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tv   Inside With Jen Psaki  MSNBC  December 17, 2023 4:00pm-5:01pm PST

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my cravings, they went away. and i was so surprised. you feel that your body is working and functioning the way it should be and you feel energized. golo has improved my life in so many ways. i'm able to stand and actually make dinner. i'm able to clean my house. i'm able to do just simple tasks that a lot of people call simple, but when you're extremely heavy they're not so simple. golo is real and when you take release the big cost of the big lie. and follow the plan, it works. a jury orders rudy giuliani to pay nearly 100 and $50 million to the georgia election workers he defamed in the aftermath of the 2020 election. the attorney for ruby freeman
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and shaye moss is going to join me, live. plus, the four times indicted republican front runner is once again echoing the anti immigrant language of adolf hitler. but house republicans seem much more concerned about their effect and peach men inquiry into president biden. alas congressman jonah -- about all of it. also today, as kate cox fleas texas to get an abortion, ted cruz fleas from reporters when he's asked about her story. but this isn't a messaging problem, it's a policy problem. and later, my conversation with the families of hostages taken captive by hamas. i'll ask them about their meeting with president biden this week, their frustrations, and how they find hope during the most difficult moment of their lives. ♪ ♪ ♪ ever since donald trump entered the political spotlight years ago, it's kind of seem like he never really pays a price for all of the lies he spread. at times, his conspiracy
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theories have taken hold so fast, so fast, they are pace the ability to even fact check them. just as often, his disregard for the truth has been so completely out there, and so unbelievable, that it was simply dismissed. for so long, trump avoided consequences for lying, and spouting baseless conspiracy theories. others saw that, and guess what, they followed. look no further than the aftermath of the 2020 election, when his allies in congress, his closest advisers, and the conservative media all took and ran with his conspiracies. many of them knowing full well they weren't true at all. all of that helped spark the attack on our nation's capital on january 6th, and an explosion of threats and political violence that followed, and has continued. which makes this moment in history so scary, but also so important. because we are finally starting to see some signs of accountability, some. hundreds of january 6th rioters have been prosecuted, in the largest investigation in the
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justice department's history. fox news paid out an astronomical sum of eight $787 million, in a settlement over pushing election lies. and on friday, just two days ago, a jury hit one of donald trump's top conspiracy peddlers, rudy giuliani, with a jaw-dropping 140 million dollar penalty. as the result of a defamation suit brought by georgia election workers say sheamus and ruby freeman. if you watch the hearings on the january six committee, then you definitely remember these two women. they struck me, i still remember them, who were the targets of a baseless smear campaign that trump and giuliani pushed, after the 2020 election. >> to start my life upside down. i no longer give out my business card, i don't transfer calls. i don't want anyone knowing my name, i don't want to go
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anywhere with my mom, because she might yell my name out over the grocery aisle or something. >> there is nowhere i feel safe, nowhere. do you know how it feels to have the president of the united states to target you? >> there is nowhere i feel safe. the jury's 148 million dollar judgment is a reminder that actions do have consequences. and as their lead attorney michael gottlieb told the jury in his closing arguments, it should send a message to giuliani or, quote, to any other powerful figure with a platform. and an audience, who is considering whether they will take the chance to seek profit and fame by assassinating the moral character of ordinary people. hopefully, those who would try and lose use lies to erode and democracy and hurt others now see approximately 140 million reasons not to. join me now is the attorney for shea moss and ruby freeman, michael gottlieb. first of all, congratulations, i'm sure i was not the only one who was screaming excitement
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when this came down, given everything these women have been through. and i just wanted to start by playing one of the moments that really struck me, because it was such a reminder from ruby freeman, when she -- . it's a reminder of the damage that has already been done, so let's take a listen to that. >> i want people to understand this. money will never solve all my problems. i can never move back into the house that i called home, i will always have to be careful about where i go, and who i choose to share my name with. i miss my home, i miss my neighbors, and i miss my name. >> i mean, listening to that, it's just so important to remember, as you've experienced working with them, that their lives have already been irreversibly impacted.
