothe president talked abous personal and direct involvement, his influence in getting this deal brokered. as well as his pressure to extend the cease-fire. listen to what he had to say. >> this has been the product of a lot of hard work and weeks of personal engagement. for me and my team. we've been in close contact with the leaders of qatar, egypt, israel, speaking with each one of them repeatedly over the past few days -- weeks, to help secure this deal. i will be speaking again shortly with prime minister benjamin netanyahu and we will continue to remain personally engaged, personally engaged to see this deal is fully implemented and work to extend the deal as well. >> reporter: the president saying he would like to see a pause in fighting as long as hostages are released, as long as prisoners are being released from israel as well. he said he gets an overwhelming sense from neighboring countries in this region that
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they want to see the same thing. all hostages released. he said for hamas to be defeated. at this point, alex, it's still unclear whether that extension will happen. certainly something white house officials and the president are working for. >> for sure. we know the president is working on very incremental details all the time and hostage release. i understand he has also put out a tweet that is looking long term, the potential for a two-state solution, they need for that. do you have that tweet from him? >> reporter: i don't have that tweet in front of me right now, but i can tell you that is something he pushed for at the end of his speech he delivered a few hours ago. he said he still hasn't lost hope that peace in the middle east as possible, that a two state solution is still possible. that is definitely something that he is pushing for as well as administration officials, alex. >> guess what, in the era of ask university, my wonderful anchor just gave this tweet. let me read it for everybody and you will hear it as, well i
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know you have access to it in your producers as well. a two state solution is the only way to guarantee the long term security of both the israeli and the palestinian people, to make sure israelis and palestinians alike can live an equal measure with freedom and dignity. we will not give up on working toward this goal. again, that we just put out there by president biden. allie raffa, thank you so much from the white house. ralph, i understand we got the signal back up with you. as i ask you this question on the heels of hearing the president's tweet, giving a sense of what is going on with the welcoming back not only of palestinian prisoners, how are they being received, where is that happening? and also the israeli hostages are all of them confirmed back in israel right now? >> reporter: they are now all back in israel as we talked about a couple hours ago, alex. the choreography was a little different. 13 of those israelis came out through the gaza israel border today, as opposed to going
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through egypt. one of those israeli hostages did go through egypt. that individual is a dual russian israeli citizen. hamas said they were releasing him as a gesture of goodwill to vladimir putin. they said it was not part of the framework agreement that led to the release of the others. there are scenes of celebration happening at hospitals all across this country. for a third night in a row, extraordinary pictures, children reunited with their families, brothers with sisters. as you mentioned, alex, we are not going to see pictures of abigail mor edan being reunited with her parents because they were murdered on october 7th, shortly before abigail was kidnapped, along with the neighboring family she was sheltering with. we have also seen some celebrations in the occupied west bank, as these palestinian prisoners have been freed, both women and male teenagers. some of them, alex, were convicted in israeli military
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courts. some of them were being held in what is called administrative detention, which effectively means they were being held without charge. they were never convicted in courts. inside of east jerusalem, the israeli government has forbidden celebrations of far-right national security minister itamar ben-gvir has been deployed in the israeli police to make sure there are not celebrations welcoming back these released prisoners inside of jerusalem. they don't want this to turn into a palestinian political event. a palestiniitic event. we have seen police going to the homes of these former prisoners tosure that the media can't be there, that there can't be crowds and big numbers. we've also seen raelforces firing tear gas in the occupied west bank to try to prevent large crowds from gathering there. but this is a happy moment for the families of those palestinian prisoners. some of whom were directly involved in violence.
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there are people there who were involvedn stabbing attacks against both iaeli civilians and israeli troops and police. but others were arrested on vaguer crimes, like threatening state seri or supporting a terrorist organization. both sides of the border right now, there are families very happy to be reunited and other families still waiting for their loved ones to come home, alex. >> glad we got you back up to get the conclusion of your comprehensive reporting. thank you, my friend. up next, i will be joined by former supreme allied commander of nato, admiral james diversity. i will ask him about the hostage deal as well as the -- what we might expect when the israeli offensive resumes possibly as soon as tuesday. we are back in 60 seconds. 60 seconds. everyday products, designed smarter. like a smart coffee grinder, that orders fresh beans for you. oh, genius! for more breakthroughs like that- i need a breakthrough card. like ours! with 2.5% cash back on purchases of $5,000 or more.
