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tv   Dateline  MSNBC  January 21, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PST

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campaign but what is with the pretty crowded is now down to a two-person race as of today after florida governor ron desantis dropped out and endorsed donald trump immediately physically just hours ago. it was a rocky road for desantis from the very beginning and i think it's fair to say, remember when he kicked off his campaign with a glitch-y twitter live stream we all remember that. it turns out things never really went up from there. i know it might be hard to picture, especially tonight, before he entered the race he was thought of as the next great hope of the republican party he was the big story of the 2022 election he was thought of as donald trump's biggest threat from messaging to messaging mistakes it camequl apart. it's a bit of a paper tiger candidate meaning basically sure he was great on paper he
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was governor of florida heat a lot of credentials, but the more people saw him the last they seemed to like him. desantis did pull off a distant second place finish last week in iowa, where he really did his campaign. he visited all 99 counties and he still finished nearly 30 points behind donald trump he hung in there just a little longer even with no real plans to compete in new hampshire and a dwindling sight of financial resources and backers. we will definitely be talking about that tonight. after hesitating to go after trump for months, even going to the right of him at a time, like the time he signed a six-week abortion ban and all the anti-boxing streaks. he did start jobbing at the former president a little bit. >> you can be the most worthless republican in america
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but if you kiss the ring he will say you are wonder for. you can be the strongest most dynamic most successful republican in america but if you don't kiss the ring he will try to trash you you know what you deserve a nominee that's going to put you first, not himself first. >> reporter: a little spicy there governor where was that guy for the last six months, he just came out fighting recently but much to the rest of the campaign strategy the campaign had a false start this is what we saw today just one week later. >> i cannot ask our supporters to volunteer their time and donate their resources, we do not have a clear path to victory. accordingly today, i am suspending my campaign. trump is superior to the current incumbent joe biden that is clear, i signed a pledge for the republican nominee and i will honor that pledge. he has my endorsement because we cannot go back to the old
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republican guard of yesteryear. >> reporter: so, there you have it, ron desantis dropping out, and basically kissing the ring i would say. that was not exactly a passionate, ringing endorsement i would say the question really now is, what comes next? how does it impact the primary and beyond. can nikki haley -- is it just another step in the coronation, four times indicted, former president. i want to bring in my all-star panel, nbc news correspondent, former rnc chairman anonymous nbc michael steele. former republican congressman david jolly, and a don hillyard msnbc news correspondent. let's start with you, you've been covering the campaign very closely, he had a few words to say about that. tell us about that and what we heard from ron desantis, and his stepping out today?
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>> we can say jan, but donald trump's eagerness to bring republicans, one time republican rivals back into the fold is a little quicker than eight years ago. of course, it took the lengths of marco rubio, a great many months to come around and endorsed donald trump, and donald trump and return embracing them. this go around, it was a little different not only from rhonda sanders announcing his endorsement on the day he drums, but donald trump just hours later on this stage striking a much different tenor about the florida governor that he has ridiculed for the better part of the last year. >> i would like to take the time to congratulate ron desantis, and of course a really terrific person. i have gotten to know his wife casey ran a great campaign for president.
