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tv   Chris Jansing Reports  MSNBC  January 16, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PST

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month on the republican side between new hampshire and south carolina and she would go as the underdog. could she have momentum? would desantis drop out? would it be a two-person race and would trump start to self-destruct after a loss? perhaps he would start committing errors and maybe they would be held against him. that's still a narrow path, but it is a path, a semblance of a path for haley, where it is hard to see desantis having one at all. >> thanks so much. susan page and jonathan lemire. that does it for this edition of "andrea mitchell reports." remember, follow the show on social media at mitchell reports and you can rewatch the best parts of our show anytime on youtube now. go to "chris jansing reports" starts right now. good day. i'm chris jansing live at msnbc headquarters in new york city. well, it has become all but
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impossible to separate donald trump's political fate from his legal one. trump today not knowing a victory lap over his major win in iowa, but spending the past several hours in a new york city courtroom. though he isn't required to be there at all. he isn't planning who hold a campaign rally in new hampshire until later tonight. why, you might ask? well, an nbc news entrance poll from iowa may provide a big clue. nearly two-thirds of republicans said he would still be fit to serve another term as president even if he's convicted of a crime. just 31% said it would make him unfit. so, the former president has been leaning into his court battles instead of shying away. using them as a platform, including a fund-raising platform. and as a political opportunity to show his supporters he's not afraid to fight. and that brings us to right now. the new trial involving e. jean carroll, the woman who trump was found civilly responsible of sexually abusing more than two
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decades ago. today is believed to be the first time trump and carroll have been in the same room in more than 25 years. they're watching jury selection for a trial that is about how much he has to pay for defaming her after she accused him of raping her. now, a jury already ruled he had to pay $5 million for the assault and defamation. despite that, he keeps talking and writing about her. so, she is suing him again. even today he's been attacking carroll on social media, arguing that her claims are fake, and part of a political hit jo it is part of trump's go-to strategy, that "the wall street journal" editorial board has dubbed, quote, murder for a cause, one trump seems to be relying on more and more as the legal and political stakes get higher. i want that bring in yasmin vossoughian, matthew dowd, senior msnbc political analyst and caroline polisi, federal and white collar criminal defense
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attorney in iowa, she joins me here on set. yasmin, give us the lay of the land what is happening in court right now. >> reporter: there has been a lot going on this morning, chris, so far. it all has been about jury selection. the normal questions we would expect to be asked of this potential jury for e. jean carroll and the former president of the united states. have you worked for any corporation owned by the former president, do you know the former president, have you worked for and/or know e. jean carroll, do you follow them on social media, did you vote in 2016, do you vote in 2020, some color from inside the courtroom, chris, given to us by adam reese, a document that we have been following here, two times the former president turned around to look at the jury pool. the first was do you believe the 2020 election was stolen? and the former president turned around to see who in fact said yes. two jurors in that instance said yes. did you vote for the former president of the united states in 2020? two jurors at that point said yes as well. the former president turned around to see who they were. you talk about the last 25 years
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or so, e. jean carroll and the former president have not seen each other. she is now sitting two rows in front of him inside that courtroom. again, as you mentioned, i think it is important to reiterate here, and judge kaplan reiterated this inside the courtroom as well, this is not about relitigating took place in 2023. he's been found liable of sexual assault when it comes to e. jean carroll and had to pay $5 million in fines. this is about defamation of e. jean carroll beginning in 2019. and the furtherance of that defamation since then. so the question now, chris, is he going to in fact testify? judge kaplan laid out the rules front and center. essentially saying you cannot get on that stand and defame e. jean carroll further. you cannot get on the stand and say i did not do it, because you've already been found liable of sexual assault. if he does testify, he's on the witness list right now for the defense, we're looking at a
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timeline of monday right now. the defense says they need a day and a half for their case. the prosecution saying they need two and a half days or e. jean carroll's lawyers saying they need two and a half days. we're looking at three to five days of this trial and how long it goes on. >> all right, yasmin, thank you for that. we have been reading through the questions that are being asked there. at one point jurors are asked if they thought the 2020 election was stolen, two jurors said yes. and trump apparently turned around to see who they were. they were also asked whether they support qanon, the proud boys. what do you make of the questioning so far? there are a lot of folks who think trials are won and lost in jury selection. >> absolutely. there is a cottage industry just based on solely on jury selection. but, look, in high profile cases of this nature, you will often see these sort of extensive voir dire questioning. i tell clients, they're not entitled -- trump is not
