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tv   Ana Cabrera Reports  MSNBC  December 13, 2023 7:00am-8:00am PST

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right now on "ana cabrera reports," breaking news on capitol hill, hunter biden speaking before cameras on capitol hill moments ago just as he's scheduled for a closed-door deposition before house republicans. what he said about the allegations against him and republicans' questions about his
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father. this with the house poised to vote today on whether to formally authorize an impeachment inquiry into president biden. also ahead, the president set to meet today with the families of americans held hostage by hamas. and his new warning to israel about the war. and later, rudy giuliani set to testify as soon as today in the defamation case against him as an election worker tearfully recounts the threats that made her fear for her life. ♪♪ hello, everyone, thank you for being here. it is 10:00 eastern, i'm ana cabrera reporting from new york, and we begin with this breaking news on capitol hill this morning. hunter biden speaking there moments ago saying he is ready to testify publicly this morning, as house republicans have him scheduled to appear for a closed-door deposition. hunter biden acknowledged his
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troubled history, but accused house republicans of distorting the facts. >> there's no evidence to support the allegations that my father was financially involved in my business because it did not happen. >> all this as republicans prepare for a full house vote today on whether to formally authorize an impeachment inquiry into president biden and the biden family business dealings. we have a couple reporters now covering both those headlines on the hill, nbc's julie tsirkin is tracking the latest on that impeachment vote. let's start with ryan nobles. you were there as he made these remarks. let's talk about what we heard from him and what we know about what's happening on the hill right now. >> reporter: yeah, there's no doubt that this was a pretty dramatic public relations effort by hunter biden to show he was here and ready to answer questions from the oversight committee and their investigation into his father and his business dealings and whether or not the two are
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connected. to be clear, that's not what the committee was looking for today. they had asked him to appear under subpoena in a closed-door deposition to answer their questions about his business dealings and whether or not they connect to his father. they said at some point later, they would be willing to allow him to testify publicly, and so this was an effort by hunter biden to show that he has nothing to hide, that he's willing to answer those questions, but it's probably not going to move house republicans, who as you rightly point out are prepared to vote on an impeachment inquiry later today, and if said that if hunter biden did not appear for that deposition, which was taking place in a completely different part of the capitol campus, that they would be prepared to move to contempt of congress charges against him -- >> ryan, hold on just a second, i want to go right to jamie raskin talking about all of this on capitol hill. >> pieces of evidence and distort and misrepresent what has taken place there. this is a pattern that hunter biden and his lawyer clearly observed that members of this committee have observed, has
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been taking place for many months now. there are 14 transcribed interviews that are out there, and only two have been released -- i'm sorry, there are a total of 16, and only two have been released to the public, so there's still 14 transcribed interviews that chairman comer has not released to the public. i called upon him today to release those transcribed interviews to the public so that the various witnesses are not subject to the distortion and mischaracterization of their statements. that process is interfering with the work of this committee. because witnesses don't want to come in only to have a closed-door deposition and then have their words mangled and misrepresented to the public through selective leaks and in orchestrated choreography of
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false narratives. we are disappointed that we were not able to hear from hunter biden today. we are certain that that little particle of evidence would support everything else we've seen through the last 11 months of investigation, which is that president biden has done nothing wrong. they have not laid a glove on president biden, and they have no evidence of him committing any offense, much less an impeachable offense. so this is where we are. we take it that the republicans if they can get their votes together are planning to vote to conduct an impeachment inquiry today, a repetition of everything that we've seen over the last 11 months, but we are in a remarkable juncture for the u.s. house of representatives because this is an impeachment inquiry where no one has been able to define what criminal or
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constitutional offense they're looking for. we don't know what the crime is, you know, the mysteries are called a who done it because it starts with a crimes and then you try to determine who committed it. this is more like a what is it? rather than a who done it. we don't know what the crime is and there are thousands and thousands of pages of evidence, but all of the evidence demonstrates beyond any reasonable doubt that president joe biden is not guilty of any impeachable offense that we can determine. and with that i'm going to call on my colleagues to come up and we'll take turns between oversight and judiciary, but perhaps i can start with the vice ranking member. >> that is congressman jamie raskin, he's the ranking member on the house oversight committee criticizing his republican colleagues for trying to have a closed-door deposition with hunter biden.
