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tv   Chris Jansing Reports  MSNBC  January 30, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PST

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it's good to be back with you on this second hour. at this hour, president biden's critical next move. he says he has decided on the u.s. response to the drone attack that killed three u.s. soldiers in jordan but what it is, where, and when, he isn't revealing. plus, cori bush confirming she is the target of a justice department probe over her campaign spending. what we know this hour live from washington. plus, homeland security secretary under the microscope as house republicans hold
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another meeting moving closer to impeachment. our reporters are following all of the latest developments. let's start with keir simons now. president biden has made his decision clear. at least that he's made the decision clear, but what he's going to do against iran is an ongoing question. what's the latest, keir? >> secretary of state blinken not saying when the response from the u.s. might come, but saying it would likely be sustained over time, multilevel and could come in stages. as questions question about how this drone laden with explosives was able to get into tower 22, this u.s. base in jordan, pentagon officials suggesting that maybe it was flying low. maybe it tricked the base's defenses by flying in to tower 22 just as an american drone was flying in as well so that the defenses were down.
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how could that have happened is one of the questions, at least one of the families of these three servicemen and women who have been killed are now beginning to ask. of course, one of the challenges for the u.s. is that these militia groups as is often said, only have to be lucky once, whereas u.s. defenses have to be effective and lucky all of the time. another challenge for the u.s. is that the attempt to push iran to deescalate don't seem to have worked, so so far in this region, there have been eight air strikes in iraq and syria. they continue to launch attacks. a similar number in yemen. the houthis there continue to launch attacks. the question is now for the biden administration and there are calls for this particularly among some republicans, the question is whether it's possible to escalate against iran in order to deescalate a situation without the u.s. slipping into a further confrontation with iran and at
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some point, a full scale war. we're not close to that at all at this stage, but that is one of the issues the pentagon will be worrying about as they decide what to do. clearly, there is going to need to be a response that the u.s. government will be feeling that because this is the first time that u.s. servicemen and women have been killed by iranian-backinged militia in an attack like this. since october, since the war began in gaza. so a response seems inevitable. what kind is the question. >> thank you. now to the news about the doj probe against congresswoman cori bush. ryan nobles is on capitol hill. what do we know, ryan? >> we know that the congresswoman is admitting that she is the subject of this investigation although she is outright saying she has done nothing wrong. the congresswoman releasing this statement where she said quote, i have not used any federal
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taxpayer dollars for personal security services and any reporting that i have is simply false and we are fully cooperating with this investigation. and all of this came from a very suspicious thing that happened on the house floor yesterday when the house reading clerk came to the floor to inform the members that a subpoena had been issued to the sergeant at arms for materials. listen to what the clerk read yesterday. >> this is to notify you formally pursuant to rule eight of the rules of the house of representatives that the office of the sergeant at arms for the house of representatives has been served with a grand jury subpoena for documents issued by the u.s. department of justice. after consulting with the office of general counsel, i have determined that compliance with the subpoena is consistent with the rights and privileges of the house. signed sincerely, william p.
