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tv   Dateline  MSNBC  January 28, 2024 1:00am-2:01am PST

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everybody was a static. >> except of course, bobby. >> i think what made this case so particularly emotional for me was not only did he get away for it for those hairs. but that the people that should have cared, did not care. >> indeed, it was in the end, strangers who became vicky's voice beyond the grave. donna especially, who found an odd desire to tell vicky that she had one in person. so she went to the church where vicky's ashes were kept, and was taken aback. >> when i got, there i just got such a feeling of peace, and i put my hand on the cabinet where the answers were and i knew that i didn't need to tell vicky anything. she knew. that was the high point for me. vicky's at rest, she is that piece. she has had her justice. >> that is all for this edition of dateline. i am andrea canning. thanks for watching! hello, i'm andrea canning, and this is dateline.
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he was a sweetheart a drummer with big rock and roll dreams. but the music stopped the day he suddenly vanished. >> i can't believe i'm doing this right now. searching through dumpsters for my boyfriend. didn't want to deal. >> i curious disappearance that no one could explain. then, across town, another scare. >> i felt a gun to the back of my head. >> a teenager in danger. he grabbed me and said, you have to come with me or i'm going to kill you. >> two young lives, strangely linked. had police put the two things together? >> i said i will do whatever i can to help find your son. >> can they help unravel this mystery in time? >> don't you understand, every minute counts right now? >> hello, and welcome to dateline. it's a story of young dreams interrupted, a talented drummer who was aiming for rock and
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roll stardom finally disappeared. his parents immediately since he was in danger, and they were forced into a race to find him in time, here is dennis murphy with taken. >> matt landry from the detroit suburbs was a regular guy. i can't who delivered the pizza that you ordered, he was on the skateboard, and cracked up his friends with jack ask style stunts. >> it was never a dull moment, he always had something crazy to do. >> but if you want to know what made matt landry get out of bed in the morning, it was the music. to his new girlfriend, francesco, matt was first and foremost iraqi dude. a ferocious drummer with a band of longtime buttons. >> what kind of stuff did they play? >> the stuff that is 200 beats per minute and up. >> and set the volume at 11? >> plus.
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[laughter] ♪ ♪ ♪ >> born to, rocket nonetheless quite, unassuming guy. at 21, the youngest of five children still living at home in chesterfield, michigan with his parents dorian and bob. >> creating is it was what he was most happiest worth. >> we were going to go to the detroit symphony, and it surprised me that he wanted to know. >> the drummer with a heavy band? >> yeah. that he would want to go to detroit to see the symphony with me. >> but this is not about the making of the music. matt landry would be rise from pacey, trumpeter arena superstar. this is about an unusual crime spree in the detroit suburbs. and how that connected to a nightmarish week in 2000 and, angwin met landry disappeared. saturday afternoon like most, he had been in a practice session with the guys. >> we were in my basement where we always practice.
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>> they had to date only one paying gig in their career. a neighborhood block party, with folding chairs, and heavy mother. >> we don't belong here. >> not at all. >> the reviews were mixed, like most basement bands, they had dreams. >> we were just trying to write, and get an album done. >> what was very fresh and matt 's life, was his first serious girlfriend. francesca. a waitress, and like matt, a lover of all things. rock. >> the rolling stones-- >> geezer rock? >> no, classic rock. >> they developed dvds watching them over at friends house. math was the shy one, his girlfriend had to take the initiative. >> i just kept inviting him over, he kept coming, and it was like, i might have to stay
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here. and i was like that is okay. >> did you know that he had found a serious girlfriend? >> yes, you know your kids. and when he would talk about fran, and his face would light up. >> that saturday, matt delivered pizzas in his mom's parole car. because the alarm on his green honda was going off without notice. blaring. after that shift, he killed time until francesca get off work at the restaurant. they agreed to hook up after. >> he was like, you really want me to come over? and i was like yes, please. >> after midnight, very early sunday morning, matt's mom was having a restless night. it was thundering and lightning out. >> and i saw matt walk outside, and circle around his car. and i thought, oh no, matt, careful. because his alarm is going to go off and it was almost three in the morning. >> it was 2:55 a. m.. >> so he very slowly went to lift up the hood of his car. and the alarm went off. and he jumped in his car. and just went down the street to get out of the neighborhood. until it went off. >> he came over, he had a bottle of wine.
