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tv   Chris Jansing Reports  MSNBC  January 16, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm PST

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it is good to be back with you this this second hour of chris jansing reports. at this hour from the campaign to the courthouse. after a blowout win in iowa, donald trump is at the trial of e. jean carroll with millions of dollars at stake for defaming her. what we know about the jury that was just selected. plus, it's on to battleground new hampshire. can trump lock it up with another big win or will haley give him a run for his money? and playing defense. president biden characterizing this election as us versus maga. how he's using trump's iowa win
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for a fund raising push. and it was the state where he bagged it. so what's next for ron desantis after his distant second place finish in iowa? what he just told nbc news. our reporters are following all of the latest developments. we begin in new york where a jury was just seated moments ago in the e. jean carroll trial. msnbc's lisa rubin just stepped out court. give us your headlines. >> reporter: we just finished with the selection of a jury of nine people. one of the things that struck me about the jurors selected is how nonspecific they were about their media consumption. the judge has a battery of routine questions he asked of perspective jurors and the last one was where do you get your news from. what i saw today suggests to me that all the people assembled from the courtroom, irrespective of their political bias, they
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all wanted to be here because when they were asked where do you get your news from, most said i'm news agnostic or i get it from the internet. i see it on my phone apps. places like apple news. very few answered with specific outlets like "the new york times" or "wall street journal." you've got a number of people back there that are highly motivated to serve in this trial for whatever reason, but they didn't want to leave which is not what you usually see. you unusually see lot of people who don't want to be in jury service. they'll come up with any excuse possible. that's not what i saw here today. i also saw former president trump sitting at a table behind his opponent here, e jean carroll. if former president trump walked into the courthouse expecting to sit side by side plaintiff and defendant, that's not how this works. the view that former president got of carroll today was of her
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hair and her neck. he never made eye contact with her and she sat looking straight ahead the entire time. a confrontation both she seemed eager to avoid and he very much wanted to have. >> i did get a note that probably came in just as you were coming out of the courtroom that said carroll walked out of court and passed within two feet of trump but he had his back to her. first time as far as we know in at least 25 years they've been in the same room, but no eye contact that we know of. but tell us about trump's demoan demeanor? when i've gone for jury duty, it seemed like almost no one, as you said, wanted to be there. >> yeah, president trump's mood, chris, was really interesting to watch. first of all, his political aide was with him and other members of her firm sitting within the well. and actually sitting at former president trump's side. it appears as if boris epshteyn
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had access about perspective jurors and who his side might want to strike. as for former president trump, he was taking a very good look at perspective jurors. really taking the time to look them in the eye and even sometimes turning around in his seat because there were perspective jurors not only in the jury box, but also in the courtroom. and he was very interested in who they are. how old they were, what their highest level of education. even do they have a spouse? do they have children? do they live with him? when he heard something he didn't like on the other hand, you saw it very carefully on his face. one of the questions the judge asked to the jurors was is there
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anybody here who thinks former president trump has been treated unfairly and you saw him without a smile on his face go just like this. when the question was obviously not to him, but to the perspective jurors. >> we're expecting the openings to start. i know you'll be in the courtroom for that. thank you. we don't know if donald trump is going to come back after the lunch break but what we are told is that he will go from the courtroom to new hampshire today after his dominant win in iowa. shaquille brewster is in manchester for us. what's the former president saying after that landslide victory? >> reporter: hi there, chris. at least when you look online, on truth social, it's less celebration about that landslide and historic victory in iowa. you're hearing him comment on the trial he's attending right now. going after the biden administration, calling it election interference. when we heard from the former president last night, you almost heard at the beginning somewhat of a courteous tone.