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so, did friday's judgment bring them some peace, and any sense of justice, even with what we just heard ruby say? >> yeah, and thanks for having me on jen. it did, i think that it brought an immense amount of vindication, validation, a sense that they, they took the chance, a big chance in filing a lawsuit, and subjecting themselves to discovery and cross-examination, opening themselves up to being questioned by rudy giuliani's lawyers, under oath. and did all of that to know that their story was heard, that other people felt it and understood and appreciated at, and that the worst of their dignity and their reputations was recognized by a jury. i think it was a special moment
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for them. obviously, there's still a lot of work to be done, and as you heard ruby say, nothing is ever going to be able to replace having the life that you've chosen taken away from me, or with ripped right from you. but it was a really important moment, i think, for ruby and shaye, and also i think for all of the election workers and civil servants out there, who may be worried that this kind of thing could happen to them. >> absolutely. i mean, one of the things she also said, she kind of made mention of the fact that rudy giuliani wasn't the only person who had defamed them. and when she said that, i was thinking, i'm sure i was not alone. well, who's next? who are they going to take on next? or who will be sued next? so who is next? >> they have another lawsuit that is still pending against a publication in missouri that was also very much involved in spreading some of these defamatory lies around about
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them, early and often. and then of course, if people continue to take the chance and the opportunity to repeat these lies, they will hear from us, and i think we even heard rudy giuliani on the air friday, and over the weekend. and if he continues to roll the dice by telling the same lie that have been now debunked by georgia election officials, by everyone who's ever investigated the matter, and now proven to be false in a court of law, where he had the full opportunity throughout the litigation to bring forth any evidence that he even thought he had, including and -- . if he continues to roll the dice on this, he will go from us. two >> will donald trump hear from you guys? >> i mean donald trump was a coconspirator in this case. he was found by the court and by the jury. so he already been adjudicated in the case where we just had this jury verdict as a
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coconspirator in mr. giuliani's efforts, for which the jury awarded this jury verdict. so, i think like i said before, and this isn't specific to donald trump or anybody else, but anyone else who wants to take this as an opportunity to try to go out and tell these same lies about these heroes, they will hear from us. >> mike gottlieb, thank you for what you did with these women. thank you to these women for being so brave, the impact on their lives was astronomical. and again, congratulations on the ruling on friday. thank you for being with me this afternoon. let's continue this conversation with our in-house law forum -- is the former acting u.s. solicitor general, andrew weissmann is the former general counsel of the fbi, and a senior member of special counsel robert mueller's team. it's great to be back with both of you. so andrew, i want to start with you. i mean, there is a real question here, which i think any of us know the answer to, as to how much money giuliani actually has, what he'll be
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able to pay for. were you surprised by the judgment? and, what are the options for figuring out the money to these women. >> well, regardless of whether there is any money, in terms of his its deterrent effect on rudy giuliani and his ilk, it is important judgment. and as you mentioned, the bravery of these two women, like the bravery of e. jean carroll to not be just victims, but to seek legal accountability, is important, regardless of whether they ever see a dime of judgment. but, mr. gottlieb is going to be just as tenacious in terms of finding any assets of mr. giuliani. and remember, even if he goes into bankruptcy, this kind of the judgment is not wiped out by bankruptcy. so, they are entitled to
