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tv   The Last Word With Lawrence O Donnell  MSNBC  February 5, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PST

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just a little note for your calendar before we go, the this thursday, 10 am eastern, the supreme court is gonna live stream the oral arguments on whether donald trump is disqualified from holding federal court in the united states. here at msnbc, we will have that audio alive and in full from one of the arguments start live at ten 8 am eastern thursday morning, thursday night starting at eight pm eastern all be here with all my beloved colleagues. we will have a primetime recap of all those oral arguments, we
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will see you then. >> that does it for us tonight, now it's time for the last word with the great lawrence o'donnell. good evening lawrence. >> good evening, rachel. i will join you at eight pm thursday night and at some point don't look, i will sneak out to the side. the cause i will have to prepare for the ten pm hour where i will be a anchoring here as usual after your two hour session. >> i realized today in a fifth of panic that i had planned to do other things on thursday, like normal things, like go get a dental cleaning and walk the dog's, and then i realized in full panic, oh, i'm not doing anything. i'm gonna be up at 8:00, hitting refresh, because it's going to go for an hour to, half for two hours on thursday morning and then we've got a recap the whole thing and sound smart about it that night. it's going to be a whole day. >> yes and it's, there's nothing like, it's there is nothing like being able to hear the supreme court live all. i'll never forget that first time december 2000. the bush v. gore case, i was actually driving to work in l. a., driving to warner brothers
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for the west wing and i stopped on the top of mulholland and just looked out over l. a. and the pacific ocean, listening to the supreme court where the sticks were just stunning. who is going to be the next president of the united states? >> yeah, and that case, we never thought there would be a more consequential case in terms of presidential politics and the leadership of the country. but that one was a pretty generous small case of florida's recount procedures. this is can you try to overthrow the government and then still be allowed to run it? and, i mean, we've just never, there's never been anything like this. >>, listening to this one on thursday. i will be listening. thanks rachel. >> the dogs will go on walk. thank you. see you then. >> thank you. well, the unprofessionalism and incompetence of the trump team of lawyers continue to amaze. the trump team of lawyers includes the criminal defense lawyers representing donald
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trump's codefendants in the florida federal case brought by special prosecutor jack smith, charging donald trump and his to codefendants with illegal possession of classified documents, and violations of the espionage act. those codefendants or both employees of donald trump, walt nauta and carlous oliviera. a filing in case on friday by jack smith's team in reply to accusations by the trump team of lawyers complaining, the prosecution has not provided them everything they've asked for an discovery, in that filing a new jewel of trump lawyer incompetence appears on page 58 of jack smith's filing in a discussion of the video evidence in the case, which of course includes video obtained from the closed circuit security video system at mar-a- lago. here is what this filing says.
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quote, counsel for trump has never reported to the government, being unable to view the footage as produced and as detailed below, whenever the government has received notice from the other defendants that they were having difficulty, it has responded quickly. in an email on october 24th 2023, months after the materials were made available to the defense, counsel for de oliveira, for the first time mentioned problems that he had encountered when attempting to access specific closed circuit tv files that the government had obtained from the trump organization. and produced in discovery. the government immediately arranged a call with council, and technical personnel from the fbi, to help resolve the reported issues. during the call, counsel for de oliveira explained that he did
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not own or have access to a laptop or desktop computer. it was instead, on a hand handheld tablet. the government then offered to lend him out laptop pewter, to facilitate his review. counsel for de oliveira accepted the offer, and on november 1st, 2023, the government hand delivered a computer to him. since then, whenever de oliveira widths council has raised technical issues, the specific trump organization for tv files , the government has promptly assisted with resolving these inquiries providing tips and examples, and offering to set up calls as needed. jack smith's team of fbi agents and prosecutors has to serve as the genius bar for at least one trump lawyer who does not even own a computer.
