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tv   Alex Witt Reports  MSNBC  January 20, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PST

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investing in america plan, in the run for reelection. certainly happy in the economic trends in the right direction we have seen recently one of those with a record growth from the s&p 500. that record certainly putting new eyes on the fed and whether they will decide to hold steady or raise interest rates when they made at the end of the month. >> ali, nice to see. you thank you so much. in jt a moment, what to make of donald trump's attorneys claiming he kept his q clearance after leaving office. plus, the analysis that claims the judges quietly sabotaging the trump classified documents case. trump in his own words. why $400 million came up in a video deposition. position good day from msnbc world headquarters in new york, welcome to alex witt reports.
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i'm christine romans in today for alex. it is two pm on the east coast. 11 am out west. we begin this hour with campaign bus lighting at new hampshire. we countdown to tuesday's first-in-the-nation primary. closing arguments are underway with mikaelyan donald trump making their pitches in person to voters in the granite state. while ron desantis has turned his gaze south campaigning in south carolina today. on the democratic side, supporters of president joe biden are staging a write in campaign over a fallout over the first democratic primary left him off the ballot there. today biden's challenge is congressman dean phillips and author -- are out there stumping for votes ahead of the states unsanctioned democratic primary. you can see new hampshire primary voters favoring ticking haley as the republican candidate who do best head to head against president biden. trump is widely expected to win the republican primary on tuesday. l spk a name rally in
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manchester tonight. meanwhile, taking the temperature attitudes evo, some folks are expressing disenchantment with the available options. >> i don't think it matters. >> why not? >> because there are all crooked. >> i had to say this way but i don't think it is gonna make much of a difference. i still think trump has double digit leads in most of these states. >> i am not really impressed with any of the candidates. don't see this working out well for anybody. >> you are just checking out? >> i'm checking out. >> we have a number of correspondents in place in new hampshire covering all of these campaigns. we start with nbc's vaughn hillyard in manchester. trump's two other double digit lead in new hampshire according to the polls. he seems to be taking specific aim and he hit me right now. >> he is taking on the gala directly, not even mentioning around desantis last night. when you look at the polls there's good reason for that. nikki haley was within striking distance in this day where
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independents are allowed to participate in this republican primary. new hampshire have a history of growing the opposite direction that iowans have gone. this would give her some hope here in the state. that is where you saw last night, on the rally stage here in new hampshire. just down the road from where we are standing now. we saw him bring out the likes of senator tim scott of south carolina who you were called back when nikki haley was governor she first appointed tense go to the oh senate. it was scott who was onstage indirectly don't trump last night. take a listen. >> we need a president today who will stop the crime and recklessness in the streets. we need a president who will restore law and order. we need donald trump. >> law an order, of course, the timing of that statement coincides with the e. jean
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carroll defamation trial. donald trump could very well take the stand discomfort coming monday, the day before the mantra primary to testify in that case. the course he also has four terminal trials out of him. one other note, christine. in just the last two hours dickey haley as made his most direct comments about donald trump. questioning his mental fitness to be president of the united states after donald trump, last night, on that same campaign stage confused her name with nancy pelosi's name when talking about the january 6th attack. nikki haley, he enhancer this morning, suggesting that there should not be two 80 plus -year-olds running for president of the united states. folks should not question whether the president, referring to donald trump, it is mentally fit to be in the executive office or in the white house. >> thank you for that. nbc's aly fatality in manchester, new hampshire. we see the latest mayoral poll showing haley faring while the matchup against biden, better than desantis would, or trump.
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is she playing this up today in new hampshire? >> certainly. she's playing it up today and she has been playing it out for weeks now as she tries to make and electability argument out of this primary. looking ahead to the general election. certainly polls show that trump has been dominant here on the ground in new hampshire. that was the case in iowa remains the case in south carolina where the field will head. next for nikki haley she has tried to make the case for voters and i've said this many times you can't complain about who you get in the general if you don't play in the early states, if you don't come out and vote in the primary. that is part of her closing pitch unanswered voters. she tries to make this a binary between her and former president donald trump. vaughn is right. he tees it up so well. after we watched the former president misspeak last night, swamping nancy pelosi's name for nikki haley's name, it is now sparking the kayleigh making her starkest contrast yet. asking the question of mental acuity. listen to what you just said on the campaign trail here.