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we had a really good night. >> but maybe an overly festive night, fran woke up sunday sick as a dog. matt attended to her. >> he gave me a hot bath, committee, got a thermometer. >> showed you a tender side? >> yeah. >> then matt still playing nursemaid phoned his mom. >> he says is there anything else i should be doing for her? >> no, it sounds like a doing everything, matt. >> there were plans for a backyard barbecue later at his parents. it would be a chance for fran to know matt's sisters boyfriend. that's if she felt up to it. >> he says okay, she's going to take a little nap. and when she wakes, up we are going to come over. and i told him, i told him like i tell all my kids, i said i love you, matt. and he said i love you to mom. >> matt offered to make a fast food run so that friend would have something in her stomach. but she still was hurting and
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waived him off. >> he said do you want something eight. i was like yeah, no i'm not gonna eat it anyway. >> as matt left to run some errands, friend snoozed figuring matt would wake her in time for the barbecue. >> i woke up at 5:47, and i called, he did not answered. i waited for his reply, staring at my phone, and then i fell asleep. >> she called him twice more, she remembers the exact time. 7:31, and 9:01. and got his voice mail. she was starting to freak. >> even six hours, and you thought something bad had happened. >> right. because he always calls me right back. so i started calling the police station and hospitals. >> over at the landry's barbecue the salmon tasted great, but matt and fran were no shows. still, no one thought twice about it. >> i knew that she was running a fever, and you just don't really feel like doing much, especially going over to a parent's house. >> meanwhile, matt's friends were getting as worried as francesca. the bandmates were used to texting and calling one another almost hourly.
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and matt had gone m. i. a.. >> i guess you're all thinking what could it be? >> exactly. >> chris even got into his car and drove down roads matt would likely have driven that day. >> thinking maybe he slipped into a ditch or something. >> by nine that sunday night, chris was concerned enough to call matt's mother. >> and he says we can't find him anywhere, we don't know where he is. >> you're starting to get worried? >> yes, i was starting to get worried. >> doreen landry had worked in the business for years, and knows how to spot patterns of fraud. so she clicked on her computer to check matt's credit card activity. that's when alarm bell started going on. >> what did you see when you looked into his account? >> i saw three 100 dollar withdrawals. cash from an atm machine, with
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a two dollar fee. from a gas station on southern mile road in detroit. >> what did that add up to you? >> a few things. number one, what was met doing in seven mile in detroit? >> seven mile, the northeast side is a especially rough piece of drug dealing turf. drug dealing gangs run the streets there. burned out houses, and abandoned cars. >> why would matt take out all his money in his account? >> matt was careful with his money. it did not make sense. >> why would matt use an atm machine with a fee? >> you don't say matt doing this withdrawal himself? >> no, i was hoping it was him. but it just didn't fit the picture. at all. >> sunday came to an end, and few people in mats circle could sleep that night. the next day, in one of those same nearby suburbs, a teenager catching a paycheck would-be headlock into the mystery surrounding matt landry. she got a scare of her young life. >> coming up!
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>> as soon as i set the check on the counter. i felt the gun in the back of my head. >> the life and death drama at the bank. what does this have to do with matt? when dateline continues! ...thanks to dupixent. dupixent is not for sudden breathing problems. it's an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma. and can help improve lung function for better breathing in as little as two weeks. dupixent helps prevent asthma attacks... and can even reduce or eliminate oral steroids. imagine that. dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. get help right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines, including steroids, without talking to your doctor. who knows what you can do when you du more with less asthma.
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and cavities. i think that this product is a gamechanger for my patients - it really works. a gamechanger for my patients - dennis murphy: when does it become where's matt? we've got to find him? i'd say monday morning. >> when does it become, where is matt? we have to find him? >> i'd say monday morning.