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jack smith's filing on friday responded to the trump lawyers complaints about discovery, the prosecutor said discovery requests must be based on specific demands, tied to the case for items material to preparing the defense. instead of meeting those standards, the defendants motion seeks non discoverable materials based on speculative un-supported and false theories of political bias and animus. many of the requests are so generalized that it is this difficult to decipher what they seek. others reflect pure conjecture, detached from the facts surrounding this prosecution. for still others, the government has already furnished the defendants with what they seek to the extent that the law requires. as the exhibits and an accurate timeline a test, the defendants narrative overlooks the fact that various federal agencies confronted and appropriately responded to an extraordinary
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situation resulting entirely from the defendants conduct. where the defendants perceived bias weaponized use of authorities and a sham referral all attributed to an undifferentiated biden administration, the record shows only different government agencies with specific portfolios and responsibilities at work to solve an increasingly vexing and concerning problem. that is hardly surprising and it in no way shape or form supports the hyperbolic claim of politically motivated operatives launching a crusade against president trump, the defense legal problems are solely of their own making. after spending the weekend with jack smith's brief, judge cannon issued an order today scheduling hearings for next monday to consider the handling of classified information during the trial.
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as the standard at the stage of the, case judge cannon will have a separate hearing for the lawyers on each side of the case, beginning with the defense, the order says that from 9:30 am to two pm, the court will hear arguments from defense counsel for all defendants outside the presence of the special counsel. consistent with the protective orders on september 13th 2023, defendants -- nauta and de oliveira may not be present. the defense council shall be prepared to discuss defense theories of the case in detail, and how any classified information might be relevant or helpful to the defense. the judges order says that at three pm the same day, the court will hear argument from the special counsel outside the presence of defendants or defense counsel. special counsel shall be prepared to discuss it's classified information motions,
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and all follow-up items from the sealed ex parte hearing held on january 31st, 2024. leading off our discussion tonight, andrew weissmann, former fbi general counsel and former chief of the criminal division of the eastern district of new york, he is the co-author of the new book the trump indictments. the historic charging documents, with commentary which will be available february 27th. and also with us, bradley moss, national security attorney who represents people working in the intelligence community. andrew weissmann, i want to begin with this stunning revelation. here you are, you are working your way through this over 60 page filing there -- on page 58, there is a trump lawyer who doesn't have a computer, and has been complaining that he's having trouble watching the video that comes from the trump company, that comes from mar-a- lago. she's having trouble watching the video that he's obtained
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and discovery from the prosecution and he's been having trouble for months. and hasn't mentioned it. the solution event being that the fbi presumably rushes over to him, a laptop so that he can finally as a lawyer maybe for the first time in his life use a computer for what all lawyers would be using a computer for in this case. i just, i've never seen anything like it, you've seen everything. have you seen this? >> i have not seen that. lawrence, you know, i can tell you though if you are a government prosecutor, what you are worried about is you cannot just say gee, this should not slow things up because it's the defendants own doing. it's his own counsel what you're worried about. is that claim later of ineffective assistance of counsel. so what the government did here,
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as soon as it learned of this problem and said, look, we will give you a laptop so that you can review this. but this is pretty pretty poor form. it is just one of many many things that the government goes out of it's why this brief to address. i mean, the notable part of this brief is the entire first section of the brief it was really addressed to both judge cannon, to make sure she does not go off track, and to the public. to say what -- the misstatements were made in the filing are being corrected. we will then turn to the legal issues, but it goes through chapter and verse and very much answers the question of why did they have to engage in a search of mar-a-lago? it goes through each of the steps that the national archives undertook. why doj got involved, the limited communications with the white house that the defense knew about and agreed to.
