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tv   Dateline  MSNBC  February 3, 2024 10:00pm-12:00am PST

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get a free line of unlimited intro for 1 year when you buy one unlimited line. and for a limited time, get the new samsung galaxy s24 on us. switch today!e sent me a message. and i knew something terrible must have happened. he said, hanna has jumped out the window. accent means it and i knew. something must have happened. >> said, hannah has jumped out of the window.
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what? >> she did have a tendency to be a little bit hanna off of the rails when she was drunk. i was very confused because i didn't see any signs. she didn't say any goodbyes. there is no note. she told me she had had the affair with craig's friend. >> craig was to be especially upset. >> there were couches in both hands. >> this is not a person who jumps out the window. >> did you think he killed her? >> yes. >> did he pick hannah up and throw her out of that window? >> no. hannah was really wonderful. i just have to believe it was a terrible accident.
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what >> it's a funny thing, looking back at photos of happy times. you don't know yet which of them is doomed. her ham? maybe both? but don't think of that yet. the wedding is underway. it was 2005, he was at u.s. navy man, craig becker. she was a bookish grad student studying psychology, hanna hove. they were head over heels in love. her college roommate, when elizabeth aciego, remembers how the couple first met at a university swimming pool. >> she definitely told me. she was, like i think this guy is the one. i was like, super excited about that because she had never really mentioned anybody who
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was going to be special to her. craig and hannah had been dating for a while when elizabeth, incidentally is a frustrate photographer, got a call from craig. >> he called me, he said, hey, i want to do a surprise wedding. are you down to come and take these pictures? >> so, it's on the beach, toes in the sound, it's their? >> yes. >> think of it as a plan, but only the grim knew about it. and it was going to happen on the white sand of the florida panhandle. so, completely in the dark, hannah drove to the beach hotel and checked in. >> what was the cover story for her? >> she was having a spa day and she was supposed to go pamper herself and have a great day. >> have a great day. five? >> yeah. they were going to have a date night at the hotel that night. i went and knocked on her door and she opened her her towards that, what are you doing here? i was like, well, open the closet. she opened the closet and her wedding dress was in there.
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>> now. >> so that's how she found out that what was happening that day. >> did the dress fit? >> the dress fit perfectly. >> the marriage so many came off without a hitch. as elizabeth snapped away >> i think he felt at me taking the pictures was having someone special for their for her. socialism by herself. >> some pg rated -- >> i mean, craig is a good- looking guy. he works out. >> there goes the shirt. >> there goes the shirt. >> in your memories, liz, was it a romantic event? >> very much so. they were in love, happy, craig is not the most emotional guy. he's not someone who's going to wear it on his sleeve. they were both over the moon. >> lieutenant? >> yes. yes. usually, he's very stoic. he was obviously very happy that day. >> craig's sister, tara daniels, later heard all of about it and was thrilled for the couple.
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>> they were always together, always affectionate with each other. always laughing, joking. she became one of my sisters. >> so you liked her? >> i loved her. >> the elopement was a moment of joy, a brief respite from the constant concern tara had for her brother, craig. after all, his day job was clearing bombs in war zones. >> his job assignment became very hazardous? >> it did. >> did you worry that he was in charge of units that were decreasing explosive devices? >> i mean, that was always a worry. even when i was younger i always worried about him. craig was quiet. he is quiet. that's just who he is. i think some of that was to protect us. >> to not know about it? >> do not know as much about it. >> what he was going to? >> again, to make sure that we weren't as worried about him as we could have been.
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>> god forbid the family has to fear that phone call, the officer standing at the door with the worst news in the world. >> exactly. >> randy lapel loved craig like a brother. a brother in arms. they had served together in afghanistan, we'll craig becker was a warrior and commanded and 19 bomb disposal unit. >> he was a bold leader and in the long run, it was paying huge dividends. he had a fighters mentality and was assertive. he let men well, let men great. >> the lieutenant, with a top secret clearance became a war hero. he was awarded two bronze stars. in one case, for having saved two soldiers lives. military brass were taking note of craig's career. >> craig was questioning it. craig could knew no wrong. >> would you trust your life with him? >> beyond a shadow of a doubt.
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without hesitation. i loved craig. craig was just better than most. win >> by 2013, craig's fast-track career had resulted in a assignment in belgium. >> he was doing great. >> yes. >> a top guy in a nato facility? >> correct. >> was he on his way to harvard? >> he had applied to harvard, yes. herbert business school. >> it was looking good for him. >> it was. >> hannah and craig's new home would be a provincial city in belgium called, mons. cobblestoned, french speaking, and appropriately european. they had found a spacious apartment in a downtown building. that's their bedroom window, just below the peak of the slope ruth. craig settled into his desk job at nato and then they were three. baby isabelle entered the picture. >> she was adorable.
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the sweetest baby. a very happy baby. very close to both hannah and craig. >> hold that picture in your mind. this american family off on a european adventure. but look from the outside like a cozy family photo, had all gone suddenly, horribly, wrong. because that barefoot bride on a beach in florida was not a barefoot young wife moaning in agony on a busy sidewalk in a belgian city. hannah had fallen 75 feet from her apartment window above. the bystanders would never forget her blood curdling scream as she dropped. and the police wanted to know what happened. >> what did you observe of the man, chief inspector? >> was very calm.
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dennis murphy (voiceover): october 8, 2015, downtown mons belgium. romero gonzales, a mailman by trade, s onoctober 8th, 2015, down -- a mailman by trade, was on a cigarette break at a 50 pm when he heard a terrifying shriek from down the street. >> what did you hear? >> a woman was screaming. and iran. >> brand here? >> yeah, along the corridor. >> crumpled on the sidewalk, near the entrance to an apartment building, late a seriously injured woman, just only underwear and a t-shirt. >> she was terrified. >> she was alive as she laid on the ground? >> yes. she was alive. >> bystanders gathered around. then, he says, a man ran out from the apartment building, speaking english. he was frantically trying to explain to the crowd what had just happened. he said, she is drunk.
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she has drugs. she dropped. >> she's taking drugs and drunk? >> drugs, the trunk, she jumped. >> he you don't know who he is? yet >> now. >> the man was lieutenant craig becker. the woman on the ground was hanna. at that same time, 4500 miles away in jacksonville, florida, john hoeven, hannah's father, was at work when his wife called hysterically. she just talked to her son in law. >> from the land live to our home. and said, hannah has jumped out of the window and i have to go down. ivan starts trying to ask him questions and gets more answers. he said, i have to go. click. >> hannah has jumped out of the window? >> hannah has jumped out of the window. >> out of the apartment. >> craig's call left hannah's parents in stunned disbelief. >> we both break down.
