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tv   Symone  MSNBC  December 16, 2023 1:00pm-2:01pm PST

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class with access and privileged group. you say that can obtain abortion without facing unnecessary cruel barriers to care. we know 24 states have banned abortion. what are you most afraid of right now? daniel? >> i'm afraid of what i was privileged to have, which was access without barriers. no mandate to a waiting period. i didn't have to travel out of state. i didn't have to sit through a bunch of lies. that's gonna go away. it already has gone away. it has gone away before roe. it's gonna leave now. and scotus is probably gonna get it. that's what i'm afraid. if >> you should be daniels, beats every abortion is an emergency abortion. danielle, thank you so much, appreciate it. that wraps it up for me, everybody. i'm yasmin vossoughian, and back in the chair two pm eastern. symone starts right now.
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>> greetings, everyone. you're watching symone, the house is adjourned for the rest of the year. not they don't have urgent work to do it like working on an aid package for israel, ukraine, and southern border security. but they did vote for a baseless impeachment inquiry of president biden. the republican priority actually, why is that? well we will ask congressman tim burchett of tennessee, and then rudy giuliani's lies about two election workers, what they have finally cost him. the jury verdict, 100 $48 million in damages for defamation. no surprise, giuliani called it absurd and he vows to appeal. how is that gonna go for him? we will dig into it with one of our legal gurus. she is feeling good from her head to her shoes, honey. i sat down with the queen of rock and soul, patty la belle. we talked about her amazing career, and businesses and even that crazy christmas tree lighting video that goes viral every year. you want to stick around for this. i am symone sanders-townsend, i
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have something to say. ♪ ♪ ♪ the u.s. house of representatives has gone fishing, starting their holiday recess two days ago. in spite of critical business left undone. and they are in a fishing expedition, and i'm not talking about congress members vacation plans here. this week, house republicans voted unanimously to formalize an impeachment inquiry into president biden after claiming that the president received money from foreign entities during his time as vice president. i know you're thinking, okay, where is the evidence to justify such a drastic step? i know they have, it right? well, it just isn't there. house oversight committee chairman, james comer, insists that a 200,000 dollar loan repayment paid to biden by his brother james in 2018 before biden's presidency was evidence
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of, quote, shady business practices. comer has cast doubt on whether there was even a loan to begin with. documents reviewed by nbc news actually showed that the president did in fact make it with 100,000 dollar loan to his brother 20 teen. house republicans, also revived long debunked claims that then vice president biden advanced his son's business interest, rather than american policy, in ukraine. they are also claiming that the biden administration obstructed an investigation into the president's son, hunter biden, citing irs whistleblower testimony. but here's what those whistleblowers had to say when asked directly about whether president biden, or even attorney general merrick garland were interfering with the investigation. >> in your depositions, neither one of you ever stated that president joe biden interfered with your investigations, correct? >> the transcript is not a clue, that no. >> the transcript is not included. >> nor does it include that merrick garland interfered with your investigations, correct?
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>> the transcript is not say that. >> defying a subpoena for closed-door testimony, hunter biden has offered to testify publicly. he did it on the capitol steps this week, he said i'm here. but the republican-led oversight committee they are not considering. it now maybe are asking yourself, a lot of hypotheticals today, why house republicans? wood said emotions one of the grievous congressional responsibilities laid out in our constitution. talking about impeachment inquiry. with no evidence of high crimes or misdemeanors. don't worry, they told us. >> going down these impeachment roads could be a problem politically. >> no, i don't. i think if we don't go down these impeachment routes a huge part of america is going to just say, we're not supporting republicans anymore. >> representatives, what are you hoping to gain from an impeachment inquiry? >> i can say, donald j trump 2024. >> it's giving political, folks. well the impeachment inquiry is
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moving forward, and the house is adjourned, the senate folks delayed its recess to hammer out southern border security, and we talk about the funding that is tied to an aid package for israel and ukraine. and the government funding deadlines, they await congress in the new you, again, the 118th congress remains, one of the least productive since the great depression. here's what democratic leader hakeem jeffries had to say. >> anything productive that has happened in this congress, which is not much because of the extreme maga republicans, has occurred because house democrats have led the way. >> there is plenty of important work ahead for the united states congress. and it's work that took a backseat this week to a convoluted, baseless impeachment inquiry vote. can we expect congress to be more productive in 2024? with a fractured republican caucus, very slim majority in