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the quote from those things, so it really goes through in detail dispelling the misinformation. >> yeah, and bradley moss, one of my favorite items there, the short item i'm going to read, it's about what the trump lawyers called a sham referral that this case never should have been referred to the justice department, it was being handled bureaucratically, that's the way to handle it and so they keep using this phrase, in legal pleadings, sham referral. maybe that means something to trump followers, but jack smith has absolutely no meaning. in this proceeding, it's said jack smith's brief says the defendants nonetheless label the referral as sham, the defendants do not explain what a sham referral might be, much less what legal significance it might have. far from being a sham, the referral became necessary after months of efforts including several rounds of communications with trump representatives, failed to
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confirm that trump had returned any and all classified information that he removed from the white house. bradley, it's just one of those unique challenges that jack smith's team is facing is that they have to take on this weird rhetoric, trumpian rhetoric within legal filings that normally don't have that kind of thing. >> yes, and most lawyers especially in this kind of high profile manner would not use that kind of language. you always run the risk that the judge is going to smack you down a little bit, i certainly have been all that being told legal pleadings are not a place for political hyperbole. you must handle yourself appropriately. they seem not to be concerned about that, at least the moment with judge cannon. we've seen that with some of the other cases too. but when you look at that motion that was filed, this was the motion to compel, this was the throw the political spaghetti at the wall motion. let's take every ridiculous conspiratorial theory that's
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crossed trump's desk over the last year and a half, everything is heard on newsmax or fox or whatever, and let's just throw it at the wall and see if we can, if nothing else just mock up the process. you know, get candidates have some more information. and some of that is legitimate in the sense of what defense lawyers do. you try to get more information. you are not just gonna trust that the government gave you everything, and the governments going to respond back and say no, we did it all. all that's why you have a new arbiter that's. why you have a judge. the way in which they approach, this a lot of this was completely ridiculous in the government's response, and the way dissected everything was very necessary, and very comprehensive. >> andrew, do you see any connection to the strength of jack smith's filing on friday, and judge cannon today? issuing these orders for what they call the ex parte hearings on the classified evidence that might be used in the trial? >> you know, it's hard to know because there is a reference in
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that discovery briefing to the fact that there is in classified discovery briefing. so we obviously don't have access to that, but judge cannon does, and the defense does. so there could be a connection. but let's also remember that judge cannon heard for several hours, three hours, from the government last week in the so- called ex parte hearing. i suspect between that and whatever filings were made on that, that they sort of set her in the right course. so i think she's doing the right step, which is you want to hear from a defense council. she wants to hear from the government after that so that they can respond. so i think those are the right steps to take and the other thing that she has not yet done , it doesn't seem like she's going to, it's this request by the defense to have access to what the government has been
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saying ex parte. she is going to consider that motion, and she said that, but she has not yet said, oh, yes, they can get it. and so far, that is a good thing. i think as bradley would say, that would be a pretty unusual thing, to say the least, motion if it was granted by the judge. >> bradley, it does seem like the judge picked up the pace here a little bit. >> yeah, finally, you know, this could've been done six weeks ago. but, look, we are here. it's early february. she is finally gonna have these ex parte proceedings with defense counsel and the prosecution. she has given trump, if anything, she has given him all the processes, all the procedural due process. he would arguably be entitled to this under the statute. she is giving him that amount of, you know, extra row. but on a substantive level, we're about to see where the rubber is gonna meet the road here. is she actually gonna rule in his favor, a substantive merit that matters, if she does, and andrew made this point before,
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immediate appeal after the 11th circuit. and i think she very well knows that. but so far, she hasn't given him anything of substance. it's just been extra procedural due process, we are about to see in these next coming days and weeks if there's anything to her analysis, or if he's going to do what the case tells or to do on this. >> bradley moss and andrew weizmann, thank you both for starting off our discussion tonight. >> have a good night. coming up, donald trump's lawyers filed their final brief with the supreme court today before oral arguments on thursday about whether donald trump can be bought from the presidential ballot. for some reason, they forgot to address every word of section three of the 14th amendment, and every word counts in this case, as neal katyal will explain, next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ext. ♪ ♪ ♪ fisher investments is different than other money managers. (other money manager) different how? aren't we all just looking for the hottest stocks? (fisher investments) nope. we use diversified strategies to position our clients' portfolios for their long-term goals. (other money manager) but you still sell investments that generate high commissions for you, right?
