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tv   Alex Wagner Tonight  MSNBC  January 12, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm PST

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and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. >> thanks to you at home for joining me this hour. living in the trump era is often described as sitting inside a slowly boiling pot. there are things that should alarm us, but because they are happening incrementally and because they're happening repeatedly, because trump shocks our system, day after day after day, they become
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normalized. there is one area of our national politics that probably more than anything else is boiling hot, while also terribly, terribly normal. >> this is the final battle, with you at my side, we will demolish the deep state. we will expel the warmongers from our government. we will drive out the globalists, we will cast out the common areas, marxists, fascists, we will throw off the -- political class that hits our country. we will route the fake news media and we will liberate america from these villains, once and for all. >> this is the final battle, america has to be liberated from villains. former president trump, now candidate trump, posted that video, just a few hours ago. >> trump claimed that he believes political violence is never acceptable, but rather than actually denouncing political violence, trump
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continues to put out videos like this, filled with incredibly violent political rhetoric. in the meantime, there have been plenty of acts of political violence. you might remember, in april of last year, after manhattan d. a. alvin bragg indicted trump in the stormy daniels hush money case. dea bragg started receiving threatening letters, filled with white powder. one red, very plainly, alvin, i am going to kill you. at the same time, a senior law enforcement source told nbc news that alvin bragg had been the subject of several hundred threats. a couple dozen of which were considered to threatened serious harm. down in georgia, where fulton county d. a., fani willis, is prosecuting trump for his alleged election interference, the threats got so bad they had to actually make an arrest, a
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man in alabama was arrested for allegedly leaving threatening messages for d. a. willis, and saying things like, when you charge trump on that fourth indictment, anytime you are alone, be looking over your shoulder. >> that connection between trump's vilification of these men and women and the death threats made against them, seems pretty cut and dry. but rather than denouncing any of it, trump fans the flames. here's a snippet from another video that trump posted online, a week ago, today. >> god gave us trump, god said, i need somebody willing to get up before dawn, fix this country, work all day, fight the marxists. >> i'm not going to show you that whole thing. i know it's sort of amazing to imagine donald trump getting up before dawn to go do god's work, or whatever the idea is there. it is less i'm using that this clip shows images of jack smith, letitia james, alvin bragg, and fani willis, over a narration about the final battle against the marxists. all of those people have received threats, and yet donald trump continues to rile his supporters up against them.
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special counsel, jack smith, was swatted on christmas day. that means someone called 9-1-1, and on this call, they said that jack smith had shot his wife. it was, of course, not true. this sunday, judge tanya chutkan was swatted. she was the judge overseeing the federal election interference case. yesterday, news broke that someone had called in a bomb threat to the home of judge arthur engoron, the judge overseeing trump's new york civil fraud case. over and over and over again, repeated rhetoric, repeated threats, and the danger just keeps increasing. that is the pot we have all been slowly boiling in. after donald trump's repeated exhortation's about violence, the threat of violence has followed. and now, we just sort of expect, i guess, that holding people in accountable for their actions that doing that is fundamentally risky. especially when one of those people is donald trump which is why i think this next story
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hasn't landed with as much of a splash as it should have. today, media i released bombshell reporting and audio of long times trump -- allegedly threatening to kill congressman eric swalwell, and jared nadler, both democrats. >> let's go find swalwell and get this over with. it's time to do it. then we will see how brave the rest of them are. either swalwell or nadler has to die before the election. they need to get the message. >> media reports that that clip was mr. stone before the 2020 election, and the source that provided media-ites with the audio told the organization that they believe roger stone was not joking. a source said it was definitely concerning that he was
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constantly planning violence within nypd officer and other militia groups. now, nbc news has not independently confirmed this reporting or that audio, and roger stone denies the reporting, he claims the tape isn't a. i. generated deepfake. but these comments are not out of line with what we have heard from roger stone before. here's video played by the january 6th committee, again, of roger stone before the 2020 election. >> i said [bleep] right to the violence. there's no point. we'll have to start smashing pumpkins, if you know what i mean. >> let's get right to the violence, we have to start smashing pumpkins, if you know what i mean. roger stone claims that video was also a deepfake. but again, we do know that mr. stone was actively in communication with the pro trump militia group, the oath keepers, around that time. here he is on january 5th, the day before the attack on our capitol, being ferried around
