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tv   All In With Chris Hayes  MSNBC  February 9, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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from where i sit. >> patrick mahomes, he's obviously great. neither of them are the teams i'm rooting for. i'm not interested in the game. but what do you make of all the drama around it? we were just showing kelsey -- this whole taylor swift and her man thing has become, like, it's become a thing. i almost said who won the week was the nfl. because there are going to have so much more listeners between the swifties and the offense of ashore, they might have won the week. >> they have turned me into a swiftie. because all that happens right now, every time taylor swift gets on the screen, i get to hear that whining from weak men who, like, these involuntary whatever man who could never be around taylor swift. i drink it in my coffee. >> we love it. i
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appreciate you, elie mystal, that is tonight's read out. i've got to go. all in with chris hayes starts now. chris hayes starts now. tonight on all in. >> i did everything right and they indicted. many >> donald trump's favorite judge does it again. >> all of her rulings, benign or not, have gone in the direction of more delay. >> tonight, the dark implications from that latest slow walking in the stolen documents case. >> this should set off alarm bells. that reality is, this is february. >> thin, is the district that was duped by george santos about to make a similar mistake? >> most people lie on their resumes. it is unfortunately the reality. >> but you lied about everything. >> not true. >> and why fox news is sprinting away from their own anti-immigrant fearmongering. >> they will eagles, they own this straight. this is our country. >> all in starts right now.
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>> good evening, from new york, i'm chris hayes. it was not long after donald trump's home was raided by the fbi because he was illegally stashing hundreds of classified documents and refusing to give them back, president joe biden's team did a check of his own residents and found some of his. while packing up his offense at the penn biden center, the president's lawyers found classified documents from the upon administration and turned them over -- lawyers later found more documents at biden's home in delaware. the vast majority notes biden himself made. but with special counsel jack smith already investigating donald trump, attorney general merrick garland appointed a special counsel to investigate the bidens matter as well. yesterday, that special counsel, a man named robert, hurt his base james comey impression. he accused -- clear at the president of wrongdoing, saying the very first sentence, no criminal charges are warranted in this matter. but he went on to essentially
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give the president a political roughing up in a report that drops with contained. really, you should look at the first page of this thing. within the first two paragraphs, he paints president biden is some sort of self obsessed egotist, wanted to preserve documents from his life and career. i'm quoting him here. mr. biden has long seen himself as a historic figure. he believed his record during ticket and that senate made him worthy of the presidency, he collected papers and artifacts relating to significant issues and events in his career. he used these materials to document his legacy, and to cite as evidence he was a man of presidential tomorrow. what the hell, man. and of course, there was this stinging assessment. again, this actually isn't and it has, i want to be clear. this as a hypothetical of how he thinks biden would defend himself at trial. he says this. a trial, mr. biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well meaning,
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elderly man with a poor memory. again, let's be clear about where this is coming from. he is a conservative republican -- served in the department of justice under donald trump, working as a top advisor to deputy attorney general rob rosenstein. trump nominated him to be a u.s. attorney for the district of maryland. and i think the reason his report struck north with so many people yesterday, it reminded him of the incalculable damage that fbi director james comey did back in 2016. comey also cleared hillary clinton of any wrongdoing related to her handling of classified information. but, like her, he went on to shore all sorts of talks about the democratic presidential nominees bad behavior. all those got me thinking about an interesting trend in our modern politics about who investigate a sitting president or presidential candidate. 13 years ago, 1994, kenneth starr was appointed as independent counsel overseeing the whitewater investigation into president -- start was a
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virility partisan republican -- in effect, you might remember, he actually returned to the political stage after huge scandal over sexual abuse and assault at a school that he ran, to the political stage to defend donald trump during his first impeachment trial. that was during clinton. republican investigating for democrat. then there was george w. bush. there was an investigation -- that leaking of a cia agent identity to get back at a whistleblower who was saying that bush administration was lying about wmd. that republican presidents deputy attorney general acts of time, remember this guy, james comey, shows another bush appointee, another got appointed by republican, patrick fitzgerald, to serve as special counsel and that case. by 2015, republican james comey was the fbi director. he launched a criminal investigation into hillary clinton's emails. then can donald trump and the investigation and in his campaign dealing with russia. rod rosenstein appointed robert