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well trump's lawyer solidified their final report i briefed to the united states supreme court by the deadline of five pm today before the court here is oral arguments on thursday. another the supreme court of color la rose to try to disqualify donald trump from the presidential ballot in colorado. based on section 3 of the 14th amendment. section three bars anyone from holding office if they have engaged in insurrection after previously taking the oath of office. the trump brief argues that the presidency is not an office, under the meaning of the 14th amendment, or posing briefs supporting the colorado supreme court's position in assists the section 3 does apply to presidents with a scholarly briefs filed by four distinguished historians saying that section three quote, did not place in their former presidents or presidential candidates beyond its reach. exceptions that would have defied the logic of section three. the trump lawyers also argue that donald trump did not engage in insurrection. section three bars anyone from holding office who previously took an oath of office and
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engaged in insurrection quotes, or given aid or comfort and clothes to insurrectionists. the trump lawyers briefs says nothing about the aid and comfort that donald trump argued -- on january 5th sixth. while they were in the capital, but taking absolutely no action to stop them. by sending a tweet to the insurrectionists were searching for mike pence saying they wanted to kill him, which offered more and comfort to the insurrectionists looking for mike pence. the tweet said mike pence did not have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our country and our constitution, giving states a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the
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fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. usa demands the truth exclamation point. joining us now is neal katyal, no former -- he is the host of podcast courtside with neal katyal, an nbc legal analyst. yeah, it's getting close. thursday we are all going to be glued to this argument. what do you make of the trump lawyers final brief that they filed today? >> well lawrence, the brief today is poorly crafted, it's legally unsound, it's filled
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with rhetoric about substance, which i guess is just to say it's par for the course for donald trump brief. you know, it reads this key provision of our constitution, the 14th amendment section three, it reads not as some canonical provision for the civil war, but really like some parenthetical and the tax code where you're looking for a loophole here, or a loophole there and for that reason i think going into thursday's arguments, trump has the far weaker hand. there's any number of other things that can happen, but for you to read the briefs and ask yourself was the colorado supreme court right? and disqualifying donald trump. today's brief i don't think by donald trump i don't think move
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to the ball anywhere in his direction. >> neil, the one thing i've been wondering about is that in the 50 states, there are many different routes to ballot access. for example in california, unless you are a member of a recognized party in california -- it costs an enormous amount of money to get on the ballot. prohibitive it not soft money. to get tens of thousands of signatures, and there are companies that to this, but there are very expensive. there is this notion that -- the supreme court allows the states to have many different ways of keeping people off the ballots that are individual to that state. just wondering whether you can come out of this with the
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supreme court's finding that colorado has made its decision, colorado's decision is not binding on any other state, but it stands for colorado. >> you're right lawrence. every state has its own rules to say that a state can't do that is even for a presidential election, is to really topple the federal election system which cannot be right. i would say here it's even more important. this is not some random provision by some state large just like sure somewhere. this is a central provision of our constitution after the civil war to say look, if you are an insurrectionist, just like if you are not a natural born citizen, or someone who's under the age of 35, you don't get to run and be president of the united states. that's an ironclad limit in our democracy. look, i might disagree with, it i would like to vote for announcements today, i'd like to vote for jennifer -- both of those were not people who are not natural born citizens, but
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i cannot do that. similarly, if there's someone out there who have -- wants to vote for an insurrectionist, you cannot do that under the 14th amendment. a strikingly, the trump briefed today, the centerpiece florence was its claim that no one, not even the supreme court of the united states can even decide this issue. why does trump say that? because he says the 14th amendment in it says that congress can lift the bar on an insurrectionist by a two thirds vote. typical trump dingbats, that absolutely backfires on them which is par for the. course donald trump's best argument -- the supreme court is that it's anti-democratic. the supreme court or us -- cannot be able to disqualify a candidate, let the people decide so he said. now he's saying in his brief today whoa, 14th amendment primers thought about that, and they laced into the 14th amendment a democratic way to remove the disability which is congress can left the. barr basically what they are saying is the supreme court can disqualify donald trump, then it's up to congress to pass a resolution saying he's okay, which basically got trump's best arguments that he had. it's basically a recognition that the 14th amendment itself has a democratic mechanism to
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allow even an insurrectionist to run. donald trump thinks he's so great, and should not be able to run, he can go get that vote of congress. good luck trying to get that vote. >> that's the mechanism. >> thank, you we will see you back here at ten pm on thursday after, thank you neil. >> thank you. >> coming up, simon rosenberg will join us next to analyze what the south carolina primaries tell us about the presidential campaign after joe biden won 96% of the votes, and the first official democratic primary. what happens to the campaign issue of boris circularity now that republicans are campaigning against themselves? >> >> against thlv >> there are some things that work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. voya helps you choose the right amounts without over or under investing. so you can feel confident in your financial choices. voya, well planned, well invested, well protected.