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prisoners held by israel. among the hostages, released on this thursday of the deal which also includes a pause in the israeli offensive, this little girl, four-year-old american we abigail edan. joining me, msnbc chief anish -- retired u.s. navy admiral, james, who served as the supreme allied commander of nato. always good to have you, sir, to join. as we have this release of more hostages today that includes the four year old. how big of a moment is this? while there have been some hiccups around the way, has this gone better than you would've expected so far? because every day we have seen a significant number of people released. >> it's a classic example of confidence building measures. something we talk about a lot in diplomacy and militaries our nose to nose. what you are trying to do is set up guidelines, some rules, some procedures, and then follow those so that each side can watch the other and gain
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confidence in what the other side is saying to them. in that sense, alex, this has been a very good three days, even leaving aside the wonderful humanitarian aspects of the release and whose heart can't be overflowing looking at the face of that little girl. that is all good humanitarian. parked alongside a military diplomacy. good confidence building. hopefully it will lead to something more lasting overtime. >> let's take a step back and look at the big picture here. the idf, as you know, have warned people don't return to northern gaza. they did so again today despite this pause in fighting. all these warnings coming about south gaza adding that they are preparing for the next phase of the war, basically telling these people who've relocated to south gaza don't try to go back home. what is that telling you about the signals they are trying to scent? >> the number one physical military objective here let's all agree the hostages are
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number one. and then finding and eliminating senior hamas leadership. but the physical military objective here, and i say this as a retired four star, i spent a lot of time with the israeli defense forces, they want to shut down that tunnel complex. it is big. you know this, alex. 300 miles of tunnels under an area around the size of manhattan. the hamas operatives use that extensively to plan, equip, organize, store, ammunition, communications. israel is not going to stop this campaign without eliminating that tunnel complex that's what i'm looking for. let's get through the hostages and get as many of them out as we possibly can. then the idf, i think, is going to use a series of precision guided measures to go in there and eliminate this tunnel complex. that is the next step. >> how about hamas? do we have any indication of what hamas has been doing
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during this pause in fighting? as you know, today, the united nations said the devastation in gaza as a mueller to that earthquake that struck turkey and syria. i mean, how does that impact their ability even to reorganize? >> it has damaged them, in my view, significantly. and again, when that tunnel complex is dismantled, there are a number of ways you can do it, you can flood it, you can blow up portions of it. obviously you are not going to do any of that until you know where the hostages are. but hamas war fighting abilities have been fairly or significantly degraded. here's what i'm surprised that, alex. how little resistance hamas is putting up. many of us thought we'd see vicious door to door, street to street fighting. i think hamas team has moved to the south. they don't want to get shot up by the israeli defense forces. that's a good thing to get them out of there. now israel is going to be, i
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think, capable of controlling, destroying those tunnels. the next big thing, politically, is who you turn this over to in the time ahead. israel is not going to want to continue to occupy the gaza strip. >> what do we know about tunnels and south gaza? are they as extensive as those in northern and gaza city? >> not as extensive. the ones in south gaza are more logistically oriented for smuggling, bringing in the ammunition, food, prohibited items, contraband, typically from the egyptian border. and they are less of a concern than the ones in the north. so i think you will see israel continue to consolidate, control in the north. then they will kind of hit pause and look at your point a moment ago, alex, where is hamas? by the, way we know where the leaders are. they are not on the front lines with their troops.
