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tv   Ayman  MSNBC  December 16, 2023 6:00pm-7:00pm PST

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little rascals... but good news, there's no itchiness, dryness or flakes down here! i love tiny troy. and his tiny gorgeous hair. he's the best. - make every wash count! - little help please. there's something going around the gordon home. good thing gertrude found delsym. now what's going around is 12-hour cough relief. >> coming up on the second hour and the giggles. the family that takes delsym together, feels better together.
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of him, in court adjourned. civil trial goes on a month-long hiatus as a future of his business empire hangs in the balance. plus, gop fact check. house republicans formulas are evidence free impeachment, and we're setting the record
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straight on the lies that have led to this charade. and, defending the dictator? new fears as trump backers voice their support for his authoritarian promises. our charles coleman junior in tonight for ayman mohyeldin, and we've got a lot to talk about. so let's get started. after more than 40 witnesses and 44 days of bombshell testimony new york attorney general letitia james's 250 million dollar civil trial against former president donald trump and his namesake company has now entered into its final stage. on wednesday, testimony came to a close with his office calling the final rebuttal witness who happened to be in a county professor, and then resting its
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case. it is set to take a month long break after the judge issues findings after both sides present their closing arguments on january 11th. then, the fate of trump's real estate empire will rest entirely in the hands of the judge. remember, there's no jury. meaning it is the judge alone who will determine the future of the disgraced ex president. but even with a month off in the new york civil case, this is hardly a holiday break. trump's legal team is saying very, very busy. on friday, former president's lawyers asked the states highest court to rule on the gag der issue against him. that request came just 24 hours after an appeals court once again upheld the order, which watch trump commentate about the judges stuff publicly. you may remember the initial order came just days into the trial. when trump posted a disparaging
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message about the judges locker on his failed social media site, truth social. on october 3rd, the ex president shared a screenshot from another user known as judi quotas. that screenshot falsely labeled as the girlfriend of senate majori leader, chuck schumer. this week, the messengers out of class published a deep dive into that man behind the account. brock frederik. it will expose his prolific history of harassing women, and that behavior that echoes attacks on the judges walk work. the40-year-old wisconsin resintas been hit with several restraining orders, all of which barred him from contacting threeate women. he's also beencriminally convicted multiple times for violating two of those orders, and he is currently under criminal investigation for more suspected restraining orders violations, and possible
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stocking. it seems that it validated the recent attention. he wrote, quote, petitioner wanted to emphasize that the sentiments have already received endorsement from president trump who expressed support for them, and quote. some of you may be wondering why we would even give attention to someone like him who has shown himself to be a verified creep. listen, i get it. but stay with me for a moment. i want to touch on an idea. the cyclical exchange of false information between the former president and his supporters. we often talk about the impact of trump's words and the individuals who have been influenced by his disinformation and dangerous rhetoric. but, there's another side. another side we have to look
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critically at. see, it is not just people who listened to trump. it is also the individuals who the disgraced ex president actually listens to. this entire harassment campaign which is upending the life of a law clerk and snowballed into more than a month of litigation, all started with an unverified post on social media. it's a dangerous cycle but forecasts it terrifying and chilling reality of what another trump term could look like. it future where facts do not matter. and where lives could cost someone their safety. here to discuss with me is democratic strategist and former obama campaign advisor, former federal prosecutor and msnbc analyst. and host of the woke billy podcast. and co-host of democracy-ish
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and the new abnormal podcast. thank you all for being here and having this conversation with me. carol, i want to start with you. after two months of fireworks in and outside of the courtroom, what do you think we can expect after january 11th when both sides are presenting their sides? would you expect to be the eventual outcome? >> as you know, charles, closing arguments are important. they sum everything up. which as you pointed out, there is no jury in this particular civil trial. what decides are going to be working on very hard where the holiday is putting together those closing arguments. which really -- you have trials and you are presenting evidence every day. it sort of takes on a pace of your own. it is sometimes hard to see that. so they will be putting together all the evidence and
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making their arguments now. supported by the evidence that they think is relevant from the trial. so what we can expect to see is probably a few days of the closing argument. one of the defenses that donald trump has put but again and again, even though misrepresentation and missed statements were made in order to get loans, he put some of those bankers to say it didn't make any difference to us. we checked out and did our own due diligence on some of those valuations. but what we would expect letitia james's to argue that there were some facts that he overstated the square footage of his penthouse by three times. those are not differences of opinions about facts, or
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evaluation. those are the kinds of arguments that we could see, and then the judge will render his verdict. >> carol, one of the things that i hate that people leave out of your bio, you are actually a former judge, i want to put that, your judge had on, and i want to ask you, realistically speaking, given that judge ingraham has already made a ruling with respect to the fraud issue in the case, what's the best that donald trump's defense team can hope to get out of this as it released the damages that everyone is going to decide. >> i'm not sure donald trump is going to get very much out of judge ingraham. he does have a potential issue with respect to the solution that judge ingraham has already tried to impose. that is the disillusion of some of these trump liability corporations.
