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tv   Politics Nation  MSNBC  February 10, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PST

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because this is who we are. good evening and welcome to politicsnation. tonight's lead, chaos caucus. ♪ ♪ ♪ right now, the entire
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republican caucus is in disarray. the senate is working through the weekend to pass a supplemental foreign aid package for israel and ukraine before breaking for a two-week recess. and they are playing catch-up because senate republicans nuked a previous version that parrot that aid with their own demands on immigration and border policy. meanwhile, the house gop is teeing up for another vote to impeach homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas. of the four republicans broke rank to joint house democrats in voting no to oust mayorkas, including one democrat who left his post surgery hospital bid to seal that deal. that democrat, texas
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congressman al green, joins me shortly as republicans prepare for another try. of course -- donald trump is on the campaign trail today in south carolina, ahead of it gop primary. days fdr a u.s. appeals court torched his january 6th immunity claim. al asked my panel what this week's ruling means for trump, with months to go before his federal election indifference trial. all that on politicsnation tonight. and later, a new documentary series examines the man, the myth, the legend that was james brown. his daughter joins me ahead on its primary or. and you don't want to miss our conversation on the author and, in my case, the father figure behind the godfather of soul.
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let's start. in a moment, we'll talk to congressman al green. he came in a wheelchair to congress earlier this week to vote to block the gop's attempt to impeach dhs secretary mayorkas. but before that, the senate is in the midst of a special weekend session. joining us now is senator jeff merkley, democrat of oregon. senator, thanks for joining us from washington where you and your colleagues are working through the weekend on a 95 million dollar supplemental spending bill to provide aid to ukraine, israel, and taiwan. not included our immigration measures senate republicans demanded and then rejected this week after months of negotiation. we are two things stand right now, senator? >> rev, it's good to see you and
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it is a crazy weekend in the senate. but we work essentially by doing nothing. and by doing nothing, we cannot even hold a vote today because we have to have and intervening day, under the closure rules to close debate. we have to wait. tomorrow, we'll vote about one pm. and that will just be on substitutes in the senate bill for the house vehicle. and then we'll have to have another 30 hours of debate. which means at least seven pm on wednesday before we can even make that substitution and forsake with amendments, unless we can get unanimous consent. this is the crazy dysfunctional senate displayed at its worst. >> wow. you have republican leadership in both chambers now facing unrest in their caucuses, after the border deal failed in these senate despite republicans engineering it and the failed house vote to impeach secretary mayorkas, which has put a
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spotlight on speaker mike johnson's struggle to control his conference. while the senate vote has magnified just how much influence donald trump has on republican lawmakers. with another government funding deadline looming and amounts, how confident are you that will be able to avoid a shutdown under these conditions or deliver military aid to our allies? >> let's start with that last point. we are all, kind, of feeling like we should be wearing that nick brace right now for the whiplash effect. republicans demanded for four months that be a negotiated package for border security. we also felt a lot had to be done at the border. we negotiated that package. as soon as it was done and president trump's audit want any action, i want this to be an open border until i can run for election next november, the republicans all backed away and say we insisted on a ban for
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four months, and now we insisted comes out. i think we will eventually ask this package in the senate, that wasn't a to the middle east, aid to ukraine, international humanitarian aid. ukraine is absolutely essential. because anything else, to sell ukraine is to be like chamberlain saying to hitler, take czechoslovakia. we'd be saying to putin, take ukraine. that is 1000 percent unacceptable. okay, let's say the senate passes it, as i expect. that goes to the house. the house has said, they're not going to act unless, get this, there is a border stuff in there. so we are right back where we were four months ago. we don't know but we cannot fail this moment in regard to ukraine. >> wow, that's quite a predicament. but before i let you go, senator, i have to ask you about this week's special counsel's report into president biden's handling of classified documents. the report conducted by a republican doesn't charge the
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president with any crimes and yet it includes pages of details about his age and memory. do you think this was fair? >> no, i don't think that. i think it was completely inappropriate. you have legal responsibility to analyze the case, not give commentary on what you think or the personal benefits or deficits of an individual. and, here is the thing. this president brings experience to directors daybell as america. he's produced the science act, bringing manufacturing back to america. the i.r.a. at, investing in renewable energy. the infrastructure bill. trump talked about infrastructure week and infrastructure month, but he never worked to pass a bill. we got it done, in partnership with the experience and wisdom and insight and motivation coming from president biden. it got done in a bipartisan fashion.