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like, what? it can't be right? it can't be true. i said, she jumped from the seventh floor? what? >> john was so distraught that he asked a colleague to take it right away, and agonizing 15- minute drive. so, we call him up from home and he said, i'm down on the street now. she's still alive. here's the police, i can't talk. craig, craig, what's going on? i can't talk, no click. >> while hannahs parents waited for news, any kind of details, police officers in belgium, frederick and arthur, were on the scene. >> there is a woman on the streets. maybe she will die. she's in very bad condition. >> they could see emts working to stabilize hannah on that sidewalk. it looked for all the world
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like an attempted suicide. but it was early minutes in the case. the officers would need to investigate further. craig asked to go to the hospital with his wife, but the officer said, he first needed to accompany them upstairs to his apartment, his flat. >> we said, mr. becker, we are going to your flat. you can't touch anything. >> don't touch. >> don't touch anything. >> inside, they saw the couples 16-month-old daughter, isabelle, asleep in her crib. >> was there any sign of turmoil in the flat, furniture, upset glasses broken, anything? >> no. the apartment was normal. >> no sign of a fight or struggle? >> no sign of a fight. >> what did you observe of that man, chief inspector, the husband? >> was very calm. >> calm? >> yes. >> the officer thought the 34- year-old husband may have been in shock. >> when we are at school, we heard that everyone can react differently from a bad
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situation. some people shout, some people cry. maybe it was his reaction georgia medic accident. >> the officers would have plenty of questions for greg becker. mostly, what just happened here, variety. remarkably, even after that 75 foot fall, she was still alive when they loaded her into an ambulance. amazingly, there was a flickering hope hannah herself could tell her own story. it's simple. anything else i can help you with? like what? visionworks. see the difference. as the world keeps moving, help prevent covid-19 from breaking your momentum. you may have already been vaccinated against the flu, but don't forget this season's updated covid-19 shot too.
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i think he's having a midlife crisis i'm not. you ready for this? you got us t-mobile home internet lite. after a week of streaming they knocked us down... dial up speeds. like from the 90s. great times. all i can do say is that my life is pre-- i like watching the puddles gather rain. -hey, your mom and i procreated to that song. oh, ew! i think you've said enough. why don't we just switch to xfinity like everyone else? then you would know what year it was. i know what year it is.
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do you? dennis murphy (voiceover): jacksonville, florida. hanna's parents were an ocean away from their only child, jacksonville, florida. hannah's parents were an ocean away from their only child. helpless, waiting to hear if their badly injured daughter would survive. how could it be possible that they're fearless hannah, so strong, so determined, might
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have only minutes more left in her life? ♪ ♪ ♪ >> a life that began in sweden, that's where the hove's are from and where hanna was born. even as a little girl, she could be feisty and strong willed. >> wintertime, you have to get all the clothes on. she decided, i don't think so. as soon as she was dressed, you dress yourself, she took it off. >> very little, it seemed. scared little hanna. >> we had a pretty steep hill. we went tobogganing. i had her between my legs as we were going down. it was a drop of, i would say, 150 feet. >> hannah liked it? >> yeah. she was screaming all of the way. in excitement. then we walk back up, did it again. >> john, his wife, hannah, emigrated to america, florida, in 1989. hanna was six years old.
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she arrived here. growing up warming -- loving the warm weather, a place where she can indulge in sports all year round. had a muscle of florida. >> she did. >> it's so different from sweden. >> you can play tennis all year round here. she did. she went into triathlon as well. she was very that. very fit. >> hannah's dad is a mechanical engineer. with a engineers tenacious instinct identify problem and solve it. he had made a huge success for himself as an entrepreneur in the transportation business, container freight. his pursuit of what used to be called the american dream rewarded his family with the best of everything. >> jason, you and hannah lippman nice neighborhoods. good schools, days filled with tennis? >> yeah. >> as much next as you want to? >> jason johnson was one of hanna's best friends growing up. >> she was well today.
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>> she wanted to help people who didn't have as much? >> she was extraordinarily giving. >> jason says to understand hannah's to understand her heart and her spontaneity. like the time late one night when they were in their early twenties, going back to close public supermarket. there, on racks up front, where stacks of red. >> look at all of this food. it's going in the dumpster every night. like, that's ridiculous. we are going to go and take that and deliver it to homeless shelters. in her car, or having trouble closing the car. there's so much brett. my car as equally as full of bread. >> there was too much of it to give away. it wasn't until later that the two realized, what's, they made a big mistake. >> in fact, it wasn't day old bread. it was bred that they intended to sell so the customers next morning. >> yeah. we had robbed them of quite a bit of bread, unintentionally.
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>> did anyone know other than the two of you? >> now, but we were waiting for the a.p.p. to come out. >> bonnie and clyde have struck again. >> yeah. >> that woman with a big heart who wanted to feed the world, a triathlete, a young mother, was now fighting for her life. the phone rang again at the hove house. it was craig. the struggle was over. hanna had died. >> parents who is a child has the same big grave, lifelong great. it's never going to go. you mr. child. less traffic of accidents, all sorts of stuff. i think this was extra painful. i'm not saying costs me. it's because of the situation, i've wouldn't want anyone to go through it. it has been very painful.
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>> hanna, 32, died from massive internal bleeding. she was never able to speak with place to tell them what happened. hanna's college roommate was preparing for a photo shoot when hanna's husband called. >> what impacted he tell you when he called? >> that she passed away. and he let me cry on the phone. >> any details at that point? >> nothing. i didn't ask. i was a mess. i was just crying. >> what did you hear in his voice? >> he sounded devastated to me. >> elizabeth immediately thought of hanna's daughter, isabelle. she would now grow up without her mother. >> good job. >> tell me what that meant for her, to have a child.
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>> she was obsessed with her. she loved her daughter. she told me that was what life was about. >> everyone on both sides of the ocean, in those moments, grappling with so many unanswered questions. >> there was hope the police investigation that was underway what offers some solid answers, but instead, it may have just added more confusion. >> he didn't think it was a homicide? >> now. ? ( ♪♪ ) ( ♪♪ ) emergen-c crystals. go to, find the perfect gift and wow the people you love. these are the best way to say i love you. i love you, too! happy birthday! so cute! thinking of you. wow! gorgeous! woof! 1-800flowers does flowers and gifts. thanks, babe! happy valentines.
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steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists. he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. richard louis with the hours top stories -- overnight, the u.s. conducted what it calls a strike insult offense against a houthi anti ship chris missile in yemen. this came just hours after the u.s. and uk punch more strikes in that region, hitting 30 6:50 targets across 13 locations. and president joe biden, winning an early decisive victory in south carolina's primary. the first official contest of the democratic presidential
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race. president called his projected when saying south carolina put it on a path towards victory this year. now, back to dateline. to datel. were investigating what appeared to be a suicide. craig becker said his wife had leaped from a seventh-floor bedroom window belgium police were investigating what ouseappeared be a suicide. craig becker said his wife have leaped from a seventh floor bedroom window in their penthouse apartment. chief inspector arthur score. >> we thought that his wife was in depression, and a told us that night, she was upset and that she missed one and mixing. -- >> my wife is clinically depressive, what is more, she is using alcohol and and unwise fashion. >> in a way, they told us, could be very realistic. >> reporter: craig told police after work, and the couple had a lasagna dinner together. he had one glass of wine, but
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he said anna much more, eventually joining the battle. and at one point, diaz percentage, she took some pills, but he was not sure we'll kind or how many. then later as the couple was giving the guard back, craig said ann arbor came so dressy, you told her to go to bed. it was about a pm, she was wearing on her underwear and a t-shirt. with his wife tucked away for a night, anna said it was about 15 minutes later when he heard a noise from the bedroom. he opened the door and a saw his wife's lower body go out the window, headfirst. >> the husband was telling you a story of suicide, the steps that lead up to suicide. >> reporter: police also ended the unusual, by american standards, a design at the window itself, how i swung out and away with a more narrow opening at the bottom.