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mueller as special counsel. remember? that but lifelong republican who served and several republican administrations, including in the bush heroes. that brings us back to republican robert heard. see a pattern? >> star, a ripen republican, as a former federal appeals josh and served as george bush solicit general. >> tommy and fitzgerald are both bush political appointees and carry the same baggage -- >> both robert mueller and james comey are lifelong republicans. >> george w. bush at one. days >> registered republican, who served in the top ranks of president trump's justice department. >> there is a clear pattern here. it's consistent, at least. democrats get investigated by republicans, while republicans get investigated by republicans. we are also seeing what happens when republican judge republicans. that news of the closing of biden's classified documents case may have reminded you, as a death, me there is still an
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ongoing criminal case against donald trump for his handling of classified documents. at his retirement home in florida. trump faces a total of 14 felony charges and that, including willful retention of national defense information and violating the espionage act. in fact special counsel hur was at best lengths to point at the difference between the plot and case and this one. and that one, the criminal case painting against the guy who's going to be the republican nominee has disappeared off the radar, because in large part because who's in charge of it. district court judge aileen cannon -- appointed by donald trump, himself. back in 2022, judge cannon burst on the same with a frankly ludicrous rolling and trump's favor right after the fbi searched mar-a-lago. a decision so flagrantly wrong the federal appeals court above her, a panel of three republican nominees, unanimously arrested and a scathing ruling. that empowerment does not seem to affect judge cannon at all,
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since she was assigned to the case last summer, tennant has not made any effort to seem like a more of reminded arbiter of just. aileen cannon knows donald trump wants to delay his trial and thus met her until after the election, and she can't make that happen if she wishes. judges can move cases as swiftly or slowly as they like, to be honest. over and over again, judge cannon has ruled against the government. as they try to keep the case moving towards trial. just today, she ordered special counsel jack smith's team to hand over documents trump's lawyers that includes the names of dozens of people who participated in the investigation. and here is the thing. that recent light at what a handsome over -- is because the documents also described threats made to prospective witnesses. she told them, they've got to handsome over anyway. this is that the limit way face and the era of donald trump, as he ferocious huge, constant deadly test of our judicial system and role of law. trump wants it both ways. he claims all efforts to bring him to justice or partisan
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attack. your snows are some as equal justice. but that aspirational. he wants to use the justice system, and his supporters within it, for his own partisan aims. in the case of aileen cannon, it looks like when -- this is what it looks like when donald trump gets his way. joining me now is mark joseph stern, senior writer for slate where he covers law and the courts. mark, i've been trying hard, it's a good liberal who would take my own shot in an argument, to not do the same that trump does. right? so the trump view is, this is a partisan, it's obama judges or trump judges. it's nonsense for anyone to think anyone is doing anything other than pure power politics when it comes to the law. that's a really cynical and destructive way of looking at all this. right? so i'm trying to avoid that. but in the case of cannon, it really does look like she is doing everything that the trump folks want. is that wrong? >> you know, old you respect,
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chris, i think that you are resistance to cynicism toward the judicial system is part of the problem. i think that progressives across the board have a tendency of very strong inclination to say we trust the courts, we trust the process, and the rule of law. and that even republican appointed justices have come through on the right side. think about after the 2020 election. all those trump appointed justices, tossing of the absurd election subversion claims. but what we have here is different. judge cannon is in a special, sort of, elite class of hacks appointed by donald trump. i would add, matthew -- who recently tried to pin medication to abortion nationwide. they are a new breed of fatherless society judges that frankly we have not seen before. and they are, i think, really pushing for -- progressive towards the end of what we can tolerate when it comes to being told you have to respect the courts, they have the last word.
