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tv   Symone  MSNBC  January 6, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PST

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she was doing this. to me. >> her mom deede had a psychological disorder, munch hausen syndrome by proxy. where a parent seeks sympathy through the exaggerated illnesses of their children. >> they anniversary of the crime is actually the hardest day of the year. i'm afraid of being judged for. because they're probably gonna make some kind of snarky comment, you killed her. >> unbelievable. our thanks to dana griffin for that. that wraps it up for me, everybody, i'm yasmin mr., gonna be back in the chair tomorrow. two pm eastern. come join us it's gonna be our last show symone starts right now. ♪ ♪ ♪ greetings everyone, you're watching symone. today, we are taking a look at the battle to keep americans democracy intact. three years after an extremist mob stormed the united states capitol, directed there by former president donald trump. and fueled by trump's lies about the 2020 election.
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i'll be joined today by people who are in the nation's capital on that fateful day. including washington d.c. mayor, mario bowser. and former capitol police sergeant casino gonell. and because of the violent uprising on january 6th, the insurrection, president biden says 2024 election is about deciding whether democracy is still americas sacred cause. and the dire threat of another trump presidency. we're going to dig into his comments and donald trump's response. plus, the supreme court will weigh in on whether donald trump can be barred from colorado's primary ballot. it is the latest in several challenges across the country to keep trump off the ballot because of his role in the insurrection. i am symone sanders-townsend, i have something to say. ♪ ♪ ♪
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we begin today with efforts to hold the former president donald trump accountable for his actions three years ago today. on january 6th. and with the ongoing consequences of that insurrection on american democracy. the united states supreme court announced last night that it will hear donald trump's appeal of a colorado supreme court ruling banning him from the state primary ballot. for his role in the insurrection of january 6th. 2021, based on the constitution's 14th amendment. when pro trump extremists stormed the capitol, they planned to violently prevent the peaceful transfer of power. although they failed, the nation is still reeling from that day. moments after taking the oath of office on january 20th, 2017, trump proudly declared that, quote, this american carnage stops right here, and stops right now. but 1447 days later, we watched in horror as an american carnage unlike anything we've seen in our lifetimes endangered virtually every member of congress, donald
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trump's own vice president, capital staff law enforcement officers, and the very stability of our democracy. but the attack, folks, it didn't happen in a vacuum. it began with a relentless onslaught of election lies from former president donald trump and his allies. falsely insisting the election was stolen from him. the courts did by trump's argument, neither did state legislatures. but many of donald trump supporters did. and the former president continued to manipulate them. trump instructed his supporters to march on the capitol. warning that if congress was allowed to certify joe biden's election victory on that day, they, quote, wouldn't have a country anymore the. attack occurred under a sea of flags bearing donald trump's name. trump's supporters erected gallows. they hunted lawmakers. in the halls of the united states congress. according to a bipartisan senate report, at least seven people died in connection with the attack. at least four police officers
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died by suicide. immediately after the attack, even trump's most devout supporters in congress knew and acknowledged the depravity of what they just endured. they condemned the violence, and some even withdrew their opposition to counting certified electoral votes. >> the violence, destruction, and chaos we saw earlier was unacceptable. undemocratic. on american. it was the saddest day i've ever had serving as a member of this institution. >> we all join together in fully condemning the dangerous violence and destruction that occurred today in our nation's capital. >> the events that have transpired today have forced me to reconsider, and i cannot now, in good conscience, object to the certification of these electors. >> in the three years since, congressional republicans have worked overtime to deny any attempt of accountability, or even reality. they've likenedjanuary 6 to 8,
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quote, normal tourist visit. they've described insurrtiists as patriots. they are counting on you to forget what we saw with our own eyes that day. and it might be working. a recent washington post university of maryland poll found that a quarter of americans believe the fbi probably or definitely instigated the insurrection. i'm just checking if the folks at home can hear what i'm hearing. and well more than 1200 people have been charged for their actions at the capitol that day, the ones who laid the groundwork for it have yet to face accountability. including former president donald trump. and i'm just noting that no one at home can hear the crazy that is happening here in the studio. folks, the insurrection isn't over. donald trump is the leading republican presidential candidate. he still pedals lies of a stolen election among other things. and if he has his way, donald
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trump will stand on the very spot of the attack on our capitol and take the oath of office again. state election officials are facing threats and swatting calls, trusting our election system is being undermined by an onslaught of bad faith conspiracy theories. and in a very powerful speech yesterday, commemorating the attack on the capitol, president biden emphasized trump's ongoing threat to democracy. >> whether democracy is still america sacred cause is the most urgent question of our time. it's what the 2024 election is all about. the choice is clear. donald trump's campaign is about him. not america. not you. donald trump's campaign is obsessed with the past. not the future. he's willing to sacrifice our democracy. put himself in power. >> donald trump is on the campaign trail in iowa, as we speak. and here's how he responded to
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president biden earlier today. >> yesterday he tried to play the tough, guy i'm a threat to democracy. he's a threat to democracy. because he's incompetent. that's gonna be their theme, i'm a threat to democracy. i mean, they're screwing with our elections. they're doing things that nobody's ever done before. >> so, first of, all he told lies. those are lies. here's the thing, folks, democracy it is fragile. it doesn't just rely on your vote, it relies on the integrity of candidates willing to accept the results. candidates who put the stability of the nation over their desire for power. anything less sets the stage for a sitting president pressuring election officials to find the number of ott to. when it paves the way for a scheme to send fake electors certificates to congress. it results in guns being drawn on the house floor. at least send instability, discord, mistrust. uncertainty. and insurrection. it opens the door to more american carnage.