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>> they are saying he got confused. he was talking about something else. he was talking about nancy pelosi and. he mentioned me multiple times in that scenario. the concern i have is, i'm not saying anything derogatory. but when you are dealing with the pressures of a presidency, we can't have someone else that we question whether they are mentally fit to do this, we can't. >> it strikes me, christine, the fact that she is now taking on trump on the mental acuity front. this is something where over the course of the past week, since we left iowa, haley has been continuously making the statement over and over again. trump and biden, biden and trump. trying to equivocate these two men. she is now saying it on the age front. you have to over 75 white men running at the top of the ticket, potentially, again in 2024. now she's trying to make the mental fitness argument that we have seen leverage against biden, now she's putting it
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directly out trump. christine? >> interesting. now to nbc's dasha burn with the round santa campaign. the santa skipping after this weekend, instead campaigning in south carolina. does the single digit poll numbers and answer mean he is essentially giving up in that state? >> like, i think they're trying to send a couple of different messages with the trip to new hampshire this weekend. number one, they are saying there is life after new hampshire. just because he is doing very poorly here, you mentioned the poll numbers, that doesn't mean that he is out after this race. they are looking to that next primary in south carolina as a place where they can really play. the other message they're trying to send is one that is taunting nikki haley on her own turf. they are trying to highlight a weakness for her which is her home state is going to be a huge challenge for her. it is a state that has become writer and more conservative since she left the governor's office there. it is now trump country in a
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lot of ways that doesn't necessarily mean it is a lot friendlier to desantis but it does mean that there will be a struggle there. they hope that it is by about south carolina that they can turn this into a two-person race take a look at what desantis said in new hampshire when he did campaign last night. >> the sense was, it has been a long run. get a little bit of rest. get your sea legs, storm through the hampshire. i decided, you know what? you only live once. i don't want to be on that empty of a schedule. let's go down to south carolina, that's important. obviously and new hampshire. that was reported as skipping new hampshire. literally i was in new hampshire the day after the thing and doing the town hall in everything. we >> claiming he is not skipping new hampshire. he did spend some time here. again, the strategy his advisers have laid out to us is a focus on south carolina.
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they believe they can use the iowa playbook here, given the timeline that they do have. there is a month between the new hampshire primary and the south carolina primary. they think they can take advantage of. they are moving their staff. there they are moving the vast majority of the resources into south carolina. they think that is a place where they could potentially take on both nikki haley and donald trump. at the very least, knock nikki haley out of the race there and make it a two-person race, which is what they've been trying to do since the beginning. don't think they ever thought it would take this long. they hope that by south carolina they can make it happen. christine? >> dasha burns. thank you so much. on tuesday, rachel maddow leads analysis of the primary, breaking down the results of the big board. jen psaki making the latest of the announcement on the. ground special coverage begins tuesday at six pm eastern on msnbc. new scrutiny on fulton county district attorney fani willis. why his relationship with the prosecutor she appointed in the dom case is also going under the microscope.