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aileen cannon is putting peoples lives in danger. she is going to force jack smith to tell trump to the fbi agents are, who searched mar-a- lago. she is threatening to turn over the witness list in the mar-a- lago trial to the public, climate that the public has a first amendment right to discovery materials. i don't want to get into the federal rules of criminal procedure here, chris, but that is just wrong. it is black letter law wrong. and the fact she is so shamelessly pushing this nonsense suggests to me, maybe it is time for us to adopt, not a trump-like view towards the judiciary, but a very jaundiced ought for serpent judges who seem to be doing everything in the power and then some to help trump avoid all accountability. >> okay, that was -- let's go through these to rulings. that ruling today was basically, you know -- i write the rolling, and again, it's a little complicated because it's and a bunch of procedural language. but they're basically saying, throws an ongoing investigation into witness tampering? right?
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witnesses were being antisemitic and threatened, and that is the reason that i can't turn this over to the governor, they essentially don't want to imperil that investigation, slash, like, facilitate further witness intimidation. right? >> yes, that is exactly right. >> and she said, sorry, you've got to hand it over, anyway. >> yes, she said, this has to be subject to the usual as a serial process. with really almost no further analysis, she just said, it's disfavor for me to only take this into account and seal it and keep it from the defense. i really feel an obligation to just toss it out to the defense and let them do what they will with it. completely ignoring the fact that what jack smith is telling her, in bright red letters, is that he is afraid that the defense is facilitating witness tampering. but he is afraid of the faint as part of the problem. and that it will further endanger the people on that list. aileen cannon does not care, and that is, you know, again another
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strike against her ability to conduct a thorough trial. >> i just want to read from this part about smith's concern on this. saying, there is a well- documented pattern in which judges, agents, prosecutors, and witnesses involved and cases involving trump have been subbed threats, harassment, intimidation. we have been covering this on the show. it's one of the defining features of what's going on right now. that, apparently, -- mark joseph stern, thanks so much for your time. >> thank you. >> congressman jamie raskin is a democrat from maryland who served on the january 6th committee. he joins me now. let me ask you that question, congressman, that mark just made. on one end, sort of viewing that legal system as this, sort of, supremely neutral, you know, sculpted in marble, equal opportunity, prostate institution, no fear or favor, and no politics whatsoever. then the other trump view, it is all power politics. how are you thinking about the
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courts in this moment with respect to trump, whose own citizen can be contagious and ways -- it also you have to be clear eyed about who these judges and justices our, as people and political actors? >> the cynical and craven will to power consumption, the judges in the judiciary, is of course a perfect projection of their own desires and the mob world donald trump and his friends and had put. it is not important what the lawyers, it is important who the judges. and you don't need to know the law, you need to know the judge. that's clearly the way donald trump looks at it. i guess, if i would -- i would agree with him, we must be very clear eyed and realistic about who the judges are, where they are coming from. the federalist societies production of these, you know, heck or bloggers as federal
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judges. these people are complete ideologues. at the same time that go and pick to your original instinct, i think we do want to believe in the role of law. part of the definition of fascism is the destruction of the rule of law, and we've seen that in every fascist society and every authoritarian society. and that's the idea there are certain principles that are not neutral or objective and the saints network divinely appointed. but they are arrived and through a process of historical and jurist prudential struggle and progress. and they should be logically implemented and applied in particular cases. i was thinking, as you guys were talking about how justice blackman was a richard nixon appointee, and he wrote roe v. wade. it was a majority of republican appointees that were part of roe v. wade, perhaps our most liberal justice of the 20th sainte-marie, william brennan, along with four good martial,