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he referenced his rivals in this primary race, almost complimented them, but in those compliments came somewhat of a gentle nudge for them to get out of the way and coalesce around him. i want you to listen to that moment from last night. >> i really think this is time now for everybody, our country, to come together. we want to come together. i want to congratulate ron and nikki for having a good time together. we're all having a good time together. and i think they both actually did very well. i really do. i think they both did really well. >> reporter: so you heard a little bit of that compliment there. you mentioned after he leaves new york, he will come here to new hampshire where he has a rally scheduled later tonight. we can expect to see ramaamy who ended his campaign yesterday on stage with president trump. he endorsed him last night. when you look at the schedule
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ov t next couple of days, former president trump has about five events scheduled here in new hampshire between now and this weekend. that's a higher clip than you normally see the former president out on the campaign trail. it's a sign of what perhaps polling has been suggesting while he had a dominant lead in polling in iowa, that lead is much slimmer here in new hampshire. nikki haley putting up a much tougher fight here in this state. it seems as if he's trying to fight for what is the expected battle that you have here in new hampshire, chris. >> shaquille brewster braving the elements for us in manchester. thanks. now to washington where president biden is reacting to donald trump's big win in iowa by raising campaign cash. monica alba is there. what's the message from biden and company? >> it was no accident that the biden campaign decided to release their end of the quarter money haul from the end of 2023
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yesterday on iowa caucus day. that was by design because they were able to announce they brought in $97 million. that's the campaign, the democratic national committee and related entities in those key months at the stretch at the end of last year when the president was able to go back to los angeles and do some really high dollar fund raising because the actor and writer strikes had ended there which meant he wasn't getting that kind of money from those kinds of donors for some time. this was key messaging in iowa and it's something the president himself has now echoed and honed in on. he's the one fund raising and they're sending appeals based off of donald trump in iowa with the president overnight saying he is the republican front-runner right now, but the entire field of maga republicans is what the biden campaign is focused on. we got a little bit of that from illinois governor pritzker who
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was representing the biden campaign as somebody who's been involved with that effort yesterday in iowa. take a listen to how he was talking about the field. >> tonight's contest is simply a question of whether you like your maga trump agenda wrapped in the original packaging, with high heels or with lifts in their boots. no matter which version wins tonight, original, heels, or boots, the platform they are fighting for will cause irreparable harm to this country. the american people came together to reject this maga extremism in 2018, in 2020, in 2022. again in 2023. and they'll do it yet again in 2024. >> and any incumbent, chris, would really benefit from the fact that of course the president has his day job while he is campaigning to be re-elected, but something that biden campaign officials are pointing out constantly is the
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fact that the gop primary field spent all that money, millions and millions of dollars on their own to try to really battle it out in iowa and the field really didn't change or shift that much dramatically in terms of what we know with donald trump's real dominance there. so they continue to talk about how on the other side, republicans will continue to raise that money, spend that money on that primary that really isn't moving the needle with voters while the biden effort can continue to put all of this haul and war chest, they say, toward the general election. >> monica, thank you. well, today, after a second place finish in iowa, ron desantis went directly to south carolina. not to new hampshire. dasha burns spoke to the florida governor just a short time ago. >> somewhat strange post caucus day here with ron desantis flying in this morning to south carolina. not going to new hampshire the next primary state. he'll be going there later in
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the day, but deciding to stop first on nikki haley's home turf and talking to a crowd today with a speech that really sounded like somebody who won last night. not somebody who came in second by a 30-point margin and really won that second place with just two points. finishing just two points of nikki haley. i did press the governor about whether or not he was happy with those margins and what that means for him going forward. here's what he told me in an exclusive interview. his first after iowa. >> she was really relying on non republicans for her vote support. you can't rely on non republicans to win a republican nomination, but especially against donald trump. how are you going to be able to compete in that situation? so what i showed is yes, we obviously came in second, but once the broader republican electorate, i was very favorably. like what we did in iowa, we did make an impression. i had people come up to me saying i love you, man.
