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tv   Alex Witt Reports  MSNBC  January 21, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PST

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>> that does it for me today, but we're just getting started here in manchester. we're working on a big show for tomorrow night at eight pm eastern. we'll have lots of gusts here in new hampshire, and we might be talking about a front runners stay in court in new york. we'll see what he does. then we'll be back on tuesday to kick off new hampshe primary coverage at four pm. at six pm eastern, rachel maddow picks up her special coverage with steve kornacki. they will be breaking down result at the big board. for now, stay where you are, there is much more news coming up on msnbc. >> so take a close look at this headline. yes, it is from 2013 and texas. it has a lot to do with the new hampshire primary. mickey mouse, not on the ballot, or is he?
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>> hey, they're everyone. welcome to alex witt reports. it is one pm in the, east area west. we are beginning with a live look at new hampshire. that is where the temperature is that seven degrees, as we count down the first in the nation presidential primary. candidates are out and about in the granite state, they are making their cases to a notoriously independent minded electorate. what decision day now two days away, ron desantis plans to return to new hampshire today. donald trump spoke at a rally in manchester last nights, and about his wide range of topics, celebrating authoritarian leadership. >> the great man, great leader and europe, victor war bonnet, is the, he's the prime minister of hungary. he's a great leader. very strong man. some people don't like it because he's too strong. it's nice to have a strongman
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running a country. >> meanwhile, nikki haley today as we directly engagi with voters and get a momentum in the state. she picked up the endorsement of the conservative new hampshire union leader, newspaper today. the cnn poll of likely voters in new hampshire puts her within 11 points of trump, although, historically pollsters have trouble measuring that state. it could be difficult to tell just how many independents will participate. speaking of independents, here is what two independent voters told nbc about how their votes might swing. >> i'm looking, i'm thinking about haley because a vote for haley's and negative vote for trump. that is important to me. a non vote for the john boy. >> if it came down to trump and biden, with hopefully not, but, yes. i would never vote for trump. never. i wouldn't vote for nicky before i vote for trump.
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>> well, we've got a panel in place across new hampshire to cover some key developments. there have been quite a few of them in the past 12 to 24 hours. some of them very significant. we're going to begin with nbc's tasha burns, covering ron desantis who has made an abrupt shift canceling television appearances for this morning. also scheduling a last-minute event in manchester later on today. welcome to you. do we know what changed? >> alex, there are a lot of folks perplexed. i've been texting with donors, supporters, operatives. we're not sure what is going on. we know that he had planned to spend most of the weekend in south carolina, but made the pivot back here to new hampshire. it is not the kind of fertile ground for him given what you have shown at the outset. he is pulling and single digits here right now. he is going to be here tonight, supposedly, to try to make his case. he and nikki haley have been starting to sharpen their attacks on the floor.
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a lot of sources that i've been talking to, they've been kind of analyzing why it is that desantis never got that sort of launch takeoff that they initially had hoped for. they said that it is that challenge of messaging when it comes to the former presidents. he never got his footing quite right on. take a listen to what he's been saying on the campaign trail lately. >> you, know i have not heard donald trump say what he would do. i mean, obviously, he has complained a lot, but he has not put forward a strategy to be able to mitigate what the dems are doing. i am not going to go to an election without that. we will be ready to go, get the job done. >> here in new hampshire, the non-trump voter crowd are receptive to that message. again, the question that i'm asked gain, and a lot of people are asking, is it it too little too late? is they coming with this message now, here, and the second state, the first primary,
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where donald trump is already had this massive win? he looks like he's going to, according to our poll, in win again here in new hampshire. going into the thursday, south carolina. is it too little too late for either desantis or nikki haley to now start getting more direct blows to the former presidents? will that have an impact at this point? alex. >> i guess we're going to have to see on that. thank you so much for that, dasha. let's go now to seabrook new hampshire. that is where nbc's ali's with the nikki haley campaign, as she's been for quite some time. ali, welcome to you. haley's been talking about donald trump's mental fitness, she is not backtracking now, is she? >> no, not backtracking. if anything, it marks an escalation at the way that she's taken on the former president. dasha references the way that ron desantis, in his home stretch, has really sharpened his attacks against trump. the same thing goes for nikki haley. she really did it when trump himself allowed her the opening to do so. she had been saying the quiet