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an election? >> let's ask republican congressman and house oversight committee member, tim burchett. welcome to you, congressman. before we get started, you recently conceded that this congress hasn't been productive. and you blamed individual members who you said were, quote, got loose and they won't stand up. which members are you talking about? and how did they fail to stand up? >> well, on the ndaa, as you well know, it was the national defense authorization act, it provides for -- change operations things that the average taxpayer thinks it will not be paid for the military bill. you got a bloated pentagon that is not passed an audit in the last five audits in the history of audits. and yet, we reward them with millions more dollars. i can see that money going to other things. or maybe even some savings. we're in these endless wars we,
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continue to get into them. we're hundred and 14 billion dollars unchecked in ukraine. we're in skirmishes all over the world, and yet our defense contractors and people in both parties, if folks were do some investigating, would find out that people in both parties are profiting off of this. there is no reason in the world, ma'am, that somebody makes 70 -- >> congressman, if i may, you are noting that members you'd say, they don't get anything done. they did stand up on the nba. which members are you referring to, sir, that you referred to as gutless. >> well, that votives the one that voted for that bill. the one that one home that, say they are in fact conservative or, in fact my democratic friends -- for the fbi to do it over thousands it in the thousands of investigations by saying they're gonna investigate someone who's a foreigner, and using that to back door
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americans lives. the fbi is way out of touch and the need to get back to the original reason they were formed. >> it's not a spy on americans. we have to the hundred you the history of the fbi, and let me tell, you it is murky. i think we can't make claims about spying on americans without some actual evidence here. i want to move this impeachment inquiry. because every single member of the house of representatives did pardon me, every single republican member -- did vote in favor. including you. can you tell me why did you vote for an inquiry even if there is no direct evidence that you are produced yet of high crimes or misdemeanors or treason by the president while he's been the president, even before his president. >> well, we didn't vote for an impeachment, just an inquiry >> yes, what did you before inquiry. >> yes, ma'am. the inquiry is the proper process we need to go through. -- we're not going to harp over
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one section of the law to get to the other. we're gonna go down the path providing evidence. so far, you've asked about evidence, and there is some pretty incriminating evidence. hunter biden who's run over $30 million through his family he's been paid. over 22 bank accounts, 20 shell corporations. >> congressman, i understand questions about hunter biden and hunter biden is currently facing consequences for what he's done under stacks's. but i'm asking about president biden and i want to ask because only joe biden is now the fifth president in our nation's history to face an impeachment inquiry. these are not common. that and just something that happened in every single house of representatives. every single congress. so house republicans, you all are saying gonna follow the facts in the inquiry but there
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has been no evidence that has been produced that the president committed a high crime or misdemeanor while he was president. so, if you don't find any evidence, at what point will the inquiry be considered concluded? >> when we get to the conclusion of that would be when we go through all the evidence. as i was dating earlier, there's a 5 million dollar investment with hunter in a chinese communist member and then hunter, if you follow the money, he takes it, put it in one of his is 20 shell corporations, james, biden the president's brother, and then at the end of, you see a 40,000 dollar going out of this account, which was only created for this influx of millions of dollars. and the bank in itself and its email records have stated that there is we see no business interest here, -- >> congressman burchett, thank you so much for your time. i do just want to note, again, the documents reviewed by nbc
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news, they show that the president made it to 1000 or loan and his brother 2018. the 40 k you talk about bank records never say committed themselves saw show that the president made a wire transfer when he was not the president to james biden, a 40 k. payments were to hunter biden for a 2018 ford rafter truck. that joe biden purchase that hunter biden was using. i haven't heard a high crime or misdemeanor yet, i can really understand -- >> or you let me answer the question, may? i know your democrat, you are four democratic insult. >> congressman, let's do, it says we're here. where the time, we're gonna do it. i did use advise a number of individuals, i've also advised incorporation companies, but here i'm just here to be an advocate for the viewer. and i will ask you one last time. what is the evidence that the committee has that joe biden, while he was president,
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committed a high crime, misdemeanor, or treason. because that is the bar for an impeachment inquiry. >> you have to ask yourself, man, whether vice president or a president give $40,000 to a chinese communist corporation. >> with, that thank you very much, congressman it's always a pleasure, you just can't come in here in my. coming up, folks, we're gonna unpack what we just heard from the congressman. with my political panel. democratic strategist antjuan see, right for republican congressman, david jolly on standby. plus what are we really learning from megan appalling and president biden. are we ignoring the more positive. once later in the show, one-on-one with a legendary icon, the one and only patty labelle. you don't wanna miss. stick around, folks. stick around, folks. secret helps eliminate odor, instead of just masking it. and hours later, i still smell fresh. secret works! ohhh yesss. ♪♪