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intricate issues of new york corporations law, and that was a pretty broad ruling. someone said it is going to have to be vetted up on appeal. but it does appear that the judge takes a pretty dim view of the actions of the trump organization and donald trump, and his family with respect to some of these representations that were made. the thing about not having a jury in this case, sometimes, you say the misrepresentations didn't make any difference to the victims. but the law is actually that no, once you've made those representations if you made them intentionally, that in itself is a complete fraud. that defense that it didn't matter to the victims is not going to get as much sympathy from the judge, as it might from the jury. >> in terms of deciding in making a distinction between the notion of a victimless
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crime and what actually matters, i want to turn to you. we will talk political fallout here. this is only a civil trial. but a bad verdict could do damage reputationally to the notion of donald trump as this business person and this mobile. what do you see as the ultimate cost to him politically if this doesn't go well for him or goes further worse than it already is? >> a huge egos slump. we all know that for donald trump, building his empire is what he's known for. that's his name brand. that's what he used in many instances to coast through to the white house. i think he's going to be extremely damaging should he be fine liable, or guilty at this point. i think the frustration that donald trump has, his mind, i believe, is more important than some of the other things that he is facing trials for, because it rested upon the very
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idea of who donald trump is. the name, the brand, everything that he built. he's gone out of his way to showcase that he is a billionaire without ever trying to show anyone -- he's someone who, in the 90s, in a whole bunch of wraps long, skiing someone who potentially was known for the billions that he had created, and his personal wealth. that is something that he believes and very strongly. this will greatly hurt him. it will impact his ego, his campaign, and i think that in many cases at this point, it will also impact those viewing him as a king of his own people. it will hurt him on the campaign trail because it will show not only that he's a complete liar, but at the very things that he's talked about for the past 30 or 40 years all of that comes out like that. >> i want to follow up on that last point that they made about the fact that this will hurt him on the campaign trail. we are looking at a months long hiatus in this case. donald trump is still fighting the gag order here. is that, do you think, part of
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his strategy in terms of i need to get control of this narrative and give my followers and my base the talking points necessary in order to withstand whatever maybe coming? because he knows that the fallout here could be costly, or is it something else that is driving his fight, even as the cases on pause? >> the reality is that donald trump is not happy narrative. his followers don't care. at the end of the day, what they care about is being able to champion donald trump as the chief that they want. as the murder that they want. as the authoritarian fascist that they want. he doesn't have to convince anyone. it's 70% of people that we need to be talking to. the 70% that didn't vote for donald trump that do not believe his lies, and that haven't fell for it. so, it's not about, well, if he says this then maybe some people will open their ears and maybe some people will come out of the maga supremacy soup.