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part quietly when it came to, aging generation when it came to trump. but when he misspoke at a recent rally, mixing her name up with nancy pelosi's name during a regular frame about a january six conspiracy theory, haley now is able to make comments like this one about his mental fitness for office, watch. >> he claimed that joe biden was going to get us into world war ii. i'm assuming he met world war iii. he said that he ran against president obama. he never ran against president obama. he says that i'm the one that kept security from the capital on january six. i was nowhere near the capitol on january six. margaret, don't be surprised if you have somebody who is 80 in office, their mental stability is going to continue to decline. that's human nature. >> haley, they are making that point, one that she often makes about president biden, and concerns that she has about his
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age at a cutie. that's something to hear from voters. it is also something she's level it against her arrival and boss. there is the question that we often pose, which is is this too little too late? you look at events like, that's where nikki haley is going to be later this afternoon. it is clear that she is still trying to pound the pavement. this is really ramping up her number of events per day, over the course of the last week or so, as we head into this final stretch. i do think that the open question here is, is this message, however sharp, however escalated, falling on deaf ears? that is something, when i talk to voters, most people are coming over nikki haley, they say that they already don't want to vote for former president donald trump. so the question is, is she reaching anyone knew with this message about mental acuity? we'll see that when it comes to the polls, but certainly, josh and i are both working our sources. i know i'm on many tech starts with her today. to all of us looking at what's going on with ron desantis, and especially the haley campaign doing that. it is now down to the two man
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race, potentially, that they wanted it to be the entire time. they're watching very closely to see if that actually is something that could happen before new hampshire. >> i love the team effort with our fabulous reporters. that is great, ali. just so our viewers, know we did have a shot there of nikki haley. she was in new hampshire. she left the room just as we were going to take. it anyway, there you have it. thank you for that. trump, for his part, is going to be stopping in new hampshire later today with his campaign, holding a series of events. starting with the rally in kyiv. that will happen three hours from now. nbc's shaquille brewster is joining me now from new hampshire. jack, welcome, my friend. how is donald trump spending this final sunday before the new hampshire primary? >> well, we see former president trump here in new hampshire. we will have a rally later this evening, and a working class, industrial area. his allies are also here in new hampshire. matt gaetz right now, have in an office opening, essentially. trying to get out the votes. activate his supporters.
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also, making a nod to that uncertainty around ron desantis's campaign. saying, hey, we may see some around santa's joining us and the next couple of days. of, course desantis and his campaign is saying that he is still very much in this race. one thing that is clear is that nikki haley is on donald trump's mind. he was here in new hampshire yesterday, holding a rally. he went after haley aggressively. it is not just the former president, but his campaign is backing him up. every time he went after, haley you saw text on the big screens around him saying that nikki haley is supported by democrats. that she is a globalist. she doesn't support his border wall. haley, of course, denies that. she says she wants to do more than just the border wall. it gives you a sense of how much he is attacking nikki haley, and how aggressively he plans to. b i think we can expect to hear more of that as we see him back on stage, alex, later this evening. >> well, listen,. for his part, donald trump, nikki haley is going after him.
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michelle ackerman. after he confused her, repeatedly, with nancy pelosi. all around the events of january six and beyond. how is the trump campaign responding to that? >> look, they are trying to dismiss set. our colleague is asking david, one of the senior advisers, about this during a chicago press conference, after that rally. let's play a little bit of that moment, and hear how the campaign is responding to reporters questions about that mix-up. >> look, it makes a difference. but you can see [inaudible] >> i know that was a little bit hard to, here but the key phrase is that they believe it was the distinction. the reason this is getting so much attention is partially because of how much donald trump points to joe biden. what you hear from joe biden, or anytime that he misspeaks, he uses that as a big thing. you see donald trump, when he
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mix-up nancy pelosi with nikki haley, or did the opposite, that is what his opponents are pointed to and saying it's both of you doing that. both of you are having messed up san stage. when you go away for the teleprompter. the campaign is dismissing, that but that's another factor, another thing that he has to worry about. another point that's been made from his opponents here in the state. again, you look at polling, he's coming into the state, new hampshire. with a clear, advantage most poll show that double digit lead. you have other candidates doing what they can, to chip away at that. they're hoping they can stop some of that momentum, especially after his big win last week. >> yep. well here's the, deal if you're going to sit, out you're going to have to take it to. all, right thank you so much for. that's for all of, you do stay with us for special coverage. rachel maddow is in the lead analysis of the primary with steve kornacki on the big board, and jen psaki will be on the ground. it all starts for you tuesday at six pm eastern, right here on msnbc.