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d. c. by oath keepers security. you might remember the oath keepers as the group that was found guilty of litteral seditious conspiracy for its role in the january 6th attack. now, this week, democrats introduced legislation to try to curtail paramilitary groups like the oath keepers. which is what you would expect from political leaders after an attack on the scale of january 6th. condemn the violence, legislate, to try to prevent it. that should be how every politician responds to that kind of attack. right? it is not. >> will you pardon the january 6th rioters who were convicted of federal offenses? >> i am inclined to pardon many of them. i call them the j six hostages, not prisoners. they had to release the j six hostages, they've suffered
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enough. they have to release them. >> joining me now is michelle goldberg, new york times columnist and an msnbc contributor, and tessa owen, senior reporter covering extremism for vice news. thank you both for being here to talk about it. just a deeply distressing and weirdly wildly under discussed topic in american political life. michelle, i'll start with you, just because i know you have a piece today that we're going to get to in a second. david french, one of your colleagues at the new york times also has a case, where he talks about the way in which the normalization of political violence in american life is at an unprecedented level, and draws attention to the polling, i think it was last october, 33% of republicans and 41% of pro trump americans agree with the statement that because things have gotten so far off track, true american patriots may have to resort to violence in order to save our country. am i paranoid and thinking i can imagine those numbers going up over the course of this year? >> no, i think that trump is going to make sure that they go up. this is sort of with trump
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being somewhat in the background of our national conversation and compared to where he had been for ungodly years. we've become so acculturated to it that it kind of takes new levels of threat and violence to shock people. >> the slowly boiling pot. >> exactly. nobody really bad tonight when you see another story about someone getting swatted, someone calling the police on someone, in a way that eventually somebody, i think, is going to get really hurt. but this is happening, the death threats to the judges and his criminal cases, to jack smith -- >> election workers. >> election workers. right, individual election workers, and we're coming up again on a very close election, that a lot of people believe -- he has led a lot of people to believe was stolen last time. so what lengths are they going to go to to make sure that they get, quote, unquote, justice. especially if they believe that on the other end of it
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president donald trump is going to be there to pardon them? >> the people who he has called hostages. tess, i wonder if you can -- you've done such a deep and essential reporting on this topic, i just wonder if you can give a sense of who these americans are that heed the clarion call, as issued by donald trump? and feel if they don't themselves resort to the threats and the violence, but understand it to be unnecessary after effective american public life, that you should have your life threatened, because you are going after donald trump. who are they? and who's the most vulnerable to this? >> i think that the landscape of political violence and extremism has changed since january 6th. but the grievances and the co-conspiracy theories, they haven't gone away. actually, they've become more entrenched and more mainstream. and i think part of that is the
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whitewashing of january 6th. where the rioters have been cast now as hostages, political hostages, trump has characterized himself as a victim of political persecution. there's been polling suggesting that a quarter of americans believe the conspiracy theory that the january 6th was instigated by federal agents, -- i think all of this is fueling this narrative that the biden administration is politically corrupt, and hell-bent on jailing its opponents. this has trickled not just in the -- >> mainstream. >> has captured the mainstream, not just the proud boys, not just the oath keepers, but regular people. >> regular people who heretofore, i keep saying here too for, maybe because it's a serious topic. but michelle, you write about how the maga movement has wholly consumed the evangelical movement. we have the iowa caucuses in three days. the most influential members of the evangelical movement have not endorsed donald trump, and he's probably going to win iowa in a landslide.
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>> right, so there's a guy in iowa named bob vander plaats, who is the head of this group called the family leader, who, until this year, was really seen as this kingmaker. he had this incredibly powerful evangelical machine, and again and again and again, the people he endorsed won the iowa caucuses. they didn't necessarily go on to win the presidency, but rick santorum, mike huckabee, ted cruz, i believe he endorsed george w. bush, after double check that. you see this again, and again, and again. he, the person he's endorsed this time, is -- is fighting, fighting for a very distant second. >> ron desantis. >> i think what you've seen is just as donald trump has destroyed the rights faith in institutions they've traditionally revered, like the fbi, or the military, he has also destroyed their faith in a lot of traditional evangelical leaders.