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vo: illegal immigrants rush our border in record numbers. more get away than are detained. ohhh yesss. leaders of “sanctuary cities” spend billions on migrants - creating a magnet for more illegal immigration and fueling the crisis. all while americans struggle to pay for food and housing. and what is the biden administration doing? closing more immigration detention facilities. tell your member of congress: biden's closing of immigration facilities makes this crisis even worse. every day, more dog people, and more vets are deciding
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and you can bring your own device. oh, and all on the most reliable 5g mobile network nationwide. wireless that works for you. >> we are less than one year it's not just possible, it's happening. away from the 2024 presidential election. president trump as the current front-runner for the republican nomination and this could be a good time to talk about polling. folks, the numbers that you've been seeing, especially with 11 months to go, i always say are sh in time. there are one page on a broader story. at least two recent polls showed biden trailing trump across a number of crucial swing states. in some cases, by double gits. there's within the margin of error. it found that in the seven
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states where the election was closest in 2020, wisconsin, pennsylvania, arizona, north carolina, and michigan, biden had a four point lead among republicans who said they were sure to vote. so much could happen between now and november, folks. campaigns have to listen to voters on the ground to be effective. here's what some voters in the swing state of michigan told my colleague nbc's christian welker. >> show of hands, who is deciding on who they are going to vote for in 2024? so, three out of five of you. >> when it comes to democrats, i just don't really see anyone who really feels like they will be a strong pick who is running. i just cannot, voting republican would be voting against myself. >> so, are you saying that you, at this point, are planning to vote for president biden but reluctantly? >> very reluctantly. >> that is one reluctant voter.
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is that enough to pave a path to victory? the two other folks said that they would vote for joe biden. joining us to discuss a little more's founder and ceo of blueprint strategy's and former republican congressman, david jolly, an msnbc political analyst. now, congressman, before we get started, what is your reaction to congressman's comments on this impeachment inquiry. democrat operative, communism, all of that. >> i think that exchange you had with congressman it is when we are going to see for the next 6 to 8 months on this issue of impeachment. i do think republicans have already decided that they will impeach joe biden. it doesn't matter where the facts are. and i think what you saw in that exchange is the weakness of the evidence. sure, there are checks but as you pointed out, there are not checks that point to a crime by joe biden. certainly not while he was the sitting president. and i would also point out much of what they are actually
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investigating was activities that occurred when joe biden was out of office and donald trump's department of justice would have them even investigated. you better believe there was evidence that joe biden had engaged in some sort of criminal activity but the then attorney general would have investigated joe biden before the 2020 election. republicans have decided that they are going to impeach joe biden because they don't like hunter biden. they are going to do a. the question becomes, what is the posture of the white house? how do they hit back or do they remain dismissive of the allegations? i think that they've got to hit much back like you did in the exchange just now. >> what do you think? we are talking 2024 and this impeachment inquiry is going to play out throughout the course of next year. what would your advice be to the biden campaign? i know you talked to them looking at the state of the race right now. >> let's just deal with the facts first. almost 50% of the american people, republican,
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independents disapprove of the idea of an impeachment inquiry since september. the number of republicans who agree or buy into this idea of the impeachment inquiry has gone down by six or seven points. what we heard, respectfully, from the congressman when you get extremism and trumpism and you have those things up and you get political hallucination. if the impeachment of the president is a crime than so many people in this congress who were elected around the country would be in the impeachment office. the fact of the matter is that they do not have anything to attack the president because he's been the most productive in modern day history. he's deliver things in a bipartisan way. that's why we've seen republican members of the congress vote. show up in districts and the ribbon cuttings with some of the legislative agenda items that we see from this president and from congress.
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so it is easy to make hunter biden the bogeyman. yet the evidence and members of their own party it has nothing that indicates misdemeanors or felonies are involved in what they are trying to back up in this scenario. >> the facts just aren't there. i was looking for them. congressman, we'll talk a bit about donald trump. donald trump's average approval rating never really roles before 50% when he was president. he was the first president to lose reelection since 1992 and now trump is facing multiple criminal trials. i know that up intel this point the trials have only bolstered him within republican primaries but how would this affect voters perception of the election race if he is the nominee? >> i think that it will play into it more than we are seeing currently. we still are roughly a year out.