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continue looking, and to take depositions and discovery. it's important to remember that one of the reasons of that rudy giuliani was in the position he was in, was because he was in contempt over and over again, when -- the judge on the case ordered to discovery to be mutual. and he just did not participate, he didn't say where his assets were, he didn't say anything about that. if he continues to do that, the one thing that the judge has not yet done, but can do, is put him in jail. >> so there are still remedies for the judge, to make sure that every asset he has is disclosed, and if, not to take action. >> i mean, michael gottlieb, i've known him along, and he's very tenacious. i wouldn't want to face any of you in a court, so i'm not going to put myself in that position. [laughter] so neil. one of the questions that i've been wondering. i mean, there was startling numbers in terms of the amount
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of money that giuliani had to pay lawyers, just for this case. and he is of course facing civil suits from smartmatic to dominion voting systems, as well as from hunter biden. i mean, others i'm missing here, former assistant. his, the amount of money he would have to pay lawyers, which could be in the millions, right, is that something he will still be allowed to do, even as he owes these women hundred $40 million? >> so first of all, i just want to say, when i look at these women, jen i just, i see really the best of america. i mean, it's important to remember, these were poll workers. these were people working on election integrity, and i just got swept up in this. and all of these lies and so on, and thanks to michael gottlieb's tenacity, and the tenacity of these women, finally there is some accountability. there still hasn't really been any accountability for donald trump. we are starting to see it with trump's minions, whether it be fox or giuliani, or the like. you know, with respect to the
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dollars, i do think that giuliani can pay some attorneys fees, that's the bankruptcy law that permits. but past that, andrew is absolutely right that because these are what we call intentional torrents, bankruptcy can't -- and giuliani will have to put up in appeal bond. that isn't going, does he have a 40 -- i don't know, i'm not even sure that rudy giuliani can afford to pay for four seasons landscaping right now, let alone -- billion dollars. >> but nonetheless i, think whatever he's got is now going to be seized by these two -- >> that's a real throwback there, i like what you did there. so andrew, this was a civil judgment, a big one. but, the big question here is, is there any implications from this from his criminal case? like for instance, does this increase the pressure on him to cooperate with fani willis, given there's obviously an overlapping what he did here. ? >> well there are implications
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in that the prosecutors can see how a jury assessed their credibility, and how they did asked plaintiffs. because remember, civil and criminal are working in parallel, and the allegations that, with respect to ruby freeman and shaye moss, are at the center of some of these charges in georgia, and they are also part of the criminal case in -- . so these two women will be witnesses in both of these cases. and so, the prosecutors clearly are going to look at that and think okay, this will be a very strong part of the case. in terms of the pressure on rudy giuliani to cooperate, i would say at this point, i mean, there has been tons of pressure in terms of the criminal, case in terms of the mom monetary damages. i think the bigger issue, is i don't think that if i were a prosecutor, he would be high on my list of people to cooperate. as you pointed out jen, he
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continued to tell lies, and to defame these women. through the trial, that he just lost. so, this is not the kind of candidate who we want to cooperate. he will see his criminal day in court, a jury will decide, and if it ends up getting convicted and goes to jail then there would be a very sad day in terms of the demise of rudy giuliani. but he will get what he deserves. >> that's right, it's quite a journey he has taken. neal katyal, andrew weissmann, thank you as always for joining me, and for informing us so much on these cases. coming up, donald trump once again echoes the language of adolf hitler, with some of the most offensive anti-immigrant language there is. congressman joe -- is the son of immigrants, and i'm going to ask him how democrats should be pushing back. and later, senator ted cruz runs away from an nbc reporter. we'll show you the question, the non answer, talk about what it all means. we are back, after a quick break. break. ng. to help keep me sharp. try new neuriva ultra.
