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tv   Ayman  MSNBC  January 20, 2024 8:00pm-9:01pm PST

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this hour on "ayman", countdown to new hampshire. we are live in the granite state where donald trump and nikki haley are throwing
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insults in the final stretch of the primary. the question is, where is ron desantis? also tonight, falling on deaf ears. why wall-to-wall coverage of trump's authoritarian rhetoric is not hitting home with his most die hard supporters. and then, versus now. nikki haley says the united states has never been a racist country. it is a statement that is hard to swallow for many reasons, including the very action that rose nikki haley to political fame. i am ayman mohyeldin. let's do it. ♪ ♪ ♪ it is time for closing arguments in new hampshire, with just three days until the first primary contest of the 2024 season, donald trump, nikki haley are making their cases to voters in the granite state. just hours ago, former 2024 gop rival ex arkansas governor asa hutchins and made his preference for today's primary clear, throwing his support
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behind haley. hutchinson's praise for the former south carolina governor comes as the gloves finally appear to be coming off between her and her former boss. today, haley open the questioned the ex president's mental fitness has after he appeared to bizarrely confuse her with former house speaker nancy pelosi last night when he was talking about the january 6th insurrection. >> they are saying he got confused, that he was talking about something else. who is talking about nancy pelosi. you mentioned me multiple times in that scenario. the concern i have is, i am not saying anything derogatory. but when you are dealing with the pressures of a presidency, we can't have someone else that we question whether they are mentally fit to do this. we can't. >> all right. so, haley's sharpened attack comes after trump definitively ruled her out as a possible running mate, telling a crowd
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in new hampshire that his former u. n. ambassador was not tough, enough not smart enough, and was not respected enough. we should note the ex president called haley a fantastic person and very special back when she resigned from her post in his administration in 2018. now, at this stage, in the game, it looks like trump is trying to basically try everything out, to get under nikki haley skin. his rally tonight in manchester featured some notable attendees from her home state, including south carolina governor henry mcmaster, state lieutenant governor, and a slew of other senior gop officials. so, as we enter this final sprint in new hampshire, let's take a look at where voters stand. a new poll out just this morning finds trump maintaining his double digit lead over nikki haley among likely primary voters in the, state with the ex president holding down 53% to haley's 33%. if you are wondering about the other guy, florida governor ron desantis, the man who came second in iowa, we are seeing
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all? this well, he's not even in the state. it seems ron desantis has decided to forgo new hampshire for what he hopes will be a warmer political climate. throwing himself into the next primary, on the calendar, and holding campaign events in south carolina today ahead of everyone. else the florida governor will now have to make up for some lost time tomorrow with his campaign canceling various sunday show appearances, including one on nbc's meet the press. and scheduling a last-minute meet and greet event in manchester. let's start this hour with nbc news correspondent vaughn hillyard, live for us in manchester, new hampshire. vaughn, it's good to see you again. how did the ex president make his case to voters there tonight? how much have you and others noticed a sharpening of his attacks against his former u. n. ambassador nikki haley? >> -- donald trump up on say just a few moments ago, he said the republican party should unite around him. instead of dividing the resources through this extended primary process, and should
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focus on joe biden. we are here in january of 2024. this would be extremely early to wrap up the nomination. yet, there is a recognition by nikki haley and ron desantis, and his campaign, that this is all but a last gasp opportunity after a big win in iowa. the polls have -- in a strong position here in new hampshire, but nevada and south carolina are difficult rally for both of those -- numbers are even better in both our states here. for nikki haley, you play those comments, in which she is questioning donald trump's mental capacity. i can't get inside of the head of nikki haley. but i can tell you, just one month ago, literally one month ago, she said that she did not -- that's made. but there's a recognition here that donald trump is in a sturdy position. you said, folks were just onstage behind him, we're telling, south carolina governor henry mcmaster the reason he became governor was that he took over when nikki haley was a point to be human ambassador by downtown, but
