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tv   Ayman  MSNBC  January 27, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PST

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sometimes big, most horrific instances get a ton of national tension, and then the day to day routine alleged harassment doesn't even make the news. >> because he was comfortable and he texted it in -- like a decently that all the time. i'm not saying he's too comfortable. that >> and i think they get comfortable because people don't share a light on it. and i think that's why people like me come out to try to blow something's. up imagine the things that don't get blown up. so i feel what he's saying, and because this is everyday life we go through, and nobody cares unless somebody makes an issue. of it thanks for watching the beach weekend, be sure to join us weekdays at six pm eastern, the beat on msnbc. e beat on msnbc. good evening and welcome to ayman, tonight donald trump held accountable with more legal hurdles, threatening his grip on the gop nomination. we'll be ex presidents alcohol and strategy backfired with the voters. plus, the republican national committee has something so not
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sensible to benefit trump, even he is shooting it down. and how far, how a far-right tiktok influencer with zero back on an education got a job overseeing which books can sit on library shelves of oklahoma. i am -- let's do. it >>s do it > $83 million, that's how much a new york jury ordered donald trump to pay e. jean carroll for repeatedly defaming her after the writercused the ex president of sexual assault back in the1990 carol's attorney, roberta kaplan, celebrated the decision marking it as a major moment for countability and claiming it, quote, proves that the law applies to everyone in our couny, even the rich, even the famous, even former presidents. friday verdict followed a dramatic week in court with trump taking this stand to testify in his own defense.
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that testimony, the first from the former president and the presence of a jury lasted all but three minutes. the drama did not and there, though. on friday, closing arguments, trump apparently, unhappy with remarks from caplan, strung out of the manhattan courtroom. fresh off his victories in iowa and new hampshire, trump could have spent his time on the campaign trail, capitalize off of this political winds and cementing his hold over the republican nomination. in fact, the ex president had no obligation to be in court this week, which means his appearance was a deliberate and quite frankly political choice. it's what the new york times maggie haberman and alan fowler described worked out as trump's health capone strategy. the ex president often brags, socially, he's been charged with more times and the infamous monster.
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as haberman and feuer point out, far from playing down his many legal woes, he has put them front and center. trump's legal troubles have become a regular featu ohis stump speeches, portraying them as an effort by democrats to weaponize the justice system against. tim he's also politic his criminal indictments and fundraising emails. he's revealed a lot of it and media coverage of his courtroom appearances, his confrontational performances appearing to be calculated for maximum attention. and politically speaking, we don't know yet if trump spit on the al capone strategy will prove to be as successful, but this week we were reminded there are legal consequences that come along with political grandstanding and showmanship. on thursday, peter navarro, a former trade advisor to trump, who plan to keep the ex president in office after his 2020 defeat, was senteedo
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four months in prison defying a subpoena from the house committee investigating the january 6th attacks on a u. s. capitol. and remarks from the judge overseeing the navarro case could offer -- to trump. here after a tense, to our hearing in which judge mheta repeatedly took issue with navarro's claims of executive privilege, he told navarro that warts executive privilege are not magical incantations. it's not a get out of jail free card. kicking us off tonight, jessica levinson, a professor at loyola law school and columnist for msnbc -- dino -- and former florida republican congressman carlos covello, he's an msnbc political analyst. it's great to have you all with. us jessica, i'll start with you this round. that voted out of new york, out of the courthouse in new york, trump's highs have already promised to appeal it. walk us through what comes next and when or if carroll could actually see those $83 million. >> that's the big question. so question number one, will that military amount stick?