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those are the results that have come, and those results are on the foundation of which the presidents going forward for a second term and on which we are backing him. >> and he got those things done when he was 79 and 80 years old. so age -- if it has something to do with it, we need more people with those edges to get something done. >> i give him another ticket and a half. >> thank you, senator jeff merkley, for being with us. joining me now on the phone is congressman al green, democrat of texas. congressman, thank you very much. we appreciate you calling in tonight and we hope your healing and after abdominal surgery. it was your foot this week, and the house, just after that operation that narrowly blocked the gop's attempt to impeach homeland security secretary. even your democratic colleagues didn't expect you to make the vote. but now house republican
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leadership has scheduled another impeachment vote for tuesday evening. how do you feel about republicans saying they're going to try to do this all over again? >> thank you for having me, reverend. please excuse my raspy voice. i just hit a tube inserted into my stomach through my throat and i would also say it's a pleasure to be with you and it has new meaning after a hospital visit. so, thank you again. reverend, i'm disappointed to say this continuing. secretary alejandro mayorkas is a good, decent man who's done a good, decent things with the laws available to him. the congress of the united states has neglected to update the laws so we can contend with the circumstances we have presently. and until we do this, we're going to see people congregating at the border and trying to make their way in, escaping
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persecution. i believe he's done the best he can, given the lowest we've given him. >> republicans are trying to impeach secretary mayorkas again, even as they abandoned work on an immigration bill that would have addressed many of their concerns at the border. by their own admission, they're giving up at the behest of their likely presidential nominee, donald trump. what's at stake as republicans play politics with this issue, congressman green? >> reverend, the border is a serious issue. and it brings with it issues associated with places south of the border. the air really has to be an effort to get to the root cause of this. but they're not interested in getting to the root cause. the republicans are currently putting the politics of the next election he hit of the people. that will continue.
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they'll put the politics above that needs of people. the bill that came up with in the senate, it would have been difficult for me to support but i would have because president biden is holding his nose and supporting it to. there was a lot of capitulation in that bill. nothing in there for the dreamers. we have a duty now to do something about the border. but i will say this. so world can show you the truth, but no one can force you to accept it. and there are people who just won't accept the fact that republicans are playing politics with the border and playing politics with the lives of people. i'm going to stand with the president and will do so if given the opportunity. >> before i let you go, i have to ask you about former president trump. the supreme court hold a hearing this week and his colorado ballot case. they are expected to take up his claim about absolute
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immunity. these are just a few of the legal proceedings and evolved with trump moving through various courts right now. you were i to call for trump's impeachment, all the way back entwined is even jane. what are your thoughts about where we are today? >> i'm of the opinion that we have found ourselves, and will continue to fund ourselves, dealing with papal putting lunacy into practice. it is just unbelievable bet -- to appeal a decision that would give the president absolute power. the president can't be above the law. so we've got to make sure we have the ability to take people out of office, but not to play politics with the process of taking people out of office. reverend, something has escaped us, and it has this.