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also lieutenant governor, three members of congress, of course, south carolina senator tim scott, the reason he became senator was when nikki haley was the governor south carolina, who appointed him to be the u.s. senator -- he was here in new hampshire and endorsing and supporting donald trump on the campaign stage, and of course the -- lindsey graham continues about donald trump as well. and they were all but making this closing punch message here for donald trump in hand remove master of onstage said that new hampshire should support donald trump in south carolina, will support donald trump, and he will see them at the finish line. ayman? i >> all right, nbc's vaughn hillyard there. ivan, we appreciate, you and thank you so much for competing there with the noise there behind you. greatly appreciate that setup. with us now is new hampshire house democratic leader wilhelm. wilhelm, it's great to have you with us. i know it's the party across the aisle. but i want to get your thoughts on the gop primary. how do you see things panning out on tuesday? is this, in your opinion, a competitive race at all? >> well, i never want to take
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an election for granted and i think that new hampshire voters are certainly going to have their say on tuesday, on the democratic side we have a unique situation with this right in campaign for president. i'm happy to talk more about that in a minute. but on the republican side, there are always surprises. we never know what is going to happen. i think the polls speak for themselves. this one. i think what we saw in iowa was a really dominant performance by a former president trump. very concerned about a campaign that is really focused on revenge and retribution. it's a vision of dividing our country and attacking our values and really eroding our ideals. and so, my hope is that it becomes clear exactly who the nominee is going to be, so
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president biden and his team can start focusing on the general election as soon as we can. >> speaking of president biden, let me get your thoughts on the democratic party and the dnc. president biden won't be on the ballot tuesday after the dnc overhaul the 2024 primary calendar, essentially putting south carolina ahead of new hampshire. it is safe to say that has not exactly gone over well on your state. i understand why. new hampshire democratic party chair ray buckley told nbc news, quote, it is safe to say in new hampshire the dnc is less popular than the new york yankees. there is, though, however, a write in campaign being organized for president biden. how much do the results on the democratic side here matter? could a poor showing against long shots like dean phillips or a marianne williamson have any bearing or impact or even hurt president biden? >> i think at the end of the day, the granite state hers know that the faith of our
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democracy really hangs in the balance here in 2024. so, new hampshire is going to move forward, as prescribe by state law. we are once again going to host the first-in-the-nation presidential primary scheduled for tuesday. and in the fight for our democracy really starts here and now. and we are going to show the nation and the world that we are standing up for joe biden by writing him in on the ballot and the writing campaign is a grassroots effort. we have never really seen anything like it before. we've been involved in a lot of presidential primary campaigns over the years, and this is certainly a unique one. but it has led the campaign or this effort is really led by volunteers who are committed to reelecting the president and standing up against mogollon maga extremism. we are not going to let the maga circus, which came to town, in my home district and -- shots from manchester. the maga circus is going to be in town on the day of our new hampshire primary. we need to make sure that there is another short coming out of it, which is that the president
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is off to a strong start. we are disappointed by these misguided dnc rules that are keeping joe biden off of the primary ballot. but new hampshire democrats and democratic-leaning independents are planning to write him in. a win is a win is a win. so, working to make sure that it is many granted status know that it showed opportunity to write in about. tuesday >> speaking of tuesday, there's also two special elections that could help your party narrow the razor slim republican majority in the republican new hampshire house, how do your chance to look in those races? >> i'll tell you. what it's a 400 member chamber of citizen legislators, here in new hampshire. we have got more than our fair share of vacancies over the course of a two-year term. last year we won five straight special elections and it was really unprecedented string of winds. in these victories really just show us the granite state tours are rejecting that extreme, far-right agenda that is being pushed all across the country.