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people who used to think were very far right, but he's destroyed faith in them and another generation of much more militant and much more media savvy and hawks tree start-up preachers have taken their place. what you see, again and again, is that just as republicans who try to stand up to donald trump have been jettisoned by the party, i think because they've never been able to hold hands and do it together, they just get picked up one by one. something very similar happens with evangelical preachers, that you see evangelical preachers who raise qualms about the maga agenda, and the people, rather than following them, they just leave their church and find a more maga church in the same town. >> david french, i'm quoting liberally from him. he suggests that they don't even need the church anymore. in a way, trump has become -- not in a way, they will say, become their savior. a lot of them leave the pew, and they go to the rally. >> i think in some ways, i think in some ways you could
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see this as a new religion. >> yes. >> christian nationalism. >> it's christian nationalism, and there's a point at which christian nationalism departs so much from the tenants of traditional evangelicals that it just becomes on the fate. >> and not to invoke the name of your storied place of work, but it is vice signaling, as the new york times puts it, rather than virtue signaling, that the rage is the homily, if you will. and that this isn't a temporary thing that is necessarily a phenomenon of the trump era, but it is awakened in the heart of america. something much darker, tess, a rage, and in anger, and a grievance that's going to be very hard to put back in the bottle, if you will. i also think there's a danger of christian nationalism, they're not just doing trump's bidding, they feel like they're doing god's bidding, that they have this higher authority or justification going forward for
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any kinds of violence that they have to commit in their name. >> what is so stunning about that is that this week, i think last saturday, trump releases an ad called god made trump. it is literally chapter and verse placing trump as a disciple of god, god's chosen messenger, warrior, whatever you want to call it. he's playing directly into that. >> this is language that bannon has used, roger stone has used. this is a core vision or core idea that they have really used to mobilize and keep the attention of his flock. >> in the meantime, what's a good republican supposed to do? michelle, that's your colleague jamelle bouie, new york times here. but he writes, this is his piece on the net effect of trump on the republican party. they've repressed growth of a meaningful anti trump faction within the jeep opp. it's hard under normal circumstances to take a stand against the leader of your political party and now trump can try, nominee or, not to use the fervor of his followers to tilt the playing field in his direction.
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to use the example of those who have crossed him as a warning to wavering lawmakers, to anyone who risked resists the force. >> i believe that jamele point this out in his column. you saw after, the reason donald trump is now the front-runner for the republican nomination is because the republicans and in the senate, after january six, many of them knew that he had fomented insurrection, and should be impeached. according to mitt romney, at least some of them didn't vote to impeach because, unlike him, they did not have the money to pay for their own personal security. >> and it comes to that simple fact of, if you can withstand the terror, fear, if you have the resources are the backbone, maybe it'll stand up against him. but most people don't. the net effect on the justice system, i think, tests, could be profound, as you look at all these judges who are facing these direct threats from the plaintive. >> the threats against, and
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this is how the landscape has evolved. rather than the street based mobilization's that we were seeing in 2020 leading to january 6th, now it's a diffuse environment, threat environment, where elected officials, election officials, election workers -- judges >> judges who rule unfavourably towards a former president. lawmakers, democrats are even republican, more so republicans, moderate republicans who don't stay in line. it's not just limits their families that get the torrent of death threats. that has been an ongoing issue for a few years and becoming worse. >> i would also say, in addition to this real fear that it creates, it's sets a kind of dying democracy when you have people who can act unchecked and threaten the lives of those who would seek to curtail their power. >> i think what you're saying is more about the normalization
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of threats and threats of violence. the kind of environment that creates. and i think a lot of people who study extremism, what we are more worried about in the air to come isn't necessarily generally sticks style event, but loan wolves who hear these threats and feel inspired by them to take it one step further. that's really concerning. >> a deeply dispossessing moment in american life. thank you for helping me analyze it. coming up, trump's immunity. from saying the 2020 election was a long way from overnight is challenging the result is a political candidate to his new line, that the election was long over and that he was questioning the results as part of his official presidential duties. but first, is everything going right for nikki haley? or is everything going really quite wrong? why winning new hampshire may not be in her best interests. we will explain, coming up next.
