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tv   The Last Word With Lawrence O Donnell  MSNBC  January 31, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PST

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hardest thing for us to be able to do. leaving donald trump aside, this was going to be very hard to do, just because of the incentives of the republicans to cater to that base again. but donald trump walking into this day's even issue guaranteed it wasn't going to happen, and it's surprising that it took that long for mcconnell to say it out loud. >> i'll say. the only good thing to come of this is my understanding of the history of cabinet impeachments, and it goes back to william belknap in 1876, when it was a serious thing. brendan buck, my friend, thank you for your time tonight. >> good to see you >> that is our show for tonight, now it's time to the last word with lawrence o'donnell. good evening, lawrence. >> good evening, alex, tonight the night. i can't take it anymore. i have to unburden myself on republicans, the nfl, and taylor swift.
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it's time. >> listen, i unburden myself last night and almost took another pass at it today because it's so absolutely bonkers. the whole thing. >> it just keeps getting more insane, but there are, i hope, to make serious points within that story about the dangerous spread of this kind of insanity and what it can reach two and what insanity does reach two on the republican side or politics. most republicans have none of these crazy thoughts, but the ones who do can end up being extremely dangerous. >> yes, insanity coupled with desperation is never a good thing. >> we will get to it later in this hour. >> i'll be watching. >> donald trump finds himself tonight in agreement with william shakespeare. donald trump doesn't know that, of course, because donald trump is the most ignorant least educated man in the history of the american presidency, including all of those
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presidents who didn't go to college and were self educated. every american president except donald trump knew or knows the famous shakespeare line from henry the sixth, the first thing we do, let's kill all the -- in that shook shakespeare was making the point that a cruel ruler cannot afford to have lawyers getting in his way. shakespeare very much wanted his audience on the side of the lawyers. tonight, donald trump is on the side of dick the butcher, the character in henry the six who says let's kill all the lawyers. donald trump is giving up on the lawyers who helped him get hit with an 83.3 million-dollar verdict in the e. jean carroll case last week. he announced on his social media today, i am in the process, along with my team, of
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interviewing various law firms to represent me in an appeal. guess who is not interviewing various law firms for the appeal of e. jean carroll case? e. jean carroll. e. jean carroll has the best lawyers donald trump has ever seen in a courtroom. roberta kaplan, and sean crowley. donald trump finished his social media advertisement for lawyers today with a last line calling the lawyer, he hasn't even hired yet, crazy. he said, any lawyer who takes a trump case is either crazy or a true american patriot. respectable law firms care about their reputations, and then turning down donald trump as a client for many years, long before he was a politician. that's why donald trump has the most incompetent and unprofessional lawyers who have
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ever represented a president united states. donald trump could have made that last line of his social media post a bit more accurate by saying any lawyer who takes a trump case is either crazy or needs the money or both. donald trump has spent more money on lawyers than any politician in history. none of that money is donald trump's money. the new york times is reporting that on trump has spent $50 million on lawyers just in the year 2023, with all of that money coming from the poorer people who answered donald trump's electronic solicitations for money. these are the same people who donald trump told, when he first became a presidential candidate, he would never ask for money because he is so rich. >> i don't need anybody's money. it's nice. i don't need anybody's money.