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>> matt landry, a hyper callr and texter have been off the grid for almost the day. matt running silent scared everyone, especially his girlfriend. >> francesco, why did you start calling the hospitals in police stations like you did? >> because no one has heard from him. i wanted to know if maybe he got into a car accident, a flat tire at the side of the road. a ditch, i don't know what happened. >> the parents, bob and doreen landry were getting anxious by the minutes. waiting by the phone that did not ring. it was monday when they called the local police in chesterfield, an officer came to the house. >> cops get these report from families very often. and usually what they say is, like he is a kid, give it some time. he is going to need walk into the door. >> we know our kid. >> yeah, he alluded to the fact that most of the time these kids end up in crack houses. and they eventually come home. i remember saying to him, for i pray to god that you are right. i pray to god that you are right. >> as the landry where eat
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inside of their house, a few miles south in harrison township, a young woman was walking towards the flag start bank. >> i was cashing my first paycheck from the dog kennel. >> new job. first paycheck? >> yeah. >> she noticed a guy in sunglasses on the street, definitely checking her out as she approached the bank. it crept her out a little, but she tried to ignore it. and went directly to a tyler's window. the man in the shades, stormed in right behind her. as shown in its chilling detail on the bank security cameras. >> i handed them my check. and as soon as i put it on the counter, i felt a gun to the back of my head. >> then, all calm and collected, he began given the bank teller instructions. >> what did he say? >> he said, give me $50,000 or i will kill her. >> you can feel the person with the gun? >> yes, he pressed it hard enough that i was spent over the counter. and he had his hand on the back
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of my neck too. >> the teller resisted the demand for $50,000. she said that she did not have that much. the man with a gun continued to threaten sarah. >> so, give me $50,000 or she is dead? >> yeah. >> how long did this go on? >> not that long. she ended up opening the drawer and giving him what she did have. >> the robber then let go of sara, and pass the office where he grabbed some more cash as others head in fear. but he wasn't done with the blunt who had caught his eye. >> he came back over to me, and grab to me, and said you have to come with me or i will kill you. >> what did you say? what did you do? >> i sat down and said no. >> so use that right back down on the floor? >> yes. >> it was a standoff of sorts. the man had hurt fighting, power sarah her willpower. >> he said you're going with me?
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>> yeah, he tried to pull me. he said get up or i will kill you. i just sat there, and he ended up running to the door. >> we begin with breaking news out of macomb county. . a manhunt for a bank robber outside of a bank in harrison township. >> the bank robber had fled, bank employees and customers know they had literally dodged a bullet. police would say later, that sarah, refusing to go with him as a hostage had done everything right. >> they give you a lot of credit that you might have saved your life in that moment. >> i was just scared, i did not want to go with him. it just seemed like the best option. >> but that gunmen gave the cops chills. a robber, cool, poise, and seemingly ulta ready to do whatever it took to pull off his crime. scott blackwell was a detective with that chesterfield pd. >> normally, bank numbers come in and pass the note, and get the money and move on. this was a violent back robbery. >> but what does a brazen young robert have to do with matt landry? that connection would have to wait for a story told by the
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gas station atm, and the security camera pointed at it. >> coming up! >> -- i did not know what to do. >> at last, a break in the case! >> big development. >> yeah, huge development. >> when they combine continues!
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welcome back to "dateline." i'm andrea canning. our story takes place in the suburbs of detroit, >> welcome back to dateline. where matt landry had disappeared. i am andrea canning. our story take place in the
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suburbs of detroit, where matt landry had disappeared. as parents worried, 12 miles away a woman at the bank was threatened at gunpoint. was there any connection? once again, here is dennis murphy with taken. >> bob and doreen, the parents of matt, the young man missing for the third day now, could only pray that he would walk through the door. the police told them, often, kids go off like this. it is something to do with drugs. the parents were not buying it. >> did not fit the pattern for matt. >> something innocent would explain matt's absence. >> the story of hope that doing some crazy, with something, showing up. >> yes, something that we laugh about. >> but just in case that it wasn't. that after winning the require 24 hours, they went to the hometown in police in chester field to get an official women missing case going.