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so they regarded an accidental flaw is unlikely. on the fourth floor, directly below the apartment, there were shattered flowerpots on top of the patio table. >> there was a table on the balcony. >> so she fell onto the people below -- >> yes, yes. >> reporter: and then catapulted into the street? >> yes. >> reporter: other observations, herself phone in the living room, a partially open suitcase on the floor and next to her bed, a wine bottle and glass. >> and when i go in the room, i see the bottle was empty, and the glass, and there was a little bit of wine in the glass. >> reporter: the officer say that craig meanwhile was cooperative. he showed them's arms, and police note is that there were no scratches or injuries to his body. there has been also turned over the unmarked bottle that contained the pills he said hannah took. at the bottle was sent immediately to the hospital.
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today cops on the scene, it all added up to one easy conclusion. >> for us, the first time, what we see, what we've heard, it was a suicide. >> you did not think it was a homicide? >> no. >> reporter: in a surprisingly brief amount of time, about two hours after hanna's fall, the police investigation was concluded, suicide. here is how it works symbolism. a judge was phoned that night and officially signed off on the investigation. >> at that point, as we say in english, is this a case closed? was that the end of the matter? >> here, it's clear, yes, the case is closed. >> reporter: after the case was closed, craig opened up about other details of the night to his family. his sister tara said that craig tried to save hanna before she fell. >> craig heard her scream and ran to see her. and, she was out the window. >> what does he do? >> he tried to catcher, bring
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her back, but was not able to. >> reporter: and craig said when he went downstairs, where his wife laid fatally injured, she spoke to him. >> what described when he gets under? >> hannah is still alive, and she kept saying, i am so sorry, please help me, i love you. >> reporter: as for hanna's parents, two days after their daughter's death and a long flight over, they arrived in belgium. they were surprised to see craig accompanied by two military escorts. >> they were assigned to keep a watch on craig. >> they put him on suicide watch, because he was deemed as hanna jumped as a suicide thing, therefore, him being the as been, grieving has been, they put him on suicide watch. >> reporter: they gathered at the apartment to grieve with their son-in-law.
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then, something happened that changed the climate of the case forever. john went looking for the window where hanna went out. >> so, i walk into the bedroom. i opened the window, and i look down. i see all these tracks, marxists, on the shingle roof. so i call him, say, hey, craig, come look at this. he comes into the doorway from the bedroom. i said, have you seen these marks? he said, no, i have not looked down. >> reporter: what hannahs that saw stunned him, and it would make him question everything he had been told about that night. it was beginning to seem to him that his daughter's death just might be foul play. i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight.
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rattled him to his core. these are photos of the scratch marks >> reporter: rowhat john saw ou of his daughter's window rattled him to his core. these are photos that they scratch marks he observed on the sloping roof below. to hanna's father, they look like all the world to someone calling their ends and legs in a desperate act to hold on. >> this is not a person that jumped off willingly. this is not marks of anybody jumping out a window. immediately there, it's like, no, this is impossible. >> scratch marks as though somebody is trying to restrain themselves. >> right. >> >> reporter: then something us caught the fathers eye, small -- sticking up from the shingles, no longer neatly nailed in. >> the nails or standing straight up, about a half inch straight up. it was pointing up and then, and up. >> what does that tell you? >> they were right in the truck
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where hanna's hands had made the marks. >> as she went down, theoretically, the sloping roof, did her hands go as they teased it? >> so, i said, i really want to see her hands. if this was done by one hanna, and she did not jump, she was frankly trying to hold on, and the nails would have gone into her hand and rip them all the way. >> reporter: the grieving father had gone into amateur detective mode. john decided he would go to the morgue and see his daughters body for himself, whether in fact mentors to her hands, as she tried and failed to arrest her fall? she's totally against such a macabre fits it. >> she said, really, do we have to do that? i said, well, for hanna, we have to. >> reporter: reluctantly, hanna's mom agreed. biden, their daughter's body had been moved to a funeral
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home. the parents had to inspector that daughters hands. >> the response i got from the deputies there, they said, no, sorry, we cannot do that. i said is very important in. but we had to do is get your hands up like this or that i can take photos. but then we go to ask the supervisor, the man in charge. she came back after finally and said, yes, we can do that. >> reporter: hanna's parents entered a room where their daughter's body late in a casket. her hands were turned up, and john took some photos. >> very traumatic, and they were cut up hands with deep gouges, but hands. starting air going up, and the pain that that had caused her must have been tremendous. >> it's not that was caused by her trying to control her slide down? >> yeah, sure. >> i don't want to go off the
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roof? >> exactly. yeah. >> reporter: and then john started to wonder about craig's account of seeing hannah go at the window. >> i opened eight or, i see a hand -- might of been a foot, disappear at the window. >> just like that, maybe a hand, maybe a foot. >> i said, hand or a foot, you can see the difference? it was so fast. i said, okay, did you rush to the window, look down. he said, no, no, no. you did not look down? no. so, i said, what did you do then? if he did not look down, did you run downstairs, and he said, well, i took the elevator. you took the elevator? why did you not run, it would be faster? >> reporter: wheels were turning in johns head. the son-in-law story was not adding up, and forensically to him, the scratch marks on the roof did not describe a body in free fall.
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had mons officials wrote to quickly that he's taught us that was a suicide. >> what did you think that the quality of the belgian investigation, john? >> i mean, they did not do much with the investigation. this looks like suicide to us to, she probably jumped, you know. >> but no crime scene processing? >> nothing. >> took it all at face value? >> yeah. >> john started to ponder something simply unthinkable, did craig throw hanna at that window? hanna's best friend in belgium had questions to. >> i met her at a barbecue for my husband's workplace. >> did you think i might have a friend here? >> i did. i like to write away. >> reporter: she was a danish military wife and officer herself. she first met hanna at a military function, and they quickly became very close. she says hanna had seemed so happy, not suicidal, so eva became suspicious. >> i was very, very confused, because i did not see signs.
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>> at one point in particular, anything that made no sense to you? >> that she did not say any goodbyes, there was no no, no nothing. >> where you angry with her, would be natural. >> of course, i was angry, because the word suicide, i don't like the word. i don't like people doing that, because i think it's a selfish act, so i was angry with her, and then the anger on away, because i knew she could not have done that. >> reporter: that's because he didn't know craig and hanna's relationship had not only turned rocky, it appeared that their marriage was falling apart at the seams. >> why are you -- i [bleep] hate it. your horrible. keep wo if this is as good as it gets. but trelegy has shown me that there's still beauty and breath to be had.
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because with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open and prevents future flare-ups. and with one dose a day, trelegy improves lung function so i can breathe more freely all day and night. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful. icy hot. ice works fast. ♪♪ heat makes it last. feel the power of contrast therapy. ♪♪ so you can rise from pain. icy hot. emergen-c crystals pop and fizz when you throw them back.