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really, he ran a great campaign. i will tell you it is not easy. they think it is easy doing this stuff, it is not easy. as you know he left the campaign trail tonight at three pm, in so doing he was gracious and he endorsed me, so i appreciate it. >> jan, politics for donald trump is perhaps the most transparently transactional, more so than any other politician in modern american history. for donald trump he spent the last part of the year, i followed him on the campaign trail, he gave a great many speeches of his and he said that rhonda santos needed a personality transplant, he wants to cut security and medicare, i disciple of paul ryan ian. for him to go up on the stage with a clear recognition that he needs to unite the republican party in order to mount a credible election run against joe biden. >> reporter: you don't typically hear donald trump call ron desantis gracious,
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interesting to me, very interesting to see him pile his endorsements. i know you have a lot more reporting to do, so thank you for joining us, i am sure we will talk to you very soon. i want to turn to my panel now, there is a lot to unpack about what exactly happened here. i want to start with you, you have been covering the desantis campaign quite closely. with politics, he started the campaign as the next great hope. he had a huge fund raising and its first day $8 million. people in the republican party were quite excited about him, what happened here? >> a lot happened. the biggest thing is donald trump. trump defined him before he could define himself, there were a lot of people that were reporting the last story about him that said he should have jumped in a lot sooner. >> into the race? >> into the race. but ultimately, describing it there taking punch, after punch, after a punch from former
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president trump. and he never quite found his footing, how do you deal with that? because he was campaigning, trying to chip away at trump's base. he was scared of alienating them. at the same time a lot of folks are telling me that he should have come out swinging, what do his voters respect more than anything? why did they love donald trump so much? because he is a fighter. that is what people were looking for four in him. toward the end there he started to sharpen his tone, sharpen his message, people were coming to me saying where was the guy over the last couple of minds, where was he early on in this race. >> reporter: right where was this guy? i read his transcripts last week and he basically said that of trump was the nominee that trump biden will be leading him in swing states. imagine if he had said -- you know it's not something that you should say as a candidate, but it is interesting. nikki haley has run a different strategy, she has very carefully, i would say, pitched on the margins.
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things like that, a huge issue in new hampshire. she has been very specific about what she has been targeting him. she has now come out swinging but she did better than desantis clearly. how has her strategy been different? >> the fact that he was taking all the fire, for the first year effectively of the campaign. she started her campaign before rhonda santa's dead, and quietly built the plane, and able to take off with that. i think for desantis as he was trying to large, she was building the plane, and trump lustful throwing bombs at him. it's not a good way to build the plane. i think the fact that desantis was out there taking the errors while haley was out there creating her own. -- i think the reality for this field, and this has been true even before the candidates jumped in is the fact that this is a party that still wants trump. on the hill, when i am with lawmakers, he is the person who sets the tone, he creates the guardrails of what their
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ideology to that extent it if it exists. the problem with the candidates is that they do not want to admit that voters just want trump, and none of them are trump. >> right, at the end of the day desantis was the guy that was supposed to be the alternative, we were looking to him to potentially beat trump, and people said to me that even if it were not for all of these mistakes emit missteps of the campaign ran along the way, the fact that you heard donald trump there from the outside as the guy he had to beat it was an almost impossible feat. what we saw in iowa the, majority of voters saying this is who i winds, and desantis who -- he tried to make the play, he tried to be trumpy but without their chaos. and no one bought it. now nikki haley is the only alternative, the coalition
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there are not hard-core republican primary voters they are moderates. and this is why desantis levied against her. but i do think that if she goes into south carolina, a state like that, other southern states, other hard-core republican states that are not new hampshire, she will really struggle with the base of the republican party. >> reporter: i want to bring up michael steele next, and david to, you i watched that video of ron desantis, and it felt strange like he was under duress. he basically said the bare minimum. like i have all abide by my commitment, to my pledge to the nominee, he is better than joe biden, it was not a rousing endorsement. my question is, does it matter, is there enough of a desantis following that trump needs, what matters about the endorsement to you? >> the only thing that really matters is that it feeds trump's ego and it sets ryan