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i think the answer is, it absolutely could. what roberta kaplan, not relation to judge kaplan in this case, ask the jury if, or she said, give us this amount in compensatory damages, which is fairly close to what was awarded. and then she said give us lots and lots and lots of punitive damages. and that's absolutely what we see here. we saw a jury that was angry. we saw a jury that what the former president storm up. we saw a jury who watched him testify. you said it was three minutes, that's right, but it was a fairly recalcitrant three minutes. they observed him in the courtroom and they were upset
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with him. so will e. jean carroll ever recover? i think that's a much different question. her attorneys have said, we are going to force him to sell something. he keeps breaking, trump keeps bragging about how wealthy he is. thin he needs to sell something in order to satisfy this judgment. we know it can be difficult to some spy judgments, but certainly this is high-profile and e. jean carroll has a tenacious attorney who's not going to let this go. >> does the effect hate, on tape, boasted input a position that was played in this trial, the civil fraud trial, does the fact he boasted of heaven full hundred million dollars in cash allow for that liquidity to be used for this verdict? >> well, him boasting, even posting under oath still has to be backed up. he can still say, later, i don't have that money, it's tied up, but the answer is, if you have a judgment against you, you need to satisfy. that nobody is going to snap their fingers and stay that money tomorrow. but it certainly doesn't help, let's say that at the very least, that under oath he's saying i'm north all this
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money. the response is going to be, right, let's see some of it because the jury has spoken. >> minutes after the verdict came, and as you expect, trump went ballistic. he does what he usually does, throw a tantrum on his failed social media platform. and it's worth noting here, unlike last year he did not immediately go after e. jean carroll, i think he learned his lesson from what that cost tampa's time around. do you think the ex president has learned his lesson? >> look, maybe he has, but i'll tell you, on live far from trump tower. and i think -- trump tower. she's going to get everything. just so it's clear, he could go into bankruptcy. he filed bankruptcy six times with his companies. he could file personal bankruptcies. punitive damages are discharged in bankruptcy. it's chasing him for the rest of his life. and they're going to collect a
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lot of money. there are going to change bank accounts, seize property, stalks, even real property and force him to sell. they're going to get a lot. if he doesn't learn, let them sue him again and make even more money. trump should be worried. if people donate to his campaign, are they going to give it e. jean to carroll? i'm not saying they will, but at the back of their mind, they have to be worried, are they funding judgments against him? -- >> it's always been one of the concerns. most of the people supporting donald trump with small dollar donation amounts don't know that some of this money is being used for things not necessarily political and nature. you look at the public x of this, congressman, trump's only remaining gop rival nikki haley responded to that verdict, writing on social media, quote, donald trump wants to be the presumptive republican nominee and we're talking about $83 million in damages. adding, quote, america can do better than donald trump and joe biden. and it's important, we should remind our viewers, haley previously told reporters she hadn't looked at carole's case against donald trump. she's always trying to keep distance from his legal woes. what do you make of her response and is this escalation from nikki haley an effective strategy, or is it too little
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too late? >> i think nikki haley's attacks strategy is late. i think she's still in it, but you can't count someone out because of its very early in the primary season. but the bottom line is that a majority of republican primary voters believe donald trump's victimhood narrative. this could really hurt him, and likely will if he becomes republican the nominee, and a general election. think back in 2018, 2020, 2022, what were donald trump and his candidates rejected in swing states and swing districts? because those voters that decide those states and districts, they really don't like that chaos. they don't like the controversies. they don't believe the lies. so donald trump is, through his conduct, rwandan a lot of those swing districts voters why they rejected him in the past. and even though president biden is struggling and his numbers are low, leave it to donald
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trump to revive that coalition that has defeated him and that movement three times and a row. >> jessica, primary victories and political sororities aside here for a moment, although trummaybe able to delay his gal battles, he certainly is not able to escape them. on friday, we saw voters at colorado filing a brief in their case before supreme court the to kick trump off the ballot in that state. how much uncertainty does all of this legal lawyers and potentially this lament case place over trump's campaign? >> and particular, that case out of colorado, which as your viewers know, asks whether or not under section three of the 14th amendment, the former president is constitutionally barred from once again serving as president.