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i'm going to do trump this time, you next time. that's not what i wanted to hear, but being there, we did make an impression. >> again, a curious anecdote there. a voter said, hey, i like you, but i'm voting for trump. maybe i'll vote for you next time. that just goes to show just how difficult a challenge it is to try to put a chink in the former president's armor. but the path that the desantis team sees going forward really is all about south carolina right now because they believe that this is where they can stop nikki haley on her home turf. this is a much more conservative state than new hampshire. this is where he might have an advantage over her and they see that timeline where after the new hampshire primary to really build their ground game here, to build an operation and build up that former support in south carolina. they see that as a good
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opportunity here. the problem though is the governor and his team, i have not heard articulation of what that path looks like. again, given former president trump in iowa, that sets a really powerful narrative. that's going to be difficult for anyone given we're now in a place where trump is dominant and the two people fighting for second place are neck and neck and splitting that non trump vote. going to be a huge challenge for both of them going forward. >> thank you. well, nikki haley says she may have finished third in iowa but this is a two-person race. how she's taking the uphill battle against trump to new hampshire. we're back in 60 seconds. inst t hampshire. we're back in 60 seconds 5% apy? that's new! yup, that's how you business differently. students... students of any age, from anywhere.
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iowa but nikki haley is taking a victory lap in new hampshire. >> i was thrilled at the fact that we wanted to come out strong and the idea that we were able to come out of there strong enough to come into this state was all we needed because we knew if we could do that, then it's a two-person race coming into new hampshire and going into south carolina. so it's exactly where we want to be. we're putting iowa in the rear-view mirror. now it's new hampshire and it's go time. >> recent polls have shown haley cutting into trump's lead in new hampshire, but does she have a path to victory? i want to bring in david carney, republican strategist who worked for george h.w. bush and bob dole. also, stewart stevens. great to have you with us. okay, david, haley is facing higher expectations in new hampshire than in iowa. so can she win or could the air of inevitability around trump
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make it really tough? >> the answer to that question is question. yes, she could win. but it's really, really tough. i think it's very difficult, the most shocking number to back up the difficulty of that is only 65, according to the polls, only 65% of christie's vote went to her. so about 90%. i just don't think there is, they've made the case strong enough. they've got seven days. a lot could happen but i think it's really difficult. >> stewart, haley is already out with a new ad today in new hampshire taking on both donald trump and president biden. let me show part of that. >> the two most disliked politicians in america? trump and biden. consumed by chaos, negativity, and grievances of the past.
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the better choice for a better america? nikki haley. >> i have a different style and approach. we need a new generation of conservative leadership to get it done. >> consumed by grievances of the past. is there any indication, stewart, that trump's age is a concern for the republican primary electorate the way it is clearly for democrats? >> well, look, i think when you have a candidate that's facing 91 indictment counts, age is sort of further down the list. the fact nikki haley is that people like donald trump and republicans like donald trump. >> well, they love him in most cases, right? they're obsessed with him. >> it's a perfect example where the political marketplace is speaking. so in new hampshire, she has a chance to get independents to
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come over and vote for her. it's a large number in new hampshire. but even if she won new hampshire, where do you go from that? i've seen where she's coming in third in south carolina. i think there's just a fundamental law in her candidacy. she's never really made the case against trump, which probably wouldn't be successful, but at least that would be a campaign. and she's never really said that what you get with her that you don't get with donald trump. she's sort of like a diet donald trump here. and i don't think that's what the people want. in the republican party. they clearly have a lot more enthusiasm for donald trump. >> well, david, trump has already scheduled five rallies in new hampshire this week with the first one a couple of hours from now in atkinson. we keep hearing about the electorate in new hampshire. so how will his grievance
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message that works so well for him, not just in iowa but many places around the country, how will that play in new hampshire? >> well, it plays a lot better once you got indicted than before for the five year of being a victim. it's almost like the democrats proved his case. he has said deep state, you've all heard it for five or six years. then they indict him. they indicted him unfortunately for the left, they indicted him on the weakest charges. the 34 indictments basically cut and paste indictments from the same activity. because it was fed into his narrative and even those people who were not wild about trump, they liked what he did, didn't like the tweet, he basically said screw it. i'm not going to let them, the deep state, tell us what to do. and you know, trump, if you ever go to a trump event, i know everything you see on tv looks really mean, it's like a 90-minute comedy hour. the guy has a lot of fun.