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desantis up in two ways, one he honored his word. i am endorsing the nominee of the party. number two, it sets him up for a 2020 year, he definitely does not want to burn that bridge. he wants to stay seemingly in the good graces of the republican base, such as it exists. so, you know, he tried to square it as much as he could. losing, stepping out of the campaign that you put a lot of time and effort into regardless of how god awful you are as a candidate, it hurts. there is a lot of pride to swallow there. there is a lot of pride that really comes back hard when you hear the guy you are endorsing, you know, has been criticizing you for the past 67 months calling you everything but child of god. saying you know i really like his wife, she's really nice
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[laughter] if you, it just doesn't feel good. three and yet he has got to sit there and take it, he's got to bend the knee and kiss the ring, which he has done today. the reality, more broadly speaking to both to dasha and all these incredible reporting, you guys 00 here covering this stuff because it is all over the map. the reality is simply this, this was never anybody else's dance, race, or campaign by donald trump's. this is his party, it is his until it isn't. and he does not plan to move off of it anytime soon. so all of them using around all of this candidacy for both nikki, hand for ron desantis, was always a fantasy. a fantasy of the money in the party. they were never the base
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interest of the party. they were never peeling off donald trump voters. that was not happening, no matter how much they like, i have tied to enough for them to know, yeah i like ron, but i am with trump. there is nowhere to go in that conversation. >> reporter: that's a tough line. we dounately have a resident floridian with us, david jolly. david i have heard that these amazing ladies have been reporting or been talking about this as well, it has been reported that desantis has been kind of saying that trump supporters are telling him that he should run in 2028. do you think that is part of the -- i asked this because he is not exactly a great candidate, i think it is fair to say. is that why what he is thinking and why he dropped out before new hampshire? >> i think it is part of his calculus for dropping out today, i would suggest that that is not really there either. i think in many ways the story
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of ron desantis is one of the more epic failures in political campaigns, at least in modern history considering he had the hardest hand in politics, just one year ago. 19-point win for the governorship over charlie chris, shattering florida's previous records for a governor win in a swing state. 100 and $50 million and commitments. he was leading donald trump in early polls. rupert murdoch teamed him the future, so he had everything. what ended up happening was he overplayed his confidence, and his arrogance, coming out of florida with his covid politics and culture wars. i think it is all three of your panelists have pointed out, he also ran into the reality that he is congesting donald trump in a party that did not want to move on from donald trump. in many ways we might need to remember this entire primary, as the primary that never was. because once donald trump said to mueller on your guy again,
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they agreed he is the guy again. i think the telling thing is the entire race is -- obviously we're watching nikki haley, the numbers are not great, ron desantis was 43 points behind -- nikki haley's 40 points in a head to head and her home state. so where the tell is, that this is over, i think ron desantis positioned himself as the off ramp. he was what modern voters would've wanted if they didn't want trump. nikki haley has positioned herself as the alternative. they do not want an alternative. it might be good enough to win new hampshire, but not good enough to go past new hampshire. >> reporter: we do have to sneak in a very quick break, we are just getting started tonight doing the special coverage of the new hampshire primary, lots, and lots more to come over the next two hours in manchester including some of the things the panels have talked over, what's up with the
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future, what happens with trump, what's up with nikki haley we will be right back. be right back (dad) did you say 25 dollars a line? (sister) and we can save big on things we love, like netflix and max! (dad) oh, that's awesome (mom) spaghetti night -- dinner in 30 (dad) oh, happy day! (vo) starts at $25 per line... ...guaranteed for 3 years, for a limited time only... ...and get both netflix and max for just $10/mo. only on verizon. when i was diagnosed with h-i-v, i didn't know who i would be. but here i am... being me. keep being you... and ask your healthcare provider about the number one prescribed h-i-v treatment, biktarvy. biktarvy is a complete, one-pill, once-a-day treatment used for h-i-v in many people whether you're 18 or 80. with one small pill, biktarvy fights h-i-v to help you get to undetectable—and stay there whether you're just starting or replacing your current treatment. research shows that taking h-i-v treatment as prescribed and getting to and staying undetectable prevents transmitting h-i-v through sex. serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. rare, life-threatening side effects
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our special coverage from manchester new hampshire, where we just got a big jolt on the republican side with ron desantis dropping out today. the big question, where will his supporters go? the answer is not so obvious, but there may be some answers. back in october a poll asked to rank their first and second choices, when it came to their first choice is 58% said donald trump. 18% ron desantis and 13% nikki haley. of the 18% that picked desantis as their first choice, 48% said donald trump would be their second choice. while 20% picked nikki haley. joining me in the conversation to help break down what i just walk, through what it means, and where these supporters go is mark murray senior political