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the january 6th attack was a devastating day for our country. and it is personal for me. because i was at the democratic national committee headquarters with ben price vice president elect kamala harris on that very day, when a pipe bomb was found on the premises that morning. we were in the building. they evacuated the vice president elect and the person who planted that bomb still at large. joining me now, the mayor of the missed district of columbia, marial bowser. welcome to you, madam mayor. thank you for being here today. i could think of a better person to start this conversation with. i want to start with an excerpt from a book of mckay kaufman's. who has this book coming out about mitt romney, chronicling him. we're gonna put this on the screen. this is from the book the reckoning. he writes that, this is the text, from mitt rneto senator mitch mcconnell. he says, the senatowrote in a text, i hope that sufficient security plans are in place.
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i am concerned that the instigator, the president, is the one who commands the reinforcements, the d.c. and capitol police might require. madam mayor, the former president has blamed you and speaker pelosi for what happened on the capitol that day. this day three years ago. you read that text message understanding that there were so many warnings. people knew, so many people were afraid that donald trump would not rise to the occasion and do what needed to be done. three years later, what your take on everything? >> first of all, it's a solemn day. i'm glad that you are talking to the american people about what actually happened. the very significant threat to our country that day. and the threat that continues. there was a real attack on our democracy. there was a real attack against our law enforcement apparatus for the country. and i think what we are all pleased about, that justice is being served. the people who showed up at the
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capitol that they are doing real jail time. as they should. because they hurt people. people died as a result. and our country is still reeling. from that. unfortunately, some of the things that allowed that to happen that day are still in place. as mitt romney noted, the president of the united states still controls the d.c. national guard. >> you do not? can you clarify for folks, what power you actually had on january 6th to deploy resources to the capitol. >> we have no jurisdiction on the capitol. the capital is a federal enclave. it is in control of the united states capitol. just like the white house and other federal grounds are in control of the executive. i control the metropolitan police department. on d.c. streets. and the metropolitan police department always comes to support any of our federal partners, including the capitol
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police. what most people think is at the d.c. national guard, just like the other state guards, are in control of the executive. that's not the case here. the d.c. national guard is actually the president scored. >> donald trump has promised to be a dictator, at least on day one. he is sowing some of the same anger and hate and division and using a lot of the similar language that he used in the lead up to january 6th. how confident are you that the city is equipped to handle another event like january 6th, if, in fact, it would it would happen. >> i think there's a lot more coordination around this specific events like the inauguration and like this vote that happens at the congress. part of my testimony following these events called for national special security events. to be planned. that means that there's a
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command and control structure from the federal government led by the secret service. anytime there's a joint session of congress, like happens during this vote, that is a national special security event. and there is a command and control system set up, led by the night of state secret service an fbi. i think that's what has to happen. i also continue to call for the d.c. mayor to have control of the d.c. national guard. and the congress has failed to give me that power. because that would prevent a president from being able to withhold that type of support from the capital. >> lots of conversation about the 14th amendment nowadays. directly connected to the actions of donald trump in the lead up to this day three years ago. what he did on that day. january 6th. do you think you should be barred from any ballots given his actions on january 6th? >> well, i support every state taking very aggressive action to keep him off the ballot.
