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tv   Alex Witt Reports  MSNBC  January 14, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PST

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supporters in iowa, either described themselves as independents or democrats. we have seen this with other candidates. we saw it with chris christie. we saw it with mike pence. when you get associated with anti trump voters, anti trump forces, pro trump republican voters, and there are a lot of, them tend to turn on you. is that what's happening with nikki haley in iowa? and then, there is the question of whether is this gonna help anybody, is this gonna hurt anybody? what's it gonna do to the turnout? we don't know. but maybe, this is one way to measure it. we ask folks, are you extremely, or very enthusiastic about your candidate? among trump supporters, nearly 90%. desantis supporters, 62%. nikki haley, under 40%, extremely or very enthusiastic. well, that effect, find out tomorrow. >> >> and steve's gonna be around tomorrow as rachel maddow leads analysis of the iowa caucuses. special coverage begins tomorrow seven pm eastern on msnbc. in moments, that huge storm
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hitting texas that's gonna be a big test for the states elector electric grid updates. d updates. ♪ ♪ ♪ as i got you all very good day from nbc headquarters here in new york. welcome everyone to alex witt reports. it is three pm eastern, two pm in iowa, which is when they left before the first round of iowa caucuses. we begin with a live looks at the frosty iowa city, where the temperature is hovering near minus ten degrees right now. those temps are forecast to warm up, though, sort of buy caucus time tomorrow night. they will still remain below zero. candidates are bundled up. they are out and about making campaign stops across the state, even as trump is projected to run away with a contest, that is according to the latest nbc news des moines register poll. and trump's die hard supporters are seizing their moment, trudging through the snow today just to catch a glimpse of their candidate. >> nothing bothers me. as long as i have some heat
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somewhere, i'll be fine. we have this weather all the time. it barely started this morning. but it started. >> i feel like supporters for trump are very -- they are very passionate, and definitely very passionate about him. so, they are willing to go through the conditions to see him. they will do more. >> we have a panel of passionate reporters and place across iowa, covering all the candidates for us. first, we go to nbc's correspondent ali vitali, who is in ames, iowa. she's been in fact all over the state tracking the haley campaign. another welcome to my friend, as we have haley's polling numbers. they have improved. but is she acting like she's running for second place to trump? >> reporter: alex, as we so often do, we have a plan for these live shots. of course, i am at this location to cover at nikki haley event. but it is iowa. and when the opportunity presents itself, and a good reporter jobs on this chance to talk to another contender. we've got is a hutchinson.
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you're still talking about your goals for the presidency here. but it still seems like the conversation has moved on past you. i don't mean to be in delicate, but at what point do you reassess, or do you still see something on the ground here? >> first of all, you let the voters decide. it is the voters who haven't done anything yet, they will do it tomorrow. and so, we will see how it goes. expectations, nice event here. we had a great event last night in des moines. we are getting caucus goers that are growing every day. and that is what our caucus is about, making my case that i am the only one that got experience, actually, securing the border, addressing the fentanyl crisis that we have. those are real experiences that i break to this race. >> i think you are also the only person who has been willing to call out the former president, or at least the only person still in this race. chris christie was also in that lane. do you think that someone like nikki haley who is getting the endorsement of people like larry hogan, others who have been in a similar space, is she enough of a non-trump candidate for someone like you to
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consider? maybe, that's okay. >> well, i'm a fan of nikki haley and she is making her case to voters. there is differences in our approach to things, differences in our experience. and so, we will see what happens. obviously, she's got some momentum now as we go into tomorrow. i hope i winds actually decide who will make the best president of the united states. they will make a mistake if they start game planning it. who's got the momentum, who's gonna do well in new hampshire or south carolina. they gotta decide in this first day. it is a reason you are first. who will make the best president of the united states. they would lead us out of the challenges that we face. and if we make that decision, we're gonna do well tomorrow. >> do you think that person is you? >> i mean, the dust is, we can make all kinds of promises. but i have had to lead and border security. i was responsible for it after 9/11. whenever you look at the fentanyl crisis, i was head of