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it sounds like he will not be providing any kind of interview today there on the hill. we did hear from him moments ago, though. he is on capitol hill and he spoke to reporters right there on camera saying he was ready to testify publicly. let's go back to ryan nobles. you were there. you were listening to what hunter biden had to say, and he had some harsh words for those republicans and staunchly defended his father. >> reporter: he did, ana, and one of the things he said that was most important was that he made it clear that at no time was his father involved in any of his professional work. his work as a lawyer, his work with these foreign companies, the chinese companies, the board that he sat on in ukraine, even his art career. he said that the president never had any connection to that whatsoever. and of course that is one of the big criticisms that house republicans have leveled and the accusations that they've made is that the president in his capacity as a public official
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was able to exert influence over some of the work that hunter biden was doing and help him get jobs that he wouldn't have gotten if he were not the son of a vice president and eventually president. listen to how hunter biden defended not only himself but his father during his brief remarks this morning. >> i am here. let me state as clearly as i can my father was not financially involved in my business, not as a practicing lawyer, not as a board member of burisma, not in my investments at home or abroad, and certainly not as an artist. in the depths of my addiction, i was extremely irresponsible with my finances, but to suggest that is grounds for an impeachment inquiry is beyond the absurd. >> that's one of the arguments that hunter biden and his associates have long made is
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that he's made mistakes. he's admitted that he was in the throes of addiction, but his father never did anything but work to try and help him during that difficult period of time and love him and try and take care of him. so what republicans have failed to do, ana, at this stage of their investigation is really find a definitive link between the president himself and hunter biden's business dealings. they provided transactions that have been explained as a personal loan, that was eventually paid back. but in terms of millions of dollars of financial benefits for the president, that has not been uncovered yet. house republicans would argue that they found enough to continue this investigation, and that's part of why they're going to formalize this impeachment inquiry later today, ana. >> and so, ryan, they also threatened to hold hunter biden in contempt of congress if he wasn't willing to do their closed-door deposition.
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so where does that leave off? >> reporter: yeah, that's a process that could happen very quickly, ana. it would have to go through a committee, it would take three days to get it on the docket of the committee that would then issue that contempt of congress charge. so it is likely just because of the timing of everything congress is scheduled to leave tomorrow for the holiday break. so it's likely that the contempt of congress charge against hunter biden wouldn't move quickly until after the new year, but once it it's something that would have to go to a vote of the full house, and then if the full house does hold them in contempt, they could refer that to the department of justice, which would mean it would end up on merrick garland's desk to decide whether or not to prosecute. republicans have promised that that's the next step they're going to take, it would likely be an issue of timing as to how quickly that all comes together. >> and so julie, republicans say, look, what hunter's been
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doing, they have tried to create the suspicion around president biden and claiming he could have some kind of connections to the actions of his son or his brother. they haven't been able to tie the president directly, yet, they are threatening this impeachment vote today. it sounds like it's going to happen. do they have the votes. >> reporter: well, it sounds like they wouldn't put it on the floor if they didn't have the votes. remember, this is an inquiry that has been happening since september when then house speaker kevin mccarthy authorized it. they did not take a vote then because they did not have the votes at the time in order for this to pass. now it feels like speaker johnson thinks he does, and in part because of these latest charges we've seen come down against hunter biden have really been able to give these moderate republicans some cover who now say that the committee should continue the investigations. they should continue what they are calling a fact-finding mission, but as you point out, as ryan pointed out, they have very slim majorities. just three votes that they could stand to lose if -- we assume
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they will -- all democrats vote against formalizing this impeachment inquiry. they have to take that step in order to hold hunter biden in contempt of congress. you heard ryan lay out the steps here. this would really give the chairs of these committees investigating hunter biden the subpoena power, the ability to enforce subpoenas including holding those who do not appear before the committee, including hunter biden, in contempt of congress. the vote to formalize this impeachment inquiry will take place early this evening, and again, this is different from authorizing a formal impeachment of president biden. this is just that initial procedural step, but speaker johnson did leave the door open to taking that step to knocking this up to full impeachment articles against the president, despite as ryan pointed out, they have been unable to link any wrongdoing and any evidence between hunter biden's business dealings and the committee republicans say are shady to his father joe biden. we'll see if they take that step