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in the meantime, donald trump has back to court tomorrow and he wants to testify. why many legal experts call that a suicide mission. we'll be back in 60 seconds. in 60 seconds. for fast sore throat relief, try vicks vapocool drops. with two times more menthol per drop, and powerful vicks vapors to vaporize sore throat pain. vicks vapocool drops. vaporize sore throat pain. sometimes, the lows of bipolar depression feel darkest before dawn. with caplyta, there's a chance to let in the lyte™. caplyta is proven to deliver significant relief across bipolar depression. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta treats both bipolar i and ii depression. and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain were not common. call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants may increase these risks in young adults. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, confusion, stiff or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be life threatening or permanent.
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these aren't all the serious side effects. caplyta can help you let in the lyte™. ask your doctor about caplyta find savings and support at >> tomorrow in georgia, an emergency hearing a set for arguments on fulton county fani willis's effort to block a subpoena to have her deposed in the divorce case of nathan weight -- >> so a headline in the washington post today says that allegations of a romantic relationship between the prosecutors do not require them to be bumped from the case, but may have damage the case against trump. joining me now, msnbc legal analyst, charles coleman. he is a former brooklyn new york prosecutor, now a civil rights attorney, and host of the charles coleman podcast. a really good friend to us. let's get into, does charles. this divorce case, it does not
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materially affect the criminal prosecution of trump and his codefendants. is this affair that is being allowed to spill over? or will the divorce judge, and the criminal judge, are they going to see it as a defense tactic, dragging these kind of salacious allegations just in an attempt to muddy the legal waters? >> alex, that's exactly what this is. that is exactly what we're looking at. the defense in this case is going to use everything that they can, that's at their disposal, to try and distract from the actual facts, and the merits of the case against donald trump. i said at the beginning, of all these cases, that we are going to get a first row seat and insight into how all the different ways the legal system, works and what the tactics that attorneys can use to try to avoid doing with this case. this is what we're seeing not just in this, case but in others. what we're talking about with fani willis, whether it's true, whether it's not, it is salacious, it's distracting, it is going to ultimately try and be something that is a delay in the overall progression of this case and prosecution.
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no, it doesn't look good on its face. of course, there may be some ethical questions that need to be answered, but ultimately, it is not something that should cause fani willis to be removed from this case. nor does it have anything to do with the merits of whether donald trump has done any of the things he has been charged with on this indictment. >> okay. so, look, as we both might expect, trump is on social media. he is askingn one georgia is going to be dropping this election racketeering charges. but while fani willis has not addressed the allegations publicly, his lawyer are accusing wades of interfering with the trump election case. -- also spoke at a church last sunday, charles. what do you think of the comments she has made, and how she's handling this issue? >> well it's a very difficult role that she is having to tell, alex. on the one, hand you don't want to necessarily give too much gas or fuel to the fire. on the other, if there is context that you have that's going to provide the public with a clearer picture, then you want to provide that to a
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certain extent. so you have to sort of balance the interest of being able to maintain the integrity of your prosecution, but also understand that the less you say, the longer that goes, the issue of being able to maintain that integrity around your prosecution becomes more challenging. that is the balancing act that fani willis is talking about right now. normally, you would not have a situation where the prosecution, or the dea of a particular county is dealing, and discuss, in the marital affairs of one of her assistants. that is not something that you see. and in case of this magnitude, for her not to say anything at any point, it's going to escalate the distrust around the entire case. so she had to address it at some point. i don't necessarily know that we will see or hear much more from her about this outside of the court, but i do understand, while she made the decision, even if it may have been to some extent ill-advised, to address it in what she deemed to be a safe space in a controlled environment by standing in the church in doing so. >> yeah.
