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tv   Alex Witt Reports  MSNBC  February 10, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PST

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conversations happening at the supreme court this week, it is very clear that six weeks was -- it is a bridge too far. 15 weeks was approached his are. but unfortunately, this supreme court is going to nameless 15 and 16 weeks, based on the current challenges at the supreme court is not going to be a fourth of this right. which means we're going to need this constitution ballot and i should've. as of what is people of the state of florida will have a six-week abortion ban that 76% of floridians doesn't want. democracy is not working here. >> how difficult is it to get abortion on the ballot, that will help voters come to the polls for joe biden, presumably? >> we have seen across the country, when this fundamental right as on a ballot, whether it's and kansas, ohio, and here in florida, it really makes the point very clear. people have the ultimate power. this is a decision that people want to have in their own hands. and they're going out in droves. not just democrats, but
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republicans and independents across the entire country exodus to reproductive health care, existence medical decisions needs to remain in the hands of the people. needs to be in the hands of medical providers. not elected officials. not members of congress. certainly -- okay, nikki freed. thank you so much. keep on keeping on. a new warning from jack smith about witnesses in the mar-a- lago case. those details coming up. and we've been doing a very good day from msnbc world headquarters here in new york. welcome everyone to alex witt reports. we have breaking news on the war in gaza. prime minister benjamin netanyahu ordering the israeli military to make plans for evacuating palestinians who are sheltering in the southern city of rafah. that is ahead of unexpected israeli ground assault in that city. here is a portion of their report today from partners at sky news. >> reporter: in rafah, in the
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south near egypt, a prelude of what is to come. airstrikes on what israel says are hamas targets in their last stronghold in gaza. there are more than 1 million people in rafah now. most displaced from elsewhere. israel has announced it will work on a dual plan to evacuate civilians, even as the idf tries to eliminate the for hospitality eons that they say are based here. aid agencies warn of an impending calamity. >> now they have nowhere else to go. they cannot move. they have already been on the run. they have been through multiple rounds of displacement from the north, to the middle area, through khan younis, into rafah. there is nowhere left. there is no more south left in the gaza strip. netanyahu saying it would be impossible of israel's goal of destroying a mosque without rounding the hamas battalions embedded in rafah. we are covering all the angles of the story with reports from israel, and analysis here
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stateside. let's go first to nbc's matt bradley joining us from tel aviv. matt, welcome. what is the situation like in rafah right now, how do you see it? >> well, there is a lot of fear and a lot of starvation, a lot of homelessness. people living in tents. we are talking about 1.4 million palestinians living on the edge of the gaza strip. right where gaza meets egypt sinai peninsula. they are about to be pushed, or many of them see here they are about to be pushed, from the gaza strip into the sinai desert. this is why when you talk to palestinians that they keep on bringing up this one word. the nakba, that means catastrophe. the happen of a back in 1948. that is the average for when the israeli state was created in palestinians feel, and this history is still debated, palestinians feel as though they were forced from their homes. that is exactly what they think is happening right now. these rallies, as you mentioned, benjamin netanyahu has said that he wants his military to explore or draw of a plan for a evacuation of civilians from rafah.
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most of those people, the vast majority of them, have already been displaced from elsewhere in the gaza strip. once, twice, 3 to 4 times! we've talked to people who have been displaced more than four times. all of them moving from place to place as israel's army has advanced right behind them. then if you get what we are seeing now. the israelis are training their guns on rafah. they are finished with khan younis, also in the southern part of the gaza strip. we have actually been seeing assault on rafah for the past two weeks. we have been seeing dozens of people already killed, even before the israelis have begun their round of pressure. this is why we are hearing from international aid organizations and the united nations warning that this could become a humanitarian disaster. the egyptians have said that they do not want to take in the gazans from gaza, from the rafah border crossing. that is because they don't want to make permanent any displacement of the palestinians. again, they do not want to see a repeat of the nakba i've been talking about. this is a situation that looks like it is about to get a lot
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worse. it happens, just as we've been hearing from joe biden. his, really, first public criticism of the israelis. he said the israeli operation in the gaza strip so far over the past four months have been, quote, over the top. we've been hearing a lot from differences between biden and netanyahu and the israeli government over the past several months. all of these have been reported. this is the first time we've really heard it in public. i think the events in rafah will determine whether or not this is an actual major rift between is really an american policy. alex? >> interesting. extraordinary. all those people moving 3 to 4 times in the circumstances. stay with me, max. we are gonna go now to clint watts. distinguish research fellow at the foreign policy research institute. an national security analyst. clint, there was much along this week when netanyahu announced that israeli troops will be entering rafah. as matt was saying, 1.4 million palestinians sheltering they're under pretty dire circumstances after fleeing from the north.