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brighton was an eisenhower equity. what we've seen is a transformation in the republican party, it's been turned into an authoritarian cult of personality. it is thoroughly corrupt. and what we are seeing is judges who are produced out of that cultural and political system. >> on that point, you have got the justices of the supreme court who have sort of final judicial review. we have the case, yesterday, about the 14th amendment in which they seemed skeptical. and skeptical and very sort of earthly pragmatic terms. theory not real, obsessed with history and textualism, but earthly pragmatic terms. that move got probably an immunity petition to that same court. i guess my question is, what's your level of trust in that institution? which in some ways is holding, audit one to overstate the case, but sort of hold and the democratic future of the nation partly in its hands. >> well, i fell out of love
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with the supreme court a long time ago. it sort of has a hello from the warren court period, when you got decisions like miranda versus arizona and roe v. wade and brown versus board and so on. but that's, like, a very brief momentary period in the history of the supreme court, which is being overwhelmingly conservative and reactionary. think about the supreme court all the way up to the civil war. what did they ever do for enslaved americans? nothing. rather than in that right scott decision, summoned into the constitution the idea that it's a white man's compact and african americans have not right that the what meant is bound to respect. then even after the civil war, and the hard one reconstruction amendments, the supreme court in a plessy v. ferguson in 1896 goes ahead and constitutional as is apartheid. jim crow, saying, it is totally
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fun to have separate transportation facilities for black and white and other public places. up until you get to the warren court in brown versus board, the supreme court did nothing. and after about a two decade period, it lapses back -- to that historical baseline of right-wing reaction. >> but reaction is different than hackman's, that they can often be aligned. that's the sort of question here. the degree to which the concern of basically the highest court in the land acting the way the district judge aileen cannon's -- >> well, i think that's right. i think reaction, unplugged, just becomes hackishness. and anybody who signed off on the dotted line on the federalist society program, and not with donald trump, can become a federal judge, a circuit court judge, a cabinet member, what have you.
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and we are seeing a major reduction, not just of really rodman dressed prudence but just a collapse of logic and precedent and law. it doesn't look much like low adult. that is what authoritarianism looks like. that's what professionalism looks like. >> congressman -- >> what matters is not the legal principles, but just who the identity of the parties -- >> congressman jamie raskin, great to have you, thank you, sir. >> you bet. >> coming up, we are just days away from the special election to replace george santos. remember him? that republican nominee has some weirdly sentence like problems. but first, a gang of costumed vigilantes takes down a migrant shoplifter live on fox news. would you believe they got the wrong guy? that's next. ot the wrong guy? that's next.
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you cannot overstate how much wild demagoguery about migrants constantly appearance on fox news day in, day out. >> this is a government jobs program that lets been more migrants. >> not to mention how much we are paying for the migrants cates to go to school. >> the migrants are shutting down hospitals and denver up more than covid effort. >> we shouldn't be allowing even one more migrants into the country. >> isn't this an attempt to destroy the country internally? >> that's exactly what it is. >> it is poisonous stuff and fox news executives don't seem to care what they're saying is
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true, it is quite famously is -- demonstrated -- and when they defend a now former prime host by telling the court his folks news show didn't news so he couldn't be guilty of defamation. which brings us to what happened the other night. sean hannity trying to get some synergy with another brand you might remember from the 80s. that guardian angels and the refound or curtis -- his gang was going to make the straight say for regular people but rooting out criminals as he told the today show back in 1982. >> the criminal is very violent and operates and topical the wolf pack. you've seen them both with address, there is style, like modern type pyrite. that's what keeps you in fear. once they smelled fear for you once i've seen you change a path of entry, or cross the street from where they are hanging out, they descend on you like wolves. >> like a time for up to my
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childhood in the bronx. fast forward to tuesday night, when hannity interviewed curtis sliwa -- 40 years old or, back in his costume like it was that case reunion tour, talking about the hellscape that is new york under the migrant invasion. they hit a remarkable moment. >> if you divide 53 million by 500, that's 106,000 dollar debit card. not a bad deal. i don't think they're giving them to vets that are homeless in new york city, not that i've heard, curtis. >> just taken down one of the migrant guys here on the corner -- >> kenya panda camera? >> they have taken over. they have taken over. point the camera over there, if possible. >> you've got your key open, guys.