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mcfarland. >> now, you'll notice there was no mention of what is subpoena was for or who it was for. we have been able to report out now it was congresswoman bush and we are coming to the understanding that the subpoena has something to do with the payment of security services through her professional office, which she denies is not any part of this investigation or that she has not done anything wrong in that space. now, we should point out here, chris, she has not been formally accused of anything. this is just an investigation. she's not been indicted or formally charged and certainly presumes the right of innocent throughout this process. she is a public figure and that's part of why this is all coming to light and we wait to see if she has any more comment on this investigation as it moves forward. >> thank you. and right now, a critical two-day meeting is underway at the federal reserve as it prepares to announce a new interest rate decision. kristina partsinevelos joins us
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now for cnbc on msnbc. so, do we know what to expect? >> we kind of know what to expect, but it's quite incredible right now that our central bank, the federal reserve, has hiked interest rates to their highest level in more than two decades yet our economy continues to grow about 2%, unemployment is historically low, consumer spenlding came higher in december. so u.s. consumers now are actually more optimistic about the state of the economy than they have been in more than two years. and this according to a survey released just today by the conference board. which really puts the fed in a tough spot right now. why cut borrowing rates when the economy may not need that extra boost? especially when you imply more cuts it could spur spending and in turn increase inflation then we start this whole cycle all over again. that's why experts aren't expecting cuts tomorrow. so there's your answer. but they'll be looking for any clues from jay powell on when and how much lower rates can go
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later this year and that means cheaper borrowing costs for you and i. for example, cheaper mortgages. the fed wants to slow the economy down enough to cool inflation without slowing it down too much that we hit a downturn. so not doing anything right now may be the best course of action. just right porridge? right? >> kristina partsinevelos making me go back in my brain to when i was a child reading those nursery rhymes. >> it took a second to register. it just came. just right. >> the temperature's just right. not too hot, not too cold. let's get back to serious stuff by the push by house republicans to impeach secretary mayorkas. julia is following this hearing for us. it's been an interesting day. >> they've been in recess since just before noon but this morning,we saw a lot of fireworks. we expect this hearing to go on late today after they come back.
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i have to say that the first thing we got before the hearing started was a letter from secretary mayorkas to the committee saying it is not true that he denied to testify and also that it's not true that he's failed to enforce the nation's immigration laws. he said it's false. we have provided congress and your committee with hours of testimony, thousands of documents, hundreds of briefings and much more information that demonstrates quite clearly how we are enforcing the law, but republicans are continuing to make this argument, chris, that mayorkas should be impeached because of how things are going at the border. we know last month, we saw record numbers, but the biden administration has actually increased, raised the bar, on what it means to claim asylum here, but they've simply been overwhelmed by these numbers and we're continuing to hear some back and forth. let's take a listen to the republican arguments as well as the democrat rebuttal. >> this was actually done on purpose and the biden administration, secretary
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mayorkas, using policy to mask unlawful behavior. >> on the one hand, you hear that the secretary should not have changed the policies of the trump administration. but if he is changing the policies of the trump administration, that means it's a policy decision. not a violation of the law. >> now, real talk, chris. is mayorkas going to be taken out of his position? not a likely chance. we understand that after this, they'll vote to move this impeachment inquiry to the house floor where the house will vote. if it passes there, it's doa in the senate because they would need a two-thirds majority to do this. it's really republicans putting their line in the sand, trying to put an asterisk next to the name of mayorkas as dhs secretary. meanwhile, the senate is using him as an asset to bring him in as they negotiate a bill on that
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side that maybe doa in the house. we'll have to see when we see details. >> thank you. in 60 seconds, a member of the house homeland security committee who was in today's meeting will be here, so stay with us. in today's meeting will be here, so stay with us. to is nurtec odt. it's the only migraine medication that can treat and prevent my attacks all in one. don't take if allergic to nurtec. allergic reactions can occur even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion and stomach pain. now i'm in control. with nurtec odt i can treat a migraine attack and prevent one. talk to your doctor about nurtec today. here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost.