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i'm using my own money. i'm not using the lobbyists. i'm not using donors. i don't care. i'm really rich. >> not rich enough. people who believed donald trump when he said that quickly became contributors as soon as he started asking for money weeks after that. $50 million is just for lawyers for the year 2023. donald trump had massive legal expenses from 2022 and in 2021, and those legal expenses are only going to get bigger in 2024, now that his teams of lawyers are in preparation to defend criminal defendant donald trump in four separate trials in new york, washington d.c., atlanta, and southern florida. there was a top secret hearing in the florida case today to consider how to use classified information in that trial about donald trump's criminal possession of classified documents and violations of the
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espionage act after he left the white house. donald trump's lawyers were not allowed into this hearing. the hearing took place not in a courtroom, but in a scif, a secure location for examining and discussing classified documents. donald trump's favorite judge, who he appointed to the federal court, elaine mercedes cannon, presided in the hearing with only the justice department lawyers for the prosecution allowed in that scif today for today's hearing. after the hearing, judge cannon filed a short note in the case file about the hearing, say in total time in court, three hours, attorney appearances, david harbour, actually brett, jules dean, -- joining us now are our guides inside the scif, andrew weissmann, former fbi general counsel, former chief of the criminal division of the eastern district of. new york and msnbc legal analyst. and the coauthor of the new book, the trump indictments,
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the historic charging documents and commentary, which will be released on december 20. seventh also with, us bradley moss, represents people working in the intelligence community. andrew weissmann, take us inside the scif based on what we know about the case and three hours. what was the hearing about, and why were the trump lawyers not allowed in there? >> okay, so first, a skiff. a scif is a room that is approved by the federal government to hold classified information in which you can also talk about classified information, but you have to be signed in, you have to be signed out. there are either no windows or very little sunlight because if their windows or have to be shades at a certain angle so that nobody can see ian. you also cannot bring any electronics into that room. so in some ways it's like going
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back to the 19th century and before that, where you just talk to people and use pads and paper and pencils to so you don't have things to distract you. what there was today is something that is common in prosecutions involving classified information. under section four of the sea best at you that governs classified information, it tries to balance the problem of how to use classified information when you're prosecuting somebody with respect to mishandling classified information, because they need to see some of the documents, but you don't want this to get out in the wild. so this is a way for the judge to hear from the government about what proposed redactions or summaries they are planning to use. by definition you do not have the defense, there because if you have the defense there, the whole point is to keep the classified information
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classified and away from people who do not have classification approval. so that's why you only hear from one side. it remains to be seen whether the judge is going to agree with that. she has never had a classified information case. she could decide that she wants to open this up so that donald trump and his counsel are able to see information. she may reject the governments view about the repose redactions are summaries. all of this, though, is really important for the government, usually, and they're very concerned about the precedent that is set. if she screws this up, this is the kind of issue that i would imagine the government would take an appeal so that they could have the 11th circuit hearing. >> bradley moss, does three hours tell us anything? it's a pretty big case with a lot of documents to consider. >> it's an extensive review. this was a perfunctory meeting
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that she held. she sat down with them, she had the lawyers walk or through everything, aligning why they felt certain classified information wasn't material or exculpatory to mr. trump and his codefendants or even for the information that was potentially relevant or exculpatory, why these deletions were substitutions, the various alternatives why those should be authorized as a replacement instead of giving these defendants the actual documents or information. it does in some sense show up very extensive comprehensive review which is good, which is what you would want it. depends on how much information was truly an issue to get a sense of how extensive this was, but if it had been shorter than an hour or two, i would've been concerned that this was, the fact that it went to three hours, at a minimum of what i would expect. >> andrew, what are the possible outcomes from this?
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and you just suggested there's an outcome that jack smith could find unacceptable and perhaps want to appeal. what would that be? >> sure, one thing that, for that appeal, even though this is something that is happening between the government and the court, it is transcribed so that if a court of appeals here's the case, they will be able to read what happened between the judge and the government. so none of this is happening sort of off the record. what could happen that would cause the government to appeal? you could have judge cannon decide, a, she's going to delay everything as she seems to want to do so she could sit on this even more and say i'm going to take a while and then the government has to decide at what point are they going to try to do something. to, she could decide that she's going to give the information or some portion of the information to the defense to
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hear from them. that's something that they could appeal prior to that going into the defense. and three, she could reject the governments idea at summaries or redactions are appropriate and if the government really feels very strongly because let's say they're nuclear secrets, their military plans. those are the kind of data that you of course the government would be saying i do not want that to be revealed. it was bad enough that it was taken to mar-a-lago and not returned. they're not going to compound the issue by having it go out to people who they don't trust, who do not have clearance to get this information. so all those are things that could go to court of appeals if judge cannon aboard the rule against the government. >> bradley moss, it would be with the appeal have to be in effect heard in a scif or in a
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secure way in which the trump lawyers are not involved or excluded? >> it's entirely possible, yes. not, obviously, the norm or the way things typically would happen with litigation in general, let alone an appeal. but depending on what type of order she would issue, if she would to wear to issue a substitution of order, forcing them to give various classified information to the defendants who are checking the substitutions and they saw interlocutory review, they could try to seek at least a partial ex parte review by the 11th circuit. they would have to be some form to allow potentially the defendants to file something, but it would be multiple aspects to that appeal, defendants may not know the full extent of what the government was arguing because they were saying they should never be allowed to see in the first place under cepa. if they were to go that route, and i don't think she would, but it will be creating
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interesting precedent into how the appellate court would handle the review, because there's not much in the way of guidance in terms of passageway shuns like. that >> other than case, law other specific guidelines that federal judges like this and never handled a case like this can consult, can turn to, to say this is how i'm supposed to do this? >> yes. they can start by leading the statute. the statutes actually relatively clear and there is case law, not a lot, but it's not actually that hard to do. i was the general counsel of the fbi, and i had not handled a lot of classified information and certainly not to the extent i was then exposed to when i got to the fbi, and you know what you do? you open book in your read. it this really isn't something that is that hard. the other thing you can do is, you can speak to colleagues.