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hanna's death, her father was overwhelmed with grief. the grief caused him to take a hard look at the history of hanna and craig's relationship, seeking any clues on what my absolute light on what happened. remember how craig surprised hanna with the romantic beach front wedding. well, her parents did not see it as a dreamy memory. hardly, they were kicked off. >> we got a phone call, and hanna said, hey dad, i want you to know that i got married. i said, what? yeah, ten days ago. what? it was a complete shock. i said, whoa, whoa, whoa, what is going on? is craig there? put craig on the phone, let me talk to him. what's going on, craig, you married our daughter and did not talk to us? that was the first sign of, i had this sense that he wanted to control the situation and
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not be controlled. >> that's the important word and the story, control. >> yes. >> culturally, what he should have done is what, approach you, the father? >> absolutely. >> i am interested in her daughter to the point i am asking her to marry me. >> reporter: hanna's front jason said since the beginning, he also socks troubling signs in the relationship. he felt that craig tried to isolate her from loved ones. she told me that he was very possessive, a very jealous, and he tended to not treat her friends well or respectfully. >> keep your nose out of the ten? >> that's the feeling that i definitely got, that she was already policing herself for him. >> reporter: jason remembers his once frequent calls with hannah slowly drawing to a trickle. jason also new alone his front fell, because craig continued to volunteer for overseas combat tours. >> he's a military guy.
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he's not in the house very much. he's gone a lot. was hanna becoming a lonely woman, do you think? >> i definitely think. he does not even had a consideration to maybe declined a deployment and spend some time with this woman. >> reporter: five years into the marriage, hanna confided to friends that her loneliness had led her to make a mistake that she later regret it. it happened right before they moved to belgium, and involved one of her husband's buddies. >> she told me that she had had the affair with craig friend's. >> she was sleeping with him? >> she definitely regretted having done it. she did feel guilty about the situation. >> did you sit there front, look, are you guys going to be able to hold the marriage together? >> i asked her, what are you going to do? she told me, it's really bad. it's been really bad. >> she says, i made some mistakes recently, and i feel like i have to try to atone for
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them. >> she's referring to the affair that she had? >> yeah. >> reporter: it was saturday moved overseas that craig learned of the extramarital relationship. he saw a message on his wife's laptop. craig's friend randy. >> did you know that she had an affair with his friend? >> craig pull me about it. he was upset, as to be expected. he was shocked and her and taken aback by the. >> reporter: if craig had been controlling before, jason says it only got worse once craig learned of the affair. >> she calls me, and she's telling me about how difficult it is to maintain contact with me. >> when you? >> yeah, because she can have might number and herself phone, because craig it's policing herself on this point. >> who's this? >> yeah, he really objects to her having any man in herself
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phone. >> as you say, you're gay, or not a romantic threat to his claim on her, whatever? >> exactly. >> what is your take on that, jason, what is going on? >> i was like, this is not normal. >> reporter: and the marital climate did not improve while the couple was living in belgium. her closest friend there remembers liking hannah immediately, but she never really warmed up to craig. >> it was when he came to our house, he made me feel uncomfortable in my own home. >> how can that be? >> i don't know. it was kind of the way that he carried himself, the way he looked at things or just his posture. >> like you were measuring up to his standards? >> exactly. >> reporter: then there was the one unforgettable and what he didn't felt was an unforgettable incident. it changed her opinion of craig forever. hannah wanted surprise her husband by making some drapes for her penthouse. >> am i supposed to like you videotaping? >> reporter: so excited to show
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him her creation, she recorded the moment ever saw. >> it looks [bleep] terrible. it's the worse looking fabric i have seen in my life. i want to take it down immediately. >> they thought that they were hideous. >> why are you follow me. they're [bleep] hideous. they're [bleep] horrible. >> how disappointed was? she >> very disappointed. she had put so much effort in. she went to the store to buy the fabrics. >> i am sure the craftsmanship is wonderful, but whatever the colors you and your friends picked up, made me want to throw up in my mouth. >> andy video, he referred to me as your friend, did not even have a name, just a friend. she had spent the whole day at my house, making the drapes, and she had hung them herself, and then she was very disappointed. >> was that a moment and a marriage where you learned something about craig and hanna? >> she should've told her in a nicer way that he did not like them. it was not the place to spend their rested their lives living
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in, so that's what people do in a marriage. there are compromises. >> reporter: by winter 2014, less than a year before her death, craig and hanna's relationships were ripped and torn, on the rocks. hanna had a family christmas trip back home to florida could help heal her marriage. her father john recalls a deficit. >> it was very tense already when he arrived. >> what was the issue? >> well, the issue was that he was still upset about her affair, and she was blaming him for not paying attention to her. and they argued about it openly. >> in front of you? >> yeah, to the point where he actually first suggested, you know, i am going to a hotel. >> i said, you know what, craig, that is a good idea. he left for a hotel, and he said, i will reboot and go back to belgium. >> reporter: craig flew home alone. it was then that hanna's family
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and friends are down, intervention style and bluntly asked, what was going down in her marriage? >> she tells me that he had been emotionally abusive, almost the entire relationship, that he had been a very controlling, and that this had all been a mistake, and that she was going to leave him. i was like, that is great. i think you should leave him. >> and don't go back to belgium? >> don't go back to belgium. i said that, and she is like, i got all my stuff there, all my clothes and the car, anderson that. i am, like who cares? you've got isabelle, you got you, those are the two most important things that you will ever have. you don't need to go back. >> we pleaded with her every day, please, hanna, stay, stay here, get a job here. at least a for six months. you don't have to go back. >> reporter: but against advice from family and friends, hanna
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decided to return to europe with baby isabelle. she wanted to keep her commitment to the marriage. >> the issue would not go back, it was shine a bad light on her, that she is skipping on it, could not handle the situation. >> let's go back to her being the toughest swimmer in the pool and toughest athlete, triathlete, of course. >> i think. so i am not going to give up. i am going to finish this. i am going to do this, i will make it work. >> reporter: hanna got a new job working at the base youth center. but when i came to the, marriage hanna and craig they're in detail. eight months at the returning to belgium, they both realized they cannot make it work. >> by the summer of 2015, the marriage was all but history. craig and hanna we're sharing an apartment pursuing a separate bedrooms. a divorce was in the. works hanna meanwhile hatchable relationship at work with a guy named chris, the maintenance man there, and he was going to
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help hanna move herself when she and craig finally broke. up craig, according to her friends, did not like the new boyfriend. >> greg did not approve of him at all? >> no, apparently not. >> he was being replaced by this new guy who at a station, he was a main this guy and janitor. >> yeah, he was a janitor. >> did that not add up to craig's -- >> standards, no. >> reporter: no matter, it seemed that hanna had taken her lumps and is ready for the next chapter of her life. at work, she had lunch with their colleagues our for her death. her supervisor, mary louise mary said that she seemed happy. >> she was really in good spirits. the divorce was progressing, and she at found an alternate place to live, and she had found another one, where she can soundly sunday apartment. she was super excited for the next step. >> reporter: in fact, hanna signed a lease for the new apartment on the day that she died. >> she was starting a new life. she found furniture for her apartment online. >> she just signed the papers?