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he is undergoing court action across america. i don't know that we have ever had a situation, actually, i do that we never had a situation where a sitting president could be a convicted felon. so, the uncertainty that people are going to the ballot with is also unprecedented. it's gonna be on the ballot or not? is it gonna be disqualified? are people going to vote for someone who's not eligible? all of those questions need to be answered before the american people go out to vote. what i think is also very important, people don't sit it out. i've heard too many people saying, they're gonna sit out. people have to go out and vote. i remember how many of us couldn't believe that he won in the first place. that's because there was too many people who just think their vote mattered. >> well, i think history demonstrates that it does, in
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fact, make a difference. mario bowser, thank you very much for coming in today. >> thank you. >> one enduring question that remains three years after the insurrection is just how was a mob able to overrun one of the most secure buildings in the world. the united states capitol with the vice president and every member of congress inside. lieutenant general russell honoré wassked to find some answers to those questions. he laid a task force to review the capitol security infrastructure in the weeks after january 6th. he issued a report, and he recommded improvements like mobile fencing, better decision-making process to be equipped for a crisis. the creation of mounted police units at the capitol. a quick response force for emergencies. hundreds more capitol police officers. i want to bring a lieutenant general russell honoré. welcome to you, sir. lieutenant general, it has been nearly three years since you issued a report on the security failures at the capitol. and your recommendations. have your recommendations been implemented?
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>> some of them >> some of them. . the civilian in civilian police police guards tell the capitol -- to help police. they have not added to the ranks. capitol police we. in the semis security members of in. in the districts. that did not happen. that didn't get approved in the supplemental that was submitted by the house. they have me if you teach a police officer communicate more efficiently. some improvement that work is yet to be done, we made a recommendation for some more fencing that could be retracted and go up and down. that doesn't happen.
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again we may recommendation on the entrance to the capitol. that doesn't happen. a much of that has to do with funding. and approval by the capitol architect. which none of those actions have been taken. but my hats off, under the conditions, just wanna pay tribute to the capitol police. and to mayor bowser's police force. veteran police. for saving our democracy that day. because internet up been for the way they fought, we could've lost our democracy that night. t our democrac you know, liet general, along those lines, i want to put this on the for. you house speaker nancy pelosi recently wrote an op-ed for the atlantic. she notes, the threat to our democracy is real, present, and urgent. the parable of january 6th reminds us a precious democratic institutions are only as strong as the courage and commitment of those interested with their care.
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i'm wondering, as someone who has served this country, what do you think about just that statement and the fact that three years later so many of the events from leading up to and on the day january 6th of our really dictating the lives we live and what will happen come november 2024 when donald trump is calling the folks who went to the capitol that by patriots. i would argue they are the opposite of patriots. that they committed treason. what say you? >> i think it's a crying dam shane we changed the message from when kevin mccarthy stood there and dammed this, as well as mitch mcconnell. and we can turn around and sight members of congress and some of the friendly maga media turned their message into something of a tourist visit. it was no tourist visit. we had over 100 officers
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injured that day. one died and a civilian who was part of the mob died. this was an attack not only on the officers and the infrastructure but as the speaker said, this was an attack on democracy. we could have lost our democracy that day. these police had not for it as hard as they did, they could have done it a lot better. we went in, we looked at the communication systems, we looked at the intelligence system. we looked at the fbi, asleep at the wheel. and secret service, asleep at the wheel. not passing information, not helping the capital police. so we made a lot of recommendations but most have not been implemented, symone. and what happened three years ago, could happen now. if we don't plan and prepare like mayor bowser said and make us a special security event, we were all security patients are in place and we have got on standby hundreds of national guard troops ready to go if
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there is an attack on the capitol. >> lieutenant general russel l. honoré, thank you very, very much. coming up next, folks. president biden's state of the union address is now set for march 7th, two days after super tuesday. president biden is pulling out donald trump as antidemocratic. he even called him a loser in and address the other day. will that message resonate with voters? my political panel is with me next to unpack all of it. but first, my bestie is here. my colleague richard lui has some breaking news to tell us about. richard, what's happening out there in the world? >> so, for kennedy. more on that midair emergency on alaska airlines. the fia will ground certain boeing 747 max nine aircraft for inspections. this is a day after and alaska airlines plane wall blew out shortly after taking off in oregon. federal safety officials say there were no serious injuries, the plane landed safely. but one agrees with and support the donations. the fbi arrested three fugitives from the january 6th
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attack this morning in florida. jonathan pollack was at large to the summer of 2021, his sister olivia pollack and of her person, joseph hutchison also wanted since 2023, when both failed to show up for the trials, all three are appeared to federal court monday. more on defense secretary lloyd austin's unannounced hospitalization this week after complications from a recent medical procedure. to senior administration officials say austin spent four days in intensive care unit. a senior defense official said yesterday secretary it was not able to perform his full duties since new year's day and that he remain hospitalized as of friday evening. the pentagon's press secretary is now saying austin has since resumed his full duties. more symone right after this break. break.