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>> bob stayed here, we wanted to stay here, to make sure that someone was always here at the house. >> at first, chesterfield pd told the landry's it wasn't their case. they needed to go to the cops in another jurisdiction. roseville, some 13 miles south where francesco lived, and where matt had last been seen. >> did you get the feeling that you are being brush-off? >> yes. >> as a nuisance case? >> yes. he was like go in the lobby. >> was the family frustrated? >> i think they were frustrated. >> but detective blackwell was
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struck by doreen landry's unshakable belief in her son's integrity. >> i said we're not gonna leave you hanging. >> detective was especially interested to read dorian's print out of the suspicious atm withdrawals from mats account. >> he said the first thing that we need to do. let's find out if it was matt who did the withdrawals. >> so the detective, hoping to find an answer on that camera, went down to sonoma. in some of the most private streets. and caught a break. >> i waited just for that to get that system. >> the guest steamer station owner, moses, had just bought a new security camera system. the security cam he was replacing had a blind spot in the back with his atm dispenser was. moses opend the carton, and set to installing his new video system. it was the weekend, his son said let's wait. i said now. we are gonna hook it up. and on the security cam video. detective blackwell was seeing something that filled him with dread. >> someone else is using his card at that point? >> that is correct. it is obvious foul play. >> the news did not surprise me for some reason. i was hoping it was matt. >> meanwhile, on that tuesday, back north in the suburbs. matt friends and family found out, putting up flyers with matt face. they checked auto zone stores. maybe he had stopped by one of
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them for the broken car alarm. francesca was searching too, checking out dumpsters. >> and i was like, i cannot believe i'm doing this right now. searching dumpsters from my boyfriend. i did not know what to do. >> as francesca move south, she saw some police cars. she went through the gawkers to see what everyone was looking at. it was matt abandoned car. >> and i was like, yeah, that is his car. >> big developments? >> huge development. >> francesca managed to put one of the police officers on hers cell with doreen, matt's mom. >> did they tell you about anything that they found in the car at that point? >> maps, but matt delivers pizzas, it's, like matt capes maps and his car.
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>> by thursday august 19th, 2009. 21 year old mats disappearance had become a -- >> students were busy handing out these flyers hoping someone will help them find math. >> in the same newscast, they were getting an update on the breeze and banks stick up a day before. >> a local teenager had a look of terror, gripping detroit in fear. >> just watching the news, like anyone else, was a police to tactic from roseville. lieutenant -- >> it was a vicious incident? >> very vicious. >> the detective had watched the security cam pics of the guy in the bank holding the gun to the female. about crime, but not one that he expected to investigate. >> it didn't have anything to do with the city. it is a couple jurisdictions over. >> but on the next day, the detective would prove himself wrong. he would be thick in the bank robbery, case as well as the disappearance of matt landry. a missing person report that he knew virtually nothing about. but, dots were getting
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connected. and there was one more to come. >> coming up! >> can you get someone down here? >> another brazen attack on a bright afternoon. will it shed light on what might have happen to matt? >> you need to get at detective in there, now! >> when dateline continues! ( ♪♪ ) and with once-daily trelegy, it can still be beautiful. because with 3 medicines in 1 inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open for a full 24 hours and prevents future flare-ups. trelegy also improves lung function, so i can breathe more freely all day and night. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ [laughing] ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for copd
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because breathing should be beautiful, all day and night. hi richard louis with the hours
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top stories. six countries including italy and the eua, joining the united states suspending finding to the unrwa. accusing workers of being involved in the october 7th attacks in israel, it is investigating. they also said that 3000 out of 13,000 core staff are still providing aid in gaza, according to the palestinian ministry of health over 26,000 people have been killed. back to dateline. back to dateline >> i just got carjacked. >> lieutenant of the roseville police was at his desk, tuesday august 11th 2009 when the call came in.