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that is not it. it's about everyone else who has become exhausted. and riddled with anxiety about the possibility of a trump true point oh. so it doesn't matter what it is a donald trump says, what lies his lawyers put out, it is about 70%, and those people feeling like there is not a possibility at the end of the road. there is not a light for them to look towards. these are the choices they have for 2024 and it does not feel good for them. so it's not about whether or not donald trump could find a new narrative, it is about exciting and engaging people about the possibility of holding on to our democracy. >> i want to end with you. we have this person, and his social media calendar, all of this started with respect to a riposte by donald trump. he's now calling an endorsement. what is the message in terms of the level of misinformation and how quickly it gets out there and how do you strategize against that if you are on the other side?
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if you are concerned about what this could do on the campaign trail? how do you guard against that? >> it is extremely tough, especially in the social media era. donald trump has been able to utilize it in a way that we've not seen before. not only in terms of spreading misinformation for his base but also to recruit people to his cause. i think that in this case, what we are seeing is him, again, amplifying someone who agrees with a lot of what he is trying to do. and in the dark corners of the inter web, this has gone by and people are eating it up. what democrats have to do is face the music. we have to understand, we have to continue to push against disinformation, they have to name it plainly, point out exactly why this is a problem, but also face it with facts, and show trump who he really is. and i agree with what he said a little while ago, to his base, none of this matters. nothing that we say is going to make a difference. but to those younger voters, to black voters, to the democratic base, democrats need to excite
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to get out in the polls in 2024. all these things do matter. i think democrats do have to utilize social media with the same amount of vigilance that republicans are in our case with facts. >> there is so much more we've got to begin to so stick around, we've got a lot to discuss later this hour. but first up after the break, i will speak with democratic congresswoman, chantal brown of ohio, to help us fact-check the gop's baseless claims about president joe biden and his son. before we do that, jessica layton is here with today's headlines. hi just, how are you? >> hi charles. good to see you. thank you. stories we are watching this hour, a major storm is bringing torrential rain to an east coast. 7 million people are under a severe weather threat in florida right now, that storm is expected to intensify and move up the coast throughout sunday. u.s. central command says american navy ship shot down 14 drones in the red sea. no injuries are reported by the
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incident is part of a series that naval skirmishes to hit the region in recent weeks. the notre-dame cathedral took a big step towards reopening when a new golden rooster was placed on top of the building earlier today. the statue is a replica of the original that fell after a 2019 fire that destroyed the cathedrals fire. officials expect the renovation to finish within the next 12 months. i'm jessica layton, more ayman with charles coleman right after this. is of relief from chest congestion and any type of cough, day or night. mucinex dm. it's comeback season. (christina) with verizon business unlimited, mucinex dm. i get 5g, truly unlimited data, and unlimited hotspot data. so, no matter what, i'm running this kitchen. (vo) make the switch. it's your business. it's your verizon.
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- aaron, how you doing buddy? - [narrator] we bring warriors together and empower them to become stronger inside and out. - it's possible to begin healing - to get the help you need. - to find peace. - [narrator] and as each warrior's needs evolve, so do we. because these last 20 years are just the beginning. >> welcome back. you are watching ayman on msnbc and i'm charles coleman junior, in tonight for ayman.. they've passed a resolution -- despite the fact that nearly every one of their claims about the president has either not been substantiated with evidence, or has already been outright debunked. one example, oversight
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committee chair, james coleman, has repeatedly tried to connect the president with his son, hunter biden's business dealings. but his investigation has uncovered no testimony, no statement from a transcribed interview, no email, no whatsapp message, no carrier pigeon, no evidence of any kind, that has established this as fact. in fact, multiple witnesses have repeatedly undercut this allegation here clearly stating that president joe biden was not involved in and did not profit from his family members business ventures. so comer and company have resorted to a backup lie, that the biden white house is stonewalling them. now, in reality, the white house has engaged in the constitutional process of accommodation between the legislative and executive branches. administration officials have literally bent over backwards
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to accommodate republican requests and subpoenas. the national archives has already publicly released a nearly 1800 amount of emails related to hunter biden. and they handed it over, i want to say this very clearly, 62,000 additional pages of records to calm this committee. it's hard to say why republicans are doubling down on lies, instead of tackling the major issues facing the country right now. those being from a looming government shutdown to foreign aid negotiations, and everything else in between. now, it could be because republicans have never seen a wild goose that they didn't want to chase. joining me now is democratic congressman of ohio, she's a member of the house oversight committee. chantal, congressman brown, it is good to see you. thank you for being here tonight. just talk to me. republicans formalize this impeachment inquiry this week,