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i think the answer is probably not that much uncertainty. i think, and many other people think, that the supreme court is going to find and escape hatch that they will not say that trump is ineligible for office again because they don't want to be viewed as antidemocratic. they still have a little ptsd from bush v. gore. they don't want to make it look like they decided the election. we can go through the legal questions here, and why i think actually the colorado supreme court got it right. and that he is constitutionally barred. i just don't see the u.s. supreme court going there. >> all right, we'll see when that decision comes out. i know a lot of people are anticipating it. jessica levinson, thanks for joining us. dean and carlos, we have got a lot more to discuss with you. we have something big to talk about. turns out there is a level of kissing the ring that even makes donald trump uneasy, believe it or not. the rnc's push to toss out the democratic process, that's next. 5% apy? that's new! yup, that's how you business differently. as the world keeps moving, help prevent covid-19 from breaking your momentum. you may have already been vaccinated against the flu,
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as the world keeps moving, help prevent covid-19 from breaking your momentum. you may have already been vaccinated against the flu,
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but don't forget this season's updated covid-19 shot too. so far, donald trump has
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won 32 republican delegates across two states. he needs 1250 more to secure the nomination. it was a little bit puzzling on thursday when a republican national committee member decided that was enough and adopted a resolution seeking to declare trump parties presidential nominee. the resolution proposed by rnc member and trump ally david bossie argued, quote, all evidence negates the possibility of a mathematical path forward to the 2024 republican nomination by any candidate other than president trump, our presumptive nominee. the rnc rules say you need 50% plus one to clinch it. so here you have republicans
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trying to deny delegates the opportunity to be heard and cast a vote. in essence, denying the democratic process. something even trump seemed to think was too much. writing on his social media side, the rnc should not go for with a resolution. a source tells nbc news it was withdrawn shortly after trump made his post. carlos curbelo and dean obeidallah are back with me. dean, i'll start with -- congressman, i'll start with you. your reaction to this debacle from your former party. >> it's embarrassing. look, it's not surprising, this is what the maga movement is all about. right? changing the rules, ignoring the results. making exceptions if the person you agree with one or if you like them. and you have a trump ally saying, hey, we have this whole process, we have this election calendar. people in states are preparing to vote, thinking about who they are going to vote for.
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let's just forget about it, let's put the crown on donald trump's head. and i guess this was so bad that even trump himself thought this might look bad, to whom damage. so he asked mr. bossie to withdraw that resolution. but this is par for the course. this is how people who are part of this movement think. they think that the rules don't apply to them. that as long as they get what they want, that's all that matters. >> dean, what does it say that donald trump is the one rejecting the coronation, condemning the resolution, and actually making the case that people should decide? >> look, donald trump posted on social media, ayman, i'm reading from it, we should do it the old-fashioned way and finish the process at a ballot box. this from a guy who attended a coup after 2020, who stayed up the january 6th, and now he
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wants the old-fashioned way? let's be honest, if he starts losing the delicate count to nikki haley, he'll be the first to say, stop counting, this is over, this is right. and the maga party, not the gop party, they'll be like, this is fine. that's what we are dealing with. we're dealing with a guy who rejected debates in a gop primary because that staple of democracy. lets candidates go on stage, haven't i assess that. trump said no to that. he'll not debate nikki haley. and it's another rejection of democracy and trump's handlers protecting him from what is a dangerous combination to apply to donald trump, to go on the debate stage. this is just -- he cares about democracy? that's hilarious. it's a joke. >> the interesting thing was, congressman, nikki haley cam out against the resolution as expected but also suggest that might have been trump behind the play. do you think that was the case? that donald trump, maybe with a
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wink, had encouraged it to come out publicly and distance himself from it. >> that's certainly a possibility, ayman, it wouldn't be the first time trump had an idea he realized might actually hurt him and hit the brakes on it. but here is the said, part ayman. the sad part is, if donald trump had actually requested this, it's very likely the rnc would have gone along with it and they would have tried to cancel primaries in 48 states, plus territories. so that is what people should take away from this. that in today's republican party, what one man says is the only thing that matters. and that's dangerous. that's not good for republican primary voters, but it's certainly not good for the country when we only have two major political parties. >> the other thing is, let's not pretend this was just a one-off idea. because it came after rnc chair ronna mcdaniel actually called on haley to drop out and support trump, leaving aside