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good assessment there. thank you for that. let's move on to what's new today in the a.g. carroll case. we have this headline. and judge kaplan's, court trump plays with fire. trump says that he wants to testify tomorrow, as you know, in the carroll case. the washington post is saying that if he does, legal experts think his time on the witness stand could be something akin to a suicide mission. so, charles this is a judge who is not just open to holding people in contempt, but we'll pursue what to the bitter end. >> you, know there aren't only so many times that donald trump is going to sort of play with fire before he gets burned. i think that his attorneys should, at this point, be very clear about the fact that donald trump is not somebody who you want to put on the stand. he, and no way, shape, or form, has interest in following the script. and when you, when your attorney allows you to get on the, stan you will have a craft and a very particular narrative. you know how you're going to answer their questions. you know how you're going to answer the questions in the
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themes that they are going to throw your way as a witness on cross examination. donald trump cannot be trusted to do any of that. if his attorneys put him on the, stand they will be making a great mistake, because we're dealing with a client who cannot, necessarily, control his own mouth, under normal circumstances. let's not even get into what you were talking about with -- in the last segment regarding the criticisms around his mental dexterity. if those things are even halfway, true that's another factor that you have to think about because now you're dealing with a loose cannon who can't control himself, and someone who may be thinking things that may not be happening as they're happening. not saying that's automatically going to take place, but what i am saying is that given those variables and different factors, this is not something that you want to deal with, or play with, as an attorney. but putting this witness on the stand. >> yes, you say you can't control his own, about the can control is impulses. pushing his attorneys to make him get on that stand, or allow him, i should say. with this carroll trial, and the civil fraud trial, they're both about assessing damages,
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charles. take a listen to what trump told the new york attorney general and his deposition. that has a nine months ago. here it is. >> i don't need the money. you've probably seen the, cash we have a lot of cash. we have substantial, an excess of 4 million cash. we have many pieces of properties. we have properties that make money, but you can sell them many many times. i want to show you a good statement. i would have had maybe $10 million or something for the brand. >> timing wise, is it any accident that this was released on friday? >> no, it wasn't. i think everything at this point is very intentional. i think when you're talking about the sorts of statements, and the impact that they can potentially, have particularly during the damages portion of the trial, nothing that deals with money and or assets is done by accident. i think that the timing of this
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is a function of where we are with respect to this trial. both in new york, and the damages case with carole. i think that this is all pretty lined up with driving home the point, or points, about where the damages are both these cases should be. like i, said it's not a coincidence that this occurs when we are at the damages portion on both trials. >> okay. thank you for that chats, and your expertise, charles. good to see you, thank you. so there is a new word today from one of the key figures in the biden campaign, delivering and direct message on what this election is not about. you're going to hear that, next. hat, next it may be time to see the bigger picture. heart failure and seemingly unrelated symptoms like carpal tunnel syndrome, shortness of breath, and irregular heartbeat could mean something more serious, called attr-cm a rare, underdiagnosed disease that worsens over time.
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that is because it is approxaty the number of democrats who have really restered as republicans or independents to vote in the gop primary. the goal of some of those voters? to thwart donald trump's march to the nomination. when it comes to dependent voters in the state, past is prologue. here is our nbc -- explained it on meet the press this morning. >> these are the past three competitive republican primaries in new hampshire. these are republican primaries. look, and 2016, more than four in ten voters and that republican primary voter was an independent. in 2012, 45%. in 2008, 37%. those are awfully big numbers for a party primary. the rule in new hampshire is then, you win the independent vote. donald trump did in 2016. mitt romney did in 2012. john mccain dead and 2008. then you win new hampshire. >> while new today, the biden
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campaign is slamming critics who say that the president is too old to run for a second term. presidential candidates, stifel, donald, trump no kayleigh, they have all brought up the presidents age well companion new hampshire. now, the biden camp is fighting back. >> when it comes to the presidents age, we have a simple little formula for that. that is results. age equals wisdom, equals results and experience. this election is not going to be about age. this election is about freedom and democracy. that democrats under president biden's leadership believe that people deserve more from you, not less. republicans want to roll that back in right away. >> well, nbc's mike -- joining us from manchester, new hampshire, we're a biden -- is underway. welcome to you, my friend. how much support does the president have there? >> well, alex, this effort is so unusual because when the president made that direction to the democratic national committee to try to take the first issue primary away from new hampshire, give it to south carolina, some of the loudest