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display the ways in which our country is living in two completely different realities. there is one reality, let's call it earth, where there is deep concern right now about a four times indicted president, who yesterday continue to echo the language of adolf hitler, of all people, by saying immigrants are, quote, poisoning the blood of our country. here on earth, there was some big developments this week, in one of the criminal cases involving that former president, the one where he is accused of trying to overturn a democratic election. or i should note, and here on earth, there was also some good economic news, with the dow hitting a new record high, in the announcement that the federal reserve is planning to cut interest rates next year. but there is of course also an alternate reality right now, one in which none of that matters, and in this alternate reality, president biden is plunging the united states into a depression, even though again, the dow just had a record high. and in this alternate reality,
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president biden's age alone makes him unfit to serve, while trump i would note, just three years younger, is somehow seen as the epitome of strength and vitality. and in this alternate reality, it is the current president, joe biden, who is now the subject of an impeachment inquiry, for a mysterious and sprawling scandal no one can explain, involving bribery and corruption. now there is of course no evidence at all to suggest that any of it is true, but that is still the story that is being mainlined into a huge portion of the country right now. >> i the white house, cranking up the spin cycle, after a whirlwind 24 hours for america's foreign cash guzzling father son duo. >> the biden crime family, batman hunter is also deeply dishonest. the apple really doesn't fall that far from the tree. >> the grift is the biden family business. the bidens are like the sopranos, without any of the humor. >> this is the most corrupt family in the history of the country. >> this is a joe biden scandal. >> this is going to be ugly,
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and it's going to be, it's going to prove that they were dirty, that what they were doing was collecting money with the united states being for sale. >> it's like a never-ending loop of lies and complete innuendo. echoing throughout the homes though of millions of americans, every single day. but at least republicans are owning up to one thing, their motivation. i mean, they are being crystal clear when it comes to what this all really about, and that's politics, hurting president biden, and of course helping donald trump. >> this has been i think, the most transparent political congressional investigation since i've been in congress for seven years. >> i think if we don't go down these impeachment routes, a huge part of america is going to just say, or not supporting republicans anymore. >> there is this other issue of joe biden was involved in his son's business dealings, that i think the american people are looking at as well. so they all that together is
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why you see the numbers where they're at. >> what are you hoping to gain from impeachment inquiry? >> all i can say is, donald j trump, 2024. >> they're not even whispering that in the hallways, they're shouting the quiet part out loud, on television, over and over again. but their strategy to muddy the waters, to distract from trump's very real criminal charges, and to make everyone equally corrupt, it's kind of working. and it isn't constructive to deny that. a new npr poll shows that 70% of republicans are in favor of the impeachment proceedings against joe biden. impeachment proceedings, again, with zero evidence. so, that is where we are right now, less than a year out from the election. we're not just dealing with a clash of ideas or policies, some of that to, but of two completely different realities. one reality where the concerns are about the want to be dictator echoing adolf hitler, that's happening. in one reality where the concerns are completely fabricated. this week, democratic congressman joe -- put a spotlight on just how
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hollow this impeachment inquiry really is. and he joins me live, next. me live, next biktarvy is a complete, one-pill, once-a-day treatment used for h-i-v in many people whether you're 18 or 80. with one small pill, biktarvy fights h-i-v to help you get to undetectable—and stay there whether you're just starting or replacing your current treatment. research shows that taking h-i-v treatment as prescribed and getting to and staying undetectable prevents transmitting h-i-v through sex. serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. rare, life-threatening side effects include a buildup of lactic acid and liver problems. do not take biktarvy if you take dofetilide or rifampin. tell your healthcare provider about all the medicines and supplements you take, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. if you have hepatitis b do not stop taking biktarvy without talking to your healthcare provider. common side effects were diarrhea, nausea, and headache. no matter where life takes you, biktarvy can go with you. talk to your healthcare provider today. ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ [bell ringing]
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voted this week to move forward with the impeachment inquiry into president biden. so, congressman joe neguse had a very simple question, it sounds like one to me. for one of the. let's just say, he did not get a very simple answer back. >> what is the specific constitutional crime that you are investigating? >> while we're having an inquiry, so we can do investigation. and -- witnesses. >> but what is the crime here investigating? >> high crimes and misdemeanors are rivalries. >> what high crimes or misdemeanors are you vesta getting? >> look, once i get time, i will explain what we're looking at. >> and congressman neguse joins me now. well as i was watching, that and i watch that if you, times it's very crazy to watch that. but i do want to ask you about that new poll i just mentioned.