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she, as the rnc chair, supposed to be impartial during this primary process. but do you think that david bossie felt like he had permission here, because of the comments that were coming out from people like ronna mcdaniel? >> i'm surprised david bossie didn't choose a resolution saying donald trump should be made precedent of that united states today. look, we're dealing with a movement that honestly reject democracy. maga, as president biden has talked about, is the greatest threat to our democratic republic we've seen in our lifetime. it's the greatest threat to our republic since world war ii. these are minor things here around the edges. in the big picture, if you ask for it now, should donald trump be president today of course they'll say yes. if you ask donald trump, of course he will say yes. that's what we're doing. and anti-democratic movement, authoritarian nature. donald trump wants to be king. why have elections? let's not be bothered about things like running votes. give him a crown and let him be king. that's not how it works, that's
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it. this is a democratic republic, donald. >> carlos, ronna mcdaniel has had her hand and a lot of republican politics over the last several years. probably not as visible as some of the others. what do you think her legacy will be, she has been sure of the rnc during some incredible losses but also with the rise of donald trump and the rise of this anti-democratic movement that's taken ahold of the party? what do you think legacy will be, or state would be on american politics when she's done? >> ayman, i know the chairwoman. i truly believe this cycle, at the beginning, she wanted it to be fair, she wanted it to be open, she wanted other candidates to compete. but at the end of the day,
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people who are so closely associated with donald trump and his actions are going to have to answer for them. and they are going to have to explain why i said by while he diminished institutions, ignored the rule of law, try to disrupt the constitutional order, diminished our public discourse, introduced all of this anger and hatred and resentment into our politics. so she's been right along there with him and, yes, republicans haven't done very well the last few years. again, big losses and 18 and 20, and of course a big disappointment in 20. two so it's all there, and she's going to have to answer for it. >> i think she's been coast on a lot of donald trump's chuck acts, and especially the vitriol he's injected into politics. the tenor and tone after he's gone after republican candidates, that will be something i think will be a hallmark of republican politics for a very long time to come. dean, i do have one question for you. i want to play this soundbite
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from fox's laura ingraham -- watch. >> if you want to be that republican nominee in 2028 or 24 to 2, or 2036, you're going to have to be able to credibly stand and say, donald trump did a fantastic job as president, he tried to do that best he could for this country, he was unfairly persecuted by the doj and for that we celebrate him and his accomplishments. >> i'm going to give you a second because you probably threw up in your mouth just listen to that. i'm going to give you a steak and just to clear your throat. >> i've seen that. i'm an avid fox news viewer, i watch it every night. i've recorded and i've watched over and over again. what kind of insanity is that? celebrating donald trump? not only a failed president, again, he incited a coup and we know that because he's charged with felonies in federal court and fulton county for insulting a. we are debating the 14th amendment, we should be debating what trump should be having an lunch at present, because if we are any other first world nation protecting our democracy, that guy would be in jail right now. the doj, not going to go back in time, they failed us until
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chex mix got. there -- visit him in jail, that's what you can do. >> i was going to say, i know you and i, because of our experience in the middle east, i know, congressman, based on all three of us and our experience of international politics, it's the kind of stuff you would expect from north korean media or the media state controlled media of a middle eastern dictatorship, not the free press in america. >> no, we don't have to go that far, ayman. my family had to leave cuba in the 1970s. because there was a dictator there who ruled for decades. and everyone had to applaud. and everyone had to agree with him. and it was wrong or illegal, you got disqualified or maybe imprisoned if you objected or said there is something you actually disagree with and didn't. like so for laura ingraham, for her to suggest every republican
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should have that mentality, it is reckless and so diminishing. all of this nation. and the reason why families like mine came here, to get away from that mentality, those kinds of strictures. >> again, it's that thin on american media, to see someone say something like that about a republican politician. dean obeidallah, carlos curbelo, thank you to the both of you. really appreciate your insights tonight. question for you. what do you get when you mix together some picketed rhetoric and an alleged bomb threat, and yes, tiktok fame? it seems a job where you can decide what kids can and cannot rate, of course. we are going to tell you about that, next. aleve. who do you take it for? and for fast topical pain relief, try alevex. meet the traveling trio. the thrill seeker. the soul searcher. and - ahoy! it's the explorer! each helping to protect their money with chase. woah, a lost card isn't keeping this thrill seeker down. lost her card, not the vibe. the soul searcher, is finding his identity, and helping to protect it. hey! oh yeah, the explorer! she's looking to dive deeper... all while chase looks out for her.