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the one thing we know for sure, the standard for impeachment is high crimes and misdemeanors, but when it comes to today's hearing targeting dhs secretary mayorkas, there is absolutely no agreement about what that even means. the republicans' case filled with these kinds of accusations. >> mayorkas latest litanies of lies on the border put santos to shame. these are the headlines and these are what are being talked about because secretary mayorkas has been untruthful with the american public. >> here's the reality. every single day that secretary
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mayorkas continues in his role, america is less safe. >> joining us now, democratic congressman, robert garcia of california, a member of the house homeland security committee. it's good to have you on the program. look, those are sound bites, right, but the republicans say their case is twofold. they claim mayorkas isn't enforcing the laws by congress and that he breached the laws of congress and the american people. did you hear anything today convincing you of that? what's your take on what's happened so far in this hearing? >> absolutely not. let's be very clear about what this is. this is a complete impeachment sham that's been led by marjorie taylor greene who basically wants to impeach everyone. she wants to impeach president biden, secretary mayorkas. there's been no evidence presented to impeach the secretary and let's also be crystal clear. donald trump has already come out and said he wants no border deal. he does not want a secure
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border. speaker johnson is now saying he won't accept a deal coming out of the senate. this is all about getting donald trump re-elected. we actually want border solutions. we want immigration reform. we presented funding in technology and real humane solutions, but republicans and donald trump and marjorie taylor greene want none of that. >> if this does go to the full house for a vote, republicans are working as you well know, with an ultra thin margin. they've got just a couple of votes to spare. have you spoken with any republicans in the house who might not support this or who will tell you privately, i wish i didn't have to. >> well, i certainly have spoken to republicans that would rather not vote on this. whether they end up voting for this or not, we'll wait and see. i think it's really unfortunate there's so much cowardess and unwillingness to stand up against the maga extreme base. this is a marjorie taylor greene
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effort. senator mayorkas has a really tough job. we have real challenges at the border which we need to solve. the resources have been proposed to be sent there by the president but the republican house doesn't have any interest in doing that. they want chaos and they want to make this an election issue. >> let's talk about the real challenges you just mentioned. it is a fact that a record number of migrants crossed the u.s. borders in december. nearly a quarter of a million illegal crossings at the southern border alone. you may feel the republicans taking it on the wrong person with with this effort but do you acknowledge that this is a situation that has not, or that has alluded a solution and is there blame to go on this administration? >> i mean, first, it's really important to note that the border migrant increase started to happen during donald trump's administration. the last eight months of donald trump's presidency, border crossings increased every time. so there is a crisis the president is trying to address and we're doing everything we can to address the border as
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best as possible. >> congressman garcia, i understand you need to go make a vote, so thank you so much for being on the program. we appreciate it. positive new poll numbers on the economy could spell good news for president biden as he and former president trump break out into full blown general election mode. yes, it's only january. stay with us. election mode. yes, it's only january stay with us
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in san francisco, two people a day are dying from fentanyl. this is a national crisis that demands new strategies. prop f requires single adults receiving cash assistance to enroll in treatment if they use drugs. i know what it's like to lose family to drug addiction. it's too late for some families. but our city needs to do what's necessary to save lives. pthings have gotten better
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recently, but too many businesses like mine are still getting broken into. it's time our police officers have access to 21st century tools to prevent and solve more crimes. allow public safety cameras that other bay area police departments have to discourage crime, catch criminals, and increase prosecutions. prop e is a smart step our city can take right now to keep san francisco moving in the right direction. please join me in voting yes on prop e. today, joe biden and donald
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trump are very much in general election mode. both campaigns on the attack in a way that arguably is more reminiscent of october than january. as nbc reports, confidence is growing in the white house that a strong economy will sell itself to voters and that trump seems to know it. the former president again trying to take credit for a revitalized economy, suggesting on truth social that the reason things are looking so good is because polls show he will win. but biden's rapid response team answered rapidly. thank you, donald, for lifting up today's strong economic news, but on this planet, joe biden is the president. all of that leaving nikki haley fighting an uphill battle in south carolina where voters like her, but love trump. mike memoli is following the president's campaign trip in florida. garrett haake is in washington and joining me here is former mitt romney campaign adviser and former aide in the george w.