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because despite the fact that this is completely baseless, the poll sounds says that 70% of republicans are in favor of impeachment proceedings. so i want to ask, does that concern you? and, what fact you think is not translating here to people? or what detail do you think it's not translate to people out there? >> well it's good to be with you, jen. certainly, that concerns me. but i would say it's more a reflection of the extremism, that has metastasized within the republican party. most of the empirical data that i've seen suggests that independent voters not, at the end of the day, or rather are not tuning into this farce of a process that republicans have initiated against president biden. my sense is that most americans care about kitchen table issues, economic growth, rising costs, building safer communities, all of which house democrats have been singularly focused on, with of course the leadership of president biden. so no, i think as this process unfolds, you will find that more and more americans will
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register their objections to it, because they recognize what you stated at the outset, which is that rulebook republicans have conceded they are doing this for political purposes. i mean, they are unabashed about the fact that they are doing this as a political exercise, to it exact retribution against excusing, president biden, on the half of president trump, and for no other reason. i think the american people get it. >> yet, your point. i mean, there is such an overreach possibility here. i, mean we've seen, if you go back to the 90s, when president clinton was impeached. of course, that was also a different scenario. but there, i mean they had a political impact. do you think there is some potential for democrats to rally around the president, and rally together against this overreach? >> politically >> yeah look, i certainly do not think that this process is going to enter to the benefit of republicans. but more important than that, jen, is the reality that this is doing the damage, in my, view to our republic. it's a distortion of the impeachment clause in our
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constitution. you played that exchange from the rules committee, which was of course revealing and instructive. the fact that they can articulate a cogent basis for impeachment, the fact that they can't point to any connection to the constitutional standard for impeachment, which of course as you know is an exacting standard. the last impeachment we had, of course was the impeachment of former president trump for inciting a violent mob to destruct the electoral college proceedings on january 6th. that was a bipartisan impeachment. and so, the false equivalency that republicans have attended to create, falls flat. and again, i think the american people recognize that, and it's why when you look at empirical data, and pulling data, it suggests that most americans do not consider this to be a priority. and if anything, agree they would be a waste of time. they like to see congress go back to doing the basic work of governing. >> yeah, the dangerous precedent pieces such an important point. i did want to ask. you mean, speaking of donald trump, he's been echoing over and over again the language of dictators. he did that once again
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yesterday, at a speech in new hampshire, where he repeated a really awful line he said before, that immigrants are, quote, poisoning the blood of our country. we've heard him say it before, but it's important not to be numb to, which is why i raised. and so i want to ask you, as a son of immigrants yourself, what's your reaction to him using that rhetoric? >> it's offensive, it's deeply disturbing, i think it's disturbing to the vast majority of americans, irrespective of whether they, like me, happened to be a child of emigrants, as you referenced. i mean of course, we are a nation of immigrants. and, we are in my view at our best when we are a beacon of hope and liberty to the rest of the world. and so, well, i don't watch donald trump's speeches, but that rhetoric certainly to me isn't surprising, it's consistent with what he has engaged in in the past. it's a reminder, and it underscores just how dangerous a second term, a second presidency or donald trump would be for our country. perhaps it's another reminder
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of why next year's election will be the most pivotal, certainly in our lifetimes, and i believe in the past 100 years. i think that at the end of the day, most americans agree that we are at our best, as i said, as a beacon of hope. and certainly, that's far opposite to what former president trump was articulating last night. >> the house, of course, left for holiday recess, without doing anything to fund the government. they are coming back in january, there's a january 19th timeline there. how likely, do you think is that they're gonna be a government shutdown. do you think that people should be preparing for that over the holidays? >> while we are certainly going to do everything in our power, as house democrats, to avert that outcome. i wish i had a better answer for you, jen. the reality is, house republicans in the last year, they tried to shut down the government twice before the support of house democrats. they would have accomplished that objective, they also of course almost plunge the country into a default on our debt, which would have been catastrophic. the only thing of consequence or substance that they did in the last 12 months was expelled
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george santos, and they require democratic votes to achieve that. so i'm not optimistic that given the way in which house republicans have conducted themselves, that we will see some light at the end of the tunnel, with respect to the government funding deadline. we are to put people over politics, and do everything we can to find common ground, and ensure that the government is funding. but as you said, it is, -- it clearly there's much to be concerned about. >> congressman jonah -- my sister is a member of congress thank you so much for joining, the happy holidays. coming up next, for huggins getting a little time tonight as the impact of their draconian abortion policies get a name and efface. and later, my conversation with three families on a mission to bring all the hostages home from gaza. we are, back after a quick break. ck break. and jessica, laden with a look at some of our top stories. florida -- to see from the -- who is accused of sexual
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assault. christian ziegler is under criminal investigation for the alleged rape of a woman back in october, but he has not been charged, and he denies any wrongdoing. also a major storm delivered up to ten inches of rain to parts of the carolinas this weekend, causing serious flooding. and in florida, thousands were left without power. millions of people in the northeast will feel the remnants from that storm for the next 24 hours. i'm jessica layton, more inside with jen psaki right after this. this every breath matters. don't let rsv take your breath away. protect yourself from rsv with abrysvo, pfizer's rsv vaccine. abrysvo is a vaccine for the prevention of lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. rsv can be serious if you are 60 or older. having asthma, copd, diabetes, or heart disease puts you at even higher risk. abrysvo is not for everyone and may not protect all who receive the vaccine. don't get abrysvo if you've had a severe allergic reaction to its ingredients.