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voices, the loudest criticism came from elected new hampshire democrats. came from some of the establishment here in the states. now, they are also some of the same people who are running in and making the most effort here, are behind them, they think it's important for new hampshire democrats to continue to show that they support the president. you see that fine line in the interview that kristen walker did today, when senator maggie had to -- take a listen to her describing this. >> even though the dnc made the terrible decision, we see strong energy for a biden campaign. joe biden has done what independents and those in new hampshire have, asked which is walked across the aisle to deliver important bipartisan result for the people of our country. at the end of the, day that's with the choices, and that's what new hampshire democrats now. that's why we're seen really good energy on the ground for biden camp. >>, alex there are 21 democratic candidates that will be on that ballot on tuesday. of, course you have minnesota congressman, dean phillips. you have marion williamson, a
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familiar name from the 2020 democratic primary. then a lot of other relatively unknown's who are going to also be on the ballot. it's interesting to see but the turnout will be. the new hampshire secretary of state is predicting a record turnout in the republican primary. more than 320,000 votes there. only about 88,000 votes in the democratic primary. will the president be able to win that vote? even without being on the? ballot that's the big question on the democratic side. >> i know you are asking, it and you'll bring the answered some. point thank you so much. so to quote congress -- homer simpson, dumb. donald trump makes an error in new hampshire. is it enough to boost nikki haley? kk haley? from breaking your momentum. you may have already been vaccinated against the flu, but don't forget this season's updated covid-19 shot too. bladder leak underwear has one job. i just want to feel protected! always discreet protects like no other. with double leak guards that help prevent gushes escaping from the sides.
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a force to be reckon with. no, not you saquon. hm? you! your business bank account with quickbooks money, now earns 5% apy.
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5% apy? that's new! yup, that's how you business differently. this election is a choice between 5% apy? that's new! results or just rhetoric. californians deserve a senator who is going to deliver for them every day and not just talk a good game. adam schiff. he held a dangerous president accountable. he also helped lower drug costs, bring good jobs back home, and build affordable housing. now he's running for the senate. our economy, our democracy, our planet. this is why we fight. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. >> the final push for votes as
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on in new hampshire as you look at hampton beach. there are no board sort and sight there. 15 degrees. all presidential candidates, they are holding events in the state today. you have ron desantis, leaving south carolina, where he focused his campaign for the last few days. there is also an nbc news article titled a total failure to launch. this is doomed from the start. it highlights missteps at the florida governor's bid for president, it also shows scott wagner, the head of the desantis super pac, never back down, doing a jigsaw puzzle at campaign headquarters in iowa. a week before the caucuses. dasha burns will have more for that on us at the top of the
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hour. independent voters w the ballots in either parties primary make up 39% of the electorate of the state. this will be crucial and decided the outcome on tuesday. voters who don't identify with the party are being viewed as the key to nikki haley's chances of an upset victory. >> i was debating between dean and haley. i like haley, but the only reason i don't want to vote republican is because i don't like the republican congress. and i definitely don't like trump. but that's besides the point. >> i'm thinking about haley because of vote for haley as a negative vote for trump. that is important to me. and non vote for him. >> joining me now from manchester, new hampshire, washington post national political reporter who is the writer on that headline we just showed you. welcome, may.
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please explain the political leaders of new hampshire's and dependent voters, and why nikki haley's edge among them has narrowed in the final days of this race. >> alex, as you've been talking about throughout your coverage, these independents are very politically complex. some of them league very conservative, they have this isolationist tendencies that donald trump does. you know, they don't want to wear the jersey at the republican party. then, on the other side, there were all of these democratic -leaning independents. some of them are republicans who fled the party under donald trump. so that is what nikki haley is doing here. she has these dueling imperatives where she has got to get more gop voters to match trump's support among them. at the same time, she's got to appeal to those voters like the ones you just heard from right there. we see this as a protest vote against trump, rather than a vote of enthusiasm for nikki
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haley. that is why we're seeing this incredibly careful calibration from her on her message on trump. she waited so long to really start attacking him harder. she is going after these attacks on trump about his age, his, you know, perceived mental decline. but trying to rub biden into the same attacks. that way, she doesn't turn off to many of those gop voters who still may like trump's record. i don't want to hear a lot of criticism of her. it has been a very, very difficult balancing act for her there. some of the polls that were seen ourselves coming out today, to your point, is as many as 30% of independents are supporting donald trump, and that gap between her and trump among independents is closing. >> so i guess the question is, is it too late for her to close this gap between them? has her campaign been successful of persuading democrats to vote for her?