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oklahoma education department announced a new appointment to the states library media advisory committee. chaya raichik. you might know her ashat woman behind the incendiary social media account kno as libs of tiktok. it is an account dedicated to harassing lgbtq+ educators, often smearing them as groomers
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or indoctrinators. raichik is now responsibl believe itr not, for help and decide what material is deemed apopriate for children to read in oklahoma schools. important to note here, raichik does not live in oklahoma, nor has she ever worked as an educator or even a librarian in oklahoma. before tiktok fame, she was a real estate agent in new york city. the only tie to oklahoma we kn of is from last year, when she waaccused of instigating bomb threats against a school library in tulsa. in a stateme announcing raichik's appointment, state superintendent ryan walters wrote that she is, quote, on the front lines showing the world exactly what the radical left is all about. lowering standards, porn in schools, and pushing woke indoctrination on our kids. so, there you have it, folks. that real reason raichik was appointed, not because of her qualifications as an educator, which she does not have, but because of her efforts to own the libs. but what happened in oklahoma
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this week, this isn't the ly recent example of conservatives putting ideology ovethr commitment to schoolchildr. in june, the government is set to kickstart a federally funded program that provides food assistance to hungry children during the summer months. the deadline for states to opt it was january 1st. however, stes all run by repuic governors said no. explaining her reasoning, iowa governor kim reynolds said she sanoeed to add money to a program that helps food insecure children by saying, e, when childhood of bay obesity has become an epidemic. nebraska governor jim pillen said, bluntly, quote, i don't believe and welfare. because of their decisions, among many others, more than 8 million children across this country will be sh out from much-needed aid.
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here there is more. right now, th adration is sounding alarm bells. warren a key nutrion assistance program could face a major funding shorunless a gop-controlled house acts. the white house is pushing congress to provide additional funds for the special supplemental nutrition program for women, infants and children, also known as wic. if congress fails to pass a permanent bill with funding, millions of low income women and children could stop receiving these necessary benefits. all these examples i gave you make one thing abundantly clear. republicans don't really care about helping children. they don't want to ensure kids receive the best education possible, or even keep the most vulnerable kids fed. for the gop, the only thing that matters is scoring cheap political points and winning their made-up culture war, leaving children to pay the price for their partisan games. our next guest is a former
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educator turned congressman, jamaal bowman. he's going to be with us here on how to fight back. at's caaaaaaaaash. i prefer the old intro! this is much better! i don't think so! steph, one more thing... the team owner gets five minutes a game. cash bros? woo! i like it. i'll break it to klay. cashback like a pro with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? chase, make more of what's yours. my mental health was much better. but i struggled with uncontrollable movements called td, tardive dyskinesia. td can be caused by some mental health meds. and it's unlikely to improve without treatment. i felt like my movements were in the spotlight. #1-prescribed ingrezza is the only td treatment for adults that's always one pill, once daily. ingrezza 80 mg is proven to reduce td movements in 7 out of 10 people. people taking ingrezza can stay on most mental health meds. ingrezza can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington's disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood,
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down how children across the country are trapped in the middle of the republican party 's culture war. the question is, how to we get them out of the mix and back to the books? let's ask democratic congressman jamaal bowman from new york, a former educator himself. congressman bowman, it's great to see you again. thanks for coming back on the show. unlike the creator behind the libs of tiktok, you actually have a background in education. you do know what you're talking about. you previously served as a middle school principal here in the bronx, a school you founded. given that, your experience, and what you just heard, and