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>> it is out of control. out of control. he'd be shoplifting forest, the guardian angels spotted him, stopped him. let's just say we gave him a little pain compliance, his mother back in venezuela felt the vibrations. he is sucking concrete. >> what a despicable, despicable exhibition. one sliwa says the man never assault was a migrant -- a perfect story fox news and donald trump are telling their audience at that illegals and rampant crime -- but after the cameras turned -- off the man sliwa's gang russell down was not a migrant but, drumroll, a new yorker from the bronx. while he claimed he was shoplifter, there was no evidence of. that he was issued a disorderly
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conduct summons, apparently, for being disruptive during curtis 's live shot. in other words, a new yorker in the middle of time square was introducing a live shot of curtis sliwa and his goons assaulted him. yesterday, fog, once again, had to do some cleanup to avoid another lawsuit. >> curtis said the met was a migrant and he was shoplifting. fox news has since spoken to the nypd and apparently the statements made by curtis that the man is a migrant is not true. courtesy, in part, quote, i shouldn't have been listening to the crowd. that was my mistake. i should not have had that knee- jerk reaction. again, on this show, we always want to set the record straight. >> oh, they sure do. some good advice, fear, life advice generally for folks. i shouldn't have been listening to the crowd and shouldn't have had a knee-jerk reaction. you know, in america there is a real issue we have right net with migration at the southern
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border. both in terms of what danger and enter a present to the people showing up there. and also the strength and puts on various social systems here in new york, into denver, and chicago, and other places. it is a real thing and there are a lot of folks working very hard to deal with a. dangerously disgusting trowbridge being pumped up by fox and other parts of the report murdoch empire, like the new york post, the most violent, the human isn't, disgusting filth you can imagine. do you remember that nationwide shoplifting panic that turned out to be completely belied by the statistics? or that splashy stories about the migrant caravan that never came? please, remember those every time you hear a viral story in a city where crime has dropped significantly last year, during migrant surge. when you hear one of those viral stories, i'm urging everyone, in the words of curtis sliwa, don't have a knee-jerk reaction.
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you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are. this ad? typical.
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politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. one of the most watched special elections and a long time is going to take place in new york on tuesday. it is a congressional district biden won by double digits in 2022. feint and got great disrupted. and a it too for obscure gentlemen but the name of george santos one of the new district and 2022 but nearly eight points. now, after santos ignominious
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slammed out and expulsion from congress, there are going to have a special election to replace him. and as pits the guy who used to represent the old district in congress, tom suozzi, a staunchly centrist democrat, against a relative newcomer mazi pilip, a county legislator. despite the fact george santos managed to escape vetting and get elected, really embarrassing everyone, pilip's financial disclosures and the race has raised questions and she's not been particularly clear or detailed about what her political positions our. last night it's the only debate in this election, here is what she had to say -- about abortion. >> it is a personal decision, a personal choice. every woman should have that choice. i'm not going to tell her what to do. and i made it so clear, it's a personal to me. >> so you are pro-choice? >> again, this is a personal choice. every woman will make that
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decision. you've lied to the public, now you have the opportunity to fix. and >> i'm asking you very clearly -- >> all say it again. i mazi pilip, i'm pro-life. >> marisa kabas is an msnbc columnist, author of the handbasket newsletter, she is our go to reporter on george santos scandals, and she's been following that race to replace him so well. here is my understanding of that dynamic here. this is a district that's probably 60 5:45 pro-choice, pro roe v. wade. pilip understands that. am i right, it same select she's literally saying i am pro- life and i am pro-choice, as her position on abortion. >> she actually doesn't want to say the actual words, i am pro- choice, because that could hurt her forever in the republican party and she's trying to spray that lent a little bit. she doesn't want that soundbite. >> oh, it's for her a future.