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their lawrence, may we please have assignments as five-minute segment for five sided rosenberg every other night, so at least election night pretty please, three exclamation points. okay. i replied that it's a great idea, but we probably cannot do it every other. night welcome to our first official episode of simon says, with a brilliant democratic strider just simon remsenburg who will join us and guide us in. a moment president biden won the south carolina -- the first official democratic primary on saturday. with more than 96% of the. vote marianne williamson in her second run for the democratic presidential nomination, came in second for the first time in her career as a candidate was 2% of the vote. former congressman dean phillips who was made the ceo of his family's business when he graduated from business school, and who has personally loaned his campaign $4 million received 1. 7% of the vote, his campaign is based entirely on the notion that joe biden is too old. >> he made -- i trust him.
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he is dependable and a good president. he will make a lot of noise and just do his job. >> joe biden also does -- by supporting a bipartisan senate bill to on board security for -- which also includes funding for ukraine and israel. the house republican leadership has proved they are not serious about border security because they took donald trump's public order to oppose this that it bipartisan negotiated bill and that strengthens border security and the statement, president biden said house republicans have to decide, do they want to solve the problem or do they want to keep playing politics with the border? i've made my decision, i'm ready to solve the problem, i'm ready to secure the border. the lead republican negotiator on the bill senator james lankford of oklahoma defended the bill against attacks by donald trump and house
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republicans. >> i would also remind folks during the trump administration we also had days of more than 4000 people that were illegally crossing the border under the trump administration in 2019, and they were struggling because there's gaps and loopholes in the law. >> are we as republican >> we've actually got to determine are we going to complain about, things or are we going to dress and changes many things as we can. >> donald trump has led house republicans and possibly most republican senators, a complete flip-flop of their position on border security. an issue in which polls have donald trump with a strong advantage at this point. tonight the union for -- has endorsed the bill. joe biden -- the first ever endorsement of a presidential candidate by that border patrol agents union was of donald trump. joining us now is simon rosenberg. democratic strategist and offer of hope pm chronicles on substack. simon let's begin with south carolina and what we saw in those election returns. what do you learn when an incumbent president is running essentially on a post in a
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primary like that? >> well he's got to win the nomination. then the infield should find something else to do. dean phillips is giving around a sentence around for the worst candidate in the 2024 cycle i think. or certainly the most ridiculous and so, our primary nomination is settled. joe biden will be the nominee, i think trump will be the nominee on their side. you just didn't interesting segment about the legal vulnerabilities he has and the qualification issue. nikki haley's given a more stronger run than we expected so joe biden is cruising to become the nominee, raising a lot of money, he had great numbers of jobs numbers on friday. we are in good shape. undersized parties, unified we are ready to go. >> south carolina launched joe biden to the nomination four years ago.
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he had lost badly in iowa, he lost very badly in new hampshire. then came into south carolina and won. so, here we are four years ago. south carolina voters knew what you just said. they knew joe biden is going to be the nominee. 126,000 of them or so said i'm still getting up, i'm going to the polls, i want to register my vote for joe biden. >> the, s look i thought was the guest, or the man that you showed the clip of, he said something really important that he's not noisy, he just gets the job done and i think that that's going to be a huge part of the biden arguments. the country is better, off he's been a good president, he's not, he's a workhorse not a show horse. the old language we used to use, and he's just making things. better he gets up every day and goes to work for the american people and the contrast between him and donald trump was not campaigning for the white house, but the courthouse every day, and is the most on fifth man to run for president in our