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this will be a highly competitive race. what we saw in 1820 and 22 were a number of voters who came forward, five to 6% who perhaps in the past have been traditional republican performing voters whether they were republicans or independents, those voters came forward and said i cannot take any more trumpism. and i can't take donald trump. that was before his indictments and before his trials. i think when we get into a general election matchup it will be highly competitive. voters have to compare and contrast. joe biden who is working for an economy, a health care system, education and industry, jobs for all people, donald trump who is facing prison time and once the -- -- those voters, i believe, perform again for joe biden next november. >> you know, i'm just interested in what voters are saying out there across the country as you travel about president biden and donald trump. you heard a voter in that focus group and it seemed to me that maybe folks don't love
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everything. but you asked people if they are going to vote for joe biden. and there was at least three folks in that clip with christian welker who said yeah. >> i think there is a different conversation on pastries than it is on our street. elections on our street talk about things on pay street. the fact of the matter is, when it comes to delivering for the american people, everything about this president and vice president and democrats have delivered poll above 70% among the american people. so, if there is not a constituency in this country for ph.d., to ged, they've not benefited from the biden economy, and the legislative agendas, that is why all of my friends who are on the edge of their seat, yes it is okay to be concerned, but do not worry. this process is a marathon and not a sprint. i think that direction is more important, and we have the better candidate with the better resume, with the better
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agenda items for the future. the one thing we know about this president, they have demonstrated over time, the worst thing that you can do in politics, this is the one reason that i am not as concerned. the worst thing to do is to speak to soon. i think the president has room to grow. i think that we have time to get out and color story. >> there's some time. >> and talk about what we have done. >> there is some time. we will be watching. because either way it goes is going to be close. former congressman david jolly, i appreciate you both, thank you. coming up next, rudy giuliani gets a taste of accountability. he was just ordered to pay nearly 100 and $50 million to georgia election workers. ruby freeman and shaye moss were repeatedly defaming them. but he's still standing by his lies. could it hurt his appeal? i have a legal experts standing by with some answers. stick around, folks.
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by with some answers stick around, folks. stick around, folks. nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪♪) whenever you're hungry, there's a deal on the subway app. buy one footlong, get one 50% off in the subway app today. now that's a deal worth celebrating. man, what are you doing?! get it before it's gone on the subway app. ♪♪ the virus that causes shingles is sleeping... in 99% of people over 50. it's lying dormant, waiting... and could reactivate. shingles strikes as a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks. and it could wake at any time. think you're not at risk for shingles? it's time to wake up. because shingles could wake up in you. if you're over 50, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about shingles prevention.
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all right, tandy, what's it gonna be, the drink made from whatever was laying around, or the one made with your drizzly haul? drizly! >> this week, rudy giuliani is stock up today, sip well, tomorrow. drizly.
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being held accountable for one of his biggest election lies. a unanimous jury decision on friday, the former new york city mayor was ordered to pay 100 and $40 million to former georgia election workers, rudy freeman and shaye moss in a civil defamation case. in the wake of the 2020 election, the mother and daughter became central figures of a right wing conspiracy theory. alleging election fraud in
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georgia. these lies were spread by rudy giuliani, donald trump's former personal attorney and others in trump's orbit. they became targets of hate and harassment and they have repeatedly shared how their lives were turned upside down. here is lady ruby outside of the court yesterday. >> i want people to understand this. money will never solve all my problems. i can never move back into the house that i call home. i will always have to be careful about where i go, and who i choose to share my name with. i miss my home, i miss my neighbors, and i miss my name. >> in part, the two will receive $75 million in punitive damages. both as a punishment for giuliani's egregious behavior,
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and to deter it in the future. what became very clear after the verdict is that rudy giuliani did not learn his lesson. here is what he said. >> the absurdity of the number, nearly underscores the absurdity of the entire proceeding, where i've not been allowed to offer one single piece of evidence in defense. which i have a lot. >> do you still believe what you said about these two women in the wake of the 2022 election is hurtful? >> i have no doubt that my comments were made and they were support-able and our support-able today. >> giuliani has vowed to appeal the ruling. joining me now to discuss is kristy greenberg, she's a former federal prosecutor and the former deputy chief of the criminal division for the southern district of new york. kristie, it is good to see you. i think this is what accountability looks like. rudy giuliani spread so many baseless lies, one of which included the idea that ruby
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freeman and shaye moss were passing drugs to one another, when it was actually a gym german. what is your reaction to this trial? >> i'm glad you mentioned that. in a lot of this, you lose sight of how egregious these lies were. these women didn't create a false story there was a break to get everybody out of the arena so that they could double down and count multiple ballots. that is what rudy giuliani said happened, and it didn't. she was passing a meant to her daughter. they didn't steal the election they were not acting as though they were creating a heist. he lichens them to criminals. he called them crooks. he asked why they were not being arrested and said that they should go to jail for a long time. so, all of that that was happening in the public opinion that caused real damage to these two women who are civil
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servants, this was finally their time in court for the jurors to hear their story. boy did they hear it. these jurors were to at least crying in the courtroom as miss freeman testified. they heard it, they heard their stories, they listened carefully in the allocated damages to account for that pain and suffering and emotional distress that they caused. and a sunday message clearly with those punitive damages that anyone else who decides in a public forum completely lie about people there are consequences for those actions. it doesn't matter if at one point in time you were the mayor, it does not excuse terrible acts now. >> what i don't understand is the reason we even got to this point about what level of damages should be awarded. because somewhere in this process rudy giuliani and his lawyer said okay, as that those things, and it wasn't true.