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the voters really enjoy them. the news coverage, they are different. it's different than what the audience gets. he is not taking the new hampshire -- he has got the best organization on the ground. that isn't all you need to win, but it's better heads and shoulders among anybody else. organically, he has energy on the ground and the others are trying to manufacture enthusiasm and momentum. i think the big mistake today although it's the right tactical decision which is not to debate, i think calling off mur tv, our only tv station which covers politics really well. everybody gets coverage on channel 9 for the 18 months leading up to now to tell them screw you, i'm not debating. i think is going to tamper her
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enthusiasm that she has her. she could win and stewart's right. there are undeclared voters. 40% of the voters in new hampshire are what we call undeclared. what the rest of the world would consider independents. they can all vote in our primary. most recent polling had 45% of the sample is independents. that's historic level. if she gets to 50, 55% of the vote, she'll become very close. >> stewart, he makes such an interesting point about the debate because we just learned today that donald trump, nikki haley, ron desantis have until 5:00 to say whether or not they're going to take part in thursday's debate. do you see, a, any chance trump debates or b, that he could take it if he doesn't? >> look, i think trump is going to look at his strategy of not debating and say let's not
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fix something that's not broken. the last time he was in iowa, he didn't debate and came in second to cruz. this time, he skipped debates and won by the largest margin anybody's won before. so i don't think they're going to look at that and say we've got to go out there and debate. i think nikki haley should be debating. i'm baffled by by any reluctance she has to get exposure here. just seems weird to me. look, i think this is the case that new hampshire, if she does win, it's just going to be a really unique situation that you can't replicate. john mccain ran into that before. pat buchanan. they both won new hampshire. and they didn't really go very far after that. i think this thing is sort of done. it's playing out. we don't know the exact date it's going to end. but i think by super tuesday, certainly. the day after super tuesday.
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this thing is going to be over. >> thank you, guys. really appreciate it. stormy daniels now says she expects to testify in donald trump's upcoming hush money trial in new york. the adult film star revealing on her podcast she will take the stand in march although said plans could change. trump is facing 33 counts of falsifying business records in payments allegedly made to daniels in the lead up to the 2016 election to cover up an extramarital affair. meantime, donald trump has pleaded not guilty and he denies he ever had an affair with daniels. that trial set to begin on march 25th. new jersey senator bob menendez and his wife are fighting to separate their trial on bribery charges. both are accused of accepting cash, gold bars, luxury watch, in exchange for using his influence as a senator to benefit the governments of egypt
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and qatar. in new court filings, lawyers are hinting there could be legal conflicts between the couple. charles kohlmann is an msnbc legal analyst. he joins me along with nbc's tom winter who is following this story for us. okay, tom, what more can you tell us about this call to separate the trials? >> sure. from a high level legal perspective, in just a few seconds, we'll read the filings. people assume any discussions between spouses in a marriage are somehow prevented from a trial. that's not true because you can use the communication if it help yous out in your own defense. that's what's at the start of these filings here today, or you could prevent your spouse from saying something that could harm you and your case. so lawyers for him saying we can take a look at the filing that he intended to present a defense arguing in part they say that he lacked the knowledge of the conduct in the statements of his
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wife because they're both charged in this, pleaded not guilty. his defense is he didn't know what he was up to. conversely, nadine says she wants to make sure there is no sort of evidence that comes in based on her communications with her husband. that it would be an irreconcilable conflict between the two for that to come in. so basically, he says in one of his filings it's sort f a catch 22. that he will be forced to choose between a right to testify in his own defense and at the same point in time, would have to effectively provide testimony against nadine, his wife. that's the heart of this issue here. neither side wants to go to trial together because they would be in a very awkward situation of providing testimony to help themselves or precluding one of them, in this case, the senator, in order to help out their own legal case. it's really a complex legal issue but one that the courts