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the dea. i was the only candidate won in congress, we balanced the budget when i was in the u.s. congress. >> reporter: i cover congress. that seems insane now. >> it does, and we did. it was just 20 years ago. but then, as governor, we balanced the budget every year, created hundreds of thousands of jobs, and shrunk state government. i've got a proven record and that means something >> reporter: and, sir, i hear you making your point. i just want to say as we finish here, are we going to see you in new hampshire, south carolina? >> i've got that ticket already there to new hampshire. i will be there on the 16th late, and we are ready to go. >> reporter: we will see you there. good luck tomorrow. thank you so much for talking to me. i appreciate it. alex, i will send it back to you with the appreciation of letting us talk to presidential candidates as they find us. >> you know what? i'm so glad you did that. i'm glad we were able to give him some maritime. he is certainly behind in the polls significantly so. hats off to you as well, it was a respectful one, you are talking about not to be in delicate, and i laughed. ali vitali can never be in
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delicate. good job, my friend, on that one. let's go to indianola, and i will, of course, we have donald trump's rally getting ready. we've got some rowdy video there a little while ago and several supporters in iowa protesters, he wanted a speech at the caucus rally. they escorted him -- what happened there? that wasn't delicate, that's for sure. >> reporter: not at all, alex. about an hour into it was basically a two hour stem winder from the former president, we did have two interruptions from these climate focused protesters. one in the middle of donald trump's speech and one stepping on the moment in which he received the endorsement of a former candidate, north dakota governor doug berman. and we've got a pretty good view of that first incident and donald trump's reaction to it. watch. >> that's all right -- [crowd chanting] [inaudible]
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thank you very much. [applause] so young, so young. it's amazing, i think it happened all the time. i don't think it happened -- as he is so young. >> reporter: so, what you saw there is obviously a removal of these protesters from some of our different camera angles throughout the hall which you could hear clearly, trump's commentary along the way. you can go so far as what we saw in 2016 when he was encouraging violence against the protesters in those events then. it was pretty clear that he was going to have them out. this climate focus protests,
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appearing in the events of several republican candidates over the last couple of days, trying to make their message heard anyway they can. and don't lose the second interaction, obviously, during the endorsement of doug berman, north dakota governor, briefly a sensation in this race when he blew up his like playing basketball before the first debate, probably the moment he became most famous for. but the first former candidate to endorse him in this race, now backing the former president, as he approaches the finish line here in iowa. >> good point to make. let's say, trump is a very polarizing figure. pretty bold those protesters walk into that very crowded and tight space with their protests. thanks for bringing that to us, garrett haake. let's go right now to nbc's dasha burns in cedar rapids on the trail of the desantis campaign. desantis is set to hold an event there in about 40 minutes or so. so, dasha, does that desantis kept still think he could get a second place finish tomorrow? think he could get second place>> they do. and here is why. they believe that they have set
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up an infrastructure here in iowa that they really started building early last year. and they started building this ground operation that is really focused on these local areas, building out precinct captains, volunteers, staffers that are spread out all across the state, that they believe will actually come in in the nick of time right now to potentially help them stay past nikki haley as they have been neck in neck in the polls. and now, she is in our latest and we see des moines register poll really slid past him a little bit here. they believe this is where it all come into play because of these frigid temperatures, they feel like this is where they will be able to get those caucus goers to their precincts, to those locations, because it's not as simple a caucus. you know, just going to the primary ballot, check the box, and go home. this is a process. we have to get their, listen to the speeches, you've got to do the whole thing. so, this is where the ground game could make or break.
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it could be the difference between second and third place. the concern, of course, is will this be enough? will it be enough? and because desantis has forged so much into this race, into iowa, it is really do or die here, alex. look, if he doesn't come in second place, boy is it going to be hard for him with the viability of going forward. we sat down last week and i asked him is there another state you think you could win? he couldn't come up with an answer. and that is a serious problem for this candidate. alex? >> okay, dasha burns, thank you for that. can't stop, won't stop. both sides of the abortion issue in florida. republicans come up with a new bill basically banning it. democrats have their own plans as well. i'm talking with nikki free, florida democratic party chair about this, when we are back in 60 seconds. seconds ng for in a pad, that is always discreet. look at how it absorbs all of the liquid.