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any of the judges who sit on the pfizer court are available for consultation. that is the court that is set up to handle particularly sensitive classified information in washington. so there are a lot of different repositories of information to understand how the law works and even if you're just trying to understand in practice how it works, there are a number of article three judges, and brethren of judge cannon who she can call to get that kind of education. >> randy moss, this procedure in at this stage is the most preliminary of all of these issues that are gonna come before this judge because the trump lawyers have already made motions to this judge saying we need to get a lot more material into discovery. we want all sorts of departments of the government to respond to our requests for information about this or to
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prove they don't have information about this. so there is much more by way of discovery motions that the trump lawyers are trying to pursue, all of which will take some time. >> yeah. and that's the biggest issue here, time. i don't think, and i don't think andrew think cider, that judge cannon will substantively rule against the governor. when she sits down with a statute she'll likely go along with the idea that this will be ex parte in terms of section four, considerations the substitutions were summaries will be permanent. she likely won't by trump's arguments. but how long does it take for her to do? that all pretrial motions are doing three weeks in that case, but she hasn't even got through section four cepa yet, let alone section five, and section six having to do with potentially classified information, deciding what information can be used at the
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trial itself, that still has to be addressed. that's the issue again. time. she has taken this long to get to this point, that puts a trial date in jeopardy, no matter what happens with any of the other cases. >> andrew, on the other cases the trump lawyers are making, they are really broad requests all across the government for information. >> so i am very cynical on those. i think they did what they needed to do, which was to give her a fig leaf to delay the case. i seeing that the hearing that happened today could have happened months ago, plural, months ago. there is no reason i can think of that it was delayed this long, other than somebody not wanting to have this trial before the election. the motion that the defense made, i don't fault them for making it, but most of it was
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really outlandish. it's never going to succeed. but it's the kind of thing that every day it's not decided and she's considering it just like the d.c. circuit. any day like that is a day that donald trump is winning and the government is not able to have a trial where the facts are presented and a judgment is reached that the american public can see the facts for what they are. the judgment is what it is. whether guilt or not guilt. and so donald trump really prevails just by the delay. >> andrew weissmann, bradley moss, thank you so much for starting on her discussions tonight. coming up, republicans in the house of representatives refused to vote on legislation to strengthen border security and instead are casting meaningless votes on impeachment of a cabinet official for the second time in history, 150 years after the first attempt to impeach a
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cabinet official failed, as this one surely will. that's next, with congressman eric swalwell. with congressma eric swalwell.