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entitled to a jury of exclusively people that have never heard his name. that's just unrealistic, that's not going to happen. even, chris, some of these -- doesn't necessarily exclude them from participating if, for example, they believe the election was stolen or things of that nature. >> e. jean carroll, is she entitled to that? >> what she is entitled to is a jury of people that can keep an open mind, people who regardless of their political affiliations can set those aside, and look only at the facts that are given to them in this case. this case, as yasmin noted, there has already been a trial with a different jury seated in this case. and roberta kaplan, e. jean carroll's lawyer, has commented that, you know, she looked at the jury compilation in that case and noted they weren't, as you said, avocado toast eating new yorkers. this was a wide swath of people, many of whom she did suspect were trump supporters who nonetheless could put that aside and obviously unanimously voted
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in favor of e. jean carroll. >> let me put you on the spot. this is fascinating following this jury selection and the questions that are being asked. one of the questions is where do you get your news? these are back to back, right? one person who works in westchester county, north of new york, says he recently moved to queens and gets his news from espn and tiktok. another resident who has been in manhattan for 40 years said that he reads "the wall street journal," "the new york times," and bloomberg. another says i get my news anywhere and everywhere. what are they looking for each side here? >> yeah, well, if you're roberta kaplan for e. jean carroll, you're going for "the new york times," that's a code word for, you know, liberal leaning. i think you want to steer clear from the breitbarts, those types of people who get their news from those types of truth social -- >> tiktok? >> tiktok could go either way. there are gross generalities
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that are sometimes used when picking jurors. at the end of the day, it is an individual assessment as to whether or not this individual juror can do his or her civic duty and put aside those thoughts. that's the point of voir dire to root out the sort of outliers that cannot put those feelings aside and get a real jury. >> matthew, trump already lost this case, right? this is about how much money he's going to have to pay which sounds awfully familiar. he keeps putting up focus on this case. we have talked for years about how the old rules don't apply to him. if you're involved in something like this, it is not something you want to focus on, but he is. what is he doing? >> i think he figured out, which we all figured out, that the moment trump was indicted, he started to consolidate the base. the moment he's gotten a series of indictments was a political benefit to him. and i think he looked at that and he not only saw the result of that, he's now sort of using it in the manner of it. instead of campaigning in new
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hampshire, iowa, along the way, he's opted to fly to these things trials and make them front and center, which is a normal unusual, highly unusual strategy, unusual in many other times, but not this time. as "the wall street journal" said, trump has recognized if he can be the martyr in all possible ways, for the republican base, and use all these trials to show he's the martyr, he's going to continue unfortunately to consolidate the republican base and his standing in iowa, what happened last night, how well he did is directly tied to what happened eight, nine months ago when the first indictments came down. >> so, caroline, we learned today the trial is expected to last four or five days and the defense says it is going to call one of e. jean carroll's friends, carol martin to t stand and said trump himself may testify. if he does, the jud h already said, and i'm going quote it here, defendant and his
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counsel are precludedn the presence of the jur from offering any evidence, argents or comments suggesting or implying that mr. trump did not sexually assault miss carroll or miss carroll fabricated her account of the assault. and here's what trump himself said last week about attending the trial -- >> yeah, i'm going to go to it. i'm going to explain, i don't know who the hell she is, i have no idea, they called me up years ago and said do you know about this woman? 25 or 30 years ago? she doesn't even know the date, the time, the month, the season, she has no idea. >> so how is donald trump testify and not break the judge's order? >> there is just no way. remember, just last week we saw in his civil fraud trial here in new york, judge engoron put parameters around, he wanted to participate in the closing argument. he couldn't even agree to that. roberta kaplan, rightly so, asked judge kaplan to put these
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parameters on trump preemptively before he even takes the stand. i don't think it is a good idea. i don't think he'll be able to do it. he doesn't even understand the concept that he's not relitigating whether or not this incident occurred, whether it took place, it is just a question of damages. so, judge kaplan, i mean, if you practiced in the southern district of new york, you do not mess with judge kaplan. i think he is in for a rude awakening if he strays at all and certainly saying something of that nature would not fly in the courtroom. >> okay, matthew, big picture, we have talked legally, we have talked politics, 65 of iowa republicans believe trump could still serve as president even if he's convicted in one of his many criminal trials, noting there is no clear consensus about whether the criminal trials to be completed by election day. what is your take on the conviction question? do you think it could move enough voters to change the outcome of the election or are we looking too closely just at the maga base?
