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tv   Alex Wagner Tonight  MSNBC  December 21, 2023 9:00pm-10:00pm PST

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of many labor unions to construct this year. beyoncé and her eldest daalder, blue iv, performing onstage together during the renaissance world tour. westmount, we slowly reopening to residents and tourism after devastating wildfires. members of the israeli security forces searching through the super nova music festival site after the hamas terror attack. and lastly, we've included a photo from iceland where a volcanic eruption turned the night sky orange. and that was just earlier this week. all of that makes you wonder, what in the world we're going to see in 2024. say a prayer and take a deep breath ahead of that. and on, that i wish you a very, very good night. from all of our colleagues across the network of nbc news, thanks for staying up late. i'll see you at the end of tomorrow. tomorrow
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in 1952, in the middle of the korean war, the united steel workers of america threatened to strike. but before they, could president truman shocked the nation with a televised address announcing he was seizing control of the steel plants so as not to interrupt the war effort. within half an hour of that address, lawyers for the steal companies had driven to a district court judges home in washington, d. c., and gotten the judge to set a hearing for the next morning. a hearing as to whether or not a could actually do that. now, the merits of that case a really interesting, but the reason the steele seizure case
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matters today is the speed at which was heard by the supreme court. the issue was so urgent for the steel workers, the unions, the steel companies, the u. s. military, it was so pressing that the case skipped the appeals process and the supreme court heard oral arguments just a little over a month after truman's announcement. they decided the case less than a month after that. which is like, light speed in supreme court time. and that is why, in special counsel jack smith's filing before the supreme court today, mr. smith cited the 1952 steel seizure case.
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trump's lawyers have argued that the entire federal election interference case should be thrown out because trump, as president, was protected by presidential immunity. in his filing today, jack smith argued, the resolution of this issue is so important that it requires an immediate and definitive decision by the nation's highest court. and the 1952 steel seizure case shows that the supreme court can act fast when it comes to matters of national importance. special counsel smith also offered the supreme court and even more direct president. >> this is nbc nightly news, friday, may 24th. reported by john chancellor. >> good evening. late this afternoon, there was a stunning and unexpected development in the battle special watergate prosecutor, lillian jaworski to get presidential tapes. he went directly to the supreme court and ask it to intervene on his behalf. jaworski went directly to the
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supreme court in an attempt to avoid a time consuming test in the court of appeals. jaworski said the issues raised by the presidents defiance of the subpoena must be resolved before the supreme court goes on vacation next month. >> now, in their own filing before the supreme court yesterday, trump's lawyers made clear, mr. trump does not want the court to act to quickly. trump urged the justices not to rush to judgment. in an obvious bid to try and delay this issue from being resolved and therefore potentially delay trump's trial past the 2024 election, trump's lawyers claimed that, for the supreme court to decide this issue correctly, it should wait for the case to go through the entire appeals process. when the watergate special prosecutor was trying to subpoena nixon's white house audiotapes nixon's lawyers took
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the exact same approach. >> the presidents answer went to the court today. he does not want the court to act quickly. >> the briefs that the president opposes any attempt to shortcut the legal process. it said the doctrine that the president can withhold evidence under executive privilege remains alive and well. it said it was more important that the case be decided wisely than hurriedly. and it said that none of the parties would be served by a rush to judgment. >> the white house denies that it is pursuing a strategy of delay. >> president pursuing a strategy of delay. sometimes, history rhymes, sometimes history just repeat tune inverse. here is how that nixon president resolved the very next day. >> the u.s. supreme court acting as swiftly as it ever has. today announced it will review the special watergate prosecutor's complaint against president nixon. >> within two months of agreeing to hear that case, the supreme court issued its historic, unanimous 80 decision