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attacks on our rights and freedoms. reproductive health care. the lgbtq+ community, public schools, the list goes on and on. but like you said, along with the presidential primary on tuesday we also have two special elections here in carlos county. we have got two fantastic democratic candidates who are just incredible examples of public service. today i was back endorsed for kathleen fountain inn caloss coos one. she's an new u.s. navy vet has served in multiple capacities. and tomorrow i will be supporting my former colleague, my once and future state rep edith tucker in coos district six and she's an experienced legislator who has been in office for three terms and she is an outspoken advocate for the environment in north country economy. but despite having great candidates we really do have a hard work cut out for us and secretary of state expects that republicans are going to turn
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out to nearly 4 to 1 over democrats on tuesday just simply based off the fact they have a competitive primary. but regardless of the results, new hampshire dams are focused on the issues that really matter to grant its daters, and lowering costs for families, and -- protecting our rights and freedoms. bolstering publication public education and the dnc is looking to new hampshire as one of just two red to blue flip targets, which is why we are building up on last year's momentum and are laser focused on winning a majority in the peoples house and ember -- november. so, we are going to do it by focusing on what matters to our neighbors. and turning side those culture wars and conspiracy theories that republicans are pushing every day at the state house of new hampshire across the country. >> all right, democratic leader matthew wilhelm of new hampshire. thank you so much for your time and your insights. greatly appreciate it. with us for the hour, rick wilson, cofounder of the lincoln project, christina greer, associate professor of political side and science at fordham university and moynihan public scholar at the city university of new york. it's great to have you with. as rick, i will start with you.
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let's go back to trump versus nikki haley here. it seems things have shifted in the past few days, with both of them coming after each other in appointed and direct way. specifically, a lead going after trump in a way we have not seen before. too little too late? >> look, i think it is too little too late. it is not just -- i have my eye on the horizon beyond new hampshire and south carolina, to super tuesday, were donald trump's leading nikki haley in texas in california by 60 points. so we are not looking at a future where nikki haley has the resources, time, or frankly a place to go and win beyond, potentially, new hampshire. it's a great moment for the media and the -- everybody else to say. exciting, he's punching trump than it was at long last. and god bless, i'm all in favor of rhetorically punching trump in the nose. but it is not going to make a big difference in the end except that he is very angry with her.
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he will never let it go. >> christina greer, i want to get your reaction to another poll this won among all registered voters in new new hampshire. the former u. n. ambassador has a three point lead over the -- trump and desantis both trail the president. do you think republican voters are taking polls like this into it account when they cast their vote? does electability even matter to the republicans anymore? >> no, i don't think so. ayman, we have seen the republican party is literally a cult for donald trump. and so, nikki haley, most likely, won't do incredibly well in north carolina or, new hampshire, as we know going into her own home stay she is as somewhat of a disadvantage, and as rick laid, out major's day, on super tuesday, she won't laid out either. we also have to remember, republicans tend not to like the male executives. yes, nikki haley was governor of south carolina, but let's be fundamentally clear. the vast majority of republican
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primary voters will never vote for a woman at the top of the ticket. and they definitely won't vote for a woman of color. so, nikki haley is in a desperate attempt to try and talk about trump's fitness. but this is also a woman who worked for donald trump and, as of last week, was still on board, raising her hand, saying that she would support him and whatever capacity she could. so, this is her last-ditch attempt to save a little face and go into many states we are supporters just don't care about the 91 counts against him and the -- where he's on trial. >> we've been keeping an eye on events taking place in, new hampshire and both nikki haley and -- speaking with them the last two. hours we also have a soundbite from an independent voter in new hampshire that i want to play for both of you. take a listen to this and i will get your thoughts on the back end. >> if it came down to trump and biden, which, hopefully not. yes. i would never vote for trump. never, never. i would vote for nikki -- before i would vote for donald trump. great soundbite.
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>> unfortunately, mickey mouse is not on the ballot. but i think it gives you, rick, ice and suggest a visceral reaction people have to don trump, which i think the cult of donald trump of the republican party still underestimated exist in this country. conservatives or independent -leaning conservatives who will not vote for this man under any circumstances. now, there are 35% of republicans who set themselves on fire and jump up on the building, if donald trump asked them to. but that idea that you are going to have a factually republican party that is walking away from the trump and trumpist ideology, if you want to call it that.