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is gripping much of this nation today and the days ahead. in iowa, warnings in place until tuesday as wind chills plummet to 45 degrees below zero in some pl meanwhile, that same cold front is now hitting texas, as the harsh weather is heading south. joining me now is nbc's guad venegas from dallas. welcome. you are in dallas up there. can you tell us how texas is preparing for the arctic cold heading its way? >> reporter: alex, i'm right near downtown dallas at the ice house, of all places. and i feel like i am on a ski resort. that's exactly what it feels right right now. it's about 14 degrees here right now. the wind chill, four degrees. of course, the alert is for central and north texas where most people would be below freezing temperature. and some places in texas, the wind chill could be even in the negative agrees. so, the alert also asking people to stay off the roads in
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many parts of texas because of those freezing conditions. that surface could be dangerous. i just look at a map of a traffic report here in dallas and nearly every freeway has some type of alert at this point, at this hour. the governor has also indicated that the power grid is expected to hold. the state agency here that handles the energy says that everything is expected to function normally. we know that because of what's happened in texas in the past. a lot of people get worried when we have these cold weather situations because of what's happened. but the good news is that the weather is not supposed to affect the grid. now, when we look at these temperatures, alex, a lot of the people, having these conversations yesterday and today with my colleagues, a lot of people look at the temperatures that we are seeing in places like new york, illinois, or up north. and then, they compare them to what we are getting here in texas. and they say, it's not that bad for you guys. now, the thing is, it's not the same thing for a state like texas to experience these
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temperatures versus how they experience this up north where they are used to these temperatures. for cities like dallas, not accustomed to the roads that freeze, to the stage sculptors, it could be a lot more dangerous. one more thing for the people that just can't stay warm at home, there are warming centers all across the state, more than 150, that people can go to so they can ride out these cold temperatures, alex. >> wow, guad, i'm just cold looking at you. i'm glad you have that fireplace in front of you. thank you so much for the update. it can be very serious. everyone, be on this safe on the road there in particular. thanks. after all of that, we really need to see this. florida, beautiful beach-y florida. and while the temperatures their heat up over the next few days, so does the fight over abortion rights in that state. we will explain, next. n, next. (christina) wanna know the secret ingredient to running my business? (tina) her. (christina) being all over, all at once. (tina) all the time. (christina) but my old network wasn't cutting it.
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interference case. trump now saying his fight to challenge the 2020 election was olds was done in his capacity as president and not as a political candidate, like he has said repeatedly after the election. trump's pivot contradicting what his lawyers argued to state and federal courts. >> the election was long over. i wasn't campaigning. i was just doing my job. i am entitled to immunity. i am absolutely entitled to immunity. if i don't get it, i may be the only president in history to not get it. >> right now, trump's federal election interference case is on hold ahead of these scheduled march 4th start date, pending a decision by a d.c. appeals court over whether if trump is indeed immune from prosecution. joining me now is for the democratic party chair nikki freed. nikki, it's good to see you again. let's get into this. i am curious of what you make of this rhetoric will pivot, if you will, trump this late in thga, saying that he wasn't
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a candidate anymore after the 2020 election, and he was acting as president when he sought to overturne election results. this, after his lawyers argued last week that trump would be immune from prosecution, if he ordered seal team six to kill a political rival, as long as he wasn't impeached. i mean, it's breathtaking to take it in. but what do you expect to happen next in the immunity appeal? >> first of all, alex, thanks for having me today. congratulations on the new show. in reality, democrats all across the country, you know, we really are focusing on the work on the ground. you know, legal stuff is gonna be legal stuff. donald trump is gonna say what donald trump is gonna say and do. but the reality is that the work that's happening on the ground in democratic stronghold states, and battleground states like here in florida is what's gonna make or break this election in 24. and that's what you are doing here in florida. we are going back to the basics from november 22, awful results here in florida, to really go