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the paradigm has shifted for what are elected to office. republicans have made it clear to us that they're going to elect the person who will do what they say, to get the job done. we have a president who's doing exactly that. and we've got to recognize the paradigm shift. and give him credit for what he's done. first woman vice president. first black woman on the supreme court. running might've president obama. given us infrastructure, jobs. the unemployment is down. we have spending and health care. he's put billions and student loan debt relief. he's done a good job. and it's time to recognize the job he's doing, because we're not electing him to be -- to show us how great he can recall things that may not make any difference in terms of how lives are treated. the republicans are not looking in that direction. the republican evangelicals
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shifted the paradigm when they said we're not electing a priest. we are electing someone who's going to do the things we want done. it's time to recognize the paradigm shift. >> thank you so much for being with us, representative green. feel well. we wish and pray for you to have an easy recovery. now, let's bring in our political panel. democratic from just one shot tolliver and republican for just so zundel percio. both are msnbc contributors. juanita. let's start with you, with this brics special counsel report and to president biden's handling of classified documents. the white house and filaments have pushed back on its inclusion of embarrassing details about the presidents age and memories. especially though at declines to charge him with any crime. juanita, is attacking the
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special counsel the right strategy, especially from biden himself? >> i think responding to it as critical. i also think emphasizing the only permanent statement from this report being there is no grounds for criminal charges is critical as well. and i think that's what we're seeing the president to. the vice president also calling out these inappropriate comment is important. because it draws a clear line and i'm so glad president biden put out there at that press conference to quickly give context about the facts and defuse happened in the wake of the october 7th attack in israel. to give context around that reality that he would never forget the details of his son passing. and to talk about her person he's taking these attacks. adrian think it's also important president bottom repeatedly got out there. one thing i talked about earlier this week with jonathan lemire on quite early was the president not doing the pre- super bowl conversation. i kept pointing at how this is a massive audience president
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biden would be able to rage and victims of on a range of issues or talk about his vision for the future. to pass out that opportunity, i think his advisors may be kicking themselves napkins that would be another big opportunity for president biden to be after. i hope to understand the 2024 election is actually something in a few weeks. once this republican primary winds down, that means there is no on ramp to 2020, fall 2020 fall is now and i think they are acting like it. >> and the kinds of things, i mean, it's amazing when you raise about how sensitive and personal it is about his son's death. i thought about, first of all, of why the date of his mother's death will even come up in this -- or the date of his son's death. i'm thinking of the dearest person to me, she died, somebody asked me that day in the middle of legal questioning, i wouldn't be able to save the day. to the whole thing smells of what it was, a republican
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special counsel doing political questioning. but, susan, since robert hur's, that republican special counsel, since his report came out, donald trump has been stepping up his attacks on biden's mental fitness. prior to this report, trump was under scrutiny for his own age and cognitive abilities. thanks in part to a text from nikki haley. trump is just three years younger then biden and not exactly that most coherent public speaker. he's playing with fire to continue to harp on this issue. >> he is playing with fire. i would argue, there was a lot more made and the media dandruff was by donald trump when they were reviewing this report. i don't know what people didn't push back and say donald trump said i do not recall or i don't remember, over 50 times when he did his depositions for trump university.
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or over 40 times in the mueller case. and he hit a written response, even with time to figure it out. he wrote, i do not recall. so i think there could have been more pushback against trump. but nikki haley is certainly making a very good strong point. about both men being older. and that need for a new generation of leadership. we know that a lot of folks think of biden and trump are to sow -- all to serve as president. but that's what breakdown to have to do. i think the biden campaign need to push through this. his age is already baked into the equation. they seem awful defensive. and i think when eta is right. it would have been great if that have done supple if you and talk about insulin, things making it better for the super bowl watchers. >> and i would have said, the super bowl, picking up on that point, i would have said the
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super bowl interview -- he can say it anyway. i did infrastructure, i did inflation reduction, i did all of this at sipping turn on and 80 years old. it's not like he was 14th in. it's amazing. sticking with you, susan. today, nikki haley kicked off what she called a beast of the southeast bus tour. with more than a dozen stops and her home state of south carolina, ahead of the primary in two weeks. earlier this week, she finished second in nevada this primary, behind none of these candidates public option. is she helping or hurting herself by staying in the race? >> i think she stays in the race as long as she funded to stay in the race. at this point, there is no turning over. so she might as well be a prominent voice of reasonable and rational republicans going after donald trump and calling him out. not just his age but on his
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spending, against his policies. not everything i know when data -- you don't necessarily agree with her on. but that's okay. it's a republican primary. so i think she's trying to set herself up as a, frankly, a foil for donald trump and floor joe biden in the sense she's doing a lot of his work by challenging and weakening donald trump. >> juanita, haley says she is planning to stay in the primary through super tuesday, to spot her set back in nevada. is better for democrats, for that republican primary to be over or to keep going? >> keep it going. make trump spent money. keep hitting him where it hurts. keep it to one the same and saying a lot of what democrats are saying about trump every day on the campaign trail. when she talks about the beast of southeast bus tour, great, do that. and as long as you can. as long as that money is there, stay in. i
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do think she stays in through super tuesday, that's absolutely helpful and delaying, get a, get the start of the general election, which is going to be much earlier than it has been in previous election cycles. i think about all the things surrounding biden and all the things surrounding trump, like if any of that noise can be dissipated before we get to that point, that will be helpful. because, back to the special counsel report, i can only think of 2016 when we also had a special counsel influencing or having an impact on a presidential election with a report being released. so if nikki haley can stay until super tuesday, of some of that chatter candidate and the biden campaign can pivot to his vision floor 2024 and beyond, can pivot to emphasizing yet again ole he's accomplished, that absolutely helps democrats. >> juanita tolliver and susan del percio, thank you both. just ahead, republicans won't take yes for an answer on securing the border. that's next in this weeks
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gotcha. and later, a new documentary film chronicles the life and legacy of one of our most beloved mentors, james brown. >> i'm a black man. i've got to take part in my flat for freedom and equality, and take a stand where it's needed. a st. a mystery! jessie loves playing detective. but the real mystery was her irritated skin. so, we switched to tide pods free & gentle. it cleans better, and doesn't leave behind irritating residues. and it's gentle on her skin. tide free & gentle is epa safer choice certified. it's got to be tide.