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now nowhere else to go. how could israel possibly evacuate all of these people safely? where could they go? >> alex, the answer is they can't. it has been persistent from october 7th to know that with all of the israeli military operations, they've been doing coronated search operations. they started in the north. we watched them. we watched all the civilians move. and then they immediately moved to khan younis. and we see the moving again to what is the very last place in gaza. where they think hamas is embedded. they may be correct. the problem with this is when you've seen, let's say, the u.s. was in iraq. to try to minimize civilian casualties there would be coordinated strikes but they would also be movement or transport of civilians. moving them to the safe areas. in this case they have never done that. they have pushed the population further. hamas is invested in them and then they continue to pursue.
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>> netanyahu said, clint, israel's goal of topping hamas is impossible without routing the groups for battalions there in rafah. the combined plan will also have to include a civilian evacuation, right? if these two objectives cannot together be achieved, what could israel be planning for displaced palestinians? what could netanyahu's endgame be here? >> just really think it speaks to there is no endgame other than the ultimate destruction of hamas. that might be something, you can look at a parallel that we talked about destroying our kind of 20 years ago. it became very unclear what was al-qaeda at a certain point. what was beyond al-qaeda or al- qaeda's borders. it quickly morphed into something else. can we read so governments in these different places? it was not a very sato plan. if you look at the internal situation it's this but it is also just really, really, intense military operations. clearing of all of gaza.
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i think everyone at this point is asking, okay. you are going after these hamas battalions. what's next? if it's the invasion of iraq, you might remember in 2003, you take baghdad. what's next? the hard part early that what's next. i don't think anyone's heard much in terms of answers from israel about what the what next is going to be and how they are going to do. it >> can i ask this to you as well, matt? what is the endgame here? we'll palestinians have the right of return throughout all of gaza? >> benjamin netanyahu has said his goal is not to affect the nakba even though there are members of his cabinet who have made very clear that they want to get rid of the palestinians from the gaza strip. there was even a conference a week or two ago in jerusalem. we almost attended it but the breaking news interrupted us. there were members of benjamin netanyahu's party, some of his right-wing ministers, and other members of the settlement movement in the west bank celebrating, singing, showing off maps of the future planned
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for colonizing the gaza strip. this is something that is not so far away from the israeli mainstream. there are people who support this inside of netanyahu's cabinet, even though he explicitly does not. for the palestinians they latch on to those words. they noticed them. they say, look. the israeli government wants to take the gaza strip from us. they want to put settlements in. they want to remove us. they want to push us into the desert, the sinai peninsula. they want to force the egyptians to make us egyptian. this is a situation that for the palestinians they see this, again, as a repeat of the nakba. >> okay. matt bradley, thank you so much. i will let you get back to your reporting. we will see you again. for you, clint, please stay with me. a little later on i will ask you about that new interview with vladimir putin this week that some are calling pure propaganda. lets everyone go now to the latest from the white house. just a short time ago the administration released a memo
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calling republicans desperate after special counsel robert marie's report in president biden's classified documents were coursed. joining me once again is nbc's allie raffa. ali, what more are we hearing from the white house about this today? >> this is really an all hands on deck response from the white house. all of from democratic lawmakers, allies of the president. this defense started hours after special counsel robert hers was released on thursday when we saw a very visibly angry president deliver those primetime remarks where he fired back on some of those scathing details hur mentioned about his memory and age. now we are seeing white house officials launch this aggressive defense campaign. as you mentioned, that memo that was released from the white house in the last few hours mentioning specific instances when republicans have commented on president biden mental fitness in the past. even though republican officials have spear president biden for his age 2019, on
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multiple occasions former house speaker kevin mccarthy has emphasized how smart, sharp, and toffee finds the president. the memo also mentioning republican senator from utah, mitt romney, and his defense of president biden yesterday when he told a huffington post, essentially, everybody makes mistakes. everyone confuses words. he also mentioned how former president trump, in recent days, confused his gop opponent nikki haley for congresswoman nancy pelosi. we are also seeing the white house counsel's office slams this report. we saw spokes person in san stat at yesterday's white house press briefing saying the included multiple inconsistencies and inaccuracies. he did not rule out the possibility of the white house releasing, possibly, the transcripts of some of the interviews president biden sat down for with the special counsel's office. saying that clearly some of