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>> so, i think a conviction will not impact his road to the nomination. i think that is almost an inevitable path to win the republican nomination. even in the midst of that, if he's convicted. those numbers also reveal why this is, i think, could be very problematic in a general election. while just an indictment may not have had dramatic effect, because almost a third of the republican caucusgoers, part of the republican base, it is not problematic for him in the caucuses in primaries and the road to the nomination, but the numbers reveal it could be very problematic for him in a general election. >> caroline polisi, thank you. matthew, stay with us. we weren't sure how long donald trump was going to stay in the courtroom. there was a morning break. he's back. but then later today, he will head, he says, to new hampshire, to hold a rally tonight. ron desantis and nikki haley
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will already be there. all three now looking ahead to the primary a week from today. my colleague katy tur is there as well. she joins me live from a chilly downtown manchester. look, as everyone knows, you covered trump's entire 2016 campaign, obviously iowa voters were looking for something different back then than they were this time around. but what about new hampshire and what about the influence of these trials on the outcome? what are you hearing on the ground? >> reporter: listen, donald trump won new hampshire in 2016 after losing in iowa. it is what catapulted him to the rest of the primaries. is he going to do so again this time? that's up in the air. the polling right now has him up ahead, but nikki haley if you add on chris christie's support is coming in close to him. i've been walking around talking to people in the state, the name i heard most is nikki haley. a lot of people here who, by the way, fiercely undeclared voters here, they don't like to say
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who -- they don't like to affiliate themselves with either party, they want to say they're, you know, open to anybody who comes in and makes a good pitch, but they're telling me repeatedly that they really like nikki haley. this is not just people you would consider to be undeclared republicans or -- i'm hearing a lot from undeclared democrats that they like nikki haley as well. president biden might have some issues in the state, after moving the primary from here to south carolina. there is still some trump support here. when i ask people whether any of these criminal trials, january 6th, any of this makes a difference, i get, you know, a range of answers. some people say they wish he would just shut up because -- they use those words, shut up, they say his mouth gets him into a lot of trouble. others think that he is being targeted, and he's the victim of all of this, and there is a grand conspiracy to keep him out. but we're talking to young voters, specifically here, chris, young voters specifically are looking for a new generation, which is exactly what nikki haley's ads are
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saying, i'm the new generation. here is what one 20-year-old voter told me about what he is hoping for this election cycle. do you think democracy is on the line? >> i don't think trump being elected would help democracy. i don't think it is going to be one of those situations if he gets elected we won't have an election in 2028. >> why don't you think that? why are you so sure? >> he tried doing it last time. >> exactly. >> and that's -- and he failed. quite frankly, i don't think he's competent enough to become a dictator. i think there is a lot of -- lots of checks and balances in place due to the constitution. >> so, he really wants nikki haley. he wants somebody else. he's not into joe biden. the question of is democracy on the line, when i asked it of people here, they don't feel so great about things. they're worried that donald trump is not going to leave office if he wins again, they're worried about political divisions, they are hoping that there is somebody out there who
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is going to be able to bridge that divide. and, listen if there is anybody that is going to change the trajectory of this race, it is going to be nikki haley here in new hampshire. she does have a real shot. a lot of independents, a lot of moderates here see her as the outsider in this race because maga has so fully overtaken the republican party. if she is able to pull it off here, again, that's still a very big if, what is she going to do next? south carolina, a big state for donald trump. the super tuesday primaries, also heavily weighted for donald trump. he can take all of california now, not a district by district allocation of delegates anymore or points. it is now all of california. the rules are favoring him in nevada. so it is going to be really difficult to beat him. if there is any chance at all, nikki haley has to pull off a win here, otherwise i just don't see where else it could possibly happen. >> katy tur in snowy new