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bush administration. great to have you guys here. mike, confidence in the economy is not only growing in the white house. americans slowly seem to be coming to that conclusion. there's a new pew poll that shows it at 28%. that's up more than double than it was in the summer of '22. how confident is the campaign that that trend will continue and what are they doing to make that happen? >> reporter: well, chris, obviously we saw president biden start out this year talking about the threats to democracy, holding that big campaign rally focused on abortion rights. but biden advisers all along have known we're going to see the economy once again be a front and center issue as it always is in a presidential election year. so the president feels like he has a strong economic record to run on. he's been talking about that over the last few months, framing this as bidenomics, but there's no doubt at this moment where moving into general election allows the president to present this as a choice to voters between his administration, what he has
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accomplished, versus what former president trump tried to do in office. when i was covering the president this weekend at the rally in south carolina, he framed the entire discussion about promises made and promises kept. today, the president is here in florida, not necessarily campaigning, but trying to raise money. we did have an interesting moment as we see this general election come into view as president biden was touching down in palm beach in air force one driving past on the runway, former president's plane, trump force one as it's sometimes known. the president now attending one of several fund-raisers he's going to be holding here to try to help him get the message out. money so important in the advertising game in the general election to come. >> oh, to be a fly on the wall inside that car to see what they were saying when that happened. thank you so much, mike memoli. garrett, does trump's post taking credit for the economy tell us that he's nervous that the economy might not with the
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albatross on biden some thought it might be? or maybe it's just typical trump. >> why can't it be both, chris? with donald trump, what he posts on social media is always a good indication of what's going on in his mind. i think in this case what we see in the post lines up from what we've seen from him on the trail and other republicans i cover. which is as economic indicators continue to improve as we move closer and closer to november with unemployment rate below 4%, gas prices coming down, inflation coming down albeit slowly, there's been an effort to cast afford for other issues that could be the better issues republicans believe to run against democrats including president biden in the fall. in a news conference on last tuesday in new hampshire, donald trump suggested he doesn't think the economy will be the biggest issue in the fall and that he's moving his focus to the border. lots of republicans are following him along that route. now is the border as kinetic as
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an issue that touches the american voter as much the economy does? i don't know the answer to that question, but we may find out in the fall in indeed republicans decide that the economy is too good or too comfortable to make the center piece issue of this campaign. >> all right. first of all, it's great to have you in studio. haven't seen you in a while. it's only january. if there's this much sniping and snarkiness this early, what's it going to look like in october? >> whatever it is, it's going to be good tv. no, look, i think that the general notion that this is going to be an economy centered election, i think that's the right one. because every election if we look at recent history, every election has to a certain degree, come down to this question of how does the economy look. but more importantly, how do people feel about the economy. i think that's where the disconnect is now. the disconnect we're seeing is between what are generally very good economic numbers and the
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reality that for more americans, the economy doesn't feel that way. so that lag is natural. we know it's somewhat built in. but as the months go on, as we get towards september and october, if there is a closing of that gap, if we see that people actually begin to feel better and they feel kind of how the economy is in terms of the statistical measures, i think that always is to the benefit of the incumbent. so we have to see how those measures, the feel of the economy, how those compare to what's actually happening. and the bet that the biden campaign is making is that people's feelings catch up to the reality of where the economy is. >> stay right there. we have a little bit of breaking news because just moments ago, cori bush spoke from the steps of the capitol about the doj investigation. >> so first and foremost, i hold myself, my campaign, and my position to the highest levels of integrity. i also believe in transparency,
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which is why i can confirm that the department of justice is reviewing my campaign spending on security services. we are fully cooperating with this investigation and i would like to take this opportunity to outline the facts and the truth. since before i was sworn in to office, i have endured relentless threats to my physical safety and life. as a rank and file member of congress, i am not entitled to personal protection by the house and instead have used campaign funds as permissible to retain security services. i have not used any federal tax dollars for personal security services. any reporting that i have used funds for personal security is simply false. in recent months, right wing organizations have lodged baseless complaints against me. pedaling notions that i have misused campaign funds to pay for personal security services. that simply is not true.