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have had in the past. >> charles, what do you make of this? does it suggest to you maybe that they are planning to throw each other under the bus? >> not necessarily but in order for senator menendez to actually testify in terms of laying his case out, he's probably going to take the stand and that's not something you would normally surmise this early. based off of what tom was saying that supports the reporting we're hearing, he has a certain narrative around how these things have played out and come together. it's going to be very difficult to get out from any other witness besides himself. so what he wants to do is be able to get on to the stand, tell his version of the story to the jury and do something that doesn't harm his relationship with his wife, but more importantly, put his wife in a position where she has to use different information that could be incriminating. he's trying to -- that allows him to speak his truth, tell his
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story to the jury, but also not throw either of them under the bus. that's what they're trying to avoid with this right now. >> charles, you're going to stay with me. tom winter, thank you for that. still ahead, the accused gill go beach killer charged with another murder. how it could come down to a single strand of hair and a pizza crust. o a single strand of hair and a pizza crust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ my frequent heartburn had me taking antacid after antacid all day long but with prilosec otc just one pill a day blocks heartburn for a full 24 hours. for one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. [dice dreams game] yes, eva. the famous longoria, made it to the reunion, i see. we wouldn't miss it for the world, tia lupe. but what about your husband? is he here? no. unfortunately, he couldn't make it.
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serial killer has just been charged with another murder. today in a case that prosecutors have built around the strand of hair. rex hermann had been charged with three murders after investigators say there was a dna match between a hair found on one of the bodies and a piece of pizza crust that hermann had thrown in the trash. charles coleman with back with me. here in studio, valerie castro. what more can you tell us about this fourth victim? >> maureen brainerd barnes was killed in 2007. her body was recovered in 2010. the same time the other bodies were recovered. at the time of her murder, she was a sex worker in manhattan, but her family say he was so much more. a reader, a writer and a mother
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to two children. told, we heard from her sister and her daughter, who's never spoken publicly before. >> i was only 7 years old when my mother was murdered. her loss drastically changed the trajectory of my life. there are countless times i needed her and she was not there. i remember she read to me every night and now i can in longer remember the sound of her voice. >> it has been 16 years since the last time i saw my sister. 16 years since i heard her voice. because 16 years ago, she was silenced. losing maureen has became a wound that never truly heals. it remains a part of me. maureen was a mother of two. amazing children and they will forever be without their mother. >> and we should say that some of the other people in the background there, they were family members of the other
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women involved in this case. >> all right, charles, look. obviously the emotional part of this, it's devastating. let me read to you something from "the new york times." they note to mr. huermann's lawyer, a withered strand of hair is a flimsy clue on which to hang a case. you can see the trash can. the pizza crust there. but can his attorney sow doubt easily? i've covered murder trials, that all they've got is a piece of hair and a pizza crust. tell me your thoughts about this. >> yeah, chris. i read the same thing in "the new york times" article you just referenced and had the same thought. as a prosecutor, despite the emotional nature of this case, this is a nightmare logistically to try to present this case to a jury. you want to as a trial attorney
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and prosecutor make things as simple as you can for the jury and this is very complicated just in terms of explaining the strategy and the plan and the process around what it is to connect dna from a hair that's found on burlap on a beach to dna that comes from saliva from a pizza crust found in a garbage can. that process, every stage and step of it, is going to be scrutinized. not to mention there's going to be an evidence yar hearing as to whether the pizza crust even comes into evidence. from a prosecutor's standpoint, this is not at all a slam dunk which is unfortunate because it could be the they think that stands in the way of getting closure to that family we just heard from, but by no stretch of the imagination should it be assumed or believed that this is an easy or direct connection for prosecutors to make to the jury in this case. >> besides the strand of hair, the pizza crust, this occurred more than a dozen years ago.