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back and talk about the issues that are important to people, our state. and when all of this is said and done, we have complete confidence that we are gonna show why it's important to make sure that we are voting for democrats all the way from the bottom of the ticket all the way back up to joe biden. >> listen, i'm gonna get to one of those nearly critical issues in just a second. i want to ask you about the colorado ballot cases before the supreme court with those justices under pressure to decide very quickly whether the insurrection language and the 14th amendment disqualifies trump from state ballots. anything you expect there? did you know which way the court will decide or at least have a gut instinct? >> you know, as an attorney, obviously, i've had a lot of opportunities to digest the legal arguments both on the state level as well as the federal level. and, you know, who knows where the supreme court lands on all of this. you know, if i had to be a betting woman, which i typically don't do it when it comes to our supreme court these days, you know, i would probably guarantee that they're gonna longtime onto these ballots. but again, we go back to what is important here today is
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making sure that we are fighting for democracy, we are fighting for freedom, and making sure that people across the nation understand what is on the line in november, and that there are standing up for our american values, and that american dream of economic opportunity and justice here in our country. >> which brings us to the move for abortion rights in florida because this week, a bill was introduced that bans anyone from performing an abortion in that state except to save the mother's life, with no exceptions for rape, incest, or if that patient is a minor. now, this ban goes even further than the six-week ban signed by governor ron desantis. that is currently being held up in court. with republicans, though, nikki, controlling both chambers of the state legislature as well as the governor's office, will this bill become law? >> it's quite interesting that, actually, over the last couple of years, to see what has happened one at every state, whether it's a democratic state or a republican state, that you have seen people, whether you are a democrat, republican,
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independent, come together fighting for their freedoms and fighting for this very important access to reproductive health care. and fortunately here in florida, they have learned their lessons. 77% of floridians did not agree with a six-week abortion ban. let's also remember how we got here. we would not have been here if donald trump hadn't stacked the supreme court to overturn roe v. wade. floridians, as you probably have already heard, we got together both independents and republicans and democrats, to get the requisite signatures needed to get this on to the ballot in 24, because it is so important, going back to the basics of democracy and freedom and access to health care. and that is what this is. and so, when we get it on to the florida ballot, i have no doubt in my mind that floridians are going to go to the polls. and these draconian types of laws are never gonna pass muster. but it goes back to the republicans are not listening to the people. the people across our state, the people across the country,
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they do not want this. and they are coming out in droves no matter what stateand the ballot initiatives are on, saying no, we want our freedoms. we want our access. d that's exactly what's gonna happen here in florida. and if they do go forward with this abortion ban, we know that we are ready for this fight. we are organized. we are on the ground. we've had a very diverse coalition, grassroots organization, and individuals ready to fight for this freedom here in the state. democrats are already here to put up this fight but republicans aren't willing to listen. >> look, if this gets on the ballot, will that help democrats across the state of florida? will it help joe biden in the election a move ember? >> it will because these ballot initiatives, and you've seen them across the country, when they are on the ballots, you are seeing a larger percentage of individuals who are coming out. more diverse individuals, younger, more women, more minorities, and that is what's gonna happen here. and not just for joe biden and
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for the ballots. we have a really important senate race too. rick scott is on the ballot this year. he has never won a state of florida doing a presidential race. he's never won by more than 1%. so, these types of ballot initiatives really help not only bring attention here to florida because it's not just about access for floridians. with all of the bands that are happening all across the south, we are also that safe haven for a lot of patients that are coming in from the entire southeast into the state of florida. with all the attention on florida, and with a ballot initiative, that's why rick scott is one of the number one target for chuck schumer, gary peters. and we're gonna be ready here to mount campaigns, understanding that we need to mount huge campaigns against rick scott and also fight for reproductive health care in our state. >> proving your value as florida's democratic party chair, nikki freid, good to see you again, my friend. thank you so much. let's go to some breaking news from washington. the biden administration is slamming texas governor greg abbott after a migrant woman