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that information would have to be redacted for privacy concerns. and the past couple of minutes we have also seen the presidents own sister valerie come to his defense. in wilmington they had lunch together at a local restaurant. she, after leaving that restaurant told the press that her brother is, quote, a wonderful man. that is all i have to say. as far as the public and its perception, as you heard, ian sams talked about it yesterday. the challenge that still exists for this white house, alex, it's poll after poll continues to show that the presidents age and mental fitness continues to be one of his biggest political vulnerabilities. even more so than former president trump, despite a very small age difference between the two of them. many believe that the best messenger to be able to talk to the american people and clear those concerns, to deliver that message that the president is able to serve a second term, is
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the president himself. obviously the caveat with that is is potential additional gaffes and missteps by the president. the campaign no doubt considering that as the campaign season really starts to loom large, alex. >> careful consideration for sure. thank you so much, ali rafah. coming up next, special counsel jack smith warning about mar-a- lago indices. we are back in a quick 60 seconds of. are back in a quic seconds of. (jen) so we partner with verizon. their solution for us? a private 5g network. (ella) we now get more control of production, efficiencies, and greater agility. (marquis) with a custom private 5g network. our customers get what they want, when they want it. (jen) now we're even smarter and ready for what's next. (vo) achieve enterprise intelligence. it's your vision, it's your verizon. my frequent heartburn had me taking antacid after antacid all day long but with prilosec otc just one pill a day blocks heartburn for a full 24 hours. for one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc.
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some cases that is yet to be charged. neither man defended in the game for my people there may have to charge. text miss, in the filing overnight, actually got very specific as it relates to the trump documents case. he says there are two things he's particularly worried about if documents come out he says about instruction during current defendant and witness tampering with someone who has not yet been charged. they're only three people charged in this case, remember. former president, donald trump. while nada, and carlos de lavario. a worker at mar-a-lago. beyond that we don't know who else could be charged. that is for the reason jackson's team does not want these documents coming out. he's worried that if named and identities of almost two dozen people come out there could be attacks both on social media, swatting as we have seen quite a bit of over the past few months, or even perhaps more serious as we have seen the level and the temperature as it relates to the situation in the country getting more and more ha.
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that as it relates to the trump classified documents. as you know, it is very different than what we saw with the hur reporter. the hur report made it very clear that the biden administration, joe biden himself, did not do anything as relates to obstruction trying to stop the feds or anyone from getting to these documents. that is one thing that makes this very different. what i found really interesting about this report is it almost reads like a novel as you are reading through it. in the part where he talks about the afghanistan documents, the ones that were in the box in joe biden's garage next to the corvette. it is said that he talked through why the afghanistan issue was important him. what his policy positions were on. why are so important for him to have a memo that he was writing to the president at the time, barack obama, expressing his displeasure with the number of troops going over to afghanistan. he talks through the reasoning why this was an important document, why he may have had a, still, in his possession. democrats, of course, are coming to the defense.
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here is what senator alex padilla had to say earlier today. >> what a stark contrast, right? the special prosecutor acknowledges the way president biden and his team handled all of this, in contrast to how donald trump was handling this. that is appropriate commentary on his age, appearance, sympathy from whoever, i thought that was very inappropriate. be asked if you ask me. >> as we are sitting with this investigation now clothes, this matter now closed. next thing we will see with the russia investigation with robert mueller getting hot before congress is very likely to happen with robber hur in the house judiciary in the coming weeks. alex? >> can i ask you what judge cannon is requiring judgments to hand over today? >> today c is requiring had to get these documents in order as it relates to reasoning why he believes this should not be released as it relates to the names, documents, so she can
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see that. she can see the reasoning why this needs to happen. >> okay. thank you so much. joining me right now to further this conversation further federal prosecutor, kristy greenberg. kristie, welcome. first, on mar-a-lago. is this a case of judge cannon not taking the threat seriously that has jacks mitt concerned? or does she have legal justification for providing these documents to donald trump and the other defendants attorneys? >> there are two different things that the government is trying to do. they want to fly all materials that disclose witness identities under seal, meaning the republic can't see it. and they are also trying to file certain of these materials, ex parte. which means just to the core, without the defense lawyers being able to see it. there is one exhibit in particular that describes in particular the threats that have been made over social media to a perspective government witness. and the circumstances of that.