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>> she has aspirations. she wants to go places and this is her first steppingstone. >> she still won this thing, this is now the sort of cutting edge of republican messaging. i am pro-life, and every woman should get to choose if they have an abortion. right? this is what she's saying? >> yes. she's a mother of seven so she doesn't want to eliminate religious voters or people with a lot of children. so she's playing both sides. she's like, you can choose whatever you want to do, and she doesn't support a national abortion ban -- >> she says? that >> she says. >> we'll see. one of the things -- why this will be so highly watched, there is a very thin majority in that republican congress. have you seen anything from her that would indicate this is not a person who's going to end up empowering a republican majority, if that's how she's elected? >> i don't think she's going to be any sort of -- you know, big changemaker. she is not going to make a splash. i think she is going to go in there and go along with the
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party line because that's what san jose did and that's what they need. i'm sure she's been telegraphed that message. >> this is an interesting district. that latest polling head suozzi up by, for but i've told a lot of people in this district. they think there will be 500 votes. multiple people have said it's the closest race of worked on. one of the things, very striking to me, the migrant border issue is playing enormously in the district. >> you would think that the district was on the texas border, based on how much they're talking about it. they did a candidate forum a couple of weeks ago on a local news station, and if i took a shot every time she said border, i would be dead by now. it was crazy. and it just seems like she's hitting it, hitting it, hitting it and hoping it what sticks. the tough on crime think we did in 2022 that got a lot of republican votes. and that brought us santos, in that right. wipe >> it seems to me like there's been a little bit of across the fate.
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what you saw in new york was new york republicans out before and that national party, they won five or six states that weren't expected -- that murdaugh empire was flocking -- is it still crime, or it seems to be they've switched from crime to migrants? >> it's migrant crime. >> yes. yes. that's perfect. >> as you were talking about before, with this curtis sliwa video and trying to make it seem like these illegal, criminals are overrunning our borders, that's that mishit she's trying to get through. it is not that emigrants are bad, it is that these dangerous emigrants are ahead. and she complained about a playground being near a migrant shelter in the district. >> it seems suozzi is a very known quantity. he used to represent the district, he lift to challenge kathy hochul in the democratic primary from her. right he is that conservative
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democrat, for sure. and that's a more conservative district, they are not going to elect ioc. she doesn't do a lot of events. i don't get a sense of what her politics are, really. >> she's from israel and we are in the midst of this very pivotal time about israel. and i think it was a really cynical gambit but that local republican party that said we have an israeli ex soldier who could step up for the special election. we have no time to figure this out. so they just thought voters would say, israel, yay, amazing, let's go for. it >> and obviously it is a very pro israel does work and terms of the politics. >> three much so that there is no daylight between her and suozzi on israel. >> it also seems suozzi is trying to make sure there's not much daylight on immigrants either. he's running on the right on those two topics. >> there is not much separating them. they are very similar. >> it will be very interesting. marisa kabas, thank you very much. coming up, president biden today coat the light of congressional support for
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ukraine criminal neglect. so why are house republicans still running coveralls let him or? putin tommy vietor's next. viet. hellooo new apartment. one bank for now. for later. for life. chase. make more of what's yours. hi, i'm sally. i'm from phoenix, arizona. i'm a flight nurse on a helicopter that specializes in trauma. i've been doing flight nursing for 24 years. as you get older, your brain slows down and i had a fear that i wouldn't be able to keep up. i heard about prevagen from a friend. i read the clinical study on it and it had good reviews. i've been taking prevagen now for five years and it's really helped me stay sharp and present. it's really worked for me. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. okay, so here's my most requested hack for stubborn odors. you'll need vinegar, a large salad bowl and... oh, hi! have you tried new tide fabric rinse? it works after your detergent to fight deep odors