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developments in the trials of donald trump. here is a look at key dates for ongoing trials, scheduled trials, and major campaign milestones. nbc news learned trump wants to testify monday in new york with the e. jean caro defamation trial resumes. new defamation in the new york fraud trial shows him sparring with attorney general, tia james, during his april 2023 deposition. a new filing in a divorce case puts fulton countdirict attorney fani willis under scruny with her relationship with the prosecutor she alone in the racketeering case. a new filing in the classified documents case claims trump had q clearance, something called q clearance for nuclear secrets when the judges were filed against them up to as recently as of june, 2023. and new analysis by
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constitutional law professor, laurence tribe, concludes the judge aileen cannon's quietly sabotaging the classified documents case. whole lot there. let's bring in josh bernstein, senior political affairs writer, and vaughn hillyard is back with. me i wanna start with the developments at fulton county. what can you tell us about this new focus on the district attorney there in the impact of on the trial? >> the scrutiny from one of the defendants, particularly on the hiring of the special prosecutor, nathan wade, by district attorney, fani willis. credit card statements that have been obtained by our colleagues, -- have been turned over as part of this filing from one of these codefendants suggests that fani willis had personal trips paid for by nathan wade, stemming from, what is, is alleged to be a romantic relationship. as part of being appointed
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special prosecutor in fulton county to oversee this case, of course, that comes with compensation. what is being alleged is there was an improper romantic relationships between fani willis and the special prosecutor. that the two of them are financially benefiting from that relationship and from the agreement that has been struck from the county, funds that aren't going to the special prosecutor. >> trump's lawyers in the mar-a-lago classified documents case claims that he had this active security clearance years after leaving the white house. a government document from june, 2023, still listed him with something called a key clearance from the department of energy. josh, you've been in the courtroom for some of the classified document hearings what is a q clearance. why might trump have had after leaving office? >> well, this is actually something that came up a couple of months ago at a hearing hour
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that down in fort pierce, florida, in the classified documents case. a q clearance has to do with atomic energy, atomic weapon type programs. kind of separate from the normal top secret, secret, classified information regime we are familiar with that deals more with intelligence issues and diplomatic issues. it is possible that one can have a clearance to handle classified information and not have the special energy department q clearance, and vice versa. it sounds like, for whatever reason, when trump's original clearances were canceled for the classified information, they never went through and got rid of this clearance on the other side for the special atomic related information. it's important because one of the charges here is he improperly withheld, restricted information encompassed classified and other kinds of government restrictions that he held on to it, didn't give it back when the government asked for. the authorization, that would be beneficial to trump's
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defense. it is not super beneficial because i think there is only one document here at issue to which this q clearance applies. most of them of the more normal security clearances. it is a point for trump's defense to raise. it is not a get out of jail free card for his defense. >> that's a good point. josh, the documents case is scheduled to go to trial on may 20th, but constitutional law professor, laurence tribe, takes a dim view of judge cannon's latest ruling when she rejected special counsel jack smith's reest to order trump to say whether he intends to rely on a council defense ahead of trial. prr tribe says it is part of a pattern of judge cannon, laying the groundwork so that verdict is not reached which is what trumphas been angling for, delay, delay, delay. back in november, you wrote about judge cannon slow walking the trial. what are your thoughts here? >> you know, i do think there is a pattern of her, especially on these timing issue siding with trump. it is hard to say any specific
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episode or specific ruling is one that is outside the norm, but when you add them all together it takes what could be a case that could get to trial and it stretches it out to two years. in a normal case, that might not be a great concern to people other than the defendant, but in this one you have this whole, as you are alluding to, background of the election going on. nobody in the courtroom or in any of these cases seems to want to talk very much about how these cases are expected to play out if we get into the heart of the presidential campaign, or if donald trump wins in november. those issues are ones that the lawyers seem reluctant to directly inject into the proceedings. so we have a lot of people, including the judge as i think, now, dancing around those questions. >> trump filed a new 59-page legal argument to the supreme cot. he's arguing why his name should stay on the colorado ballot, telling justices not kicking it oer the 14th amendment would unleash chaos.