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that president nixon must turn over the white house tapes. the supreme court can act quickly when it wants to. today in his filing, jack smith made that case. just as the court granted see sartorial before judgment in the united states versus nixon, an expedited its proceedings, it should do the same here. here, the stakes are at least as high, if not higher. the resolution of the question presented is pivotal to whether the former president himself will stand trial, which is scheduled to begin less than three months in the future. the charges here are of the utmost gravity, upped the case involves, for the first time in our nation's history criminal charges against a former president based upon his actions while in office. and not just any actions, alleged acts to perpetuate himself in power by frustrating the constitutionally prescribed process for certifying the lawful winner of an election. the nation has a compelling interest in a decision on respondents claim of immunity from these charges, and if they are to be tried, a resolution by conviction or acquittal
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without undue delay. joining me now are mary mccord, former acting assistant attorney for national security in the obama doj, and current co-host of the prosecuting donald trump broadcast. also with me is katie van, or new york times reporter on the national desk. katie, i was very struck by the language in jackson's filing today. the way in which he presents the gravity of this case. and i wonder what you make of that, the urgency of that argument, you know, in light of all the back and forth. >> sure, there are so many filings back and forth, you're right. when you step back, in essence, what he's saying is we have to decide whether or not the american people get to see and hear the full hearing of the evidence both that the prosecutors have, and the
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defense has. they get to hear the arguments in a jury gets to decide, we should know the answer before an election. before we decide who should be president of the united states. now, again, the trump team has tried to cast this as a political move. but what if they have great evidence. what if they can exonerate him? should they be able to do that in a court of law through our system of due process before an election? so, he could be on the ballot without the shadow of a potential prosecution over him. whatever the saying is, whether or not he wins, a decision should be made, a jury should be able to weigh in on this before voters make probably the most import decision they're going to make. which is who becomes president. >> exactly, it's almost been like, and that, way trump is really dominant the argument by suggested it expeditious processing is about partisan. of course, it's about the american voters having all the information at hand.
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mary, i wonder, we played the tape of nixon and jaworski. the parallels are eerie. even the same language, do not rush to judgment in this case. that was nixon filing. trump's filing, partisan rush to judgment. i mean, it's not a coincidence, and i wonder how much you think the specter of that case looms as the justices take potentially this on this one. given the stakes at hand. >> well, i think what's significant about the nixon case as well as the steel seizure case, is there a good examples of when a case is significant enough and important enough, and it's reason for the supreme court to do two things. one, to leap frog the court of appeals. and take a case directly from a district court decision. and secondly, to take a case on an expedited schedule. in this case, i think what jack smith is saying, even though in the ordinary course cases come up to the supreme court, after an issue, a legal issue, as been percolating in the courts of appeals for sometime. sometimes years. with different circuits potentially ruling in different ways. learning from each other and eventually the supreme court will resolve an issue.
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here, which acts with the saying, this is not the kind of issue that's going to percolate out in the other district and the other circuit courts for years. this has important now. this is an unprecedented situation. i, mean the nixon case is good president for timing. of, course that was not about the trial of a former president. that was about a different trial, where evidence that president nixon did not want to be supplied for the trial, that's what he was trying to guard against. here, we're talking about an actual former president being charged with and tried for crimes allegedly committed while he was president. what jack smith is saying is, there is no need, whatever we do, stopping in the current court of appeals for a ruling. this, court the supreme court, is still gonna need to answer that question. so, let's just get there now. and do it quickly. even if it means that supreme court were to say, former president trump, you're immune from prosecution. jack smith is saying, we need a resolution. >> yeah, i was struck by
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another piece of the filing, katie. which is noted by the special counsel, that even if the government were to win in the appellate d. c. circuit court, the default rules give trump 45 days to seek a re-hearing on bank, which is the full panel of judges, and 90 days to seek circuit. do the math, 90 days is three months the trial was to start in three months. >> absolutely, that has to create a real climate of concern inside the doj. just the rules themselves push for italy. >> of course, it creates concern inside of the justice department, but of course, as you can imagine, the trump legal team has also seen those very same rules and kind of those very same days. we really are seeing trump trying around the clock, problematically, he has all but said this is what he's trying to do. it's not a secret, it's why we can, we're not trying to get into his head by saying that. it's truly the strategy that he's espoused.