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editor. mark this is kind of the question, the question my friends were asking me overtaxed, we are all talking about. it he dropped a, he does not have a huge amount of support in new hampshire, where do they go, and where do they go after new hampshire? >> that national poll ballot in november was really good, i do think there is a big caveat with those numbers. we are talking about a small sample size, just 18% around of santa's voters, because there could be a high margin for error. we roughly say the national polls, even the state polls that we see in new hampshire that more of desantis voters go their second choice goes to donald trump, then to nikki haley. we extrapolate that out to a contest here in new hampshire for example, where donald trump is already above 50% according to the tracking poll. he is right at 50% according to cnn. if he is getting the desantis voters in a 21 margin, that
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really helps donald trump. again, we have to see how the race plays out on tuesday and beyond, to do anymore extrapolating. but also jen it is important to note that it is not a surprise that desantis voters would go to trump than hailie. they occupy that same lane of the very conservative republicans. even the argument that desantis ends up making about him not being conservative enough on abortion, not getting the wall done, those are not nikki haley voters who tend to be more moderate, and the fully anti trump wing of the republican party. >> new hampshire is a good state for nikki haley afterward of becomes a little bit harder they become a little bit more a trump desantis voters, post new hampshire. >> the reason in new hampshire is different is just the huge number of independent undeclared voters. those undeclared voters, the
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biggest share of voters in new hampshire, and they could pick up a republican vote ballot, or a democrat ballot, and nikki haley has done well. the other thing before desantis dropped a, yes nikki haley did well with the independent voters, donald trump has done a whole of better with the republican voters, and they still make up a larger share of the overall electorate in new hampshire. or at least we think they will. >> reporter: it's a bit of a mixed bag, you've been covering the haley campaign there are haley supporters freaking out a little bit, they think all the desantis supporters will go to trump, but some will go to haley not zero. how do they feel about the endorsement? >> i've heard from both sides that are freaking out in a positive and negative way. i think from a numbers perspective for all the reasons that mark lisa, maybe halle picks up a third on a good day, of that desantis supporters, we are really only talking about five or 6%, the margin of error
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point you make is so important. my sources freaking out, regardless of how they are, they are both saying it's not just just not that big a percentagef the reason they are feeling good, is because they have been trying to push this two-person race, pretending that ron desantis is not in it. they were fine to continue pretending, but this gives them exactly what they wanted. is that a case of is a be careful what you wish for? i guess we will see. it's never good to be the person who is the only one in trump's line of fire. haley as we talked about benefited that the line of fire went a bunch of different places, now there is only one place for it to go. there is a lot of ferocity with trump voters, supporters, within his ranks, coming into iowa they were promising that it would be a bloodbath. not only a bloodbath, after new hampshire it's a bloodbath on her home turf, it is really tough. >> trump's left a lot of
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corpses in his wake, we can count the bodies raid of candidates. there was the concern of desantis after he came after him so hard. there are people saying hey this is not looking good for you, get out now preserve your political future. that's my concern for nikki now. >> reporter: thank you so much for stopping by, i always love to dive into the numbers are important to focus on. that the rest of the gang is all sticking around. with ron desantis out and endorsing trump the republican party is about to coalesce around the four times indicted front runner, we'll talk about what that means coming up next. p next
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it is just the latest of a steady coalescing of the party around the four times indicted front runner. rubio, cruz, scott also fell into line. big part of a big group of south carolina lawmakers who flank trump onstage at an event last night. a big show, from nikki haley's home state. earlier tonight republican senator -- called trump the presumptive nominee, he is not the only one who did that. and wants republicans to announce behind. i'm michael steele and david jolly are back with us as well. michael let's start with you. we have talked a lot about different vibes of donald trump, and he seems to be kind of in a temporary, behaved mode, i think it's safe to say. where he is talking about people as gracious, thinking their spouses. it's a little awkward. he is basically trying to lure people together.
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how much does that matter at this point, in terms of the inevitability and bringing the primary to an end? >> the inevitability is inevitable, it's a foregone conclusion, he is going to be the nominee of the party. i think congressman baines and others got that right. the question then becomes, from 16 and 20, how much has trump learned in the art of, sort of, baking the cake inside the party. in other words, there's one thing to get all the ingredients together, something very different when you start to mix them and start to create to give you something you need to be successful in the fall. regardless of all the bravado, he is going to have his hands full with president biden going into the fall. he is going to need a strong coalition within the party, he is going to need some of the disaffected republicans from ron desantis and others to come to the table for him.