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and two children drowned near eagle pass, texas. let's go right to nbc's allie raffa at the white house for us. ali, welcome. what are we hearing from officials about this tragedy at the southern border. >> reporter: alex, we have new reaction from a white house spokesperson to that tragic news. that spokesperson saying that texas officials blocked federal border patrol agents from intervening and being able to provide emergency care to that woman andr two children. they continue in the statement saying, ote,hile we contin tgather facts about thecircumstances of these tragic deaths, one think clear, governor abbott's political stunts are cruel, inhumane, and dangerous. u.s. border patrol must have access to the border to enforce our laws. and of course, that development putting a spotlight on the ongoing border negotiations that are happening on capitol hill. the president yesterday, as he was leaving to camp david, was asked about those border negotiations. he was asked whether he considers the crisis at the
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southern border to be considered a, quote, crisis. and here's what he had to say. >> i wish they could react. i have been pushing them, my republican colleagues, since i got into office. i think we have to make major changes to the border. we need to make significant altercations at the border negotiations for the last three weeks. i'm hopeful we will get there. republicans have to pass funding. they have to. i went one republican state, we don't want a border that will help migrants -- they are pushing for fundamental changes at the border for a long time, a long time. and so, i'm hopeful that these negotiations play out, but other than that, i'm going to -- >> reporter: alex, as you heard the president say there, he has been pushing for these reforms for a long time. he says he is willing to work with republicans on reforms to immigration policy. but the white house is essentially in a wait and see mode as we know from sources
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familiar with that deal that negotiators are approaching a vanish line for that final deal. that is not stopping, though, some house republicans, including house speaker mike johnson, from criticizing that deal that is yet to be released. the house speaker, also being criticized for his part in agreeing to that budget deal with senate majority leader chuck schumer last weekend, to avoid a government shutdown. johnson today, planning a conference call with house republicans tonight at eight pm to talk about finalizing that deal. alex? >> that criticism coming from far-right members. okay, thank you so much, allie, appreciate that. coming up next, a really interesting take on the new nbc news des moines register poll. sure, trump is in the league. but when you take a closer look at the numbers, it's not a steady incline for the former president. we will explain. l explain. clears throat ) for fast sore throat relief, try vicks vapocool drops. with two times more menthol per drop, and powerful vicks vapors to vaporize sore throat pain.
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white snow in this live picture from iowa city, iowa. do not let this pretty picture fool you. dangerous cold is gripping iowa right now. in fact, look at how bad it's going to get tomorrow for the caucuses. below zero temperatures with wind chills in the minus 30s. as we head into the final day of campaigning, headlines to point out for you on meet the press. iowa senator joni ernst doesn't rule out endorsing trump, calls nikki haley a great candidate. in the washington post, there is this headline, ordained by god, trump's legal problems galvanized iowa evangelicals. and in politico, it's got this one. the trump or biden deliver more for farmers? the answer may surprise. you spoiler alert, it is joe biden. let's head to iowa. we have two reports for you as the clock ticks toward caucus. day nbc's priscilla thompson is on the ground hearing from islands and the -- with a look at the new polls.
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welcome both of you ladies. priscilla, you are in sioux city, there we, go i will get to you first after your whirlwind tour of the state. all these names of cities, -- here we go. our iowans fired up, priscilla? are they fired up enough about these candidates to break the frigid weather and the caucuses tomorrow? >> yeah, alex. many of them say they are. especially when you talk to trump supporters and you showed that map about what we are dealing with here. we are talking about sub-zero temperatures, wind chills that feel more like negative 37. very cold weather. the cold -- the state has gotten a lot of some cold over the last, week some of that turning into black ice as folks are headed to the caucuses. of course, the road conditions are the big concern here. in city centers like des moines and some of the suburbs, those areas are probably going to get plowed a lot quicker than some
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of the more rural areas, like where we are in northwest iowa, that may not have the capacity to get some of these rural roads cleared as quickly. certainly a lot of concern there. as you know, enthusiasm is the name of the game on caucus night. are folks going to turn out? we have been tracking across the state, going talking to caucus goers all week trying to gain that enthusiasm, as we look at this bad weather, and as trump appeared in court twice this week, you mentioned that something that has helped galvanize his supporters in the past. i want to play some of the conversations i've had with voters to give you a sense of what that enthusiasm sounds like at this point. >> when you see him or hear about him in court, does that really energize you and your support for him? >> no. i support him whether or not he is in court. i'd probably vote for him if he was in jail. >> who stands out? >> nikki haley. i'm not a huge fan of trump. it would not be him.