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i have complied with all applicable laws and house rules and will continue to prioritize the rules that govern us. in particular, the nature of these allegations have been around my husband's role in the campaign in accordance with all rules, i retained my husband as part of my security team to provide security services because he has had extensive experience in this area and is able to provide the necessary services at or below fair market rate. these frivolous complaints have resulted in a number of investigations. some of which are still ongoing. the federal election commission and the house committee on ethics are currently reviewing the matter as is the department of justice. we are fully cooperating in all these pending investigations. in september of last year, 2023, after conducting a month's long investigation, the office of
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congressional ethics found no wrong doing and voted unanimously to dismisthe case. i look forward to the same outcome for all impending vest gagss and i am under no illusion that they will stop trying to attack me and the work that the people of st. louis sent me to congress to do. to lead boldly, to legislate change my constituents can feel and to save lives. thank you. >> i want to bring in julie on capitol hill. actually, expanding on the statement that she gave that you read to us a short time ago. >> exactly. she went in front of cameras. you saw her there go out on the east steps while the house is voting and essentially read her statement. part of which we brought to you moments ago earlier last hour. she did not take any questions though. she just stood by what she had said in her statement, but i want to take a step back and just outline how we even got
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here. on monday, yesterday, we learned that the house sergeant at arms was served a grand jury subpoena. we later by ryan nobles and rebecca kaplan this was targeting a democratic member of the house. in a statement, she is a democrat from missouri. she's a progressive. she's been loud on all sorts of issues including most recently on the israel and gaza war and so she says that some of these complaints have been filed have been filed by right wing organizations that in her words have sought out to attack her on this fact. now, our colleagues have also been able to look into how much she has spent on private security. of course, that is not against the law. she spent close to $800,000 since she first ran for office in 2018 on private security. a small part of that was paid to her husband who beforehand was just a member of her private security team. all of these things are presumably being investigated by the department of justice. again, this complaint originally
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was logged by an outside watchdog group who referred this to the elections commission who are you looking into this. she said she did nothing wrong. she did not use federal fund to pay for her private security guards. so far, the congresswoman is standing by her actions, chris. >> thank you for that. you were a senate staffer, so things have changed a little bit. a couple of things occur to me. one is she talks about rumors by republicans. i have had voters just shrug their shoulders and say it's hard to know what to believe. rumors are flying. it makes it confusing for them, but the truth of the matter is that in this political environment, more and more members of congress need personal security. >> yeah. well, there's the law and then there's the optics. >> right. >> and the issue of the law, clearly, you can use your campaign funds. that is a permissible use of funds. now, they'll investigate whether there was any issue there. >> and that's what they're
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doing. >> now, the question though of what should you be doing as a member of congress in terms of optics. does it make sense to be paying a security firm where your husband is employed. those are the kinds of issues where you'd say maybe it's not the best idea. but we're going to have to let this play out. let the law be investigated in the right way and see what the outcome is. her challenge is not necessarily a legal one as i see it as much as an optical one. she's got an image she's dealing with. >> yeah, politics of this are complex. thank you. it's good to see you. a deadly idf raid today on the west bank caught on camera. the dramatic video and new details live from tel aviv after this. new details live from tel aviv after this you — with medicare advantage's largest national provider network. only from unitedhealthcare.
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retaliate against iran after soldiers were killed over the weekend at a base near jordan. >> the military and strengthen nato and the bilateral security of sech area and the united states. the czech joins 18 countries including ten in europe. all foreign military sales are coordinated through the u.s. state department so i would refer you to my colleagues at state for more information. finally, deputy secretary of defense hosted the prime minister of trinidad and tobago yesterday performing the duties for policy, melissa dalton also joined the meeting to emphasize the strong support. dod leaders expressed appreciation for their leadership in the caribbean community and in co-hosting the upcoming caribbean nation conference in november of 2024.
