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tv   The Beat Weekend  MSNBC  January 27, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm PST

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the implication is that when the jewish nation state defends itself, that is genocide. genocide is a term that was coined especially by ruffling can in order to describe the atrocities of the holocaust. atrocities too terrible to a mansion but not too terrible to have happened. precisely that the hamas genocidal terror and other terror organizations like it in its charter commit to the annihilation of the state of israel, and to the murder of jews and the fact that the icj did not immediately dismiss and in fact condemn south africa for abusing its ability to utilize the convention for the prevention and the punishment of a crime of genocide weaponizing it in the same way that international law and its mechanisms and its institutions now the icj have been weaponized to demonize,
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delegitimized and apply double standards to the state of israel is, in fact, what we should be condemning. it is very, very sad. and the i've soojee, in many ways, has to make the decision, is it going to be a court of justice like in the trial or will it be a court of injustice just like in the dreyfuss affair. >> mikael, i want to thank you for our time. i'm sorry it is abbreviated. we did lose the connection at first. i'm very glad that you could speak with us on holocaust remembrance day. that is this edition of alex reports. i will see you again tomorrow. at next, the weekend. i am ari melber let's get right into the headlines. a jury just hit donald trump with the record-breaking penalty for lying about a
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sexual isn't to cues are. the defendant ordered to pay $83 million to eugene carroll who is the victorious plaintiff in this case and right here you can see she first walked out of court with her lawyers today. we could tell you the jury deliberated for under three hours which is fast and they built trump a huge loss which shows a costly miscalculation that he made by, a courting to the court system, lying and defaming her again after a previous court victory. here are the numbers if you have been watching the news you may have seen some of this and we will break it down for you. $80 million to compensate carroll. that is what the jury found she should get for what she went through. then a massive 65 billion dollars to punish this to find defendant. . a walk you through why that is such a high number.
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the jury determined that trump acted maliciously in the way that he attacked carroll. this is big in every sense. a large amount of money, even for a wealthy defendant. a huge punishment administered by this court system. -- it doesn't matter whether donald trump ever chooses to write the check, as long as he owes this and this is the judgment and it is not somehow later reversed, the court system can take the 83 mile from his accounts in his properties, period. this also says a huge and significant president as legal reporters know. that's why reporters at the courthouse literally gasped in front of a collective emotional response. gasps when they heard the 65 million dollar figure that was first announced. far larger than the new york times. it has that detail about the reaction today.
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he was in this weary courtroom. he left before the verdict was read. -- and when this jury exercised its legal authority over him. it's civil authority to take money out of his account. and a court had already filed the fun and trump had the famed carroll. ah and with a different number you have. she previously got about $5 million in damages from him. again, over the same issue. giet e -- in the way he attacked and denied her assertion and claims about the sexual assault that she says he perpetuated on her. that his insistence --
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it was that which set the stage for this unusually high penalty. you can compare 83 million other cases, for example. take the differently goals jewish, and serious intuition, where a legal process cause tries to. issue damages for a fatal shooting in a situation where someone was shot to death. this case, we want to show you an estimation, an example, it resulted in a 7 million dollar payment. i can tell you other cases involving wrongful death, defamation, or other civil things where lawyers call them, $5 million. what you have here, $83 million, not for the original lied, but for what a court system found was the malicious defamatory ongoing set of lies against this woman who exercised her rights to detail her story of
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sexual assault. that is how it got all the way up to 80 million. this, being one of the largest defamation punishments for any single defendant. any single person in history. it is a big news night and we wanted to step out those legal facts for you, and bring into of our experts as we make sense of this. kristy greenberg is a former prosecutor. she was in the courthouse this morning. lisa rubin, msnbc legal analyst, had been uncovering this case for us. if you had a tv on at all in the last few days, you've seen her. we appreciate both of you. lisa, you are there, this seems larger than most cases in history. how did it feel in the courtroom leading up to this and what should we know tonight? >> you know, ariel, every day of this child has been tense, and intense. today was no exception when donald trump showed his contempt for this jury, once again there has been a flagrant show of entitlement by him and his team. all throughout.