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marlo thomas: my father founded saint jude children's research hospital because he believed no child should die in the dawn of life. in 1984, a patient named stacy arrived, and it began her family's touching story that is still going on today. vicki: childhood cancer, it's just hard. stacey passed on christmas day of 1986. there is no pain like losing a child, but saint jude gave us more years to love on her each day. marlo thomas: you can join the battle to save lives. for just $19 a month, you'll help us continue the lifesaving research and treatment these kids need now and in the future. jessica: i remember as a child, walking the halls of saint jude, and watching my sister fight for her life.
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are why we need your help. please become a saint jude partner in hope right now. [music playing] here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. america, as we begin this
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election year, we must be clear. democracy is on the ballot. your freedom is on the ballot. >> and his first campaign speech of the new year, president biden laid out just so clearly how high the stakes are in the 2024 presidential election. the president explicitly tie former president donald trump to the violence on january 6th, 2021. and the growing threat to democracy. >> trump won't do what an american president must do. he refuses to denounce
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political violence. so hearing me clearly. i'll say what donald trump won't. political violence is never, ever acceptable into united states politics. never, never, never. it has no place in a democracy. none! [applause] it can't be pro insurrectionist and pro american. >> that was the president, yesterday. near valley forge, a historic side in this country, obviously. and today vice president kamala harris marked the solemn anniversary of january 6th in south carolina. we are sheetrock it the presidents message. >> they used brutal force and fear to try and overturn the results of a free and fair election. on that day, we saw violence, chaos, and lawlessness.
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but some so-called leaders still try to mislead and gaslight by claiming it was a peaceful protest. can you imagine? like we weren't watching. >> i want to bring it my political panel now. two former members of congress. from florida, former democratic congresswoman val demings and former republican congressman carlos curbelo, also an msnbc political analyst. congresswoman demings, i want to share with you. you are at the capitol on january 6th. your life endangered but rioters. your reflections on the third anniversary of that solemn day? >> symone, it's good to be back with you. carlos, good to see you. it's hard to believe it has been three years. symone, as you well know, i spent 27 years in law enforcement. but i've got to tell you, of all the dark days and dangerous days ahead on the street, i never actually had the feeling
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on the street as a law enforcement officer as i head on the dive. thanks because at least on the street i thought i had a fighting chance, to be able to defend myself. in the capital, i was one of the few members of the gallery. we were trapped there. let me be clear about this, as not patriots but criminals, criminals broke into the capital, terrorized our staff, the capitol staff, members of congress. as you know, people died. beat law enforcement down over 140 officers injured. it was a dark day. and we better remember this dark day so we will never, ever allow something this tragic to happen again. >> congressman curbelo, i've listened to president biden's speech and its and karate. and i thought it was one of his most forceful pronunciations of trump yet. and it's very clear -- he painted a very clear picture
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of the threat that continues to loom and why january 6th is not a day in history that should be marked. but why it is an active conversation and threat that still exists. and the speech, he literally cold donald trump a loser. what did you think of president biden's message especially as there's been all this talk about how, you know, there is not enough toll from biden and the biden campaign about trump? it seems like the answer to that question is the day. >> symone, any spate the tells the truth about january 6th is important [inaudible] as a political strategy, this is also critical for the biden harris team. if this election is simply going to be a referendum on the biden harris administration, polling and a case there are some real vulnerability. however, if president biden presents this as a choice between the biden harris ticket and donald trump and whoever he
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chooses to be his vice president, then the politics really do change. if we look at the last three general elections, 2018, 2020, and 2022, the center of the country, the center of the country, those swing voters and swing states and swing districts all over the country rejected donald trump and his movement. that candidates most closely aligned with donald trump and his lies lost almost every election. and of course, donald trump lost the 2020 election with defeats and kate swing states. so as a political strategy, it's very important that the president and vice president to remind the american people of the choice they face. not just to allow them to focus on his record and while that may or may not -- >> this is an important point. president biden sauteed the white supremacist rally in charlottesville, virginia, as one of the reasons why he jumped into that 2020 presidential race.