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a carjacking in progress at the walmart down the street. >> he taught me to run and iran. >> came into officers responded quickly. but the carjacked car was still in the walmart parking lot. the vehicles owner was shaken up, but okay. >> he was approached at the his door by the suspect. >> a guy displaying a gun? >> it's displaying a gun and à la carte. >> why didn't the gunmen take off in the car? >> when he got in the car to attempt to drive away. he did not know how to drive a stick. >> you're kidding? >> no. [laughter] >> nearby an officer spotted a nervous i'd man with a 70s afro whip. >> he went off running, footrace was on. >> a guy who steals a car he doesn't know how to drive, and then bolts in a jimmy hendricks wig might have been comical. but the suspect on the run was also armed. >> he put his hand in his pocket, possibly trying to get the gun out.
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>> the gun and the clipper tossed away during a foot chase that ended when police zap the man with electrical charges from a taser gun like this one. when the jolts wore off, and the man was back on his feet, lieutenant recognized a familiar face. someone he had seen just recently on tv. >> he was standing right there, right in front of me, in the walmart lot when i said, that's the bank robber. >> the same ice-cold bandit who had held a gun to 19 year old sarah's head and demanded money. >> give me $50,000 or i will kill her. >> a violent suspect, he's involved into things that we know of. and who knows how many others? >> could one of those other things be a missing person? just that day, the detective had become aware that doreen landry had reported her son missing to the police in roseville, where matts girl friend lived, and he had last been seen. and the detective knew
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something else, detroit police had just found the young man's car abandoned in a bad neighborhood. he wondered, did the walmart suspect now in his holding cell, have an appetite for carjackings? had he also maybe, stolen matts car? by then, the abandoned car had been towed to the police station in metz hometown of chesterfield. the detective called a counterpart there, about his hunch. >> i told him, i said, i think it's all related. can we get someone to go into the car, without destroying any evidence, and see if there is anything that links the bank robbery to mike landry? >> and sure enough, there was. having to do with the map found inside matt landry's car. when investigators took a look at it, they saw an ex marks the spot. pinpointing the flagstar bank-- where the man had held a 19 -year-old hostage. now the detective had begun filling in the blanks. he figured that guy pulled off the job, was the same guy who carjacked matt landry with matt
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in it. but he had yet to share his observations with matt's parents. he had something to do first. on tuesday night, they went down to that bleak section of detroit, where the green honda had been damaged. >> we started looking for matt landry. >> so the question in your mind is do you expect to find the body of matt landry or the guy bound in one of the houses? >> i did not know what to find, but we know that it was still off. >> they were still searching the bank tuesday night, but they warned the police. >> this was the first job that we had there. >> two friends of matt's father had come down to investigate on their own. >> you think your friends son could be in one of these houses. you know you're gonna certainty find it. >> the family friends, amateur detectives armed with only a flashlight, managed to search dozens of homes. many of whom had burnt out shells. the local guy challenge them. >> we told them that we were
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working on a case, and he believed that we wear the police, who knows what he would've tried. >> the two friends, like the cops before, them also went to the sunoco section, and got the owner to play them the video of the atm withdrawal made on matt's car. as the friends studied the security cam video, a clerk behind the counter was watching local news. up popped a recap of the bank robbers story. it was a hey that is him kind of moment! they swivel heads from the news clip of the sunglasses wearing bank robber, to the figure on the security camera who was just withdrawing the money. bingo. >> we all put together that it is the same guy. the same guy who to the bank robbery, the same guy who had his atm card at the sunoco station. >> what is more, the guy behind the counter recognized the person in the atm security cam video. a local guy who went by the name of i hop.