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it is not the first time he's use that expression. listen. >> it is bedlam in washington right now. bedlam. it is a mess. i've never seen anything like it. >> if we have to go through four years of this turmoil with clinton. >> it was bedlam, remember bedlam? >> bedlam and death. >> biden supporters are causing mayhem in the streets. if he wins there will be nothing but bedlam all over the place. >> it looks like bedlam, right? >> bedlam that has been caused -- >> i think bedlam is joe biden. >> you've probably heard a lot of this on the campaign trail. do you get the sense that voters are reacting to this kind of rhetoric? and on what basis is he making the case for bedlam to the supreme court? is bedlam eight legal term? >> right. i do not want to paint too broad of a brush when talking about donald trump supporters. but we do know that there are a share of them that have this reaction to every one of donald trump's words. we saw that play out on january
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six, 2021. and when donald trump talks about bedlam, you know, he has also use death and destruction, that was his warning before the new york indictment over the hush money payments. so, for donald trump, it is about all but forewarning of what his supporters could potentially, the violent actions that they could take in this scenario that anything bad were to happen to them. like being removed from the ballot. we heard from donald trump during the impeachment proceeding, a warning if he were to be convicted and removed from the white house, what could come as a result of that? so i think it is important to understand that donald trump's only riling up some of his most die hard supporters who truly believe the election lies that he's spewed, and has very much been riding off of donald trump's own words. he finishes his speech with calling 2020 for the final battle. and for them, that is what is at stake. so for bedlam to be in this
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legal filing, it is only another example of donald trump and his legal team for a warning about what could come if actions were to be taken against him. >> we saw some of trump's april 2023 deposition video released yesterday. it shows what judge -- saw before finding trump or guilty of fraud. this is what he said about his company's cash reserves. >> i don't need the money. you probably have seen the cash. we have a lot of cash. i believe we have substantially in excess of 400 million cash which is a lot for a developer. developers usually do not have cash. they have assets, not cash. i believe that we have 400 plus and going up very substantially every month. >> josh, do things stand out as damaging to trump's case there? >> well, i mean, remember christine the issue right now that the judge is dealing with is what penalty should be imposed in the case.
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he is already decided that trump enterprise and trump personally gauged in fraud around his financial statements. the only issue that is remaining now is what kind of financial penalty will be imposed on what kind of restrictions will be put on him and his family in terms of the real estate business in new york and what they can do going forward so for him to announce to the judge that this is a large pot of money that we have scenes to me like it could potentially be an invitation to him, to set a very high financial penalty for trump as the result of this misdeeds of the judge has already concluded that the trump organization engaged in. >> all right. so nice to see you. thanks. next, the wrong motion we heard this week from a story that hits like a punch to the gut. count with quickbooks money, now earns 5% apy. 5% apy? that's new!
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alec baldwin has been re-charged in the deadly shooting on the set of rust. a grand jury indicted the actor on involuntary manslaughter charges again and the death of halyna hutchins. baldwin could face up to 18 years in prison if convicted. heavy lake effect snow is intensifying in the great lakes today. and buffalo, bills fans were paid 20 bucks an hour to shovel the stadium for the second week in a row. meanwhile, men are shivering under freezing temps before things warm up next week. and, several astronauts are now on board of the international space station. they arrived this morning on a private mission and performed three weeks of experiments. the private flight took off carrying the first all-european crew. now to new word today from uvalde, texas where d jury selection is reportedly underway to instate potential criminal charges in the wake of ni report on the bought police response to the school shooting. it killed 19 students and two adults. the first reported the story,
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the 600 page report bed a stunning lack of leadership and called the response a failure. families reacted with raw emotion. >> i hope that the failures today and local officials do what was not done that day. do right by the victims and survivors of robb elementary, terminations, criminal prosecutions. >> joining me now is state senator, roland gutierrez, who represents the district where robb elementary is located. first, i have to say that our hearts go out to all of your constituents. this has been a terrible, terrible loss. this report is simply stunning. do you think that some of these officers should face criminal charges? >> christine, when you've seen what i've seen, when you seen a hundreds of hours of body cam footage of cops doing nothing, standing around, often time you
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are deciding the same refrain. there is an air 15, an ar-15, an assault rifle, and one instance one cop, -- you know? absolutely. absolutely there was criminal negligence here and there was failure to render aid. there was any number of crimes that could be charged against these cops but it shouldn't just be a couple of them. more than a half dozen were in charge, or should have been charged, or should have known better. and even more than that possibly. we have to have real justice. until we get that there will be no accountability and there will be no change. >> uvalde wasn't the only recent school shooting but it was around the worst. some of these details are terrifying. parents say that police physically restrain them from entering the school. why do you think athere was such a failure here and does there need to be legislation to address this? >> absolutely.