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you just saw in that clip that rudy giuliani was standing by his lies about moss and freeman. he did it repeatedly in court throughout this process. how can this affect the appeals process? >> i certainly think that it affected the number of punitive damages that were applied because when he said on monday of this week, definitively clear that what i said was true, that came into court. he is still at it and he shows no remorse, and it also affects future -- proceedings. both of these plaintiffs could come up with new actions for defamation because these are fresh new claims that he is making every time he does it just like we saw with donald trump in the e. jean carroll case, as to his appeal one of the things that rudy giuliani is likely to do is to petition this and say these numbers are
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excessive. and a judge is a lot less likely to do that when he's not showing any remorse and he is doubling down the way that he is. his conduct continues to be agree just then and it is egregious now. >> so, will they ever see this money? >> i don't know that they will see it -- >> does he have it? >> 100 and $48 million? but, one of the things that the plaintiffs lawyers have said is that they have hired to law firms, aggressive law firms to do asset tracing. so, rudy giuliani did not respond to the subpoenas about his financial status and what assets he had, so these law firms are going to come out and try to track it down, we know that he's got a 6 million dollar apartment that is up for sale, we know that he has future income from his podcast and potentially their speeches and other activities that he's
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involved in. so expect these law firms to be aggressive and go after those income streams. rudy giuliani is to declare bankruptcy, as some have suggested that he would, defamation is an intentional tool. so that doesn't get you out of paying damages for intentional courts just declaring bankruptcy. we saw that with alex jones on it didn't help him when he did the same and try to do these same with the sandy hook victims families and i don't expect it will help rudy giuliani here either. he will be on the hook for the judgment and the question is just how much is the lawyers for the plaintiffs going to be able to find to be able to secure a judgment. >> thank you very much for your time today. coming up next, folks, there are those on a certain television news network that would have you believe president biden has accomplished nothing in his nearly four years in office. to that i say, we could just google it. up next, my former rebuttal to
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that insane assertions. don't go away. that insane assertions don't go away. don't go away. >> with a dreamy honey taste. nyquil honey, the nighttime, sniffing, sneezing, couging, aching, fever, honey-licious, best sleep with a cold, medicine. >> i'm being as objective as i
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can, i can't think of a single policy suggested. any policy that has benefited the american people and joe biden. >> i'm sorry for that jump scare but i need you to hear the lies straight from sean hannity's mouth. that is in fact what it is. that's a lie. you know the program that caught all of us vaccinated? everyone at fox news was required to get vaccinated. and they had stimulus checks for everyone that qualified. and meant relief and for a year it expanded the child tax credit. it helped cut child poverty by have things to extra money in folks being accounts. maybe mr. hannity is banking on the success of the investment
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in infrastructure and jobs act. also known as the infrastructure law or you could call it infrastructure week. they understood the need for it and president biden quickly signed it into law once it passed. it is the biggest investment since the interstate was created. maybe that's why republicans wanted to take credit for it even though many voted against it. it is popular and effective to this day. that is why the improvements in airports are going down. according to the institution it has popped nearly 306 billion dollars and direct investment projects that are improving roads in parts of the country. they created high speed rail systems from washington d.c. to richmond and north carolina. and a massive hub in chicago. this is a game-changer to get americans places faster. infrastructure law also
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included additional investments in broadband or wi-fi for millions across the country. the program expanded internet access to 200,000 people. these have created thousands upon thousands of jobs already. mr. hannity, maybe he doesn't realize how monthly out of pocket costs are at -- into law in 2022 and because of that law the president signed that imposed a 35-dollar cap for medicare recipients on insulin. then they put the pressure on drug manufacture, eli lilly, to follow suit. there is also gun safety legislation and there's also a ways to go on this. but president biden and vice president harris ushered in the most significant protections we've seen since the 1994 saleswomen's ban expired. among other things, the bipartisan safer communities act that sent by states to implement red flag laws and enhance background checks on the federal level.