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hampshire, and be sure to tune in for special coverage of katy tur reports live from new hampshire, at 3:00 p.m. eastern time today. and she's got governor chris sununu right here on msnbc. thank you, we're looking forward to that interview. coming up, more from new hampshire, including what nikki haley is saying about former president trump and future debates. that's in 60 seconds. debates. that's in 60 seconds n't. mike is still living in the re. with a very high risk of another heart attack or stroke. he doesn't know with his risk factors his ldl-c (bad cholesterol) is still too high - the recommended level is below 55. are you living in the red? get in the know. learn how to get a free ldl-c test at have you ever wondered what an icon,... ...a legend,... ...a legacy,... ...a pop star,... ...and a tight end all have in common?
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they all got this season's updated covid-19 shot to help better protect them against recent variants. got it? ( ♪♪ ) got yours? the political world is now heading to new hampshire, and there is one big question, can anyone catch trump? nikki haley is already in the state, challenging trump in a campaign statement saying, quote, the next debate i do will either be with donald trump or joe biden. and ron desantis is heading to new hampshire this evening. he started his day in south carolina. and went directly after trump.
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>> i overdelivered on my promises. isn't that what you would want out of a leader? donald trump ran in '16 on building the wall, having mexico pay for it, obviously didn't do that. draining the swamp, you know, didn't do that, which is bad. if he promised something, you should deliver on it. i think what is worse is he's now running in '24, saying the exact same thing. >> nbc's ali vitali is reporting for us in manchester, new hampshire. also with us, mark leibovich, msnbc political contributor. matthew dowd is back as well. ali, what can we expect to see from the candidates in the next week leading to the first in the nation primary? >> reporter: well, we're going to see them out on the campaign trail, of course, to the extent that the snow allows it. i think that weather is going to be a factor here, though not in the same way that it was in the sub-zero temperatures in iowa. i'm grateful for that the other
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thing we're wondering if we're going to see is a debate. typically that's what you end up seeing at least one more time in the state that is about to vote. we saw it in iowa. it might be one explanation for why we saw at least a quarter of the percentage points in our exit polls showing that late breaking voters went for desantis, but next to desantis nikki haley it might have been 9 the increased visibility on the debate stage just before they went to caucus. here in new hampshire, though, open question if we're going to end up seeing that debate, especially because it is tough to have a debate if only one person is committed to being on it. that one person is ron desantis, because nikki haley told me this, and this is what she is sticking to still. watch. >> should we expect to see you on the debate stage in new hampshire? >> is donald going to be on the debate stage? >> is that the metric? >> it is time to get trump on the stage. >> if he comes, you'll come. otherwise, nah. >> is trump going to be on the
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stage? that's my question. >> reporter: nikki haley drawing that new red line, she's not debating unless trump is on the debate stage. abc news said they're giving the trump and haley campaigns the ability to say yes or no officially by 5:00 today. we'll have an idea of what we're doing on our schedules on thursday night. and if voters here in new hampshire are going to get a last look at these candidates, i got to say, i'm very doubtful that trump ends up on the debate stage. he's been successful in not having to be on the stage with his rivals throughout this entire primary process. i don't know why you would change what's not working, but the candidates make their own decision. and if trump really is the litmus test for whether or not haley gets on the stage, i doubt we'll see her there either. her and her campaign are deeply sticking to this new narrative, new framing that they're bringing to the race and to new hampshire, which is that it is now a two-person race. ron desantis doesn't want that to be true. we'll see him continue to fight that. but nikki haley will continue pounding that message on the airwaves, at her stump speeches and burying it out in this