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what we just laid out there about raichik being in a position where she can decide what students in oklahoma can and cannot read, what is your reaction to that? >> i feel sorry for the children in oklahoma schools. and i'm afraid for the children and families across the state of oklahoma. as you alluded to, this is not just happening in oklahoma, this is happening in republican led states across the country, and this is happening in school districts, even in democratic led states. because the moms of liberty and other far-right wing conservative groups are attacking the lgbtq community. they are attacking teaching the accurate history of our country and our schools. and kids are the ones who suffer. and families are suffering as well. and guess what? the entire country suffers because, when we are
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miseducated, we see a decline in our economic prosperity, and we also see an increase of the school to prison pipeline, as well as an increase in all of the isms that continue to divide us. like racism, antisemitism, islamophobia, et cetera, it's essential for families of conscious and families who fight for human rights and democracy to get involved in their local school boards, continue to speak out, from groups to push back, because if we don't, book bans are going to continue and kids are going to continue to be harmed, but what's happening in places like oklahoma. >> you raise a very important point. it's not just about education. as i was saying a bit earlier, the gop has made partisan
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politics get in the way of helping children and needy families access much-needed aid and assistance. the disappointing thing, the jarring thing, is that this is a republican party that likes to call themselves the so-called pro-life party. the pro family party. but those labels seem very inaccurate, given the policies that they espouse. >> absolutely. i mean, if you are a white conservative christian, they are pro family for you. but there is not pro family for anyone else who it doesn't look like them or believe what they believe. and so, to not support -- to not allow government assistance into your state, that will make sure our children are faith during the summer, you are creating an environment of not just hunger but under development, both cognitively, emotionally, and physically, but also desperation in communities that have that most need.
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and what happens when children and people are desperate? they commit harm and create harm for themselves and others. what happens when a harem is created in our communities? you end up justice involved. this is a strategic plan by the republican party. they always support jails and prisons. they always support militarism. but they understand the things that children and vulnerable people need to stay out of prison and to put themselves on the pathway to, again, positive health outcomes and economic prosperity. so this is a dangerous party. we know by held a governor at the federal level, but also how they govern locally as well. >> let me switch gears for a moment, and stay on this topic, though, of the republican party and your reaction to this new stement from speaker mike johnson on president biden's endorsement of these senate backed u.s. mexico border. bill the speaker argues the
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president doesn't need congress to improve the situation on the southern border and he should take executive action immediately to reverse the catastrophic situation he has created. want to get make of the deal being negotiated across the capital, and speaker johnson's argument there, trying to delegate it more to the president and not do his job? >> he has to do his job. we have to collectively do our jobs. but to, the president didn't create this catastrophe. democrats for years have been trying to enact comprehensive emigration reform into law, into policy, so that we can support people who are coming here, seeking asylum accordingly, while also dealing with their root cause of immigration which is happening in places like honduras, el salvador, and guatemala. we have to have a much more holistic conversation about those who are seeking asylum, and former president donald
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trump gutted the court system and gutted social services we were providing. and as a result, it's created toyota circumstances for hush here. but we have always been a place that welcomed those seeking asylum. and it's important to make that point. because the fearmongering from that republican party is trying to tell the american people these immigrants are working fentanyl into our country, and with, once and for gangs. when that reality, most of the fentanyl brought in is brought and by americans, not immigrants. we need to re-invest in the court system so it's robust and helping asylum seekers. and we need to re-invest in the social services as well, while also having honest conversations about how multinational corporations have destroyed ecosystems in central and south america which has contributed to that despair attempt to find a better life for the families in our country. we never have that conversation, and republicans aren't willing to do so. >> congressman, we are almost out of time. but lived it wanted to ask you