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war in gaza. i'm of the view, as you know, that the conduct of the response in gaza--in the gaza strip--has been over the top. i've been pushing really hard- -really hard--to get humanitarian assistance into gaza. a lot of innocent people are starving. a lot innocent people are in trouble and dying. and it's got to stop. >> the war has killed nearly 28,000 palestinians, according to local health authorities, more than 11,000 of them children. a little more than 12 hours after that rebuke, preet netanyahu ordered his military to prepare a plan to evacuate palestinians from rafah head of unexpected invasion. rafah is a southern city where 1.3 million palestinians have fled to, directed there by israel because it is the only
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semi safe place as israeli ground for us have worked their way through the territory from the north down to the south. the question is now, where are all of those people supposed to go? just a few hours before biden's comments, in fact, an israeli airstrike killed 15 people, including five children, in rafah, an nbc news camera crew was on the scene and captured some of that footage. the issue of biden publicly rebuking the war and not an yahoo, doubling down in response, illustrates one is fundamental problems here. the fundamental problem. joe biden seems to understand that every day the war goes on is bad. both for the u.s. and its national interests and for him politically. recent nbc knows news poll found that delay 29% of registered voters approve of how he's handling the war in gaza, 60% disapprove. 14% of 18 to 29 year olds believe that israel is committing genocide against palestinians, as do biden's
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2020. voters are many democrats are staunchly pro israel, want to see the war continue, want biden to support him even more. it's threatening to fracture the democratic coalition because the coalition is divided on this issue. yesterday the biden campaign sent emissaries to dearborn, michigan, a huge arab population, which turned into a contentious meeting as protesters demonstrated outside. this is an acute political problem for joe biden, the president. not to mention the fact that every day the war goes on there is more death and destruction, more risk of starvation, and crucially, also, less chance the israeli hostages come home, not to mention more risks for american troops in the region, day-by-day. so biden has every incentive for this to come to a close. benjamin netanyahu, on the other hand, has the opposite incentives. just about everyone in israeli politics and most israeli voters agree that he's responsible for overseeing the
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worst security breach in the country's history during the october 7th massacre by hamas and that he must be held to account. but any reckoning will be postponed while the country pursuits this war under current unity government. meaning this, every day the war goes on is a day of political survival for netanyahu for stalling the day of reckoning. just this week he rejected the terms of a cease-fire the u.s. had worked on with the qataris and others, saying the only solution was, quote, absolute victory. now, an impending assault with rafah, and president joe biden has tied himself politically to a man who not only does not want to see joe biden reelected, necessarily, his views are considerably closer to donald trump, but israel's a sovereign nation. it can make decisions about their own war management and what they feel is necessary for their defense. right now joe biden is a betting a man, netanyahu, whose own political survival makes biden's political standing worse by the day. something's got to give.
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>> the senate voted to proceed on a bill that includes eight israel and ukraine, leaving aside all the border stuff that went up in flames. even if it passed the chamber, if it could passed the house the republicans hold the razor-thin majority. that was robert and caucus is under holding under the sway of don trump, a man elected president on the back of criminal sabotage pulled off by vladimir putin, a man who tried to blackmail the current ukrainian president in an attempt to sink joe baden's campaign help trump get reelected. he's a man who has every incentive to help the kremlin and hold most elected republicans under his thumb. meanwhile ukraine is literally running out of ammunition and facing a war effort that appears to completely have stalled out and may even be going in reverse. the fate of that country is essentially in the hands of the republican party that you know is under the sway of putin's most valuable asset. tommy
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vietor served a spokesman for obama, and is now host of parts of america. the politics here are fascinating. you walk us through what they are. the senate managed to pass this . where do things stand me >> it sounds like they're working through the weekend, chris. hopefully they'll get some sort of package through. but then you have to decide what's going to happen in the house. speaker johnson knows that he's got a big part of his caucus, the maga wing of the house of representatives, that just does not support ukraine funding because, for whatever reason donald trump hates ukraine. so it sounds like it's dead on arrival. ukraine is an incredibly precarious place. like you said, you have them losing battles because they're literally running out of shells. >> just to be clear, there is probably 320 votes in the house , out of 434, at this 0.435 for