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later today. >> that vote expected later this afternoon with debate beginning on that in the next couple of hours. we'll be watching closely, gee for more on all of this, we're joined by former republican congressman charlie dent of pennsylvania and msnbc political contributor, mara gay. i want to play more of what we just heard from hunter biden and get your reaction on the other side. let's listen. >> i am here to testify at public hearing today to answer any of the committee's legitimate questions. republicans do not want an open process where americans can see their tactics, expose their baseless inquiry, or hear what i have to say. what are they afraid of? i'm here. >> congressman, what's your reaction to that? >> well, i thought that was a
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little bit of theater. you know, given that he's been indicted again, i thought if he's going to testify, he's going to take the fifth amendment. he's got too much legal exposure, and i'm not a lawyer saying that, but it just struck me as theater. he knew he wasn't going to be able to testify publicly, but i don't think he wants to say anything. that said, this whole inquiry, this impeachment inquiry has been a sop to the hard-liners in the gop conference. you know, kevin mccarthy opened up this thing several months ago back in september, and now speaker johnson is actually having a vote to proceed, but impeachment is kind of like a -- it's kind of like a rocket launcher, a missile launched. once you launch, it's hard to call back the missile. i get it, they're talking this is an inquiry so they can get more documents and more information from the administration, but it just feels like this is going to move toward an actual impeachment. although, it does not appear that there are the votes to
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actually impeach joe biden because republicans, frankly, have not made the case that hunter biden's misdeeds have in some way brought financial benefit to the president. so i think -- >> hold on. back up for a second, though, just on the initial comments related to hunter biden's potential testimony before congress, why wouldn't republicans want to do this in an open hearing? so what if he gets up there and pleads the fifth? wouldn't they want america to see that if that's what happens? >> yeah, i never thought it was a particularly good idea for hunter biden to testify publicly. they're going to air all of this dirty laundry about the burisma deal, i was getting $80,000 a month to serve on a ukrainian gas board. it didn't make sense to me, if i were republicans running i'd say, okay, give him his wish. let him tough publicly. i'm not going to say this is
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going to help republicans with their impeachment of joe biden. now that he's been indicted again, i mean, i don't know what his lawyer's advising him, but i can't imagine why he woild actually want to say anything in -- >> we have republicans speaking on the hill right now, let's listen. >> we are in an official impeachment inquiry phase of our oversight. when that happens, we'll see what their excuse is then. they should have been here today, but once we take that vote, we expect him to come in for his interview for his deposition, and frankly, we'll also, i think, look at contempt proceedings as we move forward. with that we'll take your questions. >> why not just call his bluff? he's here. he's obviously not wanting to sit for a deposition. this could be one chance to -- >> there's a way to do informations and a way to not. every one i've been involved with clear wak to the irs targeting conservatives, this is
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what the democrats did. don jr. had to testify twice in a deposition setting two different committees, but oh, somehow that doesn't apply to the biden family? that's not how it works in our country. it's supposed to be equal treatment, the same treatment under the law. >> mr. biden said his father had no involvement in his business dealings, period. how do you respond? >> that's not what devin archer said, there were phone calls, meetings, dinners, you name it. we know what happened with burisma and ukraine where joe biden goes and leverages conditions that american tax money on the firing of the prosecutor who was looking into the executives of the very company hunter biden was on the board of. we know those facts. >> and remember, joe biden said he never met with any of these people or talked with any of these people. that was the narrative before we began this investigation. now we know he met with and talked to every single one of them. so the president hasn't been honest about his associations with these people who have been wiring millions and millions of
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dollars to hunter biden and the biden family. look, i think every american has a simple question. what did the bidens do to receive tens of millions of dollars from our enemies around the world. that's a simple question. >> chairman comer, do you acknowledge that you haven't answered that question and you found no evidence of wrongdoing and criminal conduct? >> we -- some very serious evidence, the checks, there's two checks to joe biden from his brother that the money to give joe biden was through influence peddling. one was through the -- you asked the question -- >> loan repayments that we all -- we showed you the loan documents. >> you don't understand those documents. i do. okay? if i wrote you -- if you pay me back $240,000 for a loan repayment, i should have a check going to you for 240 -- >> joe biden's attorneys of in -- >> the law firm that represented all the shell companies. that represented all the shell companies. >> you think those lawyers have -- >> what do you think? you're defending them.