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noting that there is an ongoing government investigation into those threats. they don't want to tell trump's lawyers about that. we don't know why. perhaps because they are somehow -- they did judge cannon said that by today that you have to tell you have to disclose this document to them that you provided to me agnhs they don't have to see about trump's lawyers get to see it. sorry, go ahead. >> you said it's twofold. first question assuming smith complies handling of the evidence in today, i'm curious what the legal team will be looking at in that. on the second part, a latin word describing that won in the title of it. if defense attorneys are not allowed to see, what is the point of spying over this one?
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>> the reason why again, there is a broader fight here about the fact that judge cannon has entered two orders that are denying the governments request to redact certain material. she got the legal standard wrong. you have to provide this material publicly. the reason you have to provide it is because you have not met this high burden of a compelling standard. really, it is a lower standard. the actual standard on the 11th circuit as you just have to show good pause. here there is good cause. one of the reasons that jack smith is pointing to is there is actual danger here for these witnesses if their identities are shown. judge, let me show you one exhibit that explains why. that is why he filed this exhibit just to the judge. okay, of all reconsider and i will hear briefing on the larger issues about all of the identities of these witnesses.
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as to this one exhibit you just showed me in court, you have to turn that over to the trump lawyers. she is just getting this wrong. not only the wrong, legally, it is dangerous! you cannot disrupt and threaten and ongoing government investigation. that really could raise harm to all of the witnesses involved. >> all of the sparring between smith and cannon has been going on since the case began. some legal experts have raised concerns that cannon, who we point out was a point about donald trump, has acted over the bias towards him. they're also accusations that she has made faulty, you just alluded to that, or what could maybe be inexperienced, legal decisions. how do you analyze her performance? do you expect smith to potentially move for further from the case for a third time after her latest decision? >> at best it is incompetence. youth and inexperience. at worst it is bias. it's unclear to me what it is.
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at the end of the day it is wrong and it is dangerous. what jack smith said up in this motion was very clearly saying you committed a clear error. you need to reconsider. setting this up so if she continues to order this disinformation that is very sensitive be disclosed, he can take this up to the 11th circuit and have her overruled. at this point you have multiple areas in the 11th circuit. perhaps he does at this up to have her recused. was very clear, but as very involved and had clean consequences for those people. >> trump team has until monday for the trump team to weigh in after the d.c. federal court reported against his election interference case. trump's gonna be asking the supreme court to stay the d.c. ruling. from sending that case back to judge chutkan. what options does the high court have?
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do you expect them to take this up or not? >> i hope that they don't. it is such a strong opinion from the d.c. court of appeals. every argument that trump made they disposed of by pointing to the text of the constitution. to the history. they really just left no argument unanswered, definitively. this was a unanimous decision. really, i don't think anything was there legally for the supreme court to take a. can they have the chance to make the last word? sure. if they wanted to take this up they need for votes to be able to review themselves. they need five votes in order to keep this on hold and not send this back to judge chutkan. at a minimum i hope that what we would see is sending this to judge chutkan, even if they do decide to take it up on the merits. >> kristy greenberg. a lot coming our way.
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so, the republican presidential primary in south carolina just two weeks away now. nikki haley in fact just wrapped up a campaign event in the city of greenwood. donald trump is looking for a decisive victory over haley in her own backyard. nbc josh burns visited a trump rally in south carolina. how is it going there? looks like there are a lot of people in place behind you, dasha. >> it is absolutely packed here in this college basketball arena. there is an overflow crowd outside. the former president actually just gave a brief speech to the people unable to get in because it is totally packed in here. look, i spent a lot of time traveling across south carolina. i have to tell you my segment, along with my colleagues jon allen and abby brooks, is that this is really trump country.