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that includes things like getting up as he did, as you noted, during the closing argument for e. jean carroll. but also things like his political aide, epstein being in the courtroom, and standing up to handouts to people, or his spokesperson, stephen chung, attending yesterday and not handing in his phone to security and having a sulfone go off wildly. his contempt for this jury has always been evident, and it continues to be evident after the verdict. and they weren't buying any of it. they did not accept his attempt to remove himself, and say, essentially, that he was above these proceedings. rather, as the judge instructed that they took their oath solemnly and understood that what they did today was integral to our constitutional process and system. judge caplan gave them, as one of the last instructions, a reminder that in the constitution, the jury appears twice explicitly and that this
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behind, meet the southern district of new york where christie was a prosecutor, where i did most of my practice when i was a practicing litigator this cord existence in 1799. that is before the first time that the supreme court met. so imbuing them with the sense of history and solemnity, that is the jury that awarded e. jean carroll 83 point $3 million today. it was remarkable. >> we will bring christie here are on some of the case. but lisa, hanging over all that this is not just a number amount. whether he runs for president successfully or any of the things that touch on this case. if none of that were happening it would still be significant as a ruling, that affirms carroll's right to speak, and that there are consequences. there is a cost to defaming someone's right to speak. we've heard about free speech law. it's not a way to do crime and is not a right to defamation.
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that's actually against the law so i wonder if you could speak to us about the laws response to that he does have a right to respond or defend himself and they told her story of sexual assault. >> that is right. -- that is not constitutionally protected. what they argued in closing and opening. finally, the judge had to instruct the jury that this is not legally warranted was essentially that e. jean carroll had a duty to mitigate or reduce or damages. you might ask, if you are defamed how exactly are you supposed to stop your damages other than to be silent. that is what e. jean carroll's lawyers told the jury today. that it was unacceptable as a
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matter of law but also culturally unacceptable. to say that a victim of defamation hasse to then shut themselves up to mitigate the damage is caused by somebody else's lies, is backwards and perverse, particularly in 2024. even if it is still a country in which donald trump is the presumptive front runner of the republican nomination, ari. >> understood. you have been busy at the court. stick around because we will come back to you. i want to turn to christie who's at the table with me. you've been in many courtrooms. a high defamation judgment. you can speak on that in the context. what else did you think of what was not only a winning strategy but an initial win and by all accounts carroll would have left it there, had this defendant not solely defied the punishment to come back on and to pick a different example for viewers, it would be like if the fox defamation case said got it, they are paying, now let's bring in rudy and all the other convicted trump lawyers
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on the panel. whatever people criticize fox for, that's not how their lawyers or cfo decided to deal. walk us through all of that if you will. >> what i found interesting about this is you had the first trial where the punitive damages worth $3 million and that 3 million dollar for punitive damages included the sexual assault, as well as the defamatory statement in october of 2022. it was not materially different in 2019 at the subject of this trial. why did we go from 3 million in the first two 65 million in punitive damages with this. now, there are different jurors but at the end of the day, the key thing i think is donald trump's own words. it's like that pink song, i'm my own worst enemy. donald trump is his own worst enemy here. he not only immediately after the first trial's verdict he went out and defamed e. jean carroll again, he was holding a
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press conference while this jury was, you know, hearing evidence. then, he got up on the stand, and again, said that she made a false accusation. that was stricken from the record, but you can't uncharitably the jury clearly heard them get up there and say again, you heard it from the horse's mouth. and, so, when you continue to do that and you do not show any remorse, and you do not distance yourself for these wild tweets where his followers are saying that she should be killed, and you don't disclaim any influence for any of that, the punitive damages go. up, so he has nobody to blame for this, i, think really, but himself. that was a key difference in this trial. that didn't exist in the first. when you see the difference in the damages. >> everything you said makes sense. i want everyone to absorb it. horrific thing she's been objective, to in the defiance, and that defiance has brought very real penalties, and even wealthy people have jumped all around, and exaggerating, it but even very wealthy people
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have to make trade-offs and move things around when it is this high and i want to show the legal experts and our own analyst pointing to how her team showed, look at what he says but how much he has anyway, we have some of that, take a listen. >> if i wanted to show you a good statement, i would've added maybe ten billion dollars or something, i didn't put the brand in there. my brand value is probably my greatest asset. even though it gets tarnished by people like this suing me. i mean, i became president because of the brand, okay? i became president. i think it is the hottest brand in the world. >> they are using that and there are also saying, as you said, if the illegal road is punishment will, then what is good for the goose is good for the gander. a person who has so much wealth that they are not going to feel it actually might need to be punished to a higher number. >> right. they played that during the
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trial. this ten billion dollar number. he's a self proclaimed billionaire. and it has been reported that you have to make him feel it because he's not going to stop unless you actually hit him where it hurts in his wallet. and they made that point very effectively again. with his own words boasting about his wealth. i don't know that he's worth ten billion dollars but that was something that he said in connection with the civil fraud trial. those words are coming back to bite him now. >> rubin has been out there for us. i would like to think both of you for the reporting in this is a story i think we will be continuing to cover. we have more on this coming up including carolus road, our special guests coming up or on how carroll won so big. what can we learn from all of this? it is legally interesting. this it is legally interesting. it is legally interesting. and my skin is so much more moisturized. see the difference with olay.