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>> yeah, she signed the lease on the same day. >> reporter: hanna had a long plane trip to meet her dad in china. her flight was scheduled to leave today at the she died. and it appeared that she was getting ready. remember, police took a photo of her luggage on the apartment for that night. >> she was going to come meet me there, and then after today's, as she was going to go back. >> that's kind of exciting? >> yeah. >> for hanna's friends and family, the actions in the last few hours of her life did not add up to somebody that was suicidal. and her dad especially could not stop thinking about the images engraved in his mind. the long marks on the route beneath his daughter's window. >> in my view, it's impossible that this is created by somebody jumping out of a window. >> reporter: john felt the marker not been made by someone. intentionally jumping, especially considering the unusual way that the window
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opened. >> so, you had to call out under the window, and then you have to let yourself go, rolling or perhaps, you can go from the window from outside and sent up and jump. either way, you would make the marks the eye summer there. >> reporter: that's when john clued it that his son-in-law was lying to him and everyone else. >> did you think he had killed her? >> yes, yeah. i was convinced. >> were you open to the possibility of reasons unknown that she might have done, that she might have jumped herself? >> very remote. >> reporter: remote perhaps but not at the question, because hanna had talked about suicide in the pass. >> and she flies off the handle, and is really upset. she says that one point, maybe i should kill myself.
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dennis murphy: she was only 32 years old. hanna hove: go, isabelle, go! dennis murphy: and by all accounts, she was only 32 years old. >> go, isabelle, go. >> by all accounts, a devoted, loving mother to her daughter, isabelle. >> good job. >> family and close friends of hanna started questioning whether she would take her whole life and speculated about something. had her husband thrown her out of the window? but even those close to hanna couldn't discount her mental health. when she was in her early twenties, stan -- hadn't struggled to gain weight, and after a bad break up with a boyfriend, her problem got worse. jason was her roommate at the time. what happened? what got triggered? >> she was depressed about how this relationship ended. for sure. she's not eating enough. she's not eating healthfully. >> you thought she had an eating disorder. ? >> she definitely did. she was tooth and. she was underweight.
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she was probably under 100 pounds. she is 58 or 59. >> then, one night, her world seemed to collapse. it happened when her parents were at her at jason's apartment for dinner. >> she has maybe two glasses of wine and a second-class of line, she's inebriated. you know? her father or i broached the topic for her anorexia. like, you're too thin. and she flies off the handle. it's really upset. she says, at one point, that she -- maybe i should just kill myself. >> i'd like to come myself? >> maybe i do. >> did you think she was serious? did you think she might have killed herself? >> i didn't. i, mean i think she might have if we hadn't had the intervention. >> to have this over to
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somebody professional. you start with calling 9-1-1. basically, i said, you know, i'm here with my daughter and she says she doesn't want to live anymore. >> you didn't know whether that was a fact? you didn't want to find out, certainly. >> exactly. you know, how serious is this, you know? >> hannah was voluntarily committed to a hospital. she was released after a few days. >> they deemed that she is no harm to herself. she is not sick, ill, it's not going to go any further. >> later, jason says, patta told him, she felt like her old self. >> she said something like, i realized my life wasn't that bad. it was pretty good. i had a lot to live for. i can't believe that i let myself get to this state that i let myself get to. >> as the years went by, hannah came back her weight and seemed to be in altogether better
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spirits. eventually, of course, marrying craig him. before they moved to belgium, craig groused trust friend, randy, that his wife had an alcohol problem. >> he was very upset with her drinking, being in a rated heavily and regularly. so, that bothered him a lot. >> we know about being a bedrock. did you hear about her being a sloppy, embarrassing drunk, making a scene? >> yeah, that was part of what upset craig. he would be embarrassed to be around her when she got that way. felt like he couldn't go anywhere with her. >> hannah's emotional state seemed, at times, to go up and down. as in the instance when her old college roommate had a chance encounter with her at an airport. >> i walked up to the gate. there is my front. her husband, and a baby. >> the unexpected meeting happened at a visit that family
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made back to the states from belgium, about ten months before hanna's death. elizabeth was on the same flight as the family. craig mate heard an offer to get past. >> immediately, craig went and told them that he was giving me his seat. they were in first class. i went and sat with her. >> lucky you. you are in first with your friend. >> i now. so that we could catch up. he sat in my seat in the back. >> elizabeth says panel opened up. shared she was taking prescription medicines that made her feel not like herself. >> she felt that the medication she was on wasn't correct and she used the word zombie a lot. that she was basically a zombie. >> where was she with her emotions? what did you think was going on? >> this was the first time that i had seen her in a state where i would call unstable. >> unstable? >> i would not see her as the hannah that i knew. >> elizabeth can't remember
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what medications her friend told her she had been taking, but hannah had multiple prescriptions to treat severe anxiety and depression. on that lane, elizabeth says she no longer recognize the person sitting next to her. >> what a change? >> one, a lot of drinking. a 45 minute flight. to, she just wasn't herself. it felt like a shell of who she was. >> in hindsight, craig's sister, tara, says she now feels hanna never got the support she needed. >> hannah's mental stability, her mental health, what would you want people to know about her? >> hannah was a wonderful human. a wonderful human. but i think that she felt pray to the fact that she didn't have that diagnosis that she should have and didn't necessarily have the mental help that she probably should have had. >> tara thinks is possible that hanna's past problems reared their head again because she
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was going to the stress of divorce and starting a new life. >> if you have mental health issues, you understand that things can change at the drop of a hat. >> you think that's what happened there? >> i do. >> hannah's dad strongly disagreed. he felt hanna had put those issues behind her. so, he made the decision to go to the police. as it turned out, others had already beaten him to it. to i icy hot. ice works fast. ♪♪
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dennis murphy: it's called shape, or supreme headquarters allied powers europe. it's called shape, supreme headquarters allied powers europe. it's the place lieutenant craig becker worked, and so did police inspector clot. he was assigned to a belgian federal police station located on the base. within 48 hours after hanna's death, an american major walked in with an unusual story. >> major came into our office and said that mr. becker took pills out of the drawer where he used to work in the office. >> he had gone to retreat from his desk of the spills? >> yes. the fact that he came, we found it a little bit suspicious. >> the major said lieutenant becker came back to retrieve a bag of pink pills from a desk he once used. that major also said he was
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aware hanna had just died and thought he should tell us hannah about those mysterious pills. >> inspector decided he should let a mad just or or judge no. this magistrate said, we will have an autopsy done. >> an autopsy. hannah's body was to be cremated, but the judge put a stop to that. rather, hannah's body was sent to a corner. >> as a federal agent had not been involved with a local investigation, concluded hanna died by suicide. after a stream of visitors started showing up at his station, he now found himself on the case. >> you had more people dropping into office, didn't you? >> we had a lot of people that came to tell us, it's not logical that she committed suicide and she didn't have any problem. >> eventually, hannah's parents also went to the inspector's office. bringing with them those photos
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with the stretched up rift tells and her conviction that her son in law was behind hanna's death. and his friend also showed up. >> i felt i was going to do it for hannah and for isabelle because i didn't want her growing up thinking that her mother chose not to be her mother, chose to commit suicide. >> what was your message to the police? i don't know what happened here, i don't like what i'm hearing about this? >> i said, i don't believe what health panels has been told me over the phone about the suicide, about her killing herself. >> another rival, someone who also had concerns, hannah's new boyfriend from work. >> what did he have to say? >> he came to the office and said that they had relations together and he wanted to give all the text messages he had in his phone. >> he had a story told by his phone? >> yeah. >> on the morning she died, hannah and her boyfriend exchanged text messages. in one had a, set by the way, i
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love you, christopher mueller. i don't care if it makes you squirm when i said it. >> he said, it doesn't make me squirm. just getting used to it. i believe every word. but that same night, the messages turned unsettling and dark. at 8:37 pm, about 13 minutes before hanna's fall from the window, her boyfriend received this message. craig is being so dang sweet. it's confusing. i love him and i love you. i have the sweetest baby with him. he was -- but now he's changed. 41 seconds later and he doesn't want me anymore because he knows i've been with you. the final message, about ten minutes before her fall was this -- i hate my life. the phone records a history of the last hours of her life? >> yeah, exactly. >> now retired, he was a 39
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year police better. and as he started to do some taking, he noticed someone else came into talk with his colleagues two days before hanna died. it was her husband, craig. >> he just came to the office in order to explain that he was separate from his wife and didn't want the friend of his wife to come into his apartment to do the moving. >> craig said, he didn't like that hannah's new boyfriend, press, had been to the apartment and move some of her personal things. >> inspector, when craig thompson he says, i think my wife newberry front is bad news. i want you to tell him to stay away. but he also wanted to tell you about his wife, didn't he? >> he wanted to explain that his wife had problems with alcohol in medication. that her behavior was a problem. >> according to the report that was filed, craig said his wife drank between half and three quarters of a bottle of wine alone five days a week.