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and what is your reaction to it? >> before i get into that, i have to wish my cousin steven and early birthday. these republicans are truly the party of no. we are talking about no evidence, no integrity, no shade, they just have no solutions and no agenda. this is just another example. another demonstration that their priorities are all wrong. people in ohio's 11th congressional district are concerned about how they are going to pay their bills getting back to work and operating businesses. what republicans are continuing to do is exactly what you said. this tracks with them and this is exactly on brand. they doubled down. if at first you don't succeed, if that doesn't work, try another. this is just going to be what we can expect during this 118th congress. when they have a chance to do the right thing, they do the right thing. and it is very frustrating that
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this is the order of the day. >> a lot of things that you said that i'm going to have to borrow, and do the right wing thing, with that theme it seems like there is a party of no shame. james comer is continuing to peddle this talking point that joe biden is involved with and profited from hunter biden's business dealings. but he hasn't come forward with any kind of evidence to substantiate that. is there any concern, do you think that republicans have about looking bad if it ends up being, and i will quote, previous trump investigation, -- >> this is nothing. words of sheila jackson, it is absolutely ridiculous. president biden has been found, there has been zero evidence to find anything that he has done wrong. they continue to pursue his son, hunter biden, trying to use him
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as a scapegoat to tarnish the good work that president biden has continued to do to try to improve the quality of life for this country. democrats have been working hard to lower costs and increase jobs and promote peace across the world. yet the republicans, all they want to do is cause chaos and confusion. it is a very frustrating situation to be on this committee to watch them, again, just try to manufacture evidence. as my colleague did during the last impeachment inquiry. this is what they do. they are the party of lies. as leader hakeem jeffries, future speaker of the house likes to say, shamelessness has been their superpower. they have zero shame in what they do. they do not care about telling lies. they do it unapologetically and very consistently. >> congresswoman brown, understand there's been a lot of reporting of the republican party. so i want to ask you, given that your colleagues are doing everything they can to avoid
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legislating, what are democrats doing strategically. what is the plan to actually get things done? the american people can't wait until another election before they get actual legislation passed. you just mentioned minority leader hakeem jeffries right here from our home state of new york, what is the plan to actually move things along in the interim? >> what we are going to continue to do is always look for bipartisan ways to move forward. it was because of democrats and we avoid the government shutdown twice. not once, but twice. because we left it into the hands of the gop the government would've shut down. we are going to continue to deliver results. things like capping prices for insulin at $35 a month. currently, the top ten drugs are being negotiated so that people will start to fill those resources with money coming back into their wallets. we will continue to see the gas prices going down. inflation is going down. we are going to be creating millions of jobs.
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if you look at the jobs report it has been successful. better than expected in most instances. so opportunities are happening and now we just have to capitalize on them. i like to steal an analogy from my sweetheart, we have the prescription written out, we just need to get a feel. we know what to do, people are going to start to continue to feel the results of the agenda that we push forward in the 117 congress. we are repairing roads, repairing business, making sure that people have jobs that they can go to that don't require a four year degree but we'll put money into their pocket. so i'm very confident as we continue to see the results of what we are able to deliver in the 117th congress, the people will actually start to recognize that democrats are the ones that have been delivering for them while the republicans continue to play politics. democrats will continue to put people over politics and make sure that we are improving the quality of their lives. >> congresswoman chantal brown of ohio, thank you for being
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here tonight. >> thank you for having me, happy holidays. >> you too. donald trump doubles down on his desire to be a dictator. we will have that and more as ayman continues right here on msnbc after a quick break. stay tuned. ay tuned
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like ours is spoiling their dogs. good, real food is simple. it looks like food, it smells like food, it's what dogs are supposed to be eating. ♪ >> donald trump supporters appear largely unfazed by his desire to be a dictator on the first day of his presidency should he win the election next year. some people think that that just means that he wants to clean things up, according to thewaington post. i don't know why they would think that, but this is the washington post, and i trust the reporting. others are in love with the idea of one woman who could apparently comment to her own parenting style, saying quote, how could you be mad? i have a lot of answers to that, but i won't right now.