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me that question. no, i'm not having any second thoughts about representing
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president trump. it is the proudest thing i could ever do. >> donald trump's relatively controversial, and we can say today, losing. they lost this case very badly after coming off of that to verdict today. we are joined by an anchor, and one of our legal eagles, katie phang. writer for the new york times magazine. thank you to both of you. emily, i wanted to turn here from the headlines about this massive -- we just discussed with two legal experts. to miss carroll's journey, which is not something anyone can embark on easily. she has won and now tonight one big. won by a far more massive scale than before. but this was a long, hard road and i wanted to get your perspective on that road. the risks that she had to take and why it is different than what some people feel they are in a situation to even consider going forward with. >> e. jean carroll is a serious writer. she had a reputation for being
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very funny and she wrote for saturday night live at one point. she was incredibly determined. she was going to write about this encounter that she says she had with former president trump. knowing that it was going to bring down an enormous amount of criticism and attention on her head. and then, she decided to strike back by filing the suit. the hard thing about suing for defamation is that the coverage of your lawsuit repeats all of the things that you're objecting to. that is just how it goes. the news has to say why you are suing. she decided that that was worth the price because she knew that former president trump was going to be getting a lot of attention for what he was saying anyway, so she was fearless. and really determined. and stuck with it every step of the way. i think that a lot of people would not have had the stomach for bringing this kind of lawsuit in these circumstances. >> katie, same question, your thoughts about the potential
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lessons here because these are important issues far outside of the political context, or defendants who may have been to be running for president. >> yes, sorry, several victims of sexual assault, and sexual abuse, the criminal statute limitation runs before they are able to seek justice in the judicial system. and this particular instance, e. jean carroll relied upon these civil judicial system to be able to bring her justice. and we recall that there's two cases. the first defamation trial was based on the second lawsuit that she brought. this defamation trial that just came to a verdict conclusion today was on the first lawsuit that she brought on donald trump was president of the united states. there was also a kind of coherence of good fortune that the new york state passed the adult survivors act which allowed her to be able to bring a second lawsuit for a sexual assault and so, because of that and because of the fortitude that e. jean carroll showed to
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be able to pursue justice and accountability we are able to find that it is to the tune of upwards of $80 million today. but some of the biggest lessons in this instance is you better get a good lawyer to help you. i think that you see the defiance out of court today, and the fact that she thought it was her proudest moment, as a trial lawyer i wouldn't be proud to lose. i also don't mind losing if i can learn a lesson. if you can lose and learn a lesson it is a valuable moment. i don't think she has learned a lesson and i don't think it is surprising that donald trump has elected somebody like alina pockets to represent her. strategically, having a female lawyer when you are going after a female victim or if you mail plaintiff makes sense. but then this instance when donald trump is blaming everyone but himself, he blamed e. jean carroll, he -- got up during closing and she blamed trolls and their mothers basements for the people that were sending the threats and that donald trump should not have any type of liability for
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what they've done. putting aside whether or not she misconstrues the law. -- >> still ahead, the white house and how it is dealing with a bipartisan bill. the director and our special guest is next. rector and our special guest is next. guest is next. days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. ask about nurtec odt.