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ukrainian funding bill. this probably a supermajority, if it could get to the floor. but if mike johnson brings it to the floor, he might be toast. >> that's exactly right. the fate of ukraine, ukraine's future, is being held up by the narrowest slice of republican politics. you have mike johnson worried about whether he will lose his speakership so he won't bring it for about. then you have republicans in the senate who delay for months because they said they wanted to cover ukraine in israel funding with immigration reform bill. did it. got everything they wanted, and then walked away from it for purely political reasons. so people are dying because of these political accommodations. >> that's an important point to stick with here, which is the timing of obvious. obviously ukraine has needed this funding. we are their main supplier. people know, you've read american history, you know how important french support for the u.s. revolution was, how important to support, not supporting the confederates for
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the civil war. that's a real recurring theme throughout history. being able to have access to foreign support, particularly in arms in money matters a lot. four months of that was burned up by these border negotiations to produce a bill they killed before it came out. >> yes. to produce a bill that wanted the republican authors, james lankford, walked away from before he could even get a vote . the european union stepped up and they recently passed about 50 million euros worth of funding that gets ukraine through 2027. but the european union does not have the capacity that we have to produce weapons, shells, to provide the aid ukraine needs. if they don't get the 60 billion dollars from the u.s., it's existential. i think reasonably people can disagree on the policy itself, but to the other for four months, to write this immigration bill and then walk away from it because donald trump got mad and thought it might help joe biden, is truly unconscionable. >> this is what joe biden who is meeting with the german
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chancellor today had to say about the prospect of failure to pass a supplemental. let's take a listen. >> i'd like to add another point. a failure of the united states congress, if it occurs, not to support ukraine, is close to criminal neglect. it is outrageous. >> i've got to say, it's one thing if the, if there is a grassroots policy debate happening. but what it really feels like is , they're gonna cut funding off from this country that's fighting for its life because of this narrow slice of 30 members of a republican caucus devoted to trump, maga, and putin. >> can you imagine, you're sitting on the frontlines in ukraine and you're running out of shells and the reason why is because marjorie taylor greene decided to do a fox news hit and get mad about ukraine funding? it's the most ridiculous rationale i ever heard.
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but that's american politics these days. this tiny slice, this maga wing of the republican party, runs the entire gop now. >> you can see putin has sensed this weakness and gave an interview in which he was very, let's negotiate. it wasn't the all the bombast, we're going to new q back to the stone age. it was a very, a gentleman, let's figure this out. i think he senses that this pause, again, the maga wing of the republican party under donald trump, gives him leverage for the most favorable outcome of negotiations. >> that's exactly right. he went to tucker carlson because he knows he's in an influential figure in republican circles. he can kill the supplemental bill and help get donald trump elected. i haven't listened to the whole interview between putin and tucker, but i read about it. i think one take away from the interview is, he begins with a 30 minute diatribe about history and how ukraine is historically russian territory and he wants all of it.
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i think we should believe him. we can negotiate some sort of settlement where ukraine is forced to give away 20% of its territory or crimea or whatever. no one should think for a second that putin is going to stop there. certainly the balkan countries don't. other nato countries don't. they're all worried that putin will storms through all of ukraine and not stop there and continue westward. this is very disconcerting for everyone in europe and people in united states who would like to see peace in europe. >> his defenders have said this is all provoked by nato's expansion. and he spent 45 minutes like, if you go back to the ninth century, the cradle our civilization is in kyiv and it belongs to. us tommy vietor, thank you very much. that is all in. this is all, and that is all in. that's all we need to say. that is all in for the week? alex wagner tonight starts right now. good evening, alex. >> i think that was all in. this is all in for the week. >> how about, i just do that? >> i'm done, i'm out of