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you're acting -- >> that's a very serious crime to accuse someone of. >> are you positive that money came from joe biden? are you positive? so no. look, we have a lot of questions. next question. >> are you going forward with contempt? >> there's a process you have to follow. you have to file a report, so we will begin looking at that, both the lawyers for the oversight committee, the lawyers for the judiciary committee will move in that direction. when congress asks you to come, you're supposed to come and testify. >> devin archer -- >> last thing, we also found checks from one of hunter biden's shell companies that were going into an account for joe biden monthly. they said that was a loan repayment. everything's a loan repayment. >> hunter biden will have an opportunity in deposition to come in and explain it. >> emails that you guys leaked from hunter biden's laptop. >> i would like to have asked hunter biden about sex trafficking women across state lines. that would have been a good question. you don't seem to care about that though.
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>> so we're just hearing from those republican members of the house oversight committee who wanted to hear from hunter biden who are pushing this impeachment inquiry into president biden trying to offer some of what they say is evidence pointing them in the direction of this impeachment inquiry. again there, is no clear evidence linking anything of hunter biden to president biden related to wrongdoing, no high crimes, no misdemeanors, even republican congressman ken buck from colorado, a red district in colorado who is also a lawyer himself has written in an op-ed, republicans in the house who are itching for an impeachment are relying on an imagined history. mara, what are your thoughts about everything that's unfolded this morning? >> wow, the republicans are extremely thirsty is what it looks like to me. this is political theater at its worst unfortunately. my thoughts are if you pull back, we are less than a year away from a presidential election that will most likely see a matchup between joe biden
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and former president donald trump who is under investigation for a number of very serious crimes including stealing top secret documents from the united states government and holding onto them, including inciting violence and, you know, a coup, an attempted coup of the united states government and subversion of democracy. he's an accused sexual assaulter, and the list of those accused crimes goes on. they're very serious. there's a lot of evidence to speak to them, and so this is really about distraction. this is about distraction and this is about the attempted dilution of what donald trump is accused of, so i think there's an effort here among republicans that's very obvious, at least to me, to essentially say to the american people, well, donald trump may have, you know, been a bad boy. okay? boys may be boys. >> trying to create an equivalency?
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>> essentially all politicians are corrupt. they're all crooks. and so you just want to pick the one that's going to fight for you. and i think, you know, the reality is an impeachment inquiry is very serious, so as congressman raskin said and this was exactly right, you know, that's an argument that has to be made. what is the crime? it is on the republicans to actually spell out in terms hopefully to the american public in public not behind closed doors, right? what are they accusing joe biden of, not hunter biden. hunter biden has made mistakes. hunter biden is not an elected official. >> he can't be impeached, hunter biden. >> that's right. >> back to this impeachment vote today on president biden. why do you think republicans are going through with this, trying to formally authorize an impeachment inquiry? >> i think largely this whole impeachment inquiry has been a sop to the hard-liners. that's why mccarthy set it up in september, and that's why speaker johnson wants to vote on
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it today. obviously he thinks he can get more documents as a consequence. house republicans have made a pretty compelling case to impeach hunter biden. of course hunter biden's not a federal official, and so i'm not sure why they're going through this exercise. i just don't see a whole lot of political benefit, you know, to a lot of those republicans in these swing districts. why do they think this is a good idea when the government, you know, is still not fully funded and we have two big cliffs coming up. we're still dealing with the supplemental funding for ukraine. elections are supposed to be about what's good for the american people. hunter biden doesn't meet that threshold. on the other hand, if you're joe biden, i'm sure you don't want to be having to listen to all this conversation over the next year about hunter biden's various misdeeds because his actions were malodorous, let's face it, hunter's that is. it didn't really implicate joe biden. this is a big mess right now. >> it is a mess. >> i'm not going to say that an