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pocket of the open borders establishment donors who retire career. she's a globalist. you know, she likes to globe. >> she's a globalist. she likes the globe. that was don trump at a recent campaign stop and i am going after former governor nikki haley in the way that only donald trump can. as polls show haley rising, trump has ramped up her attacks on the woman he wants picked to be ambassador to the united nations, presumably because of her love of globes. this week he released a new ad
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criticizing haley on her past comments on immigration. showing trump's signature signature you know. phobia >> nikki haley refused to call illegals as criminals. illegals are criminals, nikki. that's what illegal means. >> now that she is a modest threat to trump's dominance, governor haley should probably expect more of this. as the bulwark's jonathan writes, if week nikki winds new hampshire she will get relentlessly attacked by trump. she'll be forced to attack trump herself. maga will go from distrusting her to loathing her. trump will transform his attitude toward her from benign disdain to angry contempt. she will be exposed by republican voters for how little support she actually has. in short, when he new hampshire ends her career in the trump republican party. joining me now, the staff writer at the atlantic and
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author of for your servitude, don trump's washington the price of submission. mark, you have been writing amazing analysis at the haley campaign, which we are gonna get to momentarily but i do wonder what you think about this moment for nikki haley and whether it is the best of time or might actually be the worst of times? >> well, i usually agree very much with jonathan v. last. he's brilliant. i don't agree with this take at all. if she wants to be president xi needs new hampshire. she needs to do well they are preferably wind so that she can have a chance in south carolina. if she does win new hampshire, it will get real ugly real fast. he's under present right about. that when you combine the inherent racism and sexism impulse that trump world is going to go to immediately with the sort of south carolina rough-and-tumble politicking tradition which she knows quite well, but i'm not sure, i mean
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it could get a lot worse between now in the primary. it could be really ugly, and i'm not sure they're if they're gonna draw distinction between nuanced disdain, whatever his words were. they're gonna fight for this or not which is with the existential question for nikki haley's campaign. if she campaigning for second place or is she gonna go to the mat and take on donald trump if she does have the opportunity to have a clean shot? >> you make a point in your most recent piece about nikki haley and how she positions or self as someone who speaks hard truths. i read an expert. i've always spoken in hard truths, is one of haley's trademark claims. in truth the bluntness she exposes's is confined to easy targets. it is words fourthly billy against trump in her voice acquires a halting tone and
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slow. cadence afraid of offending too many maga or maga adjacent voters or certainly of trump himself. this is the question. this becomes a two man race, if this becomes a two man race, or two person race, what is your expectation for her appetite to actually speak truth to trump? >> that is the question. she's capable of taking on big fights. her history in south carolina shows that she will reply hard, she will fight back, she will throw. but she hasn't done with trump. her wrap on trump has been passive. rightly or rock the chaos follows him. rightly or wrongly she won't judge in the chaos follows him he has nothing to do with january 6th or the 91 counts against him. it just sort of passively follows wherever donald trump goes. at some point she's gonna have to use the material she has to work with, which is quite plentiful. but ultimately you have to wonder, is she fighting for positioning herself, fighting the good fight for 2020, eight or to be trump's vice president? it's quite telling that she has not ruled out the latter, whereas desantis in christy before he got out the it.
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>> that raises the question, not to go back to the jonathan v. last quote, but if she is running for a future in this party, this is the base that does not forget. if you cross trump, you have crossed him forever. one wonders whether she could even try and go to toe-to-toe with him and then ameliorate her image, if you will, to have a fighting chance in 2020, which begs the question, why is she in this? do you get the sense that the haley campaign thought they were gonna go up against trump? >> i'm not sure. i think now that she is actually positioned, i think of the one non trump person is in the race, she has more of a shot than desantis.
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she could do well. she'd be much better in new hampshire and south carolina. does she want this or not? that is the question. there is no distinction between whether she crosses trump or whether she has done so already in our people would dismiss nikki haley in trump world and trump voter world is someone that hasn't already jumped off the reservation to run against him. it's not a very subtle group. it's not a subtle way of thinking about another person and an opponent. >> what's your impression of her as a candidate? you point out some of her malapropisms and strange word salad remarks. i had the look direct everyone to the atlantic to read more. in terms of her gift as a candidate i think it's surprising to many people that the last person presumably standing here is nikki haley given the field that she can deal with.