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the officer then noted, we asked him what he wanted a place to do. he repeated three times that the only thing he wanted was a written record of coming to the office. >> lieutenant becker makes this complaint, there's nothing you can do with it. >> it wasn't the complaint. he just wanted the trace that he had been at the police station. >> four days after hanna's death, john said the couple's apartment when he learned that the police had reopened the case. >> where in the apartment and there is a ring on the telecom and the sub says, the police, we'd like to come up. and there was a total of ten or 12 detectives. there was technicians. >> this is the first real attempt to begin an investigation? >> yes. so, basically, everyone sat still.
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with becker. identified him and he said, okay, starting an investigation in the death of your wife. we're going to detain you for the duration. >> what does the husband say? the authorities have come back with officers in the apartment with the search warrant. is he saying, when you guys doing? what is this about? >> he did agree with the search warrant. he didn't say i thought something. we started the search with the police. we had seized a lot of things. so, the phones, computers, so one. >> over the next few weeks, craig was called it multiple times to be interviewed by detectives. then, five months after hanna's death, lieutenant becker was called in for another top. this time, it was a magistrate, a judge present. >> we asked him if he killed his wife. he said, no, no, no. the magistrate said, mr. becker, you are lying.
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i deliver you in a restaurant. >> he was charged with murder? >> murder with premeditation. >> premeditation? >> yes. >> please excused craig of mid tequila sly planning his wife's murder and tried to make it look like a suicide. >> with craig now under arrest, another crisis was about to wrap that involved baby isabelle. >> an ap, stop a woman with a small child? >> yes. child? >> yes.
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dennis murphy: built in the 1800s, it's one of belgium's oldest prisons, and after his arrest in 2016, the place where lieutenant built craiin the 1800s, it' one of belgium's oldest prisons. after his arrest in 2016, the place where lieutenant craig becker resided. he'd been considered a flight risk. so, he was held without bond. his sister, tara -- >> you told stories about what his conditions? were >> abhorrent. i know there was a riot and he was not given access to family, friends, counsel because of that riot. >> with craig behind bars, someone needed to care for baby isabelle. that ignited a new crisis. >> my mom went out to belgium as per crates wishes, to get isabelle. there was a back and forth and fight to get isabelle. >> hannah's parents covered
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from a friend that the plan was for bueckers mother to get isabelle back to the u.s.. >> it's heard that the mother is going to give the child to one of backers buddies in the law firm. somewhere in virginia. we thought that sounded horrendous. we have blood relatives here. we can take care of her. if you can't take care of her, we certainly can. >> john immediately had his attorney call belgian authorities, who sprang into action and put out the word. >> kind of a apb, stop a woman with a small child? >> yes. >> when my mom and sister tried to get isabelle back out of the country to bring her home, because they were given that okay, her passport had been flagged by john hove. >> hannah's father. stop these people from leaving the country? >> yes. >> craig's mom was stopped at frankfort, germany airport
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where she and isabel are making a connecting flight back to the u.s.. >> isabelle was taken away by german department of families overnight, so she was in a foreign country with people she didn't know. >> isabelle was returned to belgium where she was temporarily placed with an american military family. within six weeks, a court did award custody to craig's mom. hannah's dad was disappointed with the decision. while he waited for craig's murder trial to begin, he threw himself into a project he had been working on for ten years in florida, restoring this magnificent waterfront mansion to its nearly hundred year old glory has been his seemingly endless labor of love. >> hadn't really wanted to love -- live here in the apartment. >> this is going to be hanna's dick's right here? >> yes. >> the carriages russ being built for hannah and isabel.
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part of john's lavish plans for his 15,000 square foot mansion. >> i've had this healths renee's patient as an acre point for me. >> they're paid? >> you have. keeps me away from feeling sorry for myself. >> sorry for himself because there was even more tragedy after his daughter's death. john says his wife never got over louisiana. jason says on his family business, he can tell and was struggling with it all. >> every time i went and saw yvonne, she was so unhappy, so desperately unhappy. it was the pride of her life. >> chances in the wake of her daughter's death, you bond tried twice to take her own life. >> she was so depressed and despair but louisiana? >> yeah. >> then, zhang's wife suffered
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a medical emergency. >> early morning, 2:30 in the morning, she's talking incoherently. i try to get her out of bed. i get hurt loaded into the car. finally get her into the crash. i'm trying to lift her, put her in the front seat. she dies in my arms. >> the cause of death was a ruptured aneurysm. ivan was 69. the couple had been married 42 years. >> when the fire rescue came, but his fingers here. he said, she's going. that's when you listen. when you hear somebody, a professional tell you that your wife is dead. >> two years after losing his daughter, gianna was now mourning the death of his wife. around the same time, craig's defense team had gotten the case transferred from the belgian court system to a u.s.
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military court martial. craig returned to the states. he wasn't placed on active duty, no longer incarcerated. his family and friends couldn't understand any of it. why was he arrested in the first place? even worse, why did he now have to stand trial for murder? craig's sister says that at the end of the day, the person she holds most responsible for her dubbed brother facing life in prison is hannah. >> the burden of being in court, having your brother on trial for murder? >> i do think it is hannah's. >> you still love her? >> i love her to pieces. i'm so sad to be saying those words. but i do think it is hannah's fault. >> and a bad moment, she made a poor decision? >> yes. >> craig's military friend agrees. not an easy conclusion, but he feels everything points to hannah dying by suicide. there is no question, randy, that hadn't went out the window and ended on the street.