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i can go on. but i am just here to tell you do not be gases by the likes of those folks on the other news network. or anyone else because you can literally look up what the biden administration has done for yourself and frankly you should before you decide to vote for it next year because the programs that benefit the american people like you. they are definitely in sync. coming up a very special interview with the godmother of seoul, miss patty la belle. we talk about what it feels like to be doing what she loves after six decades and the spotlight, plus i ask her about one of the most hilarious moments in her career. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> i messed up that daylight crazy. it was freezing, my background singers, the security held them up. that was so funny. every time i see it, i cry
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(vo) it's your last chance to turn any iphone in any condition into a new iphone 15 pro with titanium and ipad and apple watch se - all on us. only on verizon. >> today, symone spotlight all right, sheila, are you throwing a dress like a dad party, a birthday brunch, or a vow renewal for your dogs? yes! the right drinks delivered for any party. drizly. guest is a woman many of us know and i absolutely love. i'm talking about the one and only, miss patty labelle. the legendary singer and actress have any future in the music industry for more than 60 years. among our top hits, if you only knew, and lady marmalade. the godmother of seoul and two-time grammy winner is also a boss in her own right.
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she founded and is running her own comfort food brand called patty's good life, according to forbes, her company's products generated nearly $200 million last year. miss patty la belle is far from done. i spoke with anti patty just a few days after her holiday homecoming show at the met in philadelphia. his first performance in her hometown since 2018. we talked about her being named to the forbes know your value over 50 list and we chatted about her infamous holiday performances resurfaces every year. if you don't know which one i mean, here is a little reminder. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> where are my background singers? and that's the wrong parts on the qcard, i don't know the song! ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> our conversation began with me asking her what it's like to still be doing what she loves for more than six decades. take a listen. >> i am so honored to still be with no hit record, for 20 years i haven't gotten r&b album out, i've been working on it this year to come out next year. but to see a full house of people with patty labelle with no record, i don't have a record, you know? and they are still there. >> you don't have a record, but you have hits. you have hits. you have receipts. we've got receipts. you are working on this album, next year, who can we expect to see on this album? >> i knew you were going to ask me that. i can't tell you, i will call you and let you know and you can tell everybody. >> the st time that i saw you was here in new york, because you are literally the face of this year's 50, over 50 list, you made the list for you or --
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the fact that you are iconic, but your brand, patty's good life. talk to me a bit about patty's good life. everybody knows patties pies, which you are working on, a breakfast line, do we have any cook or in the future? >> yes. you'll have everything. my whole thing with cooking started with my four cookbooks back in the day before the sweet potato pie, the cookbooks, then the python, the macaroni, and the greens, and all the other hot meals that i have. then we have all of the deserts, peach cobbler, is blueberry cobbler, and a lot of them i can't remember. and all of these things happen beautifully with my line of food. i would say that somebody said the other day, patty, what is, if your music or your food? i said i always hope my music, but now the food is trending. >> this is a business you started, this is not a business
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you started 50 years ago, right? this is a recent business? >> yeah. that is when why some's were already with charles and alex, my partners, and they go out and do all of the work, and all of the hard work, and they bring me back the glory. i've got partners. >> you've got partners and it makes a difference. >> yeah. >> this love for cooking and whatnot, i heard that you bring your own supplies when you go on the road. you bring your own pots and pans, your own hot plates, where does that come from? >> from not having good food in room service ongoing -- and not being able to eat after a show. i would be so hungry, years ago, i used to bring my pots and pans. i used to cook for richard pryor in the day. and then i stopped for a few years. so now we get to go to the supermarkets or the farmers markets and we travel, we have the pots and pans, and we set up a kitchen. and i cook for the band, the crew, i would be cooking on the road.