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since nikki haley left office of the governor's mansion here, it has become much more red, much more maga. he is ahead of her by about 23 points according to the latest washington post poll. nikki haley is seeing a bit of an opportunity in the wake of the special counsel's report the detailed some of the memory issue is that the special counsel explain their. she is trying to tie trump and biden together. she has been calling throughout her campaign for a new generation of leadership. now she has some evidence to hang her head on between that report and between some of the slip ups of overturn trump has had on the campaign trail. mistaking her for nancy pelosi, for example. she had been talking with a and hammering. it take a listen to what she said earlier today. >> the fact that we are dealing with someone where the special counsel said that their memory was failing, that they are diminished, it is bigger than just joe biden. you can look at the same thing, whether it is donald trump getting me confused with nancy
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pelosi, his temper tantrums, the things that he has done. it is time for a new generational leader. the party that dismisses their 80 role candidate is the party that will win president, without a doubt. >> reporter: the problem for haley is that when you talk to voters, alex, and me and my colleagues have been doing that, you hear concerns about president biden. not as much about former president trump. he is about to take the stage right here. we will give you more when we get. >> thank you for that. i know you will turn around and be watching. thank you. congresswoman elise stefanik admitted this week about what she would've done on january 6th and why she would've done it again. >> it again. >> ♪are you ready♪ ♪are you ready♪ you can't leave without cuddles. but, you also can't leave covered in hair. with bounce pet,
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i would not have donald mike pence to. and i don't think that that was the right approach. i specifically said that what i said on the house floor. and i stand by my statement. which was it was unconstitutional overreach in states like pennsylvania. listen, we need to make sure the election is constitutionally legal. but the democrats did was not -- >> near congresswoman leads to phonics a facing backlash for saying she would not have certified the 2020 election had not been by president. the shocking revelation comes amid shocking reports that she is at the top of donald trump's vp sure. this joining me now is lindsey johnson, political strategist,
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chief impact officer ten 63 with broad. former adviser for the 2020 biden campaign. kurt bardella, democratic strategist, l.a. times contributor and former house oversight committee spokesperson for republicans. welcome to you both. alencia, what does this tell you about the ticket being worked on if the trump campaign is at least phonic is right at or near the top? >> listen, she is as problematic as they get. i think this is what the republican party is grappling with when they realize they have ostracized women and people of color so they are thinking maybe a woman can help them with some of the issues around their policies that are actually very anti woman and go against what people want in those who are engaged in equity work. but elise stefanik, as we know, she's willing to say and do whatever it will take to maintain power. that is something that donald trump, unfortunately, wants. someone who is completely loyal
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to him in the republican party is betting on someone like this. someone who will be the right- hand person to donald trump. someone to do his bidding for him. >> court, here's what you said in the guardian about trump's vp process. it is very clear he is holding these open auditions like it's the apprentice. he will flip with everyone. he will make them dance. they were all debase themselves and humiliate themselves and jockey for that spot. stefanik putting herself in the former vice president use on january six, it she auditioning specifically for that role? >> very clearly. it's really interesting when you think about the trajectory. this is someone who, at one point in time, with thought to be more of the establishment centrist rational wing of the republican party. that's how she couched in promoting herself earlier in her career. now she has gone full maga. it is really revealing that a prerequisite to be on donald
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trump's shortlist, to be one heartbeat away from the presidency, it's to be anti- democratic. to openly go out there and say that you would've done everything you could have to obstruct a free and fair election. it shouldn't just be disqualifying to be a constitutional officer in the country, it frankly should be disqualifying to be a member of congress. you take an oath when you get sworn in as a member of congress to uphold the constitution. she is a member of the house republican leadership saying outwardly that she would've violated that oath and thrown out democracy. >> speaking of congress, donald trump is touting his control of congressional republicans out on the campaign trail after he helped change this week's bipartisan border deal. let's take a listen to what he said last night. this an nra event. >> the legal taxpayer has millions of dollars in this agreement, with this deal, by the way we killed. you don't need it. bill the president has the right to say close the borders. the bill is a hoax. the democrats are asking for
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this bill that is so ridiculous, it is a horrible bill. >> the new york times reports the gop set a trap for democrats by trying to tie immigration issues with ukraine. they ultimately fell into it themselves. what is your reaction to this failed negotiation? did the republicans just hand president biden a winning rebuttal against any border criticism that he faces? >> they sure did. and it's careful what you wish for, you might get. a republicans for years have been clamoring for more border security, more enforcement mechanisms, more money to fund border security efforts. the democrats said, okay. here is billions of dollars to do just that. what did the republicans? do they won't let it get to the floor for a vote. you don't get to walk around for the next six-in-one something came intra and say, well, democrats are baton emigration. unlike us, we will get something. dan you've been handed the deal you've been looking for for a long time.