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they are enjoying life in qatar or other points in the middle east. they are not going to stand up and fight, the leadership. israel will have to square through that over the coming weeks. >> so does what we see and have seen by the idf in northern gaza, does that extend to southern gaza? or is it going to be a different military approach? >> i think you will see a different military approach. it will be more one of using soldiers. usi ng as we have said before, the most precisely guided weapon on a battlefield is not a rocket or a missile, a precision guided bomb. it's a foot soldier. look for more troops down to the south, because they are not going to simply be able to go in and drop bombs and solve the problem with the gazans if you are down in the south. the idf is going to have to get into that population and find,
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using typically biometric data they have, and find the military age males who are actually part of hamas. i think it's going to look very different than what you are seeing in the north. >> okay, admiral james stavridis, thank you for your insights. appreciate that. still ahead, the latest movements in the hostage deal as the first american is released during this particular truce. i will get reaction from democratic congresswoman sydney kamlager-dove, who represents the district in which some of the released americans family members live. plus also 2024 gop candidates staying relatively silent on the hostage deal, as the party mulls the growing population -- populate first, breaking news out of vermont, after three palestinian students are shot and wounded on their way to a family dinner. we've got a live report next.
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news from vermont, where three
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palestinian students were injured after multiple shootings in burlington. it happened standard a night. police s they found two men suffering from gunshot wounds when they arrived. they found a third victim just a short distance away. authorities have identified the victims as 3:20-year-old palestinian students who had just gathered to enjoy their thanksgiving break. let's go to nbc's emma barnett in burlington for us. emma, welcome. do authorities have any information on either shoot or a potential motive? >> reporter: alex, we don't have any information yet on either of those things, but let me tell our audience what we do know. as you mentioned in your intro there, these were three palestinian students who were on their way to dinner. they are all students at american universities. they are all 20 years old. they were wearing palestinian scarves, symbols of the keffiyeh, and they all attend attend american universities. they were on their way to dinner when a man approached them with a pistol and shot
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four rounds at them, did not say anything. right now, they are being treated in the hospital behind me at the university of vermont medical center, one of them is said to be in critical condition. i want to read you some statements we've gotten from different organizations. the arab american discmination statement said, given the information collected and provided, it's clear that thehate was a motivating factor in this shooting, and we call on law enforcement to investigate it as such. the council of american islamic relations is offering a 10,000 dollar reward for information on the shooting targeting the three pastinians and vermont. and the fbi says we are aware of the incident in burlington and we are working with our state and local partners in vermont in the course of the -- if in course of the local investigation information comes to light of a potential political violation. the fbi is prepared to investigate. alex, of course, this comes at a time where jewish and muslim students have been forced to confront violent threats in
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different university settings and across the country, as tensions continue to simmer on in the middle east. >> one quick question. well, to. i'm curious how far away where they were shot is from the university of vermont. and just to be clear, these three palestinian men are not students at the university of vermont. is that correct? >> reporter: the answer your second question first, and know they are not students at the university of vermont. so, far we have concerned that one is a student at have of, heard the other at trinity. the third it is believed is a student at brown. we are waiting for an official statement from brown university. this all happened in burlington, which is in the relative circumference of the university of vermont. it's all pretty close by. i don't have an exact location for you yet, but i look at that to you next time. >> okay, emma barnett. thank you so much from burlington, i appreciate all of that. coming up next, the view from congress of the hostage deal as well as an israel aid
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package. i will be speaking with congresswoman sydney kamlager-dove, whose district includes family members of the first american released in this particular pause. and this could be it for george santos in congress. a vote to expel this serial liar could come in just the next few days. the nerve. i recommend sensodyne. sensodyne toothpaste goes inside the tooth and calms the nerve down. and my patients say you know doc, it really works. tide is busting laundry's biggest myth... that cold water can't clean. cold water, on those stains? ♪♪ cold water can't clean tough stains? i'd say that myth is busted. have heart failure with unresolved symptoms? it may be time to see the bigger picture. heart failure and seemingly unrelated symptoms like carpal tunnel syndrome, shortness of breath,
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outside of the schneider children's hospital, just outside of tel aviv, where we believe the return of specifically the children, maybe the other hostages, that were released just today from gaza being returned home to israel. we know that there are nine children specifically that were taken that were released today. their age range goes from four years old up to 17 years old. of course, that would still be a minor at the age of 17. it qualifies for treatment there at the schnatter children's hospital. obviously, they are doing this with the greatest amount of care and privacy possible, to be afforded to them. you see these sort of protective shields to keep, frankly, the prying eyes of the media and other onlookers away. we would hope that family members and loved ones who have been contacted and know exactly the process through which these loved ones are being returned home, maybe they are indeed at the schnieder children's hospital right now.