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of course, that is a concern for the department. last thing anybody wants is, we're already looking at so much unprecedented activity the last thing anybody wants is a situation where there is a trial that's happening as voters are voting with a verdict that happens in that period of time between the voters electing somebody and that person taking office in january. i mean, if you think having some dicey supreme court conversations now, -- >> just wait till later. i would argue even a trial or conviction that happens after the nominating process, right? then it becomes a deep state plot to derail the nominee of one of our two major political parties. >> that's the in the public interest argument. let us have a slate of
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candidates that everybody can feel should be the slate of candidates before we start. >> mary, do you have spidey sense about what the supreme court may do? they have to potentially very hot potatoes in the lap. what is the 14th amendment, call made by the colorado state supreme court, the other is the presidential immunity defense here. do you think that one might help the justices rule on the other? which is to say, roberts is very concerned about the legacy and the impression of this court in terms of the public, how the court -- how the public sees the high court as independent or not. might they take up both cases and rule differently for trump on each to show that they are neutral arbiters? >> so, i do think they will take up both cases. because both are really extremely important. one about actually getting to trial on criminal charges against a former president, the other about keeping a former president off of the ballot due to his disability if he's found to have engaged in insurrection. which for the colorado supreme court found. there's no question that if the u.s. supreme court were to affirm the colorado supreme court, take that case and say, you are correct, colorado supreme court. donald trump is not qualified to be president. under the 14th amendment section three. therefore, he cannot be on the
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ballot. that would obviate some of the rush, the need to get some of this criminal trial done before the election. he would be off the ballot i don't see it playing out timing wise that way. and i also think that it's a tall hill to climb for the plaintiffs to win in the supreme court in the colorado case. it's not impossible, of course. but there are eight different legal conclusions that the supreme court would have to agree with that colorado supreme court made. i do think the court will take both of these. i don't think the justices will think, okay, let's give trump a win in one and give him a loss in the other in order to retain their integrity. i think they will look at each case on their merits, the arguments are very, very different in each one. and i do think that, at louis's most of the judges will be trying really to rule based on the facts and the law and what they think is right under the constitution. both of these matters raise significant constitutional
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issues. there is no question, they're human beings. they have in mind their institutional integrity and the impact of their rulings in both cases on this election in 2024. >> yeah, they are human beings, which is, i think the kind of thing you could say about some of the conservatives on that court right now. that's just me. one last one, katie. in the mar-a-lago case. jack smith, this, week ask for a february 2nd deadline for parties to submit a jury questionnaire. an initial round of vetting. surprising exactly no one, trump's team has said absolutely not. this is a politically motivated election interference mission by the special counsel's office. smith today responded. that trump's filing was long on
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rhetoric and basil thankyous a shuns that do not merit a response. also, can we get started with jury selection. >> right, what he's trying to say is, when you're looking at a case with this much publicity around it, this controversial, we've seen in the past he's the boston bombing case as an example. and he used enron as an example, both strong examples, saying that these were communities so deeply impacted by the boston bombing, of course the marathon bombing, or by a company, enron that employed so many people and then heard so many peoples lives that in those instances, you had jury selection include a long questionnaire to win the pulled down from more than
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thousand people to a few hundred, to really try to be as impartial as possible. and get the best jury. it's not unusual to do this. he also points out that even though trump is saying, this is partisan, this is a way to interfere with the election, he notes that the questions, the kinds of questions the jurors will be asked have really nothing to do with that. it's what kind of media do you consume? how much of it to you consume? do you personally think that you can be impartial here? do you know anybody who is impacted by these acts? and has really nothing to do with many of the political arguments that trump made. so, he's just saying, we want to be ready by may 20th. just in case we go to trial then, it will help us make sure that happens. that's all we need. yes, you're right. there's a lot of rhetoric, it is pretty straightforward request. >> and reminding us, in both cases, of the justice department and justice itself is not supposed to be partisan. and that is exactly what the jury selection process is about and the supreme court. >> mary mccord, katie benner, thank you both for your time tonight. i appreciate it. we have a lot more ahead this evening, rudy giuliani is running from a court order to pay massive damages to two former election workers he defamed. can he hide? next. the political fallout from the colorado high court's decision to order donald trump off the states ballot. obama deputy national security advisor ben rhodes joined us on that question, right after the break.