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the counterman said that he remembers him being a gang member, in a violent thief. the friends told the landry is what they learned. that they kid seems behind mats disappearance. and they also heard on local news that the very same guy was already in police custody, for the botched carjacking at the walmart. matt's mom called the roseville pd. >> i said the man that you are holding, who just rob the bank, armed robbery. is the same man who used my son debit card. and my son is missing. you need to get a detective in there now to talk to him! >> that detective would be the detective who had just piece it altogether himself. and now, he needed answers from the man that they called i hop. the veteran cop had a few tricks up his sleeve to get what he wanted. >> as detectives prepared for an intense interrogation. friends uncover trouble new investigation. on the day that matt vanished. >> coming up! >> they're beating him up now. hurry, hurry. >> when dateline continues!
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ask your eczema specialist dennis murphy: by early wednesday august 12, 2009, >> by early wednesday august 12 2009. matt landry 4th day missing. his parents, don and doreen had put together some facts that scared them to death. the same guy using matt's atm card, look to be the man who
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robbed flag -- who try to rob the flags are bank. >> and i saw the gun to the girls head. knowing he was the one who use my sons atm card. i knew it was not good. >> and the suspected bank robber, street name i hop, was also carrying a gun when he had a carjacking at the walmart, according to police. i hop was now at a holding cell at the roseville pd. and the landry's getting desperate, time not on their side, began pressuring the police there to get immediate answers from him as to matt, s whereabouts, even though mats disappearance wasn't officially their case. >> give me back my brother. just bring him back. >> sister,, tina turned up the heat on the internet. >> i actually put on facebook anyone who can go to the station. and all these people showed up at the station at midnight. just to show power in numbers to get them to question him. >> bob and doreen went over to roseville to talk to detectives in-person. >> you need to get someone in
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the right, now don't you understand? every minute counts. >> the lieutenant did not need the prodding. he and the partner where inching to question the suspect after they returned from detroit. where they spent a long night searching for matt with no results. >> we are just checking abandoned houses, checking at least, checking -- >> and you're seeing nothing? >> no evidence of matt landry at all. >> at 3:45 in the morning, a bone tired him and his partner devised a new strategy. hoping i hop with cough something up. >> i was just going to sit there in the chair, i wasn't going to say anything to him. >> in the interrogation room, the other officer peppered the suspect with questions. but i hop was dodging them. so blair hold it a investigators trick to wrap it up. >> i had a picture of matt landry inside of my notebook. so when it got to the point where it was obvious that this wasn't going anywhere. i took a picture and i held it up. and i said, we found him. >> reaction from him?
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>> he saw a ghost. he saw a ghost. >> but, not shaken enough to spill whatever he might know about matt landry. >> what are you seeing, lieutenant, when you are right there with the guy? you're seeing anything in his eyes? >> just a cold, careless, heartless person. he is definitely near the top of the list, if not on, top of one of the coldest people i've ever talk to. >> the laundry's headed home from the roseville pd, satisfied at last that the police were now seeing the sun 's disappearance as they were. gina, the daughter meanwhile, was learning more troubling information about her brother. something that she had picked up on the internet. >> i got a phone call from one of my best friends, and she said check your facebook when you get home. there is an important message on their. >> the heads up was from a woman that gina had known in high school. >> her parents had witnessed on sunday, a violent carjacking, and it was a green honda. >> 9-1-1, police?
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>> in back of quiznos, not sure. but it looks like a robbery. they got a guy cornered over here. >> the previous sunday afternoon, the police and yet another small city near detroit, 's point, got a 9-1-1 call. that thedistressed witness was reporting and carjacking and abduction in the car shop, here behind the quizno sub shop. but when police arrived, the car in question was gone. and they weren't sure exactly what they had to write up. the incident at the quiznos went largely unnoticed. tell matt sister got a tip to it online. >> so now you have a very bad information at your disposal. right? >> i got sick when i showed my mom the information and she says carjacking at the quiznos. >> and she said quiz now? >> that was the last place matt
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used the debit card other than the atm. >> they're beating him up now. hurry, hurry, hurry. >> what the 9-1-1 caller had seen in fact, was the abduction of matt landry. >> it was the missing piece of the puzzle? >> as francesco put it together, it all started because her concerned boyfriend had decided on his own, that she, feeling crummy, needed a tlc sandwich to get back on her feet. >> he had mentioned to the girl at quiznos, my girlfriend is sick. i don't know what to get. her and that's why he got two subs. >> two subs that started a three-day crime scene in the detroit suburbs. from the quiznos, on the sunday afternoon. spreading ten miles to the flag star bank at harrison township at high noon on monday. and ending eight miles away at the roseville midday on tuesday. bad news, bad patterns. but matt family and friends were still clinging to a sliver of hope. >> he is still alive somewhere. he's still alive somewhere. maybe he's just tied, up maybe he's just tied up. maybe they're holding him at the crack house or something, maybe, maybe, maybe. >> in a dream? >> i had a dream before he went missing.