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say goodbye gush fears! thanks to always ultra thins... with rapiddry technology... that absorbs two times faster. hellooo clean and comfortable. always. fear no gush. >> how is the economy doing? at the end of the year, with a strong quarter, the gdp is up over 3%. joe biden emphasized economic success as he hit wisconsin today. >> america has the strongest growth and lowest inflation rate of any major economy. 14 million new jobs since i became president. >> you know how they say bad news travels faster than good news, the economy is not perfect, we have discussed the price gouging that is going on, so there are other notes.
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but the underlying good news is clear, today's report actually beating some of the diagnostics out there. but here is how it played on conservative media. >> look through this report to see if there are signs that maybe the economy does not feel, or isn't has resilient doesn't might seem. >> you have to dig deeper than beyond the 3.3% number. if you look through the whole list of components of gross domestic product, you see something very troubling. the economy is quite troubling if you are a typical middle class family. >> look beyond the headline. >> look beyond the headline. there might be a political reason why that is some of the reactions, because donald trump has been pretty clearly rooting for america to fail until he could win. >> when does it crash? i hope it will be during this next 12 months. because i don't want to be -- the one president i don't want to be -- >> now, there are wider issues here because it used to be a
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tradition like other things that we have talked about that fell apart where both candidates, both nominees would say they are rooting for america, they just have disagreements. trump is going a lot farther. not just that crash top, which you could call rhetoric, but actively intervening to prevent the very solutions the republican party wants. trump wants to sabotage it potential border deal with republicans. that is not against democratic ideas. it is him against any breakthrough, and even republicans say that goes too far. >> the idea that someone running for president would say please hurt the country so that i can blame my opponent and help my politics is a shocking development. >> it is immoral for me to think you went the other way because you think that this is president trump to win. >> you might recognize one of these as the party's former nominees so how does the white house deal with this kind of
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interference? the communications director joins us now. welcome, how are you? >> doing well, thank you for having me. through some of the economic numbers, what do you attribute that to and is the president getting his message out given what you know is a lot of other stuff going on? >> i think that it is a result of president biden's economic policies over the past three years. that is resulted in 14 million jobs created across the country. the return of manufacturing to the united states. 800,000 jobs passed there. we have the strongest recovery anywhere in the. world inflation is down by two thirds and you have seen specific sectors get off of the ground. the clean energy industry is being built here in the united states after years of inaction president trump all the time about infrastructure week. we will have infrastructure decade the president was in wisconsin announcing a billion dollars for an aging bridge that moves the vast majority of commerce between the u.s. and
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canada. our largest trading partner and allied workers across the country rely on that infrastructure. that will be rebuilt as a result of this but that is a microcosm of more than 4000 projects getting off the ground right now. these were targeted policies that have resulted in the strongest economic recovery anywhere in the world. >> we showed some of the republican numbers who are publicly outraged that donald trump wants to sink any progress or bipartisan deal on the border and this is a complex issue that has a lot of external factors. on the other hand there's a lot of folks and not just right wing republicans who think that there is more that she could do to have both the humanitarian policy for the people affected but also keep the areas secure. what do you say that things are 100% secure and if not what does the white house want to do about it? >> the president does not believe that. he has been trying to take action on this for years. the first piece that he set up after being sworn into office
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was a comprehensive immigration reform bill that would have placed up funding for the border patrol and border security. last year he sent two fundamental funding request to capitol hill asking for more money for 2000 more border patrol agents and for drug screening technology at the border and for more asylum officers and immigration judges, to make sure that we are processing cases quicker. there's a huge backlog at the border. his set to capitol hill a team of negotiators to work with this bipartisan group of senators to see if language could be agreed upon. 75% in the country believes we need to move on this. the president believes we need to move on this. the negotiators believe that we need to move on this. the president is still hopeful that the deal here, obviously, ultimately it is up to congress. >> what are you missing? do you have a vote count? what do you need to get that deal? >> we are just going to need the political will on both parties on capitol hill to get that done but the team of negotiators is very serious