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this week, republicans had a shock to pass legislation that would secure the border. but they didn't take it. after years of claiming how immigration system is and crisis, republicans and the senate or offered a bill containing many of the provisions they said they wanted. and it wasn't even given a chance to come to the floor. avon if it had passed the senate. speaker mike johnson already said the deal would be dead on arrival in the house. why are congressional
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republicans refusing to take yes for an answer on immigration? because they're likely presidential nominee told them so. >> there is zero chance i will support this horrible open borders betrayal of america. it's not going to happen. a lot of the senators are trying to say, respectfully, they're blaming it on me. i, sites okay. please blame it on may, please. >> republicans would rather tolerate at least another year of what they call wide open borders that run of foul of former president trump. who not only couldn't pass an immigration bill in four years, he also didn't build a wall he promised or get mexico to pay for it. if trump it is elected again, there is no reason to believe he did to better a second time around. and poll after poll, americans have decided emigration as a
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it's yours now. welcome back to politicsnation. the supreme court expected to roll soon on with our former president donald trump can be removed from the primary ballot in colorado. on thursday, justices held a hearing. they are questioning seem to indicate deep skepticism over with or trump should be disqualified. joining me now to discuss this is tom to paris, former deputy attorney general. thank you for joining me today. tom, conservative and liberal justices alike this week questioned whether states can invoke the 14th amendment on
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their own. what was your take away from these proceedings? >> sure, look. it's always a bit of a hazardous business trying to project the outcome of a supreme court case based on the questions that was asked. this case is different. i think we can be confident this tort is going to reverse the colorado supreme court. they will hold colorado cannot disqualify former president donald trump from the ballot. the fact that some of the liberal justices, including justice jackson, including justice kagan, are expressing skepticism about colorado's position leaves little doubt to work this court will go in this case. >> the appellate manager is not the last trump case the highest court will take. up a federal appeals court this week rejected trump's claim of absolute immunity and an issue they supreme court will most likely have to decide. did this week proceedings give you any hint healthy future
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cases might go? >> there is certainly going to be a pipeline of trump oriented litigation making its way up to the supreme court in the months ahead. and the court of the appeals in the immunity case rejected what i think was a pretty aggressive claim of presidential immunity from fall former president trump . he supreme court is going to hear expedited briefing as it decides whether it wants to take this case. and i think is already a good chance the supreme court much they will take a pass on this, at least for now. we don't have to decide this case right now. we can let the trial play out. the federal court washington, d.c.. then we can answer the immunity question on the back and. if we need to, after the trial ends. this may be a trump case that the supreme court tried to take arrangement on. for >> tom, as a former federal prosecutor, i want your thoughts on the special counsel report
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this week investigating president biden's handling of classified documents. the report from robert hur, a trump appointee, concluded no criminal charges were warranted . they seemed to suggest the's age and memory engage in any deliberate wrongdoing. is this legitimate race and not to prosecute? >> i think it is a legitimate reason not to prosecute. prosecutors have many cases where they can look at the evidence and say, hey, we have got a possible case here. but it's unlikely a jury is going to convict because the defendant is sympathetic or in this case, the special counsel concluded, because the defendant comes across as an elderly and well-meaning man. i do think it's a legitimate reason not to prosecute. i think what's ironic here is the bottom line was very favorable, honestly, for president biden. it was a win and that.