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donald trump himself wanted some of these provisions, won some of these authorities that he is now attacking more than biden for. you don't get to go around and say you are going to fix the problem when you had jasper to needed to do that and you walk away from the table. >> the associated press reports president biden is determined to use the trump backed border collapse as a weapon in his campaign. how do you think this will help him win over the moderate to put immigration top their issues? >> i think as long as we do the best that we can in cutting all of these ads about campaigning on immigration, sending them to congress to do something about immigration. all the reports we see, they were openly saying that they don't want to take the deal. literally, put that in front of voters and tell them the republican party is not serious on this tough issue. so long as we play this right it is easy for us a great campaign piece for us to,
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hopefully, when back with moderates who say immigration is their top deal. they all set a fumble this week, other votes and again the republican party is fumbling the ball when it comes to doing something about immigration. they want to control the house they do campaign on this issue. some of them won. this issue to go to congress and not -- >> some polls show donald trump leading president biden in a hypothetical rematch unless trump is convicted of a crime. this is according to nbc news. a guilty verdict but biden ahead by two points. how do you interpret this? >> listen, it is very early in this election cycle. i feel like those of us who talk about all the time are feeling like we are always in election cycle. we are over 200 days from the election. a lot of voters are not paying attention until the summer. some of these polls are not the best indicator of where those voters will be in the summer. but this one is revealing
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because it focuses on president trump being convicted for these charges. that does show you how people feel about the seriousness of some of these charges. we hope that the supreme court will allow for the position to stay so that this can go to trial so voters can see exactly what has happened and make a decision. again, some of these polls are very early. while this gives democrats a glimmer of hope, there is a lot more to come this year between now and election day. >> 200 more days. and then all of that comes after. let's talk about the white house. as we all know is lashing out against special counsel robert hur for questioning biden's mental fitness. in a report on wednesday there was not sufficient evidence for prosecuting president biden for
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mount -- calling her a lifelong republican in a creature of d.c. who didn't have a case against that and. knowing exactly how his swipes could hurt biden politically. curt, is that how you see it? >> absolutely. this kind of editorializing is unusual, peculiar, and there is no report calling for it about the elected wrongdoing or not. if i was a democrat i would want to take a look at this. a senate judiciary committee with a majority subpoena i would be looking at who went into writing this? who gave that language? who gave that direction? i surprise it was partisan. i suspect that it was done intentionally to hurt the president. they didn't have the goods on the actual case they were looking at. they had to come up with something else to try to appease the maga base. that's exactly would've happening and i think we all have a right to know what went into that. why was the language that way? looking at the transcripts being released it would be something that we wanted to do
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if i was a white house. >> you are on the presidents team went last time around on the campaign if you were this time around what would you do to make sure that this does not hinder him in any way? >> the conversation around this poor memory keys, i love that president biden went directly to the media and showed his energy, stated the facts. stated the things that he has done. that is what the american people want to see. the fiery president biden. it just the historic things that he has done in his first term. the other thing i would do if i was on the biden campaign is to continue to draw the stark contrast between this investigation of president biden that has no merit and cooperating with president donald trump who did not cooperate. who didn't pay attention to subpoenas. and a conversation that there are still documents that they have not received yet. there are stark differences here. they continue to talk about
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those and bring up the facts and make sure that the american people know the differences between these two. >> alencia encourage. guaranteed, we will be speaking once again. coming up next, it grabbed headlines but was it also propaganda? also propaganda?
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outlets since the ukraine invasion two years ago. putin telling form a fox news host tucker carlson, who is critical of u.s. support for ukraine, he wants to make a deal with the west to end the war. joining me again, distinguished research fellow at the institute of policy research -- clint watts. thanks for waiting around. this is important. i'm curious what you make of this interview, putin saying his ukraine invasion could and through an agreement with the west where ukraine would cede territory to russia. it's a gop bought an administration promptly rejected. let's listen to some of what he said. >> let's work this out. >> translator: what is there to work out? it is very simple. we have contexts through various agencies. i will tell you what we are saying on this matter and what
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we have conveyed to the u.s. leadership. if you really want to stop fighting, you need to stop supplying weapons. it will be over within a few weeks. that's it. and then we can agree on some terms. before you do that, stop. >> sure, he's saying stop supplying weapons so the world will be over in a few weeks. and i guess parenthetically, when we've taken control of ukraine. is there any other way to interpret what he said? >> no, alex. it's just interesting. the other thing is the russians could withdrawal from ukraine and it would be over tomorrow. that didn't come up in conversation. again, it is interesting. russia invaded ukraine. ukraine did not invade russia. that whole idea of sovereignty and territorial defense which russia is very adamant about, the information space, and physical space, that is not given to ukraine. it just tells you the position of putin.