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>> the joe biden line, which is don't compare me to the almighty, compare me to the alternative, any alternative as far as the republican field goers has been really weak to begin with. now it's trump but it's also ron desantis, who she is a much better campaigner than. when you see her on the debate stage, is she's very impressive, a very commanding way of delivering soundbites. she positions herself, she's like that in her events as well. but when you scratch a little bit beneath the surface, you listen to what she is saying, it is clear that she is full of head-scratchers. she will say things that really she gets any follow-up whatsoever, which she will if she's around much longer, she will just completely either disassemble or make no sense whatsoever. and the answer about the civil war which didn't include savory
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is sort of a perfect example of. this she gets this very basic question immediately just doesn't know what to do because slavery is considered a radical position to take against in today's republican party. it became a real bad story for her. >> well, unbelievably, mark leibovich, there are three days until iowa and ten days to new hampshire. here we go, my friend. buckle up. thank you for your time. >> it will be fine. i'm not in iowa, but i will be in new hampshire. i will see you next week. >> coming up, the u.s. launches new strikes against houthi targets in yemen for a second straight evening. we will have a live report from the pentagon. first, joe biden gets out of the white house to tout a very important message in pennsylvania. that's next. when you have chronic kidney disease... ...there are places you'd like to be. like here. and here.
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in the row, the united states has carried out targeted airstrikes against iranian -backed houthi rebels in yemen. this is a developing story, and our teams are working to cover more details, but what we know at this very moment is that the target was a houthi radar site. last night's attack was conducted alongside the british military and in coordination with other international allies. tonight, two u.s. defense officials told nbc that the attack was unilateral by the u. s., and it was conducted from a u.s. navy ship. the biden administration is saying that these are defensive strikes, after houthi militants for months now have launched at least 27 strikes on international ships sailing through the red sea, which is a crucial shipping route, through which the u.s. is 15% of global sea trade travels, including oil. the houthis say that the strikes are in protest against israel's military campaign and
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-- that's up in the state rep and chair of president biden's commission on preserving equity and excellent economic opportunity for black americans. >> let me say, the chair speaks for nancy pelosi. she's the boss. >> we update you for just the answer to the segment. you are very important to the biden administration, how about we leave it there. pennsylvania, malcolm kenyatta, i spent a lot of time in pennsylvania in the 2020 election. sounds like anybody who is a national political reporter will spend their time there this time around as well. can you talk about how, there are some interesting dynamics there. there are white working class voters and urban black voters.
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president biden is making conservative outreaches to both groups. talk to me about how he calibrates a message for a state as large and as diverse as pennsylvania? >> we've seen in the messaging that you've seen for a long time from the president really going back to his first campaign, where he is talking about the threat to our democracy. i think the reason you see the president honing in there is because the next election is a literally about whether or not we have elections in the united states. if we don't have a functioning democracy, one or folks can show up to vote, pick their elected officials and then ensure the folks electing officials work on the priorities that matters them, then all the basic freedoms to choose what happens with their own body, having politicians make decisions about you in the doctor's office, whether or not people can have more access to the american promise and economic growth, whether or not people can send their school
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where they get a quality education and not having a dictionary like we are seeing in florida. this president has been crystal clear about what is at stake in this election, and i don't think anybody shares that message better than joe biden. >> the clip we played of him talking about the biden economy, to his credit much better than is widely understood or is colloquially understood, we are told that that's the message that needs to be hammered home over and over and over again across the country. but you're talking about democracy, which i agree with you as a super important part of american life. is the democracy message the thing that is most resonant, for example, with black voters, young black voters that we know have not been as supportive of president biden in recent months as they were in 2020? >> this is not an either or proposition. our democracy is the foundation that allows everything else that we need to be possible. and so when we think about the
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fact just a couple of days ago don trump actually told the truth, when he said he's the reason we no longer have roe v. wade in this country. that is true. fact check true. when donald trump, when you hear him talk about what his vision is for our economy, that vision does not include black voters and young people like me at all, folks who are trying to buy that first home or grow or expand their family. his vision for the economy is making sure folks like him do better and better and better. there's recent reporting that he wants to take the trump tax credits that gave all of these incredible benefits to the wealthiest americans, and he wants to supercharge those tax credits. trump has made it clear that this election is about him, that this election is not about the hardworking pennsylvanians who president biden is not only talking to but who i am confident i going to vote for him. they do understand that this is a race between scranton and wall street, and we know who donald trump is in this for. certainly not for folks across this country. >> you hear reports about the