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history, this contrast is going to become i think brighter and brighter every day. even though there have been some tough polls in the last couple of days, last week we also had a lot of good polls for joe biden. . we saw movements in a bunch of polls and him had. my guess is that what's going to happen is that as people really understand the economy is doing better, and that it's a trump biden race, you'll start to see biden's numbers come up. hopefully they will get him a little bit of a lead in the coming weeks. >> we are hearing from the senate tonight that mitch mcconnell is along with other senators, at least now abandoning the bipartisan border security immigration bill that he helped negotiate. there was -- in times past, this would have been impossible but if it happened it would have been such a campaign when,
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instantaneously. for president biden. i just wondered if all of this sounds too confusing for the voters who care about this issue? >> we are going to find. out i will tell you that having to run on for keeping the border and chaos, and letting putin win, i don't know man that's a pretty tough -- in the coming this is a sign of the republicans living in this incredible bubble that there. and they are so discontent connected from reality and from what the consequences of their actions, and they were treated increasingly into this right- wing bubble that's coming -- and somehow they've convinced themselves that this is a good strategy. making the country far-left safe and making sure the worst is endangered, and the country, the united states in the world are far less secure. that's a good strategy to get reelected. i think part of what's happening here for the republicans, and what's shocking is that their central arguments against biden are all
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evaporating. the economy is, strong were not a recession, the inflation is way, down crime is way, down there isn't a war on. energy all of these things that they've been saying the last -- there one thing they have that they can take the bank was the border. now they're in the process i think a blowing that too. when you're a party that's been overrun by extremist extremism, this is what happens. they make crazy decisions, and i think this is really, i don't think they'll be able to defend this overtime. they may benefit in the short term, but my god try to explain this to anybody after all the noise they've been making about the border. when finally there was a smart bipartisan bill, they turned it. down i think this is going to be tough for them. >> senator, thank you very much for joining us tonight. >> lawrence it's always great to be. here >> thank. you >> coming, up i have never learned more about a subject i
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thought i knew something about then what i have learned. from joy reid's beautiful and important new book medgar and morally medgar evers and the love story that awakened america. joy reid, joins us next. >> my mental health was much better, i struggled with uncontrollable movements called, haiti charted the -- city can be caused by mental health stuff. >> it's unlikely to improve without treatment. i felt like my movements were the spotlight. >> number one -- the spotlight. >> number one --
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to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. i chose arexvy. rsv? make it arexvy. (smelling) ew. gotta get rid of this. ♪tell me why♪ because it stinks. ♪have you tried downy rinse and refresh♪ it helps remove odors 3x better than detergent alone. it worked guys! ♪yeahhhh♪ downy rinse and refresh. with nurtec odt, i can treat a migraine when it strikes and prevent migraine attacks, all in one. don't take if allergic to nurtec. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. ask about nurtec odt. luther king junior's bravest ally in jackson mississippi in 1963 was 37-year-old and lacey p official medgar evers. that drivers also brave world war ii combat veteran who knew
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that his life was not any safer in jackson mississippi that it was the day he faced and enemy fire as he landed on omaha beach in normandy. on the day. in the video, of one of the protests, medgar evers light against segregation in 1963 that we are about to show you, you will hear him use the word that white people in mississippi used to refer to a black people. they even used to the and word as you're about to hear when speaking directly to black people. >> don't shop for anything on campus street. let's let the merchants down on capitol street feel the economic pinch. let me say this to you. i had one merchant to call me and he said i want you to know that i talked to myself national office today, and they want me to tell you that we don't need -- business.