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yeah, i don't know for sure why woodcock is for. >> reporter: you might be surprised to learn that i was talking the average caucus goers, i spoke to a number of people who say they are still undecided. a lot of them between trump and desantis, saying they will make a decision in the caucus room on monday night. of course, a lot of folks saying the amount of resources ron desantis has poured into the state, the ground game he has built here could help him as folks are contending with this weather, and already we've seen other campaigns scrambling to create carpools and certain things like that, to ensure that the elderly and some of these folks who might live in these more rural areas will be able to have rights, safe rights to the caucus so they can make their presidential preferences known. alex? >> the weather is going to play a very unwelcome factor in all of this for the candidates. we will see how it plays out with your help, priscilla. thank you. i'm joined right now by chief politics reporter at the des
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moines register and msnbc political contributor brianna pfannenstiel. brianne, welcome. you wrote about we -- saying, quote, the deep data on haley suggests she looks stronger in the polled and she could on caucus night, and while haley has surpassed desantis, quote, most of the rest of the data here is not good news. can you explain why? >> that's exactly right. you heard priscilla talking about how important enthusiasm is on caucus night in making sure these campaigns can get supporters to turn up in sub-zero temperatures. when we look at nikki haley's enthusiasm, there's a troubling sign for her there. we asked the candidates to kind of describe to us how enthusiastic they are feeling. 49% of donald trump supporters say they are extremely enthusiastic. that is about 23% for ron desantis. brittani kayleigh, it is just 9%. that is a really stark difference. there she is really going to be relying, i think, on her organization, her campaign to
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make sure her supporters are -- they convince them to come out and they have the rights and resources they need to show up on caucus night. >> there was also a big word here because chelsea are also caused the local levels of enthusiasm for haley in this poll jaw-dropping. and you know that desantis supporters are the top when asked if they will definitely rather than probably attend the caucuses on monday. does that make it more likely desantis finishes in second place tomorrow? >> it's definitely a factor that we are paying attention to. the weather is certainly a wildcard here. and, so as we look at these candidates and how they are doing, that is a real bright spot for ron desantis, for his supporters to say that they are definitely turning out is a really good sign for him. and as we've been noting throughout the course of this campaign, his operation has been on the ground in iowa longer. it's had a bigger footprint. and they really have the potential to move the margins there. a great operation isn't going to catch them up to donald. trump it's not going to give him a 30 point bump.
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but it might be enough to catch up with nikki haley. he's only four points behind her. that could be a difference maker for him. >> let's look at those -- where they place, first choice results from a december poll. trump is down from 51% in this poll, down to 48. haley is up from 16%, moving up to 20. desantis is down from 19 to 16%. what do you make of haley, though, being the only one to gain support? >> it has been a really interesting race to watch. it has beenas you note, nikki e only candidate to have substantial. upward momentum over the course of this campaign. ron desantis is about where he started, the first iowa poll we tested with him in august showed him at 19%. he's down even a couple points from where he started. nikki haley, for example, started at 6%. she has really climbed. and, so she is really the only one who has shown that momentum, even as the field has consolidated. it has not shown to benefit ron
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desantis at this point. if anything, donald trump is also a little bit stronger than when he started. >> okay. thank you for joining, us appreciate. that i'm sure we will see you again. meantime, tomorrow, rachel maddow leads analysis of caucuses with steve kornacki will be breaking down the results at the big board for us. our special coverage begins at seven pm eastern here on msnbc. the biden campaign is ramping up efforts to appeal to african-american voters ahead of november. tomorrow, president biden will sit down with the president and founder of the national action network, who is of course the host of msnbc's politicsnation, reverend al sharpton. they will be chatting on the revs popular syndicated radio show, keeping it real. they will discuss issues and policies that different affect the black community. my dear friend, reverend al sharpton, will join me not to preview that conversation. so let's get into this, rev. tell me what the first question is that you want to ask the president tomorrow. >> tomorrow's martin luther
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king holiday. last, year the president spoke at our breakfast in washington, d.c., in washington today. this year he joined the service in philadelphia. he's going to do the radio show for a few minutes and talk about what the king legacy means today in light of his facing reelection and what he has done, particularly in the african american community and more broadly for all american citizens. and i won't ask him what he feels, the public has not really seen and been able to explore what he has done in the areas of the racial divide and areas of civil rights. and what he intends to do if reelected. i think it is important that he energize his base, and a lot of it is that his base is not