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but again, we are seeing this. this is a helicopter that has safely excluded what we believe may be up to nine children. they were released today to be -- make sure they are in good health and then return home to their families. we hope as soon as possible. we also just learned from the white house that president biden spoke today with the family of abigail edan, that four-year-old american released today by hamas who may indeed be well among these children we are looking at. abigail's parents were killed in the hamas attack on october 7th. abigail witnessed the murder of her parents. the president spoke to family members in both the u.s. and israel. joining me right now, democratic representative sydney kamlager-dove of california. she is a member of the foreign affairs committee. first of all, representative, thank you so much for joining me. it is extraordinary to see literally the live pictures unfolding as we are looking at it being about 11:30 at night
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in a very long day, the end of a long, long period of time for these hostages to have now been released. just give me your thoughts as you see the hopeful nature of these children being brought to a hospital, being looked over before being released to the loving arms of their families and loved ones. congresswoman, i believe you may be muted. there we go. i am sure it is good news to be watching all of this. give me your initial thoughts as you see this happening in lifetime. >> what a harrowing experience for all the hostages, the sick and elderly, as well as the children. i know abigail experienced her -- while in captivity. i am friends with her family members in my district, and i've been in constant contact with them. this is a beautiful sight to see. in a moment, to cherish all of
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them getting out to safety. >> since you've had contact with her family, tell me how they've been feeling about this. literally, are they able to eat and sleep? what kind of anxiety have they've been through? what have they told you about this experience? >> this has been, i think, the most traumatic experience of their life. you don't think you will wake up one day and then hear the news of family members being killed and little children hiding, and then ultimately little ones being taken into captivity. i know there is been a vigil. i have been in contact with them, as i mentioned. but the goal was to get abigail released but also to get all of the hostages released. there are hundreds of them. including a number of them who are american. our goal was to find a way to negotiate some sort of true so that the release of hostages could happen. >> congresswoman, can you stand by for a moment? we have a reporter on the ground there, nbc's ralph
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sanchez who's joining us to tell us about what he is seeing. as i welcome you, can you confirm this is the helicopter that has at least some if not all of these nine children having been released today from hamas? hamas? >> reporter: that is our understanding, alex. our understanding is this helicopter is landing at schneider hospital here in tel aviv. this is a dedicated children's hospital. it is where they have been bringing the children as they have emerged from gaza. our understanding is that abigail is among the group of kids who are heading to schneider. alex, as you can imagine, the israeli military, israeli medical staff have given an enormous amount of thought about how to handle these children as they emerge from 50 days of captivity in gaza, most if not all of that spent in tunnels. just to begin with, these kids having been kept in the
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district for so long, having these unbelievably stimulating days. first being loaded into the white jeeps of the red cross with cameras flashing all around them, as we saw today in gaza city. then all of a sudden they are over the border, they are in egypt, and then into israel and on board these helicopters. just a small thing, the israeli military has been providing small noise canceling headphones to these children as they get on the helicopters, to try to keep them from being overwhelmed by the roar of the blades. the plan has been that these kids have been reunited with their families at schneider hospital. we saw these unbelievably moving pictures on friday night of -- who turned nine years old in captivity, running into his father's arms in the hallway of the hospital. and as you have talked about, alex, as you and i have talked about for the last couple of
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hours, abigail has no parents to run into the arms of. but she does have an extended family here in israel. we believe that is who is going to be meeting her at schneider hospital tonight. >> you can certainly help. so of course, i have congresswoman sydney kamlager-dove who is on with us as well. she represents a district in southern california that also holds family members who've been waiting on pins and needles to get word of abigail's release, which we certainly have right now. can you talk at all about the reaction there in tel aviv? there has to be a level of joy but it is mixed with i guess apprehension. we know the israeli people, as much as they celebrate, they want every hostage brought home, rough. >> reporter: yeah, and we heard that from abigail's family in that statement earlier that they are overjoyed that this little girl is safe. but this unwilling community