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trump plans to formally file an appeal with the supreme court after christmas, in response to the colorado supreme court's ruling that removes him from the states primary ballot. that is according to an nbc news source with knowledge of the trump team's plan. colorado's highest court made an exhaustive and compelling argument that trump was disqualified because he violated the so-called insurrection clause under the constitution's 14th amendment. but the landmark ruling has left a lot of debate in its wake. this is erik levitz writing in the new york magazine, precisely because it is extremely important to keep authoritarian insurrectionists out of power, i think the legal merits of the colorado case matter less than its political consequences. if the colorado supreme court decision will in practice fortify american democracy against the threat of backsliding, then it is good. if it actually increases that threat, then it is bad. leavitt's piece basically raises a question, if the end goal is to keep an insurrectionist from the oval office, is it a good idea to disqualify an insurrectionist candidate via the courts if that process may ultimately help get the insurrectionist back into the oval office? joining me now to untangle this not is ben rhodes, former deputy national security adviser for president obama, and co-host of the wildly popular podcast, pod save the
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world. ben, thank you for being here. i thought these are very difficult unanswerable questions, who better to ask than ben rhodes? let's first talk about politically the upside to this 14th amendment ruling from the state supreme court in colorado. it seems like a catapults trump in january 6th back into the headlines. and i was really struck by this quote from a different new york magazine piece from jim messina, who said the average swing voter thinks about politics for minutes a week, and are not waking up for 12 months. one fifth of americans are not -- only one fifth of americans are convinced the trouble even be nominated. will this kind of maybe will help shape people's views about who should be nominated? and who should not? i don't know, what do you think? >> look, i think it's pretty clear, trump's gonna be nominated. it doesn't take a political genius to look at the polls and see that. i think what this tells us and reminds us, is that this is gonna be an incredibly abnormal election. and that there's going to be a
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lot of twists and turns, there's gonna be a lot of court activity. a lot of things are gonna remind us of how extreme and authoritarian donald trump's. and it's not gonna be normal campaign with the two people go out and campaign make their case and then of debate and then we vote. we are gonna be confronted with basically a referendum on whether americans are okay with donald trump returning to the oval office, despite being an insurrectionist, authoritarian. and donald trump is gonna try to make it a referendum on joe biden in his age. but there's gonna be no escaping this question. it's gonna be put more and more acutely in front of the american people between now and the election. >> do you worry that having, for example, the courts, whether the supreme court or state supreme court decided to take a candidate off the ballot, to americans who don't read any of the rulings, who aren't as familiarized with the events of january 6th as perhaps you and i are. that, that in and of itself, smacks of authoritarianism. do you see that at all? or you think that's a perilous
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argument? >> i think that our system has already been worn down and eroded. donald trump should not be allowed to run for president again based on the other branches of government actually asserting themselves. he should have been impeached after january 6th. there's never been a clear case for impeachment in history of this country if he had been impeached, he would be allowed to run again. the courts absolutely, if you just look at the letter of the law, how is an insurrectionist allowed to get away with the insurrection act? but the reality is, we all know, the supreme court is not going to allow him to be removed from the ballot. we all know that congress did not at certain self. this question is going to be put to the american people, i think. >> inevitably. >> inevitably, by the way, obviously, the democratic thing. we're only where we are with trump because the other branches of government and guardrails have failed. >> on its merits alone, if you're a textualist, sitting on the supreme court, it's not
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even a question. it's all there in the ruling. yet, ben, trump today on social media saying, i'm not an insurrectionist. crooked joe biden's. crooked joe biden is a threat to democracy. this is what worries me about the sort of strange upside down and which trump exists. it's one thing when it's a witch hunt. and he says, the witch hunt is against me, joe biden is the person that's using the deep state. >> no, you're the puppet. >> exactly. now, i'm not an insurrectionist, joe biden is an insurrectionist. i laugh at, it because it's absurd. i do wonder whether, in some way, rhetorically, it renders insurrectionism somewhat meaningless to throw it around in the way that trump is. >> yeah, that's what he always does. by the way, this is like a classic authoritarian tactic. alexei navalny, whose disappear in the russian prisons, someone stole about biden rebooting, he
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doesn't have to convince you that he's not corrupt, he does has to convince you that everybody is corrupt. nobody's good. everybody is on the take. and that's what trump does. what we're gonna be experiencing, unfortunately, for the next 11 months of our lives, is donald trump doing anything he can to make it a referendum on joe biden. and his story about joe biden. and joe biden increasingly probably just try to make it a referendum on donald trump. and the american people will have the final verdict. >> do we have time to play this new sound from donald trump talking about the blood of our nation? can you please play that. >> illegal immigration is poisoning the blood of our nation. they are coming from prisons, for mental institutions, from all over the world.