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white house saying that joe biden could be more relaxed, fewer times, smaller events, real reconnecting with the scranton joe person, whatever. it's endlessly perplexing to me that democrats can't get credit for being economic populists. is it because the economic populism is rooted in some policy that we heard from aoc and bernie sanders or elizabeth warren? progressives who are college educated. but at its heart the biden policies have deeply benefited the working class and the white working class. yet over and over again we are told that there is a shared feeling among white blue-collar workers that joe biden hasn't been good for them. what is at the root of that? >> where in this moment where so many people, rightfully so when you think about what you've talked about, the violence that former president is pushing, the outrageous policy proposals that he has. we're in a moment where so much is on fire. and trump has this job of just throwing more matches. joe biden has not only been
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putting out the fire but he has been building things in our economy to take the place of the wreckage that we saw from four years of donald trump failed policies. listen, facts are stubborn things. we have 14 million jobs created under this president. when you look at all of the stock markets they are higher than they have ever been. cory inflation lower than it was before. president biden got into office. for a black wealth 60% increase in black wealth. lowest unemployment for black americans. the claw cost of insulin. i talk of these things with vigor, because all the things about the people who are supporting joe biden, these aren't hypotheticals. we know real impact on real people and their real lives. donald trump is going to keep playing games, keep continuing to make it clear that he wants to be a dictator on day one. he has no respect for democracy.
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joe biden is going to keep doing what he was, deliver for the american people. and now we have a lot of months to go out and talk to people about what has been done. i'm excited for that. >> you need aviator sunglasses. state representative malcolm kenyatta, thank you so much for your time. still to come tonight, the u. s. launches new strikes on houthi targets for the second night running. a live report from the pentagon. that's coming up next. proudly made in tennessee, a safe step walk-in tub is the best in it's class. the ultra-low easy step helps keep you safe from having to climb over those high walled tubs, allowing you to age gracefully in the home you love. and now, back by popular demand,
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tonight, for a second night in the row, the united states has carried out targeted airstrikes against iranian -backed houthi rebels in yemen. this is a developing story, and our teams are working to cover more details, but what we know at this very moment is that the target was a houthi radar site. last night's attack was conducted alongside the british military and in coordination with other international allies. tonight, two u.s. defense officials told nbc that the attack was unilateral by the u. s., and it was conducted from a u.s. navy ship. the biden administration is saying that these are defensive strikes, after houthi militants for months now have launched at least 27 strikes on international ships sailing through the red sea, which is a crucial shipping route, through which the u.s. is 15% of global sea trade travels, including oil. the houthis say that the strikes are in protest against israel's military campaign and gaza that has killed more than
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20,000 civilians, according to palestinian authorities. joining us now is nbc news correspondent and covering national security and the military. courtney, do you have any intel about why the radar facility was targeted here? >> yeah, so the radars can be used for a number of things, particularly, they can be used to target a ship out in the red sea which is one of the major ways that we have seen the houthis really there and commercial shipping and the southern red sea in recent weeks. we've seen what these launch of one-way attack drones, smaller drones that are packed with explosives. the goal is that they ran them into a ship, causing damage and even worse at times. the other major projectiles that the houthis have been
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using our anti-cruise missiles and ballistic missiles. at the radar provides, in some cases, targeting for the system, but they can also provide targeting for air defenses. so, the u.s. and british military last night conducting these strikes, it included manned aircrafts. if these are for air defenses, you think that they might be wanting to preserve their ability to carry a future man strikes without having the threat at the houthi air defenses potentially buttoning their unmanned systems like f-18s. but the other checks that they took last night, which to point out, it was one target, it much smaller than the barrage of strikes we saw with the u.s. and british military tech last night. more than 150 precision guided bombs and missiles targeted more than 60 different targets last night. they really were aiming here to degrade the houthis capabilities to continue carrying out these attacks, and threatening the waterways in the southern red sea. alex, as you know, we have seen a real impact on global shipping, because of these threats, many major carriers are now rerouting their ships
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outside the red sea, going way out of their way around the southern coast of africa, adding time and cost, and the concern here that the cost will ultimately be on the shoulders of the consumers, who will be paying more for their goods, because at the additional shipping time. and addition to that, there is the continuing concern about the regional tensions there, the u.s. being dragged further in. imagine if one of the houthi attacks was a drone or missile, hit a u.s. military ship, the u.s. military and at the u.s. would immediately be drawn even more into the regional conflicts, alex. >> yeah, the price of consumer goods versus potential war with iran. courtney, we know that the houthis said that they are vowing to respond to these attacks. the u.s. is warning ships to stay out of the red sea for all of the reasons that we outlined. and we have a sense of what retaliation is, and whether there has been retaliation? do we have a sense of what might happen here and the sort of scale that retaliation?