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across the board, putin -- modern think anyone believes he'll do anything before he knows the outcome of the u.s. election. he'll continue to push that there is some discussion the russians will probably do another offensive operation. try and to a push -- both sides, ukraine and russia have had no significant gains or lasting gains, that his lead to deeper penetrations in a year. and we're coming up on the second anniversary of the invasion. so listening to putin, he keeps saying the same thing over and over. he's very consistent. i just think there's no way forward, based on the current position of the russian government. >> putin was uncharacteristically retrained and his conversation with carlson. when putin offered- limited praise for the west -- what does he mean by? that putin is a former kgb officer. to help us interpret what he's saying and what he really means. >> the key thing to remember, alex, everything from the kremlin is called active measures. this goes back to the soviet
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era, where putin was a kgb officer. it is to win through the floors of politics, rather than the politics of force. meaning putin knows if he anchors the entire west or takes all of him on together he will lose. the plan has always been to break up nato and break up the eu and to do that by going into the individual politics of each country, elevating people that are supportive of him, and osha pinned the countries against each other. so right now, for example, his focus is largely on europe but it will also shift to the many elections happening in europe and the united states over the next year, to really see what the outcome is. if he can really squeak out a little bit better deal for himself in terms of the massive hole he's putting his country in , in this incredible despair he's inflicted on ukraine. >> putin obviously follows american politics. well aware of the republican opponents in congress about providing aid to ukraine. he seemed to beat speaking directly to chippy lawmakers, saying he agrees america has
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more important issues to deal with like immigration and the national debt, then zapata -- providing support to ukraine. is his appeal there any more than self serving? >> it is absolutely so serving. it's the whole point. to identify like-minded parties inside the united states and europe, there are campaigns going on just like this politically in germany, the uk, and france, to try to ingratiate people and elevate them. whether it's candidates or sympathetic politicians, based on the individual issues. i'll tell you he doesn't just try politics and united states, he trucks every european country. and he tracks it much more closely than people that live in those countries. he pays quotation. he knows the outcome for him and ukraine really depends on the ability to break out the alignment or alliances inside each of the countries and the west and also between all the western countries as a try to back ukraine over the next seven months, or even the year. >> clint watts, we pay very close attention to you, my friend, thanks so much. up next, the voters with
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right now in nevada, republican candidates are putting the spotlight on the critical put unpredictable latino vote. let's go to nbc's david noriega who spoke with voters in nevada and joins us from las vegas. david, welcome. what did you learn? >> alex, the main thing we've learned in the reporting is the
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latino vote here is up for grabs and away it hasn't been in past election cycles. there are signs that true around the country, but it's especially clear here in north las vegas. take a look. >> i grew up around the corner, maybe five minutes. >> reporter: erica castor is from north lost vegas. zip code 0390. seven out of ten people here are latino and this flea market is where many spend the way. canes >> got my home here. our mom would decorate or house from stuff here. >> reporter: castro can't vote. she's undocumented. but as a political organizer, she'll be pushing hard for others to reelect president joe biden. are you worried about this election? >> people are feeling a little bit discouraged because they haven't seen the results they were expecting from this administration. >> reporter: in nevada and nationwide, latino's are not a monolith. but and race in presidential elections they have voted overwhelmingly democratic. mr. biden and former president
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donald trump are now statistically tied among latinos according to nbc's latest poll. talk to enough people in north las vegas and you start to understand why. mario -- who sells old video games at the flea market, voted for biden in 2020. now because of his views on the economy, he's flirting with the other side. >> i think donald trump can be a good president for the country. >> reporter: how the voters are telling us no politician should take them for granted. >> they want our votes. now they want something from us, but they don't want to give us anything. >> reporter: old so top of mind, decades of unmet promises by democrats on a pathway to citizenship for people like castro. she says that makes it harder for her friends and family to get excited to vote democrat. democrats have historically been able to count on the latino vote here in nevada. is that still true? >> i think they're going to have to really work for it. >> reporter: alex, nevada is a sw


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