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impeachment inquiry or an impeachment is going to harm house republicans in the next election. it didn't harm democrats in the first trump impeachment, and i suspect there's no real benefit to republicans, but i'm not sure how much damage it will be. this has to be very psychologically and emotionally draining for president biden watching his son drag through all this and obviously it's stressful. who wants to be impeached. >> republicans have been claiming they are on a fact-finding mission, that they have suspicions related to phone calls and bank statements. what they're trying to do is get all the information. they say the white house has been stonewalling them. what do you say to sna. >> i think that fact finding mission is in and of itself a political act of theater. so again, you know, you don't have to prove anything if you're on a fact finding mission. you can kind of just throw accusations to and fro and let the american public just to plant a seed of doubt within them, well, maybe the bidens are
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corrupt. maybe they're corrupt, maybe people who aren't paying attention closely, you know, not every american has the time to sit down and read all of the so-called charges against hunter biden. you know -- >> there's a shot of hunter biden's name there in this empty committee room. >> that's right. it's all dramatics. so i think that this is really, again, just an act of political theater to distract from the ongoing attempts to hold donald trump accountable ahead of the election. that's what this is about, and also, i do think that there is an impact to the president's, you know, head space, and he needs to be out there campaigning right now. this is certainly a distraction that he doesn't need. he should be talking, as should all the candidates, i believe, about what they're going to do for the american people, and i don't think that this motivates any voters. that's the other thing, i think when voters see this, not just republicans, but democrats, they just get depressed about the state of our politics.
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that is not going to motivate people to the polls, and that could actually benefit republicans as well. >> i keep coming back to the fact, congressman, that not even all republicans believe there's evidence of a crime, when asked yesterday if president biden committed high crimes and misdemeanors, representative don bacon said, quote, probably not, which prompted this reaction. >> so our republican colleague don bacon just a few minutes ago told a small group of reporters this morning that there are, quote, probably not high crimes or misdemeanors that joe biden has committed, yet, he still plans to vote to authorize this impeachment inquiry, saying there's no there there. i guess the question is when are people going to stand up and end this extreme political stunt? >> is this just a political stunt, congressman dent? >> well, i've always thought the inquiry was really, again, a sop to the hard-liners and they
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really didn't need to go down this path. having said that, it's one thing having votes for an impeachment inquiry. it's another for having an impeachment vote on the president of the united states, and it seems right now ken buck is a no vote on impeaching joe biden, and it sounds like don bacon at the moment is a no vote, and there may be others. with the departure of george santos, the expulsion of george santos and the soon to be departure of kevin mccarthy, that margin has become even slimmer in the house. republicans don't have a functional majority in the house to begin with. and so i don't know if they have the votes to impeach joe biden today. to me it seems that they do not, so again, why would you -- i don't understand why they're launching this missile knowing they're not going to be able to call it back when they may not actually have the votes to impeach at the end of the day, because they have not made the connection that hunter biden's misdeeds benefitted his father financially. they have not made that case, but they're trying. again, they're trying to please
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the hard-liners want to please donald trump and create this distraction as has been stated and so this is -- again, it's a big mess, and again, i don't think it's helping republicans. they should be focused on the border and ukraine and getting the government funded, and instead, we're talking about this. >> and it is a little bit of a head scratcher, when it comes to the logic in some of this. congressman james comer, the head of the oversight committee, we heard him there a few moments ago talking live before the cameras. he was part of an interview a couple of days ago talking about hunter biden on cnn take a listen. >> my concern is that weiss may have indicted hunter biden to protect him from having to be deposed in the house oversight committee on wednesday. >> they indicted him to protect him. yes. the classic rubric. he indicted him to protect him. i got it. >> look, this whole -- jake, this whole thing has been about a cover-up. >> mara, hunter biden was