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>> the do nothing congress. that's how harry truman won the 1948 presidential election. harry truman was the incumbent president at a time when no one expected him to win the presidential election because the country was facing and feeling many difficult
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challenges. president truman blamed it on the republican controlled congress who he said, accurately, did absolutely nothing to solve the country's problems. they wouldn't even vote on the legislation president truman wanted. harry truman would be shocked and what the republicans in the house of representatives are doing now. they have gone from being the do nothing congress to being the crazy congress. if you are going to do something indefensible, it's best to do it at 2:00 in the morning when no one is watching, which is exactly when the republicans decided to have a committee vote on articles of impeachment against homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas, the first impeachment vote on a cabinet secretary since 1876. that cabinet secretary was acquitted in his senate trial in 1876. secretary mayorkas will obtain the second acquittal in a
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senate trial by a cabinet member of the impeachment process goes that fire. that is what republicans are voting on. and at the very same time they are casting those meaningless votes on impeachment they are vowing not to vote for any improvement in the situation at the southern border. anyway the speaker of the house has taken his orders from donald trump to make sure they do not give president biden the legislative authority he needs to secure the southern border. president biden has said that he will close the southern border, close it, if congress passes a bill giving him the authority to do that in certain circumstances. republican senators, who have been negotiating with democratic senators and making great deal of progress have become reluctant to participate in a deal now because donald trump has ordered them to do
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nothing. >> the blame you lonely. i said that's okay. please blame it on me. please. >> they're gonna blame it on you. and harry truman's presidential campaign against the do nothing congress, no republican in congress was stupid enough to stand up and say blame me, blame it on me, blame the do nothing congress on me. no one expected harry truman to win that presidential campaign. there wasn't a single reporter traveling with the truman campaign who expected president truman to win, not one. but in the end, harry truman won running against the do- nothing congress. joining us now is democratic congressman eric swalwell of california. he's a member of the house judiciary committee in the house homeland security committee. he also served as an impeachment manager in the second impeachment trial of donald trump. thank you very much for joining us, congressman swalwell.
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it is so fascinating to see that donald trump in the speaker of the house saying absolutely night we must not under any circumstances let legislation go through the congress that will strengthen the southern border, increase spending on border security at the southern border, and give the president the actual authority to close it down. republicans now stand opposed to that. >> lawrence, that's exactly right, and when it comes to the border, republicans will admire the problem, they'll weaponize the problem, they'll politicize the problem, and they're completely unwilling to solve the problem. right now you see two different parties in their approaches. one is a party of leaders and democrats and how they're trying to solve this problem and one is a party of followers who will follow donald trump's orders so when he tells them don't do anything on the border, it's gonna hurt me, they're gonna walk away
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completely. and so lawrence, that's the bigger theme. he's compromising with the second most conservative member of the senate, james lankford, according to the american conservative union, is the second most conservative member of the senate, and in the spirit of jobs in infrastructure, the safer communities bipartisan gun violence legislation, the chips act, the pack act to help veterans, is compromising in working together to get something done. that's not politically helpful for donald trump, so he's telling them to kill it. >> so donald trump, who is telling his voters, that this horrible deadly fentanyl is crossing that border every day and it's coming to kill them, donald trump is saying make sure that fentanyl keeps coming. he says terrorists are crossing the border. no evidence of that but he's now saying let's make sure anyone of terrorists can cross that border. that's their position now,
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proving, once again, that there really is no such thing as an issue with trump republicans. >> there is just postures in the past three depends on exactly what works for them on any given moment. >> lawrence, what we are seeing, exactly to your point, is that donald trump would rather sabotage the border for his own political gain rather than to help any potential family who could be, who could find themselves losing a son or daughter to fentanyl. it's much better for him politically. he said the same thing about the economy, if you remember. he told another network that he hopes that the economy crashes. at the end of the day, democrats show that we want to govern. trump shows he wants to run. what are the consequences here aside from the border and families exposed to fentanyl? today i met with members from nirider, the parliament in ukraine. they were here asking what the