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i can't stand bedroom service. >> it makes a difference. >> and plus, i am a diabetic. so i half to cook for myself, because i know what is in it. >> in a 1996 interview with oprah winfrey, you stunned the crowd and the clip, people can literally google it today, you talked about how you never thought that you would love to see your 45th birthday. as you sit here, you are a fabulous, can i say it? 79. >> almost 80. >> six months to 80. because my sisters all died in the early 40s. i knew that i wouldn't make it. i just knew, i said my turn is coming, right? and it never came. so each year, of course, i celebrate with them, they are with me, and i say i made it, girls, i'm almost 80. and i don't think that i would make it to be this age, it is wonderful. when you think all of your
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sisters, my mother, my father, everybody is gone. and i'm still standing. and that is god. >> nothing but god. standing and thriving. >> thank you. >> you have just endured yourself to an entirely new generation. you know, you have, there are young people who didn't know you were the original lady marmalade, but they know patty spies, they know you from interviews that you've done from the breakfast club, two -- and you are just carrying through a new generation. what does it feel like, especially understanding and feeling like you didn't think you'd make it to 45 let alone we are knocking on 80. and there are so many young people like myself, and younger, who are just going blown away by who you are and what you've done, and continue to do? >> thank you. i know i am touched by angels. i'm blessed, all of my family members are looking over me saying keep going, don't stop. you don't have a reason to stop.
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the only thing that was stopping me, people said when are you going to retire? what? i can't even spell retire. that's not a word in my dictionary. i don't know what that is. i'm going to keep going until i'm 160. >> okay now, will hold you to it. you know it's a holiday season, one that resurfaces every holiday season, you know what i'm talking about? you at the 1996 white house christmas tree lighting. >> a, with my background singers. honey, that is so funny. every time i see it, i karloff-ing. and then i went out too soon, president clinton hadn't called me out, and said go back. and i must dot day up like crazy. it was freezing, my background singers, the security held them up. they said nobody is allowed back here. well they said we are her singers, we have to get up there, whatever, they got their. >> they got there? they made it? >> yes. >> you ended up singing that same song this year in a duet
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for the eagles christmas album. do you ever get flashbacks when it is time to sing that song? >> never. just fun moments. everything funny comes to my mind. just fun. you know, the eagles, we did a song for the eagles, and for charity. it was wonderful singing with those big men. >> we are an eagles household myself. my husband is a big eagles fan. that's why we get along so well. before i let you go, i had to ask, we have an album coming up next year, pots and pans, cook wear line, i hear it's kind of nice. what should we be watching for? >> pots, everything. i'm serious. >> i love this. miss labelle, i love you. >> i love you so much. >> thank you for coming here today. bringing all of your christmas cheer, your joy, you light up every room you are in. >> thank you, love you, happy
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holidays to everybody. >> coming up next, folks, i've got a chance to help mark a major milestone for a vital american institution. how we celebrated 20 years since the creation of the national museum of african american history and culture. that's next, don't you go away. that's next, don't you go away. >> whenever you're hungry, there's a deal on the subway app. buy one footlong, get one 50% off in the subway app today. now that's a deal worth celebrating. man, what are you doing?! get it before it's gone on the subway app. ♪♪ there's something going around the gordon home. good thing gertrude found delsym.
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share a special moment last night at the national museum of african american history and culture, right here in washington, d.c.. i joined that museums fountain director, who's not the secretary of the smithsonian institution, johnny bunch, along with the museum's current director, kevin young, for a very special celebration of the 20th anniversary of the signing of the federal legislation that create a museum. the museum itself opened in 2016 and since then has welcomed around 10 million visitors from 168 countries. i was honored to take part in such momentous celebration.
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this is the only national museum devoted exclusively to documenting african american life, history, and culture. and we are all very excited about its future. thanks so much for watching symone on this sunday. i'm simone sanders townsend. for more, you can find us on instagram, the site formally known as twitter, and -- elle sharpton is next. and steven horsford will join him. right, i hear you are going to be asking the congressman about priorities in the new year? >> absolutely. absolutely, i'm asking him about priorities and congress and the congressional black caucus in these times that we are facing real challenges and black america. i want to know what is the priorities in the caucus and congress following the fabulous symone. and thank you as always. good evening, and welcome to


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