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indicted to protect him? >> yeah, it's hard to follow, and part of the reason it's hard to follow is because what we're seeing is a caucus that is actually in control of the republican party at the moment, that is not only hard line, but is not even living in the same world that the rest of america is living in. they are a right wing media created caucus that is really only beholden to those hard line voters and also to whatever comes in to donald trump's head, whatever conspiracy theory the former president has glommed onto. you know, so a lot of, i think, those voters and also those members of congress are living in a different world in which conspiracy theories of this kind have been voluptuous, they are voluminous. they are not something that everyday americans understand, and so we're getting kind of a peek into that world, and it's confusing. it's hard to follow if you
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haven't kept up with qanon and all the other conspiracy theories afoot. so -- but ultimately, this is really just an effort, i believe, to distract from donald trump, to distract from his weakness for republicans. he's been a losing candidate for them now several cycles over, and this is about casting aspersion on joe biden. >> thank you both so much. up next, the meeting between president biden and the families of hostages held by hamas, expected to happen this hour, and the president's new warning to israel about the war. about t. whenever you're hungry, there's a deal on the subway app. buy one footlong, get one 50% off
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welcome back. this hour we expect the white house to host family members of the american hostages held by hamas. this will be the first in-person meeting president biden will have with those americans most impacted by the october 7th attack. meanwhile, on the global stage, the united nations voting overwhelmingly to call for an immediate cease fire in gaza
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with israel and the united states among those voting in opposition. let's bring in nbc news white house correspondent monica alba now, what can we expect for this meeting with the hostage family members? >> reporter: well, ana, i'm told this is of course expected to be a very emotional meeting because of course the president who himself has suffered such loss in his life is going to be coming face to face with people who are experiencing an incredibly deep anguish and agony over wanting more information about where their loved ones may be held in gaza, their condition, extreme concern over how they're doing since it has been more than two months that they have been held in captivity by hamas or other groups. the fact that this meeting is taking place, the white house tells me is a suggestion they want to be able to tell the families they're trying to do everything they can to secure another temporary truce to see if it's possible to get more hostages released. we know some americans were part of that most recent exchange deal. there will be a discussion today
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about what could happen in the future here, and we know there are still eight unaccounted for americans who will have family members represented in this meeting both in person and some virtually, and secretary blinken and the deputy national security adviser will be a part of this as well to just talk about the biden administration's whole of government approach to trying to secure their release, even though right now with the fighting going on, this seems to be a very, very difficult thing to do, ana. >> and we are now privately beginning to see some cracks in the president's support for israel. what can you tell us about this? >> these were notable comments from the president yesterday in an off camera fundraiser, so they were on the record and the president really did speak to specifically israeli prime minister netanyahu's position right now saying that his role in the government isaking it very difficu for things to really shift and probably most pointedlyointing out that globally israel, the president argued, is starting to lose some
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support by the, quote, indiscriminate bombing that takes place in gaza. so this is something that the president has said repeatedly that israel has this right to defend itself, but the president now calling into stark contrast the differing views, the gap between the u.s. and israel on how they should go about doing this in the war against hamas, ana. >> monica alba, thank you. up next on "ana cabrera reports," the supreme court taking up a major case on access to abortion medication. laura jarrett is joining us on the stakes and implications after a quick break. arthritis or psoriasis. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. i move so much better because of cosentyx. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx.