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whatever the case is, what kind of challenge does that present for the prosecution when an older case goes to trial? >> it's a lot and when you're talking about less than a hair or only a single strand of hair being the only piece of physical evidence, that becomes even more difficult to get to a place of beyond a reasonable doubt. which of course is the standard that's necessary for prosecutors to secure a conviction. so when you're talking about the lack of physical evidence then the time span that has occurred or lapse rather between when these murders happen and when the body was found and now when the suspect was arrested, it really does give an uphill battle for prosecutors in this case to actually prove this is the person who did it. >> charles coleman, always good to have you. valerie castro, you as well. we've got breaking news now. the federal judge has just blocked jet blue's proposed $3.8 billion purpose of rival discount airline, spirit. the doj had sued back in march
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to stop the merger, alleging it would result in higher prices and fewer flights for consumers. spirit's shares plunged more than 50% following today's decision. well, the 2024 emmys bringing a bit of much needed joy to our tv screens last night. the big winners, the touching reunions and the surprise appearance that had everybody tearing up. e appearance that had everybody tearing up complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. the right age for neutrogena® retinol? that's whenever you want it to be. it has derm-proven retinol that targets vital cell turnover, evens skin tone, and smooths fine lines. with visible results in just one week. neutrogena® retinol ♪ i've got home internet from t-mobile ♪ ♪ it only costs ♪ ♪ $50 bucks at t-mobile ♪ ♪ they won't raise your rates at t-mobile ♪ ♪ you'll get a great deal every day! ♪ ♪
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millions of americans across the country are gripped by the bitter cold winter weather creating dangerous conditions and forcing rescues. in kentucky, four students had to be helicoptered off the top of courthouse rock in the red river gorge after camping overnight and apparently underestimating the weather conditions, waking up surrounded by huge heaps of snow. firefighters in utah had to pull out a dog after they say he tried to do a polar plunge in the icy waters. glad to see he's okay. then the buffalo bills fans who helped shovel out their stadium ahead of the playoff game last night, there were no assigned seats for the actual game. just wherever fans could dig out a spot, they could sit. seems like they had a lot of fun doing it, actually, and probably even more fun after their team took home the win. well, speaking of fun, it was a big night for stars of the small screen after a months long delay due to the hollywood strike, the
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emmys returned with historic wins, emotional moments and some very nostalgic cast reunions. have to say i'm flipping back and forth between msnbc and trying to catch a little bit of this coverage. it was quite a night. >> it was a political night. there was football. there was the emmys. it was hard to watch. even some individuals at the emmys, they were watching what was going on on their phones. >> hopefully watching msnbc. >> exactly. the emmys are getting a lot of praise, especially for the anthony anderson. the efficiency of the show. i think it ended at like 10:59. i have more now. >> and the emmy goes to -- >> it was a night of sweeping wins, big reunions and touching tributes. succession snapping up best drama along with three acting wins in its final season. >> this is a show about family.
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>> including karen cull kin for lead actor in a drama series with his own family moment on stage. >> my beautiful wife, jazz, thank you for sharing your life with me and giving me two amazing kids and jazz, i want more. >> the bear swept the comedy category winning best comedy series. star jeremy allen white taking the lead actor statue and iowa winning for best supporting actress with an assist from our own carson daly. marking 75 years by uniting some of tv's most iconic casts on recreated sets including cheers, "the sopranos," martin, grey's anatomy. >> i'm tina fey and we've reached the stage in life where we'll only present awards sitting down. >> and of course, the dancing
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stars from ally mcbeal. this night was also about diversity. abbott elementary's quinta brunson became the first black woman to win lead actress in a comedy series in 40 years. >> i just love comedy so much. i'm so happy to be able to get this. >> bringing the room to its feet. >> i want to thank me. for believing in me. and doing what they said i could not do. and i want to say to myself in front of all you beautiful people, go on girl, with your bad self. >> one of the night's most touching moments came when christina applegate who was diagnosed with multiple scler oes in 2021, received a standing ovation. >> also, elton john is now an egot. he won an emmy last night. emmy, oscar, grammy, tony.