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it's a real thing and happening in this country. again, it does not matter that it is only seven to 11%, depending on the state. it matters they exist at all. >> right. >> because the idea of trumpism was unified across the board from 2020. not so much this time. >> all right, rick, christina, stick around, we've got a lot more to discuss throughout the. our trumps alternative authoritarian rhetoric -- our next guest has an idea to change that. moderate to severe eczema disrupts my skin, night and day. despite treatment, it's still not under control. but now i have rinvoq. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that reduces the itch and helps clear the rash of eczema—fast. some rinvoq patients felt significant itch relief as early as 2 days. some achieved dramatic skin clearance as early as 2 weeks. and many taking rinvoq saw clear or almost-clear skin. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections,
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administration officials have warned about their former boss getting a second shot at the white house. as republican accountability project founder sarah longwell writes in the new york times, 17 -- 17 of trump's so-called best people have now spoken out against him, from former white house chief of staff john kelly, who said trump has, quote, nothing but contempt for our democratic institutions, to the former secretary of state, rex tillerson, who reportedly called the ex president and effing more on, and former white house national security adviser john bolton who called trump a, quote, danger, for the united states. the issue is not that these former trump allies are not sharing their criticisms. it is that their perspectives, often published by outlets like the atlantic and politico aren't actually reaching republican voters. as long well notes, in the bulwark, quote, followed and mentally, the reason republican primary voters seem unbothered by trump's autocratic tendencies is that a lot of
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them don't know about them. so, how does one change that? let's ask sarah longwell, who joins us now. she is the publisher of the bulwark and host of the focus group podcast. it's great to have you with us on the, show sarah longwell. i appreciate your time. you wrote in the bulwark that people who serve trump directly need to go on the record as loudly and as frequently as possible, about exactly why he should never get near the white house again. and a lot of these guys have gone on the record condemning their old boss and even writing books about it. talk about why you think former trump die hards need to be speaking out more now, and how did you come up with that idea? >> look, there's two things going. on one is just how unprecedented the number of former trump cabinet officials who have spoken out publicly against him -- just how many there are. that's never happened before. and one of the reasons i wanted to work on that new york times piece is to show the sheer
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volume in aggregate. because when you put it all together you realize just how many of them think he is a danger to democracy, and unfit to be the president. but the other thing i wanted to do was sort of a call to action. because trump is going to be the nominee. trump is going to be the republican nominee. and somebody -- everybody seems to be waiting around for someone else to stop him. and that -- no one is coming. the republican party is changed a great deal. they want this man, despite him refusing to engage in the peaceful transfer of power, to be the nominee. and they don't want any of these other candidates. and, so as we go into this general election, i believe that the people who saw firsthand what a danger trump was have to come together and speak directly to the american people about what they saw and why it was so dangerous. we have seen them do the blind quotes in background, on books. some of them have spoken out publicly. but that is not enough.
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if you do a profile in the atlantic -- i love the atlantic, i read it all the time. >> right. >> but the average republican voter, or swing voter, they're not reading. that they're not reading putt puck or -- they need to come together as a group of -- >> and sustain, it yes. >> sustain it. that's right. >> let me ask you about that, point which is where they can actually get that message right. if they are on the atlantic, if they are on msnbc. if they're on any of the kind of mainstream publications, that is not where those die hard core republican voters. are those guys, whether they are on fox news or newsmax or a win in, they are not going to broadcast a soundbite from mark esper saying donald trump's a danger toward democracy. they are not going to have a john kelly or rex tillerson statement that says donald trump is threatening our. democracy how do you get the message in front of them and not just in an empty echo chamber, where the majority of people understand the singular, unique threat that he poses
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toward democracy? >> that's where you've got to come together as a group. back in 2020, we ran something called republican voters against trump. and we found over 1000 republican voters who would speak candidly about why they, as republicans, refused to support trump. and then we put millions of dollars behind that campaign, targeted at these right-leaning independents, and soft gop voters, who are open to being persuaded against donald trump. it is hard for them to vote for a democrat. but many of them did that, and they made up the critical margin in the 2020 election. this time, we need to hear from these trump officials. and if they come together, and a former, group and they speak with one voice, and they do it relentlessly, there will be a lot of people there to help make sure that the right swing voters here. at the catches sort of go on cnn they, are on msnbc here, talking to a magazine here. it has to be a robust campaign that is coordinated. i believe that they can do. would i believe that there is a lot of people who, if there is just leadership, and somebody
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who puts it out there, that they will do it. and i think that that would make -- you know, i have seen john kelly say something to the effect of, hey, look, i said something. and it gets, what? i have to his coverage? no one cares. i think these guys have to realize that it is going to take a lot more than one quote here and there. >> right. >> it's going to take a relentless sustain campaign. >> something that got a lot of coverage this. week i want to play for you. -- it is a clip of jpmorgan chase ceo jamie dimon speaking earlier this week from the world economic forum in davos. watch.