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we're back with some breaking news from the supreme court this morning, the high court just moments ago agreeing to hear arguments about whether the most commonly used abortion pill should still be easily accessible. let's bring in nbc news senior legal correspondent laura jarrett. a lower court's decision on this issue still on hold. >> yes. >> what happens next? >> and because it's on hold, access to the pill today is the same as it was months ago, and remember all the twists and turns we've been following from this case since it all started back in april. and for a while there, it was a little bit confusing about what was happening because it was this court order. the supreme court said let's put a pause on all of that, let's let the case go through its normal process. today the justices agreed to take up the case, which means they're going to hear oral argument, they'll take
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consideration of it. we probably won't see a decision until june. that's when we usually see sort of the hot button decisions drop. this one will be just like that. people have a sense of what is at stake here, it's not about just access to the pill entirely. it's about all the ways that the fda actually made it easier to get the pill. so getting it bill mail during covid was a big one, not having to go to a doctor's appointment three times was a big one. if, in fact, the court keeps that lower court's order in place, the supreme court agrees with that lower court, then it will be harder to access the pill, you will still be able to get it. it will just be much, much harder. >> that is one that could affect millions of americans. >> the most commonly used pill in the country. >> not just for what people think of as the stereotypical abortion, but people who already have been going through miscarriages and other health issues. >> yes, yes. it's been used to manage all of that. >> requires this kind of abortion pill. >> thank you very much. sticking in washington, rudy giuliani could testify in the
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welcome back. rudy giuliani could take the stand as soon as today in his defamation trial. here you can see him arriving at court this morning. emotional testimony yesterday from shaye moss, one of the two former election officials suing giuliani. that's what's driving the headlines this morning, moss telling jurors how she went from loving her job to getting
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inundated with hateful, racist, and violent messages on her phone and online after giuliani baselessly accused her of fraud. nbc's ken dilanian joins us now along with former federal prosecutor harry litman, first, when are we expecting to hear from giuliani, and what are the rules for his testimony? >> well, ana, if all goes as planned, we may see rudy giuliani on the stand this afternoon. normally we know what's going to happen in a trial like this. we know what the witnesses are going to say. in this case, it's a total wild card because rudy giuliani came out and told reporters the opposite of what his lawyer said in court. he continued to maintain that these women were engaged in voter fraud, which is a statement that the judge had already ruled was defamation, and the judge admonished him and his lawyers for doing that and entered an order saying that he cannot say that to the jury, but nonetheless, he seems unrepentant and not on the same
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page with his lawyer. his lawyer essentially saying we know we've harmed these women. we don't want to pay as much as they're asking for, $43 million, don't ruin rudy giuliani. rudy is saying i'm innocent and what i said is true. what he'll actually say on the witness stand remains to be seen but it's going to be a dramatic bit of testimony. >> tell us more about what we heard from shaye moss, speaking about dramatic testimony. >> yeah, that was really haunting testimony. shaye moss, the daughter of ruby freeman, one of the atlanta election workers whose life, she says, was up ended, was ruined, a happy life as she describes it with her son who's in ninth grade, completely turned around by these false allegations that rudy giuliani made. her phone was blowing up with horrific racist vile messages. she said her son was seeing some of that and he ended up failing his classes in ninth grade. she said she was diagnosed with depressive disorder. she doesn't go out anymore. she had to leave her job. she made a very strong case to
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the jury that she was harmed by what rudy giuliani said. she's asking for up to $43 million. that's what this trial is about. >> harry, the judge already found giuliani liable, so this is really about how much he'll pay. the jurors are looking at compensatory as well as punitive damages. what will they consider? >> he's been on the stairs basically reiterating the same claim, which is off the table. so he's going to be wrestling with the judge and his own lawyer. look, giuliani's a walking train wreck, and has been a walking train wreck for a couple years. he's sneering. he's dripping with contempt. he laughs at inappropriate times. he figures to be an unmitigated disaster, and the jury also figures to see him fighting it out with his counsel. this could be sort of a tragic comic kind of episode and the
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jury at the end of it, i think, will be motivated to punish him as well as compensate moss and freeman very handsomely. >> again, up to $43 million is what they are asking for. you never know what you're going to hear from rudy giuliani after court adjourned yesterday. he didn't say much after the judge slammed the remarks he made after court monday, when he said he had no regrets and he tried to claim the allegations were the truth. here's what he said yesterday. >> i'm not going to discuss the case right now because it seems to get the judge annoyed. >> okay, so he's holding back, harry. what do you make of the change, and does it give us any it give he'll say on the stand? >> you can set your compass by knowing whatever he said an hour ago he'll change in 90 minutes. and, of course, he's going to be cross-examined here. so he can try to hold back, but if the counsel can say didn't