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debate. >> this thursday is the date of that supposed debate? the day that his mother-in-law is being buried, right? he would have a reasonable statement to make, buying my wife's mother today who lived with us for years. 5:00 deadline. david plouffe, who you know, said if haley can't win new hampshire, the primary is over. the republican primary is over. katy said something similar. did you see a person who could pull this off? >> you know, i did then. i think one sort of -- one thing that people might be understating today is that she didn't have a particularly good night in iowa last night. she finished third. that's below expectations. she was -- a lot of people were looking to her to finish second. the last poles had her finishing
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second and being propelled somewhat into new hampshire where she has been putting so many of her eggs. so, not only that, but desantis, if he finished third, he could have dropped out last night and could have been a true clean shot she had at trump starting today. so that didn't happen. but it does seem like much of the conversation coming out of iowa has been trump's continued dominance and it has been jumped right to the courtroom and also to new hampshire today. i think people have skipped over the fact that she did underperform a bit in iowa. i think -- i agree with katy, those who say she needs to win in new hampshire. it does seem pretty well suited to her. desantis seems to be quite de-emphasizing the state quite a bit. but also it is desk a lot of college educated voters.
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she is very good in a particular kind of room and that's with pretty well educated, pretty engaged voters. and i think that came across in a lot of the debates also. >> matthew, we saw a split within the party on voters identifying as maga. it is something close to half and half. do you think this idea that this could eventually become a two-person race is realistic? >> realistic in, like, i'm going to win the lottery realistic? i mean, i think that's the level of realistic here. or i'm going to play on the pga tournament? is that realistic? i don't think so. but i think the problem for nikki haley in this is new hampshire is unlike the -- the dynamics of new hampshire is unlike any of the other states to follow in this.
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there is half as many very conservative voters as the other states that will soon follow in the course of this. and so, if she doesn't win new hampshire, where all of the entire dynamics as mark and ali laid out are converged to help her in this case, more so than any other state in the next month or month and a half, she has no other place to go to win in this. and i would just have people recall the 2000 when george w. bush, with who i worked with on the campaign, he won iowa, but he underperformed, he lost new hampshire to john mccain by 18 points. a week later, george w. bush who had just lost new hampshire by 18 points, won south carolina by 12 points. and so, that's the dynamic nikki haley faces with this. the only possibility of success at all is to win. but even if she wins, the path forward is so narrow, and is so against her in how the
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demographic is set up, i have a hard time seeing how she does it. >> yeah, even with a month to sort of regroupnd figure out how she's going to start winning again. let me ask you abouttrump. let's not kid ourselves. he was barely iowa. he visited just aandful of counties and won almost all of them. benjamin wallace wells put it this way in "the new yorker", succinct and true, trump didn't work especially hard for iowa, but now in spite of being in the courtroom today, he's going to do five events in this coming week in new hampshire. is he trying to put this away? does he see it the way we see it, i just got to win this one and then i'm done and i can move on to joe biden? >>. >> that seems smart. he did the same thing in iowa. he ignored iowa. he had some events stacked in the last weekend which were canceled because of the snow. looks like he's doing the same thing in new hampshire. but, again, i mean, that's more
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of a courtesy call to his supporters in new hampshire. he's worried about maybe haley in new hampshire. i'm not sure how worried and how beyond the borders that goes. but, i mean, look, the fact is, this is a media age and he's all over tv today, one because of his victory in iowa, two because of his problems in the courtroom, which is very helpful to him within the base. it is a distinction that matt also grew, it is only within the base. it can be repellent outside of the base, that's a discussion for another day. but, no, at least trump is playing minimal sort of last minute respect in new hampshire and he'll show up a few times. when he shows up, tends to be more interesting. >> mark leibovich, ali vitali and matthew dowd, kind enough to stop by on his way to joining the pga tour, thank you so much. the presidential race is thinner with vivek ramaswamy