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>> i mean, she would argue, and her campaign would argue that they are still driving this conservative message. she gets very frustrated and people referred to her as the moderates. clearly, all of the groups that are helping her have been targeting these independent voters. the democratic-leaning once. it just seems, even in the last few days, this fuselage of trump attacks that we have seen here, it has really been hurting her. she is getting hit from the right on the immigration issue, and then on the, left on social security and medicare. where the trump campaign is trying to get these more liberal and independent voters to question whether she would be looking out for them on those issues. i don't know that there is enough time to close that gap. there is not much time left. she seems to be sliding in the other direction. new hampshire, always, surprises us, that is why we love the state so much.
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that is what happens on tuesday, alex. >> maeve, since you're on the ground, you have a sense of public sentiment? are folks they're tired? or do they run relishes because of the attention? >> i think they relish this. this is my six cycle cover new hampshire voters. they love this idea that they are the real arbiters of the contest. they like to sort of discount iowa's results, and think of themselves as the people who are really betting these candidates. it's a state with a much more moderate complexion, and they view themselves as more a reflection of the direction that the country will go in the general election. i think they love the attention, they loved sane i've see nikki haley for the third time, and getting to make all these decisions right down to the wire and surprise people. >> okay, granted state, there you go. from the washington post, thank you so much. so, we are talking donald trump's veep stakes and the one
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you. and new hampshire. we've got some snow on the ground just two days to go before that state's primary. all three candidates are holding events today. former president, donald trump, any former south carolina governor, nikki haley, saying she isn't conservative enough. haley, for her, part is returning fire, insisting that she is the best candidate to beat president joe biden. rhonda santas is polling in single digits. new today, congresswoman, elise stefanik, she is fueling speculation that she is going to be donald trump's running mate and this -- stefanik spent the weekend on the trail, 14 trump critics in advocating for his return to office. >> are we ready to make america great again? are we ready to elect president donald j trump and fire joe biden? >> joe has not lost a stab, he
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is a stronger candidate today. >> he deserves, and a future trump administration, in any capacity. these are witchhunts against president trump. the reason why is because he is pulling ahead of joe biden. >> joining me now is my sunday family. we have don calloway, democratic strategist and founder of the national voter protection action fund. or publican strategist, susan del percio, and former florida government, david jolly. both are msnbc political analyst. hello, guys. he so to you for, as you know i like to do ladies first here. is trump stefanos ticket a winning one? will america feel comfortable with these two leading the country? >>, while i think before we get there, i don't think donald trump will feel comfortable having stefanik on a tickets? right now -- >> really? >> yeah. it just goes to show you, no matter how much you sell yourself out and give up your principles for donald trump, he will still look right by you if
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there's somebody else who can do more for him. that someone else has been rumored to be senator from alabama, katie brett. she offers a lot more that ali stefanik, for sure. donald trump is taking a good hard look at her. >> and trust. dain that is a name that hasn't been found heard about a lot. well julie taken out. let's deal with stefanik right now, because the dawn, she and trump, they're no strangers, right? to controversy. they're both very polarizing political figures. could this be a dream team for democrats, what a trump stefanik ticket booths the appeal of a biden harris ticket? >> i don't know that it boosts the appeal of a biden harris ticket, but it certainly is something that elise to phonics been additional four for sometime. remember, she is a member of house leadership, which is typically something that was reserved for members with greater tenure and much more age than her. remember, among this, when she
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went hard at the next of those three women college presidents, she was responsible for their individual and collective destructions, with her lot of questioning. that was a very, very clear addition for the vice presidency. i would also not just got an invest senator tim scott, who did his job within an enthusiastic, almost certain endorsement of the president. tim scott is a friend of mine, i'm disappointed in him for that. i think that the sweepstakes are wide open. it will be someone who presents an opposing demographic than president trump, so they can say, look, we're not racist, were not sexist. it still underlines the same demonstrably pernicious policies that have come from the previous trump administration's. >> let me ask you about tim scott in a second. let me get to you, david. there is some questions about trump's mental fitness after he, at late, mix-up nikki haley and nancy pelosi. and fact, for five times he mix-up their names. it was during that recent speech. let's listen to how haley is