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they further commended the robust partnership between the defense force and delaware national guard which celebrates its 20th anniversary this year through the state partnership program. they exchanged views on trafficking, maritime security, modernization and training, cybersecurity and framework, expanded bilateral security cooperation. the meeting also reaffirmed the u.s. and dod's commitment of partnership with trinidad and tobago. with that, i'd be happy to take your questions. go to ap. >> thanks, general. has secretary austin provided the president response options at this point or is the building still looking at the best way to deter future strikes and i have a couple of others. >> yeah, thanks. i'm not going to get into the specific conversations that the secretary's had with the president. as i've highlighted, we will respond in a time and manner of our choosing. >> is the building still evaluating options on how best
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to respond? >> i'm not going to get into the specifics other than again to reiterate that we will respond in a timely manner. >> well then another way, you said from the podium, the u.s. does not seek to widen this war, but how do you deter iran, which has supplied and endorsed endor of these attacks and leading to another proxy attack on u.s. forces. >> so, again as a reminder, our forces are in iraq and syria and in the region supporting the lasting defeat of isis. that's the mission we've been focused on. when we need to, we will protect our forces. again, i'm not going to get into telegraphing or discussing potential future operations other than to say again we will respond in a time and manner of our choosing. >> general, have you attributed
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to -- hezbollah or any other group responsible for this drone strike? >> so, jennifer, central command is still assessing, but again, we are confident that this attack was sponsored by iranian-backed proxies. >> hezbollah has just put out a message on telegram suggesting, telling its fighters not to attack u.s. bases in iraq and syria. suggesting that they will support the fight in gaza in other ways an suggesting that even if the u.s. strikes them, not to respond. what is your response to that? >> we've seen those reports. i don't have a specific comment to provide other than actions speak louder than words. thanks. >> thank you. i have a question. first of all, can you speak a little bit about the drones that are based at tower 22? we had some reporting yesterday there was some confusion over
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whether the drone coming into the base was friendly or was friend or foe. i know that most of these drones should have ift software, enabling them to distinguish between the two. do these drones have that software? >> no, i'm not going to get into the specifics on the kind of capabilities as it relates to intelligence surveillance reconnaissance capabilities that we have. in terms of the, the reasons behind how this one way attack drone was able to penetrate the facility's air defenses, that's something central command is looking at now. i'm just not going to get, be able to get into the specifics of that. >> second question then actually on a different topic. there was another report today saying that the u.s. is open to reopening discussions with turkey to let them by f-35s. i was wondering if you can speak on that from the dod's perspective. are you aware of those discussions? >> i've seen the comments by our
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colleagues on that. i'd refer you to state. as you know right now with turkey maintaining the s-400, that's not something that is on the table but i'd refer you to state. to missy. >> just a couple of questions, thank you. is there any update on whether secretary austin will come and talk to us sometime soon? >> again, i don't have a date to announce. we'll keep you updated. >> on jordan, can you just clarify, are the troops in jordan at tower 22 and other bases, are they under oir authority or they're under some other authority? can you specify that? is it right there are about 3,000 troops in jordan? >> missy, i'll have to come back to you on the total number of u.s. forces deployed to jordan. we'll take that question. the forces that were the three soldiers that were killed again as we've highlighted, they were there in support of operation inherent resolve supporting the
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defeat isis mention. >> they're under oir authority? >> operating in support of oir. >> does that mean they report to the commander? >> i mean, i don't want to get into the chain of command process here, but if they're there supporting oir, then certainly oir commander can request assistance from those forces. >> and then the last question, and i think we asked this yesterday. i think it was maybe something you guys were still looking at. just wanted to ask if there had been any new information about steps taken to protect american forces in the region like in terms of air defense or new steps to make sure that something like this doesn't happen again. >> yeah, so for operation security reasons, i'm not going to be able to go into specifics other than to say that u.s. central command of course is taking this very seriously and that we will take necessary measures and steps to ensure our forces are protected.
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recognizing as well that this is a dangerous neighborhood. yes, to answer your question, we will take steps to ensure the forces are protected. >> major general getting plenty of questions about the drone attack that killed three american soldiers but not a lot of answers. the real headline we got today came from president biden himself who said he had already made a decision about retaliation. i want to bring in nbc news dan delus. we're not going to hear anything about intelligence. surveillance capabilities or recon capabilities, but it is important to know that investigation is ongoing and people at the pentagon is determined to make sure it doesn't happen again. what's your take on what you've heard, dan? >> yes, no. very careful, cautious responses there from the pentagon press secretary general. he was not going, he said get into details, specifics, about
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any future operations. as you say, we do know that president biden has said he has made up his mind. so there is a response coming. we just don't know what form it will take. whether they will for example strike iranian forces in iran in iranian territory. that would be a major new change. whether they will merely focus on iranian backed militias in iraq and syria or programs the houthi forces in yemen. or perhaps iranian ships at sea. these are all possible options. i think when he was asked how did that one way drone make its way through those air defenses around that u.s. outpost in jordan, he said central command was looking into that. was investigating how that came to be. obviously, that was a disappointment, maybe a failure. we have to know more about exactly why that happened.