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update is on ukraine funding as they know it's tied to the border. was crushing to tell them we want to give you funding, republican said we'll only do that if you provide additional security at the border so we have done that, we stand ready to do that, and now they're gonna walk away because as the selfishness, the self centeredness of one man. so another democracy could fall because donald trump sees his political fortunes rise. >> which is another effect that donald trump appears to want to happen. he seems to want vladimir putin to win this war in ukraine. >> he wants chaos. chaos benefits him. chaos at the border, chaos in the economy, chaos for a woman and her ability to make decisions about her body, being thrown into jeopardy and chaos in europe. he thrives on all of that and fortunately here's too many of my colleagues who are just absolute followers when it comes to that. what we saw yesterday as we had
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a debate about the secretary impeaching him is that they don't even want to have that debate. they ban debate. they ban amendments to the debate. they banned even reading aloud newspaper articles that were critical of republicans and trump. and so they are essentially a law firm now just works for one client, donald trump, and what we have to show is that in contrast joe biden democrats will work for you and will put the people over the politics. >> what is the next step in this impeachment process? >> to go to the floor now, there are republicans who have expressed their own hesitancy in their own concern. it's not just republicans. it's that old liberal rag, the wall street journal, which just published an editorial piece that said this is not what you should be doing. this will not do anything to help any issue you have at the border. they also called on republicans
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to work with president biden and republican senators to find a deal at the border. so i think a lot of folks, conservative folks, and i grew up with conservative parents, i have brothers who are conservative and i talked to them over the weekend, a lot of them see what's going on here and we should take this deal. i think the messaging on this isn't an opportunity for democrats to show, as i said, we are leaders, we want to govern, they want to rule. we will see, by the way, lawrence, february 13th, special election long island, it's a toss-up seat. i can promise you both candidates are going to be asked, what would you choose? would you choose a deal on the border or would you choose more chaos? >> congressman eric swalwell, thank you for joining us tonight. >> my pleasure. >> coming up, there is no limit to the madness of donald trump and some of his followers, as they have proven with their latest attacks on taylor swift and a massive business owned
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and operated by ultrarich white republican man, the national football league. that's next. league. that's next. for adults with mild-to-moderate covid-19 and a high-risk factor for it becoming severe. it does not prevent covid-19. my symptoms are mild now, but i'm not risking it. if it's covid, paxlovid. paxlovid must be taken within the first five days of symptoms, and helps stop the virus from multiplying in your body. taking paxlovid with certain medicines can lead to serious or life-threatening side effects or affect how it or other medicines work, including hormonal birth control. it's critical to tell your doctor about all the medicines you take because certain tests or changes in their dosage may be needed. tell your doctor if you have kidney or liver problems, hiv-1, are or plan to become pregnant, or breastfeed. don't take paxlovid if you're allergic to nirmatrelvir, ritonavir, or any of its ingredients. serious side effects can include allergic reactions, some severe like anaphylaxis, and liver problems.
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swift into the nfl. trump supporters want you to hate taylor swift, because she endorsed joe biden for president four years ago. and they desperately fear she will do it again. on sunday, while taylor swift's boyfriend's team was on its way to a win, trump media figure and lunatic mike crispy tweeted, the nfl is totally rigged for the kansas city chiefs, taylor swift swift, mr. visor, travis kelce, all to spread democrat propaganda, calling, it now, kansas city winds, goes to super bowl, swift comes out at the halftime show and endorses joe biden with kelsey at midfield. it's all been an op since day one. that means baltimore's brilliant quarterback lamar jackson, through the game, so that kansas city could win because the nfl is rigged and
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lamar jackson is part of that conspiracy, as is everyone else on his team. and now the super bowl is rigged. and travis kelce is a bad person because he not only got the pfizer covid vaccine, he prominently appears in an advertisement urging others to get the lifesaving covid vaccine. losing presidential candidate and trump adore sir vivek ramaswamy said after the game, i wonder who's going to win the super bowl next month? i wonder if there is a major presidential endorsement coming from an artificially culturally propped up kabul this fall? just some wild speculation over here, let's see how it ages over the next eight months. so that clown also thinks the super bowl is rigged. it is fixed. no one has ever said the super bowl is fixed before the
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madness of trumpism seized the minds of so many people. for too many people, being a republican now and a trump supporter requires them to lose their minds. >> i believe that god's used him to this state for a purpose and reason. god picks unusual people to do great works. i think he's picking trump for great work today. >> there's no arguing with that. if someone believes god has picked trump to be president, then they can obviously believe anything. >> on june 14th, 1946, and look down on his plan paradise and said i need a caretaker. so god gave us trump. >> weeks before donald trump was born, school children were taught this song. he is the noblest being in the whole wide world. for hitler we live. for hitler we die. our hitler is our lord.