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[inaudible] [inaudible] >> extreme and other gross
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negligent, gross failure, if that young man didn't have access to that type of weapon, this all could have been avoided. we've got to change in this country. we've got to safeguard our children. >> nbc news spoke to some of the families of children who survived that shooting, and what desibed is a lasting trauma. one boy who can sleep in his own room, red loud noises what about the echo that this will have on a generation of these children, and what kind of support is there for that part of the story? part of the story? christine, there is a little boy who survived. he doesn't remember it, he was shot. but all he can remember is laying there trying to play dead. all you can remember our teeth on the floor. i saw that little girl dragged out into the hallway. and literally, no face, christine. this country needs to do
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something on this issue we cannot have any more that kids. these children will never be the same. we have to memorialize them by creating real change in this country. the republican coward politicians need to get in there and do the work, they need to see the videos, and they need to see the carnage. i own plenty of guns. i do not need an ar-15. the damage that these weapons did to these babies is just incredible. it is a weapon of war, it does not need to be in our streets. >> we certainly will look forward to any kinds of developments. now is that we learn from the local grand jury has been a panel there. sir, thank you so much for your time. there are heart goes out to all of your constituents. >> thank you. >> up next, soundbites from a congressional hearing this week that is going to make you say wow, but not in a good way. ot in a good way e bigger picture. heart failure and seemingly unrelated symptoms,
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you buy with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours. this election is a choice between how do you cashback? results or just rhetoric. californians deserve a senator who is going to deliver for them every day and not just talk a good game. adam schiff. he held a dangerous president accountable. he also helped lower drug costs, bring good jobs back home, and build affordable housing. now he's running for the senate. our economy, our democracy, our planet. this is why we fight. new concerns on capitol
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i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. hill today as senators work to finalize a border ukraine compromise. they worry dollar trump may try to kill the deal. speaker mike johnson, a central figure in the negotiations is under pressure from the former president as well as hard right republicans to reject any 70 elected in clues they restrict a border policy demands. john said a nod on fox news this week that he speaks frequently with trump about the border. he says that no one is stronger than him. our next guest challenge
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trump's alternative immigration proposals on capitol this week. >> do you think it would be a good idea to build a water filled trench filled with alligators along the border? >> that would be a misuse of taxpayer dollars and extremely inhumane. >> what if we, instead, ordered soldiers to shoot migrants in the legs to stop them from coming to the u.s., would that be a good idea? >> now, that would be attempted murder. >> i only ask all these questions because these are all proposals by the republican front runner for the nomination, donald trump. >> joining me now democratic congressman from california, robert garcia. he sits on the house homeland oversight in -- governors think donald trump is looking to deny biden a political win. could it deal on the border actually be good for republicans, as well? do you see a senate deal passing in the house? >> we are really unsure at this point. but when trump has obviously now telegraphed that he wants
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no deal. he told mike johnson he wants no deal. there are republicans in the house who are basically saying they don't want how president biden, whatever that means. it is really hard to see what that would look like. it's also important to know that most of what the extreme republicans in congress want, those in the senate and in the house, are unacceptable to most democrats. we are not going to put together these insane ideas of donald trump electrifying fences, putting spikes on top of the wall. literally ideas of donald trump's, as our alligator moats, and others, as part of some broader, comprehensive plan. i think there is, obviously, some interest in additional resources, technology, bipartisan support to get additional support for our border agents. all of these ideas are being rejected by much of the republicans who want no deal. whether something is going to happen, we have yet to see. it certainly should not be
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linked to for nate. >> speaker johnson is that there is a difficult position here with growing threats from his hard-line colleagues to oust him. politico writes this. giventhe stakes in ukraine and the political fallout from the migrant crisis, some democrats are considering a once almost unthinkable idea to land the plane. trading a border deal for protecting johnson's gavel. when you go along with something like that? >> absolutely not. i'm not sure what democrats those are in our caucus. that is fine if that's their position but there is no scenario where i or others, the progressives, are going to vote to save my johnson, the most socially conservative speaker we've had in the modern era. doesn't believe in the rights of gay people, like myself, others who won a national abortion ban to take away all sorts of reproductive health care for women. no, we are not going to save my johnson. the republican caucus is a complete clown show. it is in chaos constantly.