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his husband accepted the award on his behalf. called him backstage to wake him up. he's recovering from surgery. the sweetest statement about this. and it's been a big year for him ending his good-bye yellow brick road tour to now be an egot. it was a big night for elton, too. >> thank you for coming on. me. you. thank you. that was so great. still ahead, the complaints that have new york city imposing a curfew on some migrants and has the pandemic reshaped the corporate world forever? we've got some new statistics as companies try to balance what's best for their business, but also their workers. s best for their business, but also their workers if you want laundry to smell fresh for weeks, make sure you have downy unstopables in-wash scent boosters.
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new york city will start imposing curfews at four shelters tonight. it's to ease residents' complaints that include pan handing and shoplifting. there are roughly 70,000 migrants under new york's care. it comes as governor kathy hochul unveiled a spending plan this morning calling for $2.4 billion to help the city with its migrant crisis and cities around country are grappling with similar challenges. julia is following this story for us. i mean, so many cities having
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problems. financial problems, other problems, because of the surge in migrants. >> i've been going the a lot of the cities around the country. when you've seen one, you've seen one because they're handling them so differently. chicago for example, they had a problem where they were running out of shelter space. you had migrants sleeping on the floor of police precincts. now they've had non-profits in those cities where migrants can get their housing paid for for up to six months before a migrant might be able to take over or find a way to work before they get their work authorization. in denver, for example, right when the temperatures started getting really cold there, they had some migrants sleeping on the streets but prioritized women and children. they decreased the number of nights that single adult men could sleep inside and increased the number of nights that people with young children could sleep inside and now they've been able to clear most of the tent camps.
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but new york has the most migrants by far and now they're starting this curfew. they say in response to some community complaints and they could increase this. right now, it applies to about 1900 migrants. it does not apply to the biggest group of migrants and we may see it expand because mayor adams has been very eager to show what a big burden these migrants are on his city. he says it's an issue that could destroy new york city. now to the debate happening in companies across the country. return to office or work from home. just 20% of workers are fully on site in 2023 according to gallup. down from 60% in 2019 before the pandemic but the number of employees working remotely full-time has also plummeted. it's down to just 1%. christine romans is with us. looks like hybrid is here to stay. >> stepping into a pattern for
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2024. it was a fascinating survey from the conference board of american ceos and these ceos, only 4% of them, only 4%, said this year they would prioritize getting their workers back to the office full-time. that's a really small number. they've got other issues they're more concerned about. we've settled into this pattern where for many companies, work three days from home, two at the office. amazon, meta, the same thing. they'd like to see that three and two. ups though, telling its employees by the spring, they'll need to be working, their corporate employees, five days a week. after all, they're drivers can't work from home. so we're sort of settling into this pattern where flexibility is really important and in that survey of ceos, they said they don't want the lose their workers. they still have the upper hand. you've got a near 50-year low in the unemployment rate. there are still way more open jobs and people looking for them so at least for now, the worker has the upper hand.
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>> we have only got 30 seconds but how are they working to keep their employees happy? >> they're making sure they know there's that little bit of flexibility. i would say some companies are still going to be pushing to come in five days a week and if that happens, you've got to be able to show look, i am productive at home. when i'm home for two days or one day a week, i'm still hitting my numbers, my targets. i'm still a mentor to people in the office. so i think that there's a, i think we're settling into a post covid new normal where 9:00 to 5:00 in the cube can l five days a week isn't what people want. that's going to do it for us this hour. make sure to join us for chris jansing reports every weekday 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. eastern. our coverage continues with katy tur reports live from new hampshire right after this short break. s live from new hampshire right after this short break. ausea, indigestion and stomach pain. talk to your doctor
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12:00 pm
good to be with you. i'm katy tur from manchester, new hampshire, where it is now or never. if nikki haley has any shot at changing the direction of the republican primary, this is her chance. the granite state with its stubborn independent streak is tailor made for a moderate candidate like nikki haley who is increasingly an outsider in the republican party.
12:01 pm


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