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and that's when he first talked about the battle for the soul of america, the soul of the nation. that's his theory of the case floor 2020. but now it's 2024, and this is still a theme he's addressing. i want to play this new ad from the biden campaign. >> there is something dangerous happening in america. there is an extremist movement that does not share the basic beliefs of our democracy. all of us are being asked right now, what will we do to maintain our democracy? history is watching. the world was watching. >> congresswoman, a powerful ad. what do you think americans are taking the threat seriously and secondly, it sounds to me like that 2024 theory of the case for the biden reelection is perfect democracy. >> symone -- [inaudible] president biden came out very
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forcefully in his speech. and i also think that campaign ad is -- look, if president trump, donald trump is the biggest threat to democracy, i think about as a police chief i certainly did nibble around the edges as the biggest threat and our community. i took it head on. i'm glad to say the president doing this. look, he -- lent park at valley forge. we know the history there. those soldiers fort howard. we fought hard for a democracy and independent and sit with never about unchecking again. i think clearly donald trump wants to be king, that had, or whatever it is. but it's something america needs to reject. and the president needs to use his very parliament phone, the vice president, and every person who truly cares about this democracy. those people still in their right minds, members of congress who are at the capitol on january 6th, need to lift our voices and make it clear
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that america -- to america, we have a clear choice here. more of what we saw on january 6th or let democracy, government of the people. that is a choice. we know what donald trump's america looks like. we saw it on january 6th. >> congressman curbelo, i'm going to give you the last word on. this you served in the united states congress. you've been a member of the republican party. what do you tell folks out there who say, look, i don't know if i can vote for joe biden. i'm not really feeling donald trump. but i like his policies. we are having this lofty conversation about democracy, yet there's so many voters out there, maybe that competitions not breaking through. what do you say to those folks? because this is real, whether people want to acknowledge it or not. >> well, symone, i would just encourage people who want to give donald trump a second chance to listen to him.
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and, look, i'm no longer in the business of telling people how to vote. but donald trump it is marking the third anniversary of one of the saddest and most difficult days and our country's history by repainting and doubling down on the lies that provoked that entire fiasco. our democracy was truly in danger. peoples lives or in danger. people lost their lives because donald trump promote a lie and three years later, there is not an ounce of humility, there is not an ounce of sincerity. and saying maybe he made a mistake, maybe he shouldn't have done things differently. he's been promoting the same lies. that's what people have to keep in mind. >> former congressman carlos curbelo and former congresswoman val demings, i appreciate you both for your time today. thanks. three years ago, today, folks, united states capitol police officers lay their lives on the line to protect our seat of government. some even lost their lives
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after what happened. up next, i'll be joined by veteran capitol police sergeant who was there when the mob stormed the capitol to talk about the toll it is still taking on those officers. stay with us. that can treat a migraine when it strikes and prevent migraine attacks. treat and prevent, all in one. don't take if allergic to nurtec. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. relief is possible. talk to a doctor about nurtec odt. a force to be reckon with. no, not you saquon. hm? you! your business bank account with quickbooks money, now earns 5% apy. 5% apy? that's new! yup, that's how you business differently.