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- bye, bye cough. - later chest congestion. hello 12 hours of relief. 12 hours!! not coughing? hashtag still not coughing?! mucinex dm gives you 12 hours of relief from chest congestion and any type of cough, day or night. mucinex dm. it's comeback season. when it comes to abortion rights in america, republicans don't have a messaging problem, they have a policy problem. see, republicans like to go on and on about various proposals on abortion, like nikki haley's vague call for a national consensus, or lindsey graham and glenn youngkin's, quote, reasonable 15-week limit, their words, not mine. but here's the reality, none of these policies would have helped kate cox, who was forced to flee the state of texas to
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receive an abortion after her fetus was diagnosed with a life threatening disorder. and after she was informed by her doctors that carrying her pregnancy to term could jeopardize her future fertility. she wants a big family. so, the texas supreme court ruled against granting kate caught an exception, and she had to leave the state to get the health care she needed. and now, the city of st. murillo as even considering an ordinance to ban out-of-state travel for an abortion. and kate's story is just the tip of the iceberg, in a country that no longer has the constitutional right to an abortion. in kentucky, where there is a nearly total ban on abortion, without exceptions for rape or incest, a pregnant woman just filed a lawsuit demanding her right to an abortion. in ohio, a woman was just criminally charge for the, quote, abuse of a corpse, after she survived a potentially miss fatal miscarriage. britney watts was still recover from her miscarriage, hooked up to an iv, when detectives came to her hospital bed and interrogated her for over an hour about her non viable
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fetus. so, make no mistake. when republican officials lean into a states rights argument as the answer for abortion policy, these are the stories that will result. and when it comes to texas specifically, senators -- and ted cruz have long supported incredibly restrictive abortion laws. >> you don't favor a rape or incest exceptions to abortion? they think you may be too far right on social issues. >> rape is a horrific crime against the humanity of a person, and needs to be punished, and punished severely. but at the same time, as horrible as that crime is, i don't believe it's the child's fault. >> would you support any kind of federal legislation to at least help have protections for the health of the mother in cases like rape and incest, and other things like that? >> i think those decisions should be made by the elected representatives of the people, back in the various states. an, i think that's the correct
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answer. >> here is the thing. when a story light kate cox's put a human faces on that -- they get much less talkative. >> are you worried about -- how maybe at risk by texas laws like kate cox? >> oh, i'm a federal. >> but this is something that's happening in your state. >> i'm not going to comment about what state officials are doing. >> do you agree with attorney general paxton's actions, and what he did? >> just call our press office. >> i have, actually received an answer. so, is there anything you like to say on this? >> -- >> their tongues are tied, because it's no longer about crafting an effective message. they are being confronted with the reality that their policies are forcing women to suffer, and their policies are the result of a very fixed idea that women should not be able to have complete control over their own bodies. and they are silenced tells us how little they care. coming up, my conversation with the families of american
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hostages, who met with president biden this week to continue to push for progress in negotiations to bring their loved ones home. we will be right. back be right back the only eggs with more fresh and delicious taste. plus, superior nutrition. which is now more important than ever. because the way we care... is anything but ordinary. only eggland's best. ♪♪ - bye, bye cough. - later chest congestion. hello 12 hours of relief. 12 hours!! not coughing? hashtag still not coughing?! mucinex dm gives you 12 hours of relief from chest congestion and any type of cough, day or night. mucinex dm. it's comeback season.