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still, there are others who appear even reinvigorated by donald tmp's old mments. at the new york young republicans club annual gala last saturday, trumpdoubled down on his dictator comment and the president took the podium and said, quote, since i know the deep state is listening night, once presidenttrp is back in office, he, we will not be playing nigh to anymore. it will betime for retributn. now, autocracies scholars and constitutional law experts say that trump's statements showed he actually thought carefully about how to consolidate the levels of power. so much so, that he wouldn't ev nd to become an actual dictator order to abuse his por using tools already at his dispos those tools include weaponizing e irs,firing a large number federal employees, and invoking the insurrection act, punishing his foes in media,
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and even going to war. something that former congresswoman liz cheney emphasized in a wall street journal op-ed just this week, writing quote, those who try to dismiss the second trump term do our country engraved is service. my panel is back with me to have more discussions about this. carol, i wanna start with liz cheney's op-ed. she also brings the point that realistically, neither congress nor the courts will be able to hold trump accountable should he regain the presidency. can you talk about what legal avenues exist if this scenario were to occur, and the ramifications of the complete abandonment of the rule of law? >> one of the things, charles, but i think folks maybe don't think enough about it's how frail or institutions really are, we are used to talking about the branches of government, we are used to talking about freedom of the press, we are used to talking about checks and balances that exist within our governmental system.
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but they are so fragile, there are so frail, and we have continue to exist only because of the goodwill and the intention of people to keep those institutions going. and we are starting to see the frame of that. there is perhaps very simple examples, and that is the presidents pardon power, the pardon power has always existed as an act of mercy, and it was always following procedures and have to do with the justice department, and seeing who is appropriate for pardon. that definitely changed under former president trump's first administration. he started using that authority, that power in order to not just have acts of mercy, but in order to influence who might testify against him in a future trial, as people started angling for pardons and he started dangling the possibility of a pardon to protect himself in potential
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cases in the future. so legally, since the president, at least in federal law, federal judges have a role in nominating future federal judges, and if in a second term he decides to take on a lot of the laws that guarantee protections for people in federal agencies, there may not be much protection against a dictator lake government. >> carol just talked about the notion of protection, as well as the notion of checks and balances. am i being naive? this is something i've been thinking about a lot. next year, we have every single member of the house that is going to be up for reelection. every seat in the house of representatives that is up for reelection. is it a possible strategy to turn some of the attention to those to ensure whether
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democrat or republican, we are electing people who have a need to adhere to a respect for the rule of law such that if this comes about, and the power is of used, that these people will be unafraid to rely on the checks and balances that exist, or am i just being naive? >> i don't think that you are being naive. i think probably a decade or so that would've been a more valid argument than it is right now because frankly on the right we've not seen that to try to protect our democracy and all of the things that we hold sacred under our constitution. we've seen those types of movements, we've not seen that on the right because they are more concerned with adapting whatever donald trump wants to see happen. i would also argue, this is a former president who already showcased his dictatorial tactics and is someone who most recently talked about -- a term that has been used by hitler but also used in the
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united states. we have a history of white supremacy where they also spoke about that, the antics they used to prevent race mixing. we have someone who diminished our checks and balances system from the day he stepped into the oval office, and someone who has continued to go around all of these commentaries, and social media, and otherwise around why we do not need certain powers. why we don't need the doj, are we don't need the department of education. he has attacked, time and time again, some of the various systems of governance that protect our nation. on top of that he's someone who believes the power should only be invested in one person. the president of the united states, not congress, not our judicial system, him, and him only. he called the press the enemy of the people. nothing about donald trump has changed. and i do believe that our congressional leaders and those who are running and running for reelection should actually care more about protecting the very foundations of our nation that we are actually seeing. >> you guys are making my job