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here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. we honor the officers who self of state defendant members of congress and others inside the capitol that day. our efforts are with the loved ones who are grieving for the
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five officers who've lost their lives in that line of duty as a result of what happened to them on january 6th. we must never forget the terrible violence inflicted on law enforcement officers on january 6th. >> that was attorney general merrick garland reminding our nation of the tell the attack at the capitol took on law enforcement officers who were serving that day. here is help former u.s. capitol police sergeant aquilino gonell described his injuries before the january 6th select committee. >> a sustained injuries on both my hands, my left shoulder, my left cuff, my right foot. we i hit fusion surgery on my right foot. and i was just told i need surgery on my left shoulder. what we were subjected that i was like something from a medieval battle. we fought hand-to-hand, inch by inch, to prevent an invasion of
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a violent mob intent on supporting our democratic process. >> that's right, something from a medieval battle, in 2021. sergeant aquilino gonell joins me now. he's the author of the book american shield, the immigrant sergeant who defended democracy. sergeant, for thank you so much for being here. the president quoted you yesterday in his remarks. you were the capitol police officer he was talking about. we were chatting before we came on air, and i asked, you feel videos, you are seeing and watching it, i'm wondering how your feeling today? >> has moments where i have to take pause and reflect on what happened. especially on a day like today when you are bombarded -- and accusation about things that did or didn't happen. but those accusations, those
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things come from people who condone the violence, people who took part in the violence. and had it been any other group, i'm sure that be praising me instead of accusing me of the same things. i'm glad the president quoted me yesterday. it's the third time he's done so. i'm for a grateful for that. but that a sentiment i was feeling at the time. that is how i felt on that time in the tunnel, fighting the mob for a minute or two, but four hours. we were battling, trying to defend our democracy, the members of congress who, some of them, two disbelief, three years now away from that moment, they seem to forget how fearful they were for their lives. and the only reason they were able to escape was because of actions that we took, like myself and my colleagues. you know, we had michael johnson, the speaker of the
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house, now sane -- saying when he was thinking about releasing the footage of january 6th, they need to blur out the faces of the people who were assaulted police officers. people who are violently breaching the capitol. people who maine with us. and in the same breath, the same sentence, he says we are the party of law and order, the rule of law. we want accountability. we want to blur out the faces the we don't want the justice department to identify and prosecute those people. it is insane. a betrayal to the oath. >> you told a lot about your fellow officers. some have died by suicide because of what happened that day. and you talk about mike johnson and the blurring of the video, egregious. are you and your fellow
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officers, are you upset, disappointed by what you continue to see it from some members of congress and the former president? >> at that point, i had been out of the capitol. i separated due to injuries, both mental and physical and also the moral injury. i used to sit in my car before going in in the morning, trying to figure out whether i should've back to the scene of a crime. and part of the triggers that i used to get, and still do, every single day that i was working after the aftermath of january 6th, i had to figure out if something else was to happen, with -- wood and republican electoral officials have my back? can i count on them to have my back if there is another attack? not only do i have to worry about the threats in front of me, but i had to figure out if
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i could trust them behind me. because they do not support the police officers that one day continue to save them. these people or patriots, these people were hostages, these people were innocent. it is insane and a disgrace. it is a desecration to our sacrifices. because they would not have escaped the violence on january 6th had it not been because of the actions of what we did. and as i mentioned in my book, american shield, it is up a trial to the oath. it is not betrayal to me. all these things they say, they support the police, their action has shown they do not. a lot of the officers partly feel the same way. i'm glad that i was able to leave the capital because that was continuing to trigger me. and not allowing me to heal
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properly. >> officer gonell, sergeant gonell, i'm grateful for your service. but also your willingness to speak out and come for it because your testimony before the january 6th select committee made a difference. and your book and your words here today make a difference. i'm just so, so grateful for you and thankful you came on. >> thank you. i hope my small actions on january 6th hopefully -- and i do want people to know what happened to me. and i hope you get to read my book and everybody else, as well, that why they get to know the character, know the sacrifices i had done, both in the military and also as a police officer. >> a patriot. thank you. >> thank you. the man that helped incite what we saw on january 6th, the former president of the united states all of america, donald
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trump, much of the legal jeopardy he's facing is due to an extensive investigation but the very committee that officer gonell said before. the january 6th house select committee. and donald trump has tried to discredit that work. up next, i'll be joined by the former spokesperson for the january 6th committee to break down we are efforts to hold donald trump accountable go from here. don't go away. [music playing] at st. jude, the mission is just something that everyone can truly get behind. look at our little st. jude pin there on the fridge! we're just regular people donating. yeah. and i think it's cool to be able to make a difference in someone's lives in a way that is meaningful.
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as the world keeps moving, help prevent covid-19 from breaking your momentum. you may have already been vaccinated against the flu, but don't forget this season's updated covid-19 shot too. we are still feeling the impact of the january 6th house select committee's work more than a year after it was disbanded. and of more than 40 members of the trump administration, five of donald trump's cabinet secretaries, three members of the trump family and scouring countless hours of video footage. the committees 18 months of investigating culminated and criminal referrals for donald trump and many of his associates. the committee also produced an 845-page report given the most detailed account yet of trump's actions surrounding the january 6th insurrection.