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but yes, very cautious response. the pentagon is in pre operation mode where they don't want to signal or telegraph what they may or may not be planning. >> dan, thank you so much. heavily disguised israeli soldiers stormed a hospital in the occupied west bank today killing three militants that the idf says were planning a terrorist attack. this is the dramatic raid. you see some of the idf troops dressed as doctors or patients. others were muslim head scarves pretending to be women. the health ministry says they opened fire in a hospital ward part of a targeted assassination. raf sanchez is in tel aviv for us. what more do we know about this raid? it's not typical we see something this dramatic on camera. >> reporter: it's very usual. these commandos are known in hue
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hebrew as those who disguise themselves as arabs. this is their specialty. operating deep inside the west bank. this raid happening about 5:30 a.m. in the north of the west bank and you see these israeli special forces, some men disguised as women. one man is holding an assault rifle in one hand and a car seat in another. and they burst into this hospital targeting what they say was a hamas operative who was allegedly planning an attack in the west bank inspired by the attack on october 7th in southern israel. they killed him. they also killed two brothers from islamic jihad. the hospital saying one was a patient in a rehabilitation ward in the hospital. and you can see in some of the video coming out from the scene,
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he appears to have been shot as he was lying in his hospital bed apparently at close range. the palestinian authority is saying this is a war crime. another example of israeli forces not respecting hospitals, which should be protected spaces in war. the israelis are saying that hamas cynically hides inside of hospitals. it uses them as operating basis. prime minister netanyahu was in the occupied west bank earlier today. he was speaking at a settlement and he praised the operation and chris, it is worth noting that what we know about israeli plans for the future of gaza in some ways look like the presence in the west bank. israel is saying that from now on, israeli forces will be operating relentlessly inside of gaza even if they move away from full scale war, they plan more of these targeted, specific forces raids, hunts for hamas operatives and so we may be
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getting a vision of what gaza's future looks like on that security camera in that hospital in jeanine. >> thank you. another emotional day in the michigan courtroom at the trial of the mother of the oxford school shooter. the new testimony and how it could affect the case. next. w testimony and how it could affect the case. next nurtec odt may help. it's the only medication that can treat a migraine when it strikes and prevent migraine attacks. treat and prevent, all in one. don't take if allergic to nurtec. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. relief is possible. talk to a doctor about nurtec odt. [♪♪] relief is possible. did you know, there's a way to cut your dishwashing time by 50%? try dawn powerwash dish spray. it removes 99% of grease and grime in half the time. dawn powerwash has 3 cleaning boosters not found in traditional dish soaps that remove food and grease 5 times faster. and, because it cleans so well
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your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit a member of the pro nazi group white lives matter will
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spend 18 years in federal prison as pleading guilty to fire bombing a church because it was planning to host two drag events. a 20-year-old far right extremist from ohio threw molotov cocktails at a church in chesterland and at his sentencing, did not apologize. a federal prosecutor said burning a church is as potent a symbol of hate as a hanging noose. moments ago, the jury returned to the courtroom in jennifer crumbley's trial. the jury heard from the detective in the hours who searched her home after her son committed michigan's worst school shooting ever. and her boss testified it would have been no problem for jennifer the leave work and take her son, ethan, home, on the day he shot and killed four students at his michigan school. adrian is following this trial for us.