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that he was kidnapped. and i found him in a basement, tied up to one of those old-time heaters. >> five days, in a joint police task force had been forms to search the basements, and burned out homes, in the northeast side. where the car had been found. the police departments who initially couldn't agree on whose case it was. now came together for one purpose, to find matt landry. from chester feel where he lived, roseville where he was seen with francesco, and where the walmart jacking went down, and east point, where matt had been abducted at the quiznos. >> they're working with the gangs, unit in detroit pd. and they have been going frustrated, block by block, finding not much of anything. and then. >> yeah. then there's thursday. >> there is, they august 13th, 2009. the task force was out in strength. 15 officers banging on doors,
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issuing search warrants, pressuring gang members who may have known the suspect called i hop. >> iverson, i've kids to. i made a promise to doreen. even though it's not roosevelt jurisdiction i will do whatever i can to help you find your son. >> helping, walking mean streets. >> the homes are more abandoned then occupied. it's a rough neighborhood. >> that thursday morning, lieutenant larry had teamed up with jim, fellow roseville detective at the time. >> we were just coming to dead ends, and, we walked out of one of the houses. and, there was a penny lying in the street. and it had the heads up. i picked it up. i said, this is it. this is it. >> your luck has turned? >> yes, my luck has turned. a short time after that. we had a ride. and we ended up here. >> it was the first house that they checked, after he had
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found the lucky penny just minutes before. how >> we got here. why we got here. i can explain. >> i see a little footpath, someone had gone through their some point in the summer. i made my way up to what used to be the porch. and i look in, houses all burned out. as i think around the corner, i saw some flip-flops here. i stepped in further. and, i saw the body itself. >> in the august swelter, the body had decomposed beyond recognition. they knew they had a white male. with an apparent gunshot wound to the head. the victim had been wearing jeans, and telltale flip-flops. >> it is not the outcome that we wanted. >> but at least he was found. >> the hometown detective, scott blackwell, rushed over from nearby streets to confirm the finding. >> when i saw this body, i knew it was him. >> detective blackwell
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immediate concern was to let the landry's know in the most humane way possible, before the media was on to it. he called the chief of police. >> i remember the chief of police coming to the front door. i knew when he walked in, i could tell by the look at his face what he was going to tell me. i did not want to hear it. after i got done crying, i wanted to take a shower. like i was going to watch it all away. my matt. >> coming up! could one man have done this? >> i'm 6 6, 280 pounds. matt could take me out. matt was that strong. >> maybe one man did not. when they lie continues!
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just l"we stayed up late. ♪ ♪ ♪ it felt so right. >> we stayed up late, it felt so right, i will never forget that wonderful night. >> in a journal that she keeps, francesca enshrined her last hours with matt landry. a reworking of last kiss, a matchup by pearl jam. >> now he is gone, even though he is in my heart. i lost the love of my life that night. ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> so when do you guys miss him? >> every second of every day. >> i miss him every time i touch an instrument, or anytime i listen to our favorite band. >> they identified him on friday. >> matts'decomposed body discovered in the hell hole of the house, was positively i. d.'d by the medical examiner through dental records. the m.e. determined cause of death was a gunshot to the back of the head. already under arrest, and now charge for a fresh crime killing matt. was a man called i help. he had given a phony name, but his fingerprints reveals him to be -- >> born in this country? >> born in libya. >> his attorney, joseph, said that he came to michigan to live with relatives. who according to juvenile court records, neglected him. then he entered the states child welfare system. it did not go well.