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>> i wish the democrats would think a little more carefully when they talk about maga. when people say malaga they are actually looking at people voting for trump and they are actually -- that you are like him but i don't think they are voting for trump because he's family values. i think people should be a little more respectful of our fellow citizens. >> we have jamie dimon to be more respectful to trump voters. what about the large swath of voters who believe in dangerous and inaccurate things that are undermining our democracy, like joe biden not winning the 2020 election? which is whether jamie dimon, wants to admit it or not, the bulk of republican voters? >> yeah, look. there's something really pernicious about what jamie dimon is doing, and people like chris sununu and tim scott, who just came out and endorsed trump. because the idea that biden is doing about maga republicans, he's talking specifically about people who -- believe in his america first, made a make america great again vision, and he's trying to separate out those people from sort of old school, normal republicans, which i think is actually a respectful thing to do. so, i don't think he is being disrespectful at. all but people like jamie dimon, what they are doing is normalizing trump. they are creating a permission structure for the center-right
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voters, who maybe don't love joe biden, but by saying that somehow joe biden is the one -- down trump refused to engage in the peaceful transfer of power. donald trump refused to leave office. he sicked a mob on our elected representatives to try to overturn a free and fair election. he lied relentlessly, continues to lie about the results of that election. the idea that joe biden is the one being disrespectful is asinine. >> it is incredible to emerge in somebody like jamie dimon pointing the finger and saying that maga voters, or republican voters are being disrespected, when every day, republican leaders are calling left or democratic voters socialists, marxists, rumors, antifa, anarchist. it is incredible that he would single out one side and not recognize that it is something that is not on par with each. other sarah longwell, it's always a pleasure. thank you so much for making time for us. greatly pre-shaded. >> thank you. >> after the break, the horrors facing pregnant women the war
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jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ becoming a mother should be a time for celebration. in gaza it is another child delivered into hell. that is how unicef ascribe the situation for tens of thousands of women in gaza. nearly 20,000 babies have been born since the war began october 7th. in november, the world health organization estimated that 50,000 women in gaza are expecting. 15% of them are likely to experience pregnancy or birth related complications. care and international humanitarian organization, told jazz abel that health care workers have reported a 300% increase in miscarriages over the last three months. women in gaza are also struggling to financial products, which have become extremely scarce. on top of all of other basic hygiene supplies. palestinian journalist bissam ahouda has been highlighting the consequences of those shortages.