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also with me, former deputy assistant attorney general, harry lipman. what's the latest? >> moments ago, we saw photos inside of the shooter's home including in his bedroom. that's where we saw a bb gun resting on a chair. we also saw targets hanging on the bedroom wall, which you can see there on the right side of the screen, with visible bullet holes. now, these images were captured by that detective who testified just moments ago. these images were introduced after we heard from amanda holland, who worked with jennifer crumbly. she shared her concern about ethan with members of the jury and also testified the day of the shooting, jennifer returned to work and shared with her what school officials told her. listen in. >> she came in, she kind of physically slumped and said i
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feel like a failure as a parent. she said there was a meeting at the school and that there was a drawing. they were worried about him and they needed to get into counseling within 48 hours. >> and instead of putting her son in counseling on t day, jennifer took the option to leave her son at school. we learned during testimony today the recommendation was that if ethan did not receive counseling that day, he receive it within 48 hours and the disturbing images she was referencing including a math work sheet. that's where ethan drew images of a gun, which looks a lot like the shooting weapon and the words, the thoughts won't stop. help me. chris? >> adrian, thank you for that. harry, you have a lot of they thinks that fit together. jennifer's boss saying it wouldn't have mattered to him if she had to go home to deal with her son. you see what i found to be a
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chilling visual from his room and you see those targets on his wall. the school's then dean of students said today he thought it was quote a bit odd that jennifer chose to go back to work after her meeting with school officials about her son, but is that 2020? when you look at this from a legal perspective, argument i presume will be from the defense. this was not somebody who is responsible for the shooting. this is someone who simply was worried about her son and didn't see the signs. how do you view what we're hearing today, harry? >> well, we're going to have a lot of testimony, chris, that she saw the signs. she was aware in other words of his mental illness and knew about his access to the gun. she had crowed about it and taken him to a shooting range with the very weapon he uses. now as a legal matter though, it is completely untested territory.
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this is the first case charging parents with homicide and i think while there's going to be a lot of evidence of the sort we're hearing about her co-workers, the people at school, the counselors, it's going to come down to the jury, the school doesn't say you have to take him home, but there's a trigger for some counseling within 48 hours but they show this drawing. help me, the voices won't stop. and she knows about the gun. she knows he has access. she doesn't know it's in his knapsack, which is where it turns out to be. which is grossly negligent. not just minor, but really out there. that she then doesn't say i'm taking him home. this is a dangerous situation. that's going to be the poor judgment and it will be the first of its kind a jury ever has made. >> this is as you say, not the first time that we have heard from a community, from victims'
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families saying the parents should have known. i go back to the very first mass shooting i covered at columbine. it continued into what happened in newtown, connecticut. in every mass shooting i've seen it in school. the question has been raised. where were the parents. so in this context, how important is what this jury is going to decide and how much impact could it have on future prosecutions? >> hopefully on the behavior of future parents. it's going to be the major precedent. you're right. we've heard about this before. this is the strongest evidence we've ever had about a parent knowing that he's got the gun. she's given it. she and her husband who by the way is being tried separately, have given it to him. he by the way survived and he may testify. he's serving life. that is the shooter who is 15 at the time. so if a jury decides in the, in favor of the state, i think it will have reverberations through
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the industry and hopefully through parents, school authorities, to really have to focus in a legal manner just not simply about counseling on disturbed children. we find again and again in these situations that there were clues. as you say, hindsight is 2/20, but the tragedy is that they may have been preventable. his disturbance was so manifest. >> thank you. before we go, sad news from the world of broadway. we're learning of the tragic loss of cheetah rivera. she was called the greatest musical theatre dancer ever. lighting up the stage, dazzling audiences for nearly six decades. she was the recipient of the tony lifetime achievement award. she won two tonys. she was nominated for ten.
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and president obama gave her the presidential medal of freedom. fans will remember rivera as anita in west side story. she was the original. she was rosy in bye bye birdie and velma kelly in chicago. her daughter said in a statement she died peacefully in her home in new york. she was also indeed a star of screen. she was known for television and movies but if you never saw her perform on a broadway stage, either here or in london, you missed something. she was 91 years old. and that's going to do it for us this hour. join us every weekday, 1:00 to 3:00 eastern here on msnbc. our coverage continues with katy tur reports right now. >> good to be with you. as hamas and islamabad consider the outline to an


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