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(husband) ♪ hey there family! while you're shopping, ♪ mucinex dm. ♪ get me a 5g phone, it's on my list. ♪ (wife) instead of doing all of this a better plan is to switch to verizon. (avo) this holiday turn any samsung phone, in any condition, into a galaxy s23+ on us. and now add netflix and max to your plan for just $10 a month. only on verizon. it has been 71 days since
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hamas launched a terrorist attack on israel, killing in estimated 1200 people. another 240 men, women, and children taken into gaza as hostages. during a seven-day pause in fighting that began last month, about 100 of those hostages were released. since then, the fighting has only intensified. and for the first time this week, president biden described the bombing campaign as, quote, indiscriminate. urging israel to proceed more carefully. according to local health officials, 18,000 palestinians have been killed since the beginning of this war. 70% of whom are women and children. meanwhile, about 135 hostages are still being held. and on friday, the idf announced that three of them were mistakenly killed by israeli troops. even
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though one was carrying a stick with a white caught on it. hundreds of people gathered in tel aviv last night, calling on prime minister netanyahu to make a deal for the release of the remaining hostages. well all that is unfolding, and the families of those hostages are grieving, the families of those still in captivity continue through everything in the power to bring their loved ones home. on wednesday, the president met with the families of americans being held hostage. and the next day, i got the chance to sit down with three of the families whose lives have been shattered since october 7th. and their loved ones were taken captive. i want to start by asking you to talk about the loved ones who are still being held by hamas, or who have, of course, returned in your case, liz. it's important for people to understand these are human beings. and people who have lived lives and hopefully will continue to. tell us about your loved one. >> he was born in new york city. 22 years ago. a month after 9/11. >> he's a very optimistic kid.
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he's a kid that's gonna break the ice. he loves people. we really hope that it's keeping him strong there. that kind of part of him that's optimistic. and happy, and he's been able to maintain that. >> -- actually grew up here 20 minutes from this building. he was kidnapped from the army post, surrounded by 20 hamas terrorists. he had to surrender. >> he called me right before they took him. just to tell me that i was hearing all the bombing. he told me, mom, i'm okay. i'm seeing scary things. he spoke really fast. and then i said to him, okay, please, you don't be safe, i love you. and that's it.
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>> you've been out there ever since telling people about him so that they remember who he is. i know avigail is back home. she went through quite an ordeal. you described her, sorry, i have a sinus a little over older. you describe your has a late in the world. which is such a amazing visual at this time where people are celebrating hanukkah around the country and around the world. tell us a little bit about how she's doing and how her siblings are doing. >> well, avigail is a light. and we are blessed that she did come back after 50 days. as a hostage. i was in israel last week, i got to play and just be with abigail in her siblings, and her siblings also they have been put in under the torture
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of seeing their parents being murdered. but what we all know is that when we give love, and when children are loved and they are embraced by grandparents and aunts and uncles and by community, that is going to be what can give them an opportunity for a beautiful life. >> you all visited the white house yesterday with president biden. and i obviously worked with him for some time. i certainly know that there is sensitivity about what you can and cannot talk about. tell me a little bit about that meeting. >> we with him for we thank him for his leadership role in the administration. in bringing close to 100 hostages back. we're really happy for the families. it's mostly women and children. which we are thrilled that we have -- we also want our son in the rest of the hostages to come back. we urged
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his administration to do whatever they can pull any leverage they have to bring us closer to this point where we can be together with our son. >> there was a cease of military action, in a number of hostages who were released, over 100. since then, there's been military action that has resumed. do any of you wish that that had not resumed? >> i'm just gonna say, in 70 days, i am a mom, i'm an adult. and i'm waiting, and it's super hard. it's so hard to wait. but we need to be patient and to keep praying that it's gonna happen. we will have a reunion. but it's so hard. >> well it's really hard to talk about, i think we need to acknowledge that there are wounded people that arrived or were kidnapped arrived in gaza with a blown off arm, with bullet wounds. with illness. we don't believe they have been seen by anybody that is reputable. we know that the international red cross has not
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seen them. we know that doctors have not without borders have not see them. no humanitarian group has seen them. i know you said we have to be patient, we can't be patient anymore. these are our families these could be your family. >> there's a lot of pressure on israel. and probably on with good reason to supply humanitarian support to gaza. and to ease a little bit the pain of the people there. where's humanitarian support to our kids? who is visiting them? who is making sure they're fed? they're getting water they're getting there? who is giving them medicine if they need it? taking care of their wounds?