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about your individual race. you are fighting off in a tough race of your own in a democratic primary. he's repeatedly criticize your cold for a cease-fire and gaza, certainly resource on the conflict as his race and took it into the race. how has that war and gaza exposed divides within the democratic party? how do you expect this issue to play out, not only just in your primary but also across a general election? >> every human life is precious. and every human life is sacred. and for a very long time, we have been fighting very hard to protect israeli lives and jewish lives as we should. but we also have to protect palestinian lives and the lives of those in gaza. so we haven't done enough to do that, which is why we called for a ceasefire very early. and that, we have to understand, the safety and security of israel is directly tied to the freedom, safety, and security of the palestinian people. and if my opponent is not willing to have that
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conversation, that's on him. we know the majority of the district supports a ceasefire, and to secure safety and security for both peoples in the region. so for me, it's all about human rights and it's all about justice. and that is a conversation that involves both peoples, not just one side of the coin. >> and i think more and more polls in america are reflecting that. not just in your district but certainly across the country and certainly within the democratic party. congressman jamaal bowman, thanks for your time, i appreciate it, always. >> thank you for having me, thank you. >> after the break, we'll dissect the icj ruling with a human rights lawyer renowned for his success in genocide cases at the u. n. international court of justice. stay with us. e*trade from morgan stanley. with powerful, easy-to-use tools, power e*trade makes complex trading easier. react to fast-moving markets with dynamic charting and a futures ladder that lets you place, flatten,
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i see how far our legacy can go. (♪♪) do israel's military operations in gaza constitute genocide? that's the question the international court of justice has been wrestling with now for some weeks. yesterday, it delivered an interim ruling.
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and a provisional order delivered by president joanne donahue, the court said it finds it, quote, plausible that israel has committed acts that violate the genocide convention. furthermore, in a 16 to 1 vote, that judges ordered israel must ensure with immediate effect its forces not commit any prohibited acts going forward. and the country must, quote, take effective measures to enable the provision of urgently need basic services and humanitarian assistance, as noted by -- in a bid for israeli cooperation to continue to provide aid to palestinians in gaza. ultimately, neither aside seems satisfied by the ruling. the icj stopped short of ordering the immediate cease fire, which many palestinian supporters desperately wanted. and nfl heroes after the court position, israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu blasted the entire proceeding, calling, it quote, a vile
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attack to deny israel the fundamental right to self defense. joining me now is francis boyle professor at university of illinois college of law, serving as a legal adviser to the provisional government of the pulmonary, who is the first floor to win an order from the world court on the siof the genocidenvention. it's great to have you with us sir. i want to start by disconnecting -- became some apparent last week. you had the white house national security spokesperson, john kirby, recently calling south africa's genocide charges, quote, meritless, and completely without any basis in effect. you now have this intense investigation, the icj says it's plausible is committed genocide. what do you make of that disconnect we saw this week? >> thank you. i also want to point out, i won
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a second world court order for bosnia and herzegovina -- to cease and desist from committing all acts of genocide. this is the first time ever that any lawyer had won two orders in one case, since the world court was founded in 1921. the disconnect is produced by the fact the biden administration has been aiding and abetting israeli genocide against the palestinians for -- prohibited by article three e of the genocide convention that criminalized complicity in genocide. also in the lawsuit going on right now on the west coast, they are litigating that issue plus the fact that the biden administration is in violation of the u.s. government's own genocide convention implementation act, which by the way president biden sponsored in the senate.