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>> so, we have seen one retaliatory strike so far. they fired off a ballistic missile today, landed off the red sea, did not come near any ships. that's all we've seen so far. at then the big question here we've seen so far, alex, is how much the degradation of the military capability that the u. s. and british military effect on them last night with the strikes? we know again that they hit the radar sites, ammunition depots, places where they store some of the drones, maybe put some together to come into control knowns. they really were trying to launch -- they were really trying to take out their ability here. i think the coming days and maybe weeks will be very telling for how successful they were at the grading their
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capabilities. we saw the one attack today. will we see any large-scale attacks like we've seen in recent weeks, that's what we're waiting to see happen here, alex. >> it's a fluid situation, a kinetic situation in times of war are not quite war. courtney kube at the pentagon, thank you so much, very helpful. >> thanks. >> we have one more story for you tonight, fight over books and school libraries have now reached peak madness. we'll explain just ahead. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. i'm lowering my risk. adults lost up to 14 pounds. i lost some weight. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis.
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state of massachusetts. last month, the plain clothes police officer wearing a body cam entered a middle school classroom after classes were done for the day.
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he came to investigate a potential crime of obscenity after an anonymous caller complained about seeing a book with allegedly sexually explicit images on the shelf in the classroom. the book is gender queer, one of the must commonly challenged books in the united states. here is how that investigation went, as captured by the officer's camera. >> so this is the issue. >> okay. >> it's not the general idea of what the book is about. it's that you can't present that kind of material to people under 18. >> okay. >> so that's our concern, maam. that's why we're here. >> yeah, it's a memoir about coming of age. >> it turns out that the book was not actually in the teacher's classroom at that moment, so the officer could not seize it. the police later apologized and last night, the school district initiated into how this happened, but still, a very much happened in the state of massachusetts. on the other side of the country, some people would like to see more of this kind of thing.
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a few weeks ago in el paso county, colorado, a group of republicans delivered a petition to their local prosecutor, calling for him to enforce obscenity laws and remove hundreds of books from local schools. and then there is what is happening this week in the florida school district, dictionaries, as in dictionaries were taken off library shelves because they described words like sex, and that can potentially put the school libraries in violation of a florida law signed by governor desantis last year that gives any person in the say the right to demand the removal of any book that the dictionary describes sexual misconduct. dictionaries are part of a list of more than 1600 titles, including the guinness book of
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world records, the diary of ann frank and biographies of beyoncé and oprah winfrey, all of which now under review in the school district, according to the florida freedom to read project. to be clear, the district said that they want thousand plus bucks have not been banned or removed from the school district, rather, they have simply been pulled for further review to ensure compliance in the near that selection. and other words, dictionaries, may still be available to school students at some point. once they have been deemed safe for consumption. in the meantime, a federal judge as ruled the lawsuit filed by pen america along with authors of the challenge books, as well as concerned parents who think dictionaries are useful in school, a federal judge ruled that that lawsuit against the escambia county schools can move forward to a potential jury trial. stay tuned. that is our show for tonight. now, it's time for the last word with katie phang, in for lawrence. oh, my friend, what a delight, it's great to see you. >> thanks to you at home for joining me this hour.


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