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what makes sense to you? >> for me, i don't want to sound cold. for me, if it looks like a duck, smells like a duck, i need, she had mental health issues. she was drunk or medicated. it doesn't sound shocking to me that she could have jumped. just out of frustration and depression. >> likewise, can you say a familiar face, be under a reasonable doubt that great isn't the responsible one for? that he's guilty, no question about it? >> absolutely. it's absolutely beyond reasonable doubt. >> seven years after hanna's death, craig finally stand trial for murder. prosecutors were ready to show jurors administration hell they think he did it. did it. and who doesn't love a good throwback? ( ♪♪ ) ( ♪♪ )
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projected that cell -- primary with a resounding margin of error. totaling 55 delegates up for grabs were all worded fortunately for the results to present biden. this week, house republicans plan to vote on a stand-alone bill that provides aid for israel. this comes as a challenge to a long-awaited senate package, expected to be released this weekend. that bill is expected to include broader foreign aid in it. now, back to dateline. reign ain it. now, back to dateline. dennis murphy: 15 miles outside of mons, lieutenant craig becker's court martial was about to get underway blue tenant craig becker's marshall was about to get underway at a u.s. airbase in belgium. tennis friends and family had been waiting nearly seven years to have her has been held accountable for her death. finally, in april of 2022, lieutenant craig becker returned to belgium to stand trial, accused of killing his
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wife by throwing her out their seventh floor window. hannah's dad tried to prepare himself. >> i mean, the whole thing is tough. when you don't get trained for this. it comes back up. you know? think about when every day. >> craig pleaded not guilty. his military court-martial was run like a normal criminal trial, except the jury was made up of officers a ranked higher than lieutenant backers. the prosecutor began by arguing that hadn't was anything but suicidal. friends, family, coworkers, all testified she was moving on with her life with her new boyfriend, her new apartment, new plans. hannah's boss from that youth center took the stand. >> i just know that she did not commit suicide. that's for sure. >> based on what? >> just her personality and her demeanor. just being happy.
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there was no signs of any depression. it was isabelle to. she loved her daughter so much. her daughter was her world. >> she was looking forward, as you saw? >> yeah. at the concept of her committing suicide and leaving her daughter, none of us could fathom. we couldn't believe it. >> hannah's brand was called as a witness. >> here he is, at the table, you're testifying against him. did he look at you? did you look at him? >> i decided to be the one looking at him. that was my choice. i felt sad for him because he looked so small. >> she testified that after hanna's miserable trip back to florida at christmas time, she returned to belgium at different women. she had made a decision to cut way back on her drinking. >> people would later talk about hannah and alcohol, drinking, could she handle drinking? do you remember? >> we only got drunk once during our friendship that lasted two years. so she wasn't a drunk or an
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alcoholic. sometimes we had whine when she was there for dinner. when she was pregnant, she never drink any alcohol. >> you didn't see her being sloppy drunk? >> no, not at all. the one time we got drunk, we were in my house and isabel was with her father. she spent the night. there was nothing unusual about it. just to cover and have been fun. >> to underscore that, the prosecution played one of its strongest cards, a true head snapper. hannah's blood work showed only a trace amount of alcohol that night she died. heavy analysis of her hair showed she had not abused alcohol for months on and. that contradicted her husband's account that she was a heavy drinker, including information that he felt with police just two days before her death. >> so, he had lied? >> he lied, for sure. >> you need to know she's a big drinker. >> what did you think he was during that day? >> he was already preparing the
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murder. >> you need to be aware that this woman, hannah, has troubles? >> yeah. >> seeding the story? >> yeah. preparing everything. >> prepare, and getting ready for. and >> investigators allege it was all part of craig's master plan to kill his wife. and part of that plan included picking up a bottle of wine that night of hanna's death. detectives had the receipt. >> the only one who bought alcohol that day was mr. becker. >> he has come to you, days before saying, you need to know that my wife is an alcoholic, she doesn't handle booze well. yet, here at this evening dinner, he's provided one? does that make sense? >> that doesn't make sense. >> something else that didn't make sense to police was what was found in hannah's body. ambien, the sleeping pill. the pills are generally pink in color. do you remember a major had come to the police and said lieutenant becker has retrieved a bag of pink pills from a
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dusk? prosecutors allege the pills were ambien. and drake had squirrel them away, all part of that plan of his. >> connect the dots, as we say. suspicion about retrieving the medicine he left behind, in a sense. how is that used in the murder as you believe it? >> what we think happened is that it was laced in hainan's lasagna. >> in the food? >> yeah, in the foot. >> he believed he lays his wife was on it with ambien and made up the story about her taking pills on her own. next, that has been put her to bed, as the theory played out and place an empty find bottle next to her. >> everything was going step by step. >> those text messages between hannah and her boyfriend became an important prosecution point to. the story went she reportedly sent them just minutes before she died, including the one that she hated her life. a police photo from that night shows her phone in the living room, not at hand in the
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bedroom. because police say that craig sent them, not hannah. >> we thought it was impossible for her to have rented those text messages. so, we came to the fact that it was him who wrote it. >> you made a mistake? >> saying that she could have text message while she is drunk and out of her mind. >> the prosecution's picture had snapped into focus. craig, trump -- dragging his wife was sleeping pills, rendering her upland rag doll he could more easily throw out the window. according to a police report, craig said he came into the room as hannah was exiting headfirst. prosecutors said an examination of the marks on hanna's body showed, in fact, hurt lakes when out first. they did recreation's from a mockup window while she was standing. they theorize as she woke up as she was walking up, hung on to this ill and then fell. those marks on the roof, an
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indication of just how desperately she tried to hold on. >> when he tells you she went out headfirst, he gets that wrong to? >> she had fallen headfirst, the injuries would be from the top to the bottom. everything quest from the bottom to the top. then >> came a recounting of a disturbing story. craig had allegedly been hands on violent with his wife. hannah's dad told jurors about getting a frantic call or night from his daughter in belgium. >> she shuts down, he's trying to kill, me he's trying to kill me. i said, what are you talking about? >> according to a police report, in 2013, the couple was staying at a hotel when hannah said her husband picture up and threw her down on the ground multiple times following an argument. hannah later told her dad, craig tight -- tried to strangle her. >> craig did this to because i upset him. >> because she'd had an affair
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with his friend? >> yeah. yeah. >> the next day, hadn't recounted her entire story. >> she wouldn't press charges? >> no, no. >> why would she do that? >> we believe strongly that it's because she realized that if she goes through within, his career is over. >> that's what prosecutors and hannah's dad say was craig's motive to do away with his wife. >> this had no reason for him to kill hannah unless he felt that she was a threat. a threat to him that she would go back to the military and reinstate her claim about the strangulation event. >> that would be a finish for him? >> that would be the end of his career. >> as the prosecution wrapped up, inspector felt confident about the case. >> there was no doubt and you said regularly that he did it. >> he did it? >> he did it because nothing
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was matching. >> but the defense was about to argue, not so fast. they had built their own window recreation, which they believed, proved lieutenant craig becker was innocent. was. i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. i'm lowering my risk. adults lost up to 14 pounds. i lost some weight. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea
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(bridget) now, i'm ready to be seen again. (vo) visit to find a ted eye specialist and to see bridget's before and after photos. dennis murphy: after 10 days of prosecution witnesses, the defense attorneys came out swinging. they argued there was no motive for craig to kill after ten ndays of prosecution witnesses, the defense attorneys came out swinging. they argued there was no motive for craig to kill her, and there's no indication that any type of struggle occurred in