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>> we are suffering from being hungry, from being thirsty, from being bombed. we are suffering from being displaced. now, we are suffering also because there is no -- it's just a new suffering. >> joining me now is avril benoit, executive director of doctors without borders usa. avril benoit, thank you so much for joining us. i wanted to start by asking you about the report from your organization about what it is like to be pregnant in gaza during the war. emergency coordinator pascal -- spoke with emergency patients at -- emergency hospital in gaza. he wrote that, without this war, she would not have lost their son. what can you tell us about these experiences and life-threatening risks women, pregnant women specifically, are now facing? >> it's harrowing. and the story that you mentioned, it is from one of the five hospitals where we are supporting medical workers to
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try to keep things running amid very difficult conditions. so, this was in emerati hospital, in the south, a maternity hospital, one of the few places that women can go to the lever safely. but even there it is still overrun as all the hospitals, are all the hospitals where we are working. we find it is above and beyond capacity with thousands of people not only sheltering inside the hospital but makes it very difficult to work. so, this mother came having previously having had a caesarean section. so, she was going into labor. she had a feeling that this was not right, something was wrong. she felt it. and so, she went in. but when she got to the hospital, all the operating rooms were full. there was just no way for them to help. are they were completely overrun. so, she went back to the place where she was living with her family, and, of course, with thousands of other families in encampment. she went back to her tenth. and she had no other choice but to deliver there, and seeing that that was not a private
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place, she went into the latrine. and in terms of latrines, you've got one toilet for every 600 people. it's a horrible situation. and there, she lost her young son. and for her, absolutely devastating to then go back to the hospital, where she was able to receive some postpartum care, such as was available, that doctors without borders was offering. and just expressing her profound grief. because, of course, something like that would never have happened, had it not been a war zone with the kind of conditions in the hospitals that we see. >> yeah, absolutely heartbreaking account. the world health organization said earlier this week that none of gaza's 36 hospitals are fully functioning. just 15 of them remain open, with severely limited services. many are operating at 200% capacity. what does that mean for palestinians who have been living for over three months in
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unimaginable and worsening conditions? what does the future look like for the next generation? >> it's extremely bleak. and even just still focusing on the situation for these newborns, they are being born to mothers who are malnourished, who are dehydrated because of the total siege. there's not enough water. even the water that is available is dirty. lots of diarrhea. lots and lots of reported diarrhea, in addition to all of the other skin diseases, scabies, lice. you have got all the conditions for these kids to start life in the worst possible conditions. and that's not even to mention the stress that their mothers are experiencing. the stress of living in encampments. we know that 24,000 people or more have died. many thousands are missing, and presumed to be dead under the rubble, or waiting to be rescued. there is heartbreak all around
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for these young parents. and that is if the parents are alive. because, of course, we don't have a full picture of how many women are dying in childbirth. we don't know exactly how many children are still born. the circumstances are that these bursts are happening in the community where 75% of the people are living in makeshift shelters and under the bombs all the time. so, a lot of worry among those who are concerned about the long term mental health consequences, the emotional toll, the intergenerational trauma that is likely. but also just the developmental challenges that these kids are experiencing. >> i have to ask, you finally and we are almost out of time but what actions are you calling for in gaza? what needs to happen right now to address this extreme humanitarian and health care crisis, that pregnant women and all other people are facing in gaza? we sometimes are reducing it to,
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if we could only could just get more aid trucks in, we hear that a lot from the white house. like, we are working on trying to get more aid in. is it simply about getting more 100 more trucks, in or 200 more trucks? >> no. just imagine if you were surviving a gunshot wound, and i just said, okay, here is a band-aid because we got the aid trucks in. i mean, this is not going to work at all. and because of the circumstances, of nowhere in gaza being safe right now, what we need is a total cease-fire. complete cease-fire that is sustained, so that we can be able to bring the assistance to people that they desperately need. >> all right, avril benoit, from doctors without borders, thank you so much for your time. i greatly appreciate it, and for everything your organization is doing on the ground in gaza. don't go anywhere -- our worst of the week is next. but here i am... being me. keep being you... and ask your healthcare provider about the number one prescribed h-i-v treatment, biktarvy.