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fueling that speculation. >> they're saying he got confused. that he was talking about something else. he was talking about nancy pelosi. he mentioned me multiple times in that scenario. the concern i have is i'm not saying anything derogatory, but when you are dealing with the pressures of a presidency, we can't have someone else that we question whether they're mentally fit to do this. we can't. >> david, does this new focus on trump's mental acuity going to give, really, give haley's campaign a boost? >> well, i think nikki haley has demonstrated a large amount of weakness, honestly, on issues involving donald trump. she announced last february 14th, 15 weeks ago, and has yet to show a new profile and courage in addressing the accountability for him on january six on the mar-a-lago
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documents issue, on georgia tampering, or even on the e. jean carroll manner when she was pressed on it this past week. donald trump was walking into this moment. it was a gift to nikki haley. we saw a mental lapse, certainly there are questions about his mental acuity. for her to bring it up now, it just speaks of convenience. if she really had a concern, and that that was an issue she wanted to press, she would've started making that case 50 weeks ago. she didn't. it's convenient, she is desperate, donald trump has the momentum. i don't think there is any courage of what she's done this week on that. >> when you look at ron desantis's campaign, that certainly is up in thair today. the florida governor was supposed to appear on several morning talk shows this morning. he has since counseled. susan, when it comes yesterday, i know you said on our air that it is possible to santos could drop out before tuesday. if that happens. how would that change the dynamic of this race, if he were to spend his campaign, this is early in the primary season to do that.
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>> yeah, it makes sense if you are desantis and you're looking towards 2028. you lost iowa. you know you're going to lose new hampshire. you're going to lose nevada. you're going to lose south carolina. if you're going to introduce yourself again to voters, and 2028, a wide to it with four losses behind you? mike more sense to get out, now go to donald trump, just play nice for a couple of years, and then gear up again. you know, to say i tried, at only went to iowa, it makes sense. as far as a defecting nikki haley, probably not much. i think she is going to be done there soon after new hampshire. unless she wins a commandingly, which just doesn't look like it's going to go her way, she has lost her momentum. she is going to get clobbered in her home state. but she will win, for the record, she will win the primary. she will win a primary. she will win nevada. and nevada, there is a primary and a caucus two days apart.
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the only problem, is with nevada's primary, there is no delegates at stake. >> yeah. i love watching you put all your experience into these projections, it's fascinated. and you may well be right. let's watch every once in the biden harris campaign because the vice president kamala harris was on the view this week. here is a bit of what she said. take a listen. >> i think most people don't think of it in the context of democracy so much freedom. freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body. the freedom to love who you love openly and with pride. the freedom to be able to be free from gun violence. these are fundamental freedoms that are at stake right now. the freedom to have access to the ballot. we will not have the kind of quality of life that i think most people want without fundamental freedoms. >> strong appearance. don, you've always been a strong advocate for the vice president. is she going to be one of the biden campaign's not so secret what bans ahead of november? >> she has to be the primary
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weapon. we know now that, i don't think that the president faces the mental acuity challenges that the rights and some people on the left have started to cede and that story. that said, kamala harris is more telegenic, she is more articulate. she is the foremost surrogate that this administration has to have. of, course actively, democrats are trying to find ways to talk to black man. they're trying to find ways to make sure that the young people who have turned 18 since 2020 are now actively engaged and registered. [inaudible] >> looks like we may have had a little drop out there, friesen. a move on to you, david. believe it or, not trump's former press secretary, hailie mcenany, he actually praise the vice presidents appearance on the view. saying it's one of her best appearances. her focus on abortion rights was smart and, powerful amongst young woman. should republicans keep mcenany's words? is the gop underestimating just how influential the vice
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president can be? >> well, i think that haley picked up on something that will be a critical pivot for the biden administration. we've talked in the past about whether or not this idea of preserving democracy is actually an issue that will inform voters on election day. joe biden has a patriotic duty to get on there on the message of preserving democracy, but is it really what will inform peoples vote? the way to do it is how you saw vice president harris do that. that is to draw the line that only and a healthy democracy, and the freedom of the individual really be protected. can there won't be protective? the reproductive freedom? their opportunity for people from all walks of life to have education and health care. all of that happens in a vibrant democracy. what it does, it allows joe biden and vice president harris to thread together the most important themes facing the nation, as well as the most important themes on voters minds, and i think that's what haley picked up. bob democrats and republicans