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they cannot elect a leader! that is because they have decided to empower and give away the keys to folks like marjorie taylor greene, lauren boebert, and matt gaetz. they control the republican conference. they control the leadership. with my johnson, he is just doing the best he can to stay in power. i do not see democrats coming in to save him. i do not think that is a viable solution. >> i know you said on the homeland security committee. it could bring impeachment charges against homeland security secretary, alejandro mayorkas, as soon as the end of the month, for failing to enforce the country's immigration laws. does the committee have evidence that he created high crimes and misdemeanors? that is the constitutional standard for impeachment. >> zero evidence. constitutional scholars and professors the folks who literally made the constitution their life have been clear across the country that there is no grounds for any sort of impeachment. people might disagree with some of the policies but let's be very clear, the reason why we
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have such chaos is because of the inaction over the last 30 plus years in trying to actually solve immigration and the border. i am an immigrant. i came here when it became a young kid. i became a citizen in my early twenties. we need immigration reform that actually provide pathways to work against worker programs, strong, dedicated foreign aid. reforming the asylum process. yes, border security. democrats also want a secure border. we want to secure border enforcement. we want to have a lawful, secure, border that ensures we have a process that is fear inhumane. that is not what the republican majority wants. certainly, it is not what donald trump wants. donald trump is literally out there saying we should be sending missiles and northern mexico. like i said earlier, building alligator mautz. this is not a joke. he, republicans right now, they really do not have any interest in solutions. they want to get donald trump back in power.
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they want to hype up real concerns of the border. they want to defeat and hurt president biden. that's what this is all about. >> we know border apprehensions where a record high in december. they have come down a little bit. doesn't the secretary deserve some scrutiny even if it doesn't go as far as impeachment? >> i think the secretary, what he wants and i've asked for is more resources. let's also remember border crossings and migration to the border going up every single month over the last six months. there is already beginning to peak. there is so much the causes these migrations particular what it is happening in other foreign countries. what we need at the border or more resources, nonprofits on the ground to be supported. we need to speed up immigration trials in judges. yes, we also need a more secure technology, more secure border. all of that is on the table. all the proposals that we have put forward, republicans have rejected. we have some solution --
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. we want to work in a bipartisan way to bring resources to the border but also to create a fair immigration reform proposal that republicans have no interest in doing. there is a nation of immigrants. there are many people coming from extreme, horrific, conditions. these are human beings. we should do everything we can to help facilitate them, to ensure that they can be successful in their own country or create a fair system where they can come to work with all the labor shortages that we have across this country. >> california congressman, robert garcia. thank you. nice to see, sir. voters are telling us with three days to go before the new hampshire primary is next. t. sore nose let out a fiery sneeze, so dad grabbed puffs plus lotion to soothe her with ease. puffs plus lotion is gentle on sensitive skin and locks in moisture to provide soothing relief. a nose in need deserves puffs indeed. america's #1 lotion tissue. bombas makes absurdly comfortable underwear. made to move with you, not on you. because your basic things should be your best things.