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the people who forced the children to learn that song were crazed. the people who put out videos claiming god created donald trump so that he could impose tariffs, our crazed. that is one of the many insane lies in that video that we just showed you about god making donald trump our caretaker. this is now the first presidential campaign season in history. with a beheading in america. that is not uncommon american way of death 33-year-old pennsylvania man was arrested last night after allegedly posting a youtube video in which he held up the severed head of his father, who he identified as, quote, a federal employee of over 20 years and my father. he is now in a for any to turn 80 as a traitor to this
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country. in the now hughes murderer went on to round against federal officials and the biden administration, the, quote, far- left woke mobs, and not surprisingly, immigrants. madness knows no bounds. someone tonight in america might be beginning what will become their descent into qanon madness by believing the trump supporter madness that the nfl is rigged, but the super bowl is rigged. once you can believe one utterly insane saying, the door to your brain that was closed to insanity is wide open. and if you're timothy mcvay, you're going to end up blowing up a federal building, kill 168 people including 19 babies. and if you're that guy in
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pennsylvania, you're gonna cut your father's head off with a machete, and your mother's going to come home and find his handlers body in a pool of blood. or maybe you just get rich being a fox host. >> he can't name a taylor swift song, taylor swift can't name a biden policy. this relationship was engineered in a lab. and taylor's boyfriend sponsored by pfizer, it is a match made in corporate heaven. could you imagine if the chiefs win the super bowl? >> there is madness loose in the land. and no one fuels that madness more than donald trump. coming up, today the biden harris campaign with an assist from nikki haley made the obviously deteriorating mental condition of donald trump the campaign issue of the day. that's next. day. that's next. non-medicated vic.
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that is a fact. >> i mean we won last, time we won 50, states right? >> this is donald trump of 2016. he is off the teleprompter, he can barely keep a thought. that is just fact. >> we are in a powerful death penalty, we will put this on. >> i think he is declining. >> he stumbled and mumbled. >> i do speak in low sentences, and have a lot of, material and -- >> to buy a loaf of, brad you have i.d. to buy a loaf of bread. >> have you noticed he is a little confused these days. >> a person close to trump actually says he is rattled by biden's efforts to get under his skin. le pen >> well, donald trump is busy raising money to pay has lawyers, the new york times reports the main democratic super pac supporting president biden's reelection bid future forward is beginning this week to reserve 200 and $50 million in advertising across the most important battleground states,
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a blitz that it says is the largest single purchase of political advertising by a super pac in the nation's history. joining our discussion now is simon rosenberg, democratic strategist and author of the chronicles on substack. simon, your back by popular, demand it is not just, me it is the audience. everybody they desperately wanted to hear from you. there is the presidential campaign going on, we are relying on you to cover for us, i just want to play what the fed chair has said. he is telling a truth that does not seem to have penetrated the american consciousness widely enough. let's listen to this. >> this is a good situation. let's be honest. this is a good economy. >> so, that is a republican. he has made the fed chair by republicans, president biden kept him there. he went on and on about it is
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the first time in 50 years we have had unemployment under 4% for two years in a row, he just went on and on about how strong this economy is. it does not seem to be the perception out there among the voters joe biden will need. >> well i think voters on our side understand this. if you break apart the understanding of the economy, between the two parties, biden gets pretty good rating from democrats on the economy. he got zero from maga. so it brings the whole number down. joe biden is a good president, we have a strong case to make for reelection. the country is far better off. i think he has been the fundamental promise that he made to all of us in 2020, which is he would get us to the other side of covid successfully. i think we are there. part of chairman paul was saying, it is remarkable where we are right now compared to where we were just a few years ago. just go through the list,
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really quick, strongest recovery in the g7, best job market since the 1960s, lowest -- in american history. stock market setting records every, day we just galloping strong, the deficit trillions of dollars less than it was. remarkable performance of the matter how you look at it. we should be really proud of that as a country, and as democrats part of our president for having made his fundamental promise to us he would get us to the other side of covid successfully. i think we are there now. >> a couple of questions, let me start with polls, is it time to start looking at polls, something i really haven't been doing? >> well, i, mean it is part of the discourse. you can't put your head in the sand and the stuff. you have to try to make sense of what the best you can. last time i was on, you made an observation which is that polling results we are seeing an actual voting in states that have had like an iowa and new hampshire tell us a bit more about the election than these broad general pulls.