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very easy tonight, i appreciated, because each of your comments go into another conversation i want to have. danielle, i want to pick up on the theme of what we were just talking about. someone shows you who they are, and tells you who they are, believe them. donald trump has telegraphed everything about who he is and what he's going to do and then he has followed up, and he's done it. we've seen it over and over again with dobbs, we've seen it and so many other instances, what does it take, and what will it take, what is going to be the thing that makes the american electorate understand that this man is who he says he is? >> a conscious media that decides to not use donald trump as entertainment. and for ratings. the reality is that in 2016 we thought that donald trump was entertainment. isn't this funny, isn't this interesting? this is something out of the norm. in 2020 we started to get a bit
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more serious, and then in 2024, there are no more jokes, no more punch lines to be pulled. anything that donald trump said that he would do in 2016 when he came down that escalator, he did what he swore his hand on the bible, and then became the president of the united states. when he told people that there were good people on both sides, when they were talking about replacing jewish people, when they were walking down the streets in charlottesville with tiki torches. he said to us to tell those people to stand back and stand by, what he was asked to denounce white supremacy he said stand back and stand by, and they did until january 6th. the reality here is that everything that donald trump says that he wants to do, everything that people laugh off, he has done, and will do. so when he says he's going to be a dictator on day one, he will do it. and you know why? because the heritage foundation, the right wing foundation that is backed by billionaires has billions of dollars behind putting in place exactly what he needs on day one. in the first 100 days of a
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trump presidency, they are ready to go. so we need, as the american people, to be ready to go on election day. >> but danielle, i want to follow up with you really quickly. do you think the fact that donald trump actually makes good on his promises, as absurd and insane as they are, is part of his appeal to, for example, independents who are distrustful of the system and say, well, at least that is the double i know? >> well, why are they distrustful of the system? because donald trump put the seeds in place to make them distrustful of the system. the systems only holding right now by a thread because of these people that have been inside, that have been the current rails. but the reality is, why are people filled with anxiety, where they were, why are they distrustful? because it's all of the things that donald trump told them about these agencies. the fbi, we can trust them, the cia, we can't trust them, the department of justice, we can't
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trust them. that is what donald trump has done. i think he is appealing to independents? absolutely not. but the 30% that he has, he has them on lock. it is a 70%, we need to be concerned about. >> three brilliant minds who have helped me cover a lot of ground tonight. thank you to you all. just ahead, we will shift gears to the war in gaza. and a potential change in the stance for president biden. you are watching him in on msnbc, and we'll be right back. msnbc, and we'll be right back msnbc, and we'll be right back >> you're replacing me? customize and save with liberty bibberty. he doesn't even have a mustache. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with the money i saved, i started a dog walking business. oh. [dog barks] no it's just a bunny! only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.♪ >> outrage and grief are
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growing in israel after the litary announced its own soldiers shot and killed three hostages in gaza. one of them was holding a white cloth. the military acknowledged the killings -- and that it is forbidden to shoot out those who raise a white flag and seek to surrender. it comes as condemnation from the international community to israel's offensive in gaza. the biden administration this week also began to change its language, taking a tougher stance on its longtime ally. in an off camera campaign reception in washington on tuesday, president biden said, prime minister benjamin netanyahu's approach, quote, has to change. he added that is realistic thing to lose support around the world due to, quote, the
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indiscriminate bombing that takes place. while it is not yet clear if these comments will make a shift in biden's approach to the war moving forward, his remarks are at the united nations general assembly voting overwhelmingly in support of a humanitarian cease-fire in gaza, with just ten countries voting against it, including the united states and israel. just days before, the u.s. vetoed it different united states resolution calling for a cease-fire, and that resolution was back almost by every other security council member. nbc's -- has more on the conditions displaced palestinians are facing in southern gaza. >> well, charles, there is seated terry reading whether, the worsening humanitarian conditions, people displaced multiple times inside of the gaza strip, this is really worsening the humanitarian situation for hundreds of thousands of people.