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the stories that, the council that has dedicated to keeping you and i second-class adenosines. let us not played the stores. what urge our friends, our relatives, our neighbors not to traded the stores. finally ladies and say don't, and this is final, we will be demonstrating here until freedom comes to -- here in jackson mississippi. >> in jackson mississippi. >> on june 12th, with that same year edgar rivers was gunned down in front of his home in jackson mississippi. his wife and three children rushed outside as he took his last breath on their front lawn. the following week, the ku klux
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klan member aossatou -- was arrested for i'm editor -- but it would take 31 years and two hung juries along the way before of this is a big courtroom would convict the self proclaimed white supremacist for the murder of medgar evers. in her new book, madder and morally, medgar evers and the love story that awake in america, joy reid describes medgar evers assassination. here is that passage from the audio book read by joy reid. >> she was clutching at medicare, and trying to pull him inside. she was yelling his name and desperately praying. scattered on the ground in front of, him or the t-shirts and posters he was carrying for the meeting earlier that night. they raid, jim crow must go. medical had been shot in the back with the bullet exploding out of his chest, and crashing through the living room window. the bullet had knocked medicare down, but he had used all his strength to drag himself
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halfway up the driveway and arrived the front of -- towards the door. he clearly tried desperately to drag himself into the house where his family but also his guns weren't. he seems to be trying to talk, but no sound was coming out. >> joining us now is joy, reid host of the readout on msnbc. her new book medgar and marley, mentor evers and the love story that awakened america is available tomorrow. joy, this is just an amazing book to read, in so many ways it is so beautiful, the frame you found the love story is just perfect, especially for. now when you are covering territory that people have been through before, as you know you have to find that frame they have not found and this really isn't. it's beyond that, you've got all sorts of stuff in here that i just did not now. i did not know that he was on omaha beach on the day, and it just goes on and on. >> he was part of the red ball express and this was a segregated unit, they were the
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transportation tour. he served in and tour, he was on a mojave, he was in france in -- and these troops, these black troops had to face the same gunfire, they had to face the same danger, they did not have the same dignity or respect, but they had to make sure that the transportation units were constantly supplied. they had to go back and forth across the dangerous beach and walk over bodies and run over white soldiers bodies. they did the same service, but when they came home they face the same fascism in the land that they had fought to you now preserve the democracy of. >> marley evers lived a very long life after this. as i have of what you call wife of a civil rights murder. i want to go to your audio book because it's a beautiful audio book to hear your passage about this and about the burdens and about the expectations and the weight of what not just really had to live with, but after when you are the right --
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everyone wants to take your picture. you make the covers of ebony and jet, and even life. the photographers prefer that you appeared and serious. befitting or tragedy. -- you and the children must be neatly and tastefully dressed, and scream because that would be on dignified. your face must always -- with enough power and lipstick to make you pretty, but not so much that you appear gaudy. the newspapers will print your home address and the curious will find your street -- and point. the home of the murder is a public attraction, and people will not -- wear their father's blood still cast a shadow that all the scrubbing bubbles and bleach you could muster it could not remove. when you speak you must talk of grace and forgiveness. -- and faith in god and his unchangeable will. really ever is just -- one runner word or flash of public anger could ruin the legacy of the man she loved.
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it was marley louise evers, just three months over 30 years old who was the first of the national civil rights windows. >> 30 years old. >> that's actually my favorite chapter. it was hard to write the chapter because i had been italy a long time to actually write the chapter when editors killed -- but that was the most journalistic thing to do, but i was so bound up with the two of them in their relationship and their love but to me when i loved about this chapter is that it's a reminder that's the national civil rights, widows the one that we know the great betty, shabazz marley suffered that loss first. she was the first of the nationally noticed -- there was no one for her to turn to to say how do i do this? i'm 30 years, old i just lost a leveled by, like my children watched him plead to death, they were nine -- eight and
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three. i'm a single mother now who's become a housewife so no i had to earn a living. what do i do and how do i make sure that the legacy of this man is preserved, and given its dignity and i'm angry. i'm angry, they took away my love of my future but i have to sort of stifle that down and there was no way to teacher. the only person she knew, she obviously, they were killing black men all throughout the mississippi. on a national level, no one was at the level. these other witnesses were not working out today and rather in their face with a cbs news group. she. was everything she did she was terrified that it would actually destroy her legacy because of her deep anger and
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rage. i think it's a lesson in -- always be perfect. that's not what you want to do, but she was the template, she was the first to learn how to have to do this, two years before betty chavez had to do it, five years before dr. king's widow had to do it, that's really what bonded them. they were in the sorority, she wanted the template. >> the so much in this -- i cannot recommended. enough i've learned so much i love this book so much. it's so full of heart, it's so full of important information. her new book, an audio book
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which will be available everywhere tomorrow's mega and marley, medgar evers and the love story that awakened america, thank you very much for awakening made to i mean so much to me and thousands and thousands of readers awake into this, thank you very much. >> thank you we'll be right back. right back. disrupts my skin, d day. despite treatment, it's still not under control. but now i have rinvoq. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that reduces the itch and helps clear the rash of eczema—fast. some rinvoq patients felt significant itch relief as early as 2 days. some achieved dramatic skin clearance as early as 2 weeks. and many taking rinvoq saw clear or almost-clear skin. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections,
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