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those polls and the result of those iowa new hampshire primaries were not good for the republicans, low turnout in iowa, lots of concerns about the trump presidency and large chunks of republicans who had trump as he pointed out in the show last time coming down 10 to 15 points below his -- vallow public pulling that day, i think there's a lot of evidence so far, most important that we have is republicans are struggling, as they did in 2022, as they did in 2023. even today, right, there is one that bull for biden today, but let's go through what we learned today in the data. just today, we had a poll that had biden up six points, gaining five points since the last fall. he had biden gaining three points. we had, my notes, here the economist -- biden gain two points. so in three polls today we saw a two point, game three point, again five point gain for biden. we have also seen in the last few weeks pulling that has
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biden ahead of his 2020 results in pennsylvania, new hampshire, and michigan. so the polling, if you want to paint a positive picture for, jordan the that is there. there's also that ushering things are not so good, and that is because it is still really early, people are not engaged, the pulling us all over the, place it is not pointing in the same direction. we have to be careful not to get blown around by the noisy machine every day. i think it is what your point last week is so important. let's focus on the stuff there have been an eye one hampshire, that is not good news for the republicans. >> as we go forward the -- i'm looking at the fundamental proposition of how does donald trump, what is he doing? what is donald trump doing to try and convince voters to come to him who haven't complained before? he's going to have to get voters who never voted for him before since he came in millions of votes behind hillary clinton, 7 million votes behind joe biden. he's going to have to get some
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people to vote for him who haven't voted before. i have never heard him speak to those people. joe biden does try to speak to people who haven't voted for him before. >> yes i mean, look at the fundamental dynamic is that joe biden is a good, president who has the strongest for reelection, the country is better off, and they are running the most unfit guy for president in all of our history was a far weaker candidate than he was in 2020. he's campaigning from the courthouse, not from the white house. he is more degraded, more extreme, more dangerous, his performance on the stump as you pointed out is wild and erratic, and frankly disturbing. if you were to listen to him, he is making classic political mistakes, the kind of mistakes that candidates lose elections make. coming out against the aca, at the same time we are having record setups of this program, also taking credit for ending roe, those are traditional political mistakes that could cause candidates to lose elections. i think when you have all this up, the fact that the
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information we have today, we did not have before, that he is a rapist, he stole america secrets, he led an insurrection, he ended, row it just gets very hard to see that this guy can win this election in 2024. it is why i'm so fundamentally optimistic of where we are right now. >> simon rosenberg, thank you very much for joining us. >> thanks, lawrence. >> we will be right back. right results fast, e rinvoq delivered rapid symptom relief and helped leave bathroom urgency behind. check. when uc tried to slow me down... i got lasting, steroid-free remission with rinvoq. check. and when uc caused damage rinvoq came through by visibly repairing my colon lining. check. rapid symptom relief... lasting steroid-free remission... ...and the chance to visibly repair the colon lining. check, check, and check. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin cancer;
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you may know adam schiff's work try it for free at to protect the rule of law, or to build affordable housing, or write california's patients bill of rights. but i know adam through the big brother program. we've been brothers since i was seven. he stood by my side as i graduated from yale, and i stood by his side when he married eve, the love of his life. i'm a little biased, but take it from adam's little brother. he'll make us all proud as california senator. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message. you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban
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and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are. simon rosenberg gets tonight's last word. the 11th hour with stephanie ruhle starts now. tonight, donald trump's legal delays and the impacts they may have on november as you tries to kill back the union vote for president biden. then, tense moments at a public apology during a senate hearing with tech ceos about child safety online. but will anything meaningful come out of it? and the border deal hangs in the balance while gop