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about this and the president is very serious about this on those talks are ongoing. >> i know you are a serious guy, and the white house doing all the big things, and he would like to say that you are focused on governing. a lot of people are wondering, if donald trump is the nominee, are they going to have trump and biden debates? are we going to see that in the general election? or is it too early to tell? >> i am not a campaign official so that i cannot get into all of the campaign details. i can tell you -- >> i did call that deflection. go ahead, sir. >> you know that there is legal requirements. we are not going to host the democratic convention at the white house, either. but the president is going out there and making his case every day it is his job as president. he is advocating for preserving our democracy. he is advocating for preserving the rights and freedoms of americans across the country including the reproductive rights. he's encouraging and making sure that we continue our economic progress that is
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broadly shared and closing the racial wealth gap that is focused on the middle class and not just trillions of dollars in tax cuts for the wealthiest and corporations like president trump offered when he was in office. >> understood. we covered a couple topics here and you have a lot going on. i appreciate you making time to join us here on the beat. coming up on the beach weekend, republican efforts to strong-arm nikki haley out of the entire presidential race. we have special reaction from james carville and michael steele, next. james carville and michael steele, next steele, next hey, david! ready to get started? work with advisors who create a plan with you, and help you find the right investments. so great getting to know you, let's take a look at your new investment plan. ok, great! this should have you moving in the right direction. thanks jen. get ongoing advice; and manage your investments in the chase mobile app. ma, ma, ma— ( clears throat ) for fast sore throat relief, try vicks vapocool drops. with two times more menthol per drop, and powerful vicks vapors to vaporize sore throat pain.
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the path going forward and i don't see it for nikki haley. i think that she has run a great campaign but i do think that there is a message that is coming out from the voters which is very clear, we need to unite around our eventual nominee which will be donald trump. >> today's rnc chair putting a thumb on the scale with former ifc chair, james carville. go ahead. >> first of, all i kind of looked at the nostalgia because it was 33 years ago right now when i started dating my wife and she was the chief of staff in the city and i spent hours in her office and, the chairman. that used to be a fear when the governor ran it. it was very organized. republicans would vote 94% for
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a republican nominee for the unified party. that is not what it is today. donald trump has just run a roughshod over the entire operation. mrs. mcdaniel seems like a perfectly nice person and she's completely unaffected. completely out donald trump's bidding at the end. and i think that the governor would agree with me that that is not the republican party in the sense that i couldn't -- but anyway, that was a different party, and we shouldn't treat it as the same thing. it is not -- or anybody else. >> yeah. well, that is what james mentioned earlier, which is that this is not a normal time. we are a country that has political parties, pull this things that kind of look like
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elections, we call them primaries, but the party is the instrument. conservatives are upset or pretended to be upset with their alleged bias against the dnc which involved nitpicking stolen emails and other various things and i think that there is fear criticisms of some of the dnc leadership but no one was on air announcing the two states, one primary in, that it was over. so democracy can take its hits at many levels. this is not illegal, this is not stealing votes, i'm not saying that. but neither is it good faith transparent, honest brokering of the voter's decision in the republican party primaries, is it? >> it is an incredibly important point and i want to emphasize it with an example. what i literally within a couple of weeks of becoming the rnc chairman there was a special election in upstate new york for a state senate seat. in that election the republican party locally decided to do
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what ronna did. to put their finger on the scale of who should be the nominee. a democrat that have switched to be a republican a year or so ago and decided to run. they didn't want that person because they were a former democrat. so, they decided to read the system. the entire thing blew up and in fact, you can say in many respects it was one of the examples that stirred the passion of the not yet fully emerged tea party, and it would be four months later that i would meet with them in my office at the rnc, and that they would look at that as an example of what were ignoring the party. this seedling which was placed today will germinate in this party in terms of how the party processes its election. do the states have the ability to run their candidates? does the national party have the ability to let anyone who