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since it as about as bet a declining a prosecution letter as you can imagine because the reason he gave for not doing it is because he suggested the president lexi mental faculties and ability to have criminal intent and he'd be very sympathetic to a jury. so while biden one in that sense, i think from a political perspective, it's a loss. >> it also talked about the difference between the cases against philly biden and the case that's being prosecuted against trump. it was clear that you had a whole lot of different factors, including not cooperating and misleading officials, that's the trump situation, that a voluntary submission by president biden. and as you mentions, the special counsel's report included many deeply personal examples related to the
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presidents age. it also suggested he did not remember when his own son head died. and some critics, including me, suggested that being put in that report was inappropriate, maybe even politically motivated. what's your opinion? >> yeah. -- >> i think we've lost him. all right, well, we'll have to move on to get his answer. but as i said, i do not understand why the date, remembering the day of his son's death has anything to do with and cory around classified documents that you agreed to hand over when you were aware where you had them. tom dupree, thanks for being with us, although we lost you. up next, he inspired an entire generation and generations to come to take pride in their blackness. now, a new documentary series explore james brown's legacy is
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coming to the small screen. his daughter and the director of the series joins me next. me.
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i had to have a determination to pay somebody. >> he showed me what was possible. >> he was this amazing genius. he gave so much to the world. >> i'm a black man. i've got to take part in my
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fight for freedom and equality and take a stand where it's needed. >> it's one of the bravest things james brown has ever done. it's the original black lives matter. >> the godfather of soul. so brother number one. the hardest working men and show business. during the late 1960s and early 70s, james brown was arguably the most important black man in america. for me, it was a life-changing father figure and mentor who had as much impact on may as anyone ever has. but he was also a husband and a father. and ambitious new documentary series from a&e, produced by mick jagger and questlove thompson examines the force, the flaws, and the ferocity that made james brown so many things to so many people. joining me now is denna brown thomas, daughter of james brown
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and my little sister, and the director of james brown: say it loud, filmmaker deborah riley- draper. denna, miss draper, it means so much to have you with us tonight. i can't express how much of an impact mr. brown had on me. the closest thing i had to a classical father figure in my life. but he was still mr. brown to me. so before we get into this documentary, i want to start by letting you talk about the difference between james brown's father and james brown the godfather of soul. i know because of his impact on me, i'll show you this picture of when we first hooked up in the early 70s. i had a big effort. he made me change my hostile to look like. his debts were my thrust telecoms from. he even said you were born alfred sharpton, you are now elle sharpton. he made me and named.
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me i know the impact he's had on you -- talk about him as a south or. we in the world knew him as a godfather. >> thank you for having me, right. you know, so many of his fans danced and listens to the song pop-up don't take no mess. well i lived it. i had that great opportunity to live. pop it didn't take no mess. my father was a struck man at the house. it wasn't always play and fun, although he did that. we did have family time when he was home. take us down to the country and showing us where he was born and where he grew up. those humble beginnings. those poor beginnings. and he would want us to see where he came from. so he didn't forget that. but education was important, because that's something he wasn't afforded. he didn't get that opportunity. the greatness he had, those skills he had, was god given. and what dive -- what god gave
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him, he gets back to the worlds. he didn't get to go to school. like he sent me and my sister, yamma. it's amazing and i'm so proud and so happy to know that this young, beautiful, black woman, my sorority sister, deborah riley-draper, has brought his realness to the screen. >> stay with james brown that character, deborah, you've undertaken a mess of challenge here, examining that character over hours of footage. let's hear some more. >> the law of the two things he brought to the table, like two temperance. funk and black. >> a diamond knows it's a diamond. and in order to rise to the top of the surface, it has to endure extremes and amount of pressure and temperature. >> it helped me he could do
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things and overcome things. he marched to the beat of his own drum. literally. >> james brown is a reflection of the black experience in the context of the united states of america. that's why james brown's story is an american story. >> deborah, a side from saying that guy and the blue suit is really handsome, i want you to talk -- this isn't the first time we've seen mr. bryan's life on screen. there it was the dramatize version brought to life by that late chadwick boseman in about ten years ago, ulcer produced by mick jagger. what we'll audiences learn about the man behind the person from this series we have not seen before? >> i think one thing that critically important, we are looking at someone who is different behind the scenes. born and raised in the south, my father reminds me of so much of james brown. born in south carolina, raised in georgia. so i'm looking at james brown as a black man.