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without borders and fair elections, you don't have a country. make america great again. we must win in 2024. or we will not have a nation. >> he has been told, in no uncertain terms, that this is the language of hitler. this is the language of fascism. that is from an hour ago. this is not someone who's concerned about that and his instead embracing. it i don't have the polling economy, but i do think it's 40% of republican caucus goers in iowa says the blood of poisoning the one of our nation rhetoric makes them more likely to vote for donald trump. >> all the quiet part is being said out loud in the cycle.
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more than the past with trump. vermin, the blood of the nation is being poisoned. this is the core of every fascist argument. that there's some other out there that is trying to pollute the purity of the nation. he is saying things that are so extreme, but because we're accustomed to him mouthing off, accustomed to him violating norms. we have to take a step back here and evaluate that this is nothing like anything we've ever seen before. this is someone running for president of the united states as a fascist. the question is, are enough people gonna say, you know what? that's not a risk that we can take. >> i mean, i would just say, independent of whether not he wins, the very fact that he has a base of support that is increasing at precisely the same time that he is saying this about the people who have made america america is terrifying. >> it's a nation of immigrants. everybody came here from someplace else, except for the indigenous people. and i'm sure that that's not who he thinks are the people.
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>> that's all the bloody talking about. >> ben rhodes, because you're here in new york, were so thrilled and excited we're gonna keep you, please come back. please do not leave the building. ben rhodes, stick around. we have a lot more to talk about tonight, including the real focus, the real focus, a republican integrity units. that cropped up in the wake of the 2020 election. first, the depth of rudy giuliani's financial troubles laid baron's chapter levin bankruptcy filing today. we'll have more on, that next. feelin' even smoother. how 'bout hookin' me up with some gillettelabs? check your texts. you're the best. nah, you're the best. the best a man can get keeps getting bettuh. the next generation of shaving is gillettelabs. there is a lot of information out there. hamas oppresses the people of gaza, uses civilians as human shields, and steals their basic supplies to use them in a war of terror. even when given the chance at peace, hamas broke the truce. our community needs to stand against hamas and stand with palestinians and israelis for basic human rights. focus on the truth.