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you will see a little bit of that. he will also use the trials, that have worked in his favor, as far as his thinking goes. to help augment, season, or flavored shall we say the batter. [laughter] that he's trying to create inside the party. that will also break up our election result for him. the problem is donald trump. at any given turn, his mouth, his abrasiveness, all of that will work against him. that is the trick that the party is going to have to figure out once they coalesce behind him is how to keep him out of his own way. >> reporter: i don't know about that that are, my grandma -- feels like he's putting vinegar in the batter [laughter] . that aside presidential campaigns, they are supposed to lift people up. ron desantis is not that old,
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he may want to run again, some of these endorsements feel embarrassing to him in florida. how does he rebuild that, what is he doing over the next year or two years to rebuild his reputation essentially? >> yes, that is a great question. look, i would say as a floridian and the one disappointing thing about him dropping out is he is now coming home to florida. we have been happy that he's been away for a year in florida. [laughter] considering three grippy holder held on florida's politics is the same. with the florida republican legislature, the super republican majority legislature was truly in lockstep with him to now, he will come back to a somewhat hostile republican legislature who is over ron desantis. his arrogance and anger affects republicans as much as democrats. what does he do as two years as a lame duck? he will still be a powerful
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governor, but can he wait two years and run in 28? i don't think so. ask jeb bush how that turned out, once he left the governor's mansion. i think his spouse casey could end up with a fox show, and start to outshine ron. he could come home, and primary rick scott for the u.s. senate race, and even be rick scott. and the two of them hate each other. the animosity is real. when marco rubio endorsed don trump over desantis, i am imagine that desantis is so fatigued from the presidential trail they will not do the, but it is a powerful drug. he has until may or june to qualify for the u.s. senate race. maybe he pulls the trigger and does that. >> reporter: see ron desantis on the trail again. michael what do you have there. >> real quick, what i love about what david just said imagine that happened now, senator ron desantis is set up
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in perfectly as an incumbent u.s. senator to run for president two years later. >> reporter: oh my god, oh boy. [laughter] that's a lot to digest. we do have to sneak in a very quick break again, everyone is sticking around still. coming up the states days to go before the new hampshire primary. nikki haley opens up new lines of attack, openly questioning his mental fitness for office, we will be back after a quick break. quic break. woohoo! with its diamond weave texture, charmin ultra strong cleans better with fewer sheets and less effort. what's everybody waiting for? this? we all go, why not enjoy the go with charmin. and for a shower-fresh clean feeling try charmin flushable wipes! as the world keeps moving, help prevent covid-19 from breaking your momentum. you may have already been vaccinated against the flu, but don't forget this season's updated covid-19 shot too.
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a cinema. so automated. yes, the definition of a car changes... but one thing stays the same. it's a mercedes-benz. ron desantis dropped an endorsement of donald trump caps of what is been a pretty interesting weekend in new hampshire. it all began when donald trump confuse nikki haley with pelosi, and an extended fact free rant about january 6th. >> they never reported the crowd on january 6th. nikki haley, nikki haley, nikki haley -- did you know that they destroyed all of the information, destroyed it, deleted it, all of it, because
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of lots of things like nikki haley is in charge of security. we offered her 10,000 people, soldiers, national guard, whatever they want, they turned it down, they do not want to talk about that. >> reporter: there is some pretty obvious confusion there, and repeating of nikki haley nikki haley. but, he gave nikki haley basically an opening and, she started to openly questioned his mental capacity. >> last night, trump is out of raleigh and he is going on and on, mentioning me multiple times, as to why i did not take security during the capitol riots. why didn't i handled january six better. i was not even in d.c. and january 6th. i was not in office than. they are saying he got confused, that he was talking about something, else about pelosi, he mentioned me multiple times in that scenario.
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the concern i have is that i am not saying anything derogatory, but when you are dealing with the pressures of a presidency, we cannot have someone else that we question whether they are mentally fit to do this. we can't. [applause] >> reporter: aly tally, dasha burns, david and michael are all back with me. why did she pick this, i have my theories on this, it eludes to him being old, she is young, next generation, couple days out from the new hampshire primary. she has not hit back on a lot of things, so why this? >> because she wanted to try to set up this next, is this narrative between donald trump and joe biden, they are both old man. they are both having cognitive issues, et cetera, et cetera. it just fell flat.