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suspending his campaign. though he did visit each of iowa's 99 counties twice, he got less than 9,000 votes from caucusgoers and to put that number into context, in the columbus, ohio, suburb, where he currently lives, ramaswamy's iowa vote total would have put him in third place in the race for city council there last year. up next, a dangerous arctic freeze blanketing much of the u.s., how long can we expect this bitter cold to continue? plus, congress announcing a major tax deal for americans. we'll explain what it means for low income children after the break. you're watching "chris jansing reports" only on msnbc. you're watching "chris jansing reports" only on msnbc i get on my medication through singlecare. before i submit any prescriptions, i always check singlecare first! just go to, search for your prescription and show the coupon to your pharmacist. millions of people on medicare, just like me,
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an arctic blast is gripping millions, blanketing the country in sheets of white snow as bone chilling cold winds create dangerous conditions right now. at least seven people have died as a result of this round of winter weather. today, texans are being told to conserve energy, even lower their thermostats if they can as the unusually cold weather there tests the power grid. in chicago, it is so frigid, look at this, it is creating steam-like effect over lake michigan. that is eerie. already overnight, almost 80% of the country was experiencing sub-zero temperatures. and here in new york city, the
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streak has ended. our first real snowfall in 701 days, 1.4 inches of snow in central park as of 7:00 a.m. michelle grossman joins us now. i guess it is a little more than that now. i've been watching out the window and seeing more snow. but more than a thousand flights canceled today, schools across the country closed. what's in the forecast? >> we're looking at more dangerously cold weather and we have snow falling in spots, especially in portions of northern maine. we're going to add quite a bit along the great lakes too. we could see a lot of snow as well. the big story is the cold, not quite as cold as yesterday. we had temperatures negative 42 in parts of montana, the air temperature. we have really cold temperatures from the northern plains all the way down to the southern plains, into the east as well. so right now we have 85 million americans under windchill alerts. that dropped since the last hour, up near 115 million, but now we're looking at windchill alerts from bismarck to austin
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and brownsville. so we're looking at temperatures, frigid once again, dangerous today, dangerous tomorrow. moderating a bit from yesterday and then we get another cold blast thursday and friday into the weekend. but take a look at some of these numbers, still so cold, we're looking at minus 1 in minot. that is the air temperature. factor in the winds, we're looking at winds, 20, 30 miles per hour. it feels like minus 25. that's the big difference from yesterday, where we're in the negative 40s in spots. 20 degrees now in amarillo. feels like 8. feels like 6es i fort worth. not used to it there. feeling like 18 degrees in lake charles. it is cold too in pittsburgh. zero degrees is the chill. lots of places still braving the cold weather right now. we're going to be slow to warm as we head throughout the workweek, improving a bit in spots today and tomorrow, the next blast comes in. rapid city today, negative 22. by tomorrow, we're going to add
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on some degrees there, at 1. that will feel better. negative 13 on thursday. and, chris, dallas, still chilly, in the teens as we go throughout the next couple of days. >> michelle grossman, thank you. that dangerous weather is changing plans on capitol hill. votes in the house scheduled tonight have been canceled due to the snow and the arctic freeze. still, senior lawmakers announced a major tax deal, just this morning, reaching a $78 billion bipartisan compromise to expand the child tax credit and restore three expired trump era tax breaks, according to an analysis by the liberal leaning center on budget and policy priorities. the expansion of the child tax credit would lift as many as 400,000 children above the poverty line, with 3 million more children made less poor as their incomes rise, closer to the poverty line. coming up, another battle brewing over whether trump is eligible for the ballot. this time in washington state. but, first, diversity ruled at
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last night's emmy awards. five of theacting awards went to quinta brunson, ayo edebri and neacy nash. >> i accept this award on behalf of every black and brown woman who has gone unheard, yet overpoliced, like sandra bland, like breonna taylor. as an artist, my job is to speak truth to power and i'm going to do it until the day i die. mama, i won! >> mama, i won! so did asian actors ali wong and steven yeun, they won for the show "beef." yeun, they won for show "beef."