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judge ordered rudy giuliani to immediately pay the 100 and $46 million he owes in damages for defaming the former georgia election workers ruby freeman and shaye moss, rudy giuliani
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has filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy. in paperwork filed today, giuliani estimated his assets to be worth somewhere between one and $10 million. a storm that is much much lower than the sum he owes to ruby freeman and shaye moss. it's not even in the ballpark of videos to his lawyers and his ex-wife and the irs. so, what happens now? joining me now to discuss, msnbc's not-so-secret political weapon, the great lisa reuben. lisa, first of all, what is the upside for people who are not familiar with chapter 11 filings. what does this get rudy giuliani? >> so, it gets rudy giuliani to things. the first, it allows him to reorganize his financial world, and some of the things that he has, some of the deaths that he owes will hopefully, from his perspective, be wiped clean, or at least reduced two cents on the dollar. it gives him somewhat of a fresh start and allows him to get rid of certain debts and also reduce them. the more important thing for rudy giuliani at this moment is it freezes every lawsuit that
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he is facing other than the fulton county indictment against him. it can't freeze criminal lawsuits, and there are certain types of assets that you could recover that won't be freed by bankruptcy, like child support. rudy doesn't owe anybody any spousal or child support right now. we know that from his filing today. >> he owes a lot of people out of money though, as we're talking about, it is expensive to be al -- an awful human being. >> that seems to be the case here. >> you and i were talking about it during the break, if you read his filing today where he lists his 20 largest creditors, putting aside the irs and new york state tax authorities, it is a laundry list of people who have been wronged by rudy giuliani. to whom he may owe also tens or hundreds of millions of dollars because those cases have not been disposed of yet. they include people like hunter biden, who is also suing him for defamation. they include noelle dunfee, an employee of his who says that rudy giuliani assaulted and harassed her sexually. and also stole her wages by never paying her.
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of course, it includes dominion and smartmatic, to makers of voting machines that were defamed by rudy giuliani and all of us frequent media parents as where he said they were involved in the theft of legitimate votes. >> what are the applications from ruby freeman and shaye moss. their lawyer says that this play will not succeed. they are suing giuliani again for the defamation that happened on the steps of the courthouse after he was found guilty of defamation. what are the implications with them actually seeing their settlement? or the damage is money? >> it definitely kicks that can down the road, because of that stay that we were talking about. but, when you commit unintentional -- something like defamation, or intentional infliction of emotional distress, the bankruptcy law says that you can't discharge or limit those debts in bankruptcy. so, just like alex jones, who wasn't able to get rid of his liability to the families of those killed at sandy hook, so two will rudy giuliani be able
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to press pause on the collection of his debt to ruby and shaye. he won't ever be able to eradicate it. >> he is going to have to pay them some amount of money at some point in the not so distant future. >> that's correct. and if he's not telling the truth about what his assets really are, if he does have -- in excess of $10 million, the bankruptcy court is entitled to know that. if at any point in this process he is not fully transparent about all of his assets, that will be a crime in and of itself. lying to the bankruptcy court about your financial -- >> added to the list. >> i'm not saying that he is lying, i'm telling you -- >> know, i'm just saying, it could be yet another wrong committed by rudy giuliani on a long, long list of wrongs. >> during the ruby and shaye litigation, he was not transparent about his finances. in fact, he refused to provide discovery on that. that's how they ended up getting a default judgment that he was liable for all of these things that they alleged he did. that's what they had the damages only case. now they're going to find out the things that they didn't
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know before, which is is rudy stashing asset somewhere, or did he transfer them to other people to play a shell game with them? that they should find out through this bankruptcy process. >> what is striking to me here, we talked a lot about the question of accountability, and what seems, and we've talked about this off line, hitting trump and his allies right wing demagogues like alex jones in the pocketbook is an effective tool for getting some version of accountability. because it really seems like it deeply concerns these people. >> it absolutely concerns these people. again, today, not in a major filing, rudy also submitted an affidavit. one of the things you have to tell the court is, why are you filing for bankruptcy now? he is as clear as day, this filing is precipitated by that 148 million-dollar verdict that was awarded last week. but for that case, rudy giuliani would not be filing for bankruptcy today. yes, it will stall the recovery that ruby freeman and shaye moss get. but justice will still be theirs, and in the meantime, his humiliation is there for all the public to see as americas mayor becomes america 's most recent debtor. >> wow, i mean the fall from