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fleeing foster homes for a life on the northeast side. >> my job here is for him to get the best and fairest trial that he can get. >> state your name for the record. >> -- >> masalmani faced a slew of charges, including murder, kidnapping, in the landry case. bank robbing in the flags are stick up. and carjacking in the walmart incident. he pleaded not guilty to all of the charges. >> maybe his best shot, is ironically, the homicide. >> correct, i'm not admitting to my client committing bank, robbing or carjacking, however those cases are very strong cases for the prosecution. >> evidently, the bank security cameras apparently showing him brandishing a gun. and clues from the walmart, including a discarded gun, do not lie. however. >> homicide is not a slam dunk for the government. >> police never found a gun, or
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a bullet at the death house, that match the gun that they recovered at the walmart. >> no one can put a gun in masalmani hand. >> he had been charged in the walmart carjacking, and flag star bank height. >> they're hitting him now, they had him in the face. they're beating up now. >> but there were two assailants that attacked matt at the quiznos. according to the 9-1-1 -- matt had been double-team, and especially nation for why this drummer had been taken against as well. >> i'm 6 6, 280 pounds. matt could take me out. he was that strong. >> after matts body had been found, the task force continued combing northeast detroit for quiznos suspect number two. sources squeezed on the street told the cops that they should be looking for 16 year robert. >> we flooded that area. we shut down the drug trade in that area. >> you guys are bad for business? >> we destroy the business, for one week. and we made a statement to
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them. therefore, i believe they made a statement to fat daddy. that you better get out of our neighborhood. so he ultimately turned himself in. >> taylor was also charged and murder and kidnapping at the quiznos abductions. he pleaded not guilty. at the trial, the defense theorize that matt had gone voluntarily with masalmani and taylor. >> they were going down to do a drug deal, and then what happened, happened. and i don't know what happened. >> any reason to think that he would've known who those guys were? like a drug purchase gone bad, or anything? >> no sir, we believe that it was totally random. >> wrong place at the wrong time. it could've been anyone of us. >> and the detectives had a advice for anyone ambush like that, in daytime or nighttime. >> and no time should you allow anyone to take you from point a to point b. you fight, you fight to the death. period. because once you're on the turf. it's over. >> the young woman in the bank dropped right to the floor.
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said i'm not going with you. >> that's what saved her life. >> grass is growing my flowers are blooming, my -- dead inside. just dead in side. >> in the days after she lost her son. a grief stricken doreen landry went important with a cause important to her. condemn burned out and abandon houses that -- call home. >> i'm pleading with the mayor of detroit. that area needs to be cleaned up. it's nothing but a garbage pit. there's thousands of houses in detroit that are abandoned. that they live in. >> just raize them? knock them down. >> just flatten them. >> in fact, in 2010. the detroit mayor started a program to do just that. the house where matt's body was found has been demolished. masalmani was convicted of first degree murder, kidnapping, and carjacking. and was sentenced to life in prison without parole.
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taylor was convicted with murder, and he too is serving a life sentence without parole. both have appealed their sentences. >> it took one second, literally one second. to end matthews life. and that one second, has literally turned our family upside down. >> matt's funeral service as that day program explained, was to remember the joy. the laughter. the smiles. and no one would forget on that sad day, that matt was also a rocker. >> matthew was a drummer. but he had an acoustic guitar. he would always start stairway to heaven. and it seemed like through time, you get through a little bit more. and he would learn a little bit more of it. i love to listen to him doing that. and we asked the priest, father i know this is unusual, i said,
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but if you have anyone that can play stairway to heaven that would be beautiful. and he says, let me see what i can do. >> and so, he came up with a group of musicians to honor matt with a song that he loved. about as symbolic stairway that he climbed way too soon. >> and, it was so beautiful. and it was just perfect. matthew loved it. he would have loved it. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> that's all for this edition of dateline. i'm andrea canning, thank you for watching! ,. .


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