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exeter, new hampshire. 19 degrees this hour. just days left ahead of the states primary, republican presidential hopefuls are rolling out their last the efforts to swing the race in their favor. among them is nikki haley. big money to reach the states independent voters to send the message that she is the trump alternative. nbc's shaquille most are joins us from lincolnian, amped. or are these candidates working to get out the vote here, is it working? my goodness, how effective is this bombardment? you are at peak adam barman right now. >> yeah, talking to people here at fund spot they are telling
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me until they can't wait until the election is over. in part that is when the ads will start. it is definitely having in terms of -- in all seriousness it is getting some of these candidates known. and it is at least getting candidates familiar with their options when they head to the polls on tuesday. whether or not it is impacting the result who they were going to decide it is something that remains to be seen. you look at the polling going into tuesday's primary, it has been fairly consistent. showing nikki haley still down against donald trump by more than double digits. you see some success there and some opportunity for haley when you look at those undeclared and independent voters who have the opportunity to vote in the republican primary. i want you to listen to what new hampshire voters here have been telling me. i've been talking to them, interrupting their fun. bowling or some of these arcade. games listen to how they describe what it is like here. how is at the peak of the
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political season. >> there are no regular commercials anymore. it is wall-to-wall candidates. mail is clogged with all kinds of flyers. for both sides, really. >> i probably get five text messages and who calls a day. and asking for me to support this person and that person. >> where is this money coming from? how are they funding these ads? i hope and youtube, boom, there is a face. it is everywhere! >> despite that, everyone you saw there in the vast majority of people that i've been talking with are still undecided. have not made a decision. that is what new hampshire voters are known for. late breaking deciders, up to the last minute. that is when you have a candidate pulling up all the stops. donald trump having a big rally in manchester later tonight. nikki haley was some four stops across the state. doing what she can to stop that momentum that trump has been seeing since his big win in
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iowa. we know new hampshire usually tries to go a little different than iowa. let's see what ends up happening in the next couple of days. >> still many undecided. shaquille brewster, thank you for keeping us up to date. they're speaking i'm vicky haley, she is talking about race again. why that think that might help. or your reaction to what she just said next. just said next my frequent heartburn had me taking antacid after antacid all day long but with prilosec otc just one pill a day blocks heartburn for a full 24 hours. for one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. marlo thomas: my father founded saint jude children's research hospital because he believed no child should die in the dawn of life. in 1984, a patient named stacy arrived, and it began her family's touching story
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six degrees. with the states primary just three days away the politicians are running pretty high. donald trump holding on his lead in the polls. according to a new poll, trump is leading his closest challenger nikki haley by 17 points. joining me now is antjuan see right, democratic strategist founder and ceo bloomberg strategies and political strategist and former senior gop congressional adviser. let's welcome you both. and since start with you, new hampshire can be a tough state to pull correctly. trump is leading by a huge margin. this week during an interview on npr, you said the polls are not the end all be all. you still feel that way? could haley or desantis pull off a win here? >> i very much feel that the polls are not the end all be all. particularly in new hampshire where i spent some time in 2012 to bring in a republican primary. at this time our advising a longtime republican bid. i learned a lot about the voters there. i was located there in new
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hampshire. the state is quite small. it is much like my native west virginia. very rural, beautiful, and the people are free thinkers. it doesn't surprise me that we are still seeing that same street in them today. despite the republican party being the party of trump, still today, here in 2024. one thing you could not take for granted here is this indecision that new hampshire voters tend to have. they will weigh into the last minute. they are playing very close attention to how these candidates condolences on the final days. i can assure you that they are not looking at iowa as the bellwether. new hampshire residents know that they are not a bellwether. this is a particular moment where we have to throw all conventionalism out the window. we have to zoom out the bigger picture. there has been a lot of pettiness here. particularly with senator tim scott's endorsement of donald trump last night. i don't think makes a difference in new hampshire. zooming out, you see new hampshire folks really care about the kitchen table issues. who has been really strong on that front? it has been nikki haley.
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her candidacy reflects the gop's opportunity to turn the corner on trump. i would say this, look at folks who are not paying attention who are not engaged every day these are folks who are putting the economy front of mine, they are putting national security, public safety, as well as education front of mine. i think nikki haley's message will resonate far better than the polls are showing. >> interesting. antjuan, new hampshire has a whole lot of independent voters. many of them voted for biden in 2020. how much could that affect tuesdays outcome? which candidate are independent gravitating towards? is it nikki haley? >> i think there is a big difference between independent voters and independent thinkers. this idea of an independent voter in the party that is fully embraced and calcifying selves around trump that does not exist anymore. with all due respect to my dear friend on the other side, if policy mattered, the former president never would've won the way he did.