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grace is been spectacular, it's apparently not over yet. lisa reuben, thank you for staying late tonight. >> thank you having me. >> great to see. when we come back, we finally know, finally, at long last, we finally know who all those election fraud task forces have been focused on. the answer is next. i got this $1,000 camera for only $41 on dealdash., online auctions since 2009. this playstation 5
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the shocking irregularities, abuses, and fraud that have been revealed in recent weeks. and we have so much evidence. >> after the 2020 election, after donald trump's claims of so-called rampant election fraud, after those claims took hold of the republican party, republicans in six states decided to ceate or amp up efforts to prosecute voter fraud. the attorney generals of virginia and arkansas established election integrity units. ohio state had oversight over investigation of election law violations. in georgia republican governor
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brian kemp signed a bill last year that gave the state's bureau of investigations jurisdictions over voter fraud. florida governor ron desantis created his own election police force. and nationally budgeted at $1.2 million which this year was boosted to $1.4 million. arizona republicans already had an election integrity unit. they launched it after democrats had a strong showing in the 2018 midterms. texas had already been in the business of investigating election fraud. attorney general ken paxton has reportedly spent nearly $7 million on it over the last three years to handle a total of 33 cases. so what did these guys get after all that fanfare? after all that money? according to analysis by the washington post, election integrity units established or
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expanded in six states after trump's loss obtained only 47 convictions during a period in which tens of millions of votes were cast. the vast majority of the convictions represent small bore cheating, or, as some defendants argue, mistakes by individual voters, such as casting two ballots, falsifying registration, or voting even if barred by a conviction. all of the convictions occurred in florida, texas, and ohio, while units in virginia, georgia, and arkansas failed to obtain a single guilty verdict despite allocating dozens of staffers and millions of dollars to ferret out voter fraud. not a single conviction. instead these task forces, mostly just made peoples lives miserable in somewhat scary. this is what it looked like in florida last summer. >> so ma'am, we have a warrant for her arrest. >> for what? >> for voter fraud. >> voter fraud?
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i voted biden commit no fraud. >> that's the thing. i don't know exactly what happened with it. but you do have a warrant and that's what it's for. >> oh my god. >> voter fraud? what is voter fraud? >> voting when you not supposed to, sir. why would you all let me vote if i wasn't able to vote? >> i'm not sure, buddy. i don't know. >> and then why now? this happened years ago. why now? why me? >> why him? what many of the 52 people arrested in the last year by governor desantis's election police seemed to have in common was that their party
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affiliation were the color of the color of their skin. it didn't just seem like that, it was like that. the washington post analysis showed that the election integrity units in those six states overwhelmingly targeted minorities and democrats for prosecution. the analysis found that 76% of defendants whose race or ethnicity could be identified, 76% were black or hispanic, while white people constituted 24% of the prosecutions. registered democrats made up 58% of those charged whose party could be identified, while registered republicans were 23%. while the alleged point of the so-called election integrity projects is to make elections fair, the real point of them is not hard to figure out. the executive director of the watchdog group american oversight put it this way. at best these election integrity in our show, designed to placate far-right election denialists the conservative base. and words there used to justify new voting restrictions and to intimidate people, especially racial minorities, from exercising their right to vote. and yet the desire remains, to
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stay in the good graces of those election denialists, especially one in particular. >> the radical left democrats rake the presidential election of 2020 and we're not going to allow them to rig the presidential election of 2024. we're not going to allow it. >> gop remains willing to appease him, apparently at any cost. coming up, the death toll in gaza reaches 20,000 as a u. n. official warns the entire population is on the verge of straw ration. we will discuss the spiraling humanitarian situation in gaza. that's next. [dog barks] oh. no it's just a bunny! calm down taco. sit duchess. stop! sesame no no. archie! walter don't, no, ahhhh. ahhhhh! you're lucky you're so cute. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.♪ okay, so here's my most requested hack
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health ministry, an estimated 20,000 people have been now killed inside gaza since the start of the war. the entire population of gaza, over 2 million people, is on the verge of sat starvation. unofficial for the world food programme says it doesn't get any worse. i have never seen something at the scale something happening in gaza and at this speed. in northern gaza there are no