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aware of some of the things he has done. i want to give him the opportunity to talk about it and to see where we go from here. we are in a very divided country. we are certainly facing things, issues like voting rights, issues like affirmative action that were neutralized by the supreme court. we are dealing with dei. i want to know where he will be able to be effective in terms of combatting a right wing onslaught on civil rights, in my opinion, and where we can go from here until his reelection. >> is there something, rev, you think would be most advantageous for the president to talk about in both these regards? it is so notable, it is the 60th anniversary of the civil rights act of 1964, which is just extraordinary. is there something that you think president biden, you have got to say this? >> i think he's got to say that,
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despite the fact that he has a house of representatives and that is marginally, very close in terms of republican domination, and he can still do things that affects blacks on the ground in terms of dealing with the fact that unemployment, under his administration, has been less, unemployment for blacks than has been in many, many terms of presidents that proceeded him. but it's still a higher unemployment rate than whites in this country. how do we close that divide? what does he need to be able to do to reach into congress, if that is his goal. and i'm sure it is for the democrats. that he put through the congress that would deal the unemployment problem and the voting problem. and we still have the issue of police reform. i want to give him an
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opportunity, he and i will talk on the radio show about what his agenda is and what is really achievable. and therefore challenge voters of all races to come out and support that agenda between he and his opponent. >> look, the timing is super important. because the biden campaign, democrats, they faced criticism that they are not doing enough to support black voters. let's take a listen to what radio host charlamagne tha god told our colleague joy reid. here's, that rev. >> the problem i'm having with my listeners, what am i supposed tell them? what am i supposed to tell them other than, donald trump is a fascist. you think things can get worse, but they absolutely can. but if they feel like, i have already lived through a trump presidency, i lived through reagan, how much more -- worse can i get? what do i tell them? they are not afraid of telling them to go out and go because of fear anymore. >> does he have a point, rev? what does he tell his listeners?
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>> you must tell them what he has done. he must tell them why he thinks he can do more. and he must tell them that it's not only fear, but its actual achievements that he puts on the board. i think he has an opportunity to do it. i think he and his campaign must rise to the occasion. >> are democrats, in general, in your mind, rev, are they doing enough to ease the concerns of the african american voters in this country? what more can they do? >> i think they can do a lot more. and i think that it must be based on the sense of urgency that people, right, now i think most african americans have said that they would vote overwhelmingly for biden over trump, but it's a sense of why
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they must come out, why they must carry it out, if that is the case. i think the level of enthusiasm that energizes young voters, talking about the debt ceiling, the debt forgiveness, student debt loans, as well as saying to older voters that their whole way of living, the whole question of -- the whole question of being secure where, at one level, they are safe in their community, but at another level, they do not have police reform. these are the things that democrats must really talk to people on the ground, and not just deal with beltway issues, deal with real issues that impact people in their home, -- what is the difference between living under donald trump and joe biden? we have a unique experience, this election. we have two presidents that have already served.
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if you contrast the service of trump and the service of biden, as it relates to blacks, where are the major differences? what can we expect? >> it is a big interview on mlk day. on keeping it real, my friend. we will look forward to. that of course, i know you are on your way to work, because we are inviting everybody to watch reverend sharpton later today on politicsnation, which airs every saturday in, sunday five eastern here on msnbc. you will see him soon. next, who is going to win tomorrow night? no, i'm not talking about iowa. gotta stick around to find out, though. though and when i'm driving, i see inspiration right through my glass. so when my windshield cracked, it had to be fixed right. i scheduled with safelite autoglass. their experts replaced my windshield and recalibrated my car's advanced safety system. ♪ acoustic rock music ♪ >> woman: safelite is the one i trust. they focus on safety so i can focus on this view.
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takes center stage, later than usual, this all into the rioters and after strike -- 2023 was a strong year for comedy and drama series. check out a couple of moments here. >> kim, don't do this.