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so i regret to say, i know exactly what they're doing here and kirby was just trying to dismiss it all to, i think, explain away their own responsibility. >> speaking of america's role in all of this, one overlooked aspect of icj's ruling is that israel must, quote, take effective measures to enable the profession of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance and gaza. today, we salute that united states and other countries announced they will cut their funding to underwood, an organization that does do that. how complicated will their role be? and do you see that as a violation of the court order the comment specifically calling for more assistance, and immediate assistance, for the people of gaza? >> it's inconsistent with the court order for sure. the court order only binds israel. however, what we saw today in
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the cutting of--funds without due process of law, no investigation, nothing at all of that nature, for the governments who did this, they are now in violation of article to see of that genocide convention, deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life, calculated to bring about destruction in whole or in part. and also, with respect to that biden administration, that prohibition can be found in the u.s. own genocide plimentation act , which is a felony. >> i want to get your take on the professor of law from northeasrnniversity -- she says, given the rolling, quote, if countries are sending weapons to israel, or in any
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way facilitating the mess for cities and gaza, they will have to consider their commitment to avoid complicity in genocide. from your legal expertise, and your background on this subject matter, what do you make of that argument? >> she's correct. as a matter of fact, those states can be sued now at the international court of justice for aiding and abetting genocide against the palestinians. this is exactly what i did for the bosnians. i recommend it to president izetbegovic he gave me authority to suethe united kingdom for aiding and abetting genocide against the bosnians. and he gave me the authority, and i prepared that lawsuit and was ready to argue i that british threaten them with
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starvation but we were in negotiations with the court for a hearing date. >> as part of a dense of itself, the israeli government, you probably s, declassified more than 30 secret orders made by its military leaders which it's his robot to charge it committed genocide and gaza. and, it show is really efforts to diminish deaths among palestinian civilians. this was part of a strategy to prove that despite inflammatory comments that their were making, they were overruled by israel for cabinet and the military's high command was not in any way engaging in those acts. what did you make of this different strategy? >> they made that in the oral arguments. today's new york times even points out those statements were highly selective and did not at old deal with the first opening of phases of the genocide. but if you read the south african application, it goes on for a good eight pages of
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genocidal statements by the highest level officials in israel, including and cited in the older by the prime minister of israel and the minister of defense. i did the same thing with yugoslavia. i took statements by slobodan milosevic and other high-level officials, and filed them with the court to prove specific intent to commit genocide. and the court agreed with me. these are what we lawyers coal
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admissions against interest by officials like a president or a minister of defense acting within the scope of their authority by their statement. and that's why the court found specific intent to commit genocide. it is a high burden to be sure, but the court found it was there. >> looking ahead, and with this being an interim rolling, could the case against israel continue to be looking at it for years, and how significant do you think this decision that came out of the icj is given it is an interim one? >> algeria will be convening a station of the security council on wednesday for the enforcement of the order. it is for the security council to enforce it. i suspect the biden administration will veto any resolution enforcement. then it will be turned over to the u. n. general assembly under the uniting for peace resolution, where there could be very severe consequences from israel. it could be suspended from
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participation in u. n. activities, as they did to the criminal apartheid regime in south africa and my adversary, that genocide of yugoslavia. the shen rule a simply could sit up an international criminal tribunal for israel and struck prosecuting the highest level officials of the israeli government for war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide. the general assembly could recommend member states severed diplomatic relations with israel and the general assembly could recommend comprehensive economic sanctions against israel. as you know, north korea today suffers under draconian economic sanctions. i don't support them, but they do go back to a general assembly resolution adopted under the peace resolution. and finally, the general assembly could admit palestine as a full-fledged u. n. member state, right now palestine is an observer state at the u. n. along the lines of switzerland before it became a full fledged u. n. member state. i did all the legal work for the palestinians on that. >> francis boyle, sir, thank you so much for your time. i greatly appreciate your insights and legal analysis tonight. another hour of ayman after a quick break.
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