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you just say yesterday, mr. giuliani, and didn't you -- and in fact, he did reiterate on -- did disparage them last night. i expect a train wreck. >> giuliani's financial woes are pretty well known at this point. can he survive such a massive financial hit and if he doesn't have the money, can those poor election workers ever really get compensated? >> yes, so, that is the big drama here. that's the reason the judge imposed liability for defamation. i think he's going to try to continue to hide it, and sort of stone wall all the way, maybe even after a verdict. that appears to be the only possible strategy he has. and that actually will be the challenge that moss and freeman face down the line, not getting a jury verdict, but collecting it. >> all right, harry litman and ken dilanian, good to see both
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of you. thank you so much. back to our breaking news at the top of the hour, we're just now learning what the white house thinks of hunter biden's dramatic press conference this morning where he denied any wrongdoing and he would only sit for an interview with the house oversight committee if it was done in a public forum, defended his father, saying the republicans had taken the light of my dad's love for me and presented it as darkness, they have no shame. i want to bring in nbc's mike memoli. what are we learning about the reaction from the white house? >> it is so interesting because within minutes of that as you say dramatic statement on capitol hill from hunter biden, an administration official tells me the view of the white house is that this was a forceful and powerful statement on part of the president's son. that's notable because we have largely had a hands off approach as it relates to the white house itself as it relates to hunter biden's legal woes. they referred questions just about anything related to his -- the potential impeachment inquiry and his own legal struggles to his own personal
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attorneys or to the office of the special counsel. and so, it is interesting to note that. now, the multiple officials are not saying whether president biden himself watched his son's statement. this would have occurred just before the president was scheduled to have the presidential daily briefing in the oval office. we are also hearing, though, from the biden campaign as the house is prepared to move ahead with a vote on an impeachment inquiry, a campaign spokesperson saying that the house republicans are doing -- following the orders of donald trump, trump's maga minions and they resort to shameful ploys, highlighting a number of comments from some house republicans noting the politics of this, noting the impact it had on president biden's own approval ratings and part of the argument that what house republicans are engaged in is a political exercise, not one about true accountability here. >> thanks for that update, mike memoli. appreciate your reporting. up next on "ana cabrera reports," the new problems for tesla and the recall involving 2
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if you own a tesla, breaking news you need to hear this morning. tesla is recalling 2 million of its cars to fix an issue with the system that makes sure drivers stay attentive while using auto pilot. so this amounts to nearly all of the vehicles sold here in the u.s. tesla vehicles, this is according to cnbc this recall comes after a two-year
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investigation by the national highway traffic safety administration to crashes that happened while auto pilot was in use. some of those crashes were deadly. let's bring in nbc news correspondent tom costello. tom, what more do you have on this recall? >> you're right, this does affect every single tesla that is out there, but this is important now, you will not have to take your tesla into the shop to get something done. instead, this is an over the air and internet software push and upgrade that you will get. some users say they're already getting that upgrade. it went out as early as last night. this has to do with the auto steer portion of auto pilot. some folks apparently drivers have been completely relying on auto steer, auto pilot, not on highways, where as you saw it can still have deadly consequences if not used properly. but on side roads and the like, and so now this is an immediate push, a software upgrade, to the auto steer function. the idea here is to add more
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alerts, more visual clues, to alert the driver that he or she needs to be paying attention, needs to be engaged, not to be completely reliant on auto steer. and if they don't do that, then auto pilot would shut down. importantly here, tesla's ceo elon musk put out a post on x saying that the company has a moral obligation to continue to improve safety systems. put they also make the point, they say that anecdotes of accidents and claims by lawyers are not hard data, and they claim hard data proves that in fact safety is emphatically stronger, their words, with auto pilot engaged. so, this is now already ongoing, the software push is already coming out. and the actual users of the teslas, they will get a letter in the mail by february, the hope is that all of them will in fact get the safety update. by the way, this is the fourth recall, if you will, from tesla for various safety issues and upgrades over the years.
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>> we only have about 30 seconds here, tom, does this mean that investigation into auto pilot and tesla is over. is this the end of it? >> no, you know, the way that the national highway traffic safety administration works, it goes case by case, gathers data and makes recommendations or orders a recall in collaboration with a company as they progress through. but, no, i would not say that its investigation is ongoing watch if you will over these auto pilot functions is in any way over. >> all right, tom costello, thank you for staying on top of it for us. that's going to do it for us today. appreciate you joining me. see you back here tomorrow, same time, same place. until then, i'm ana cabrera reporting from new york. jose diaz-balart picks up our coverage right now. good morning. it is 11:00 a.m. eastern, 8:00 a.m. pacific, i'm jose diaz-balart. this morning, hunter biden speaks out on the republican investigation into him at the exact moment he was due to testify before


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