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he never would have the lead that he has in hampshire and in south carolina. the fact of the matter is, trumpism regardless of the candidate is the order of the day. main ingredients extremism, white nationalism, bigotry and hate. that is who the modern-day republican party is. the -- and gonna have to come to grips. that if policy matter, donald trump would never be in this position. i think nikki haley, who has been known to wear the reversible jerseys, embrace trumpism on one hand and yet wanted to be a mainstream republican candidate to snap up to republican support. that does not exist anymore. i think she learned that very quickly, as well as desantis and others in the republican party. >> only go back to something you just mentioned. there are some analysts that think that trump is guaranteed to be the nominee after years of iowa. and i push back on that notion. you don't think iowa is a reliable bellwether. wine? >> look. you had the most depressed turnout there and i wear that
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you've seen in a decade. i think, look, i ones you already know what they. were you knew what they were going to trend more right and not even right-of-center. we are talking about an evangelical base that is bound to give it to trump into desantis. pulling back on how this whole primary has taken off i must say that this era of inevitability that we all seem to operate from, that trump is going to be the nominee, is just so very flawed. these campaigns, desantis and haley, have lasted as long as they have. they have money in the conference because there is an appetite for something else. debates one through three, nikki haley proved to be the attack. dog someone who is capable of pushing back. it is when she has made the practice -- when she is in her own had. trying to be all things to all people that she fails. i think that started to happen after debate number four. she showed, look, maybe she is a little scared. maybe she hasn't got the strongest backbone. she has had these missteps when it comes to talking about race.
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i am a brown coral from a rural state, as well. i would never have given the answers she is given when it comes to racism and slavery. i'm also not gonna punish her for that when she holds the best chance of showing the republican party wants to be the party that is capable of 2024. getting voters concerned about biden's presidency. it is possible that nikki haley and ron desantis both have longevity here. >> antjuan, nikki haley is facing some backlash for recent comments she made about racism in the u.s.. i want you to listen to what she said. i wa>> yes, i am a brown girl tt grew up in a small rural town in south carolina who became the first female minority governor in history, who became a u.n. ambassador, who is now running for president. if that's not the american dream, what a know it is. >> are you a racist party? are you involved in a racist party? >> no! we are not a racist country, brian. we have never been a racist country.
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>> antjuan, you told -- you think haley's comments are just an example of her willingness to say anything to cater to a right-wing election denying an insurrection supporting extreme group of people who make up the majority the revoking party. is this her strategy? did it work waited a backfire? >> obviously it has not worked. the former governor has a decorated history of miss interpretative the tax. miss stating the. facts in some communities they call that lying. i think what is happening is those things is turning to catch up with her. you can't embrace trumpism and run away from trump. voters in the republican party have demonstrated that it cannot be duplicated or replicated. nikki haley, who knows being from south carolina is beset in the realm of slavery. our community, as a son of sharecroppers from rules of glenn and i will tell you firsthand, jim crow segregation
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and all of those things are a reality in this country. they still exist in so many cases. we had legislation put in place from the fair housing act of the civil rights act to the voting rights act. because this country has identified itself with racism. we still have a long way to go, although we made progress. when haley says the civil war was about states rights, when she says america is not a racist country, she's catering to a group of people who continue to reject her and her notions in the ballot box in the very handsome fashion. >> antjuan murray, not so nice to talk to today. thank you very much. in moments the intersection of donald trump's trials and his campaign. the case the troubles in the most, ahead. plus, a new tactic used by trump's defense. will that hold water? congressman jason crow of the intelligence community joins. they also, the extremely troubling number facing the police on capitol hill. former u.s. army general will talk about this.


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