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last month, the main secretary of state and the colorado supreme court sought the report in their decisions to remove donald trump from their various -- respective states primary ballots under the interaction clause. joining me now is hannah muldavin, she is the former spokesperson for the january 6th committee and now senior communications adviser for the congressional integrity project. welcome, hannah. you are with us congressional integrity project. recently it released a report detailing how the st. members of congress behind january 6th, who promoted and trying to stop the certification of ballots, some of the senate members now behind pushing for impeachment on president biden. thread that needle for us here. i've long since said, and i believe, that without the work that the january 6th committee date under the leadership of chairman bennie thompson, the cost of accountability we see donald trump and as i was facing right now, would not be
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happening. >> symone, you are exactly right. thank you for having me here today. i'm happy to thread that needle, and the introduction use it of all the evidence and testimony of the january 6th committee put other for the american people. we now see the fruits of. the problem is, the risk of our democracy falling did not end on january 6th. and that's because donald trump it is still perpetuating this decline. he's still going about all of this. him and his allies. so that report you just mentioned talks about how the allies that donald trump head in congress think jim jordan, his right-hand man, the guy he called a few times that day, we still don't know what they talked about, by the way, because jim jordan defied a subpoena from the january 6th select committee. but him, speaker maga mike johnson, as we like to call him, who led the legal effort to keep trump from getting out, from -- trying to keep him in office. >> he spoke to trump regularly. he tweet about his confidence with donald trump. >> both him and jim jordan said
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come on january 6th, they tweeted out, fight. these were to people helping donald trump on january 6th. there are now in power in congress. they're trying to lead these bogus investigations into president biden. there are trump to say he committed impeachable offenses. they failed to show any evidence of that. there are still trying to push it. why? all to help donald trump. so the threat from january 6th, to what we see now calling on congress, the threat to a democracy is still very much alive. >> trust recently, the supreme court has cited it will take up in here in the colorado supreme court case, the trump campaign and colorado republican party has appealed. many members of congress have called for justice clarence thomas to recuse himself from that particular case because of the role of his wife, ginni thomas, who, i mean, you are the committee spokesperson. we've got the text messages of ginni thomas who actively aided and abetted in a setting up
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some of the lies that led to the folks at the capitol that day on january 6th, the insurrection. do you think justice clarence thomas is going to recuse himself, and if, not what mechanisms if any does congress have to force a recusal? >> we uncovered a lot from the investigation that we had, including those text messages you mentioned from ginni thomas. and i think many people are right to question if he should recuse himself. i won't plan, or try to get, into clarence thomas's head. i think i would be very, very wealthy if i could do that, to try to see what he could do. the problem here is a little trouble about accountability for the supreme court. let's look at what the supreme court has come up with until sessions, take away a woman's right to make a decision about her own health care for example. this court is not in touch with the american people. when we look at what happened on january 6th, the threat of democracy, we should be concerned about what this court is saying and the. and i think that means americans need to get to the polls, and reelect joe biden in
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2024. >> the people need to vote! [inaudible] the people into, vote symone, yes. >> hannah muldavin, sank you very much for coming in and thank you for your work on the committee. we would not be having this conversation today without the work you will get. appreciate it. >> thank you. >> thank you very much. we'll be right back, folks. right back, folks
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the january 6th attack on our capitol was unconscionable, terrible. a harrowing night we should never forget and into -- its effects are still being felt as we speak. so many people were affected. and some, like harry dunn, or using their experience as a call to action. former capitol hill police officer harry dunn, who can face to face with the violent mob of trump supporters, who stormed the capitol three years ago today, he's now trying to return to the capital, but not as a police officer, as a lawmaker. yesterday he announced his joining the credit democratic primary to replace retiring
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democratic congressman from maryland, john sarbanes. we'll talk about his message and the role generous exploit and has gone to run, tomorrow at four pm, eastern. right here on msnbc. that does it for me, today, folks. on this solemn anniversary. thank you so much for watching symone this saturday. i'm symone sanders-townsend, do want to let you know tomorrow will be the final episode of symone on msnbc. i know, i know. i'm not going anywhere, folks. just waking up a whole earlier. a new morning show is coming to msnbc on the weekend. i'm teaming up with elliott menendez and michael steele to bring you that weekend. every saturday and sunday, starting at 8 am eastern, for two hours, only on msnbc. i really hope you join us a week from today. generate 14th. you don't want to miss it. politics nation with the great reverend al sharpton will start after a very short break.
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