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that nobody signed up to join of family has become a larger family and we hear over and over again even for people who have their loved ones out, they absolutely dedicated to this cause now that they will make it the work of their lives to get all the hostages out. and the hope is that that will begin by extending this four-day cease-fire, potentially to five days, potentially six days, in exchange for ten more hostages every day. we heard president biden earlier say that he was optimistic that there might be a path forward on this. we've heard from hamas. you can take it with a grain of salt, but you've heard from hamas saying they would like to see this deal extended. prime minister netanyahu saying when he spoke to president biden earlier that he is open to it as well. but it depends on hamas following through and releasing more of these hostages. alex, these negotiations have been tough so far but have been
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proof of concept that israel and hamas were at wa and committed to each other's destruction have, with the help the qatari mediation, with the support of the united states, have been able to carry out this exchange amid this intense fighting in gaza. so that is private providing a foundation of hope that there could be more deals, more exchanges to come until all of these hostages are out, alex. >> we can certainly hope. so one last time, you believe -- i mean, it's your estimation, or you've been told that families of these nine children are probably there at the schneider children's hospital waiting to welcome their loved ones? >> reporter: yeah, exactly. these really military has told us the family reunions are happening at the hospital. in most instances, the hostages come out of gaza either through egypt or tonight directly over the border from gaza into israel. there is a large air force base
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in the south of this country that's been converted into a reception center for the hostages. that is their first landing inside of israel. from there, they are taken by helicopter to various hospitals all across this country. that is where those reunions have happened. i can tell you with 100% certainty that abigail is on that helicopter specifically. but all the other kids who we have seen released over the last two nights have flown from this air force base by helicopter to schneider hospital here in tel aviv. and there is a dedicated floor there where they have been reunited with their families, where they are getting the kind of psychosocial support that you can imagine these little kids need after these weeks and weeks as hostages inside gaza, alex. >> we can and yet we can't imagine. i thank you for all you reporting. raf sanchez getting in front of a camera very quickly for us. much appreciated. as i welcome back the interview with my congresswoman from
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southern california. raf was explaining how families are probably there at the hospital. i'm sure you've heard that report. do you know if those with whom you've been in contact with, that our relatives of little abigail's, given the fact that her parents were murdered in front of her eyes, have they hoped to make their way to tel aviv to greet her when she would be released? do you know if they are still in southern california or not? >> i don't know. even if i, did i probably wouldn't share just to keep some of that information private. >> right. >> i can imagine they would want to be there given the fact that she will not have parents to greet her. this child, all those children have been under enormous duress. the psychological support, the mental health support, as well as making sure they are just healthy and safe physically, i think it is the utmost importance. and then figuring out what happens next. we also have to be thinking about what happens next with that region and how we can work to extend a truce so that all
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the hostages can be released and there can be some extended discussions around a path to peace. >> indeed. we need to have those conversations. we will welcome you back to do that again. thank you so much for staying with us on this breaking news. representative, it's very good to see you. thank you. after the break, donald trump spending part of his thanksgiving weekend in south carolina, the home turf of the gop candidate who seems to be emerging as his chief rival for the nomination. we will talk about whether the former president is starting to worry about the nikki haley threat. a programming note coming up on politicsnation, new york city mayor eric adams will join reverend sharpton to talk about his crisis and recent controversies. that is ahead for you at five pm eastern right here on msnbc.