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one of our crew inside of the gaza strip sent us images of a makeshift tent camp in an ever shrinking enclave of the palestinian territory where people are trying to survive day today, take a look. >> reporter: three miles from southern gaza's border with egypt, a makeshift tent city in the sand for thousands of displaced thousands. this is where the israeli military says they should be safe. bathing in plastic buckets. the blistered feet of those who have walked a long way to this camp. i swear i am asking to die in my house, not on the border, she says. they are running from the bombs and the shelling, but it is the dirty water that could become the next big killer here. >> we have the most serious, acute gastroenteritis we've ever seen in our practice. due to bad sanitation, due to bad water. >> reporter: this doctor's
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hospital in southern gaza, hasse children way to be seated in overcrowded hallways. my son's condition, she says, diarrhea and stomach poisoning, flu-like symptoms because of the cold. these stories are everywhere, even for those lucky enough to have a roof over their heads. sharing a single room with a dozen family members, for this person's elderly parents, the medication has run out. >> since i came here, i'm trying to find these medicines for my mother. i couldn't find any one of them. >> reporter: with so much of gaza destroyed, for many, even when the bombs stopped falling, there may be nor left to go. the sliver of hope for those in need of humanitarian aid, the israeli government has announced that a second border crossing will open for aid
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trucks into the gaza strip, the hope is that it will double the amount of humanitarian aid going into the territory, back to you. >> that was nbc's -- thank you. coming up after the break, too late. how donald trump's bad timing cost him his presidential immunity claim in a defamation lawsuit. we've got more to talk about in this final hour of ayman on msnbc. we will be right back, i'm charles coleman junior, stay tuned. n junior, stay tuned. tuned. so we're back with tide, and the clothes are clean again. do 3x the laundry and get a tide clean. it's got to be tide. [deep exhale] ♪ trumpet music plays ♪ 579 breaths to show 'em your stuff. every breath matters. don't let rsv take your breath away. protect yourself from rsv with abrysvo,
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6:54 pm
there's something going around the gordon home. good thing gertrude found delsym. now what's going around is 12-hour cough relief. and the giggles. the family that takes delsym together, feels better together. you know, i know that the
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sounds like that we see the same things over and over again, but i promise you, things are different. it's ironic because this comes on the guy who said he's tired of so much running. we have to see it, this week, he had another legal blow for the disgraced ex president.
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a federal appeals court shut down his attempt to use the presidential immunity in his upcoming defamation trial with e. jean carroll, saying he waited too long to raise it. they saw centers on -- after cairo accused him of raping her during an encounter in a new york department store back in the 90s. in 2019, when still in office, trump said carol was not his type, and that she made up the rape claim to promote her upcoming memoir. it's the second defamation suit at carroll as launched against former president. the first one, for which carroll was actually awarded $5 million of damages, focused on trump's comments made when he was not in office, therefore, he was unable to claim presidential immunity. when it comes to this lawsuit, trump said he believed that he needed to speak out and to assure the public that carroll's claims against him were untrue, and that it was
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within his rights as president to do so. this week, the three judge panel unanimously, that means all of them, polled that trump has waited too long to mount his defense. carol suit and 2019, but trump did not claim presidential immunity until january of 2023. the judges shut down the lawyer assertion that immunity as automatic and set allowing him to using it now would call for undue prejudice to cairo. since a u.s. district judge already ruled trump as liable for sexually abusing and the family e. jean carroll this year, there's extra suffer january 16th, we'll just focus on determining how much she is owed in damages. that is going to do it for me tonight. i want to thank you for making time for us and thank ayman and his team for allowing me to sit in his chair. i am charles coleman junior, sitting in for ayman tonight, but he'll be back tomorrow. until then, happy holidays and
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have a good evening. have a good evening. there's something going around the gordon home. good thing gertrude found delsym.
6:59 pm
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