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wants to run for president run without putting their finger on the scale? >> yeah. that is a serious thing. because the choices that the general election gets in our two party system as it exists, comes through these roads. and it has a lot of traffic and clogging when it comes to being anything like a real democracy. that's all the serious stuff. but we do more than just the serious. i have a little bit of business before we go. on the michael side, big news and politics and in comedy today. john store it is bringing back the daily show, hosts by john stewart. he is going to do one night with the election. thus the news. remember it was john stewart who with michael steele created one of our favorite other guests, i want to remind everyone that he's been on the beat, he's been on this very show, we are honored. we even made a nighttime show of you and the puppet, late night with michael steele. that is a thing that is partly,
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real and partly made up, as you know, michael. i'm running over on time, but in a word, you are feeling about john's towards return? >> i'm excited. i'm excited. i had a little fun with the little instagram video which i encourage everyone to look up. steele and stewart. you will love. it but welcome back, john, we need you. >> i will join you and welcome back john and whether he brings out the muppet in any which way, that is only for him. he's the creator, other than you. it is based on, you but he and you were the creators. thank you for joining us. james, you do not get out a lot either with that little business, okay? i want to show everyone. thank you a, lot michael. we noticed that james carville's wardrobe, this is the new hampshire primary wardrobe from the documentary which we have clicked. we showed some of it tonight. there you are on the phone, this is james carville last week, these shirts are almost
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indistinguishable, james. what do you have to say for your fashion sense, which may be like your politics, it's pretty consistent? >> it is carville, time, that was >> -- yeah, i dressed as i did 35 years ago, 40 years ago, i'm very comfortable with it. and by the way, i think that -- and very joyous, and it is great. i agree with both you and governor steele, i was delighted to see them coming back because i think that mockery is the most infective tool that we have against trump. it should be implied to have a pro like that. >> the last fashion question, we will put it back up there, again, decades apart, almost the same skirt. coming in with those do we own? >> seven or eight, i keep them
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around, i like them. i actually kind of like the broad stripes and i like purple and green, they are great colors. i have something i like, and i keep it. >> yet something you like and you keep. it thought could go for the people in your life as well. james carville, many topics, you know we appreciate you. thank you, sir. >> one of those people in my life that i instantly like. thank you. >> stay with us, next on the beach weekend we have something important. former trump white house adviser and convicted felon, peter navarro, faces his first-ever prison sentence. all for defying the january six subpoena. we have special reporting i want to share with you when we come back. want to share with you when we come back. come back. don't touch it, don't touch it yet. let me get the big one. nope. -this one? -nope. -this one? -yes. no. what? the big one. they're all the same size. wait! lemme get 'em all. i'm gonna get 'em all! earn big with chase freedom unlimited.
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here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. we want to turn to some major
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news today. one of the most prominent clashes between the trump white house and congress over january 6th. trump white house aide peter navarro today sentenced to four months in prison. navarro is the second trump aide to get prison time for defiant house subpoenas in the january 6th probe. that probe has ended with the new congress, but these cases proceed. not only that, we can't report tonight peter navarro is the first trump aide who's still actually working inside the trump white house, at the time of the insurrection. the other convicted eight is steve benen. navarro did go on a long road to get to today. trump had started his claims
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about a stolen election, the very first internet announcement, tweet, some warning people for january 6th. but navarro was still initially on the house committees right. or that changed when he recounted parts of this plot to overthrow the election on this program. >> the remedy was for a vice president passes the quarterback in the green bay suite to remand those votes back to the six battleground states -- >> do you realize, he was describing a coup? >> no. >> that was our first interview there. navarro and benin detail their so-called sweep in some public venues. they ended both flatly defied any legal obligation, which they knew they had, to actually respond to the subpoenas to for the discuss what they've been discussing in public. within the house committee, as you may recall, held him in contempt. arguing that doj must draw a line at such outright defiance of an investigation, and that literal overthrowing off the government.