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i'm looking and centering his blackness and using that lived experience against the context of american history. so the moves he was making, how he navigates it racial injustice, how he navigated the music business. i'm looking at that, as someone who understands and is close to that lived experience myself. so that's what i bring that little bit different. and we want to understand and unpack what it means to be born in the south and then reach a global icon status. and all of the things that make you, and all the things ultimately can break you, if you are not strong. that's my approach to this. and it started, reverend al, with one question, which was on the cover of the 1969 look magazine. was james brown the most important black men in america? that was the question. >> cover story in nanjing 16
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on. deanna, i still don't think your father get enough credit for his influence on music globally. equal to or greater in my opinion then the beatles or elvis presley. and it comes down to hell his funk and rhythmic innovation all of the one revolutionized the last half century of popular music, which includes hip-hop, of course, which that smithsonian state is unimaginable without him. without james brown, no hip- hop. and that's in large part because he's still fit the most simple artist, according to the whose sampled online archive. your thoughts on that, his influence and how he's still not given the credit he deserves? >> i agree, reverend. but you know, the created can come in -- there is not much music out there you are not going to hear that doesn't have
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some james brown in it. no matter where it comes from. from the u.s. or around the world, his impact, his influence, his passion in music is like you say, still the most salable artist. we are talking about a man who hit a seventh grade education. he didn't go to school. he didn't learn about certain things. he began a whole new genre, funk. and hit a whole lot to do with every other genre. there is not one of us out there which you say, when you see these artists, pending over him because they realize what he brought to the table is still giving. i'm so blessed to be able to have james brown, and teach children music. music theory. how to play instruments by the basis of james brown's music. and you can move it along. some 30, 40, 50 years from now, will still be listening to james brown. some young kids learning and
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today, that, to me, makes the difference in the world we are young folks are trying to learn music, but your music. >> that institution you have developed to continue his legacy. before we run out of, time deborah, you made this series with two extremely impactful musicians serving as producers. mick jagger and questlove thompson. what did they bring to the projects. we're out of time, but i have to ask that. because they're both huge in their own right. >> these guys are james brown historians. they love james brown. they bring a love, or respect. but they also created a platform for me to be able to tell the story through james brown's own voice, exclusive interviews, never before seen footage, and his beloved music catalog. so that tool that brought to the table. >> all rights, well i'm so happy to talk about. this thank you, deanna brown
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thomas. give that taken my love. and my sister yamma. and deborah riley-draper, director. james brown. >> great to see you again. >> james brown: say it loud is premiering february 19th on a&e channel. make sure you check it out. up next, my final thoughts. stay with us. nal thoughts. stay with us. with nurtec odt, i can treat a migraine when it strikes and prevent migraine attacks, all in one. don't take if allergic to nurtec. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. ask about nurtec odt. a perfect day for a family outing! shingles doesn't care. but shingrix protects. only shingrix is proven over 90% effective. shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older.
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it is a blessing to have someone influence you on your journey and life. and james brown was certainly one of the dominant ones and forces and mom. that's what i developed and activism style of been dramatic and putting issues out there from many years ago in the 80s to now as we still march around the question of dei. and it was being proud and loud, and for black history month, they brought back this documentary done a year and a
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half ago called loudmouth, the lies and battles of reverend al sharpton. it's on multiple places, media spaces, this black history month. and you can watch it. you'll see some of the influence of james brown and others in my style. but more importantly, the issues that we thought and the issues we still fight. you have to have your determination to be consistent. we'll be right back. right bac.
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that does it for me. thanks for watching, i'll see you back here tomorrow, at five pm eastern, for another live hour of politicsnation. the saturday show with jonathan capehart starts right now. n capehart starts right now. law and order in politics. supreme court justices appear skeptical of arguments for removing donald trump from a presidential primary ballot. and the special counsel reports for president biden, but take swipes at his age and memory. neal katyal and kathryn christie will discuss with these developments could mean for both men. rare, working weekend the senate is in session, trying to pass a foreign aid bill, after republicans kill