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we're just getting in some breaking news from d.c. an appeals court there has weighed in on the legal fight between jack smith, special prosecutor, and twitter, over donald trump's social media feed. nbc's ken dilanian joins me now. explain what happened today and how this might play into the case that is against trump. >> chris this is a bit of a confusing development because there is a couple of different competing interests here. this was a situation where jack smith used a search warrant to try to obtain donald trump's
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internal communication records via twitter. and it appears that the appeals court has rejected a first amendment claim by twitter raising some questions about that. but separately, the appeals court also said that it was improper for jack smith to have sought those records without considering the potential executive privilege claims that a former president could have made on them. and it goes on, this opinion does, for paragraph after paragraph excoriating the special counsel for doing this and the district judge for allowing him to do it. it is unclear, though, what the repercussions of that will be, whether jack smith is still allowed to use the material that he obtained through twitter. that's not clear from this ruling because donald trump didn't actually assert executive privilege, it is not clear he knew that this search warrant was happening, and so what the court says is our options here, at this juncture, are limited. so, exactly how this plays into whether jack smith can use this twitter material and what he's got, all that remains to be
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seen. it is a slapdown for the special counsel here by the appeals court, which said he did not give due consideration to proper considerations of executive privilege when seeking presidential records. >> ken dilanian, thank you for that. well, just moments ago, a washington state judge heard a challenge, aiming to strike donald trump's name off the state primary ballot. it is one of a growing number of states where the former president's eligibility has been challenged over his role in the january 6th attack on the capitol. colorado state supreme court ruled against him, ruled him ineligible, a decision the u.s. supreme court will now review next month. nbc's steve patterson is covering this for us. steve, this challge was filed just across the bay from seattle. they voted for joe biden over donald trump by 18 percentage points. what more can you tell us? >> reporter: they did. there have been something like more than 35 challenges across the country with colorado and
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maine the ones we know because those have been the successful ones with as you mentioned colorado being heard by the u.s. supreme court next month. this one is interesting because unlike a lot of the challenges that we have seen so far, there is no major party affiliation with the people that are challenging this. this was as far as we know eight concerned kitsap county citizens, the main plaintiff in this case, a middle schoolteacher, has no party affiliation whatsoever. no machinery, no political organization, they didn't even have attorneys. i just watched this hearing on my laptop. this was eight people sitting around a table wearing sweaters. i'm burying the lead a little bit because just moments ago, the circuit county judge, superior court judge, just dismissed the case because he felt it should be in a different county instead of kitsap, it should be in thurston county, which is more of the seat of the state. so, we'll get this hearing again maybe in a few days.
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i'm hearing thursday could be the next possible date when this is heard again. and then likely it will be challenged and appealed if the judge accepts it. and be heard by a higher court. it speaks to the citizenry and the objection by just normal people who want to hear change. but all of this moot until it is wrapped up. now it sounds like at a later date. >> interesting in some of the other cases we heard the same thing, i can't believe i'm the one bringing this forward, i'm not even political. steve patterson, thank you. up next, another strike by the u.s. against houthi rebels in yemen. we have more on that after the break. but, first, we're continuing to follow the breaking news here in new york, donald trump attending the start of the e. jean carroll trial. we'll bring you new updates in the next hour. you're watching "chris jansing reports" only on msnbc. you're watching "chris jansing reports" only on msnbc to help p. honestly? i couldn't afford to get sick. i want to be there for this one. i can't if i'm sick. pneumococcal pneumonia is a potentially serious bacterial lung disease.