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conspiracy theorist and shock jock alex jones. after falsely claiming the sandy hook shooting was a hoax, and terrorizing the victims families, jones was sued for defamation in order to pay families nearly 1. 5 billion dollars. in a shock to no one, plaintiffs have yet to see a penny. jones insists that he is broke, even filing for bankruptcy in the wake of the ruling. however, media matters is reporting jones is now earning hundreds of thousands of dollars from a new venture, and in for wars themed video game, where players get to virtually embody jones and kill so-called evil globalists. there is also texas governor greg abbott, who took his anti immigrant rhetoric to a whole new level, defending comments he made in a recent radio interview about his states efforts to stop migrants crossing the border. abbott originally said that the only thing texas is not doing is not shooting people from crossing mexico into the u.s., not because killing people is morally wrong, but as -- says, quote, because of course
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the biden administration would charges with murder. abbott this week defended those remarks, saying, quote, i pointed out something that is obviously illegal. christina greer and rick wilson are back with us. professor, who is going to be your worst of the week? alex jones or greg abbott? >> i mean, ayman, it's difficult. but i'm going to go with governor abbott, largely because i think he inspires other republican governors to have that same sort of rhetoric and ethos when it comes to migrants in their home states. i think he is also just so insensitive to the myriad of men, women and children who really do need assistance. and the vast majority of americans -- not all -- but the vast majority of americans are children and grandchildren and great great grandchildren of immigrants. and so his lack of humanity and compassion as a governor,
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unfortunately, i think will inspire other republican governors. >> so, quick, greg abbott xenophobic or alex jones the antisemite? because, let's be honest here. when he is talking about killing globalists, we know what globalist now means for the republican party and what that is code for. based on the conspiracy theories that they espouse. who do you have as the worst of the week? >> any time you get a chance to drag elections, you drag alex jones. he is a guy who is a central part of the mechanism of the maga conspiracy and press ecosystem. he is a guy who has repeated lies on every conceivable topic, from pizzagate to sandy hook, to vaccines, to conspiracy theories of every single dimension in the world. and he is a guy who has so far gotten away with it. he's using every legal maneuver in the book not to be held accountable. and the fact of the matter is, he's enormously successful as a part of one of the darkest elements of the muggy
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maga ecosystem -- >> yeah, and professor christina greer, the irony here is that abbott's stunt shelley pro-life. he is the one that sign the states infamous six-week abortion ban back in 2021. yet, here he is, openly talking about shooting migrants, men, women, and presumably children, for crossing the border, seeking refuge in america. not exactly the pro-life message that he pretends to care about. >> well, ayman, he's very -- absolutely not pro-life and either as the -- these are people who are antichoice. these are people who don't want grown women to make decisions about their bodies. so, this is -- the same person who says, i can sit there and watch people die, whether it's from starvation or from the elements or whatever it may be. so, the rhetoric that republicans use as they support the death penalty, or will let women die because of ectopic
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pregnancies or whatever, medical conditions they have, they have taken over the rhetoric safety, which is the absolute untruth of this entire part. i think we just need to remember so many republicans who call themselves pro-life, they are specifically anti-choice for women making decisions, and having autonomy over their own bodies. >> rick, is there a way to counter the types of hate that people like alex jones promote? and now they do in video games? this is a party that talks about video games being dangerous for our kids. you know, whenever there is a mass shooting, they say it's a video games. they say it's a mental health. they don't want to take responsibility for anything. and yet, here he is with a video game that promotes violence and celebrates that kind of violence. >> i assure you, if i went out and got some -- to make a game call, seeing
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donald trump be pursued from the woods by rabid worlds -- >> right, right -- >> would lose there damn minds -- it would be pitchforks and torches in the streets. these people, they rely on a willingness to go through any venue to communicate a message. and they are not stupid when they do it. this is not something that is done without consideration, and forethought, and strategic implications. because they understand they are reaching a bunch of young guys who are getting the sort of message beaten into them right now. and i don't know what the characteristics of the game are of beyond that he's a valdez, he's killing globalists. but this is the kind of thing that will become a normalization lever in teaching people, hey, yeah, it's okay to kill the globalists, the -- elites, however you want to phrase it. and we all know what it means, in the end, as you pointed out.