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when you start apologizing before you do the jab, then the jab is not as effective. i'm sorry, i'm about to hit you, i don't mean to be derogatory, i'm not trying to be derogatory, but i'm about to smack you. okay, go ahead have added [laughter] it makes no sense. it speaks volumes as to why this campaign has turned out the way it has. none of them, except for chris christie, and asa hutchison were even close to trying to land a punch, in a competitive race for the nomination. everybody else just wanted to swaddle him, in all kinds of nice average and the like, and the reality -- he just kept smacking them. and never responded. this attempt was really kind of her thing coming out of iowa.
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well you know running against donald trump and joe biden won in the same, and everybody just kind of yawn. okay [laughter] >> it's so true, to michaels point, you both have covered so many nikki haley event. she's a very good speaker, good debater, she does this wind up in her stump speech where she says donald trump does not tell the truth, i'm going to tell you the truth. and you are like, great, what is going to happen? and she basically says chaos follows him. >> clearly what? it's state equivocation. and i have been to dozens of nikki haley events over the year where i've covered her and even the criticisms are couched. it's stunning to watch. and when you look at the way michael says it, it does explain why we've ended up in this place. but she was able to say the quiet part out loud. and i would say i have trouble keeping track of the speaker when i have my capital had hill
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on. maybe dull trump got lost in the speakers raised, i don't know how you mix of nancy pelosi. >> it's a hard. one by want to talk about something we are talking about during the break which is just sexism and the gender nature of running for office. you wrote a book about it we should already. but she is a woman of color in a republican field. that has to weigh on you. dasha, let me ask you. she seems to waver between girl power as she did in the statement responding to desantis dropping out where she said may the best women when. other times she said it does not matter. out of the campaign grapple with this? >> this is not a party that responds well to girl power or powerful people of color. when you're looking directly at these social issues, it simply does not resonate. that is not something the base wants to hear. so have to walk around in these delicate ways. i think ali, you've really monitor this very closely and
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i'm curious to hear your take on how she has been able to tiptoe around this. because this just -- people in the republican voters, people i've talked to, say they don't want to be pleased about gender or race. which is why she struggled to talk about both. >> obviously this is always a place my brain goes first because of writing the book about this. but healey has a fascinating way of dealing with gender. on one hand, she's playing up femininity, wearing shirts itchy who dares winds, messages about kicking back heels, has this line about how the fellows are always attacking her. that is a pretty clear waco saying there's still a boys club that is very much intact that she is on the outside of. when you look at all these endorsements, tim scott coming to donald trump, all the south carolina delegation members coming to trump, marco rubio, ron desantis coming to trump. when she says the fellas, which he is clearly saying is the boys don't want me to have this, but i am here anyways.
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but what she's not allowed to say because she's a republican woman running in a republican field is they are doing this to me because i am i'm. donald trump is bringing birtherism claims against me because i am a woman of color. republican voters, expert after fixture -- they'd after data point i found after i pointed my book as well as grassroots republican voters hit anything that reeks of gender identity politics. it means that she is in a box in the way she can talk about it. but she always has to make sure i know i look different, sounded front, they can see that, but that's not the reason you should vote for me. it's all merit, which of course it is. >> she would write a great book about this if she ever did, i don't think she will. we do have to take a break. michael steele has been off since the crack of dawn today so he hosted a morning show. some wanted thank you for sticking with us tonight. the rest of the game, we will be back in a few minutes. but first, congressman ro khanna is standing by here in manchester. i will ask him about a possible trump biden rematch that could start earlier, a couple of weeks. we'll be right back.