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the end for congressman george santos. joining me right now with nbc's julie tsirkin on capitol hill. julie, when congress returns from the break, the house is expected to take out this motion to expel your congressman, george santos? >> reporter: that's exactly right. we could see that happen as soon as tuesday. that's when the house returns. but nothing has been formally set on the schedule yet. that's in part because when the chair of the bipartisan ethics committee, republican congressman michael guest, introduced this resolution, the house was already on thanksgiving break. meaning there was no privileged mechanism for acquiring the for
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house to take this -- two legislative dates set at the time. we do expect that to change once the house comes back on tuesday. for his part, george santos already said he expects the votes will not, will stack up against him, rather, and he will be thrown out of congress by his colleagues when that vote does take place. take a listen to a part of what he said in a multi hour explete filled tirade on social media on friday. watch this. >> you want to expel me? i will wear it like a badge of honor. i will be the sixth expelled member of congress in the history of congress. and guess what? i' bthe only one expelled without coiction. i'll be expelled because pple simply did not like me, because they thought that they didn't want me. i'm too much of an outsider. >> reporter: without a conviction, by the indicted can congressman did face a 56-page
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blistering report from the ethics committee that found that santos spent hundreds of thousands of dollars of campaign donations on everything but. he spent it on botox, onlyfans, on lavish trips, on personal rent to repay personal, that because of all this it is why those democrats and republicans who previously, even during that attempt earlier this month, voted to save santos have since said that because of these findings they can no longer do that. they no longer find santos fit to serve. for santos is part, he did say during that social media livestream that he does not intend to resign on his own and he does not intend to seek reelection. but again, we could see his colleagues kick him out of congress, becoming the sixth person to be expelled in history not soon as this week, alex. >> you know, i think it is a pretty safe bipartisan assessment to say that guy is just delusional thinking people don't like him, to all the points you've made and doj now looking into it. okay, thank you so much. julie tsirkin. there are now less than two
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months left to the iowa caucus, and the new hampshire primary in january, and although the 2024 gop candidates may we're busy visiting key states, they've been mostly quiet about the israel-hamas war. chris christie, the only republican presidential candidate to visit israel since october 7th, was asked about the hostage deal a bit earlier. take a listen. >> anytime there is a return of hostages, that's incredibly helpful. president biden and his administration played a role in it. they deserve credit. but also, the terms of this release are really lopsided towards hamas. as you know, 3 to 1 in terms of hostage release. and this pause going on as well. look, i think anyone can second guess the negotiation from the outside who's not in the middle of it. >> joining me now, msnbc political analyst matthew dowd. i'm sorry, this will have a bit of a shorter length of conversation than i had anticipated because of breaking news in israel. i'm curious what you make of
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christie's comments and the other candidates pretty much staying mute on this. >> first, i'm glad to be shortened by the hostage release. anytime that happens is a good thing. i think the situation is most americans will not look at, oh, how many were given, how many were not, i think the american public will sit there and say, hostages were released, there's actually a pause in the fighting and what's going on. all of that is a good thing. so move on. i think the biden administration is going to get lauded for this by the american public. without all the details, it was a good thing. >> yeah. let me ask you about the rise of nikki haley specifically. as you know, the new york times writes the big dollars are gravitating towards her, saying this. several donors and advisers scribed two groups taking shape among the major top dollar donors. first, those who've yielded to th likelihood that mr. trump, however they may feel about him, will probably be the nominee and they've decided to stop
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funding potential alternatives. with enough financial resources and a savvy field operation, miss haley could unseat him. does nikki haley pose a real threat to donald trump, or is she simply in a better position to finish in second place, for whatever that's worth? >> the first big donors are never very good at this. they are good at investing their money to make money. they are not good at investing money in winning political campaigns. you can go over and over again a bunch of these big gunners were the ones that invested in ron desantis. that has not gone well. i don't think following the big donors is going to tell us really what is fundamentally happening in this race. right, now everyone, including nikki haley, even in her rise, is going to finish in second. that's just the way it is. the interesting thing about all this, alex, is that no one has changed the dynamic between second place and first place. even while nikki haley rises,
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she is still further behind than ron desantis was back six months ago in the course of this third. 40 points behind nationally, 20, 25 pois hind in iowa and new hampshire and in south calina. it's a little bit -- haley's campaign and the big donors are there, it's a little bit like buckeye's fans yesterday saying, you know, we should celebrate because we are not finishing second in the big ten after they lost to michigan. that's what this is about. it's about finishing second. you don't get a silver medal in this. it's winner-take-all. right now, all she is fighting for second place. >> but as you, know the consolation for finishing second in a presidential primary, is usually being considered for the vp spot on a ticket. do you think that is something that is underway here? >> you would have the psychologically go into donald trump's mind. my guess is -- >> good luck with that. >> my guess is he will not consider nikki haley serving in his administration and then criticized him and then continue to criticize him in some way.