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>> we're talking still at about hundred 37 people, right? elderly people. still children in their, women men. who need to access. >> yes. where is the world on that? this is where it all started. >> how come the red cross is not getting visitation rights? that was part of the agreement with hamas. israel fulfilled their side. how come hamas is not allowing the red cross to come in? as a mutual force just to see other kids are doing? how the elderly are doing? give us a sign of life? we are stop and october 7th. >> almost 70 days without knowing where they are. how they're doing. are there wounded, what's going on? how can we let it go on like this? >> i did want to ask you if there is something you'd like to say to your son, if you could hear you right now. >> i just want to say that we love you. just be strong, be brief. we are coming to get you. people are working to get you.
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>> around the clock. >> you're coming out. >> he's 19 years old. his 20th birthday on december 29th. two weeks from now. we would like to have him back by the state to be with his little brother that misses him. i know that. >> and his sister. >> our goal is that they are home for christmas. our goal also is that nobody takes their foot off the gas pedal for the next ten, 11 days. because they do need to come home. >> tonight is the last night of hanukkah. we've been playing for a lot of miracles. we haven't had them yet. we have to keep our stories, please help us. keep their stories, all the hostages of arson and everyone. front of mind. >> our boys are in the dark.
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holiday of late, both hanukkah and christmas. our boys are, our families are in the dark. we need about. >> my thanks to those brave families for spending some time with me this week, just out there talking about their boys. as much as they can. up next, we're gonna show you a political ad that stopped me in my tracks when i saw it this week. we're back after a quick break. break. i think i'm ready for this. heck ya! with e*trade you're ready for anything. marriage. kids. college. kids moving back in after college. ♪ finally we can eat. ♪ you know you make me wanna...♪ and then we looked around and said, wait a minute, this isn't even our stroller! (laughing) you live with your parents,
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but you own a house in the metaverse? mhm. cool...i don't get it. here's to getting financially ready for anything! and here's to being single and ready to mingle. who's ready to cha-cha?! ♪ yeah, yeah ♪ there's something going around the gordon home. good thing gertrude found delsym. now what's going around is 12-hour cough relief. and the giggles. the family that takes delsym together, feels better together. (husband) ♪ hey there family! while you're shopping, ♪ the family that takes delsym together, ♪ get me a 5g phone, it's on my list. ♪ (wife) instead of doing all of this a better plan is to switch to verizon. (avo) this holiday turn any samsung phone, in any condition, into a galaxy s23+ on us. and now add netflix and max to your plan for just $10 a month. only on verizon. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds.
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with the money i saved, i started a dog walking business. i was a bit nervous at first but then i figured it's just walking, right? [dog barks] oh. no it's just a bunny! calm down taco. sit duchess. stop! sesame no no. archie! walter don't, no, ahhhh. ahhhhh! you're lucky you're so cute. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.♪ ♪ ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ every once in a while, there comes a political
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advertisement that is so provocative, so powerful it has the power to break through political silos. and really have and stick with you. this week, a new digital ad put up by two advocacy groups and texas put a fine point on something that we had millions of others have been saying for years. that the problem of gun violence in this country is urgent. and it requires far more from our elected officials than thoughts and prayers. that's especially true now that firearms have become the leading cause of death amongst children in this country. make no mistake, the ad you're about to see is disturbing. it's very hard to watch. but it speaks the truth about this issue in a moment when we desperately need it. that's why we decided to end our show today by airing it in its entirety. oh got the save. or do, something safer.
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>> please god save her, do something to save her. >> my thoughts and prayers are with you. >> thoughts and prayers. >> the odds, the prayers. >> thoughts and prayers. tonight, on the mehdi hasan show. alarming new details on trump's authoritarian plans from the man himself. the biden campaign prepares his ce


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