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the house hearing held never in contempt, did specifically play an excerpt of that bait interview. we showed you part of it. and a house and faced a gator noted navarro's secrecy claims were undermined about how he should information about the plots with a journalist. >> mr. navarro made multiple media appearances, during which he discussed his various roles in the event that culminated in the january 6th attack. he has so much knowledge to share with the journalist, but he refuses to share that knowledge and responds to a lawful subpoena. >> he did not answer the questions or engage with a lawful subpoena. and he made claims, he felt he was completely exempt because of secrecy rules around executive privilege. he was born along the, way and in court, those claims were invalid. they were not legally substantiated. but navarro basically pick up the arguments courts have rejected. saying, he thought his privilege have been exhibited. judge, just missing that fact free talk is worthless as a,
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quote, magical incantation. and noted, screaming, yelling, shouting privilege is not a get out of jail free card. van, for his part, is convicted and already sentenced to four months in prison. both trump veterans are appealing these present sentences, which is their legal right. we take it all together tonight, and this is that long slow process. for people who say, is there any accountability, does anyone get in trouble? we should note, there is a history of some clashes between these different branches. between the executive and the congressional. and they are really resolved with this serious responds, convection, present time. that is a function of this justice department looking at how serious the defines was and thinking, and publicly saying, if they didn't draw a line here, then across channels to pin it would effectively become worthless, except to the people who choose to want to be cooperative. that's not always the case, not
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when you are dealing with traditional investigations and certainly with what remains an open investigation on multiple fronts and looming trials for the plot to overthrow the last election. we have to fit in a break, but i've got something special coming up. we have got reverend al sharpton joining us next. not cool man. every epic footlong deserves the perfect sidekick. my frequent heartburn had me taking antacid after antacid all day long but with prilosec otc just one pill a day blocks heartburn for a full 24 hours. for one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn.
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i love your dress. oh thanks! i splurged a little because liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, right? i've been telling everyone. baby: liberty. did you hear that? ty just said her first word. can you say “mama”? baby: liberty. can you say “auntie”?
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baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪ you may know adam schiff's work jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ to protect the rule of law, or to build affordable housing, or write california's patients bill of rights. but i know adam through the big brother program. we've been brothers since i was seven. he stood by my side as i graduated from yale, and i stood by his side when he married eve, the love of his life. i'm a little biased,
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but take it from adam's little brother. he'll make us all proud as california senator. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message. you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message you know what time it is? because this is who we are. it's time to follow that. tonight we have two friends of the bag back on the program.
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pop artist from new york, but a different part of new york than some. rapper beneath the butcher -- from jake -- to griselda crew -- he has set out to establish his own legacy. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> benny the butcher! -- >> who are you listening to from this new generation? >> griselda. they are a group that actually has kind of brought it back home. >> that della sold shout out, his new project is called everybody can't go. joining us as someone we all know and love who has one of a days across many issues, the reverend al sharpton, both, or civil rights leader, and the
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musical roots. many know him -- with that legendary jayne brown. he's also, of course, now an msnbc anchor, hosting politicsnation and awaken and i've gotta say, that red gets as many big gets as any sunday show in america, including president obama, president biden, vice president harris, and the hits keep on coming. nice to see you both. >> how you're feeling? >> i'm feeling great. love to have you both together. right, what's on your full back list? >> who needs a full back? watching his artistry, he's got new albums out, people that are not originals need to fall back. i grew up like james brown's son, we've got a close. and james brown always sit, don't they like one of the boys, b and original. and all the people that try to imitate others or mix and notations should fall back. and i think that's what he's getting the respect he's getting. >> i love you saying that race, because that crosses cota,
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ripple ticks, people who even speak for a living. do you figure out how you want to say and what you want to say? or are you just echoing the last person? >> i think if you are authentic, you speak from your heart. and again, mr. brown used to tell me, people can't feel you before they hear you. they can either feel where there are your really speaking from the heart or -- >> on my fall back list, i would have to say the nypd cop who found that bank card, that lady was already arrested. because right now, i lost my bank card and i can imagine someone playing with me like that. not what i made? the holidays pass, inflation, count every dollar right now. you've got to be careful. the police need to fall back on that. >> rave has worked with communities, local communities, people dealing with police for
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decades now. the issues range from large for small. sometimes that big, most horrific instances get a ton of attention and the day today alleged harassment doesn't make the news. >> they were texting with the threats -- they do something like that all the time. they are to comfortable with that. >> and i think that get comfortable because people don't get a light on it, and i think that's why people like may come to blow some stuff out. imagine the things that don't get blown up. i felt like what he's saying, this is every day life we go through and nobody cares, unless somebody makes an issue out of it. thanks for watching the beat we, can't pay short to join us weekdays at six pm eastern. that bait on msnbc. eastern. good evening, and welcome to politicsnation. tonight's lead, the long winding road to november. ♪ ♪ ♪


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