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would be wise to realize, that is the framing that biden and harris will take a november. >> yeah, listen, i'm out of time, but don, really quickly, you mentioned ten. scotland surprised at his endorsement of donald trump? he's your friend. >> surprised and deeply disappointed. tim scott is a good man, he knows better. he knows what donald trump represents. he's a good and decent man. he knows that this country deserves better, and is better than a lot of the things that donald trump represents. i'm surprised it disappointed. i'm hearing it from my friends who know that i liked him a lot. >> okay. all three of, you i like you guys a lot. everyone knows that. okay, thank you so much. appreciate it. brought to you by the letter q. no it's not sesame street, it's something more dangerous. it involves donald trump. s donald trump like a porcelain doll. if you have postmenopausal osteoporosis and are at high risk for fracture,
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group of nearly 60 democrats is calling on republicans to stop politicizing the migrant crisis and strike an immigration deal with the white house. in a lover just pick to mike johnson, the new democrat coalition wrote, it is unfortunate you members of your conference are describing the situation as a winning political issue, and suggesting that you would wait to act on the border and tell a republican president is elected. this is unacceptable. we respectfully -- mike quigley of illinois signed that letter. he joins me now. always good to have you on the show. speaker johnson is under pressure, as you know, from his hard right colleagues, and donald trump, who don't want any sort of compromise that all. would you offer up a carrot and let him keep his gavel if he defies his right flank, and backs up bipartisan deal? >> well, we have to go back to what happened with speaker mccarthy. we had a deal, a compromise, to address all these issues,
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including the debt ceiling last june. a week, later he came into the far rights, and they still didn't love him, it's like a bad wrong con. they eventually ousted him for that. even though he backed off on a compromise deal. my message to speaker johnson's, these folks will never agree to any compromise if it involves these issues. he actually wants to function as a speaker. he has to move forward with bipartisan deals, because that is a divided government. >> you and i have talked about this, how this whole border issue has become something for your constituents to deal with in chicago. the city is struggling to manage more than 34,000 migrants who have arrived from texas since the end of august. so what would want to deal look like, that your constituents could get behind? >> a look. i think what we need to do on the border crisis is what we
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always need to do. secure the border, passed comprehensive immigration reform, we felt that many opportunities in the bipartisan manner, address the crises and its home country, and pass measures that to give us cities like new york, chicago, denver. the resources to help the migrants and our cities address this issue. it can be done on a bipartisan basis. one of the biggest problems is that speaker johnson said, and the maga republicans, a border deal instead on arrival because you can happen without a republican in the white house. look, that is supplemental, deal that's coming down the pike from the senate, it includes ukraine, israel, taiwan, aid. it also has a migrant issue there. this means, this is a no win situation. so if you're serious about, this past these things
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individually, or understand that you're going to have to tie these together to get this done. every single one of them is critical, but you can't let a critical foreign policy issue be tied to a partisan issue that you have already agreed to something that won't happen. >> so this bargaining chip that you're referencing white in order to get ukraine aid, pass this week the president aides told lawmakers a private meeting that russia could win the war within weeks if congress doesn't act. that is according to two people who are familiar with us. you are co-chair of the congressional ukraine conference. are republicans hearing these alarm bells? can you explain what that risk? >> look, i think about half the republicans are for helping ukraine, if you look at what we had about two months ago. but for the slight majority, the republican caucus, the -- is that we will always support our allies against russian aggression. so i think they get it.
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i think many of them are simply opposed to this because candidate trump's, and they don't want to offend candidate trump and his base because they're in the republican primaries to. they understand what's at stake. unfortunately, the slight majority of them aren't acting responsibly. i don't think ukraine will ever give up. i don't think putin can actually ever win the war in the sense that he would take over all of ukraine. the tide would be turned, many lives would be lost, our reputation in the world would be devastating. as someone who doesn't stick with our allies, and those that oppose us would see this as a lack of will. into, ron those in beijing, they would see this as an opportunity to exploit the situation, and all they have to do is wait until, and their minds, trump becomes president, and then all is fair game. >> okay,


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