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conducted yet another strike. u.s. fighter jets shooting down houthi antiship cruise missiles that were fired toward a u.s. ship. it came after the navy s.e.a.l.s in the gulf of aden seized a boat with missile parts headed to the houthis. that mission not without tragedy. a search is under way for two s.e.a.l.s who never resurfaced. and also new today, the u.s. says no americans were hurt after iran launched ballistic missiles into iran and syria in retaliation for what tehran called terrorist crimes. the strike in northern iraq caused explosions near a u.s. consulate and a military facility. facility. joining us now, courtney and peter baker. let me ask you what else we know about this latest houthi strike and the mission to find those missing navy s.e.a.l.s. >> yes, so there's been a lot of
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activity on both sides today, chris. first, the u.s. struck some missiles that the u.s. determined, the u.s. military determined were a potential imminent threat against not only commercial shipping in the southern red sea, but also against u.s. military vessels. in addition to that, houthi rebels fired off a missile that actually struck a commercial vessel also in the southern red sea. the vessel was damaged but still seaworthy and reported no injuries. so already a back and forth today in the red sea between the u.s. and houthi rebels. now, in addition to that, we learned some more details about another incident in the region. last thursday, two us navy s.e.a.l.s went missing. they were on a small what the military calls a rib, that had made its way to a dow, a small
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boat. it was suspected of carrying some illicit goods. as they were boarding the small dow, one was swept overboard. they've been missing last thursday. the u.s. military still searching for them today, chris, but how this all ties into the ongoing activity in the region is the u.s. military now saying that in fact that small dow was carrying missile parts from iran headed to houthi rebels. that's the exact same kind of weapons that we've seen the houthis firing off into the red sea threatening commercial ships and today, even striking one of those ships, chris. >> peter, as you know, the u.s. is leading this effort to protect ships in the red sea from the houthis. they remain defiant, obviously, and they're vowing to attack again. what can you tell us about the biden administration's posture? >> yeah, what we've seen in the last few weeks really since the october 7th hamas terrorist
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attack, kind of low grade proxy war between the united states and iran through these proxies like the houthis. it's not low grade if you're one of the people that's hurt or killed in these clashes but for the most part, it has been relatively restrained. that's where the biden administration would like to keep it. it doesn't like what's been going on but is cautious to escalate anything into a full out regional war. that's been president biden's fear since october 7th. so they have been trying to find ways to deter and degrade if you will the houthis and some of these other proxy forces in the region without promising an all out kind of conflict. that's what you're seeing day in and day out here. the problem is that at some point, errant missile, a misguided attack of some sort, something that ends up killing a lot of americans, would change this overnight. that's why it's such a dangerous, perilous moment for the biden administration and the
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region. >> since the war broke out, we have seen iran exerting proxies. i wonder, i heard one of our analysts say today there is no question anymore. this is a regional conflict. how does the administration, how does the president view this? >> yeah. it is a regional conflict. it could be worse. it could be bigger. that's what they're most concerned about. we are not in a direct shooting war with iran, but you can see how it easily could spiral into that kind of thing. iran is using the houthis and some of the other militias in the region, supplies and arms and guides, to take relatively small shots at the united states and at israel. not the kind of large scale attack that they're capable of. hezbollah has i think 100,000 missiles. courtney would know that better than i would. they could start a full scale war with israel at any moment. that's why the president sent
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troops in the region to deter that. you have this back and forth going on right now that is very, very dangerous but so far, hasn't escalated. most intelligence analysts in the united states would tell you they don't think iran wants a full scale war with the united states or the west, but you can see how it could easily spiral into that. >> peter, courtney, thank you. in our next hour, i'll talk to a new hampshire republican strategist who has worked for both george h.w. bush and bob dole. we'll talk about nikki haley's chances there. but first, you can watch the best parts of our show anytime on youtube. just go to stay close. more chris jansing reports right after this. more chris jansing reports right after this
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11:00 am
it is good to be back with you this this second hour of chris jansing reports. at this hour from the campaign to the courthouse. after a blowout win in iowa, donald trump is at the trial of e. jean carroll with millions of dollars at stake for defaming her. what we know about the jury that was just selected. plus, it's on to battleground new hampshire. can trump lock it up with another big win or will haley give him a run for his money? and playing defense. president biden characterizing this election as us versus maga. how he's using


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