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-- donald trump takes anyone criticism as a huge ballistic thing. i don't think his ego can be put in second place, it never has been, in order to put nikki haley on the ticket. my guess is he will pick someone else he can totally control, as his vice president, he didn't like what mike pence did too in his mind at the end of his term. my guess is nikki haley is too strong of a woman for him to put on the ticket. >> okay. matthew dowd, short but sweet. many thankyous for the chat. still ahead, hectic holiday travel. how airports and highways are handling the millions of americans heading back home for thanksgiving. plus, it's about to get lit. the rockefeller christmas tree, that is. all you need to know about the famous tree lighting ceremony coming your way next. y next
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to pick up in the northeast like right here, that's philadelphia's airport if you can make it out. holiday travelers heading home by plane, they are bracing for what could be a very long day in the airports. let's go to nbc's marissa, she's back with me once again. a little more crowded there in baltimore bwi airport. we passed that 3:00 crunch time. i think it's going to be extended. looks like more people there. >> reporter: yeah, we spoke to experts, they were saying the time it is supposed to pick up is after three pm. this is right on time. and just like clockwork --
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he will be seeing those lines behind me starting to pick up significantly more than what we saw hours ago and that is in line with what we expect in terms of timing. remember, weather is always a big factor when it comes to delays of course. we see some rain in the northeast, we saw that rainy airport out of philadelphia. that snow the midwest is the reason why chicago's o'hare airport is leading that misery map on flight awareness in terms of delays. roughly 100 of the delays, around 100 domestically are coming out of chicago alone. we have seen the images from around airports around the country. we see how busy they are starting to get. we know tsa has projected that today is supposed to be the busiest travel day on record. that is expected to surpass the record that was set this summer. seven out of their ten busiest travel days out of the year have been this year, rather. 4.7 million travelers expected to travel by air over the
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thanksgiving holiday week. that is something that is 2.5% higher than before the pandemic. we've had a chance to talk to a couple of travelers, even a couple experts about the reasons why we are seeing the numbers we are. there are a couple factors here. you have not just flight prices down in a lot of areas, but also the timing. we spoke to some travelers that said this is their very first time seeing a full thanksgiving table. for a lot of families, perhaps for several reasons, whether it is because of safety or because of prices, their first time traveling for thanksgiving weekend in a while. but everyone we spoke to here at bwi saying they traveled much earlier than normal because they knew just how busy it was expected to be here. take a listen. >> definitely, definitely. we are just excited to get back out and see family. i'm sure tsa has their hands full today. as we make our way around the corner, we are crossing our fingers that it will be -- everything will be good. >> hopefully we get in this line and get to our gate pretty quickly.
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so, far fingers crossed, it looks pretty good. >> reporter: alex, all things considered, it could be a whole lot worse, but just remember in airports like atlanta, it is not expected to reach its peak until 5 to 9 pm. don't sleep on, tomorrow also another busy holiday travel day. >> indeed. let's think positively. thank you, marissa for that. also, it's going to be in a lot like christmas in just three days time right here at 30 rock. the norway spruce that arrived two weeks ago will be lit on wednesday with more than 50,000 l.e.d. lights and -- 900 off stevie's car, certainly going to be a sight to see. that wraps it up for me on this hour. i'm alex witt. you can catch me tomorrow at three pm eastern on msnbc. i will be filling in for katy to rip. of course, i will be back next weekend for alex witt reports at noon to two pm saturday, one pm on sunday. and then yasmin will also be back next saturday and sunday at two pm eastern. symone starts right now.


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