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jim, please. >> jimmy. i've had the time of my life with you. but we are bad for everyone around us. other people suffer because of us. >> everybody, thank you for today. it was a great day. go home. >> hold up, timeout. cousin, who will watch -- >> i'm saying goodnight. >> we will figure it out tomorrow. >> come on, please, cousin. >> cousin. good night. >> hey, guys. >> hi. >> it's great that we can, all the family can support each other and stay strong through this. >> yeah. >> thanks, greg. >> i'm sad. and just thinking about how things will shake down. >> who doesn't love cousin greg? joining me now with insider predictions's dominic paton, senior editor at deadline hollywood, who by the, way everyone, is coauthor of election line. that launches tomorrow. you will look at the
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intersection of washington and hollywood this election year. so good to have you back to discuss all that later on at some point, dominic. let's get to monday's emmy awards. it's a pretty crowded field for best drama and comedy series. a chose nominated in each category. outstanding drama nominees include the final season of succession. is that the favorite? >> succession is going to succeed. as they have before, this final season has all the votes. succession is a multiple win nominee, a multiple winner in the past. they are going to be again in the best drama category for sure. >> okay, that's. good what about outstanding comedy series? what is your pick on that one? >> my good friend ronald frost likes to say, there he is. and there he is, ted lasso. ted lasso, again, another past winner. looking really good. another final season, which has a very big pull with any voters over the years. we found statistically, of course, there is always a wildcard. this year, it could be the
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bare. remember, though, because of the strike, which delayed the emmys from september to, now in fact, we are talking about the bears first season, not its second season, which just wrapped up recently. it's a bit of a time lapse. also getting a sense the same time here. >> let's move to best actor in a drama series. there you've got brian cox, here in culkin, jeremy strong, all of which are ninated for succession. that is half the category nominees. as your pick among? them or can i throw in jeff bridges, man, in the old man. he is so good. i don't think he's gotten a lot of pr on that. >> alex, you can throw and jeff bridges all you like. you can throw him, ron desantis, nikki haley for election iowa caucus tomorrow. but they ain't going to. when i'm telling you that. succession not only has half of the nominees here, hbo has over half, when you add pablo pascal, the last of us. this is definitely going to be here in culkin for succession, if you one of the golden globes and i think has definite momentum here. let's be honest, that was maybe
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the role his roman was maybe the role that actually took the show to a whole other level and it was already a pretty high level to begin with. >> i agree with that. he was amazinin it. what about outstanding lead actor in a dramas? here's a couple really soli choices. here you've got elizabeth matt -- kerry russe, the diplomat. succession, and your pick? >> again, succession is going to succeed. i feel boring, we are basically saying the same thing over and over. i think sarah snook, who also one of the golden globes, very good here but i will say that terry russell and the diplomat the netflix series, that could be the wildcard here. a lot of favorites and nacho. a lot of love to that show. but i think this is successions year. it was their final year, and i think they are going to take home all the gold. >> can i just, say i wasn't a flight with her and we can have a go to the golden globes, she is so nice. just saying. >> yes. >> let's look at the next category. this would be for best actor. that would be with the golden globes, you have the actor in a
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comedy series, jeremy allen white was a lead there. he won that. is the they're going to take it? >> i think so. while there is a good chance ted lasso, the series, we'll take best comedy, i think when it comes to best comedy actor, jeremy has this one. the bear has attracted so much heat. it has also attracted a lot of appreciation and respect for the way in which deals with what is essentially another dysfunctional family drama. as i said last week to talk about the golden globe, think about the bears, you are going to love. you also think carefully next time you got to meet in chicago. there are nothing but great restaurants, i might add. >> give me a lead actor, another actress quickly in a comedy series. who do you think that is going to be? >> i think it is going to be canterbury run from evidentiary. i think the work they've done on that, i think it is interesting. this is one of the few network primetime shows that really has any traction at any award ceremony. but abbott elementary -- this is her year, again. >> you are calling. and thanks, my good. friend dominic paton, appreciate.
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that that will do it for me on this edition of alex witt reports. we will be back next saturday and sunday at one pm eastern. msnbc prime weekend's neck. ma, ma, ma— ( clears throat ) for fast sore throat relief, try vicks vapocool drops. with two times more menthol per drop, and powerful vicks vapors to vaporize sore throat pain. vicks vapocool drops. vaporize sore throat pain.
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weekend. i'm chris hayes. let's get right to the week's top stories. it is here, well, almost. here on monday, republicans will cast their ballots in the iowa caucuses. it'll be the first time since the january 6th insurrection that voters will see donald trump's name on the ballot, and a whole lot of those voters are going to support. and they are going to say, yeah, yeah up, we want a guy that tried to steal the last election and is now facing years in prison for doing it. he's already been a very weird campaign for a lot of reasons. i, mean we started with a huge field of candidates. remember that? most of them have either dropped out or faded into the background before the votes are cast. they get winded out fast. when they are cast in three, days voters will be braving snow and sub-zero temperatures in what is expected to be the coldest caucuses ever, which is saying something. there's been a lot of cold caucuses. despite the cold, leading challengers nikki haley and ron desantis are dutifully charging across the state trying to drum


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