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the apartment. >> there is no hard evidence that would establish in any way, shape or form beyond any reasonable doubt that he committed this crime. >> he is one of cranes attorneys, though he didn't argue the original case, he insists craig is innocent. first off, he says the investigation by belgian authorities was flawed, and therefore can be trusted. start with a police failing to seal the apartment or collect physical evidence the night hannah died. >> they don't sees herself phone, they don't sees her ipad, they don't sees my clients evidence, they don't sees the wine bottle. there is wine in the glass. >> if this is in fact an investigation, what kind of things do they do? >> you don't get to repeat the course, you're out of the
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program, that's what i would say, it's an f. they lost evidence, they didn't obtain and sees evidence, they didn't interview witnesses, they didn't take statements. >> as for the air begin in the system, the defense says that was consistent with his story of seeing his wife take pills tonight. >> he sees her take a pill -- >> does he know what it is? >> no, he gave those pills to the police immediately as they were taking her away. >> if you remember the pills worsen to the hospital, but after hanna's death was at first ruled a suicide, the pills were thrown away. the defense also challenged the blood results that showed no alcohol in hannahs system. one reason, the blood was stored in a refrigerator where employees kept their lunch. craig sister was in the courtroom. >> they don't know what the chain of evidence was, it could've been tampered with, it could be the wrong sample, for
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all they know. >> the defense also denied that craig had ever been emotionally or physically abusive, and disputed the testimony about what happened in the hotel room. >> has he assaulted her? >> no. no, he did not. he cooperated with the authorities. >> and they say there never was a master plan for him to kill hannah, and then covered up by faking a suicide. take that bag of pink pills craig retrieved from an old desk, his attorney said they weren't sleeping pills but actually riddle and, a medication prescribed to him to help him concentrate. police say that never found the back. >> they were the adhd pills that he had been using and left in that desk. and becker's getting ready to take care of hanna because his life is going to china, he is getting ready to go to graduate school, it's not beyond the can to suggest that yes i want my
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adhd pills that i left in this desk. >> and something else, the attorney says there is a plausible reason why craig went to the police in the days before his wife's death. he needed legal guidance, because he wasn't a foreign country, craig wanted to know if he could stop hanna's new boyfriend from coming into their apartment. >> what he did was he went to the police and he said, hey, what are my rights? we're separating and i need to know do i have the right to be able to take things in the house, and who's in the house? >> to help prove his case, they had a number of witnesses, including someone you've met, the college friend who took the wedding photos, now a witness for the defense. she had been your friend, and yet you are in a way being asked to choose. choose between hannah and craig. >> i don't feel like i have to choose, because, i wasn't
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there, i don't know what happened but i think hannah would want the truth to be told. >> elizabeth said that's what she did. she told jurors the story of her friend becoming very drunk during the flight today shared. she just didn't believe craig was a killer. >> prosecutions story is crushing sleeping potion, got her groggy, threw her out of the window. can you see craig doing that? >> no. >> that's what you have to believe, if he is the killer. >> i just can't see him doing that. >> craig sister agreed, she could not believe the prosecution was accusing him of being a calculated killer. >> in the trial they try to pick my brother as a monster. my brother is not a monster, he is quiet and he is reserved but he is not a monster. >> the defense argued this by the relationship with the new boyfriend, hannah still loved her husband, and hadn't moved on from their relationship at all. in fact, she wanted to get back
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together. >> she didn't want to be alone, and i think that when she faced things, she saw her life not with the person that she truly loved, craig becker, and that crushed her. >> the defense version of that night has hannah waking up in her bedroom and hearing her husband in another bedroom talking on the phone with a woman named jackie. someone hanna had suspected even before they separated of having had a long term affair with her husband. was it sexual? where they sleeping together? >> i don't know when they started an intimate relationship together. i think it was around this time. >> did jealousy drive hanna to take her own life? an intriguing theory for the jury to consider, but crags legal team wasn't finished, they had one more bombshell to drop. and tough to keep wo ndering if this is as good as it gets.
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dennis murphy: at a us air base in belgium, lieutenant craig becker insisted he had nothing to do with his wife hanna's fatal fall from their apartment window. >> at he a u.s. airbase in belgium, lieutenant craig becker insisted he had nothing to do with his wife hannahs fatal fall from their apartment window. she climbed out he said, a decision fueled by despair, jealousy and wine. but that wasn't all. craig's lawyer said there was another powerful faction involved. hannah, the jury heard, was abusing a substance called trend, a pain killer and opiates, lab announces of her hair shows she had regularly used it in her final months.
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>> i think the fact that she was using prescription drugs in appropriately is indicator enough of mental health issues. >> that was a key point for the defense, had asthma of and depression, their theory, she impulsively approached the window, started crawling out, but then changed her mind. >> she tried to hold on, and at that point i think that she realized, oh my god, what did i do, maybe she didn't want to die. >> while craig and issues said he saw hannah fall out of the window had first, the defense acknowledged a trial it was was will that hannah fell feet first, but she wasn't pushed. and i witness testified she saw hannah fall, a nurse who worked across the street looked up and saw a woman briefly hanging from the window. >> what the eye witnesses saw
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is that she was peddling her feet like you would pedal a bike, trying to get up. >> to test the nurses observation, the defense hired a forensic scientist with 30 years experience in studying what happened to the human body emotion. he built his scale model mockup of the window unusual woman similar in height and width of hanna to demonstrate several scenarios. >> she most likely, for whatever reason, changed her mind, attempted to, as the eyewitness said bicycle pedal her way back through the window, and into the apartment. >> the defense argued that those peddling motions could've created those marks on the roof, just as the test subject had done. and in this recreation, he said it would've been difficult for craig to push his on conscious wife out of the window, because harlem body would have simply
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fallen back into the apartment. >> it would be almost impossible for a perpetrator, like lieutenant backer, or any reasonable human being for that matter, to manipulate her body through that window -- >> seems counterintuitive, you're saying her body in that instance would end up in the apartment? >> absolutely. >> the motion expert testified the prosecution seem to want to have it both ways. dave hannah was knocked out by sleeping pills, how was it that several witnesses, including ramiro gonzales would say for they heard her scream? >> if, as the prosecution claims, lieutenant becker drug to his wife and she was on conscious, i do not know how that scream could have happened, a scream is normally associated with a conscious aware person. >> your scientific opinion, homicide, or suicide? >> by far, the most likely,
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suicide. >> with that the defense rested, it was up of a jury, made up of high-ranking officers to decide the lieutenants faith. if it turns out that he is in fact guilty as charged, what would you say to him? >> my heart would be broken for his daughter. and for a person who wouldn't have deserved that. hannah was really wonderful. i just have to believe that it was a terrible accident. >> the jurors deliberated for two and a half days, then reached a verdict on april 30th 2022. hannah's birthday. >> the foreman stood up and said we the jury find with craig breaker guilty and he was
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like yes. yes, thank you. >> they had thought that without a reasonable doubt, he had done it. i don't understand how they came to that conclusion. >> what about you, inspector, do you think it was a good verdict? is that just this? >> i'm not the one who can say that it is the justice, it is the result of the investigation we made. the one who can say it's justice is the father, because, somebody of his family is gone. >> craig was sentenced to life with the possibility of parole, and sent to the u.s. military prison in kansas. he is appealing the decision. isabella is being raised by craig's family, last we spoke, john hadn't seen his granddaughter in years.
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>> as for his mansion, he told us the renovations were nearly finished. a grand home for his family, that no longer exists. >> the passion in this project began with family, the late wife who found the place, hannah thought she would have a lovely live with her baby, in the garage apartment. and now they are both gone. >> but, i will finish the house, like i promised. >> at the end of the day, he says, no lavish home, no amount of money can take away the pain of losing his only daughter. on. >> hello i'm andrea canning and this is dateline. >> she was a wife, she was


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