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more hospitals left. patients now shelter in churches, lying on pews, and the w. h. o. says these are now hospice centers where people wait to die. the w. h. o. aid worker seen in this video describes unfathomable conditions of patients receiving surgery and then getting infections because there are no more antibiotics. on the outside of this catastrophic suffering talks to release israeli hostages held by hamas inside gaza appear to be stalled. hamas said it will not discuss new releases unless israel agrees to a cease-fire. the war it seems is nowhere near over, even though president biden has called on israel to finish this war by the end of this year. a new year begins in ten days. joining me once again is ben rhodes, former deputy national security adviser under barack obama. ben, the suffering that
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accounts of what is happening in gaza are so unbelievably wrenching. i think it's, on some level, a sign that we are still paying attention, the democrats in the house, with national security backgrounds, today sent a letter to president biden arguing that israel strategy is not in the best interests of america or israel. i wonder if you think this conflict is truly an inflection point in terms of changing american attitudes towards israel. >> i don't know how you can look at this and think that anything about it is okay. i think it has to change attitudes towards this israeli government that is carrying out this operation. people need to step back and realize we have not seen anything like this in the 21st century. more women and children have been killed in gaza in two months that have been killed in putin's war in ukraine in two years. we are talking 20,000. how many people more we don't
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know about. and when you hear the warnings as well, because of the cut off of food and fuel and water, people are going to start to die of starvation, of water borne illnesses. this could exponentially get worse. and so i'm glad the democrats are raising questions about whether to provide assistance, how to condition assistance. but we are behind on this thing. we are still talking about, we are still vetoing cease-fire at the u. n.. we're still trying to get a short term pause. a short term pause and then resume this? this has to stop. the hostages are not going to be saved by this military occupation. >> yes. >> how is it that the hostages are being killed in this military operation? -- >> i think we don't understand how much this is profoundly changing global attitudes not just towards israel but towards united states as well.
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>> and that of course is true as well, giving our walking not in lockstep but in parallel with israel. i wonder what you make of -- what do you think the calculation is inside the white house? this is, as you say, this has not happened on the 21st century. how and why has the biden administration not been more vociferous? at what point -- is it 25,000 people dead? the scale of death and suffering is extraordinary. >> i think to step back, we all had a deep affinity for israel after october 7th. >> of course. >> had an instinct that we want to support israel. they have a right to defend themselves. it's also the case that you have to evaluate who is making the decisions in israel. and this is a far-right government led by prime minister netanyahu has time and again showed that he will ignore what u.s. presidents tell him. i think biden administration, they said that if they embrace embraced netanyahu that they would have influence on him. and it is clear that that has
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not been the case. he has continued to do this over their objections. over their stated objections. and at a certain point, you have to say, we can't support this. and to be clear, this is not helping israel. it's not securing israel. >> yes. >> hamas is still there. it's political leadership is not in gaza. there is enormous amounts of sympathy from the palestinian cause, and enormous isolation in israel for a long time. i think, if you're a friend of israel, -- if you have a friend, alex, and you see a friend doing something that is not good for them, is the way to be a good friend say, okay, just keep doing it? and that's how we will show you are good friend? no. a friend says this isn't working. >> to your point about hamas, hamas popularity has more than tripled among palestinians in the west bank. if this is to end hamas, it's not doing it. if this mission is to end hamas, it is not doing that.
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it is not accomplishing that. it also is not getting the hostages back. i do wonder whether you think the absent debacle of three hostages being killed by idf forces in recent weeks changes anything. there's domestic support for some of this, but it's not a blank check. the fact that -- and i'm talking in israel -- the fact that they cannot seem to bring or will not bring these hostages home, i wonder if that is the thing that changes -- does that have an effect on netanyahu's calculus? >> this is clearly like an emotionally important issue, as it should be. i walk down to street today, there are hostage posted use posters everywhere. i think people need to recognize that if that is your objective, when we're the hostages released? it was when the military operation paused. and the hostages are clearly in danger, just as every human being is in danger in gaza as long as this military operation goes on. i just think, there are other ways of doing this, of securing israel, and and other wa


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