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were nausea, indigestion and stomach pain. talk to your doctor about nurtec today. ♪ ♪ every day can be extraordinary with rich, creamy, delicious fage total yogurt. with ron desantis officially out of the race and nikki haley about to make her last day, and all the likelihood, here in new hampshire, a trump biden rematch is starting to look more and more likely by the hour. and that might be exactly with the biden campaign wants. joining me now is democratic congressman ro khanna of california. so first of all we were talking about all of this just a couple of hours ago. but a lot happened this afternoon, including one of the remaining candidates dropping
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out. so makes it all feel a little closer to the general election. so let me start with where i ended their. does the biden campaign, when they prefer to this be over sooner rather than later to get this all going in a race against trump? >> look, i've been saying that president biden needs to be our nominee from the beginning, because i always assumed donald trump would be the republican nominee. those of us in congress, this comes as no surprise, it's his party, it's his party in congress. he was going to be the nominee. and i think the president finally is going to draw a contrast on two areas. one is patriotism. president biden served on the city council, he served on the senate, he served as vice president, president, he believes in democracy in the democratic process. you have trump destroying institutions and having no regard for the constitution. and the second is on the economy. he is going to talk about bringing manufacturing jobs back, helping the working class, trump did all the tax cuts. it's time he draws all the contrast, we have not been able to do it until there was a nominee. >> it may be very soon time to draw the contrast. now you've been working your tail off this weekend around
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cold new hampshire as part of the writing campaign effort. so as you look ahead to tuesday, lots of eyes on the republican primary contest. but what does success look like there for the president. >> it hasn't been me, it's been the people in new hampshire. they've been so extraordinary. they organized organically, it did not come from the biden campaign. they said this is our responsibility to elect someone when we have a war in ukraine, a complex situation, joe biden is the person. and i know he's going to, when i think it's going to be a strong win. >> so 50% plus one is good? >> a win is a win. a writing campaign is hard. have 20 some candidates, you have to write in the presidents name. and the fact that he is going to be able to do that and win while not being on the ballot, that is extraordinary. and it should show, you know this, jen, people of underestimated joe biden. i underestimated him when i was bernese co-chair. but when it comes to election day somehow he manages to do well and when. you're seeing that in new
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hampshire. not as much enthusiasm nine months ago, as we get closer to the election, this tremendous enthusiasm, i think it will show. >> he's actually doing better here against trump then a number of other swing states, which is interesting, benefiting from the trump attacked. this is the time of year where things happen. so this is a weird thing, because today congressman -- is running, it is on the ballot, went to a trump event, greeted supporters, inside this. he basically said i'm being treated with more kindness and friendliness then hospitality and this line at a donald trump rally in new hampshire than i have been by democratic elected officials in the state of new hampshire, which is all you might need to know. he has endorsed medicare for all, supported most democratic positions. what do you make of that? what's happening here? >> i think he's probably just frustrated that the campaign is not going anywhere. look, i know dean still, 20 comes to, congress we treat him with respect, where friendly, he hasn't been ostracized. i've talked to a lot of democratic officials in new hampshire. they say he has every right to
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run. here's what people don't like, why are you attacking president biden on his age or talking poll numbers? talk about your ideas for the country, have a positive vision. so to the extent he's gotten pushback, it's not because he's running, because people say run ideas campaign. but people respect his right to run and i hope he will rally behind the president. the irony is you've got desantis rallying behind trump. it would be nice if after president biden when, dean folds gets behind the president. >> a lot of people say it's a lot of process in policy, a lot of people want to hear policy ideas. he also said he's open to running on the no labels ticket. and i ask about this not necessarily because of dean phillips saying that, but as we do get closer to a general election, this is a potential threat. i no labels ticket, a third party ticket, how concerned are you about that having an impact in helping elect donald trump. >> i'm concerned. look, dick get hard was in my office last week, patriotic, personalities ed roe, ordinarily i would have no
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party with a third party candidate, it's a democracy, it's great. but we have an existential challenge and we've done the polling, a third party candidate is one of the only ways that joe biden loses the election. why do you want to be part of that? so my question to dean phillips is do you really think you're going to get elected president on a third party? it's absolutely impossible mathematically, so why are you doing this? do you really want donald trump to win. what's the justification? >> a big thank you to you for doing double duty today. i really appreciate it. while you're still around the state with the people of new hampshire, getting out the vote for the writing campaigns, thank you so much for joining ustwe today, i really appreciate it. we have another hour of breaking news coverage. coming up, live from new hampshire, rhonda scent is is out, nikki haley is making one last push, and we've got the perfect people to break it all down. so we will be right back after a very quick break. break and stomach pain. ask about nurtec odt.
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