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but again, if the shoe is on the other foot, this would be -- the reaction on the maga side would be absolutely lurid and insane. >> i was going to say, just your point, in the video game, it's alex knowns. you get to play alex jones, saving the world by going after evil globalists that include bill gates, anthony fauci, hillary clinton and, of course, george soros, the favorite bogeyman of the far-right. thank you both to rick wilson and christina greer, greatly appreciate your time throughout this. our thank you. coming up, nikki haley went from removing the confederate flag in south carolina to suddenly claiming that america has never been a racist country. it is a level of spin that will make you sick, if you don't stop to see the facts, which we are going to do after this break. (dad) it's our phone bill...we pay for things that we don't need. (mom) that's a bit dramatic. (dad) we must tighten our belts! (mom) a better plan to save is verizon! (vo) starts at $25 per line... ...guaranteed for 3 years for a limited time only...
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with nurtec odt i can treat and prevent my migraine attacks all in one. don't take if allergic to nurtec. allergic reactions can occur even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion and stomach pain. talk to your doctor about nurtec today. on matters of race, south carolina has a tough history. we all know that. many of us have seen it in our own lives, in the lives of our parents and our grandparents. we don't need reminders. >> all right. so, that was 2015, when south carolina's governor, nikki haley, spoke about her decision to order the removal of the confederate battle flag from the state capital in columbia. the move came on the heels of a racist attack in charleston, when white supremacist walked into a historically black church, and murdered nine people during a bible study. yes, nikki haley's leadership in the aftermath of that tragedy was commendable.
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she spoke with moral clarity. she rallied staunchly conservative republicans to do the right thing and remove a vile symbol of hate. but then came the 2024 election cycle. and haley's personal ambitions to try and become president of the united states. and that forced the moral high ground to the wayside. like last month, when she declined to acknowledge that slavery was the cause of the civil war, and then, this week, when she said this. >> i mean, yes, i'm a brown girl that grew up in a small town in south carolina, who became the first female minority governor in history, who became a u. n. ambassador, and who is now running for president. if that's not the american dream, i don't know what is. >> are you a racist party? are you involved in a racist party? >> no! we are not a racist country, brian. we've never been a racist country. >> america has never been a racist country. seriously?
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is this the same nikki haley? because, truly, how can you reconcile what she did in 2015, or clear compassionate rhetoric, with what she is saying now. when haley says america has never been a racist country, is she saying slavery was a hoax and never happened? is she denying it was a policy sanctioned by state governments and effectively enshrines in the u.s. constitution with the three fifths and fugitive slave clauses? if she saying jim crow never happened? that japanese internment camps never happened? is she saying that all of that state sponsored racism was not racist? she will have to answer that. because both can't be true. what is clear is that haley is desperate to appeal to a very specific type of far-right republican voters. desperate to peel off enough maga voters to justify her staying in this race. and that makes this whole situation so sad. we have now reached a point in gop politics where appealing to white nationalist voters is a must.
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for now, it appears they only want to warship one man. you know who he is. he has no problem dabbling in racism himself. and despite the truth about trump, even he can recognize what the civil war was really about. and before you hear this, we want to make clear, we never make a habit of aaron trump's nonsense. but there is an exception to every rule. >> they ask her about the civil war, why did it start? how did it start? she didn't use the word slavery, which was interesting. i don't know that it is going to have an impact. but, you know, i would say slavery is sort of the obvious answer. you are supposed to about three paragraphs of [bleep] -- >> so, good luck at tuesday, ambassador nikki haley -- maybe few call it the -- war of aggression, you'll only lose by ten points instead. thank you -- congressman seth magaziner is here --
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that and more beginning at seven pm, right here on msnbc. until then, i am ayman mohyeldin in new york. have a good night. have you ever wondered what an icon,... a legend,... a legacy,... a pop star,... and a tight end all have in common? they all got this season's updated covid-19 shot to help better protect them against recent variants.
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9:00 pm
we are live in new hampshire, as nikki haley sharpens her attacks on donald trump in what could be a make-or-break presidential primary for her. but with just three days to go, it could be too, little too late. under pressure, house speaker


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